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- Dad, you should get us ready for bed every night. (evil laugh) I am the King of bedtime! In today's video, I have to put the kids to bed all my myself. But before we get started, subscribe to our channel and give us a big thumbs up. - Are you sure you're gonna be okay alone with them? I'm only gonna be gone an hour. So can you please give them a bath, help them eat a healthy snack, help them clean their room, brush their teeth, settle them down, read them a story, and then tuck them into bed before I get back. Thank you! Bye! (blows kiss) (dreadful music) - Give them a bath. Give them a bath. Kids! It's bath time! (kids screaming) (running bath water) (intense war music) It's bath time! (children screaming) - No! - He's been bathed. (yelling) - No! (splashing water) (evil laughing) (screaming) (intense drum music) - Bathed. Bathed. Bathed. And bathed. All right. Let's check my list. Healthy bedtime snack. Hm. I know just the thing. Kids get in the car! When I think of healthy snacks, I think of shaved ice. (cheering) - Snow cones! - Snow cones! - I want rainbow! - I want lime. - Me too! - I want lime with ice cream. - Lemon-Lime! - Hey. If this isn't a good healthy bedtime snack, I don't know what is. (soft cheerful music) - Nothing gets you ready for bed more than some sugar. - Yummy. - Dad, you should get us ready for bed every night. - Well, that was delicious. Let's see what's next on my list. Clean their room. That doesn't sound very fun. Honestly, how dirty can their rooms possibly even be? (opens door) Oh my gosh. What have you done in here? - Play. - We're playing! - This is the worst mess I have ever seen. Your mom can not find out about this. Clean up the room! (children scrambling) Yes. Clean it up. Perfect. Perfect. Yeah. Shove it in the closet. Perfect. Oh, this is perfect. We gotta get it all the way in there, guys, so that we can shut the door. - I got it. - Shove it in real good. All right. I can't believe how messy that was. Let's see how it is now. (cheering) Look how clean this room is! Good job guys! Let's see. Oh yes. Yes. Perfect? Guys, you need to learn something about having a dirty room. Do it the right way. Blanket fort! (children screaming) (light energetic music) Let's build! Let's check out how this fort turned out. - Look at our blanket fort! - Whoa! Now that's how you mess up a room. Hopefully we can get this cleaned up before mom gets home. All right. Let's do a little blanket fort tour. Come on in! - Check out me and Parker's princess bed! - Whoa! You got a little drape thing that comes over! And blankets everywhere. That's how you make a good blanket fort. - I thinking' like I'm just sit in a regular bed. - I have a movie screen! - Oh, that does have a movie screen. A little projector going on here. That is kinda cool. - Ice cream. - Good idea. - Did you guys know I have a room over here, too? Oh my gosh I did not see that. - Welcome to the boys only part of the blanket fort. - You're right. There's no girls in here. - Yeah. You know, with all these girls around, I need some me time. - Not a bad idea, Steven. Well done. - Who wants to buy something at my blanket store? - Hello. - Oh. You want a shoe. - No. - [Dad] You sell shoes? What else do you sell? Lights. I sell booklets. - I feel like this is just random things you found in your room. - Oh, I also have this. - Now that's one heck of a blanket fort. But guys, we gotta clean that up too before mom gets home. Tear it down! (children yelling) - And to the closet, it goes! - One! Two! Three! Hut two, three, four, five! Hut two, three, four, five! - Easy to mess up. Even easier to clean up. Dad style. Whoa. This is not so clean! Good thing we're not cleaning up the closet. Just the bedroom. (door slams) All right. Let's check what else is on my list. Brush teeth. That should be an easy one. I'll get the toothbrushes, get the toothpaste ready, and they'll scrub them down and we'll be done. (drawer opens) Um. I have toothpaste, but no toothbrushes. I know what to do. Guys, we have a problem. I have toothpaste, but no toothbrushes. I think we accidentally packed them. - Oh no. - I have an idea though. - What? - Stick your fingers out and get ready. Scrub your teeth. (laughs) - Ew. Please don't give me a lot. Oh my gosh! - Brush those teeth. - Dad, this is disgusting. - Um. Disgusting is not brushing your teeth at all. Scrub those teeth. That a boy. All right. Let's see what's neXt on my list. So, I gave them a bath, gave them a bedtime snack, they cleaned their room, brushed their teeth. Oh, it's time to settle down before bed. That should be easy. (cocks gun) Nothing settles you down for bed quite like a Nerf battle. Taylor. Nerf battle! (laughs) Put your arms up! Hey! What are you doing! (laughs) She's a squirrely one. I'm gonna get her. Taylor, you're blocking me! Ah! (screams) They're not all so easy. Get back here! Two down, three to go. (Nerf gun shot) - No! ♪ Bum. Bum. Bum. Another one bites the dust ♪ I just need to find Peyton and Steven. (muffled children's voices) I hear noises in there and in there. We're going to the right. (opens door) What are you doing, Peyton? - Homework. - Homework, eh? It's time for bed! (evil laugh) - No dad, no! (evil laugh) I am the King of bed time! I just need to find Steven. Let's go into his room. Steven. I have a little surprise for you. I don't know where he's at. Steven? (pulls shower curtain open) Not in there. Steven? Not in there. I think I know where he's at. Steven? This is getting tough. I think this is the last door I haven't checked. (door opening) Steven? Interesting. All right. I'm ready. I think I found Steven. - No! - I knew it! - No. Go away! - Hey Steven, guess what? - No. No. Stop. It's bedtime! (firing bullets) Now that I got them all settled down with a little Nerf battle, let's see what's next on my list. Read a story! It's time for a great story. Dad style. All right guys. It's time for a bedtime story. Once upon a time, there was a hairy monster in the woods. - Uh dad, what kind of story is this? - C'mon Jordan, don't interrupt me when I'm telling your bedtime story. And this monster loved to prey on little ones at midnight. It was always looking for something delicious to eat for dinner. And then one night, he got them! (children scream) All right guys, time for bed! - Are you serious, dad? - What? It's the best story I know. - Dad, you're not supposed to tell scary stories before bedtime. - Oh, it's a good one. Time for bed. All right. That brings me to the last item on my list. Tuck them in for bed. Wait. It is almost ten o'clock. Mom's gonna be home any minute and if she finds out I let the kids stay up this late I'll be toast! I gotta hurry and get them to bed! Let's go! What is going on in here!? - Sleeping! - They're having a dance party. Guys, mom's gonna be home any minute. (child screams) I let you stay up too late. Get in bed, quick! Everyone in bed! I gotta tuck you in. I gotta tuck you in. I gotta tuck you guys in. (children laughing) There! Go to sleep! Blake, get under there with Taylor! Okay. Jordan, you're tucked in. Where's Steven? I've gotta tuck Steven in! All right. Gotta go in Steven's room. Hopefully he's in there. Hopefully he's asleep and he's in bed. What are you doing? Steven? You're like a zombie. What's going on? What are you doing? - Fort Night. - Mom is gonna be here any minute. You need to get in bed! Come on. Come on. Come on. - But it's Fort Night. - Give me that. Give me that. - No! - Come on. Get in bed. I gotta tuck you in. Let's go. - I wanna play Fort Night. - Of course you do. No. Up the ladder. Up the ladder. Up the ladder. (garage door opening) All right. One final kid. And I've got them all in bed. I hear the garage opening! Steven, quick! Goodnight, sweetheart. (car door slamming) Ah, just like a champ. All the kids in bed. The house isn't perfect. (loud footsteps) I think mom is gonna be super happy when she walks in the door. She's here. And that's how dad gets all the kids in bed before mom gets home. Hey guys. Thanks so much for watching today's video. Say, "Bye" Blake! - Bye, bye. - Don't forget, subscribe to our channel, give us a big thumbs up, comment below, and we'll see you guys next time. Bye! - Bye! (soft music)
Channel: Shot of The Yeagers
Views: 18,286,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shot of The Yeagers, The Yeagers, Family Fun, Familyfun, Fun Family, lds, mormon, mormon vloggers, christian, family, fun, soty family, night time routine, nighttime routine, night time routine with no mom, no mom, bed time routine, bedtime routine, evening routine, night routine, toddler bedtime routine
Id: kPRKg7V_i3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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