How to learn Python FAST with ChatGPT and Bard?

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many years ago people learned to code on paper  then came computers and now generative AI with   tools such as chat GPT Bard and many other tools  like this learning to code has never been easier   recently I got assigned to a project where I  had to work in Scala on some big data Scala is   a programming language which is primarily used  to build data intensive programs I learned it   many years ago but since I never used it since I  completely forgot so I needed a refresher I was   amazed how fast I was able to pick up the language  again after many years with the help of generative   Ai and tools such as chat GPT and Bard so in this  video I'm going to focus on how you can learn any   coding language fast using chat GPT and any other  generative AI tools I will be sharing my framework   prompts and any other tips and tricks that you  might need to know while you're learning all   the prompts that I'm going to be using today I'm  linking it in the description below so feel free   to download it if you want to try it on your own  during the video or after the video you if you   haven't heard about Chad GPT yet you are probably  living under a rock for those who don't know Chad   jpt is a natural language processing tool that  allows users to interact with it and receive   responses in a natural language it is based on  GPT architecture which is type of a language   model that has been trained on a large human  generated data set think of it like a personal   assistant but the AI version and it's free you  can use it however you want I personally have   been using it as a tutor to learn new things  fast that includes learning to code and new   subjects sometimes I think of it like talking  to a Smart co-worker who's sitting across the   desk but I don't want to go and bother them so I  type on my computer and ask them questions and I   get the responses back and they basically help me  write new code debug the code learn new Concepts   and find information on the internet quickly  without the embarrassment of actually asking   my co-worker okay I'm just kidding it's okay  to ask your co-workers so in this video we're   going to be focusing on learning python python  is a very diverse language and it it's easy to   learn if you're just starting to learn to code I  would suggest to start with python I'm going to   be mixing and matching using Chad GPT and Bard  because now Bard also has coding abilities so   you might see me switching screens here and  there but for you the framework is not going   to change so the first thing is we're going to do  is we're going to define a roadmap for learning   python using chat GPT so we can narrow down our  focus on what things we need to learn okay so the   first question I'm going to ask it can you give  me a study plan to Learn Python for data science   okay so it's giving me a pretty generic road  map it's giving me information but it's not   specific it's too generic so I want to make it  more specific let's say I have eight weeks to   study so I'm gonna tell it make this study plan  eight week I don't know why I have that caps on   make this study study plan eight weeks cool now it  has started to give me a weekly python roadmap and   it is like it is more specific than what I got  earlier which is really cool so it's focusing   on numpy's pandas data visualization matplot  lib scikit-learn and Capstone project I think   we can do better there is a few more things that  I want to try so the next thing I wanted to ask   is to include resources and links it's including  courses python documentation I still feel like   this information is a little too generic so  I think we can do it better this is typically   how people ask chat GPD questions and you can see  like it gave me a super generic response but what   a lot of people don't know is how to ask the smart  question so that's what I wanted to do this video   and show you like how you can actually ask smart  questions and basically ask chat GPT to give you   good answers instead of generic answer so I wrote  this prompt where we're gonna make chagibiti act   like a Berkeley professor and then we're gonna  to tell it like we have only 10 weeks to Learn   Python so like make sure like you give me a super  relevant curriculum do you see like how now the   responses that I'm getting are way more specific  way more detailed which is really good okay so   let's say you have defined your roadmap you have  defined your study plan and you're working on   it I truly truly believe that in order to learn  anything new especially coding you actually need   to get hands-on experience to learn it because we  can watch all the tutorials you can watch every   YouTube video on the internet but unless until  you actually do the Hands-On work you won't be   able to learn it fully so what we're going to do  next is let's say we're learning python chat GPD   has given us a roadmap now we want to do some  Hands-On project so this is where I would again   Ask strategy Boutique to give me Hands-On projects  on python so I can like kind of get hands-on   experience but also like build my portfolio that  I can show to other people to show that like I   actually do know python so I wrote another prompt  where I'm asking it again to act like a Berkeley   data science Professor I don't know what's with  me and Berkeley Professor but whatever and then   I'm giving it a lot more specific information  in terms of that we have very limited background   into into Python and then I'm asking it to include  projects in each week so student can gets Hands-On   practical experience it's actually acting like a  Berkeley Professor which is really cool okay so   I think it's giving like very generic response so  I wanted to add more requirement for each project   so I'm going to ask it to do that so now that I  have run that now it's actually giving me a lot   more specific project guidelines for example let's  read project one introduction to python Basics so   create a program that calculates and print the  areas of a circle the program should take user   input okay now this is a lot more specific  I have I I still think you can like build   on top of it and get even more detailed project  requirement but for the purpose of this video I   think this is enough so let's say if I I were  able to follow all of these I would have eight   projects after learning to code and then having  hands-on experience and something to add on my   resume let's say you're working on these projects  and now you are on week two during week two you   are assigned a project where you have to do some  data analysis using python SQL Excel spreadsheets   which is also actually a great opportunity to  try this AI based spreadsheet by quadratic HQ   who is also sponsoring this portion of the video  the tool is completely free and it changes the   way you work with your data in spreadsheets you  can basically write code inside your spreadsheets   using Python and SQL and many other languages  not only that it has integration with chat GPT   so you can actually ask chat GPD questions inside  the spreadsheet and work on your code you can use   it to build dashboards create internal Tools in  minutes quickly mix data from different sources   as well as explore your data for new insights I'm  gonna link quadratic in the description below it's   completely free so talking about resume I think  there's one more thing that we can do so let's   say we worked on these eight projects now I  want to include these projects on my resume   so what we're gonna ask chat GPT to do is we're  gonna make it create bullet points for us for   each of these eight projects so let's do that so  I'm gonna say create resume bullet points for all   of these projects and of course like the answer  that it's going to give is going to be a little   bit generic because it's not going to be specific  to your project and the actual outcome from your   project but this is actually a great starting  point you can actually copy paste this into   your resume and then uh modify it and customize  it to whatever you want to add to it now that   we have defined the framework we have built our  project portfolio at least like we you know what   your projects you're going to be working with the  next thing you can do is have it explain specific   Concepts to you let's say you want to join two  data sets in Python here I would ask actually   let's try Bard for this example and this will  actually give give me a coding snippet that I   can use and customize further okay so it actually  gave me a coding snippet that I can use okay so   basically I got coding snippet as well as output  oh wow okay this is really cool tragivity doesn't   give me output but I got an output from a sample  output from Bard okay this looks pretty neat next   let's say you have some SQL code and you want to  turn that SQL code into python this is especially   helpful for people who are coming from other  coding language for example let's say if you   use r or if you use SQL or if you use Java or  c-sharp and you have some coding snippet written   in that language you can use Chad GPT and Bard to  actually switch their languages so in this case   we're going to switch the SQL SQL to python so I'm  going to give it a SQL code and I'm going to ask   it to convert it to python pandas so let's see  what it does okay so it understood the SQL code   and it gave me uh basically a coding snippet as  well as the output okay I love the output output   is the best part let's try another example where  we have some complex SQL and we're going to ask   it to convert this code into python again so this  one is using inner query and output yay okay okay   it looks like it did a really good job of running  this code and taking that complex SQL semi-complex   equal into python code also I really like that it  there is a read SQL function that is in pandas you   can basically write your SQL inside python which  is really cool you can also use chat GPT and bar   to explain specific Concepts in Python such as  while loop or if statements eltif statements and   anything that you're having a hard time wrapping  your head around you can actually use it as a   tutor and basically learn new things and sometimes  I like to give it specific prompt where I say that   explain it like you would explain to a child  and it really I don't want to say dumb it down   it really simplifies it for you which I love and I  have done that a few times another thing that you   can make rgbt do is make it write new code for you  now here I would say that if you're learning to   code this is your first time I would suggest that  you write the code on your own and then verify   with chat GPT or Bard to see if this is actually  the right output because once you actually write   it on your own you actually get to learn more so  I wouldn't just go to childbirth or any of these   tools as the first step try to do it on your own  before you actually get to any of these tools some   other use cases that you can try at chat GPT is  to write documentation let's say if you have some   code and you want to write documentation on your  code you forgot to comment on it earlier but now   you want to add comments you can ask chargpt and  part to write comment your code you can also have   it write documentation for you there are so many  other use cases that you can use these generative   AI tools to your advantage and this video is just  covering only 10 of this I would suggest to watch   some of the videos that I published earlier how  you can use Chad GPT and generative AI tools for   your work for your learning in data science data  analytics and coding in general so feel free to   watch my other videos where I go into more detail  let's say you learn this coding language to get a   job in coding and let's say you have an interview  coming up here again you can ask charging to give   you a framework a question set of questions that  you can practice on that specific coding language   there are obviously a lot of positives to these  tools but there are certain limitations to chat   gbt and Bard one of them is that it's not always  right so make sure that you're doing your due   diligence when using any of the output from chat  GPT Bard or any of the other tools it's based on   historical data and based on things that have  already happened so it's not going to give you   any out of the box ideas but it's possible that  it might give you some ideas that you haven't read   on the internet today so it's your sandbox you  can use it to find ideas that have other humans   have come up with and obviously it goes without  saying be responsible when you're using this tool   for example don't put your word code on any of  these tools because it will become part of the   training model and your might not like it let  me know in comments if you've been using Chad   GPT board or any of the generative AI tools  for coding or other use cases with that thank   you so much for watching I hope you're having a  great day I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Sundas Khalid
Views: 681,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: data science, data scientist, self-taugh data scientist, big tech, Machine Learning, Python, data science projects, data science tutorials, data science jobs, AI, big data, data analyst, data analytics, business analyst, sundas khalid, women of color in tech, people of color in tech, inspiring stories, data science at google, chatgpt, python roadmap 2023, python for data science, pandas, numpy, learn python with chatgpt, chatgpt hacking, coding with chatgpt, bard, claudeai
Id: xr68cbOxvBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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