Becoming a Friend of The Holy Spirit | Michael Koulianos | Sunday Night Service

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[Music] holy spirit we ask you to come right now jesus this is about you this is for you and we ask you holy spirit to come to come encounter every one of us to have freedom to do exactly as you please come we love you we praise you and we worship you we thank you for your workings in our lives for your salvation for everything you do for us that you give to us that you provide every blessing you are so faithful and now we invite you we worship you in jesus name amen so lift your voice lift your voice yeah we know what to do we lift our voice to you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] morning [Music] [Music] two [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on we're gonna sing this like children tonight we love when the king comes we love when you come [Applause] [Music] is the lord of the savior's robe as he walks into the room where people pray we hear [Applause] it's praises favorite thing [Music] is [Music] we're coming in like children [Music] my is sin is is [Music] is is is [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] into it [Music] [Music] your voice [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] is oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fall oh on your knees [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't [Music] my [Music] is [Music] no way [Music] six [Music] so there was a moment when the lights went out when dance had claimed victory [Music] the king of love had given up his life the darkest day in history they're on the cross they made for sinners [Music] was [Music] sacrifices jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] when the sky lit up was lost [Music] where our lord was [Applause] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is let us [Music] is [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] of the world come [Music] me [Music] oh come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us join with all of heaven [Music] [Music] me [Music] let us [Music] let us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] holy [Music] me me holy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] he's singing [Music] he's holy [Music] my [Music] [Music] cause there is [Music] you are holy [Music] you are holy [Music] you are holy [Music] holy [Music] holy lord god almighty [Music] holy holy [Music] holy lord god almighty [Music] holy [Music] there is no one like [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] jesus and there is you are holy [Music] holy lord god almighty [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] you [Music] you are holy holy [Music] [Music] you [Music] you are holy [Music] holy [Music] is lord almighty [Music] you are [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] holy [Music] hello [Music] yeah just start singing in the spirit start lifting your voice [Music] sing in the spirit sing in the spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] saturdays [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on don't stop singing don't stop singing don't stop singing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] keep singing to jesus [Music] come on release something costly tonight release something costly [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] we're here for you tonight come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on come on i don't feel like we're done yet there's still something to be released tonight [Applause] [Music] jesus will we choose you jesus [Music] moving on who are the kings [Music] [Applause] me [Music] is he's [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] here i am foreign [Music] who sits on the throne [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who sits on the throne come on oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone in the temple [Music] [Music] everyone in the [Music] everyone [Applause] [Music] everyone in the temple cries holy everyone holy [Applause] [Music] everyone in the temple cries holy holy holy holy holy everyone in the temple cries holy everyone in this temple cries holy everyone in the temple cries holy holy holy holy everyone in the temple cries holy [Music] holy holy holy [Applause] [Music] holy [Music] so [Music] slowly only you jesus [Music] only [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] breakfast [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] lord almighty [Music] lord god almighty [Music] holy [Music] to jesus [Music] lord god almighty [Music] holy [Music] [Music] everyone in the [Music] holy holy week [Music] holy holy everyone [Music] everyone in the temple cries holy everyone in the temple cries holy everyone in the temple cries holy holy holy holy everyone in the temple cries holy everyone in the temple cries holy everyone in the temple cries holy holy holy holy everyone in the temple cries holy holy holy everyone in the temple cries holy everyone in the temple cries holy everyone in the temple cries holy come on everyone [Music] holy holy [Music] holy holy holy holy [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on pour it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] sing your yes jesus [Music] every voice everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] praise jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] right there where you're standing just lift your hands to heaven keep playing behind me guys [Music] just close your eyes still your heart to steal your heart the bible says that those who wait upon the lord their strength is renewed what a promise that they'll mount up with wings like eagles we won't grow weary or faint when we walk with the lord and run in his calling to stretch what you are just give the lord your attention see jesus high and lifted up seated at the right hand of the father [Music] shining like the sun he's our food and our strength we shall lovingly begin to adore him just lovingly give him your affection right now maybe sweet words of love drip from your mouth maybe you're stuck in all in wonder just looking at the lord whatever you do don't look at us give all your attention to the lord right now become aware of his touch [Music] aware of his presence aware of the gentle gentle touch of the holy spirit or maybe the fire of the spirit maybe you need something more than a gentle touch maybe you need the iron fist of glory to disrupt your life tonight give your glory lord give you glory lord open the eyes of our hearts to behold the lamb of god and jesus said i have food you don't know about he said i'm the bread who's come down from heaven he said to the woman on the well if you knew who was asking you for a drink you'd ask me for a drink and the water i give you if you drink of it you'll never thirst again he said from your innermost being rivers rivers of living water would flow rivers rivers rivers but he said we had to drink of that river to get it to flow and we do that by worshiping the lord by adoring him so just forget about everything right now just begin to love on jesus still your soul refuse the activity [Music] let the lord be your activity let the move of the holy spirit quicken you quicken you wonderful holy spirit come now and awaken us awaken us to your presence awaken us i pray come upon us come upon us come upon us we welcome you wonderful holy spirit not because you're not here we welcome you because you are here tonight you you are in charge of this meeting so blow through this crowd like a mighty wind tonight like a mighty wind and satisfy your people with your wonderful presence there is none like you there are none beside you there are none who stand next to you jesus you stand alone your king of kings and lord of lords we worship you we adore you tonight we adore you oh we adore you [Music] [Music] when you sing to him you need to be looking at him and you know what i mean by that if not you need to come to church on sunday morning jesus said the pure in heart would see the lord we see the lord with our the eyes of our heart and he purifies the heart the more we give him our affection and our attention the flame in our heart as david i should say the proverbs say is the heart of man not the candle of the lord is it not the lamp of the lord the heart is the lamp the holy spirit is the fire he's the fire that burns within us with first love holy fire i'm not talking about mere excitement or fervor fervor and fire are miles apart but this wonderful fire is lit on our hearts when we come to jesus and that fire grows as we give the lord our attention our affection our obedience we read the scriptures and worship the fire grows the nature of this fire is different than any other in that our god is a consuming fire this is the key we've been singing of the holiness of god tonight been singing of the purity of jesus that he's the only one worthy to open the scroll that all the people in the temple cry holy well the scripture says that we are to be holy as he is holy but we don't make ourselves holy he makes us holy and the holiness of jesus begins to shine through us as that consuming fire listen carefully we're in the spirit now as that consuming fire begins to burn away the impurity and it leaves listen listen the only thing we are left with is that fire eventually him until our speech sounds like him until our lives look like his how we say what we say sounds like him for we are children of the light children of the fire how does this happen by staring at jesus who lives in your heart jesus lives in your heart and he said we would see him with our heart blessed are the pure in heart he's not as far away as you think this world is vying for your attention spending trillions of dollars on your attention life is competing for your attention people compete for our attention ministry competes for our attention yet all the while jesus sits there in this flickering flame but to those who look at him to those who put wind and fuel on that flame through a life of worship a true life of worship that flame begins to grow and his people are purified and their lives look like the life of jesus so right now steady your heart that's what jesus said to those on the boat when the waves were beating against it tossing them to and fro he said where where is your faith in other words you have it you've placed it somewhere where did you put it why isn't it on me i'm right here in the boat so tonight put your faith give jesus your attention see faith is a substance it's him he is our faith so i don't know what you've walked in with tonight just look to jesus it's that simple just look to jesus as moses lifted up that pole put that brazen serpent on it when he lifted that pole when the children of israel lifted that pole he commanded them to look and live look and live that's the word of the lord for all of us tonight look and live look at jesus and come alive oh i feel this strongly look at jesus and come alive look at jesus be healed look at jesus and be revived look at jesus and be set free tonight look at jesus and lose yourself i don't know if you've become super introspective but you'll leave incredibly let down look at jesus he'll change you you can't change you look and live tonight look and live tonight look and live tonight just lift your hands right here in his presence and begin to look upon the lord with the eyes of your heart with the affection of your soul and as you do you'll begin to sense his presence is the heart of man not the candle of the lord is it not the lamp of the lord don't look for him without he's within he's within he's right here he's right here i dare you i dare you right now to give jesus all of your attention you'll become aware of his presence in a moment and if you're not just wait a little while purpose to not move on we worship you jesus you're precious let's sing this gently [Music] i stand in love [Music] all praises too i stand [Music] who i stand i stand [Music] holy [Music] is for words [Music] like nothing foreign seen here [Music] you're beautiful [Music] first [Music] tell him everyone tell him [Music] nothing ever seen or heard [Music] you're beautiful [Music] every voice i stand [Music] is forget about yourself now and sing the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] praises [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] is the holy spirit move in your glory and power tonight we've come to be with you and for no other reason for your presence is enough your presence is enough you are more than enough in jesus name i want you to quickly grab your seats we have to flow with the holy spirit i don't want anyone moving joel stay with me i want the worship team just to stay up here just for the sake of the flow of the spirit quickly everybody please find your seeds why don't you just close your eyes for a second and just begin to thank the lord softly for all of his goodness babe may i have my bible thanks thank you thank you just sit right there in the presence of the lord i feel the loving chords of jesus tonight the bible says he draws us with cords of love there is no love like the love of jesus it is unconditional it is unmoving it is eternal this morning i had the joy of teaching in children's church and it really is my favorite service to teach in something about children in the presence of the lord that we need today i taught on the love of god and i asked the children how do you know jesus loves you how do you know for sure and and all of their answers were were good but there was one that was best and some of the answers were well he heals us and that is true you know jesus does heal us because he loves us i've seen jesus heal unbelievers i've seen jesus heal people of other faiths who never even gave their life to him that night when i went to india with my father-in-law i'll never forget standing in a crowd of three million people three million the crowd went over the horizon the crowd was over a mile long and a mile wide and i'll never forget this woman walking up to me i said i need to get into that crowd so i think we took a golf cart and drove into the middle of that crowd and when i did a lady came up to me a muslim lady i'll never forget it she was holding hands with a little boy about four years old and she said i need you to tell me about the man in white i thought what i said what do you mean i thought she was talking about the guy in the white suit up there my father-in-law she goes no no no no she could say i came into this meeting i heard it was a prayer rally and my son here came in on a stretcher and a man in white appeared to me and said his name is jesus of nazareth she said can you tell me about jesus of nazareth right there in the crowd she said when he introduced himself my little boy shot up to his feet and here he is standing here she was fully covered yeah you can give the lord praise so i got to tell her about jesus it's pretty easy jesus doesn't heal us because of our own merit our faith does matter don't get me wrong faith is powerful it's currency but i've seen jesus heal people who didn't even know who he was it's the love of god it's the love of god i said and so tonight or this morning they said well he heals us because he loves us and one little little child said well he tells us what to do and guides us in life that's how we know he loves us i said that's true then one little boy spoke up from the front row and he said we know he loves us because he died on the cross for us i said bingo you got it so then i told the children every day i want you to tell somebody about jesus i told them that there are people in their schools kids on their streets adults you name it who've never even heard the name of jesus they don't even know they don't know anything about him how sad isn't that sad when jesus is the hope of the nations life itself and there are people who've never experienced that love and so i told the children i want you every day to tell somebody about jesus i want you to tell them that jesus loves them and when they ask you how do you know jesus loves me this is your answer kids because he died for you the bible says this no greater love can we know can a man know than for one to lay his life down for his friends the love of jesus is unmatched it is perfect at upper room i don't know if you guys watched that first jesus night on the road that we had but a girl came in she was delivered of evil spirits in the parking lot waiting in line the lord couldn't even wait to touch her he couldn't wait for six o'clock some of our students prayed for her they after she got delivered of these spirits she was in a car accident i should say prior she had injured her hand she couldn't use her hand to write down the scriptures some of our students gave her she said i can't use my hand and they prayed for her and the lord healed her hand and then she came in and got born again right at the altar it's awesome and then then she's filled with the holy spirit this is the love of god the love there's nothing like the love of jesus who chooses us well before we choose him he said you did not choose me i chose you well didn't you say yes to jesus yes i did but he said yes to me well before i said yes to him he said yes to all of you well before you said yes to him jesus actually listen carefully said yes to you being in the room tonight i want you to hear for a moment about the amazing love that the father has for the son and that the son has for the father so great is the love that jesus said no man can come to the father but by me think about that for a moment to get to the father you have to get the nod from jesus because he loves his father and the bible says that he knows what's in every man therefore in the gospel of john he did not give himself to men because he knows what's in us he knows who he can trust with relationship and who he cannot and then the scripture also teaches that unless the father approves it we cannot say yes to jesus why because they really love each other big time tonight you sit in the seat with the opportunity to hear the gospel and say yes to jesus because jesus said yes to you i say this every week but it's so true before you were ever born before there was an angel before there was a cherub a throne a principality a heaven and a single throne in the highest place before there were elders and seraphs and living creatures god ordained that you would hear the gospel tonight that's amazing that my friends is true love true love we have made the christian experience and we i should say we have limited the christian experience to agreeing with five points about the identity of god the only issue with that is is that the demons in hell the bible says believe in god i'm not asking you tonight if you believe in god i'm asking you if you're in love with jesus listen carefully i'm not asking you if you're his fan i'm not asking if you think he's great the devil thinks he's great the devil knows he's great every knee will bow in heaven on the earth and under the earth every tongue will confess that jesus christ is lord the devil himself is well aware of the greatness of jesus he dwelt in the throne room as the anointed cherub i'm not asking you any of that i'm not asking you to agree with his biography because demons agree with his biography tonight my question is simple are you burning and in love are you in love with jesus i mean is your life a burning torch for the son of god have you given your life over completely see the reason people are bound to sin is because they do not yield the entirety of their life whatever you choose to hold on to the devil will ultimately dominate jesus can only restore and redeem what you give him and so you have to give him all if you want to be completely free this is what the christian life looks like it is a life of love it is a life of responding to the greatest love ever known for a moment right where you are just close your eyes for a moment i want you to think of this that god himself became a man and by the way has decided to remain a man and still be fully god that this amazing savior came to the earth that he created was born in a little manger where animals were kept and taken care of wrapped in the cloths meant to clean these animals you talk about amazing love the bible says he trusted upon his mother even upon he trusted upon the lord i should say while even upon his mother's breast as a little baby and this amazing jesus literally ran for his life with his parents to egypt came back many many historians actually would say that on the pilgrimage back into the holy land back to nazareth that many of those streets would have been lined with crucified bodies because of an insurrection imagine little jesus walking back to the blessed land his land aware of his assignment and the streets are lined with men and women on crosses what a reminder of course he knew he came to die this is what love looked like to jesus he came to die that's the true love of the gospel the true love of god he comes to bleed he is the lamb he comes to die not for his own sin but for ours and this amazing just keep your eyes closed and become very aware of his presence because tonight is your night this amazing jesus obeys his earthly parents joseph and mary waits upon the lord he grows in wisdom and stature and favor grace he grows and at the age of 30 finally his moment comes at the river jordan he walks up to his own creation john his cousin he held john's breath in his own hand and john makes a statement behold the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world and jesus comes to john to be baptized and john says no no no no in a nutshell i'll paraphrase i know who you are you're the one who called me you're the one i've lived before you're the one who caused me to leap in my mother's womb when you showed up in your mother's womb i know who you are you're a god in the flesh i can't baptize you you need to baptize me and jesus said for righteousness sake let this happen friends listen i think it's possible that some of you in this room haven't seen jesus rightly you've seen him as a friend and a guide and a teacher he is god i said he is god and this amazing god came to die for his people there's no love like this and this is why the gospel stands alone there is nothing that even comes close and after ministering on the power of the holy spirit and yielding his life to his father and being whipped and tortured and tied to a post that he did not have to be tied to he would have held on to it for our healing gladly wore a crown of thorns instead of heaven's crown stripped naked instead of wearing heaven's robe he was made naked in that moment so that you would lose your nakedness before him so that you would be clothed in the robes of righteousness in his own robes that you would be clothed in righteousness itself it was nailed to the cross as the lamb of god god's offering god's atonement god's covering and his blood dripped down to pay for every human soul that has ever lived and ever will live he was buried in a tomb he was numbered with thieves the bible says to his right and to his left two thieves died beside him and men mocked him they could not recognize him as a man he lost his image the bible says is the his image was marred beyond recognition isaiah writes so that you would be restored in the image of god so that you would stand before his father and be recognizable jesus became unrecognizable so you would become recognizable to the father so what do you mean by that well the bible says of the lord your eyes are too pure your eyes are too pure to behold iniquity god could not look upon sin so the father turned his face from his son why because if jesus is sin no because of my sin and your sin and the sins of the world and this jesus died he breathed his last he said it it's finished i love that i love hearing the old preachers say he did not say it was to be continued he said it was finished the payment has been made listen a pardon for your soul has been made available he was buried in a tomb and he took your death fully and he conquered hell for three days three days later he came out of that tomb as the firstborn from the dead to prove that he is our resurrection and our life and to prove that he is perfectly sinless had he sinned once he would have stayed in the ground but his resurrection proved that he is listen carefully to me who he says he is the resurrection and the life god almighty the word made flesh same jesus ascended to heaven 40 days later and tonight he is seated at the right hand of the father now listen to me carefully as the king of glory to those who say yes to his love to those who say yes to him there is a marriage that awaits you and this is called the marriage supper of the lamb where jesus will be the guest of honor and the father listen to this will give the bride away he will give his followers to him in this great wedding ceremony that's to those who say yes to those who do not respond to the yes jesus already made for you but yes to put you in this room they relinquish this wedding for a life of darkness an eternity of darkness jesus called it a place where it is thick darkness where the worm doesn't die where the flame never dies where men cry out for just a drop of water this is the gospel and the bible teaches that hell was not created for man but for the devil and his angels unfortunately unfortunately so many are going it's heartbreaking the bible says hell hath enlarged herself friends i stand here tonight as your brother and your friend begging you to accept this pardon tonight and to offer your life to jesus who loves you like nobody else will ever love you he has proven his love for you when you screw up again he will still love you when you say something you shouldn't he will still love you when you go somewhere you shouldn't he will love you and when you don't love you he'll still love you with every head vowed an eye closed i'm not asking tonight if you've been to an altar no i'm not asking if you've been to meetings and events i'm not asking you if you own a bible i'm not asking you if you tune in to jesus image every sunday night or sunday morning i'm not asking if you're a church member i'm not asking if you prayed the sinner's prayer i am asking you are you burning with a love for jesus has he possessed your life are you fully listen carefully are you fully given over to the one who has proven his love for you tonight you are not making a decision between what i'm saying and your own life tonight you make a decision between jesus who died for you and your own life you're going to have to walk past a present jesus who is here in the room he promised to be in the room he said if two or three gather together in my name i am there even in the midst of them you're going to have to walk past jesus tonight who is in the room just to say yes to your own will and friends let me tell you his will for you is much better than your will for you with every head bowed an eye closed you say michael i i want to i want to give my life to jesus i want to be free from sin i want to be fully fully given over i want to burn with love i'm not in love with jesus i am living a double life i've so much sin behind the closet it's just i'm tired of the game i don't want to play a role in you anymore i truly want the life of god inside of me i want to give my life to jesus completely you say that's me i want you to slip your hand up all over the room you say i want to give my life to jesus thank you father thank you jesus i want everyone to stand i want everyone to stand please there may be many of you here i believe there are who walked with jesus at one time closely he was you were everything it was your love on your mind all the time life has visited you into distraction and your heart is not burning as it once did tonight's your night as well in just a second i'm going to give those two groups a chance to come down he said why do i have to come down because jesus said if you confess me before men i will confess you before the father he said if you deny me before men i will deny you before the father so public confession is vital it is vital that we stand before men and women and say my life belongs to jesus children tonight many of you are in the room and as i'm talking maybe even right now you feel the presence of the holy spirit upon you you feel the lord drawing you to him and you want to give your life to jesus i want to encourage you to look at your mom and dad or whoever brought you and say mom and dad i want to give my life to jesus tonight and when i invite you down i want you to come down as well you're not too young to fall in love with the lord say amen you are not too young to fall in love with the lord lastly there are many of you who are here with people tonight i believe some of you brought people for this moment it happens every week the people come and they bring friends who need to hear the gospel or they come with friends and they're unsure of their friend's salvation because they watch them live their life i want you to take a moment right now and do the work of an evangelist look that friend in the eye and say look do you need to go down tonight listen if you raised your hand or you wish you did i want you to get down here right now come on get down here if you raise your hand and come give your life to jesus or you wish you did come and give your heart to the lord thank you father thank you i don't want them to come alone if with them come stand with them come on give the lord praise this is awesome this is awesome this is awesome come give your life to jesus thank you father thank you father there is nothing in life oh come on give the lord praise there is nothing in life that is worth saying no to jesus for bring that young girl right up here she can come right up here bring the bring that little girl right here come come come give your life to jesus come on give the lord praise thank you father thank you father thank you lord can we give the lord praise this one more time thank you jesus thank you lord come on down i love seeing children get born again parents this is a moment you'll never forget the greatest moment as a parent to watch your children give their lives to jesus front row i need this row to take up both sides lily's alone on that side so just come on let's just jump in there you know what to do i'd like everyone to remain standing in honor of the moment and for those of us in the crowd those of you are standing i just want you to stretch your hands over these precious people when you stretch your hands the posture of your heart is this that they would live a victorious christian life listen carefully and the devil would never have his way again i said that the devil would never have his way again never again never again they belong to the lord everybody who came forward would you just look me in the eye for a moment tonight a great exchange is taking place this is about much more than your sin being taken away that will happen but an exchange will take place you're going to give your life over and jesus will give you his he will live the life through you and everything you've been trying to do on your own you never have to do it that way again jesus himself will become your freedom the life in your veins as you give your life over the bible teaches he will gladly receive it are you ready to do that now you ready to give them all i want all of you who came forward we're all going to join you those in the crowd we're going to join them and support them we're going to pray the prayer of salvation and when we do listen carefully the saving words are not in the prayer i should say the salvation is not in the prayer salvation is the person of jesus i want to make sure that you are talking to the lord while we're praying and not just going through a routine are you all ready to do that can i get a head nod okay are you all willing to give everything to jesus now even if it cost your life you're willing to lay everything down that is that is that is the call that we take up our cross and follow the lord we give him everything are you ready to do that all right stretch your hands let's pray out loud everyone for those of you who came forward lift your hands to the lord pray this out loud father in heaven i have sinned against you forgive my sin take it all away i am sorry for my sin tonight lord jesus i repent i turn from the world i turn from my sin i turn from my own desire my own plans my will for my life and i turn completely to you i put all of my hope in you you died and shed your blood to purchase my salvation so tonight i put all my trust in christ crucified jesus i believe that you are the son of the living god and i believe that you came to the earth born of a virgin lived a sinless life that you suffered and died on my behalf as you shed your blood to wash away my sin and i believe that you were buried that you were raised from the dead three days later jesus i believe that you have ascended to the right hand of the father that you are enthroned forever as the king of kings and the lord of lords and i believe that you are coming to the earth again to rule and reign as the mighty god the son of the living god and so tonight lord jesus i give my life to you receive my life and i receive yours come and live in my heart save my soul in jesus name [Music] pray this out loud father a light of fire in me with a fire of first love for jesus i want to be fully given over [Music] fully in love thank you for loving me in jesus name amen one more thing say i am born again i belong to jesus christ he is my lord and my savior amen i give the lord praise thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus oh thank you jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah ryan are you somewhere where are you come on up here guys this is good stuff this is awesome give the lord praise one more time grab a microphone [Music] i want you to tell these precious people uh what they need to do to live a victorious christian life yes so there's uh these beautiful five things that every time someone gives their life to jesus we love to encourage them and this is the christian life and number one is pray every single day and praying every single day is a conversation with god it's actually just going and being with him scripture says that jesus actually himself he got up well before the sunrise and went to an isolated and desolate place a place of no distraction so i know each and every one of you guys know of a place of no distraction to get alone with jesus and number two is to read our bibles every single day these beautiful scriptures that the lord has given us it is his word it is true food it is life to our body i mean there you can look within scripture and every day there is something there is fresh manna from heaven for each and every one of you guys every single day number three get connected to a local body of believers it's what we call church it's what we're doing tonight it's beautiful we have an amazing church here if you guys don't have a church we would love for you guys to come get connected we have booths outside that you guys could talk to people who are connected here at the church to get involved to plug in it's beautiful yeah that booth is actually right outside the door if you hang a right it's going to be your first booth on the right so as soon as we're done with today as soon as service is completely over tonight we would love for you guys to go out there you guys will see diane and carol they'll be at the booth it's beautiful and so that booth will be right outside hang around it'll be your first booth on the right number four is to get baptized in water it's it's a beautiful beautiful thing we do it here at least once a month and so you guys could sign up it is a beautiful beautiful thing a picture i've ever seen baptized maybe top five yeah it is truly a holy moment to see a seared conscious a conscience that has been hit by the world and by a life lived apart from god and seen it renewed as you come out of the baptism as you come out of the baptismal out of the water you get baptized into him and get the clarity of mind that he gives because it's his mind the mind of christ it is beautiful and number five jesus says that there's one coming after him that baptizes in holy spirit and in fire and this is the holy spirit where he comes upon one's life it is absolutely beautiful the bible says that the love of god is shed in the hearts abroad in the hearts of men by the holy spirit and so this is what we pray for every day we're going to do it right now and just yeah i want messages to get around them again more and more people the better guys look we need more fire baptized christians with boldness and power to preach the gospel so i want all of you uh alex you come you come in fact that whole second row right there you guys get out there and help me these are these are our students they're safe i wouldn't put any weirdos on you i've been there that's never fun and it doesn't work all right so look guys i want you to pick up that pick up that key fill it up fill the room up i want all of you out there just to begin praying in the spirit out in the room now listen all of you come forward this is a promise from the father it's not achieved by your works you simply receive what the lord has already promised joe go ahead and put your hands here ryan you get down there and get get to work you know what to do father in the mighty name of jesus christ come on just begin to pray we thank you now for the promise of the holy spirit they the power to live the christian life the power to share jesus with boldness and effectiveness the power to heal the sick the power to cast out devils the power to raise the dead the power to cleanse the leper the fire of god so that they would live in holiness right now in jesus name receive just open your heart right now the presence of god receive the power of the holy spirit the anointing of the lord upon you yeah the lord's already touching them the power of the spirit upon you to be a witness for jesus come on pray out there you know what to do come on crowd you know what to do [Music] empower your people jesus but they would go into all the world preach the gospel cleanse the leper baptizing them in the name of the father the son the holy spirit raising the dead [Music] everything you commanded them to do to preach the kingdom and remind them of everything you ever said do it in them tonight come holy spirit come come holy spirit come well guys i'm telling you out there lives are being transformed up here this is beautiful you can see the power of god coming upon these people thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you jesus like everyone who came forward to please stand to your feet if you can stand to your feet [Music] go love him and follow him and love the one who is irresistible he will never let you down hold on to him until the day he takes you home and then you hold on to him forever because he's that beautiful i want all of us to welcome these precious souls home can we do that thank you father thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord i'd like all the team the team who's surrounding them to help them back to their seats i want us to honor them and i want us honor the lord for touching their lives right now one more time can we do that god bless you wow you can be seated you can welcome ryan what an awesome awesome night thank you lord [Applause] you guys ready to give this evening and i was sitting there in between services and uh the lord was just showing me you know you know finances in the kingdom our money in the kingdom looks so much different than in the world because it's eternal we're part of a an eternal kingdom you know scripture says it is more blessed to give than it is to receive scripture says jesus says if you've given to the least of these you've given into given unto me that he is eternal that the lord doesn't only just see us as we give but he receives what we give that it is an actual giving into the hands of a king i know we have buckets that we place up here and there's a text that we do on our phone but man if this is worship unto jesus it's so much more than just a text on a phone it's so much more than walking up here and giving in to white buckets it is giving truly into the ones whose hands are eternal it is jesus christ michael said something an offering years ago and i remember listening to it and it completely changed my perspective and giving he said that me and jessica don't just see the bucket going by but we see the hands of the lord that single shift in knowing in my giving changed everything for me because now it was truly holy when i when offering time came it wasn't just the part before the service and then after worship that it was actual worship unto the lord you know my tithe that already belongs to the lord that we just bring to him that that is a holy moment that we are bringing it actually to the lord like this is not something we do in repetition it's not just something we do it is a beautiful holy moment that we get to place it into the hands of the king there's a story in scripture with the woman with two mites you know and jesus is the bible says jesus is sitting opposite of the money chamber watching each person come to the treasurer and giving and i believe a lot of them knew that jesus was there and he was watching the giving but we know in scripture that he was looking at the hearts of men and women but i believe the woman with the two mites and it doesn't say it in scripture but as she knew that he was actually the one that was receiving the offering it wasn't just going into the treasury it wasn't just going into the four walls but it was actually being placed in the hands of the lord because scripture says that he receives it the lord does and it's beautiful you know our our cameras and the stuff that we use that this is beautiful into the kingdom that we give to it's so much more than just a lens it's so much more than just uh um you know a microphone that that this is being used for the gospel all over the world it is absolutely we just interviewed someone from i believe it was wyoming wyoming or idaho one middle of nowhere but she was she was talking about how the live stream has been life to her that it is truly a living stream it is a living stream that is going out and it's beautiful that our money goes so much further than our lives can ever go so as we give into the kingdom that's the money is going it's endless and it's eternal it's beautiful and so i just want to encourage you guys today as we give to the lord that we are giving to the lord he is here and we are giving is so much more than just into the buckets you know michael and jessica's hearts that the places that they have placed their hearts in giving to the poor giving you know the part of the sin seeing thousands saved and healed you know that girl that michael was talking about that gave her life in dallas that we got to participate in that because we gave into the kingdom we gave into what god's beautiful plan for for his church and for his body and so i'm just going to pray and bless the offering as we give today but man let's make it a point to look at jesus as we give that this is truly a holy moment it is a beautiful moment of giving to the lord because it is truly more blessed to give than it is to receive so father we thank you for this amazing amazing moment to give into your hands jesus and to the eternal hands god we thank you that even in our ties and in our offerings god that this is not repetition this is not doing it out of duty but it's out of love because we love you so jesus let us see you in this moment let our eye be single in offering that we place it into your hands the eternal hands i pray bless every giver in this place bless every tither and giver in this place every family every business owner god bless them jesus thank you god that you're a god of every good and perfect gift comes from you down from the father of lights we thank you god for being a good father in your precious name we pray amen thank you jesus we can bring the bucket of authority up you guys can text to give text the number that is on your screen on the screens in here on the screen that's um on the living live stream that is going out you can text that number if you guys still want to send in a check i know we have that up as well um i know there's people all over the earth being touched by what god is doing right here um jesus christ envelope would you just raise your hand yes we have our ushers going by okay there they are hey ma'am keep that hand up and yes until the ushers get to you yes in jesus name and we'll be back right after this come on let ryan know you love him [Music] and it flows [Music] that gives me strength [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] it will never [Music] [Music] is tell me [Music] [Applause] today it will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] today it will be oh come on give the lord praise all right you can grab a seat but uh watch you grab a mic there amy we need to teach some of these men some manners i should have helped you up the stairs and given you the microphone aaron what are you doing buddy you're in the bathroom uh-huh you went to the bathroom with the rest during offering huh you're one of them you and all y'all who go to the bathroom during offering you eat a mcdonald's and pay a burger king you're one of those your own worst 10 to me we'll follow you in there just saying the bucket slides under the stall while you're hiding in there all right i'm just playing but i'm not this is amy come here amy i love amy she's amazing and um amy natasha there our dance ministries i don't know what to call it but they're scary and when something comes over them it's dangerous on the platform but amy had an amazing healing testimony how many of you were in service this morning okay how many of you were not lift your hand if you were not there okay so there's plenty of you who need to hear this go ahead go ahead tell them what happened um so i have been suffering from eczema since i was in the sixth grade and when i was younger it would come little by little but the past four or five years it's been chronic to where i've had to completely eliminate so many foods out of my diet if i'd sweat if i get in the water if it's cold if it's hot if there's i'm wearing a certain sweater like anything would trigger it and um i would bleed like all over my body and nothing would heal it and i've been to countless doctors and so i just eliminated like so many foods out of my diet and since the beginning of coming to first year about like three years ago or the beginning of just being here i've just stood and believed for my healing and i've seen so many people get breakthrough in healing and i just knew i was like the lord does not dangle things in your face and so i know and i knew that my healing was coming and so two weeks ago and i i mean i would have like like after dancing it would be bleeding like all of my arms my legs my neck my face so after you you dance here you you'd wear like long sleeves but you'd be bleeding underneath yes that's an offering that's an offering wow yeah um and so um jessica and you were up here this was two sundays ago before um upper room the sunday before upper room and she called out like an allergy if someone has food allergies and you have to completely eliminate foods from your diet the lord is healing you and immediately she called out colitis like both and both of those well i have to eliminate so many foods and then colitis is like an inflammation in your intestines if you didn't know and it triggers eczema and causes it to inflame and in that moment i guess the camera shot on me and the and just was like the lord's healing you right now and in that moment i was like i don't even know what colitis is but i feel like that's probably it and i just wept and so that whole week my skin just cleared up and i was like um this is a joke and i just didn't believe it i was like i'm not going to like chance it because upper room was coming up but i didn't want to have like a bad episode so i just didn't need anything but at upper room after we were dancing i like checked my arms and i had no inflammation and i was like okay lord tell them tell them how long it's been since since you've not had inflammation so it's been like 12 years since you've not had influence since i've not had any inflammation like what 24 7 deal with it would be like 24 7. there'd be days where it's not as bad but i would have like scaly skin like it is gross and then there's days where it's really good and then i'll eat like cheese and it triggers instantly um and so yeah and so at upper room i felt like the lord was like you can have pizza and i was like that's just me and so i didn't do it and we all went into in and out and i remember telling dom like i'm gonna have a burger and she's like do it and then i got scared and i didn't have a burger but then saturday night i was like i need to step into faith and i need to believe because i always believed with everyone else but i never believed for mine and so i had a slice of pizza and it was so were you back home by then yes it was back home saturday night after the flight i was like i'm just gonna eat it i'm just gonna eat some pizza and i did and it was it was a new york style pepperoni extra cheese and then i i the next morning i was like a couple of weeks ago so we're all pizza deprived and then the next morning no inflammation and so so how many days of no inflammation have you had it's been like 10 days did you hear that she said 10 days so yeah so what i what i don't like doing i never like just sharing testimonies and pushing them and stretching them they're not into that at all that doesn't help anything but i do think it's important to say that it's been you said this morning 12 years since you've had 10 days of no inflammation is that right yeah and you also said this morning my skin looks beautiful why don't you say that again my skin looks beautiful there you go this is wonderful so we we we did this this morning and this is probably a good time if there's anyone here who suffers from a skin disorder of any kind it is incredibly that's very difficult and and i believe if the lord did it for amy that he wants to do it for you amen so if you have a skin disorder of any kind would you just lift your hand okay if you're near that person i want you to look at them and ask them say can i put my hand on your shoulder if they're behind you you may need to get back to their row you're allowed to move in this church in case you haven't figured that out so go ahead i'm going to have amy once you're settled in i'm going to have amy pray but here's the deal guys look look look look before you start praying i love your hunger i love your fire before you start praying what we're not gonna do is have a conversation and we're not gonna get all the details about this thing we do that later in the testimony let's watch jesus blow these things out of people's bodies okay all right amy go ahead come on take the pulpit go ahead pray father we just thank you for your goodness jesus we thank you lord that you are the god of healing you are jehovah rapha lord you are jehovah rapha our healer jesus and so father we thank you i declare that every skin allergy every inflammation be gone in the name of jesus i declare for fullness of healing that skin be restored in jesus name father i break eczema right now in jesus name i thank you for any whatever it is whatever skin allergy that you have lord i i pray that the power of the blood of jesus flow through your body right now jesus that by his stripes we are healed and so father we believe what you did we believe what you did i break any doubt in the name of jesus father i thank you lord i thank you for new skin cells to appear as we speak lord new skin cells to appear in the night lord complete restoration in their skin jesus father we thank you that you paid for the fullness of healing you paid for the fullness of healing jesus you said it is finished you took that skin disorder on that cross jesus you said it is finished you said it is done by your stripes we are healed so father we proclaim it in victory we seal it with praise jesus of what you will do lord and we thank you for what you will do in jesus mighty name amen amen okay okay so um if you receive look i realize some of you're gonna have to go home and check and we don't want you taking your clothes off here i do know a guy though who ripped his shirt off because he wanted to praise as david did and dance as he did and you might be watching tonight but you know who you are and i love you so much but i know the dude even though i love you don't i don't want y'all doing that here anyways so i realized i realized that some of you would have to go home and check but i think it's worth you checking now uh go check did anybody who received prayer anybody see any kind of relief any lack of inflammation anything go down is anything cleared even if it's slightly i want to know yeah one there uh go ahead ryan thank you lord yeah i want to get to this and then i want to get into talking to you about the holy spirit first for a moment go go ahead ryan run over there right there yeah what happened hi sorry um it's very slight but i've had where are you from here i live in orlando yeah my husband and i come to this church erica erica okay um i've had this horrible inflammation i think it's eczema i think it could be the same thing that she dealt with and it's to me it flares when it's when i'm stressed so last year yeah that was bad um and it's it's like in my elbow just before we were praying it was like itchy and there's a little bit of a bump but it's it's gone down how much like give me a percentage that it's probably i want to say around 50 50. yeah that's awesome yeah it's going down a lot thank you lord thank you lord is there anyone else anyone else anyone else anyone okay the rest of you i want you to go home and check tonight did somebody's hand go up over there sorry i don't want to not honor that okay the rest of you want you to go home and check tonight and believe the lord to do and you what he did in amy she just grabbed it i don't know if you heard what thank you joel i think i'm good just for ten minutes poor joel see amy came just stay with me here i'm not going to keep you late but uh i do want to talk to you for a moment amy grabbed it she had been praying for years for people and she had heard other people get prayed for actually helped me [Laughter] but maybe a little softer sorry i don't know what to say you know when the lord is in a room which he's here tonight faith is always available because he is our faith you see faith is not something you generate anytime you disconnect faith from the lord himself you make faith an idol does that make sense any time you disconnect anything from jesus even if it's a kingdom it becomes idolatrous you can do that with prosperity you can do that with healing i discovered something when i first started preaching people would have me in for healing services and i would see the least amount of miracles in healing services out of all the services it was really weird and every time they said this will be a healing service tonight we'd see the least amount of miracles now people would get healed but not as many as in an atmosphere like this and i discovered something because of what we were naming it or they were naming it and bringing me in it was creating an expectation of exactly how the meeting should go and when it should go that way and we'd see less breakthrough when we started calling them jesus meetings we had too many miracles to count when you we look at jesus and refuse to disconnect anything he does listen carefully from him he'll do more than you ever dreamed of so all of you are in a room tonight with the lord think of that the lord is in the room therefore everything you need is in the room because he's all you need i said he's all you need so on sunday morning and for those of you who have been sleeping in i feel you the sunday morning crowd's getting a double portion so favor's not fair and favor gets on him don't whine but we've been talking about the person of the holy spirit i'm going to be really vulnerable with you when i first started falling in love with jesus which was prob i mean really falling in love with him when it it it moved beyond i need help i'm glad he's the helper when it moved beyond uh saying the right thing in the right environment but it actually became real do you know what i mean that's really what awakening is he awakens in us the reality of his presence so i know what have you ever have you ever have you ever asked someone who you knew was not doing well how they're doing and they and they and you know you're like i'm gonna see how truthful this dude is how are you when they say i'm blessed and highly favored like a robot when you know they're going through hell something in you goes you need your heart to burn a little we need to come alive do you know what i mean the repetition is dangerous it puts us to sleep religion is so repetitious that's why i tell you every sunday don't come to jesus image come to jesus it's one of the reasons we do not have a flow chart here i'm just not going that route i don't understand now there are certain things we'll do every week like thanksgiving praise and worship because he has commanded it we'll preach the gospel every week because he has commanded it and for those of you who don't know the lord told me when we started these why would i send the lost to your meetings if i can't trust you to preach the gospel that makes sense right the lord is a great leader he knows where to send people and we're not to so i wanted to build a reputation in heaven i'm going to preach the gospel every week so that you know lord if you send them here they'll hear the gospel does that make sense okay so there are certain things we're always going to do never going to change them and when i'm too old to preach here and the next generation changes them i'm coming at those leaders with my golf clubs [Laughter] my air gun i'm going to shoot them in the ankles with bbs if that doesn't work we're gonna get even more serious whatever it takes you know the bible says do not remove the ancient landmarks now this is kind of a prophetic little message so you're gonna have to flow with me here don't ever listen carefully some of you have heard you need to be yourself that's true but being yourself doesn't mean you have the right to lay down what other people paid for you have to live with that conviction you have to live with the understanding that somebody paid a price to get you to where you are and while you still have the liberty to be you you cannot throw away what they paid for so there are these landmarks like the gospel and prayer and the scriptures and fasting and the miraculous we cannot move does that make sense all right back to what i was saying i understand this is the holy spirit meeting so it's just the nature of what we're doing you never want to fall into that repetition the the thought that you know exactly what the holy spirit's going to do at every minute before he does it nobody does jesus talked about him and described him as a wind now i'm a golfer and a fisherman and one thing i've discovered is nobody gets the wind it dies down sometimes you catch a gust sometimes it swirls sometimes it changes directions so is the holy spirit it takes humility and childlikeness to go with the wind pride assumes to know what the wind is doing at all times the bible says my thoughts are higher than your thoughts as the heavens are higher than the earth see we always think of humility as wearing sackcloth and ashes the most humble thing you can do is sit at the feet of jesus and adore and yield waiting on the lord is humble because it's risky now this is deep stuff i'm talking about but maybe there's one person in the room who's going to grab it and burn and go with the wind and god will change the world with you i don't know but if you're not willing to walk the tightrope of risk you will limit the movement of the holy spirit in your life i mean you've got to literally spread your sail and surrender and not know where the boat's going that's the only kind of person he can really trust in moments like this i'm telling you we get in our own way it's us we we put demands on ourselves that god is not putting on us and when you put a demand on you that god's not putting on you you go with the direction of the demand and god can't use you he doesn't use the gifted and the most knowledgeable that's what catherine used to say he doesn't use silver vessels right he doesn't use golden vessels he uses yielded vessels my father wants to tell me that when i was young get your sail ready because when the wind blows if there's a hole in it the boat will spin in circles get the sail ready and then just put it up in yield and the wind will take you exactly where he wants to see the holy spirit is he's like a wind that's what jesus said the wind blows where it once you can't see it you don't know where it's going but you see the effects of the wind you see people healed those are the effects of the wind you see people saved those are the effects of the wind every week we live in the wind here it's amazing to me that even during this pandemic or whatever people are still driving in i walked into the building at upper room with minimal promotion we sent out a name i don't know what we did but i wouldn't let us get too into it because i wanted god's fingerprint on these nights and a family stopped me in a minivan they said i can't get in we can't get in can i shake your hand i said you don't need my hand it's not my hand but i'll shake your hand just to be kind you don't need my hand they said we drove all the way in another family drove in from indiana to dallas why the presence of the spirit you know greatness in the lord we've made a god out of momentum let me let me switch gears here we've made a god out of momentum we've made an idol out of out of influence so much so we call people influencers what's that even mean what's that even mean i love what bill johnson said i don't need to be famous here i wouldn't be famous in heaven and famous in hell you know when demons stopped when stopped manifesting in our meetings for like eight months i told the lord and by the way i don't need you to fake a manifestation to make me feel better okay i don't want a demon-filled church if your church has a bunch of demons in it there's a problem i would like a very demon-free church but if they're in the room i want them to leave does that make sense so i told the lord back then i was just traveling as an evangelist so i go into meetings and i noticed something less people are getting set free i said to the lord what's going on so a lady in switzerland i i said that to her i was in switzerland she goes oh i'm from ethiopia we don't have demons in switzerland oh really really the chocolate calms them down what do you mean she's like literally then she had given me a vegan lasagna which felt demonic i don't have vegan lasagna i want a real lasagna you know what i'm saying if i'm gonna eat lasagna i want lasagna all right sorry sidetracked she gave me a vegan lasagna and she said we don't have devils here i said ah right before the meeting i said yeah not the best pre-service meal i said you don't have demons in switzerland she said no we don't have demons in switzerland she goes but in ethiopia they're everywhere so i had a buddy traveling with mango oh i asked her where did they go she goes i don't know and i looked at him i said they don't need a passport what do you think they can't cross a border so i told her i said come to the meeting tonight because i knew i understood on the evangelistic field what the power of the gospel does and what what the power of worship can do where i grew up in my father-in-law's meetings listen i grew up in meetings where devils would start manifesting during worship and speaking of the skin healing my first service at occ there was a lady behind me covered in psoriasis or eczema it was the first healing i'd ever seen i watched the lady i looked at her arms as a 12 year old boy before the worship set by the end of the worship center in the middle of it she started screaming i looked behind me and her skin was like a baby's is the first miracle i ever saw amy was the healing of a skin issue she went crazy i'll never forget that light demons leaving people during the worship so i told the lady come to the meeting tonight start preaching the gospel i walked down in the crowd kind of like i'm doing tonight and when i did see that those devils they don't like the gospel they started manifesting in front of this ethiopian lady and i whispered i said i think they made it to switzerland [Laughter] i'll never forget her she goes i didn't know now you know now you know that's what happens when the wind blows people's lives are changed people drive in how many of you came in from out of the state or out of orlando just to be in the room look look look it's not look yeah keep your hand up so we can see you that has nothing to do it has nothing to do with man's ability man's greatness a team's greatness their ability to promote as wonderful as our media team is they're not that good they know that they're great but they're not that good nobody's that good my preaching isn't that good our worship is not that good it is the presence of the spirit so when i first started people would say how can i love jesus or why do you love jesus you know when i first started i would instantly go to my prayer life i'd say oh it's because i seek the lord i fast i pray true it's all wonderful i still do but today i would say it's because of the holy spirit none of us can even glory in our love for jesus it's his mercy so if somebody asked you how can i fall in love with jesus i would tell them two things number one the movement of the holy spirit a life in the spirit number two never stop looking at the cross it's the holy spirit who causes us to fall in love with jesus romans 5 5 says this ryan mentioned it the love of god is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy spirit who is given to us it is the work of the spirit now listen carefully all of you came to be here all of you are watching tonight online because you want to be closer to jesus that's the only reason you'd come and stay in a meeting like this what is the answer learn to walk with and know the holy spirit he's the one who does it it's him let's talk about him just for a moment before i dismiss you number one he's called the wind he's called wine he's called a river he's called a dove is he not he's called fire he's called a cloud he's called a cloud of great darkness in other words he's the one who reveals the mysteries of god the darkness of the lord the holy spirit he is an unending burning flame is he not he is oil he's the one who reveals the milk of the word all of that every single analogy demands experience wine is an experience oil is an experience what the holy spirit is never called in the scriptures is a formula are you ready or a manual or a powerpoint the prophet didn't say i felt the powerpoint shut up in my bones they make us look smarter you know you throw it up there you go my pastor is smart he's got a powerpoint look how smart he is there's nothing wrong with powerpoints but this the holy spirit is not a powerpoint not a study guide we have study guides study guides don't change your life the lord changes your life the holy spirit is to be known he is a person a real person listen to me a person who has feelings who longs to communicate with his people today today it is not just the world hear me carefully vying for your attention it's my opinion that the devils of hell are being unleashed to steal your attention it's like i don't know if you've noticed maybe you to fish as much as i do and don't see the real world which is actually kind of healthy at times i don't know if you've noticed but the world has changed a bit in just the last few months america has changed i want you to think about those of you who are like 40. i'm not there yet i don't know what that feels like i don't know maybe one day i'll know i'm sorry you're so ancient but for those us gen zers like me and ryan you know what i'm saying the world is changing i mean my word i say this to students all the time have you ever watched young people date it's pretty funny they stare at their phones while they're paying for a meal dude drops a hundred bucks stared at his phone the whole time if i'm dropping when jesse and i started dating if i'm gonna drop a hundo on her i'm gonna look at her i'm not looking at my phone you know i have something to say to her want to see if she's pretty and you know it's all important and what she's like and what she likes and doesn't like him today they just go on a date and they scroll on their phone dude pays the check and then afterwards they go i just feel like we didn't connect you think so maybe imagine the mystery but the world and the devils of hell are after the attention of this generation they're after the attention of a people and it's impossible to know the spirit listen unless you give them your attention that's probably like the first step in knowing the holy spirit is to become aware of him but he doesn't compete for attention he just stands at his post as the paraclete who stands beside you he will whisper to you but he won't share the deep mysteries of heaven with a people who are not into him so it doesn't start with getting a word of knowledge in a meeting or getting somebody's details or pulling somebody of a wheelchair though that's all wonderful that's not where fellowship begins fellowship begins when you're in your bed you wake up and you're a little this is just an example you're a little more alert than usual and you have this different desire to get up while everyone's sleeping and go be with the lord if you take too long to say yes you'll start reasoning yourself out of it you want to know one of the greatest enemies of allowing the holy spirit to use you earthly reason when the power of god comes on you one of the worst things you can do is think about what to do what does the bible say as a man thinketh in his so he is you see the redeemed think with their heart and the glory the world is worshipping the mind now you should have the mind but it's a different mind the mind of christ let me give you a scripture here and then i'll pray over you you can send me a gift for my 23rd birthday janae don't laugh amy's laughing i heard it as a word of knowledge all right let me read this to you don't don't don't check out here i'm telling you you young people when i was 12 years old i purposed in my heart i'm gonna become a friend of the holy spirit that's what i did i made a lot of mistakes on the way but i found no other reason to live if you can get there he'll introduce himself john 14 let not your heart be troubled that's for this generation don't be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you friends look this isn't the only challenge that's come to the world this isn't our last one don't be many challenges the body of christ faces but you're from another place we have another home jesus is preparing that place for you let your hearts go upward have heavenly thoughts isn't that what paul wrote what did he say we should think of think of things above where christ is i go to prepare a place for you verse three and if i go and prepare a place for you i'll come again and receive you to myself jesus is coming again [Applause] oh man listen that is as true as christmas if you don't believe that you don't get to believe in christmas the same jesus who came for christmas is coming back again it's really important because if he doesn't you stay in the grave now some people say he's already returned not true all right some people they call it kingdom and they'll preach that he's already come back the only proof against that is the existence of cemeteries okay until the graves break open he has not come back but he is coming back and that's important because you get a brand new body why is that important so you don't burn up like a moth in a flame in heaven you need a new body to exist that's why paul or john i should say lay as though he were dead when he had his encounter on the island of patmos if you don't get the new body you're toast up there because of the glory of jesus he said i'll i'll return that where i am there you may be also and where i go you know and the way you know oh that's loaded they're like now they they did and they didn't know put it that way thomas said to him lord we do not know where you're going and how can we know the way in other words show me how see the how has to become a who we've been telling the generation this whole world this is how you do stuff in church this is how you accomplish these are your eight steps this is how you go here and how you go there and how you do that and how you flow in the gifts and how i activate you know the how has to be a person named jesus so listen how jesus responds after thomas says how can we know the way and jesus said to him i'm the way oh come on i'm the way the truth and the life don't check out on me now god's gonna save the best for last i feel it's stirring in my soul i haven't taught in a while on sunday night because i've been teaching so much on sunday morning but i felt the lord lead me in this direction no one comes to the father except through me jesus said i'm the way the truth and the life how many sections in the tabernacle three do you know what those those sections were called the way the truth in life that really messed up israel when he said that he said by the way that tabernacle is me i'm the living tabernacle verse 7 if you had known me you would have known my father also this generation is wondering what god is like christians should point to christ if somebody says what is divine who is god you point them straight to jesus the exact representation of god and by the way if you want to know the holy spirit you need to look at jesus he's the perfectly yielded one the only one qualified to baptize in the spirit whose eyes are fire according to john's revelation because he is filled with the spirit and entrusted with the spirit therefore he qualified to baptize people in the spirit you can't know the holy spirit outside of jesus if you want to know him more glorify jesus right who said well you've redeemed yourself if you had known me you would have known the father also and from now on you know him and have seen him philip said to us lord show us the father and is sufficient for us have i been with you so long and yet you have not known me philip i feel the lord now he who has seen me has seen the father so how can you say show us the father do you not believe that i am in the father and the father in me the words that i speak to you i do not speak on my own authority but the father who dwells in me does the works believe me that i am in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the sake of the works themselves in other words if you've seen miracles among you don't be a doubter most assuredly i say to you he who believes in me verse 12 the works that i do he will do also and greater works than these he will do because i go to my father say greater works friends those greater works have nothing to do with our ability has to do with everything everything with the position of jesus seated at the right hand as high priest interceding has nothing to do with us being more anointed than jesus there is nobody here more anointed than jesus he's the anointed one the source of the anointing why greater works not because of us because he's seated as the god-man as high priest and perfect represent representative when the father sees jesus he sees you hallelujah slap your neighbor gently in love in love and love i love when visitors have to look at that and whatever you ask in my name that i will do that the father may be glorified in the sun if you ask anything in my name i will do it answered prayer brings glory to jesus oh you missed it so if you stop shy of the breakthrough get back on the saddle and bring jesus some glory bring jesus some glory don't you dare stop shy we don't have the right to stop shy we don't touch the glory we don't touch the glory by stopping shy of the breakthrough do you hear me am i talking to anybody our land is coming in jesus name our building is coming in jesus name your kids will serve the lord your mom and dad are going to get saved don't you dare bow down to a tumor or some condition or eczema don't you bow down the father is glorified when we get the breakthrough in the name of jesus you have to ask feel comfortable enough to ask ask you have not because you ask not don't tell me you're too busy soaking to ask eventually the lord will quicken you and say ask now get off the bean bag and ask verse 15. here we go now are you bored we're three minutes over god forbid verse 15 get this right here if you love me keep my commandments it does not say keep my commandments until you love me all right proof of love is obedience but love births obedience here's the order i behold the love of god through the cross we see the love of god by the spirit continually he loves me first i then love him in return and obedience is birthed in me because the thought of disobeying and losing the sense of his presence seems like a nightmare and it is that's how you walk in obedience verse 16 and i will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him no knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you i will not leave you as orphans i will come to you all right get this now the holy spirit's precious indwelling presence is reserved for the blood-bought church the world cannot receive the spirit the world is under another spirit the god of this age the bible says it is under a spirit known as antichrist that denies that jesus is who he says he is fully god and fully man denies that he is lord but the holy spirit belongs to the church kathryn kuhlman used to say the father's greatest gift to the world was jesus his most precious gift to the church is the holy spirit through jesus i would say i'll take the entire trinity because they're all one amen but the point is this do not waste the presence of the spirit by ignoring him you will ignore him if you come become too busy for him how many of you heard this name and this is what i'm going to close with corey tin you heard that name this is what she said if the devil cannot make you bad he will make you busy if you can't make it bad i'll just busy you i'll never forget the holy spirit saying this to me in our little apartment in seminole county this little little apartment so little that when our kids walked in little benny goes well i don't want to live in this little apartment i'll never forget it it was small but it was wonderful i was there praying in the the bedroom and i heard the voice of the spirit and this is what he told me oh man i i i think jesus image had just been incorporated really no meetings nothing going you know back when you wanted to feel important you told people to call the assistant you didn't have call my office and the phone rang in the [Laughter] master oh yeah used to wear a suit back then oh man look good anyways this is what i heard the spirit say to me if the devil can't make you a judas he will settle for martha but he told me now martha's not all that bad but he'll negotiate the enemy will negotiate if he can't turn you into judas he'll just make you busy with god's kind of stuff just get you doing kingdom stuff without holding the king's hand you you take all the kingdom gold all the truth the revelation the meetings the contacts the people all that you just start it's all in the kingdom and then you just take the little scalpel of distraction and you separate it from the king you got all this kingdom gold now and then you beat it down because moses has been on the mountain too long that's what israel said and then they they took the gold that was to glorify the lord that speaks of his divinity and they said this moses has been up there too long jesus has been on the throne too long he said he's coming back let's take the gold let's take the kingdom stuff separate from the king and let's build a calf let's name the calf jehovah and we'll call the feast in his honor the lord doesn't need any more feast of filled with fans he needs yielded life build the lives he'll busy you the enemy will busy you with church stuff and ministry stuff and scrolling stuff and youtube stuff traveling stuff not that that's bad unless listen you better make sure it's connected amen knowing the spirit begins with this consistent awareness and childlike adoration and conversation that's how it begins and that's how it continues amen do you receive that stand your feet would you i gave you a lot to chew on but we needed some good old-fashioned church tonight don't ever bring me a vegan lasagna come on lift your hands to heaven and this wonderful presence this is what i want you to ask in your own way i can't do this for you i'll pray i'm going to pray over you but i want you to ask to become a friend of the holy spirit you need to do it on your own come on i actually want it to come out of your mouth and be audible go ahead and ask oh do it lord do it lord now father we want to know your precious spirit the holy spirit is the one who makes jesus real to his father he searches the deep things of god make everyone under the sound of my voice a friend of the holy spirit jesus you refuse to move without the spirit you refuse to preach until he came upon you and led you make us the same way completely yielded and entrusted with the glorious presence of the holy spirit i thank you for everything you've done holy spirit here at jesus image i thank you lord for these precious people who are hungry for you i thank you for can you just uh agree with me on this i thank you for every soul that's been saved over these years i'm so thankful but i remember preaching when no one would get saved it's you holy spirit it's you i thank you for every healing everything from an allergy to that little baby getting off the hospital bed with no hope to live i thank you for it all i thank you for amy's healing i thank you for the young girl who came forward last week who said she felt something move in her like a hand went in her and healed her i thank you for every person set free in their mind every marriage that's been whole every every one of these bible school students these jesus school students who've been changed and transformed and called to the nations or called here to orlando i thank you jesus for children who've been saved the parents have been praying for thank you holy spirit oh gosh thank you lord for everything you've ever done among us here as a church family father we pray you will never stop that you would forever entrust us with your presence thank you thank you thank you we do not take you lightly we do not take the gift of the holy spirit lightly you and your homes watching thank the lord for touching you for lord thank you for saving us thank you holy spirit for giving jesus to us thank you holy spirit for your amazing power for all the songs that have come forth from this platform when you take over thank you we're thankful now i ask that you would make friends of spectators that you would make diligent the curious that you'd make disciples of us all and that your light would shine through us in jesus name amen do you receive that tonight let's give the lord praise [Applause] dom dom [Applause] i'm going to pray over you um i just let's go out with i love you lord no no no do you know something about that name jesus there's something about that name it's okay i know it's a good one but i can't play it that's fine you picked the song you know the lord let me pray for you lift your hands to heaven be blessed in jesus mighty name walk in his presence and glory know his voice and his touch may your children's children know the lord may family lines be redeemed and may the lord bless everything you touch may the love of jesus burn brightly in you may you carry his cross and faithfulness and glory in jesus name amen we will see you sunday morning i love you thanks for hanging with us for those of you watching online see you next time we love you so much god bless you [Applause]
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 107,955
Rating: 4.9032779 out of 5
Id: LdSyMLxfnuk
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Length: 195min 8sec (11708 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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