Beef Jerky on the Masterbuilt Smoker

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hey youtube it's tom time for another eclectic diy video and this time we're going to do some beef jerky on my smoker so hang in there okay so here's the setup we got four pounds of top round actually it was four pounds this is how much fat i cut off of it you don't want that on your on your jerky so probably down to uh maybe 375 now or something like that but this is still partially frozen and i'm going to try to slice it partially frozen because it slices much better than when it's all squishy and warm so here's the ingredients for the brine and i'll put this down in the comments the wine is for me however and here's my container that i'm going to um 24-hour soak on on the brine so that's about four cups maybe five cups of liquid in there but all that's going to be displaced by the turkey and we'll get into that over here i got my slicer uh it's a crops it's it's nothing great it's it's cheapy but way it works it does a job for me and uh we're gonna cut the um cut the meat about a quarter inch in uh in thickness and uh i'll get set up here and i'll i'll show you how to do that i'll cut that piece in half and the reason being i don't want my uh we're going to cut it this way because you always want to you always want to slice against the grain it breaks down the fibers better rather than cutting it this way but i don't want the pieces getting too thick so uh it's about right and uh we'll take them over to the slicer and we're gonna get all different sizes but that's okay all right so first let's try this [Music] there's our first few pieces that's about oh maybe three sixteenths of an inch don't forget it's gonna shrink it's gonna get a lot smaller i might wanna bump this up just a tiny bit more i'm gonna go right into the brain and it's a little thicker than i don't like it [Music] uh that's that's pretty good that's about a little over an eighth of an inch a quarter inch [Music] okay so all done slicing um now you can't tell how it sinks down because they're half frozen yet and really not there's a lot of air in there so i'm going to wait till it thaws out a little bit and if i have to add more solution of brine i will so then we'll just have to let that sit for a while and we'll check it out later okay so now we're midway through the next day this has been soaking all night so what you want to do periodically is go in and kind of move things around because if you don't you're going to get red spots that the marinade never gets to so just keep massaging it and then try to get everything underneath the liquid later on tonight we will do our thing okay so let's get ready to rack this thing i have a master belt smoker normally takes three racks but i've made it an additional one here out of an old one and it doesn't have a slide it just lays on the bottom which i'll show you later but you got to clean these things after every time you use them you can see that the corrosion even after you clean them is significant but literally rot away if you don't clean them but after every time you use them so let's uh get everything split out here and move on okay we're all set up here to go paper towels and the racks one thing you want to notice is that these are kicked up until they go in the machine that's how they go in the smoker you put them in that way you put them in backwards i'm not sure they'll go in or if they're going to act right but one thing to keep in mind i think i'm going to take these out of the container and i'm going to dab them dry never ever ever rinse it if you rinse them you're going to rinse all the seasoning off and they're going to really taste like crap so let me show you how we do it get them my little grabbers what i'll do is i'll lay them out on the paper towel like that and we're going to grab a top piece and i'm just going to how do you definitely get the water heavy moisture off of them now some guys lay them across and hang them down i don't do that because what will happen is they'll clip together and they're gonna they're not gonna they're not gonna smoke properly so i always uh lay them out and this is a pain in the butt process but we gotta do it i'll probably end up speeding up the film here so you can see it faster [Music] all right so we're finishing up here and turns out i only need three racks this time the last time i bought a four pound um top round i needed the the fourth rack which by the way is an old um microwave rack that i saw off and just kind of wired here so it fit at least laid on the bottom so it's a function of how much fat i had to cut off and how thick uh you end up cutting the meat so the next very important point is you gotta let this fester get let it sit here for at least half an hour 45 minutes so it caramelizes over the top and uh what we'll do is we'll put it in the smoker and i let the smoker get up to about 100 degrees um and i'll put them in and then i'll put the chips in so when it's going from 100 to 200 you got a nice hot burner and you get a lot of smoke and i'll cover that when we get there okay we're ready to start at least wrapping our devices here with the foil you can see within the last time i did it this was covered with foil but i i took the foil off and washed it a while ago we're going to do that to keep keeping the uh mess down to a minimum so right now we're still waiting for our 45 minute soak out here dry and it smells rather pungent but to me it's kind of like sniffing roses you may not think that but it smells pretty good this is the main drip pan this is going to catch all the drippings if you didn't do this it'd be a mess to clean up especially with all the heat underneath it and the caramelizing around the edges all right so now red smoker smoker make sure you see that um this has not been cleaned that often once in a while i do but i'll do it every single time but i'm lazy basically [Music] i've chipped pan deep side here and this is where i would lay that other racquet layer right on top of this that rack i had made the other ones go one two and three okay so we're going to get started here it's in the high 30s right now it's winter time so what's going to happen is we're going to get a lot of steam out of here in the summer time you would see whenever you got uh smoke out of there you know it's smoke but now you're going to have steam mixed with the smoke until the whole thing is done so you're really not going to know that but plugging in helps i'm going to use hickory chips that's usually what i use i'm going to set my temp at 38 degrees right now set my temp to 200. i'm going to set my time for hours but it's not gonna take six hours but uh i'm gonna i'm gonna uh judge when it's finished by feel not by my time all right so we're up around 122 right now let's get these puppies it now the reason i do it is 125 is i know that the heater is going to be off another 100 degrees so i get some good heat on it on the chips ouch it's hot you're smoking they use chunks it doesn't make any difference i don't pre-soak anything all right let's open our vent and like i said you're going to see a lot of steam coming out along with smoke i never use more than three three uh bales of chips it gives you plenty of flavor any more than that i don't think it's gonna be unhealthy you're going to get benzenes and other things stuck to the meat though this has gives you plenty enough taste of the smoke so we'll let it go and i'll i'll show you what happens in the next next painful okay i've been 45 minutes you can see how that seems coming out of there that first batch of chips is gone so let's get some more in there temperatures right around 201 right now okay we've been on here about three hours now i'm going to make my first check i doubt it's done yet but look out well first off spongy no good and it's not black yet [Music] we're done i actually took a bite of this guy here and the texture is good maybe a slight bit of sponge but it is leathery it's good and after it's just a while it gets even better so three so it's essentially three hours and what am i tuning let's see what i'm talking about about the the drip now the bottom tray gets done more than the top tray possibly because i had the vent open wide open it's probably not as hot the top is on the bottom maybe next time any comments on that uh let me know so i'm gonna go in now and uh let's get them off the tray all right so here's what they look like you see everything's shrunk in size of course and a little chalking on it that's probably the salt and as it dries it's going to get a little bit more leathery is what we want because it's just a tiny bit of sponge in it yet but i think it's perfect so no preservatives in this so i refrigerate it and you can actually freeze it you can freeze it and have it next month if you want so it works pretty good but my family kills for this so we're going to get it and it's not going to last in the freezer for sure so we'll bag it up and put it in the fridge any comments i'd appreciate it you want to subscribe enjoy the video please do take care
Channel: camomano2
Views: 4,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5M_jWAJIZhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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