I Challenged Professional Football Players to a 1v1...

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yo what is up guys welcome back to a brand new video today we got a crazy football challenge and i know you guys would probably not expect to see me on a football field but we got three special guests who flew in specifically for this video first up we got dockery hey we got destroying whoa and last but not least we saved the best for last come on hey sherman the vermin everybody are you sure you want to be in this video yeah we got three different competitions that we're gonna do and the winner of this all wins a brand new ps5 so we got a catching challenge a field goal challenge and a skills competition challenge and now it's time to officially meet the contestants yo what's up guys it's your boy faze rug they didn't let me on the high school team because i weighed 90 pounds but i'm actually crazy at catching the football so let's see what happens yo what's good you guys your boy dockery best hands out here i'm about to win this challenge what's good is your boy destroying i heard there's a kidding competition y'all see how certified that leg is i'm about to win this let's go what's up everybody it's your boy sherman leverman and i've been playing football all my life there's no way that i'm gonna lose this challenge so for the first challenge we got a catching challenge with an all-time qb gauge and basically how this works is he's gonna give us three routes easy medium and hard if you drop one you're out and whoever catches all three wins this challenge so i guess i'll go first because i'm the best one on the field oh man i don't know okay all right let's go let's start the first route for the first route we have a slant so it's a three step and then flat okay so just three steps three steps plant boom and come across all right first catch of the day oh okay up next we got anthony just don't drop the easy one i wouldn't prove everyone wrong it's so easy okay all right all right imagine you guys missed one of these i might drop this one i might drop this it's kind of like missing a layup in basketball yeah it happened when you really think about it all right next up we got destroying ah oh what oh my god it's the layup i think i left my hands at home bro to be fair you don't have gloves first of all we're to the next competitions bro oh the field goal one we're just gonna walk out hey brian by the way this is our only chance i know this is our only chance to win a challenge if we don't win this i don't know what we're gonna do all right guys for the catching challenge destroying is out but you still have a chance to redeem yourself with the two other ones i'm giving somebody else a chance to okay appreciate it appreciate it good sportsmanship imagine dog drops this dude it's just me and anthony carrying this video whenever you're ready he did one hand he did one hand so we're moving on now to the medium route let's see what we got we got a post route so we're gonna run 10 yards and then break diagonally towards the field goal post on the opposite side all right let's see if i can do this i gotta prove everyone wrong i'm nasty at catching posts what a dime my heart dropped i really wish you didn't catch that that was nice that wasn't i approved you think you got this one absolutely not okay cool let's go come on anthony oh there it is oh there it is oh looks like it's just me and doc but if doc drops this then i win the first challenge are you going to do a one-handed one for this one or no i don't know bro we'll see all right we'll see come on anthony i wanted to do this for my mom man i know like you're usually good at football it's just like nerve wracking with the cameras i know so scary it is so scary and there was wind going in my eyes and i blinked and then because to be honest like we've never played on an official football field we'll play at the park so this is new to me all right come on dog drop this oh he ain't even trying oh oh you got the one hand okay so i guess now we move on to the final route it's gonna be probably like a 50-60 yarder right let's do it all right for the last row what's it gonna be last round for the win we're gonna run a go which is just straight i'm gonna let it go i'm gonna throw it deep watch this [Music] eliminated i'm actually disappointed in myself because my hands connected with the ball it was a good throw i just never caught a ball that far so i probably got a little bit nervous oh he's going to do something yeah maybe let go i'm scared oh no oh what the hell can we get an instant replay on that oh that is nuts hey dog get up get up all right dockery is the winner of the first challenge and now we move on to the field goal all right next up we got the field goal challenge we are starting with a 20-yard field goal and we're gonna keep going back five yards every time until you miss the person who kicks the furthest field goal wins this challenge you guys ready all right so we already know you could kick like a 50 yarder but you're going to go first anyway i have to i failed last challenge so i kind of got to redeem myself dude imagine you missed the tournament that's not happening it's fine all right whenever you're ready okay awesome cool moving on all right let's go we're going to see how to kick a field goal here first you want to set it up laces forward if you put the laces to the side the ball is going to be heavier that way so we'll go to the left slight tilt towards the holder okay you're good to go and then kick with the side of the foot right it's kind of like like a golf ball you want to come through it like that this might be embarrassing but let's see if i could kick a 20 yarder believe in yourself i got it oh hey that was trash but it went in did i break it what are you serious did i step on it or what happened dude honestly yeah i'm just i'm really strong dude no way i just destroyed that all right next up dockery anthony so you think you could kick a 20 yarder no back it up dude i'm gonna just show off on this one hold up that was nice we gotta move on to the 25-yarder now all right guys for this next one we're going to stand right here better view just yeah just like right here all right let's go 25-yard destroying let's see wow that's like already a 50 yarder right there all right remember whoever misses is out of the field goal challenge all right let's go all right it's not high it's not high but it went in he's surprising me i didn't think he always you're nice bro all right anthony for two months you gotta think of it from my perspective normally like there's a flag up there that's showing me which way the wind is going all right we're all moving on to 30 yards 30 yarder quick little 30 piece mcnugget i'm hungry so i'm eating oh my god that's a bullet this is what i do every day so if that's a 30 yarder something's wrong all right brian hold on hold on wind is going a little bit to the left so we got to kick it more to the left if i make this honestly we need like 250 000 likes only because like this is crazy look at my legs [Music] [Applause] i'm not the field goal challenge no dude that was close i need the ark all right we'll see who wins this field goal challenge all right come on anthony 30 yards you kicked the last one like 40 yards so guys i'm not gonna say anything if i do this man i've gotta go buy a lottery ticket i tried though i tried dude that was close that was kind of like mine all right we gotta head to head between two of the best destroying and dockery see you could kick the furthest field goal let's go [Music] what the hell all right that's easy should i start for real now yeah you want to start like just actually putting more power into it and stuff all right [Music] all right drop it yes sir back it on up five dude moving on to 40 yards okay what's the furthest field goal you've ever kicked 75. it was a little windy though i got this tattered for a reason bro hey oh my god what the hell nfl we coming real soon just wait on it oh that was your best picture moving on to a 45-yarder okay 45-piece chicken mcnugget oh my gosh just look right over here you can see that this is all the way up here when brian's and doctors were here so he was past the line you just pass the line just a little bit but we'll give it to him yeah we'll give you that we'll have to watch you closely on the next one that was a good attempt but hey okay so you won the field goal challenge but i want to see you keep going let's do it i want to see how far you can kick a field goal i say we skip all this and go to like how about you want to go midfield yeah 60 yards dead center of the field this is a 60 yard field goal yeah yo nfl scouts if you're watching this just watch this by a lot too it wasn't even close it was perfect what 60 yards this guy's crazy at kicking this guy's crazy at catching we got two of the best and now we're moving on to the final challenge what about you guys we're one of the best like emotional support being there i don't know how fast we could fill up seven gatorade balls and run them on to the field true yeah we're good at that love cleaner shoe tire water boy ball deflator weren't you like a chef's assistant in new york first assistant culinary arts new york um you just kicked places mixer assistant to the assistant of assistant head coach mlb's okay okay okay that's enough dude so you're gonna start at the one yard line and run all the way to midfield and you're gonna grab a football make it into the net and then you're gonna go through the cones and drop and do ten push-ups after that then you're gonna run to the 50-yard line and the all-time quarterback will throw a pass to you and you just rush it all the way to the end zone fastest time wins all right are you guys ready for this get it ready set go yes sir one two three four five six seven eight nine what's the time 40 seconds that was nice my goal was a minute 30 so no i'm winded all right d the time to beat is 40 seconds let's do our guesses i'm gonna say 35 i'll say 31 37 all right ready set go oh yeah one two three four five six seven eight nine ten oh boy oh man my time would have been shorter was my time 34 seconds what not bad i should not bad for a beginner well that speed that's gonna be tough to beat right there 34 seconds i'm officially eliminated from this challenge i've been eliminated since i got out of my car and walked onto the field can we just show who the real mvp of this video is hey let's run it back time to beat 34 seconds anthony are you ready yeah on go ready set go here we go make the first one [Music] there you go go ahead go ahead one two three four five six seven eight nine ten come on get this catch go go go go all the way how you feel i'm gonna throw up 45 seconds i thought 40 seconds was good do or die boy said d or die if dockery gets less than 34 seconds not only does he win this challenge but he wins the entire football competition but if you get more than 34 seconds d is the winner so no pressure is you built like that my boy on go ready set keep missing [Music] hey come on you got this run in five seconds oh i forgot about the push-ups it's nine dead what are you guys guessing i'm going to say 42 seconds what are you guys 40 flat what do you guys bro disqualified 43-51 hey okay it was all about the throw it was all about the throw all right so the official winner of the football challenge is destroying hey let's go guys thank you so much for watching the video everyone's links will be in the description go show them some love they are crazy and yeah just go subscribe to them and remember when i hit 20 million subs you get 20 ps5s 20 iphone 12s and a thousand dollars to 10 people so hit that subscribe button and other than that it's been rug dockery young destroyer sherman and we're out here i'm so hot i need a fan diego in the sand walk around in gucci sandals cause i know
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 14,862,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug, football, football challenge, professional football challenge, i challenged professional football players
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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