Escape The Home School Bus The Movie!

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[Music] allward the school bus [Music] stop wo C this is so cool yeah you're a bus driver yes I am I'll open the door climb on [Music] in O I'm so excited oh it's this is a tight squeeze move over as I got to come in okay oh this has no room in here yeah oh I can't put my backpack in so hard to push through did you get it yes everything okay back there yeah it's just a little tight start the bus and now go I can't wait to go to school yeah this will be so fun turning signal why aren't we moving I don't know do you think he knows what he's doing are you ready for a dance party [Applause] donut party party um thanks for the ride Canyon but uh we got to go now see you later yeah it's time for school you know wait guys I'm the bus driver and I need bus students when you get a bus that actually moves just let us know okay I have an [Music] idea my new and improved school bus that actually driv your boss is here wait a second do you hear that yeah Canyon hey guys welcome to your new bus this is crazy but it's not a bus Canyon maybe we can imagine that it's a bus let's go you can't just D you want some mus no get it it no Mo stop stop what is happening right now KY wouldn't stop when we kept telling him to stop driving this we're play school he keeps saying this a school bus but it's not a school bus and it can't fit us H I think we can fix this close your eyes and on three you're going to jump 1 2 three what in the world where are we I don't know but I'm going to be BL Blown Away it feels like where is can need Dad oh no we're not in in the garage [Music] anymore hey kids come on in it's the home school bus hurry hurry it's really windy out there this is so cool yeah it's like a home school in a bus [Music] a look there's a yellow Locker just like at school that's so awesome let's open it w wo wo wo wo do not open that Locker okay whatever you do do not look inside or open that Locker okay okay that is the one rule now I have to go service the bus let me know if you need anything I'll you be just outside do not touch the yellow Locker okay don't touch the yellow Locker I wonder why we can't open the locker there's definitely something in there that must be the reason we shouldn't open it I'm going to the math Corner woohoo have fun with math I'm going to do [Music] art look at this two + 4 = 6 5 + 1 = 6 and 3 + 3 = = 6 4 + 2 = 6 + 1 = 7 6 + 6 = 12 + 12 equals 19 is the [Music] answer I'm calling this picture of a cran feeding a giraffe because I I've always wanted to feed giraffes and I've always wanted to go to this cool hotel where you can feed giraffes and I love the color [Music] pink hey Lizzy how's your coloring doing great what about your math magnificent I just thought of this new problem and I need to write it down so where's my marker oh no my green marker it's okay it's okay this is why you always bring an [Music] extra oh no it's all dried out oh well I have base 10 blocks right here time to play with them roll 464 + 22 perfect done with art now time for reading I buy treasure hunt I buy a seahorse H where's a thumb tag 486 woohoo math is all done now time for Ceramics which is like making things out of clay you know as I want to show you my picture I finished it's right um it was right here and I ripped it out of here where did it go that's weird well I guess if I find it then I'll tell you but right now I got to find treasure good luck those are kind of hard but they're super [Music] fun as are you done with your Ceramics cuz I'm kind of hungry let's have lunch yep look at this cute little dinosaur that I made I love it do you want to go to the lunch room I'm starving oh yeah I brought goldfish cookies uncrustable fruit rollup gummy bears Oreos and applesauce oh I got carrots and an in crustable and a fruit ball bar and another fruit bar and an orange and grapes and these Triscuit crackers I got all healthy stuff oh I'll totally trade you how about some cookies for trisket crackers Lizzie I know you love grapes so can I have goldfish for your Grapes of course oh yeah we got to our eat our incestables first yeah what was that I think the locker just slammed what in the world uh this bus is kind of starting to freak me out I'm staying away from that as much as possible yeah the play's gone and so are your ice spy books something really strange is happening first Canyon disappeared and now everything on the bus I think we should go get Dad I agree dad dad Dad Dad Dad help help there's something in there what what's going on there's stuff disappearing and the locker is shaking the locker is shaking I told you to stay away from the locker we didn't open it and we St away from it I promise okay it is really really windy out here get back in the bus I will go in first I will go in first come on let's go there is nothing look I will stand right here go ahead go sit down go sit down go sit down I promise you there's nothing to worry about in this Locker then why did you tell us to stay away from it it is it is just a locker look it's just what is happening right now did you guys see that that was exactly what's happening the whole time maybe we should open it and see what's inside no no no no no no no don't worry as don't worry Lizzy and Canyon where's Canyon where is Canyon been here the whole time we have to find Canyon before I can Canyon what are you doing in there uh EA this that's what we were supposed to be giving the kids after they got done with their home school today is drumsticks did you did you hide in there the whole time did you at least learn something from them being in school yeah I've been playing in here the whole time playing is not learning I've been learning and playing whatever yeah he's the one that stole my picture don't worry about it you have something to eat now what do you mean don't worry about it don't worry about it you did your school workor you get the prize you are going to get the tests oh [Music] no W close Miss cro what are you doing doing on our bus I'm your bus driver okay woo take us home woohoo wo oh [Music] yeah this will be [Music] fun what's taking so long Miss crunky yeah we just want to go home just one second what's in this Locker no you can't can't open that Locker wo okay but you can open these here you go and here's yours thank you last one's for you ooh green my favorite [Music] color why isn't this working we need a combination where are we going to find one oh miss cron how do we open these yeah can you give us a combination [Music] please I'll try 20 26 didn't work guys we need numbers the math Corner yeah yeah the dice they have have numbers okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [Music] 10 I think it's working try another number this is 10 and then there's another 10 so that's 20 21 22 23 H 20 three oh man it didn't work [Music] what's this maybe these numbers can help 35 let's try it usually the lock will start by going left first so 35 now let's do H oh nope still locked wait no there's four colors and one of them is green I'll try it mine are 49 and N9 49 and nine it worked good job [Applause] wooo time for math one what in the world 2 wo three four 5 6 Miss CR what is going on I can't start the bus so summer school it is no starting with counting ready help me count 10 11 12 13 hey you're not supposed to throw them at me 14 15 16 17 this is not how it works 20 okay new counting game who knew counting could be so fun okay so let's see who can keep their ball up for the longest 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I won good job try again 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 this was in my locker too h Huh there is a key to your success 4 4 4 2 3 4 52 hey I said you can't open that lock Walker all right everyone it's time to clean up the beach balls it's done oh no come on clean up help me clean up it's time to clean [Music] up here this was so fun [Music] yeah is it time to go home now um not yet I'm still trying to figure out the keys have you figured out your locker yet oh no good point I think I found the key to the orange Locker what was in it I don't know Miss cron caught me and I dropped it what are you Whispering about um we were figuring out uh my locker combination yeah yeah all right I am so not wanting to get in trouble we just finished school but let's just figure out my locker combination let's see there's 11 and and one so I'll try 111 these little lockers are cool but what about the big Locker as no but it's fine let's see we go to one and 11 wo chalk and a paper that says art it has an extra note it says orange you glad it's summer what are we going to like eat oranges or what it's a clue we need to open the locker no as it's just because the chalk is orange h fine come on let's go drop yeah wo wo wo wo wo where do you think you're going we were going to go draw chop um no one's going anywhere you mean we're trapped in here until I find the right key no one is leaving this bus oh fine [Music] you I made a little tiny locker with a little face on it so I can put it in my mini locker great idea I'm going to put my stone with an orb inside of it in my locker too me too my locker isn't opened yet we can open it let's go and hopefully there's a clue to opening [Music] that okay Lizzie what's the first number try 11 okay what's next try 21 lizy wa did it good job what's in it is there another clue I only got two papers let me see as yellow open your Popsicle what does that [Music] mean the mar s they must mean something eyes those are quotation marks I got it all right I might as where are you going [Music] perfect Asbury what did you figure out the key opens the orange Locker I'm done you did it what I thought you said don't open Locker I said you can't open the locker not don't we couldn't open the locker cuz we didn't have all the clues but now we [Music] do popsicles and a key H what could this go to another mystery that is the key I've been looking for oh I set up this whole thing so so you would see how fun learning is even and especially in the summer well you were right yeah it was fun thanks for teaching us what are we going to learn next are we going to learn about animals you can learn about anything whenever you want thank you guys for being such good students all right everybody climb a board oh let's go to school woohoo [Music] little girl in the pink shirt are you waiting for a personal invitation oh the bus is here great thank you for gracing us with your presence next stop tenat home school Canyon catch this die okay to you got it back to you ah back to you let's try tossing two dice okay here you go what the to the two rambunctious hoodlums in the back please sit down and stop causing all the Ruckus oh sorry bus driver hey can you hand me the Play-Doh no I don't want to Sticky in trouble for making a mess fine we're almost to school [Music] we have arrived at the tannerites home school everyone exit quickly and promptly and do not leave anything behind I want my bus in pristine condition woohoo let's go time for school thank you bus driver see you yeah thank you so much ever remember I'll be back at 2:15 sharp if you are not here you will be left behind don't worry we won't be late yeah again to the little girl in the pink shirt and La La Land this is your stop please exit promptly oh sorry I didn't know we were here yet uh thanks remember 250 otherwise you don't have a ride home woohoo time for school hello class I am Miss B your substitute teacher for today and my name is on the board if you ever forget hello Miss Boss no it's bossy I do not like being called bossy I wonder why all right now that you all know my name it's time to take roll all right is as here here Perfect all right Canyon here okay and Lizzy is there any Lizzy in this class all right no Lizzy hey I'm here I'm sorry I was late I left on the bus well I did not tolerate students being tardy so you get one strike three strikes and you get detention oh yeah I don't want detention so I won't get any more strikes I'm ready for class first things first we are going to be doing math today we are going to be doing our subtraction so let's get to it all right I'm going to do different levels of math for each of you since you guys are different ages so Canyon as and Lizzy 10 - 6 for Canyon for as we'll do 23 - 14 and for Lizzy we'll do 97 - 57 all right now on each of your whiteboards solve your problem 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 it's [Music] four all right time's up now turn your whiteboard around and I will tell you the answers and you'll tell me if you got a right I got four I got nine and Lizzy oh um sorry are we on the next class no please show me your whiteboard oh my whiteboard huh I didn't even know I had one dueling in class and not paying attention I'm sorry to say this but you're on your second strike wait no I did the problem look I got 40 but I just Dole but please don't add another strike I'm sorry but it's done one more strike and you get detention oh no I already have two strikes I have to pay attention all right we are done with our subtraction but now we're going to do multiplication multiplication I barely know that hey no complaining in my classroom all right we're going to do it and that's why you're going to learn it jeez she is bossy I am not bossy that's it you just eared yourself a strike [Music] what no I don't want to strike you need to pay attention and do your multiplication or else you'll get another strike okay all right here are your problems her ins them please oh yeah multiplication is so hard [Music] it's 12 all right time is up let's check your answers 4 time 3 12 good job Canyon I had to do it on my fingers and you're using a calculator wait aren't you supposed to know that already excuse me I'm the teacher and you're the student you can't tell me how I do my job that's it you get another strike what no both my siblings might end up in detention I hope I don't get a strike all right um 12 * 14 = 168 that's what I got all right as 17 * 4 68 good job oh all three of you got it right see it wasn't that hard was it Lizzy tanite are you doodling in my classroom again uhoh Lizzy don't doodle are you ignoring me now too this can only be one thing dang it all right go to lunch yes yes L already she was Saved by the Bell this time yes oh wait where's my lunch box hm where did I put it last oh no I left it on the bus cuz I was doodling cers uh for Gummy Bears yeah let's do it what's wrong Lizzy I left my lunch on the bus want a granola bar it's chewy that's so nice of you to share thanks here Lizzy have some fruit snacks thanks s you boys are really good brothers and I'm sorry I haven't been paying attention today I just is really excited about my new doodle notebook I get it I get excited about my art too but art is next so you can practice there good point 15 minutes later that was good luck thanks for you're welcome you're welcome welcome back to class students and now it's time for history what I thought it was Art yeah you did not give me a chance to finish we are going to be doing art and history together you guys get to draw a moment in history so you have to choose a moment in history and you have to draw on your whiteboard and you have to choose a moment in history that we've learned about this school year and there's a time that I'm going to give you that you have to finish in that time all right go okay H I don't know what to draw well we have plenty of time I'm just going to finish my doodle and then I can get to my assignment [Music] 5 minutes later oh that's our timer everybody show me your art please I drew the Boston Tea Party I drew when the asteroid hit wow very good drawings very good moments in history and Lizzy what did you draw Lizzy yep oh um I drew the first giraffe going to the first Zoo Lizzie that is not a moment in history that you've learned about this year and since you have not been listening well I'm going to have to give you your third and final strike oh wait no no no no no I told her that in art she could work on her doodle so give me a strike instead all right thank you for being honest I will give you a strike but I can't take away Lizzy each of you get a strike that means Lizzy you get detention for 10 minutes after class is over no there's Belle as in Canyon you may leave the day Lizzy your detention Starts Now Lizzy what about the bus oh no it leaves in 2 minutes do whatever it takes don't let him leave without me okay go here's your lunch boox B I'll meet you as soon as I can I have to escape detention how are we going to stall the bus driver so that he doesn't leave [Music] Lizzy what how did this Leaf get here I have an idea let's go wait keny where what's the idea what is it you need to help me slow down magic Leaf wand the bus driver won't leave you if you're coming it's just you're really slow the kids are coming guess I better get [Music] ready all right for your detention I need you to write down three things what you learn today why you're in detention and what you can do better next time to not get into detention if if you finished that well before 10 minutes is over you can leave early but if not you're stuck here okay they seem to be moving awful [Music] slow I need to be fast the bus um can I go to the bathroom of course you may now it's my chance thank you Miss Boss are we back JY uh uh uh you can go to the bathroom as soon as you finish writing that paper you really think this is my first time putting a student in detention they always try to get out and if you doodle you'll get a 30 minute longer detention okay I won't doodle this is stalling but but it's Lizzy's not here yet I need to try to find another way to stall him what is so hard about walking that is the slowest moving I have ever seen in my entire life come on boys you're going to get left behind today I learned the most important lesson you are the best substitute teacher can I go now nice try but FL lattery would not get you anywhere and that is not what you need to learn today darn it so close H what was I doing wrong all I was doing was doodling and that's what I'm really passionate about I know I'm boss driver I need your help as is moving really slow and I need you to help him get up the stairs to get into the bus yeah I can see that he's moving at the speed of smell I have to do everything around here all righty little blue shirt kid let's put some pep in your step and get you on the bus no more slowmo what free oh yes I can move fast now better get the keys you can't drive away without the keys this is my magic Leaf wand and you have been frozen by it um I can't understand you oh unfreeze mouth what is going on hey you froze me get me unfrozen right now I've got a bus schedule to keep I'll unfreeze you in like 10 minutes you're welcome what what 10 minutes that's going to throw the schedule off for the whole day get back here and unfreeze me all right done I ready to share with you I learned today doodling is something I'm passionate about but it's not what I'm supposed to be doing in school so I should save it for free time wow great self-reflection now what else drawing is totally something I should do but not at school time I should do what I'm responsible for doing and I should do what my teacher tells me to do very good being responsible is the most important thing and you can always do your fun hobbies as soon as you finish up your responsibilities hi as oh you got the keys yeah I was just looking for a place to hide them H maybe try the locker that could work hm where should I put it maybe right here great job now let's just hope the bus driver doesn't look in the locker and doesn't unfreeze oh no what did I do oh I'm unfrozen oh no lock the door ass yeah okay you darn kids get out of my bus you troublemakers let's hope Lizzy comes soon I totally agree and I promise next time I'm going to focus more so thanks for teaching me this you learn that all on your own you're free to go really thank you Miss BS now let's hope the boys kept the bus here all right now that I'm done of detention and I learned to pay attention in school let's go see if the boys St the bus you dang kids it's illegal to be alone on a bus without a bus driver I said saw the bus not lock the bus driver out bus driver what are you doing I'm trying to get back in my bus did you know that you're 10 minutes late oh yeah sorry about that I got detention and uh I told my little brothers to stall you but uh it's okay I'll help you get your bus back that's why these Hooligans have been torturing me and making this the worst day my life you're darn right you'll help me get my bus back come on okay I will um boys I'm back you can let us in now she's back Lizzy hurry come on boys what are you doing you locked the bus driver out you better have a really good explanation for all this oh um sorry about that we were trying to stall so well you didn't drive away without Lizzy thanks boys for helping me but I'm here now so let's get on the bus and go home that's right and everyone better be absolutely silent for the entire ride home back to the tannerites house we will be yeah yeah which one of you Hooligans has my keys oh right sorry about that don't ever think about taking my keys to my bus ever again okay boys thanks for trying to help but taking people's keys and locking them out of their own vehicle is not okay and don't worry I learned my lesson you guys don't have to do that ever again I'm going to be on time now so can you guys promise no more stalling for now on yeah we can do that yeah thanks boys you're welcome welcome to Willy Wonka's homeschool Chocolate Factory W this is so cool wait a second you can't come into my chocolate factory without the golden tickets I have mine um oh no of course I have mine wonderful I'll take those your chocolate dreams await step [Music] inside wa this is amazing who are you the name's William At Your Service he's just my bus driver he always has to wear the same clothes as me Okay Candy I already have a sugar rush just the bus driver we'll see about that I'm glad you both are enjoying my chocolate bus ooh chocolate bus that's a really good idea Chocolate Factory bus I can't wait to show you my new invention that's perfect I've been waiting my whole entire life for this moment I will become the for real Willy Wonka I know you've tried a hamburger and I know you've tried candy but have you ever tried the candy burger no that sounds so good yeah I want to try it well now's your chance here William is everything okay uh yes yes sir I was just uh yeah I was just checking the locker everything's good we're good sorry sir I should put the these in a better spot for safekeeping oh no if I don't get those golden tickets I will never be Willie Wonka OA Loa DPA I've got a tail to share with you stealing candy is not the way to brighten up your gloomy day maybe these trusty Kit Kats can hold them for me well that's definitely a safer place without those golden tickets I wouldn't be who I am Wily Wonka uh where were we candy burgers Ah that's correct uh sir I just have to check a few things out the tire pressure and just a couple other things really quick tire pressure okay thanks William one for you thank you and one for you I'm so excited it's squishy like candy but smells like a burger M wo it tastes like a hamburger with the meat and the lettuce and the bread how did you do that mine tastes like a pickle a gummy soft pickle they're right there they're right there this is my chance if I can just get a hold of those golden tickets I will become Willy Wonka and not just Wily William the bus driver oh dear me what do we see a naughty William can be sneaking around the corner glow with the wed to show we have to be really quiet Willie Wonka the other guy he's pretty smart it's working [Music] I'm a famous candy maker I never share my secrets if you like that you'll love these William what are you doing uh uh uh looking I was looking for the tire gauge the yeah the tire the tool for the tires I hope hope it's not by my chocolate oh oh of course not I was yeah looks so great carry on oh okay well there's still so little to do and so much time wait scratch that reverse it let's go darn it it caught me but he still doesn't know what I'm doing de if you keep stealing where will it lead well this was my first peanut butter cups but I'm not leaving empty-handed I don't think I need Wonka Bars maybe if I just get the kids to eat my chocolate then I will become Willy Wonka here open it have a look maybe have a bite okay these are pretty big I got try this but why have those when you have these caramel big peanut butter cup now examine this one ooh that's like two times bigger what if you added that one that would be huge yeah that's a brilliant idea Canyon I must write this stuff down I want to try this one I'm going to try this one m so good M I love peanut butter cups M the caramel works so well with the peanut butter and chocolate oh we're just getting started there's always little surprises around every corner oh that was so good Mr Wonka what do you have next I'm glad you ask young lady because I have a special one specifically for you here you go wo first chose chose a ring any color you desire they're so beautiful pink green blue I like the blue [Music] one wo is that a real ring indeed that's a really good choice the blue raspberry Sapphire it's gorgeous I love it m mhm o is it good M really good shiny like a real ring tasty like a candy well what are the rest of these things they look amazing I'm glad you asked why don't you pick one fruit punch that is edible lipstick ooh what does this do i' be careful around that one it's stilling the growing phase growing phase it's crepe I've got to try this okay go ahead that's delicious oh wait is this a baby bottle why would you make a baby bottle Canyon what happened Mr Wanga what did you do what's wrong wait why is my voice weird I didn't do anything he's the one who wanted to try it you ate the baby bottle candy and it turned you into do a baby what I'm a baby why did I eat this in the first place can you change me back Wonka well like I said before we're still working on the growing phase but I can give it a try you have to change me back I can't be a baby I know I know let me try something oh what one was it ah yes the yellow let's hope this [Music] works W am I a baby I don't have the baby voice anymore am I still a baby no you're yourself oh I'm so glad you're back let's put these back and not try anything until we know what it's going to do to us excellent idea moving on [Music] William Welcome Back Where Have You Been uh tires are good sir they look they're they're perfect [Music] [Applause] interesting for safekeeping oh no how am I going to get them now it's okay I have all good chocolate a path of trouble that's for sure with consequences you'll end moving on I have the most creamiest milkiest chocolate you'll ever taste it's so delicious here yes I love chocolate especially milk chocolate this will be delicious can I help you do you need help I got it here go take a piece I want to PE so [Music] bad ew e this is so gross that's not milk chocolate what William you snub this in what no that is not my chocolate not mine at all all this is my chocolate this is pure milk chocolate here try this from William okay wait let me see that the children the kids they're eating chocolate they love chocolate how's the chocolate it's so good this tastes like most chocolate but even better mhm you love my chocolate chocolate yes wait a second this says Willie not William well we have the same hat yes we have the same hats we have the same clothes but you have a beer but you have chocolate that they love so we made them I'm happy yes but you took my chocolate sorry about that sir I just really wanted to be part of this excitement you're welcome sir I will dismiss myself now okay OA Loa d d live with kindness you will see no need to steal no need to lie just be yourself and reach the sky [Music] it didn't work my chocolate didn't work because it wasn't my chocolate no because it wasn't the Wonka Bar's hat off chocolate out hat off chocolate out how do I get his hat off yes now that that's cleared up we need to move on to bubblegum most bubble gum is sticky and stretchy and you can blow bubbles but this bubble gum it's extra sticky and extra stretchy and you can blow the biggest bubbles ever maybe the size of your head or maybe the size of the school bus um William it's Willie Wily Wonka anyway I know I'm not the biggest what William what are you what going the toet W yes yes will to me I am the new Willy Wonka I have the Wonka bar give me the other one no way this is my new Future No me I my gold [Music] ticket yes there you go yes sorry sir sorry sir sorry sir I uh I'll go do my job now oh no you don't you are trying to steal you're fired so listen close and he Our Song doing what's right is never wrong resist the Earth to take what's not yours honesty and virtue open doors aha [Music] maybe I have one more chance a pinata to finish up the fun on this bus we're going to have a party with a pinata cuz what kind of candy maker would I be without a pinata full of candy you can go first [Music] W they left the Wonka bus here's my chance [Music] yes yes it's all mine it's all mine and look the pinata what is this what is this I'm finally going to become Willie Wonka because inside of this Piata is the Wonka Bars with the golden ticket it's all [Music] mine I'm going to be Willy Wonka yes I'm so excited William what are you doing what are you doing what Willi where is it where's the where is what where is it it's not here it's not here here what you thought that that was the right pinata that is the right pinata where what did what did you do what did you do you you what did you do William this is hilarious but what are you trying to do help me understand I thought the Wonka Bars were in there because with the Wonka bar the true Willy Wonka golden ticket bar I thought that I could become the true real Willy Wonka and have the magic to build and make whatever I wanted to make well the golden ticket isn't how you do all that it's those are just for the visitors to get in all you need is to be yourself and why don't we just be chocolateers together that's a great idea so I don't need this mm- oh I can be I can be a chol chocol here can I go in there and do it yeah I'm going right now wait can we destroy the piñata together absolutely we can all do it together come on okay it's me it's Johnny it's Dad I had to be William for a while so that I could be Willy Wonka but then since I don't have to be Willy Wonka anymore I could be myself I don't have to be William anymore I don't have to drive the bus anymore I can just be Dad this is amazing amazing ticket number one number two number two first go Li go Li big hit big big hit H okay big hit big hit big hit [Music] yes then [Music] there's the Wonka bar Wonka bar W bar and I no longer want it I want to be myself thanks Dad and thanks swanka and of course thank you guys for watching this video make sure give a big thumbs up smash subscribe button love you guys so much zo you are worth it bye guys hey here
Channel: Tannerites
Views: 2,434,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tannerites kids, home school, prank the teacher, Escape The School Bus Home School With Miss Cranky!, home school teacher, teacher, teacher prank, escape teacher, home school bus, school bus, little school bus, escape school bus, escape school, summer school, summer, school, bus for school, yellow bus, bus, yellow school bus, school bus home school, homeschool, last day of school, end of school, no school, help, the tannerites, tannerites, kids bus, bus school
Id: U_klujhG6K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 12sec (3432 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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