Beef Bourguignon | Christine Cushing

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[Music] hi I'm Christine Cushing and welcome to the quarantine kitchen where we make simple feel-good recipes that connect and nourish us all today is a request and I'm gonna take you to the eastern part of France in a beautiful wine region called Burgundy do you know we're gonna make bingo both budino a lousy so I took the liberty of getting ready or getting going the bacon air freshener it's already on sizzling the room is smelling of bacon and that's gonna be my first step in the booth bull genome I just want to brown that lightly over a moderate heat and I'm gonna pretty much add my mushrooms to that and I've just quartered these cremini mushrooms really any kind of mushrooms this is really known more as the garnish and I got a little mushroom plate how cute is that and I'm just gonna let those all get to know one another and since we're in France why not hit it with just a teeny bit of butter while they're in they're [Music] already smelling like Eastern France ooh-la-la all right so while that starts to brown this is actually going to just take a couple of turns in there while it gets golden and I'm gonna remove it then we start on the beef so let me just read you something that I thought would be super interesting about this recipe I happen to have the original master chef of France I mean he is the standard Auguste Escoffier every chef knows about him so I wanted you to hear the first line of what he says in the both bourguignon so here's line one lard the rump of beef and marinate for three hours so already we are not actually making the boeuf bourguignon according to Escoffier from those days so I always want to have fun with this because there's so many comments going around on what's the original recipe of anything how is it supposed to be how is it not supposed to be and this is such a great moment to just talk about recipes evolve over time and techniques are different I mean if you look at that recipe it has crazy things that you would never do today so for this it's a simplification it's a bit of a modernization of this rustic incredible dish from that eastern part of France so I hear a little sizzling happening which is great I'm gonna just crank up the heat a bit so this part is gonna be removed I just want to give them a bit of color and I'm trying to optimize my pots here so I'm not making it you know a la francaise which is like a hundred pots I'm gonna try and keep everything to this pot where I can and by the way this is all gonna be cooked in the oven so let's talk a little bit about the beef I want to draw your attention to that I've got Chuck this is shoulder really for me the best choice for a buffalo you know it's gonna become super tender it's got a lot of connective tissue and step number one is always to make sure it's super dry so I Pat it thoroughly with a paper towel and always take it out of any kind of bag or paper that it's in look at this already sweet the great thing about mushrooms mushrooms can add so much flavor to a dish but this browning really kind of amplifies it gives them texture and it really brings out the flavor if I just throw them in to a simmering stew they're not gonna have the same texture or flavor you see two minutes on this okay so a couple of minutes in I'm just gonna now remove both the bacons and these beautiful little mushrooms delicately because French cooking even in its rustic sense is about certain techniques and I want to make sure that I still maintain those techniques okay and I think throughout the course of this recipe I'm gonna give you my kind of deal-breaker because there's a difference between simplifying and just totally messing it up right so let me show you in here okay that is just gonna sit aside and this is gonna be added at the last probably hour or half-hour of cooking set it aside there here I need a little bit more fat because that bacon actually didn't render a lot so you have a couple of choices here I can go in with a little bit of butter and I'm gonna hit it also with a combo so of butter and olive oil just to brown that meat and then just seasoning with a little bit of kosher salt and when I know that my pan is nice and hot then I'm gonna start browning the meat so here these are the techniques in the French kitchen that really can take you from you know a six to an eight already just in the technique so there's about three pounds 1.7 kilo here I can't put all this meat in because if I try to Brown this all at the same time I'm gonna start steaming the meat so you see how I leave some space to me that's ideal I'm gonna do it in two batches and what we're after is my yard reaction super super Brown before we get to the next phase [Music] right now I'm at a high heat but not smoking high and a lot of times when you watch chefs cook especially on TV and because we're used to being in restaurants everything is cranked at home I try to moderate that because if I crank everything up I'm just gonna basically smoke out the kitchen so you're trying to get and establish that right heat but you don't want to just be you know in the smoke so this is good I'm gonna hit it with a little bit of pepper as well seasoning in layers and this process here should take roughly what ain't could take 8 to 10 minutes with both batches I want to show you what they look like before I go to my next phase [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now do you see what I'm talking about with the golden brown we want it to be dark crimson that my art is what's developing that flavor so this part here deal-breaker you've got to do this otherwise you're not gonna get that flavor now because I divided it in half I'm gonna put back the other stuff the other half of the beef and then we continue Oh flavor already that is good look at that now that the beef is all beautifully browned I'm gonna start adding some onions so these are actually shallots that I cut into probably quarters whoo traditionally stuff happens traditionally you would use pearl onions but I find them spicy and actually I couldn't even find them in the grocery store so that's why I keep this shallots a little bit more whole and they're gonna cook down and caramelize and it's gonna be really great and it's gonna add a lot of flavor to this whole thing as it braises okay I'm just gonna toss that a couple of times then to that I'm gonna also add a couple of carrots they're sort of large slices so that they don't disintegrate as it braises can you start to imagine what's happening in there now I also cook as you know with all my senses so I'm smelling that that is absolutely beautiful the next phase what are we trying to do here we're trying to create a little bit of texture so just after it's nicely browned I'm gonna put in maybe a couple of tablespoons like 30 grams are so flour not too much but just enough to coat it and give our sauce just that little bit of viscosity and I want to cook that out a bit okay wipe my hands here now I have to tell you for me the Biffle you know the first time I made it I was actually in culinary school and part of our year in culinary school in Paris was we would spend a month at the Chateau which happened to be in Burgundy and so it totally takes me back there it reminds me of the cool nights the kind of air that you can smell people would be burning wood you could smell that wood in the forest and I always connect that smell with the flow you know and that place and I don't need to tell you how amazing it was so I'm trying to take you to that place and recreate that beautiful book bourguignon and to do that let's do a little brandy shall we this is not a deal breaker but we're going in little deglazing with brandy splashing Oh already phenomenal now this book boogie nyan is not loaded with tomato I'm just adding a little tomato paste just again to give it a little bit of that tomato and and thickness because in the original if we go back to Auguste Escoffier he had a little bit of espagnole sauce which is one of the mother sauces it's totally old-school and I don't know anybody who makes espanol but it does have a little bit of tomato in it okay so just a bit to give it some color texture etc oh man oh man look at that hello and now you know where we're going right this is boeuf bourguignon so here's a alert this is a deal breaker I'm going in with a beautiful bottle of Pinot from Burgundy and yes it's the whole bottle going in and it's gonna pick up all those crispy bits in the bottom of that pan then maybe I'll just save a drop for the chef why not okay I'm gonna put most of him this is really just supposed to be a drop the idea here is I have this conversation I'm not gonna say argument but conversation with people all the time to make the flu you know you must have either Gamay or Pinot Noir you want a medium body you don't want a super super intense tannic wine because it's gonna overpower the beef because there's a whole bottle in there but it also should be a wine that you love to drink it should have a pleasant amazing flavor you're not gonna you know drop 50 dollars on a bottle of wine but you're also not gonna get that box wine out and put it in there cuz it's not gonna be good Oh goose is gonna slap you let me taste it oh that's good that is absolute perfection okay so now I'm there right I'm just about where I want to be next thing in terms of liquid is gonna be a little bit of beef broth just enough to cover I don't want to again have this swimming but I do want it to be just covered a little bit of the tips kind of poking out and some seasoning or aromatics traditionally we would do a bouquet garni here it's not a deal-breaker bouquet garni is just a leek with you know some aromatics I'm just gonna throw in a couple of bay leaves like this and I've already chopped some time instead of doing the bouquet garni we don't have to worry about anything pulling it out etc I'm gonna go in with a little bit more cracked black and let me just make sure I added everything because I'm notorious for not adding everything I'm gonna give that a last stir and now I have my oven set 300 degrees I like to put a lid on this and cook it probably to let's say two could even be up to three hours so put a lid on going in Oh boeuf bourguignon ooh la la let's we'll see how long it takes I'm gonna let you know after a couple hours what it's like then we're gonna put the mushrooms and the bacon in time for a little more wine I don't have enough left but it's okay all right two hours in it's been simmering bubbling away some were in and around three to 325 and now at the very end I'm gonna add the beautiful mushrooms and the bacon so I want to do this towards the end so they keep some of their shape and now I'm going to continue simmering it uncovered so it thickens a little bit more slightly for about 30 to 45 minutes until it's super tender and the sauce is nice and glisteny the last 40 minutes or so oh yes right that is what I'm talking about look at that everything is caramelized beautiful texture on the sauce I'm just gonna sprinkle with a little bit of parsley just to brighten it up I always love doing that at the end now again this might be controversy but I'm serving this with a beautiful mashed potatoes these are the Joel Robuchon inspired pommes puree which I have a video on my channel you have to check that out they're amazing so now look at that they're gonna be just getting ready to sit on top of these beautiful mash oh yes that's really what I'm talking about do a little bit more juice on top so you see how that sauce just has a little sheen it's not thick and stodgy who's ready to taste there's a whole bottle of wine in that but all the alcohol is out not to worry you're just getting all the flavor this is like the best thing ever so I want to show you how this beautiful beef after that slow braising is you see that all that connective tissue beautiful tender amazing and that great sauce I can't stand it anymore I gotta go in I'm going in Burgundy here I come angels are singing above my head right now that is so incredible the concentration of flavours from the red wine so beefy so really really delicious and in depth all of these flavors are oh that is good you got to make the mashed potatoes with it for sure thank you for joining me in the quarantine kitchen again for this beautiful trip to Burgundy the east side of France please let me know what's happening in your kitchen how things are going I love all these requests challenges I'm here for you let me know what's happening thumbs up share lets keep hanging out in the kitchen see you later
Channel: MyFavouriteFoods ChristineCushing
Views: 135,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beef Bourguignon, Beef Bourguignon | Christine Cushing, How To Make Beef Bourguignon | Chef Jean-Pierre, Christine Cushing, Binging with Babish: Boeuf Bourguignon from Julie & Julia, myfavouritefoods, Bœuf Bourguignon Recipe | Classic French Recipes, beef bourguignon recipe, Barefoot Contessa Makes Beef Bourguignon, red wine beef stew, stew, beef stew, The BEST Beef Stew Recipe - Hundreds of 5-Star Reviews!!, France, Julia Child beef bourguignon, Jamie's Easy Slow-cooked Beef Stew
Id: yHbUrUPncqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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