How to Cook Beef with Broccoli

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Welcome to Panlasang Pinoy! I bet most of you like te recipe we are to cook. This is a delicious dish that's so delicious yet most of us are intimated thinking that its hard to cook But the truth is, this dish is really easy. What i am talking about is Beef with Broccoli and here's the ingredients we'll be using beef broccoli ginger garlic oyster sauce cooking wine sesame oil corn starch sugar ofcourse, Knorr liquid seasoning we'll also need water, black ground pepper, salt and cooking oil and here is the complete list of all the ingredients and their measurements Are you ready? Come and lets start cooking! First, we need to mix all the ingredients for the marinade we need to marinate the beef so we'll be making the marinade first First in the marinade is the oyster sauce beef broccoli always comes with oyster sauce We'll also add our cooking wine What I am using is called "Shaoxing" cooking wine you may use sherry (optional) but if there's no wine available, we may not use any these are so called "nice to have" ingredient This is sesame oil this adds flavor to our beef broccoli make sure not to over use due to its strong flavor let us now add our Knorr Liquid seasoning I'm using around 1 tbsp before I use soysauce but when I started using Knorr liquid seasoning, my Beef with Brocolli got better so I started using it since then mix all the ingredients thoroughly As you may notice we started off with all our liquid ingredients Now, We'll be adding our granulated white sugar or sugar and because we started with all the liquids, sugar could now be easily diluted. Make sure to mix thoroughly. continue mixing until sugar completely dissolves here is our marinade We may now add our beef slices I am using top round beef which is slightly tender but you may also use beef tenderloin or beef serloin for a more tender beef make sure that all beef is coated by our marinade and because our beef is thinly sliced, we have to mix it thoroughly to make sure that all is evenly coated marinate for 15 mins the longer the marinate, the better for better flavor absorbtion add cornstarch after 15minutes What's the purpose of cornstarch? Cornstarch thickens the sauce of our beef with broccoli this doesn't affect the flavor but you will see later the differnce in texture make sure that the cornstarch is evenly distributed. Set aside. Let us now start cooking our broccoli preheat pot with a bit of cooking oil then stir-fry ginger and garlic First stir-fry our minced ginger, these are ginger that is finely chopped It's better for this recipe for use a finely chopped ginger and garlic add minced garlic as soon as possible stir continously stir in shortest possible time. You don't need to wait for it to turn color brown after 10 sec, add broccoli stir-fry, as quick as possible about 2-3 minutes once it's done, remove from cooking pot and transfer to a clean plate Set aside. cook the beef that we marinated on the same pot preheat the same pot we used earlier with cooking oil heat cooking oil let us now add our marinated beef spread the beef scatter evenmore stir-fry the beef until brown When we stir-fry, switch into high heat for better result make sure to stir it continously rest for a moment so that part of the beef be cooked, then stir afterwards this is almost done, we'll just have to continously stir it until beef turns brown cooking beef really quick depending on the cut of beef you are cooking lets say we are using tenderloin or serloin, we could just have it stir-fried, add the broccoli, cook for 3 minutes then we're good but if the beef part we are using is neither serloin, tenderloin nor top round, then we'll have to add water and simmer this a little more regardless if its thinly sliced remember that this step we are doing is just optional so if the beef cut we are using is not that tender, we may add water and simmer or if incase you wanted a saucy presentation of this recipe, you may do that this is what I meant earlier regarding texture if we add cornstarch you may notice that the sauce thickens as we cook cover continue cooking on medium heat for about 5 minutes as you notice after 5 minutes, you'll notice that there's more liquid in our pot even though we didn't add any water. What we need to do is uncover and simmer until sauce reduces to half and then we may now season this add ground black pepper and then mix add salt if necessary taste the sauce, if it's necessary, then add some salt I'll just season this a little bit and mix it Now it's ready, i will add our stir fried broccoli Mix. and then cook it for another 3 minutes after 3 minutes, this is now ready transfer on a serving plate and serve this is really perfect with warm rice we may also cook this with noodles for it to be "Chow Mein" so it depends on you on how would you like to have it in your beef with broccoli this is now our Beef with Broccoli Come, let's taste this Let us now have a taste of our Beef with Broccoli Smell good! I can instantly smell the garclic and ginger Mmm~ the smell is really appetizing Mmm~ You guys hear that, that is the broccoli. Its so crunchy. and its really flavorful, Delicious! This is the beef, lets eat this alone, we ate both the beef and the broccoli at the same time earlier and the beef is tender let us now have the broccoli alone see, its so crunchy, and wow, the flavor concentrates at the broccoli floret it somewhat like sponge, so the flavor was absorbed in it that once you bit it, you'll taste how delicious this dish is This is so great! So I hope you try this Beef with Broccoli. Really easy to cook, as you witnessed I think even newbies could cook this and you may watch this video while doing so, as your instruction. I hope you learned something new today. and dont forget to like this video if you like this recipe. and for those of you who haven't subscribe yet, Please click the subscribe button below this video. and dont forget to activate the notification so that you'll be notified by YouTube when we upload new videos Thank you for your support and for watching our videos. For suggestions, feedbacks or recommendation for Panlasang Pinoy do not hesitate to leave your comments below this video. See you on our next video. Till then, and again Thank you!
Channel: Panlasang Pinoy
Views: 4,054,749
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Keywords: beef with broccoli recipe, beef and broccoli, cooking broccoli, cooking beef, beef broccoli stir fry, how to cook beef, how to cook broccoli, cooking tutorial, beef recipe, panlasang pinoy, how to cook
Id: _3NWiD2kWS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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