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when you rebirth you normally take something you've leveled up a bunch and gotten really powerful and you restart back at level one but you normally get to keep a couple key features or bonus powers in scaling so when you level up again you become even more powerful this also known as like New Game Plus or prestiging and so we've added a tower into Balloon Sour Defense that can rebirth so instead of getting a paragon on this rebirth Tower you can actually rebirth it where you get rid of all of the towers you sell all of it and you basically restart except that now the tower is more expensive and more powerful and you can just keep rebirthing it to making it stronger and stronger I thought this was a super awesome idea but how good is it in practice let's find out by the way guys my game topple tactics is actually on sale for 20% off right now so if you want to get topple tactics well now is definitely the time link is the description down below go check it out on Steam it's super awesome it's super epic and you'll love it go and check it out I love that the rebirth Tower is only $55 huge shout out to Zuko for the creation of the mod I love how it looks too it looks kind of like a scary gingerbread man you know what I mean okay that's $100,000 I don't have $100,000 what if I put this down does that fix it ah so there's this weird bug with how the pricing works with it cuz it's a strange mechanic so we have this little fixed Tower thing so we can actually just drag this down and fix the tower and now it now it's now it's now it's the right cost so now they all cost the right amount so let's just get this let's get started oh my gosh they attack so slowly they're so slow to attack okay that's fine if we just get a bunch of them down I think we're going to be fine all right there we go look at that oh my gosh they still can't they still can barely survive okay so we can get a a couple of things we can get laser Ray fire Super Monkey lasers at the balloons that seems pretty good or faster firing so fire is 10% faster but that's $55 why would I buy an upgrade to make it fire 10% faster would I could just buy the whole another Tower but I guess I'll just go ahead and get faster firing and then increase Luminosity plus 25 Tower range okay that's really good faster firing again so fires 20% faster yes so it's firing much better now so Pierce rebirth gains Pierce through the legacy of those you've sacrificed gains plus rebirth level I don't know what that means but I don't think we've rebirthed any so I don't think this actually matters right yeah I don't think that does anything so for now let's just get some banana Farms so I guess I'm just wait what if I just get this upgrade does he do anything nothing happens okay I kind of expected that so we have light scatter light scatter fires three stronger light beams in a wide Arc nice okay that's $33,000 though that seems a little bit expensive okay little bit pricey we're definitely going to want banana Farms though cuz I'm assuming every time if you rebirth the tower it gets stronger and more expensive not only we trying to get like a paragon we're trying to get like multiple Paragons right we're going to keep trying to rebirth it and getting it stronger and stronger I think I think that's the plan at least we're kind of struggling I kind of actually need to get some better upgrades here so now that I have just these base banana Farms let's go ahead let's get the $33,000 and let's upgrade this to the light scatter which is $3,200 my goodness that's expensive or do we go ahead and just get laser rate fire Super Monkey lasers at balloons H H probably the laser right let's do that laser Ray and plasma Ray and let's see that should be a lot better so now we actually have the Super Monkey plasma and maybe we just have this target strong so it does more damage I don't know but now we can get light scatter so light scatter fires three stronger oh yeah that's nice wait it's kind of like random though look at this so it just randomly shoots out stuff not bad and then the next one is prism for $7,000 so splits the wavel of light to destroy Balloons with the power of the prism cool that seems pretty epic I'm in all right so we can get power rebirth and then the sun god Ray Fire Sun God Temple beams at balloons that's pretty that's pretty epic actually that seems really good the sun god Ray all right I'm going to get this oh yeah so it's literally shooting a sun god R that's awesome all right well we can go ahead let's just get some banana Farm upgrades we've we've gotten a little bit stronger now looks like we can actually deal with some balloons this guy is I put so much money into him so far but he only has like I should just buy some more of the rebirth Towers they're only $55 right they're so cheap they're actually so cheap okay there you go there you go all right nice so the sun god Ray is the only thing that can hit lead balloons right now so I might need to get some other wait no maybe maybe I can pop more than that I don't know so let's get this guy so increased wait now this one so increased Luminosity ultraviolet range Dark Matter light turns into dark matter which moves slower and gains Pierce whoa okay that seems pretty good if it has Pierce I think I'm going to upgrade it to plasma Ray oh we can get the black hole I kind of want to get the prism the prism seems good let's get split wavelengths of light to destroy balloons wa okay yeah the prism seems really good actually so now we're actually dealing with that so so far the tower has been really affordable like super easy to buy not bad at all black hole is all we need and what's the next one is this guy right the true sun god R so we only need what another $110,000 in order to afford all of that I'm sure sign me up that doesn't seem too bad I think the problem is when there's a lot of balloons we kind of struggle but we should be able to get all of these turned into marketplaces Before 40 and now then if we can do that I think we're going to be cooking all right come on come on marketpl we're so close nice okay we got all of them before round 40 let's go ahead and get oh we destroyed it okay let's get the true Sun God right it fires true sun god beams at balloons okay that's crazy so far like again we have all t5s right now almost okay so now we have all t5s and it's pretty good but obviously not that great right for having every single T5 it's kind of like right like so we're going to need to rebirth the tower which only cost $5,000 so rebirth the tower increasing all rebirth Towers attack speed increasing costs that's not bad so look oh wait the black hole gets plus five damage for every time you've rebirth and what is this one so gains plus rebirth level for Pierce and then that also gets more damage so it's doing okay I'm trying to save up money cuz I'd rather have higher degrees of okay wow we're actually struggling we have all the t5s which one's the best right now well I also want to get a village why do I want to get a village okay I'm going to sell I'm going to actually do this let's get a village I want to get get I want to get monkey commers and Monkey Town that's pretty expensive actually and then radar scanner and now I'm going to get one more Village too cuz that gives him there we go gives him a little bit more range all right do I do I dare just spend and just get the rebirth let's just get the rebirth do we get just one level of rebirth or do we put some money into it I don't know how expensive the towers are going to be afterwards let's just put $5,000 into it all right $5,000 around $55,000 that's at $5,000 and5 okay for $10,000 let's see what happens so current rebirth level is now all right here wait wait wait wait all right free free free all uh-oh uh-oh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh we're losing we're losing we're losing the battle we're losing the battle okay so that is a problem that is the pro that is a big problem wait why is wait why do these say free is it supposed to be free what if we do that wait look it's for some reason it says that these are free I mean I'm not going to complain that's awesome all right here but the prism cost more money now it did only cost 7,000 but now it costs more money but it seems like it is stronger oh it can't hit purple balloons oh that's a problem that is a problem I'm going to lose again no no all right I just got o oh I just barely we just barely got the village in time for that ooh that could have been really bad it's I'm very curious why these upgrades are free they should be free but I'm not going to like free free and then free okay sun god Ray 1,000 true sun god Ray 8,000 nice okay that's not that bad actually I love that it's free the first three upgrades just free and then black hole Yeah and then laser Ray and plasma Ray way better and I need to make sure I have plenty of money left over after I rebirth as well right at least like $220,000 left over so we could immediately just get more of the towers cuz if I can't put them down then we're in trouble which one's the strongest so far the prism seems wow the true sun god Ray is really bad but I guess nothing can even get to it yet so I guess that's not that I guess that's not really fair it literally can't I literally can't shoot any balloons yet all right we have all Central Markets now we're about to go up against round 60 how are we going to do against yeah the prism is still the best pris prism just shoots out or the black old just shoots out randomly the prism is definitely the play all right we have a lot of money it's time it's time to get this upgrade I think I'm going to be smart about this and I'm going to turn off auto start so that way the balloons aren't just flying by and I just lose I think that's a much better option and and round 63 is right around the corner which is a little bit scary okay how much have we Max rebirth okay we're going to put $117,000 into this rebirth we were at what like rebirth 30 or something all right current rebirth level 85 that's wild okay it's still free though so let's see free free light scatters 5,000 oh but look prism's now $112,000 so that's much more expensive it was 7,000 then it was 8,000 so that's going to have more Pierce so that's not bad and now let's also go ahead and work on getting dark matter and black hole look at the range actually okay and let's get black hole and Laser Ray plasma Ray nice okay so I kind of want to go and get the big the big upgrade too I'm putting this in the front all right rebirth Sun God and yeah look at that it's $11,000 for this now I kind of want to get the range look at that so the range is pretty good when you have the so each one has its own thing so let's put this guy in strong look at that he's actually one-shotting balloons now all right we need to get more money I it's crazy that I'm saying this but we actually need to work on getting more money the prism is definitely the better one right yeah okay so we can do rebirth now we can Max it out again okay so rebirth level 142 all right Max middle level nice okay and now we can put this over here because literally it has oh I don't now it has so much range and now this path sun god rate $115,000 so it's just getting more and more expensive more and more expensive but I think that's the whole point wait I was trying to save up for some some money and I spent it all what am I doing what am I doing at least the Paragon rebirth never changes price that's what's really nice look at the range the fact that we keep rebirthing it I think what are we at now 180 something or 200 rebirth levels quite a lot we're at quite a high rebirth level here let's skip some rounds let's actually get cooking here oh we're actually having some troubles now look these towers aren't able to survive they're I mean they're doing okay like they're doing okay but balloons are getting further we definitely need to start getting a couple of rebirths here so let's just put in some money to get some rebirths here oh yeah look we might actually lose here look at this 880,000 oh that was close wait wa wait is auto all right turn off auto start we almost didn't survive that so let's rebirth max out out the money so we're at 199 rebirth levels can we oh my gosh it costs so much money now actually it's actually so expensive and now we can go bottom range rebirth dark matter and then laser Ray all right black hole and now let's also start it again all right we can almost rebirth but we want to just keep putting in more levels to the rebirth so who's putting in all right the prism very good this rebirth Tower very good they're doing pretty good but we still need more money we still need to keep rebirthing them and keep leveling him up and getting him stronger and stronger let's upgrade these guys again I feel that we're barely hanging on here all right rebirth again 22,000 256 rebirth level the thing is though it gets so much more expensive look at this $24,000 for prism it was only 7,000 when we started right it was it wasn't that it was not that expensive but now it's starting to get very pricey uh can I get black oh I I'm not oh my we lost we actually lost we might okay I got black hole now and that's doing okay here let's get jungle drums yeah black hole is really good but is it going to be enough I think what we're going to have to do is actually sell everything I think it's time we don't have a ton of money but we can definitely make it work so we'll keep that there let's sell everything and see how many times we can rebirth so $300,000 all right rebirth max level all right 3113 rebirths and let's do it top path okay all right re birth Max it out 369 rebirth levels I don't think we can rebirth again everything's too it's $98,000 it's too expensive all right let's do faster firing let's just see how strong it is all right prism uh the range I feel like is actually so important I feel like the range is so good cuz like is at so much more range and this guy just has infinite range so it doesn't even matter all right let's see what we got versus round 95 can the rebirth tower deal with round 95 we shall find out we shall see it's close it's close it's really close ooh all right let's go up 99 we need more oh you know what we can also do is we can just get an alchemist and we can put some we can buff him there we go nice all right I feel like I having an alchemist is actually going to be huge oh my gosh we lost some lives I think one ceramic got by can we deal with the bad do they have what it takes come on rebirth Tower let's go yay all right that's it everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video if you did you know what to do hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications and we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 288,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTD 6, Bloons TD 6, Bloons, Mod, Hack, rebirth monkey, rebirth tower, zukoix, prestiege, gaming, modded, hacked, custom tower, Tewity
Id: 6JDl_bcRvi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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