Becoming American in Among Us (Mod)

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today we're playing the America mod in among us as you can see I'm the impostor of this mod we have tons of abilities that we can unlock and my goal is to get to 100 Stars before anybody else and sunny already has seven to do that we actually have quests and the first thing I need to do is talk to George Washington who is right here Z Independence Day just isn't the same without a nice warm apple pie okay you want me to hold on let me check this I have to find an Apple find pie crust and find a bag of brown sugar and doing this is actually going to give me impostor abilities okay we already got one we get an apple and brown sugar we actually just look on the map actually looks like brown Sugar's on the left and the apple is actually literally right below me right around here it's sitting on this chair stop farting Gary that's very rude and not nice sorry I've got diarrhea oh gosh okay it's not good for you and then the brown sugar is just right here here we go and now we need to go make an apple pie and the oven is right over here guys out of my way I'm cooking some apple pie leave me alone boys let's go put some apple pie in the what what's happening what am I doing nice okay we put oh gosh oh he to be honest do you like putting a little bit of cinnamon in your apple pie okay yes Cinnamon's not bad ni oh you're going to you're going to you're going to win The Pie Contest thank you okay I don't know what that I'm literally holding an apple pie okay say wait k can I test something holding my breath okay hey can cool can I um do you like apple pie k k do you like apple pie stop slapping me with your pie do you like apple pie take some apple pie take my apple pie you stop it you lost your apple pie I no sir I made it I promise I made it okay he's okay I cannot tell a lie you warm my heart oh gosh he has gross teeth why are they so Brown and wooden you can't say that stop stop dude just brush him brush brush brush his teeth for him like this I'm not brushing his teeth he guys are all we I have a new ability this is really good I also have seven points that oh gosh everyone's actually very ahead of me this is not good also I think if I do this too wait is this where I like fart on something if I go right here let's just fart really quick and oh God I just farted I have massive diarrhea just like SEL okay he s you say it little freedom boy on a scale of one to America how free are you tonight zud what is wrong with oh gosh I'm going to slap him come here was that America RZ that you just pulled on me what was that yeah did it work did it work hey I kind of did I'm feeling get that number no goodbye no bye no see you man okay I got two new abilities let's transform into Uncle Sam we have an invisibility we have a burning Sparks ability and an apple pie discus ability let's try out some of this new stuff uh oh wait they're actually together right now I'm going to use my yeah let's do my apple pie discus let's go Apple P discus oh my it's just bouncing around it's literally just wait s watch out just got s wait I just killed oh they got points actually I think when people die they lose points and I gain points so I should actually be kind of careful about that I also have a burning sparity hey guys I'm Sparks oh I set Gary on fire we going inis really quick I want to see what happens can he oh he can pass it off has oh no he's trying to give it to K is going to get it oh no 3 seconds can have that take that back the last can believe you got that off oh my gosh that was very can't even Mr you can't even you need to leave me alone I will leave alone that was actually super super clutch okay we need to see what else we can do look let's look at the quest really quick talk to Abraham Lincoln I also have something right here too what is this I can go here oh challenge another player do not challenge suunday he Auto clicks we're going to challenge sigil here we go hey s ready to go down dog wait you were dead did I just revive you yeah all right s man you're welc dogs really can cure your life I guess so yeah that's the point wait which one of you is using an auto clicker I'm not and that's actually why I did not pick you cuz I don't want to face against your little cheeks I don't use Auto clickers changed foot you know what while you're eating that sniff this what is this Eagle Rush is starting what is it boys Z why are you eating in front of my poop why why did you poop why are there eagles got pooped on wait my face hey can you lick it s please no what is what is wrong with you guys why are lick it oh guys I'll save you I'll say look him I'll save you there you go you're free stop doing this to me oh no help someone help me please help get me out of the poop thank you finally Independence Day oh gosh it's happening okay independence day whenever that happens I have to kill three people well I lose tons of points so we need to be very careful about that I also got another new ability let's go invisible I got a hot dogify ability we're going to try that really quick let's go right up here over to what is happening why are so many people together no no no let's hot dog Sig he's right well I don't know what must three crew mates or else oh gosh okay let's do this that's two people wait is that going to kill more people come on come on hit somebody it's got to hit somebody come on come on back oh watch out does it hurt what how do that you know Amica okay I 15 seconds I5 seconds remaining get here but we need to show ourselves a little bit we can also be voted out which can be bad but I think Sun's about die Sunday oh that's so sad for Sunday we have 20 seconds left but we hit the three crew mates killed we're looking pretty good so far let's see what else we can do oh we have that other Quest actually we can talk to Abraham Lincoln which she oh he's literally right here hello sir it's very fireworking my favorite hat was stolen from a groundhog what do you mean sto from is there a groundhog on the map oh yeah look on the map icon there's a thing right there and look one second I did it right you killed enough crewmate to you keep all your stars and then here is the stupid groundhog hey give me this stupid hat did he just run away where where did he go he went to the left what what is wrong with this groundhog look yeah it's right here s sel's out of my way boy I'm getting this hat back from this Grand hog it left again sick dude you're bad dude take my really I'm going to do a race and I'm going to get yeah you have fun okay surely third time is to charm Mr ghog come here come on and Y we got the Hat bag let's go let's what is it yeah return Lincoln's hat let's go right here hello Mr Lincoln I got your hat thank you now the celebrations can truly begin pop hat copycat what the heck did I just get let's transform we're trying out this ability where is it okay go invisible wait here I here let's go hot dog there we go and have a hot dog PuppyCat I know this I think when I put him in this it's a 5050 they have the right one left I oh we got sucked in oh they just killed both of them D I have 40 Stars we're actually doing so good so far I need to talk to the eagle and they complete all the challenges what other the challenges do I even have I'm going to win you're going get Mr you're going to want to get off of that thing you maybe not kill me hear me out what if I just okay okay yeah kill wait she is she going to die herself no no no no please oh she did it oh poor no no no I tried to kill myself I'm sorry how does that hit me that hit me I'm in I think that I on fire in the left I'll get it I got what just happened I don't know what hello did they both just I think they both just died yeah look Kate's right there wait is Sundy going to respond too is he what oh Sun respond as well what just happened okay we're going to try the bull right in now here we go let's go right here 15 seconds we need to survive okay up left right down and a sing little back flip boom another challenge complete surely that's a oh no Eagle Rush is starting why but we got a bullseye unlocked D I'm dizzy and the birds are coming are you serious I can't I my my controls are messed up please don't PO on me oh gosh wait if I turn into I can't even turn into Sam I can't be the Imposter hurry hurry hurry birds are coming no no okay we're good oh dude that was so close they are poop everywhere right now I got the bullseye ability let's just try this out let's go bullseye on to sunde was it oh we just want a bull oh he's going look at him go I assume he's going to suy and he's probably going to kill him right where where is he though oh okay well Su is dead now no that's such an easy kill okay we have to keep that in mind we have a bunch more that we haven't even done yet though uh where's sigil I want to Hot Dog him oh look he's right down here oh poor Sig up here look his hot dog is almost up this is so good for him you can do about it and then and then a hot dog again all right this is Ian this is clearly Ian it's vote out Ian okay if we vote no it has to be it can't wait they think it's in oh wait this is actually so good wait go run down the Imp literally made him a hot dog and I'm using lore right now turned another Leaf you're still on sun no leaves have been turned out this like the time Karan Killed Nobody talk I do do the vote do the V out I don't know stop talking wait why is so aggressive why is he so aggressive right now talking to you this is between me and hot dog boy wait we can stop the hot dog you heard I'm a hot boy wait what' you say that wait what what you deserve this no you deserve this you know did we vote him out I'm down to vote TI out honestly why did they make art for slapping the hot dog I I don't know this is getting weird Kate just jump in just jump in I'll push you there you go I'm trying to okay listen listen I'm trying to like rev up before I jump in I kind of I'm scared all right you have fun Kate I just I believe in you I'm scared of the water yep I'm sure you are okay let's transform go in this really quick should we just wait should I just spawn my Bullseye right here in front of Kate one day one day I'll be able to enter the water okay oh gosh okay wait what other things do we need to do we need to talk to the eagle yeah let's just talk to him really quick and I think we have other mini challenges to do as well all right hello Mr Eagle how are you let's talk to you this is a disaster my eggs are gone and I'm in a flap hurry up and do whatever it takes get my eggs back time's a tick okay yeah Mr Eagle I got you it's a all six eggs wait why is this shaking oh that's the first egg they're going to be hidden around the map okay here's another egg right here let's grab this egg oh yeah look this statue is shaking let's do that yes okay we already dude we have three out of six already D we have four out of six let's go I like this flag is shake it right here let's just shake that there we go there's that one I think we just need one more oh go oh Independence St started I had to kill three crew mates okay let's do this uh go in is uh yeah look oh Kate's right here we okay let's get a quick little another kill on Kate send that guy right out to Kate and boom that's one kill there we go let's set up my little saw hi oh he just going to come back this might hit one of them 15.8 again wait what's happened on top of he has the guess he has to guess you may have won the race but I won the guess 30 seconds yeah okay you suck wait six crewes wait is my saw killing other people I six people killed right now okay well that's good does that mean oh that means SOS isn't a hot dog anymore okay well that can change let's go right over here I'm no longer a hot dog y okay guys go vote out he's here vote out vote him out vote him out we should vot Ian you're right hi hello yeah hi Ian I think it's Ian and we did Kill enough creates we keep our Stars oh wait look the last egg is right up here too okay well that was a little easier than I thought let's just go right here grab this egg that should be all them Ando Mr Eagle take your eggs there well I'll be neston bald eagle you actually found him yeah hand him over here partner you saved the day and this old Eagle's heart is lighter than eggs bro leave the eggs alone Sundy I know you're the impostor and you hid them around the map I'm literally going to slap your mama please don't slap my mom why is my mama get brought up in all these mods what is going my mom's a nice lady got another ability for now let's go right here go in what did I get from that oh the Eagle Strike ability here we go let's go Eagle Strike oh I have abilities as the eagle um okay interesting we sunay walked away that means we can probably Peck him right I'm just a hot dog ow not a hot dog he's not a hot dog anymore that's good wait I have an eagle poop ability too here let's go to Gary really quick let's go H poop oh okay really where's the eagle even there's no Eagles out what how did I just get pooped on oh wait all the eagles now there eag oh my God why in s's brainless right now what is happen way you know what is this hot dog it's it's Ian he's gone and now I'm a hot dog I IIT dude I am making Ian look so sus okay what else can I do really quick this game over here out of my way boys I have a game to play what is it what the high score is 16 from Kate out of my way Nico here we go it's my turn USA Football uh Lincoln what is the point of this I don't oh I messed up Washington okay I'm actually pretty good you oh my gosh United States of America you're at 15 16 no wait you tied dude I tied with the high score dang it dude okay okay whatever it's fine I don't even care anymore I got the Imposter ability that's honestly all that matters let's transform go invisible I have the what ability do I have you know I'm going to use against Kate cuz Kate doesn't deserve to have the high score K get over here get get over here I have a crew mate K oh little hot dog you want a little hot dog Let's Go Crew mate kick off like pie oh look they're still holding the kid the pie a football with pie it's suck trust me wait do they die when they you monster hot dog you just re hot dog me all right you know what that said I'm pooping what what does you mean he's pooping okay cool he we got to end this soon I think we only have a couple things to do left including this race hey sidos Kate come on let's go do a race sidos you can race us that right come on let's go noat myself all right boys let's do this I can't beat look up what's the top score 15.8 oh gosh I can't myself s join in come on three two one hit the hot dog is it is it actually Sunday are we all in consensus about this that's what I heard that's that's what you heard okay so we're just listening to everything people say Okay interesting uh why I think you hit a wall you just died to yep like that you just died wait look why are you cracked at this St look up oh I made I made the leader board that's all that matters how did you get 15.8 you're insane we got another new ability for that we got the firework teleport look at the leader dude L is about to win firework teleport and then let's teleport right on top of lam here we go here we go look up get out of here we hate you boom wait um why hello did that get get away I'm going to kick you away there we go and you know what because of that uh I think that means sigil isn't going to be a hot dog anymore that's okay let's go right here I'm not a hot dog I don't want to be here anymore I'm leaving I'm all de foring wait I think we're with done I we seen a bit more points which means let's start killing people let's go right here put that on Sunday put him in a hat oh no not this again Gary you're going to die and I he's under the Hat on fire wait why is he on fire oh God I'm choosing this one wait then he fell under oh God and oh he di too oh I you got three it literally already counted I have 84 points put this on Sunday goodbye Sunday nobody myself there we go oh go let's Eagle Strike Let's uh let's e pack wait can I Eagle pack him oh I can wait he's still flying around with no head what is happening to him 97 Stars bro no you're not winning wait he's literally just about to win you know we have six crew hey guys it's me wait look was trying to do something go up here go no no no he's trying to start a race and hi yeah there we go D at 92 we're almost done let's put this on to Kate oh gosh there it goes oh hi Sundy uh I need you to not live right now bye bye Sundy I need you to not be alive right now okay I need you to not be alive right now take that there we go you're on fire you're you're a hot dog that's on fire this is okay you're okay yeah hey s how's it going I knew it was you the whole time I'm pretty sure you were saying Sundy literally the entire time trying to he's trying to call Rock there rock it in rock it down oh my dude that was so close oh and we just like that oh hey Gary how's it going you uh do you like the star spigle banner cuz I do I like the national anthem it's amazing welcome back everybody we're going to see the national Anem how's it goodbye everybody fireworks for everyone let's go he imposter wins GG
Channel: Zud
Views: 51,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among Us, Imposter, Among Us Mod, Zud, Among Us Funny Moments, among us, new among us role, among us mods, among us impostor, among us mod, among us imposter, among us animation, animation, among us song, ssundee among us, zud among us, among us custom mod, among us funny moments, zud, America Mod in Among Us, among us america, among us america mod, ssundee among us america mod, america among us, among us usa mod, among us us, among us us presidents, among us fireworks
Id: rXwxvuRs_kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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