Hydro Dip Mod in Among Us

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today we're playing the hydro dipping mod in among us as you can see I'm the hydro dip impostor I have a couple abilities right now but I'm going to unlock more as the mod goes by hydro dipping certain items my goal is to transform this entire map into a hydro dipped layer before they find me and vote me out we're just going to start it off right away let's go invisible and go right up over here hey all right now legless for minutes please what do you mean please what am I supposed to literally legless okay now we are going to start the mod here we go I need to look at my notebook I need to start with the small items and then there's medium items and then there's large items I can get the final ability by doing all these let's start with the weather node really quick go right here grab this hey guys watch out I have a oh look them look him we can talk about this listen look up look look let me pass by thank you let me just put look what I did Sor it don't affect me I've been dipped he's been dipped you put that in there me sorry my bad look at me look at me I'm look at me I'm looking please don't hey please don't please do please do sun you ready I literally said please you ready watch out said please here we go have fun Su I got complimentary music from Gary thank you don't C my head look at him so colorful wait uh Sundy watch out suy okay he's not having a good day is he wait no happening because I just did two items I can change a part of the map already but I cannot let anyone see okay sidles is right there maybe wait can I change it from right I can let's go hydro dip oh just change this entire area of the map hi SEL how's it going let's just do this there we go okay have fun sick dude this is fun yeah I'm glad he's having fun do we just switch that entire area okay I can start getting kill abilities if if I actually do certain things I think I need to actually hydro dip one more uh area so let's do this uh let's do the shoes or the dynamite I think there shoes in this oh there are Sho oh hey sidles how's it going man hey man I'm not having a good time I can tell hey do you want do you want these that I'm holding you want them what would I do with them what would I do with them Z what would I what would I do that was very rude I'm sorry hey guys look look I'm going to hydr some shoes really quick put them in hey oh nice kick nice kick be boy look we go hey s SED look couldn't be you it could literally not be you s hey I don't care get away from me somebody Sor hey how many how many dips have you H I've dipped threes I'm stuck at one yeah being bullied I think it said I can hydro dip my sword now so let's actually transform walk up to this and go oh we can we can hydro dip my weapons dude that thing looks sick oh hey Gary hey Gary how's it going oh I have an empowered sword ability let's just do that his legs off you got be he's holding the thing above his head is it ni I don't really want to kill Gary I kind of want to kill let's kill oh Kate's holding Nico wait can I actually break let's go invisible go over here don't mind me just do that for you why is e getting hi K how's it going let's go s ability I did that for wait what does it mean wait people have their umbrellas out wait wait wait what does happen do I have oh I do put umbrella oh it's ring Hydro dick guys What's happen oh sigil Sig my sh you got CAU Sig in the rain what you I don't need the umbrella I'm imp I've been dipped back to the umbrella's wait why does not need it I don't need the umbrella hey uh so why did you put on your umbrella Sig I didn't have any legs [Music] dude oh wait still legless that's so sad oh poor sigils wait wait let's just transform oh yeah I have it in 5 seconds I have a hydro trap in a hydro spit ability to I haven't used just go invisible really quick go right up to sigils and then you know do this again come on why is it this today huh who are you are you mad at me m did we date what is it wait what we need to do some more Hydro uh let's get the dynamite in the wait there's an Emer I can do the emergency button wait that's actually wait let's just do it right now let's go right here and grab this and oh literally holding the emergency button what out of my way boys I have an emergency button I'm putting it in wait what are you doing with that button I'm hydro dipping it put that back we need it oh you dancing yeah wait You Can't Stop Dancing no I can't I'm literally just dancing for my whole life why you guys holding oh my gosh what is happening wait can you I don't understand what's happening in this mod I literally don't understand oh Pi wait I want to use my new ability actually let's transform I have the hydr Trap ability wait can I trap P before he do hey bble bye bble see man oh yeah look let's put a hydro trap right here why he Los it thing in there get me out here poor p all right well he's stuck in there for a little bit that's good let's check this really quick oh I I have a m i have a change map uh charge it's actually do this part of the map okay no one's around let's go right here change map and just ch dude look at all this here transform hurry before anyone sees go invisible okay I'm invisible we're good oh that that was suck oh there's Dynamite TN why does he have that you know whatever right here right here we can use my hydro SP building let's go what is that what is that what is that oh God I can't see they blind wait literally just blind look let me just grabb this item guys I'm going to hydro dip this hello why are you guys oh gosh guys okay you guys are having fun here follow me it's totally not for no reason follow me up here up here go up go up go up go come up up up and then to the right to the right to the right to the right to the right to the right all right stand right there and just stay there what is that he's dumb son what I will find you and I will end everything you love oh gosh that's a I'm scared I'm leaving all right I think we did all the small ones now we're going to move on to the medium ones which we've already done the crew mate let's do this Bluetooth speaker really quick which it looks like it's oh it's literally right here it's oh yeah right here grab this Bluetooth speaker there we go boys we are going to start a music party here we go let's do it oh are you l dancing I I don't know what what is happening I'm Dan what are you doing I don't know the music does not sound good though I'm going to hydro dip the button it's gone go it's just it's just gone there two this so much music going on what is happening in this oh wait s is currently standing all right you know we're going to change that really quick let's just do this hey look I'm literally s it's rude that you're wearing my skin while you do that say okay it said I can hydr my butt what does that mean let's just go right here and go hydro dip what I just pooped I just I got hydro dip poop ability okay cool dude I I literally got an ability where I can poop Hydra what does this even do can I like throw it down or something oh oh it made a little thing oh it makes him slow okay I'm assuming if I hit someone with that though it does kill them so we're going to want to probably make a couple puddles that start to kill people for now though we're not going to do that let's just oh you know we're just going to make uh him drop that yeah there you go you can't see anymore hello he's literally just blind hello he's he's literally a blind boy Gary what's Gary why is Gary son is that a dir bike here what is that okay no leave me alone Gary you're fine just walk to the left you'll be good don't worry about it okay keep walking left you're totally not walking in I think it's poop you're not Gary why did Gary walk through poop I don't know oh Hur oh gosh wait s watch out here we go again s s put on your umbrella wait wait Someone Save Us someone save him hurry got got you got there you go nice I got you now we kiss what is wrong with them okay we have another charge to change more the map we should definitely go do that oh I don't want to I almost froze oh my God wait that was almost really bad okay we're down here let's just change this part of the map really quick there we go we're doing pretty good we have changed a lot of the map so far I kind of want to kill someone too let's go into this mode I want to kill some with my poopa first of all let's just let's create some more Pathways really quick you know make it a little bit harder to get to the button that's pretty good all right we're going to do it one more time too let's just put it right there there you know it's a little bit harder to get through that's good I said We Now kill someone with it but what do I need to do next I need to do a bucket of lava wait why would I why would I need to do that oh I can also put traps here let's just put a trap or you know right there you know if anyone tries to get into call meeting to vote me out all right let's go right here what is this thing that I can do okay oh it's a literally a lava bucket okay I see let's just um uhhuh okay I'm going to hydro dip some lava how the the heck is this going to work go right here to the machine Let's just put it in and uh oh my okay I did not mean to do that guys what did you do I didn't mean to do this I what do you mean nothing guys nothing's nothing's wrong so dumb am I going to die am I dead no oh I'm good okay you're fine look him you're fine leave me alone look him you're fine oh s you're not fine no no all right let's do this really quick let's just do that there come on dude let's kill off Nico with my little poop ability too why not uh no I'm purple I can't be purple let's do this go out of purple do this okay okay I'm Biff now that's pretty good we we need to get Nico when he's kind of below actually you know what let's just go invisible go right up to ni he's on fire you guys are so dumb you guys are so dumb you guys are super dumb wa we hit Bo what was that uh got to go blind them blind them blind them blind them blind blind and then trap hat help I hate it in here dude this mod is so TR oh wait Gary's ahead I didn't realize there was a leaderboard uh oh hey go away okay let's transform let's see what else we can do really quick electric guitar okay there's electric guitar in here I think I saw what this does um and I have an idea who I want to smash with it let's just put it into the hydro thing I think am I going to be to get another ability doing this what's wrong Sun what's wrong what's wrong Sun what's wrong oh there's a fire there you can't go there DOD DOD no you're not Jing me you're not Jing me DOD dod you deserve that look outside your window one of these mornings just wait Sun you're scaring me man stop it we have another map change I need to do it where do I do where are people like not really hanging out I guess down here's pretty good actually let's go here let's go change map and we just changed a whole another area we're looking pretty good I'm happy with this uh oh sigil let's um wait if I trap him will he still be leged that's what I kind of want to know and then then we'll do this look up go here look where where I'll get him with myit his guitar his guitar stop before I go un invisible no don't get hit look where I don't know you sorry stop it he's legless sigils is still stuck wait he's not looking too good cool he's still he's I love it here this is DB transform let look at my list I did all the medium items dude we are doing so good we have a couple more imposter abilities to unlock we need to do the dirt bike and then okay wait we we can literally do the drop ship apparently okay okay let's do the dirt bike really quick where is that on the map it is oh over here all right let's go right over here this is our first large item we're going to go put it into a thing I guess we could put it over here go right here to this Hydro flas there we go and put it in it's not fitting okay no it did you just have to finagle it a little bit oh look at this you have a wait you can now hydr tip a tank and I also have a bike boost ability uh I have legs I have leg sorry sigil I I didn't see you man you're you're in the road Sig I'm sorry s you're in the road man I'm sorry I don't like this mod why not what do you mean listen come here I'm going to tell you I'm going to tell you all about wait you haven't done this yet let me let me let me tell you about let me tell you about you haven't done this yet everyone no I haven't I haven't done it yet training s yeah umbrella son of a why does it not affect you but it affects me cool sick bye s this is the worst mod of all time I'm literally not affected by the rain I got you buddy hey guys how's it going I want I want you all to come over here really quick there's a very sad man that we need to go see really quick help me not Pat just ignore Pat from what I've seen this man down here has been bullied this entire game I say should we just like put him out of his misery I feel like he want vote me out dude I don't want to be here yeah that plane wants to be voted out too yeah okay we're calling him let's go guys we're doing this for the this is a mercy Merc Merc we're going to vote out we're going to vote Out Gary obviously wait what oh no everyone's doing I mean sigil yeah sigs yeah sigils guys Sig I was frozen and you saved me that's true all right have fun s go why again dude again luckily he's not oh yeah we yep we didn't win good job guys good job everyone walk in the poop good job everybody that was just an easy kill really quick why not dud SOS has been bullied enough okay let's check this really quick a seismic stabilizer hi look let's just do that really quick there we go he can't see let's do this really quick I it said I can you need the Tank toy oh this is to uh get my next uh item oh hey man uh yeah you need to be Legos because there we go hey Gary how's it going Gary there we go okay I oh this is the toy you got the tank let's just go over here really quick and let's go hydro dip uh you to watch this why are you hydro dipping a tank what do you mean why are you hydro dipping a tank what does he mean unlock call what does he mean I'm calling stop it stop it wa I have a tank burst ability there's literally a tank what is that okay if you move you won't get hurt okay later uh I just got a double kill wait I think su's dead I think Gary's going to respond but he just died oh my yeah yeah look there's G right there I also have a hydro rocket ability we're going to use that in just a little bit I want to do one more thing the seism stabilizer just go right here and I get okay yep I literally just take the entire thing off of the wall and then go here let's just go throw it in and go straight What's happen me got oh my okay I'm dead I have another convert map I I here let's do right here let's just change this meeting area boom there we go dude I think I literally just need to do drop ship and that's it and then I win the game but uh I need to do two more but I have my other tank ability you know let's uh a oh he has a bomb you know let's just stop him there we go okay we trapped him there we go let's just go by Tank again uh there we go hey can't see me wait I have the rocket wait hold on no let's just go down here use my rocket to build oh it's one of these oh it's one of these so I want to kill Biffle hey Biffle hey what hi bi wait what who else is that I think I saw look who is kind of sus right I feel like Gary is kind of sus to them so no turn around oh gosh you're better off not seeing just keep walk away just walk away okay nothing to nothing to see I just killed look and Pat just got stunned oh get away from me what do you want your legs out there there we go okay we got to do two more items really quick we got to finish this game fast all right the second to last one is the seismic stable oh gosh I literally just grabbed this entire thing oh dude pack got frozen cuz of the rain hey Pat big strong man coming through sorry that here I'll be right back to help you okay I'll be I'll be right back let me just put this in yeah yeah just like last time oh Pat was Pat what's happening all right well I just broke it all right p i I'll save you uh next turn all right see you soon bye what no no I literally just need to do one more it is the drop ship we can I just trap everybody really quick you let's just go up to Biffle hey Biffle man hey how's it going let me just take your legs off there we go hey where hey have you seen Gary where's Gary I need to find him oh Gary's also wait Gary's also Frozen that's perfect you are disguised as me hey bad news I'm going to press that button and Gary are both Frozen you are legless which means you can't save them or call a meeting and you're the last one remaining so I'm just going to steal the drop ship quick be right back man let's just go right here and let's just take the entire the entirety of the drop ship oh my hey B going watch you hydro dip it watch yeah you want to yeah you can watch me here we go all right here we go put it in I just jumped on what are you doing I just oh my what oh yeah look convert map hey man I'm call meeting oh yeah yeah yeah go call that meeting oh very nice oh and I have the end game ability you you have 5 Seconds you can reach it 5 Seconds 5 Seconds Oh no you're blinded oh no I can't see I lit can't see oh no you're tra oh no your head oh no oh no your legs are now gone oh no wait what I now going to HDE your dip the world before goodbye say goodbye to the world what's happening what am I doing oh my oh oh my God sorry bble do we yes we did it there we go let's go impostor wins GG
Channel: Zud
Views: 75,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among Us, Imposter, Among Us Mod, Zud, Among Us Funny Moments, among us, new among us role, among us mods, among us impostor, among us mod, among us imposter, among us animation, animation, among us song, ssundee among us, zud among us, among us custom mod, among us funny moments, zud, Hydro Dip Mod in Among Us, among us hydro, among us hydro dip, among us hydro dip mod, hydro dip in among us, hydro dipping, hydro dip, among us satisfying, ssundee among us hydro dip
Id: yF8NzGG1Q-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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