Cea mai bună gustoasă tocană de vită care am facuto vreodată! Delicioas si satios!

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Beef - 800 gr. Vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons. Heat oil over high heat. Both sides 7 min. on high heat. Onion - 2 pcs. 5 minutes Carrots - 3 pcs. ; Celery - 150 gr. 7 min. Garlic - 4 pcs. 1 min. Butter - 60 gr. Mushrooms - 400 gr. Flour - 2 tablespoons. Dry red wine - 200 ml. Mashed tomatoes - 200 gr. Black pepper - 3/4 tsp. Rosemary - 1 tsp. Thyme - 1 tsp. Oregano - 1 tsp. Smoked paprika - 2 teaspoons. Sugar - 2 teaspoons. Boiled water - 800 ml. 60 min. on low heat. Potatoes - 600 gr. Green peas - 200 gr. 15 minutes on low heat.
Channel: Dozus Cook
Views: 2,201,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reteta, tocana, tocana de vita, retete, retete cu vita, beef, beef recipe, beef recipes, beef stew, how to cook beef stew, best beef, best beef stew, gordon ramsay, jamie oliver, how to make beef stew, beef stew recipe, easy beef stew, beef stew recipes, cooking, stew, retete cu carne, recipes, recipe, beef dish, how to cook beef, Rindfleischrezepte, rindfleisch rezepte, schnell lecker, rezept, rezepte, schnelles Rezept, yt:cc=on, Fleischrezept, schnelles rezept, nötkött recept, recept
Id: ijDcvrpUT6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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