Beef and Broccoli Recipe | How To Make Beef and Broccoli | Chinese Take Out Recipe Idea

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[Music] to get started I will be using a pound and a half of flank steak or you could use your buy steak this package of meat is not quite a pound and a half but for recipe sake a pound and a half of meat works okay so I've just cut it up into two large pieces to make it more manageable to cut and what I'm going to do is just slice against the grain of the meat that will help you keep your meat chunks more tender and I'm just going to slice them into thin slices against the grain and to make things easier when slicing you might want to pop it into the freezer to solidify the meat a bit that'll help you slice it thinner but as usual I'm in a hurry and I need to get dinner on the table okay so what I'm going to do next is optional if you do not want to do this but I find that it definitely helps the texture of the meat it gives it that softer restaurant-style feel to your meat so what I'm going to do is called velvetine the meat basically I'm going to season it marinate it but I'm going to be adding egg and cornstarch and as it marinates that's just going to help give it a velvety texture when I do stir-fry it so here I have one large egg I'm just going to crack that right into the bowl and scramble it and pour it right into my bowl of meat okay so here I've added a quarter teaspoon of chopped ginger now I'm going to add two cloves of fresh garlic and I've minced them and it's going right into the bowl as well I'm also going to be adding some thinly chopped green onion this is one stock that I've chopped the green and the white of the onion that goes in also now I'm going to add a quarter teaspoon of white pepper you could use black pepper if you don't have white pepper and I'm also going to be adding salt to taste it's somewhere between a quarter teaspoon and a half teaspoon of salt and one ingredient that I forgot to add on camera and I thought about it after I set my meat in the refrigerator is a quarter cup of rice wine this also aids and tenderizing the meat okay so now that that is all combined I am now going to add a full tablespoon of cornstarch I'm going to add a half tablespoon and then mix it in and then add the other half after that just helps dissolve the cornstarch into the meat better be sure to check the description below this video for the ingredients and measurements to this recipe I'll also include video links to other recipes that you might like okay so everything is combined well and now I'm going to set this in the refrigerator and marinate it for at least 30 minutes honestly if you can let it go a full hour that's even better okay so for my next ingredient I will be using broccoli so I'm starting to slice off some of the florets and I'm just going to pull them apart and this is what I ended up with and I did cut some of the florets in half just to make them manageable pieces and what I'm going to do is blanch them here I have a pot of boiling water and I'm just going to let these cook for only 30 seconds and then I'm going to shock them in an ice-cold water bath now if you don't have time to blanch them first you could also sautee them in your pan whatever you're going to make your beef and broccoli and give them a quick saute just to start cooking them through so you're not crunching on raw broccoli that works too after blanching them and placing them in your ice water bath this will shock them and stop them from continuing to cook and maintain that bright green color by the way guys I got inspired by polka dot apron I follow her on Instagram and on YouTube she made a healthier version of beef and broccoli so if you're interested in food organizing mom live home life life hacks go check her out okay so once the broccoli has cold I'm going to remove it from this ice bath and set it aside until I need it okay so now let's make the sauce for this beef and broccoli recipe here I have 1/3 cup of dark soy sauce and to that I will be adding 2/3 cup of beef broth and the way I made the beef broth was basically 1/2 of a teaspoon of better than bullion beef base into hot water you can use whatever beef broth you have on hand but that's what I used and I'm also going to be adding two and a half tablespoons of brown sugar these are two and a half packed tablespoons of brown sugar I just pressed in the brown sugar to the tablespoon and I'm going to give this a mix just to sort of help the brown sugar dissolve better into the sauce ok so now I'm going to add a quarter cup of cold water with two tablespoons of corn starch mixed in together and you want to mix the cornstarch into the cold water because that prevents clumping and lumping and I'm just going to add that right into the sauce and that is going to be the thickening agent to make sure the sauce gets nice and thick and coats the meat well okay so I'm using a large flat bottom skillet today you can use a wok if you have one and I've already preheated my pan I've added two to three tablespoons of cooking oil so now I'm going to start cooking and searing my meat by the way I'd like to mention that I am working with a medium-high heat I always like to mention working with a high heat will definitely ensure things will go awry during the cooking process so make sure you keep it at a medium-high heat you definitely want to get some browning on the meat but you don't want to burn it before it has a chance to do what you want it to okay so my meat is cooked on both sides now I'm going to add half of a large red onion I just chopped it into large chunks you could use whatever onion you have on hand I happen to have a red onion and I'm just going to go ahead and saute that for maybe less than a minute I don't want it to be soggy I just want it to start to saute I'm also going to be adding a couple teaspoons of sesame oil okay so at this point I normally would have removed all of this meat and onion set it aside and start working on my sauce burnt in typical gochujang mama fashion I'm always in a hurry so I totally added the sauce on top of meat which is what I did not want to do so when you are making this probably you want to remove the meat first and allow the sauce to get a head start on thickening because what's going to happen is you pour the sauce into the pan and you're going to start simmering your meat and that totally changes the texture of the meat now I will say this having added the sauce right now into this pan it starts to thicken fairly quick I'm not going to even like pull the camera away you're going to see the edges are going to start thickening and I'm going to start moving the meat around but I do find the texture to be a bit softer when i thicken the sauce first then I add everything and coat the meat so you do what you will this did not ruin the meal I'm just telling you there's a slight difference in texture from pouring liquid and simmering seared meat it changes the texture so anyways that's out there it's done the meal is still going to be good so I've already added my broccoli again at this point the sauce is thickening and I'm just tossing everything to coat it in the sauce and here's a closer look as you can see the sauce has already started to thicken in less than 45 seconds and again it didn't take that long but it's just another tip to maintain tender beef I mean if you've gone through the trouble of vetting your beef go the extra step and make the sauce first thicken it then add everything to the pan so I'm just going to let this simmer for a couple of minutes and this is pretty much done by the way I will put the link to my shrimp fried rice recipe which is what I served this beef and broccoli with and it also is an easy variation of a shrimp fried rice look for that link below and here is my beef and broccoli all plated up and ready for dinner so I hope you guys give this recipe a try I hope you like it and thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Simply Mamá Cooks
Views: 2,450,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easy recipes, Gochujang Mama, Christmas, Holiday, Family meals, easy beef and broccoli, beef and broccoli sauce, chinese beef and broccoli, beef and broccoli oyster sauce, beef and broccoli recipe, asian home cook meal, restaurant style beef and broccoli recipe, Tasty Beef and Broccoli, tasty chinese takeout recipes, Beef with broccoli, restaurant style beef and broccoli, christmas dinner recipe, chinese takeout recipes, velveting beef chinese style, healthy recipes for dinner
Id: yuwCrBxdKIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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