16 Year Old Controls My Day For 24 Hours!

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it's my birthday and so you guys know what that means I get to control the day let's go find some stuff that I get to have the other kids do for the day this will be perfect for Canyon this will be perfect for my dad and I have one more idea for him [Music] too Branson is going to love this drink [Music] this is going to be perfect for as Lizzie loves to paint let's see how she likes this I've been in need to have my nails done for a long time and I know just the person to do [Music] them everybody come downstairs hurry [Applause] Savannah where are you I don't hi guys it's my birthday happy birthday and you guys know what that means I'm in charge for 24 hours got to hide got to hide got to hide [Music] Canon where where could you be H let's see got make sure to hide his thing oh pickle pickle pickle pickle pickle I found you you better come out you can't see me I can't see you oh I'm going to pull you out gigo come on come on it's not all that bad come on what do I have to do so here's the item that I got for you what do you think you did with that comb her hair yep and here's some accessories that you can use so you have to spend the rest of the day styling her hair comes with its own brush this is crazy I like don't even know how to do like a horse tailor ponytail or donkey tail or whatever okay I'm pretty sure I saw as come down here so let's go give him his stuff oh eyes oh I think I know where you are you're not so sneaky buddy cuz I saw you moving the pillow like and since I found you I have the perfect challenge for you come over to the count over here please oh man can we do something that's like not for 24 hours it will only last for as long as you make it last so you hurry up over there then it won't last that long I made you a salad you'll love it ready to see it I like salads it's a good salad you'll love it it's a sour salad it actually does look really good is it sour mhm are you sure I have to all of this all of it and after you're done you can go back to playing but finish it up first this might give me a stomach ache enjoy I better get moving on okay whoever I see next I'm going to do next and I see a silhouette of somebody in the window so let's go see who that is can you see [Music] them all right let's see who it is it's Ty come here Ty this is going to be a good one this is going to be a really good one okay fine out oh I'm excited for this one you seem too excited I don't like this all right Ty come and take a seat right here and wait this this is my challenge I just going to sit down and take a nap right yeah and if you know me well enough then this challenge will be super easy okay so I have three questions for you and they are all based off of Harry Potter since I'm having a Harry Potter party oh no um and so I'm going to ask you questions about Harry Potter and if you guess them right then you have nothing bad but if you guess them wrong uhoh I oh no this is your drink Oh no just don't show me just I would be surprised um what is my Hogwarts house oh no it's it's Gryffindor right yeah it's Gryffindor so I'm going to take this first drink they're all the same drink but I'm not going to tell you what it is I'm going to drink it afterward okay just so you have no clue what it is okay second one what is my least favorite Harry Potter movie or book oh no oh no Chamber of Secrets no it is the order of the Phoenix I tottally forgot about that one I think I was cheating you get to drink this do I have to drink this one now or do I have to drink it at the end this is pickle juice and Tha I know I hate it I know it's like all mind over matter I know this they've made me eat enough pickles and I've eaten a lot of pickles and I know but it's still mind I love that stuff so much um who's my favorite Harry Potter character oh no uh Draco no oh no who is dang it that was my first guess I was like no that's that's too easy that's too easy okay last one but now your your challenge is over now that was hor your challenge is all over and now you can that was that was horrible oh all right let's see if there's anybody hiding in here oh I don't think there's anybody here maybe just a really weird looking apron I found you Branson no you didn't found an apron oh just an apron okay apron it's your turn next come on it'll be so fun maybe all right your turn right now is really simple you just have to pick a card and I will make you a special drink based on what you get on that card so so let me Hur and just sort these out really fast and I'll come back to you special drink how many cards are there there are six cards but you only have to pick three okay let's let's do this okay just pick one of them root beer I like root beer I like this so far okay I can do this okay let's get the other ones ready we' got these two next take your got my root beer so this shouldn't be bad right water okay last one take a pick Ranch root beer water ranch ranch water root beer root Ranch Water all right I'll leave you to mix your drink there's root beer have some fun I see Dad right here there you are dad I found you yes all right stay right here I have stuff just for you first here's these for you there's still tags in them so you're going to take those off what do I do with these and there's one more what do I do with these got to put them on because you're going to be a [Laughter] unicorn what does a unicorn do what does the Unicorn does the unicorn have feathers I I don't know you can pretend they have feathers you're you're a horse feather you're an Alicorn you have feathered wings is this how it goes any way you want it to be but I hours of this well I have to hurry and go put batteries in this stay right here oh please please please I really hope the batteries aren't there or if they are they're dead Okay found some batteries now you're a light up unicorn there you go light up unicorn there you go she said so I put it on my face uh-huh do unicorns have beards this one does it could be like a goatey well that's pretty amazing actually everything is blue do I look like a unicorn do I I don't feel like a unicorn do I look like a unicorn kind of a bearded unicorn now you just have to act for like a unicorn for 24 [Music] [Applause] [Music] hours oh perfect I came right in time for you here I made your drink what no it's for you you said I you said I make the drink you drink the drink that's that's where I no I'm in charge so I'm saying you had to drink the drink or you taste it first and no no way I I'll I'll taste it then you taste it we'll [Music] see no I bet that was so bad it smells so nasty oh that SMS it has like the floaties of the Ranch at the top ew that was gross got to make it smooth and steady jeez her hair is knotted and wow wow wow wow wow wow I keep on ripping her hair out because her hair is so nauy so s I wonder what flavor this [Music] is look all the sour [Music] away M Sour's gone it's FR [Music] punch n [Music] n all right this stuff is for Mara and I saw her go this way so let's go and give this to her all right set that down now let's look for Mara H not under [Music] there I'm not he found are you being nice to me I'm being nice it's not I promise I thinky SAR it's nice okay I got lots of stuff for you so I've got that for you some confetti confetti yeah got some glue for you that actually looks like a lot like water I've got this glue is glow-in-the dark this glue which is color changing glue and this will pull all together am I making slime slime liquid Magid so you have to make me the best birthday slime that you can think of with all these different things so whatever you can come up with will work so all right have fun I'll come back and see you when you're done oh my stomach is starting to hurt this is why you do not eat too much candy guys jeez I'm glad I have short hair look she has a bald spot man it's probably hard to comb your hair when you're a girl mom perfect there you are it's your turn oh sorry I I need to watch Neymar so I can't do anything well actually Neymar is part of this so you guys can do it together oh no first things first there okay first things first you guys need your name tags okay now for the next part you guys have to come and sit at the island [Music] meanwhile okay before we start mom what is or I guess at this this point Neymar what is your favorite snack M cookie cookie okay so let's get a cookie and for you non you get some applesauce okay I have the cookie but you actually going to give this cookie to non and non gets to feed you applesauce right ooh M good so yummy here you go can you feed non are you eating non's food I guess this is just non feeds Neymar instead of they feed each other huh that's okay maybe next birthday he'll feed me yeah [Music] maybe look at this wow and this is your first time making slime that is my first time making slime you did it actually so good let's it passes the sticky test test what what's the sticky test you did really good it's like not really even sticking like that much like usually if you like it sticks like this but this actually is coming off really well like it's a little bit sticky but for your first time so did I need more of this or more of the glue I don't know actually I'm like I don't know how to fix this or more lotion I added a tiny I feel like it's getting less sticky now that I'm playing with it so I think that's what it is it's just after you play with it for a minute after it's been sitting then it gets less sticky okay so you did really good on this good job like that and it's like super nice texture too I love the texture of it yes good job I like it thank you m tast is still in M look at this I got to make slime what you have to do I had to drink a nasty root beer Ranch Extravaganza thing it was not good I really like mine where is she do you see her no she just left uh let's sneak out okay oh we [Applause] can oh Lizzy I found you oh no now come on time for your thing we have to do no so since Halloween is right after my birthday you need to do the perfect face paint that revolves around a Halloween costume so here you go I'll come back and see how you're doing in just a little bit it's not so bad right you can try [Music] it what you're not even hiding I can see you [Music] Danielle you are so silly come here it's not even bad it's going to be so fun actually are you lying I'm not lying it's going to be good fine okay Danielle can you tell what we're doing now your nails mhm oh okay that's not bad no I just needed them dumy for my party and might as well use this opportunity so yeah if you told me I could have brought like So Many Colors oh I think we have the right colors in here so let's hope we do all right I decided to do a skeleton because it should be easy you only really need white and black so been doing that one so far and I've already halfway gone through it so should be pretty [Music] easy okay so I'm doing Red Nails I was going to do red and gold but we actually don't have gold so I'm just doing red since that is the main Gryffindor color and that's my Hogwarts house so and it'll match my [Music] shirt all done what do you guys think I think they look really good thank you Danielle thanks for giving me an easy [Music] one wo wo hi Lizzy that is a really good face paint thanks you're welcome and now everybody else is done so let's go show them your final result let's go okay everybody come in here is everybody done with their thing yep think where's Branson n where's Bron where isore I was supposed to be watching him but he's not here anymore what you lost the baby they go they probably left because they didn't want to stay here don't have to here we leaving probably true well I guess we'll just have to finish up without them also who likes Li's makeup because she's a skeleton now I love Li it well thank you guys for watching thank you guys all for listening to me and letting me be in charge wait Dad you talk Happy Birthday Savannah happy birthday thank you guys so much for watching this video make sure to a big thumbs up smash subscribe button we love you guys so much as always you are worth it bye here
Channel: Tannerites
Views: 5,873,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 24 hours, hide and seek, happy birthday, birthday video, tannerites birthday, birthday boy, controls our day, controls my day, cant say no, cant say no to you, i cant say no, we cant say no, say no, no, say, birthday, tannerites kids, canyon birthday, birthday party, happy birthday party, the birthday, birthday kids, kids birthday, cant say no to birthday boy, happy birthday video, shaved head, girl birthday, 16 birthday, 16th birthday, savannah birthday
Id: 2vR1youIjgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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