How I Use ChatGPT as a Data Analyst: Plugins, Code Interpreter, GPT-4

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in this video I'll show you how I've been using chat DVT as a data analyst I'll show you how charge dbd plugins and the code interpreter have made my life easier as a data analyst when doing research collecting data you reading reports and more so let's get started okay when I start a new project the first thing I do is gather all the information already available about the topic in question this usually involves searching on Google and reading research papers and to automate all of this I use chat DBT there are some chat DBT plugins that help me when doing research for example there is link reader which is a plugin that is very useful for internet research this plugin can help us summarize the content of links we only need to give the link and then we can get the summary and get some insights from the article that we want to read in this way we can have an overview of a complete article before reading it and also there is another plugin which is ask your PDF and this is a good option when you have a paper in PDF format so sometimes when you have a paper in this format you cannot use Link reader and you have to use ask your PDF or any other similar plugin and with ask your PDF you can upload the PDF and ask it to summarize it for you so it works similar to link reader but this is especially for PDFs and once I have enough information about the topic I collect data to start the analysis and Cat GPD helps me with this too because Tabit is able to perform web scraping there is a drawback though if you try using GPT 3.5 Chad DBT will tell you that as an AI tool it cannot perform web scripting so it'll provide you with a simple template that might help you scrape the Target website fortunately there are some chat DVD plugins that can do web scraping for us in seconds first there is a scraper this chat dpd plugin let us scrape websites with one single prompt say you want to strike data for from a News website you only have to install the scraper plugin and use this prompt so in this prompt I typed script the headline date publish and description from the Articles listed in this website and this is a Business Insider website and as you can see chargpt extracts all the data well the title in the description from the news in this website and then you can tell Chad DBT to put all this data in a table so that you can easily copy and paste it into a spreadsheet the scribble plugin is very cool but it has some drawbacks it doesn't let you export the data in a CSV file and also won't let you scrape all websites out there because it's against the terms of service of some websites and you're gonna get that that warning when you try to do that in such cases there is a very good alternative which is the chat DPT code interpreter and I already made a tutorial on how to do web scraping with the chat GPD code interpreter and well here's a quick summary on how to do it first you have to go go to our website for example here I have and once you're on the website you have to save this as HTML then you have to turn on the code interpreter well you have to go to settings to better features and then turn on code interpreter and well once you turn on code interpreter you have to upload the HTML file that we saved before and type this prompt from the HTML file extract the name of the product in the price and then you have to tell chargpt to put all of this data in a table and Export it into a CSV file and well sometimes this simple prompt is enough to extract all the data that you want but sometimes the code interpreter doesn't get it right and it doesn't extract the data that you want so to make sure that you track the right data you have to go to the website and right click and then click on inspect and then you have to extract that XPath of the element that you want to extract for example here I'm copying the expat of the name of the the product and then I'm copying the expert of that price in this way I'm making sure that I extract the name of the product and also the price of the products and once you have all this prompt you press enter and you get all this data in a CSV file so you click on this download the CSV file and then you get the CSV file and there is all the data that you extracted from Amazon and that's not it you can also upload the second page of the the Amazon results because we only uploaded the first page and well you can upload as many HTML Pages as you want and you are going to extract all the information from all the pages from the Amazon results the process is exactly the same and with the last chat DBT update you don't have to upload all the files one by one as I showed you in the video but you can upload multiple files at once without even having to compress it in a zip file alright so far I showed you how I've been using chargpt as a data analyst but there is something even more important than AI in your career getting a professional certificate that showcases your skills and that's where today's sponsor Coursera comes in Coursera has teamed up with Google to bring you an incredible opportunity the Google data analytics professional certificate you don't need prior experience to start this program and it's 100 online and self-paced such things were very important for me when transitioning to data analytics back then I had no knowledge of coding had little experience with the software that the analysts use and had no time to go to the classrooms every day the good news is that it'll take you 6 months to complete this program when dedicating 10 hours a week with this program you'll gain an immersive understanding of the practices used by data analysts in their day-to-day job neural key analytical skills such as data cleaning analysis and visualizations and tools like SQL R and Tableau where whether you're a recent graduate looking for an entry-level job or a professional aiming for a career switch the Google data analytics professional certificate will make a difference in your career because remember this certificate is taught by Google themselves and can be added to your CV and Linkedin so here's your chance sign up to enroll for a seven day free trial of that Google data analytics certificate Now using the link in the description below okay now let's continue with the video and see how the code interpreter helps me as a data analyst the code interpreter cannot only do web scraping but is good at doing stuff with python code and one of those things it will help us do is doing that analysis we only need to upload our data set and either let chargpt do a quick analysis for us or specify which type of analysis we want to carry out for example now I'm making the code interpreter create a quick report from a population data set that I uploaded so my Pro is simple analyze the data set and make charts and graphs to show the major Trends in population growth around the world so basically I'm telling what's the goal of my analysis and I'm letting charge DBT choose the charts and graphs that are going to be used for this analysis and as you can see it makes some bar charts and some other graphs that will help me with this analysis it also gives some insights that are very standard but again I didn't specify something in particular in this prompt but of course things get more interesting if you add more details to your prompts in order to customize the report you get so for example I'm using this data set about soccer players stats and I'm telling charity to analyze the soccer players from only five countries and also I'm specifying the charts that I want for this analysis so I'm saying that I want a bar plot to analyze a particular column then I want a histogram to explore the average height of players in in these countries then also I want a scatter plot to see how the weight of players is distributed and finally I want a pie chart but only for players from that USA this is a very customized prompt that will help me get the report that I want and as you can see chat DBT generated all the visualizations and even let me export that report in a PDS format and also let me explore the code in a ipy Envy format and this is cool because I can open this ipymd file in Jupiter notebooks and I can see all the code generated in this notebook so I can edit the code and I can customize all this report further and another plugin that I've been using as a data analyst is notable and this plugin is very useful when you want to connect to a data set that is available online so you can use this notable to connect to spreadsheets that are available on Google Sheets or available on GitHub and this plugin Works similarly to the good interpreter and also so all the python code that is generated for the analysis is automatically exported to a notable notebook you don't have to do any extra step and for this to work you have to give the link of your data set and also give the link of that default project that you are working on and this is the project on nodable so you have to create a notable account create a project and copy the link of that project and then well just type your prompt and all your analysis is going to be on chat DBT and the code and Analysis is gonna also be available on notable alright that's how I've been using chat DBT plugins and the cool interpreter as a data analyst let me know in the comment section how you've been using chat DBT as a data analyst and whether you think chargpt has improved the way you work as a data analyst all right that's it for this video I'll see you in the next one
Channel: The PyCoach
Views: 18,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JqzIg_qKlo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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