Beef Bourguignon | Beef Stew With Burgundy Wine

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hi I'm Eric with simply elegant home cooking today I'm going to show you my recipe for beef bourguignon this is a beef stew cooked with burgundy wine and vegetables it has onions carrots and mushrooms some fresh herbs really really delicious dish takes a couple hours to make but it's really not that hard if you follow some simple steps you'll be able to get a really hearty meal great for nice cold nights this time of year so stick around and I'll show you how it's done and for the beef stew I'm going to be using about a two and a half pound chuck roast if you can find one that looks really marbled like this one the dish will turn out great but even cheap cuts of meats work well in this dish too and what you want to do you want to trim away any large pieces of fat but don't get too carried away and be sure to cut your chuck roast into large cubes this is a rustic dish and you want your cubes to look about like that so while I prep the chuck roast I've also been preheating a French oven also known as a Dutch oven what you want to do you want to be sure to give this a good 15 minutes to come up to full temperature and we're going to be frying that beef in some bacon fat so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna add just a very small amount of oil to the pan and I'm gonna go in with about four strips of bacon that I have diced up if I got that a little too hot so I'm gonna turn the heat down and we just want to let this crisp and produce some nice fat the fat is going to render out of that bacon over the next few minutes and that's what you're looking for just get it nice and crispy and at this point I'm going to remove it from the pan and you'll notice there's a lot of fun there's a lot of brown bits on the bottom of the pan with the oil that's perfectly normal and it's actually a good thing this is going to help us get some great flavor into our beef okay so in that same pan we're gonna sear up the meat cubes now I'm going to do this in two batches it's very important not to overcrowd the pan because we want to sear the meat and not steam it and you want to let this go for a few minutes on each side I don't so much go by time as by looks you want to check the bottom and look for some nice browning we're almost there all of that color is going to eat the flavor and I should also mention before this went in I did seasoned it liberally with salt and pepper so I'm going to give it just about another minute and we're going to flip the beef okay and this should be ready to flip that looks perfect so we'll hit the other side as well for a couple of minutes [Music] okay so that did take about three minutes aside but what I'm gonna do I'm gonna start pulling the pieces that look a little more cooked and we're gonna give some of these remaining pieces just a few more minutes to brown if you just kind of eyeball it pull them off when they look ready and they just need it a little bit of extra time so we're going to pull these two so we've browned the first half of our meat now we can go in with the other half and it's just the same process we're going to sear it for about three minutes per side or until Brown okay and after a few minutes I'm going to check them and again that's what we're looking for so you want to flip them as they Brown and one other way you can tell usually once they're nice and brown that's when they'll release easily from the bottom of the pan if they stick they're not ready to be committed so when they flip easily just like that you know the timing is right and we just need to let these go a few more minutes on the other side okay so our other side looks good too and at this time I'm going to pull the beef cubes out and we're going to reserve these all on that plate with the other half of the meat and now there is a ton of flavor in that oil as well as the brown bits on the bottom of the pan so this is perfect for cooking up some veggies that are gonna go into the beef Bergin yone I'm gonna go in with a large white onion that I've diced up fairly big cubes there big dice and I'm gonna add that in with about six carrots that I've roughly chopped up and what you want to do you want to get them in give it all a big stir just to evenly incorporate everything with that bacon fat and the beef drippings so just stir that around a bit this is one about medium heat this French oven gets really really hot and retains its heat well you want to get that stirred in nicely and you want to always season each element as you go as you add something with a pan you just want to add a little bit more black pepper and some salt and like I said I peppered and salted the beef before I put it in the pan but you want to get that in there and stir it around like so and we're gonna let these saute until they're softened up okay and this is what you're looking for you want to get some nice color and let it soften obviously you don't have to worry about cooking the carrots and onions all the way through because these are going to slow cook in the beef stew so at this point I'm gonna add in about three cloves of garlic that have been crushed up in a garlic press I'm going to add in about two tablespoons of thyme leaves I've stripped the leaves off the stem fresh thyme and I've chopped them up nice and fine and then I'm gonna go in with a couple tablespoons of tomato paste probably about three or four tablespoons get that in there and then at this point we want to be sure not to burn the garlic you want to get everything in there and just stir it then we're gonna let this cook for maybe about a minute or before we deglaze the pan so at this point you just want to keep everything constantly moving okay and I only let that go about a minute you want to be very careful not to burn the garlic we just want to take the raw taste out of the garlic so at this point I'm gonna deglaze with one bottle of burgundy wine I'm using a Pinot Noir I have this in these glass Pyrex measuring cups because I actually got a double bottle so I measured out half of the bottle and what you want to do you want to cook with the full bottle you know a regular 750 milliliters but it's also good to serve this with some of the same red wine that you cook with so you want to be sure to use a wine that you can actually drink you want to get that in there I'm going to turn the heat up a little higher to medium-high just to help us deglaze the bottom of the pan and scrape away any of those bits at the bottom of the pan okay and once that comes back up to a simmer after adding in the red wine giving it a few minutes what you want to do we want to take that beef we've reserved it in this plate and you want to carefully pour in all of those accumulated juices there's a ton of flavor there and we're going to add this meat back into the stew and we are going to also add back in the bacon that we fried up I reserved that as well so we're just going to get that in and we're going to give everything a big stir to incorporate it and you'll notice at this point we don't have enough liquid to cover the beef so what I do I use that full 750 milliliter bottle of wine and then you want to top this off with beef stock you want to be sure to use homemade beef stock because the quality is really really good making homemade as opposed to what they sell in the stores and this usually takes about 1 to 2 cups but I really just go by you know eyeballing it you want to just pour in enough to barely submerge everything you want to get the level of liquid you know high enough to cover all the ingredients in the pot and we're just going to let that come back up to a simmer okay so the beef bourguignon has come back up to a simmer at this point we're ready to turn off the stove top and we're going to finish this in the oven so I have an oven that I've preheated to 300 degrees Fahrenheit and what you want to do you want to put the little and just partially covering it but you want to be sure to leave a crack like I did right here and we're gonna put this into a 300-degree oven and let it cook for about three hours or until the meat is very very tender so I'm gonna pop this in the oven and we'll check back in a few hours okay so our beef stew has been cooking in the oven for about two-and-a-half hours at this point we're going to start prepping some more of the ingredients well that still cooks you want to preheat a large skillet and I'm gonna go in with a couple tablespoons of butter and we're going to add some sliced mushrooms to the pan we're going to give that all a big stir to incorporate it while that butter melts into the pan we're also going to add some pearl onions now I'm using red but you could also use white pearl onions you can buy these in the frozen section in a lot of grocery stores but if you can find them fresh they're even better so we just want to get this in there and let that caramelize and the reason that we're adding these to the skillet so late in the process if we had cooked these all the way with the stew with a full several hours that you know would have reduced them down too much they would have been mushy by the time we went to serve to be friggin YUM so we're gonna let these cook down so once you get your mushrooms and your pearl onions in there everything is seasoned just give it a big stir to incorporate it all and once these cook down and volume we're gonna add them to our French oven and let them finish in the stew check back in a few minutes okay and after about 8 to 10 minutes this is how they look you can see they've cooked down a bit just gonna stir that a little bit I'm gonna let them go for just a few more minutes and then we'll add them to everything else okay and at this point the mushrooms and red pearl onions are looking perfect so I'm going to turn off the heat and we've been going now for close to three hours in the oven so this is a perfect time to pull out the beef stew and see everything looks okay so this has been in the oven for hours so be sure not to burn yourself use a potholder when you take that lid off and you can see this is looking really really good we still want it to thicken up a bit but at this point it's ready to add those mushrooms and onions that we just cooked into the stew okay so this is gonna finish up on the stovetop I've turn the oven off and now I'm just gonna turn the heat on to about medium-low and we're just going to simmer this for a little bit longer without the lid just be sure to stir in all those ingredients we just added to make sure it's all evenly incorporated you can see this is thickened up quite a bit but by taking this lid off we're gonna let it continue that process and get even thicker before it's time to serve and one little extra tip to help thicken up this this do I have about two tablespoons of butter and three tablespoons of flour what you want to do is you just want to take your fork and kind of mash this up incorporate these together it would have helped if I cut the butter up ahead of time but unfortunately I did not so you just want to work this with a fork until you've mixed it up as evenly as you can it doesn't have to be perfect but we're gonna mix this up and add it into the stew an off-camera I just mixed the butter and flour up until it forms you know a crumbly mixture about like this at this point we can add it to the student and once you get your butter flour mixture and just be sure to stir everything until it incorporates evenly into the sauce and this is really going to thicken it up here so now at this point we're just going to let the beef bourguignon simmer for maybe about another fifteen to twenty minutes we just want to make sure all of those flavors are blend together nicely and this will cook out any of that raw taste from the flour or almost ready to have this dish come together it's gonna be good
Channel: Simply Elegant Home Cooking
Views: 27,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beef Bourguignon, Beef Burgundy, Beef Stew, Boeuf Bourguignon, Simply Elegant Home Cooking, Julia Child, Beef Stew With Red Wine, Recipe, French
Id: MAytbBwptec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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