Geometry Dash Mod in Among Us

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today we're playing the Geometry Dash mod in among us as you can see I'm the Geometry Dash impostor now we have a couple abilities right now but I'm going to unlock a lot more as this mod goes look at the top left you can see I need one kill and five gems in order to do the very first Geometry Dash mini game The Min games are super sick make sure you stick around for this entire video it gets crazy so I have this one ability Dash bash I think I could oh gosh look they have guns as well I have health they could kill me if I'm not smart enough okay wait I need to sneak around let's go down here smash smash smash smash oh my ow ow going I'm going take I'm take him so you can't get him I'm ow dude he's shooting me I've already taken a bunch of damage they have limited ammo and also look will respawn I just got like a whole bunch of new abilities though what the heck I got a cubic crush and a shape shift ability okay I'm doing pretty good I need to get 10 kills for the next ability and one more Cube gets me the first mini game okay okay here here let's try this out let's do this I have my gun like I said hi look him how's it going yeah look he has a v robot he's the last one to die oh god look him you what look at what happened why are we shoot just shoot us for ammo did he just I'm taking his ammo look give me those look what is wrong with you shoot not me I'm leaving I'm out of here I'm leaving what the heck okay apparently we just shoot each other you know what yeah look a little Spike on three uses I need I got to be careful I will heal at the end of every Min game I want to kill someone though I have the cubic Crush ability should I crush somebody dude they're all kind of oh s is right here I could get sidles here let's go down to sigil hi sigil oh Bo no no no no no no I help I've been Quasimoto no stop it stop it my Geet right now dud I just go all around oh oh my God he almost just shot me dude dude they're all together I have to stay away cuz they're are meting stop playing the music this is not fun or algebra all right we did a bash we got our fifth Cube we can do our very first mini game actually I think we can kill sidles with this no no no going it's going going we're fine we're fine we're fine everything is okay they don't see me right now everything's yeah look he's vulnerable right now perfect we're going to go into the first mini game okay let me just get away from Nico really quick okay we all we should be good everything's fine let's go to our first portal portal sabotage yeah okay look we're seeing the entire map right now dude this is sick look sigils is currently got if I right click him I should grab him let's go boom grab him oh I'm being Geometry Dash I'm dashing in a geometrical way is getting brought in and in my world get out of here Su get out of here okay enter J Dash okay we're going to fight him and we're going to try to kill him let's get in let's get inside let's go in here oh what is this hey it hey man hey man you have a minute to escape me and you have to escape all my obstacles okay well you know the only obstacle that really matters is like the ones that you put up to get away from your friends what are you saying I'm going to ground smash oh I already brought you back s you are barely running up you know I can just kill you right now right like I can literally let me just let me just run up with you let me just wait you're faster than me SOS come back s little s get back over here s I'm going to tell everyone it's you no you're not telling to ground Smash and devour oh my what the what I just killed him I converted the first uhoh uhoh going B going going we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine oh my gosh wait what dude I'm in how do they know where I'm going okay they wasted a lot of ammo we killed SOS look we transformed this entire part of the map yeah look this is all red on my mini map right now that is actually perfect I got a bunch of new abilities too I want to try these out uh let's just do my Cub crush on Bibble hi bb oh no no no no currently squashed for 70 seconds like I want to I want to try to get look before you let's go right down here hi look up boom Oh look you just got Shon no it's not a no it's not I'm transforming what's going on I'm transforming oh look I have a devour ability too what is happening oh I'm shape shifted he's shape shifted I can make people think that he wait I can also mute him oh my m music to my ears he is currently muted let's go mind control and I can start taking look him around I think I can use him to actually kill people come on come here oh he's trying to kill and smash oh son's vulnerable right now why are you not doing anything help me I been Dev okay don't do that no hey don't do that don't do that have the dash bash oh yeah I Dash wait oh my God he flew across the map here bi's right here should we oh we could actually he can he still shoot even if he's like that oh let's let him kill me let's him kill me and boom he's you got it he killed him he killed him he killed him he killed him like transformed let's go let's go in there wait what hello what just happened oh gosh I thought I killed the guy but I killed the disguised guy who died wait wait who'd you kill then wait who's over here lookes look him hello is he muted look him I don't know he shouldn't be muted anymore if he was muted muted looks all right something you're oh now okay look was this you that I killed you just kill me but I kill dog wait look is cleared now cuz if I he would have died we would have won if he was the Imposter look congratulations why is shooting every what is happening calm down oh my God okay run okay I got to get some more gems really quick and I also I need to kill some more people let's transform let's start doing some more stuff I have what is this I yeah my gr my ground slam ability let's just let's just go up to let's go let's go back to you know no we're going to take care of look him let's go here hi look him let's go no I'm I don't know his name all right grab all this there we go I got a ridiculous Rampage wait what is that oh it's right here the rbus Rampage I don't know what that does we're going to find out I six out of 10 cubes and I have my next four kills okay I thought it was 10 apparently it's four now but I don't know why that changed but I want to try this R actually I'll try this in a bit I need to get five more things really quick I could go right down here to Pat hello Pat and go oh I them oh no Crush should we just try this my key stop it what is that gra I need one more I don't know I have 12 out of 10 and six kills okay I think for this next mini game I do need two people in the mini game where should we go we already did the whole left side I guess wait no I guess we can just do right here where there's already a portal let's go right over here and go into Portal sabotage who is currently it's Sunday Sunday is my current Target should we just grab him let's go boom I'm not giving come on come on to my portal and there we go Sundy captured one more need hey man who are you can talk now you can probably say something here oh no we should we where my Bo go where my Su go don't worry about slam back Dev him he's trying to plead okay you're never going to find B why just tell me who you are I'm stuck in there I can't he is stuck in there but I don't I don't trust that I need to get up to 15 more cubes and I I think my kill no I need seven kills now total for my next ability n's right here can we just shape shift look him again can I do it across the map oh yeah I can let's go there look I grabbed him this is good okay he's going and he's a little guy what is wrong with him wrong let's just mute him there he's muted I can't hear him at all anymore I like that I like not be able to hear him let's just get away from him bye look and we're going to go Crush N ball and boom Oh help no wait can I kunai look when he's actually a a dude wait let's just let's test this right let's go kunai wait where' that go why uh what is happening what what is what is it what what just happened what was that I don't I don't understand what just happened I don't know where is everyone else oh Pat's down there bi's up here dude bi has so much ammo we got to do something about that okay let's go up here gra I did not mean to use that okay I just made a crater for absolutely no reason uh Hey bi how's it going listen Biel Biffle stop shooting me Biffle get over here Biffle come here he is oh look two people are down here hi guys should I take out oh this is going to make so vulnerable I could should I make vulnerable not vulnerable I could I can't even let's hit Bo there he goes all the way up there dude oh look look at me is also just causing Havoc for some reason why is he doing that to Nico why why is he doing that all right you know whatever let me just grab these last four really quick dude he's shaking my entire screen look at him stop it there okay I got him out of his thing he he was shaking my entire screen that was so annoying we got to get back down there back to Sunday we're going to put them into a new mini game go down here hi bi how's it going listen I know yeah I know I know we going to come back down here hello Sunday stop it let me go I'm going to join it real quick I can grab P where did go good let's grab him Boom come on Pat welcome to the game great boys are you ready for my games Hello everybody Das let's go I don't lose these I don't missile barage ability let me just uh oh gosh wait what I what I just guys I just oh hey no he uh how's it going man you're not catching it you're not catching me you have to live two minutes and I already killed one of your teammates you know that right you're not catching all right let me just do that and boom Oh Oh Sundy uhoh look my ground slam oh suy oh no it's easy oh he tripped and if I do this shoot it did you just dodge it suy did you just dodge it are you kidding me what I on cool right now no different okay will this reach that reach perfect he's okay he's close he's close he's close he just jumped he just jumped yes suy come here come here Sundy oh he Missy suy you were so close to me yeah goodbye goodbye Sun you're dead today goodbye oh my oh let's go dude we just transformed this entire part of the map just one more area to go dude we mostly killed everybody okay I need to put the last three players without them knowing I think they're sus of looking right now so I need to make sure that uh you know it's it stays off me cuz this is going to be very difficult trying to convince everybody that it's uh you know not me guys the whole map is changing I don't know what's give me your ammo why I have no ammo now I have no ammo boys who are we sus of like what are we what are we seeing the most who's being weird I know who I'm sus of you it's him you look wait why we say look wait where's uh who else is alive right now why is it me okay no cuz two part two parts of the map have changed which means it's just us three and then one other person and I don't know who the other person we not seen so it's us yeah where is n i don't know my ammo oh there he is just us for you who we why why am I set up L because of his mass amount of ammo that he has that's a lot of ammo actually I literally got cleared how' you get cleared what are you talking I don't everyone killed me don't remember oh my there literally nothing more s have one boys where did Biff go I don't know okay huh keep your eyes out I'm going to leave too yeah yeah this this is getting weird boy this is getting really weird okay okay I think I don't know they sound confused but I don't know fully we got to start doing some more kills I have what else do I have I have oh my missile barage ability now I can kill somebody okay let's send it onto Biffle let's wa what's happening oh what is happening why is it moving so why is this m missile moving so slow I don't want to listen to look him oh it's going down and high B and task done I just got another new ability wait this actually I got a trapezoid abil oh I literally got a trapezoid ability can I put that on myself to start clearing myself I actually could okay here wait wait wait what if I place a trap right here okay per okay perfect okay only I see that this is actually perfect boys listen look I'm do not give me your no stop I have no ammo I literally have n cuz he keeps stealing it from me where is Biffle by the way oh help help help help where's Biffle where is Biffle boy please thank you I was about to die why'd you wait for so long okay it's either look or Biffle that I'm very sess of we already cleared me what it's look z biffler e that's a really good point Thank you so where has Biffle okay whatever boys keep your eyes out for Biffle I don't know where that trap came from or anything but keep your eyes out for him I'm I have ammo listen I don't have I don't have any yeah we know it's it's a little too obvious okay you what a transform I kind of want to I could trap Biffle he's vulnerable vulnerable right now too this is actually good I can't let them see that he's trapped and oh no one's around there too okay let's put a trap right there this is good he's going to run into that he's going to die he's going to start telling he saw people in this trap not you don't help me leave me leave me be please you giant you giant dummy get away from me giant please don't let oh okay good all right good good go grab these grab these I I need 20 of these dude you need so much to do this oh my here grab my kunai we got we got to keep killing them kill kill look bye bye look I just got to start popping up I need to get some more kills n's right here uh Hey Nico I don't want you to be here actually no this this actually works you know what I'll I'll grab Nico let's go in here wait why is look in the bro cuz he's oh he was brought back l fast we can just grab him right now B's on around just grab him right now this is good I'm going to let see this and then we can more this is good this is good this is good just run away just run and then kill him you do to look up kill him there we go get out here oh got a spike storm wait what the heck dude I'm just getting more and more abilities that sounds sick all right let's hit him I literally I will squishy all day storm great three storms what where'd you go hello um why am I in the air right now what is happen oh dude that is sick what the heck okay bibble's down there I can't kill him he needs to just stay away wait can I just Camp Nico as soon as he respawns he's back in like 5 seconds I think and I can get like 20 more of these and then grab someone else oh yeah here we go and by go okay let's grab all these really grab them grab them yeah 21 did I go right over here grab all these I'm at 31 okay here we go I'm going to go right over here uh there's not much I can do at this point because I'm pretty sure if I grab this last person it's going to be just one other guy oh hey look him you you mon what do you mean hey NCO how's it going hi ni welcome to my domain you're in a joy look oh there we go n captured one more needed boys it's just me and uh Biffle it's just me and Biffle on the on the on the field uh I'll be right back how am I cheating okay wait wait I could travel Let's Travel right there okay cha them there we go oh wait I got you I got you I got you you're good you're good go you're safe you're safe with me don't worry put your hands up put your hands up how did I miss that point St bble how did you miss so many times hey bble I have really bad news for you I have really bad news for you it's you and me nicoo and uh look are in the portal so I have to devour you one time by oh no please no hey man hey okay I'm sorry I'll let you I'll let you call the meeting okay you're going to let me go right yes I yes go call a meeting to go call a meeting you promise you're promise I'm not going to do anything Lally literally nothing at all literally I promise all again nothing at all fine should I save you should I save you I could save you I could save right now but I don't think I will grab my legs oh my God okay I have more than enough I think I'm good now let's uh let's go put them all in the portal and do the mini game hey boys I have a very uh I have a treat for you guys you guys your friend bibble's alive welome back bble no please I just SP please oh this is so sad time for the final mini game 3v one you guys should be able to win this honestly I have full faith in you what is what is this missile let me just missile barage you guys all back to me really quick let's get guys my strongest a little too easy look why are you back here huh why jump over it yeah what is this buz saww ability I have buz saw what's happening oh wait wait what does this do oh what the heck my legs I just got you guys legs off oh that is so sad oh push you forward pleas don't eat me please guys literally can't do anything I can't okay okay I think everyone is about to respawn which is actually kind okay oh everyone did respawn hey look hey look how's it going wait is it off cool down oh this is good oh this is fun this is too fun I I shoot him forever oh my gosh why is everyone dying hey hey hey hey leave me alone hey hey you know what wait what wait bus saw um move and slice five times what does that mean oh my oh my look I'm com here wait can I move across the oh oh my gosh I can wait who's over here P's trying to come in let's just put a trap right there got this come on so close and hi s oh hey everybody listen I know you guys want it to be over but it's not over noet Tre death oh wait what's happening I'm in this main portal uh Hey guys let me just TR grab you grab you grab you and grab you is alive oh look it's Sunday and look welcome everybody to my game to my final game welcome Dr Dr wait what is this boys what is this I was on one HP oh oh everybody everybody jump he was mut anyway stoping my bus get over here look behind how oh hey um unparalleled yeah man that's you're super unparalleled right now you're you're very but crap what just happened did we win is that it do it do it we we were the Geometry Dash winners uh what was that mod all right
Channel: Zud
Views: 115,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among Us, Imposter, Among Us Mod, Zud, Among Us Funny Moments, among us, new among us role, among us mods, among us impostor, among us mod, among us imposter, among us animation, animation, among us song, ssundee among us, zud among us, among us custom mod, among us funny moments, zud, ssundee random roles, zud random roles, among us gameplay, Geometry Dash Mod in Among Us, among us geometry dash, geometry dash, geometry dash in among us, ssundee among us geometry dash
Id: GNdpaA5yisk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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