I Became a Personal Chef for the Richest Kid in America

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i bet you all didn't think that i could cook right well i became a personal chef to the richest kid in america for the entire day to make things a little more interesting i decided to hire an award-winning pro chef to cook these same exact meals as me and turn this into a competition since dawn lad has tried the fanciest meals in the world he has exquisite taste so i figured this would be an exciting challenge to test my skills after every meal we cook he will be blindfolded and taste each one to determine who made the better dish may the worst chef eat an entire spoonful of the world's hottest hot sauce oh yeah like and subscribe i'm the best chef i'm the bestest chef i'm the better chef well there's no better chef than bestest i've seen way too many cooking tick tocks to lose this challenge i've taught way too many tick tock chefs how to cook to lose this challenge what is this chef cheyenne like you think you're professional gotta put in time to get that one watch this he's official bro he has that chef like it's actually a thing just do something just any just chef rug something like something to make me look professional oh yeah there you go there you go what does that say can you put chef at the top too like just chef and bro he also had forbes on the side like obviously we need something better like what's a good cooking that's like a cooking channel he's not he's done for it oh yeah you think you're valid now we know you've tasted the most expensive and finest food of all time oh of course what do you want for breakfast let's go with a lobster frittata can you spell frittata i think we gotta cook the first meal and i'm taking the dub of this chocolate give you a ten minute head start really yeah let's go i'm excited to show you guys my cooking skills we got all the stuff laid out right here i have some of the notes written on a laptop in front of me and i'm about to win this challenge i don't care if i'm going up against a freaking pro chef i'm a good cook too we're gonna start with the veggies i've never really cut spinach before but we're gonna give it a shot i'm gonna try to do this as fast as possible dude butter for the lobster all right we got the spinach cut we're gonna go with the zucchini i've actually never cut a zucchini i obviously don't cook that's why it's gonna be interesting i think i'm doing this right the goal here is to just try not to cut off my finger hopefully we just nailed that goal for today open this lobster right here i got the lobster tail out i'm gonna pull it all the way out of the shell i'm actually going to throw it in the sink and rinse it real quick now that it's rinsed i can put it over here and cut it up i actually just learned what a leak was today so i'm not sure how i'm supposed to do this but i'ma just go for it all right should be good right here cut it down the middle like store little chop chop chop chop chop now we're gonna put it inside the pan so it's basically boiling in the butter this is larry the lobster swimming in some butter right here now that we got all the veggies cut we got them all in the bowl right here we're going to boil the water here for the lobster because i'm going to do boiled lobster i don't know how else to do it i really wonder how the pro chef is doing this different than i am cut it in half right here now that the leeks cut in half and sliced it very thinly i'm going to add one more thing red onion i took this out of my back pocket because i needed the color cut the red onion really fine i'm going to throw my leeks inside the lobster zucchini sliced in half gonna go in the pan ready put that inside there as well then we got a little zucchini action going on you look at that it looks so good we're gonna cut the lobster open wow i've never done this with a lobster towel there we go oh i think i got a clean rip solid dude that looks great i'm gonna put a little more eggs in this because why not i'm gonna add salt to it just a little bit to break up the eggs and then they're gonna go swimming inside the pan oh oh oh it's popping i'm telling you guys i've never done this i'm gonna throw the lobster in the boiling water we're gonna crack the eggs [Music] we're gonna go with four eggs where did you learn that technique bro that's kind of crazy my mom can you get the nae nae on the last one look at this pan right here we got the lobster swimming veggies are sauteed this stuff looks so good it's like rug losing this competition tick-tock chefs could never look at me the focused face oh that looks so good all right i think the lobster should be good look at that look how white it is that looks freaking delicious you gotta cut the swiss cheese homie just made a rubik's cube extra cheesy hopefully he's not lactose there's so much swiss cheese in my hands that a mouse might go in the pan so we gotta put it over here and i'm gonna add these onions on top of this just to give it some color i think it's time to put this bad boy in the oven now this is gonna go in the oven and oh my gosh look at that let's see how we did here man i mean it looks really good all right gosh that's actually hot it actually smells fire bro and now let's see what don thinks about it well it's very clear which one looks a lot better i think he wins this one what do you guys say don lad is blindfolded right now if he sees it he's probably gonna know which one's the better one it all depends on the taste it doesn't matter about presentation you can make it look good but if it doesn't taste good it doesn't even matter man exactly let's see who's gonna win the breakfast round let's go guys does it smell like what you usually smell pretty much yeah so we have this caviar right here and it's gonna make this dish complete let's put some right there we just gotta direct him where to take the bite yeah all right i'm gonna feed you big fight pretty good the lobster is really tender really nice it's pretty buttery i taste a lot of butter not too much eggs you ready for the next one i'm ready okay another big bite you ready okay is it hot that's pretty hot oh sorry about that i'm tasting it now i don't know if this is just because it was really hot and it kind of burned all my taste buds but this one seems a little more bland it's not as like flavorful the lobster does seem to be cooked better though they're both really good but if i were to order one i think i would order the first one take off your blindfold so i made the first one okay round one goes to rug let's move on to lunch it's time for lunch man what are you feeling anything in the world i want some sort of pasta let's go with some truffle maybe some truffle fettuccine chocolate ravioli you guys surprised me on that point trouble pasta that's in my blood right now all i need is a baseball bat because i'm hitting a home run on this one let's make some pasta let's make some pasta that's my line before we get started i just wanted to let you know that this piece of truffle was 300 this has to taste delicious i think this is linguine so we're going to just throw this in the boiling water got the parmesan cheese we got the parsley we got the alfredo sauce we're all familiar with this i'm really salty that he just won that round so i got to come with a real strong punch right now so first things first i'm gonna cut up the onion for the sauce onions are chopped garlic right here we're gonna smash them and chop them smash smash all right boom all chopped up the way i make my pasta oh okay did you know that was possible possible all right i like my olive oil extra virgin so i'm actually going to add some butter to the olive oil so the butter doesn't burn boom kaboom it's going to be one of the best pastas that donna has ever had in his life watch this we're going to start making this creamy creamy alfredo i just need something to like stir this oil i need a whisk i think this is kidding okay you don't use that oh my god bro i thought you were supposed to pick up the noodles with it what are you doing i'm trying oh my gosh bro now that the pot's boiling i gotta have my pasta boom pasta is in you see this right here this smells like heaven we're just gonna oh whoa whoa whoa whoa is that pancakes oh my gosh that does not look good you got it that was just to troll you guys obviously they're starting to get bendy time to chop the parsley i'm just gonna take a little right here look at that it's burning oops oops i sabotage myself i'm gonna burn his mouth hey guys there's only one person i know that can help me out with this pasta because i have absolutely no idea what i'm doing hey man how you doing so i kind of need your help i am making some pasta so i figured that i need to call you this is what i got going on so far what do i do bro like i put this sauce on here and started heating it up is that bad you didn't make the sauce right i didn't make it i just put it from here when that pasta is ready you know you undercook it about a minute how long is it supposed to be in here though about like 10 minutes 10 minutes you can do little taste tests here and there pull it out bro the way you make it on tik tok i gotta make it like that step one is tossing that prego down the drain thank you so much for the help i appreciate you he already told me that i shouldn't have used prego but don doesn't need to know that okay now that this is a little good looking i'm gonna add the cream no such thing as too much cream i'm actually going to shred some of the alba white truffles into the sauce to give it a true truffle pasta flavor i just did a hundred dollars right there boom a little bit of pepper make sure this pasta is all dented we're gonna add some pasta water to the sauce and it has some starches in there parmesan cheese i'm just going to do a little at a time [Music] burn the hell out of myself don't do that at home kids guys we're getting the strainer ready i was told to undercook it by like a minute and i gotta take one out real quick just to taste it feels a little undercooked so good right good yeah i've never used a strainer before but yup that's all it's about look at me look at me throw it in here oh my gosh wait it actually is coming out a lot better than i thought i'm gonna go in the sauce right here there's a lot of sauce in here now you add the remainder of our cheese okay now this pasta looks pretty done i gotta try it it's phenomenal hey cooking is fun do you add seasoning to pasta i know that i'm gonna need a little more truffle so let's get to it look at all this truffle right here i think the flavor is gonna come from the truffle i think i just grate it on oh i think that should be enough to get the flavor so now you're gonna mix it all up i need a plate get the pasta loaded up and twist don't stop twisting to the plate right there now we have a little tower i'm not a parsley guy like i i don't know what i'm supposed to do with this but sprinkle some on the top finishing touches parmesan cheese chef's kiss man little parsley super truffle pasta should be good to go that should be good enough for the flavor voila this is my finished product yeah so this is why the blindfold is very necessary for dawn live most people eat with their eyes but i also make sure that the taste is there as well dude yours looks insane mine looks so dry hey the thing is though it's off the door live we'll see what happens guys oh all right dawn lad you ready for this yes sir i'm ready how's it smell so nice you probably smelled mine you don't know which one i'm feeding you right now as long as it's not really hot i'm ready all right go go it's a lot of pasta you can spin somehow you know almost tastes no truffle is there truffle in this just kind of tastes like noodles um let me try the other one all right man you ready okay i'm ready big bite wow that is so good that one is drastically better okay you may not take your blindfold that one was so good it is one to one and for the final meal don lad we are cooking you an a5 japanese wagyu steak each cut was 450. i'm ready all right let's do it let's go here we have our steak look at all the marbling on the steak it looks delicious i got some tips from a butcher i'm not even gonna look at him why are you cutting it you know what i'm just gonna do my thing the one thing about a good wagyu steak you only want to put salt and pepper as the seasoning so i'm hoping that's right i'm gonna take this oh just a reminder if you lose you take a spoonful of literally the world's hottest hot sauce it's called the bomb beyond insanity look at how thick this piece is it's a rib eye for those wondering one thing i learned is that it's best to cook it with the fat massage that salt in oh my gosh who tried sabotaging me this was unscrewed wasn't you oh yeah got it all seasoned up you hear that [Music] got it all around the pan there we go you guys sit here with a blindfold yup just sit like in the middle chair over there how's it smell over there don't laugh pretty good it's all in the cooking hold on hold on bro you're done oh what is that it's a little secret weapon i call it compound butter see what this wagos looking like and don lad you like your steak uh medium rare right yes that's what i figured you know brian how did you cook it uh i'm checking right now checking like yeah like i'm just like i'm gonna cut it open [Music] that's how you're feeling that's how i'm feeling man i'm so sorry hello what is taking you guys so long come on hey you know what i need to test it you know the chef always has to test okay are you eating my steak i'm taste testing it man dude finished product you like this one right here or that one right there we all know what the real winner is okay so your first bite depends on whether you pick an odd number an even number which number do you pick 427 that actually is going to be an odd number so we're going to pick the odd one first are you ready i am ready all right very tender as you would expect because it's wagyu um this is a really good flavor amazingly cooked um it has that right consistency i don't know exactly what it tastes like it kind of tastes really buttery but in a good way are you ready for the next one i am ready i'm ready both of the meats are really good this is a hard one they almost taste exactly the same i will say the first one was cooked better easier to eat it tastes very similar first one you know it just was a little more pleasant to eat so i'm gonna have to go with the winner the tiebreaker is the first one brian congratulations you have to eat this i was like no way no what okay was the second one decent oh it was good it was good it was good it was good i couldn't even tell the difference in the taste the first one was just cooked cooked better see that chef knew what they were doing ah so do you think all right guys as expected the pro chef is the winner of the challenge meaning i have to take a spoonful of dabong you can take a fork i'm actually like not looking forward to this one you guys just let me know what you think is fair after i cooked my life away a little more one more as long as the top is covered like oh that's nice i tell you it says consume one drop at a time so let's see what happens boys three two one go go for it oh it's good right i mean it's very tasty as we know just take it down you just gotta take it down oh i feel so bad i'll try i'll try i'll try it oh god it's so spicy oh it feels so bad learn to cook brian and you would have to deal with these things oh my gosh his face is turning red this reminds me of the one chip i got milk i got milk i got milk please the video is over peace [Music]
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 8,330,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug, richest kid in america, personal chef, richest kid chef, rich kid chef
Id: A517SvcMCx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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