Beef and Broccoli with BIG TASTE - Simple Stir Fry

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i can't resist dishes with lots of gravy tender pieces of beef perfectly cooked broccoli with all the rich flavors of this gravy it's so delicious my mouth is watering just thinking about it hey everyone i'm flo dude is behind the camera and we're all about simple food simple faith beef and broccoli is one of those westernized classic cantonese style dishes that you'll find at on any takeout menu we used to have a lot of these westernized chinese diners in town but i don't think there's any left i really do miss them but that's okay because we're going to show you how to make a beef and broccoli stir-fry that is easy that you can do at home and it just makes for a quick and tasty meal i'm starting off with one pound of flank steak and i like using flank steak for chinese stir fries because first of all it marinates really well and secondly we there's a distinct grain that i can cut across because that's what we're going to do just going to cut them into smaller sections so that it's easier to slice and you want to slice this thinly and to make it easier to cut actually is if you throw it in the freezer for about 20 minutes before you start slicing you can actually get them you can actually slice through it much easier wow that's a lot of meat dude it is but uh as always it gets consumed quickly yep we're adding one tablespoon of soy sauce just regular soy sauce or light soy sauce one tablespoon of shaoxing wine shaoxing wine is a rice wine and you can substitute with sherry if you don't have this or even bourbon or whiskey we found has done a good job so a tablespoon of this and then two teaspoons of corn starch the corn starch will help make it more oh what's the word velvety is it called velveting yeah and we're just going to stir this up and let this marinate while we prepare the rest of the ingredients which is a broccoli sounds complex i know right i love a simple stir fry two ingredients is enough for me but a lot of people like to throw everything into a stir-fry and you don't have to that's a lot more work for one and you can get a really tasty dish with just a couple ingredients so this is about a pound of broccoli and you can buy it just the crown or you can buy it with the stem if you have the stem well we don't like eating the stem so we're just going to stick with the broccoli florets and then we're just going to cut them where it makes sense and then i am going to cut these bigger ones down because look at there's no way you're going to put that in your mouth is that a challenge i did wash this already in case you're all wondering so i've cut up my broccoli into pretty much equal sized pieces so that it will cook evenly and i am also going to chop up two cloves of garlic and you can put this through a garlic press but since i have so much time today since this recipe is so easy i'll just chop them up by hand and that gives us one less thing to wash as well thanks says the dishwasher you can chop them up as finely as you like or keep them in bigger chunks it's completely up to you and this way you have control over that next we're going to prepare our sauce so that when we're cooking everything goes really quickly so you want to have the sauce ready to go i'm starting off with a quarter cup of beef broth and if you don't have any beef broth you can just use water in a quarter cup we're adding one tablespoon of shaoxing wine two tablespoons of dark soy sauce now someone a lot of people have been asking about well what's the difference between dark soy and regular soy and dark soy is a well it's darker for one and it will make your gravy a darker richer brown it's also a little bit sweet and less salty but it's also deeper in flavor it's a lot of difference right but if you don't have dark soy you can always just use regular soy and two tablespoons of oyster sauce and one tablespoon of brown sugar and just stir this up until the brown sugar dissolves and that's it okay while i'm at it i'm also going to make my cornstarch slurry now so that it's also prepared so two teaspoons of corn starch this is your thickening slurry and one tablespoon of cold water or room temperature water corn starch will only dissolve in cool water not hot and then we're just going to set this aside as well this will go at the very very end you will have to stir it again because the cornstarch will tend to settle to the bottom just make sure you give it a good stir before you put it into your sauce we're using my wok today i know a lot of people have been asking about my wok and unfortunately i don't have a link to it because i bought this in chinatown over 20 years ago and it is handcrafted and stainless steel so it's a sort of a one of a kind we'll see if we can find something similar to recommend but in the meantime sorry this is all i've got okay turning my burner on and you want it on medium high heat heats up really fast when it's gas and if you don't have a wok you can always just use a large frying pan no big deal as soon as it's hot add two tablespoons of vegetable oil and we're going to get half of the beef going at a time you want it to be about eighty percent cooked and we're going to remove it and do the next batch adding one more tablespoon of oil and getting the next batch in okay so we're just searing one side of it first just to get a good sear on it and then we'll stir it around [Music] i'm going to turn the heat off because it keeps it hot for a lot longer removing the remaining beef i just don't want the wok to keep burning away while i get the rest of the ingredients going turning the back on actually turning it down to low adding one tablespoon of oil and then we're going to get our garlic going and cook this for about 30 seconds [Music] until you start to smell the fragrance of the garlic you don't want the garlic to burn that's why we have it on low okay we're gonna put our broccoli in stir this around and then the sauce is going in just pour it all over put the lid on bump the heat up just a little bit to about medium low and we're going to let this cook for about four to five minutes depending on how soft you want your broccoli so check it if it's fork tender and if that's the right texture for you then you can move on to the next step all right yep this is pretty soft now okay so fork tender happened around four to five minutes but because we like it a little bit softer i left it in there for another two minutes we're going to push the broccoli aside as we add in our slurry remember to give it a good stir put in the middle and heat that through we're going to add our beef back in turn the heat back up okay turning the heat off adding two teaspoons of sesame oil i'm just giving it a stir oh that is a fragrant dip dude oh my goodness it smells so good seriously i wish there was smell-o-vision so you guys can all smell this indeed all right are you all ready for the taste a simple stir fry like this done to our preference which is more sauce or if possible and the veg not super raw and hard to digest so this is a great combo for rice as the delivery vehicle for awesomeness in the mouth beef is nice and tender the flavors kind of just pop and the broccoli looking nice and tender wow i don't know how to describe the mouth feel of the broccoli but that when you start chewing through you're not met with a lot of resistance of chewing through it it just goes through and it's not mush either it's somewhere in between one of the greatest things about broccoli and a dish that has a lot of sauce the sauce infiltrates all the little surface area of the broccoli florets and when you put it in your mouth it's just like whoa dude what's going on here all the sauce is like in there stuck into the broccoli so when you rock that with rice so good saucy goodness great textures fantastic awesome thanks dude i hope you've been enjoying all of these home style simple chinese dishes we have our cookbook finally coming out very very soon so please keep your eye out for it and we'll make sure that this recipe is in there as well but in the meantime for more simple recipes just like this one i will see you over there
Channel: Flo Lum
Views: 131,528
Rating: 4.9274707 out of 5
Keywords: simpleordinaryjoyful, flomade, simple ordinary joyful, flo lum
Id: HVlej3a-Q1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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