How to Make Perfect Beef and Broccoli by Chef Jet Tila | Lee Kum Kee Recipes

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what's happening guys jet tila here and we're going to make one of my favorite dishes beef and broccoli and let's get into it make sure this water is at a simmer or a boil and i'm going to throw this broccoli for a very very short time now this is the shocking part you've got a nice giant bowl of ice water and that's going to stop that cooking process nice bright green and i'm just kind of taking that raw edge flavor i want the broccoli sweet i still want it really crunchy but i just don't want that raw taste this equalizes the cooking time because the beef cooks really really quickly because it's cut really thin the blanching of the broccoli is done let's move on to the meat so we're talking about beef and broccoli so another very authentic chinese technique and trick that they don't teach you but i will because i care is going to be marinating your meat first thing is going to be baking soda that's going to help tenderize your meat second thing is going to be corn starch okay so let's get into the flavorings very crucial panda bran cooking soy sauce by lee kum kee not just any soy sauce y'all this is my favorite authentic soy sauce and it's got a nice round flavor good soy sauce should not just be brackish and salty it should have a nice complete flavor and savoriness almost almost like a sweetness and aroma to it and then we've got lee kum kee pure sesame oil going in and i just want that for aroma people make the mistake of using sesame oil to stir fry that's not the place sesame will burn it's not the place to go there so we want that in here let's get that marinade in there it's not a lot and it doesn't need to be remember all this is going to be absorbed by the beef so make sure to get in there and really work that marinade in let's make sauce so the soul of this sauce is going to be panda brand oyster flavored sauce by lee kum kee and you kind of don't need much more than this because that's going to give you that savoriness that sweetness that really complete flavor a little bit of chinese rice wine if you don't have chinese rice wine a little sherry a little white wine will work another kind of secret chinese ingredient is using a chicken bouillon powder all right or what we call chicken powder that's getting really thick so let's thin that out with a little bit of water and that's just going to give us a better viscosity it's going to spread the flavors around and it's going to help give us a sauce that sticks because water and corn starch makes slurry another fancy cooking word cornstarch helps sauce thicken and coat the dish fundamentals of wok cooking number one get that heat as high as possible let that wok or pan preheat for at least a few minutes number two use the right oil and i'm talking about a high temperature low flavor oil i see wispy white smoke that means i have mere seconds to get cooking we're going to go garlic and very quickly we're going to go beef because we don't want to burn that garlic you have a tremendous amount of 4 to 500 degrees surface area let's use that because that is going to be the key to getting food brown and remember brown food tastes good i'm taking a second to really sear the meat and concentrating on that so i'm looking for a medium rare in the meat but beautiful color on the outside and i think i'm there so i'm going to do my first toss now i see some pink still which is good i just want to get rid of like the ultra rare bits so i'm going to turn them over okay so now let's go broccoli make sure it's drained very very well let's get the broccoli to absorb the heat now we'll give that beef a little break so the tossing is really getting everything to kind of sear and singe and we call that wok hey and now it's time for sauce let's give it a stir because sometimes corn starch settles and what i'm looking for is this sauce to pull together corn starch activates when you start to see the sauce simmer a little bit all right and i know that once those little bubbles start to form the corn starch is pulling this together and i'm going to start plating now i am old school okay i like white rice with my stir-fry so i'm gonna use just plain old white rice all right here we go i'm gonna go right over lots and lots of sauce look at that all that flavor really is coming from that oyster flavored sauce i can put some sesame seeds on top a little bit of cilantro there but i am a scallion crazy person you can't have enough scallion and because i'm fancy how about some micro greens it's only one way to know if i've done a good job you gotta taste your food it really has that savory sweetness and the beef is tender the broccoli is adding a nice brightness to it i love this dish breakfast lunch or dinner you can be taking take out indoors if you like this recipe go to i'm jet tila and we'll see you later
Channel: Lee Kum Kee USA
Views: 557,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lee kum kee, jet tila, chef, cuisine, chinese cuisine, easy recipes, oyster sauce, soy sauce, quick recipes, beef and broccoli, hoisin, recipe video, food video, cooking video
Id: e4t3hbROc84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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