Beautiful Patience - Sheikh Abu Usamah At-Thahabi

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Oh red brick media for the cd/dvd lectures club bar conferences or Quran recitation all revenue generated supports our dowel supported by visiting our store you can now purchase tab renting from outside that UK menara man raheem alhamdulillahi meadow who when Esther you know who when I stuff arrow and I would be like him and Shirley Ann frisina woman say ti ti Molina nahin lahu phenomenal woman Judy Lynn funada Deena what ash hadu an la illaha in allahu why to hula Cheri kara why shadow and no muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu sallallahu like he was said mo why I am a bottle for in hive Academy Kalam light Subhanahu WA Ta'ala were Havel who da Buddha nabina sallallahu aleyhi water adi he was selling them to slimming kathira Michelle Moore Martha - ha what Coulomb desitin beta will cool a bit item but a local authority and fin are and what we have the honey in the book of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and the authentic surname the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasalam is the indisputable fact that everyone here they have their trials and they have their tribulations they have their ups and they have their downs and if anyone is living in this dunya and he or she thinks or believes one second that their life is going to be without problems then they're not reading the Quran or not reading the Sunna and they're not being realistic novel tada has mentioned in the Quran o la Llorona and know whom you should the noon offical me I'm in mother Latin Oman retain do they not see that they are tried every single year once or twice so this year person he loses his job the following year the individual loses his mother the following year he is diagnosed with his serious disease that's the nature of the hyatt of the dunya and there's no one absolutely no one except that he has to deal with these issues he gets out of one problem and before he knows it there is another problem staring him in the face allahu taala mentioned in the Quran whoa John Bardo Cooney Bowden fitna Aptos Piron rarely we have made you fitness for one another to see if you're going to have suburb so the wife is a fitna for her husband the husband is a fitna for the wife the mother and the father are fitna for the children the children are a fitna for the mother and the father when we come together in an assembly like this in the Masjid with fitness for each other so the Prophet told us of Allahu alayhi wa ala aalihi wasallam and movement and leve you highly-tuned as well yes Veeru ah da da whom my room in and movement and Eddy value highly tuned as what is people Allah Adel the believer who mixes with the people and his patient he has suffered with what he sees from them that he doesn't like those things which annoy him he's better than the movement who refuses to mix with the people and he's not having suffered and he's not patient with that which annoys him we have to have supper with each other because that ayat of the Quran made it clear we made you fitna towards one another to see if you're going to have Sabich the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa ala ali was sending them told this community in Naha saticon body Asura Toma a tongue Karuna Colorado Sola my mother tomorrow man Adric a de caminha codicil Allah he will sell them to a donor - Eddie alaikum what does alone Allah leve Lacombe after my death they want to be some affairs where the leaders are going to play favorites the leaders of the Muslims they want to choose some people over others and also you're going to see some things that you're not going to like those companions I gotta so Allah whatwhat do you advise one of us to do when we had those types of leaders in those types of situations he said give the rights of the people whoever has a hawk over you give them their heart and ask Allah and be patient and receiving your own help because we're going to be fitness to one another if the people know that the leader of the Muslims for an example they are fitness for us because the Quran said that their fitness for us and we're a fitness for them so the point here is the fact that we have to deal with trials and tribulations we have to deal with each other and in dealing with each other that in and of itself is a trial and tribulation and even in describing the believer prophet told us on the Lahani was seldom in the movement holy cow Muffit Donna the movement the believer he has been created to be tried so there's no one sitting here who was of age and his body and his as his Adam except that he has trials and tribulations some people were suffering from serious conditions of stress right now and some people their stress levels are not that high but rest assure what everybody has problems everybody has fitted as a result of that the issue of suburb is an issue that is of paramount importance iliza gel he didn't create us to be tried and to put these Fitness upon us just to amuse himself hi sharing that he created us like this to put us to child's and tribulations for some really powerful meanings he said in the quran about that issue well Michael apna a semi whitey well auto da when maibaner houma la a beam I didn't create the heavens and the earth and what is between the heavens and the earth I think create him playing around ingests making a lab he didn't create us to be try just to do that to you to play a game hi Sharon that he traded us to be tried and it has a number of wisdoms one of the wisdoms is what Eliza's you're mentioned in the Quran in surah al-ankabut for the alamin lovely Dena Sadako well they are lamenting kvb allah puts us to these trials in tribulations so as to know who are the ones who have as said whoever saw their team the one who says I'm a movement I mean Muslim and then once he says that he proves it so he puts those trials and tribulations to him and from the difference of the one who says I'm a movement but when something happens to him he blames Allah and he doesn't exercise any fitna well he doesn't in any suburb or he doesn't do what the religion is saying to do in a particular given state of circumstances so the shattered of all of that is in today's dollars talking about the suburb that is beautiful the suburb that is Jamil this is just one of the many many keys that Allah Allah has given us one of the many many weapons that a large region has given us to get out of our trials and our tribulations the child's in tribulations that no one can escape from no one so there's not one key there are many keys to deal with a fitting there's not one weapon there are many weapons from those weapons it's for a person to have as sit as that is said if you're truthful with Allah you'll get out of your problem one of the many weapons is having hosts nilin having a good opinion about allows ohana or Dada and what he can do and what he will do and what he won't do that he doesn't oppress you and he doesn't put you beyond put you in a situation that you can't bear from those keys is having a to Acco and Allah from those keys to get out of the fitting and the problems is the issue of getting to know Allah in the good times and then doing the bad times Allah will know you as the Prophet told us on Allah Wadi we'll sell them to our of Adlai Federer ha Yara Foca Ishita get to know Allah know a lot doing the good times when you have good health when you're young when you have money Givi severe Allah get to know a lot doing the good times when your problems are lesser and then when you have a problem that you have to deal with a lot is going to know you at that time it'll be there for you at that time the point is all of these are issues that are some of the weapons and they are many many at-taqwa having a tuck one and it's the fog making it Toba all of those issues help the slave to get out of these mashach and at door ah helps the slave get out of the mashach and just generally practicing the religion coming to the Masjid praying the prayers wearing hijab and other than that prophet told the people subtle of why they he was selling them fitna to Roger VI Lee he what Miley he when FC he were well ad he went Jerry he knew Kathy Roja SEM was Charlotte was sadaqa well a little bit my roof with nahi anil munkar the trial that a man deals with the fitna that he has in his money in his wealth his family his wife his children the fitna that he has from his neighbor he has a bad neighbor the fitna that he has to deal with they are expiated by him fasting their expiated by and make him salat by him give him so Dhaka by enjoining the good and preventing the evil the evil so the point here is there are many many my fatty and there are many many weapons today we want to talk about one of those weapons inshallah and we're going to just deal with certain aspects of it and that is the weapon of of suburb of suburb in regards to the brother's name in today's talk the beautiful suburb that is because of honey this is an e bara or a term from it from the terminologies of Alice land that we should know sub brewing Jimena because it comes in the Quran a number of times it comes in the Quran in the story of Yusuf and in this surah and the chapter of Yusuf which is a surah of a lot of lessons concerning the importance of a suburb whoever has a problem here and that's all of us whoever's stressed out and some of us have really stressed out and others are not so stressed out in the quran in the authentic sooner for whatever your problem is there is a prophet a messenger a righteous man or woman somewhere in that Quran in the authentic Sunnah that you can take a lesson directly from those pages of the Quran and the Sunnah and they are applicable exactly to your case he has she has a bad husband then she has to have the suburb of hacia the wife of faroan family problems family issues then she has he has the story of use of a tremendous benefit falsely being accused as in the story of Yusuf sallallahu alayhi wa sallam soirée tremendous benefits so in this statement of a lava tiles prophet yahoo yahoo when the brothers came back and they wanted to tell the father what they perceived as being the truth and it was the truth at that time that his youngest son who was known as Binyamin benjamin he stole something he stole something the father knew previous to that that they had lied about the wolf so they told him they kept your youngest son now he lost yourself now we lost the youngest son as well bingi ameen Jakub salah whathe lai was said a male he he said are labelled so wedded legume and fossa come Umbra for southern Jameel a Salah and yet T&E be engineer in no hua Li Li mo Hakeem this column of you people telling me that my youngest son Bingaman who I know that he stole something and as a result of that they kept him as a captive and you come telling me this story this is a story that your own minds have made up your own Souls you've created this thing but sub1 Jamil patience is beautiful I'm going to have the beautiful it may be it may be that Allah is going to bring all of them back to me Allah is going to bring Yusuf back to me and Allah is going to bring his brother my youngest son Bing Amin back to me for verily Allah he is a lion and he is al Hakim so that's the first place where the ayat' is mentioned this islamic terminology for sub room Jimmie beautiful suburb second time is mentioned is in surah admired surah and marriage allahu taala commanded the Prophet with it sallallahu alayhi wasallam well selasa even bi Dabin walker little carefully kneel a seller who death him min allah he did my Irish Cairo Jew and in my life I go to a row in a few men carry me toda rohan Cena alpha sena for sub bring Jamila a numero uno who Biden wanna Rahu Kariba Allah who taught I mentioned in this or this term again for a second time the questioner put forth the question about the inevitable punishment the punishment that is going to befall the disbelievers and there's nothing that's going to repeal it and push it away the punishment that comes from Allah the one who has in my reach the ways of a sinking that's why it's called and my Irish the one who has the ways of a sinking till him the angels and the Royal produce gibreel so a lot Allah will say that money they go up to Allah in a day the like of that day is like fifty thousand years verily they see it as being far away but it is close meaning you'll know qiyamah a lot all the prophets allah Salam fuss bill subrin jameelah so be patient muhammad be patient the beautiful patients so what is the meaning of this Ribera what is the meaning in our Quran that Allah who Tana has used and the ulema of al-islam previously from the a bharat that we should come to know if we came to this masjid and we learned the meaning of these words the benefit of just learning this only Allah knows what it is in the scale because the Prophet told us if we come to the message it's all of a sudden we learn one eye at a - why so three eyes and so forth so on Sabourin Jamil what does it mean the scholars of understand they said that suburb Jamil the beautiful patience means the patients in which a person doesn't complain about the thing that he's dealing with is the suburb where whenever he's dealing with whatever he's dealing with if you ask him how's your situation what's going on he says alhamdulillah alhamdulillah Allah cruelly Hal he doesn't go around complaining about his issue he's sick diagnosed with cancer he heard about the death of something on someone and it has made him seriously upset this individual he has suburb where the people look at him and they see him and if he didn't say something the person who doesn't know about his problem wouldn't have come to know about it why do they give it that definition they give it that definition because of what also was said by Apple salawatullahi wa salamu honey in the quran in surah Yosef when he said to his children kada and Emma aku Betsy were Hosni in Allah what are the MU min allahi my light olive moon verily I complain I complain about my grief and I complain about my sorrow only to Allah I don't come to you to complain I'm not telling you my children I'm not telling my wives I'm not telling the community my grief and my sorrow I complain about it only to Allah because he alone know the reality of it he alone is the one who can take it off of me he alone is the one who decreed it upon me and when I complained to the other people about it usually only causes more problems usually only causes more problems so that's one of the reasons why it's called sub room Jamil the southern way the person conceals what his problem is another example of that is when a lot I described the Torah of the Quran the people who need help he said about them yeah several who managed a hill and me a minute alphaf dari for whom busy man whom lagus aluminized al - he said about the real folk are ah who have some Deen some taqwa some position not like what we see sometimes with the people begging and so forth and so on they may be begging and they deserve because the one who asked he has a right to us you can give him you may not give him but the one who doesn't beg he is the one who has the suburb that's Jamil Allah described in the Quran he said that the one who doesn't know him the one who doesn't know him he's Jack hill he doesn't know him he thinks that he has money because of a doubtful he doesn't say anything he doesn't ask people for anything and he's in need Allah saying you will know them from the assign and the assign is they do not ask the people indiscriminately they don't go and say I need this I need that not that is Haram to do that if you need money if you are a person who you can receive zakat or siddhappa you can let people know your situation but you're not having the support of jameelah before on the suburbs Jamil of the individual who whatever his problem is he doesn't say anything to the point that he's impoverished but the people think that he is not in need because he's exercising the suburb that is Jammu the suburb that is Jamila wedding has three conditions has three conditions this characteristic of a suburb that everyone is in need of the first condition of the suburb Jamil is that the person has to have a class in his subway he has to have a class because the societies where we come from Muslims and non-muslims alike sometimes they try to get us to buy into Muslim societies and non Muslim societies alike get us to buy into the man and being a man he has to be strong especially in the face of adversity so if he loses a child someone that he loved he lost his mother someone that he loves he can't cry society tells him don't cry because that's the way it was raised don't be a little girl don't cry why are you acting like that so instead of crying and mourning he's like a rock and he even gives a party it gives a dinner after someone close to him is died so that it would be said Wow look how strong he is look how powerful to come mighty he is after he lost his mother look how he's acting he didn't take any days off from work that's not something Jamil supper-room Jamil is for a person to have supper and in his somebody has a loss second of all and supper is only for a lot second of all he does not complain to Allah like or a bow he doesn't say oh Allah why did you do this to me that's not suffering Jamil if he sits oh she sits and complains about what Allah O'Connor has decreed and they blame Allah as opposed to having hosts Navan whatever happened it is in your best interest whatever happened it is the ID of Allah the hokum of Allah is passing within you Maldon fika whatever happened you have the ability to deal with it but people who have sort of humble at a bad opinion about Allah these are the individuals who turn around and they complain why did you do it to me why was the creed upon me want to commit suicide or this or that instead of having who sinner then as the Prophet told us a la la la di d will seldom that Allah sent era under the NAB DB in Van Halen fella hope we're in vanish Arlen fella who I will be in accordance to the way my slave thinks I am if my slave thinks good of me I'll be good with him and if my slave thinks evil then I'm going to be the thing that's going to happen is going to be bad it's not going to come out the way that he thinks it should come out it's going to be a problem for him so he has that personal done and not complained to Allah why did you do this like the people of Algeria the people of Algeria they had sue a van you vanunu be like a rival hop Vanilli jahiliyyah they thought about Allah in a way that wasn't the truth it was the run and the speculation of jahiliyya the speculation of Jang he was a lot if something happened to one of them a catastrophe they would curse the time if something happened to one of them from the Messiah the Messiah something happened to them they would drink Hummer to try to forget about the problem they would do crazy things if something happened to them if something happened to them they would second-guess the color of Allah they would use the word lo if if if lo Catalan a minute Amrish a motto tener una if we had anything to do with this we would have been killed right here we shouldn't have never come out if we wouldn't have come out on this day we wouldn't have died that sooner than B lat so the Prophet told the community sallallahu wasallam don't say if don't say if I would have done this if I would have done that then that would have happened and this would have happened because if opens up the works of a sheath on so the second condition of the suburb Jamil is not to blame Allah thoroughly and finally a honey from the conditions of a person who has sub bloom Jamil the supper of which he conceals his problem to the best of his ability he has a class in his suburb he doesn't blame Allah and number three has the suburb at the proper time meaning when the thing first happens especially the way allahu taala has created everyone for the most part is that if a person lost someone who was very dear to them lost his child lost his mother lost the father lost the wife the husband after year after two years allah is going to take that away from me with the passing of time all catastrophes start to pale from how they were when they first started that's from the rama of allah because if we kept our problems the intensity of them in our minds and hearts the same way that they were when it happened you would probably die you probably kill yourself suffer from some serious mental illnesses and that's why a person can't kill himself by worrying about things that have happened in the past let it go and get on with your life the wife is allowed to mourn her husband for four months and ten days he was the one who was providing for her be even in now he was her soul mate in the dunya he was the one who did things with her that she'll always remember for the rest of her life so because of that close relationship and strong relationship Allah gave her four months and ten days as a rama after those four months in conveys she has to get on with her life no one else no one else is allowed to mourn anyone more than three days you have to get on with your life so part of the submerged amel the three conditions is that the person when the fitna happens he at that moment has the suburb not after two years now he says I have suffered jimmy'll after two years no after two years the thing is naturally going to dissipate in your heart in your mind the famous hadith of the lady who lost her loved one the Prophet came behind her so Allah why he was sent up and told that lady be patient and you get your reward from Allah be patient and you'll get your reward from Allah she told him get away from me you don't know what I'm going through they came in told hi and you said that to the prophet sallallaahu adding you will sell them she went to apologize out of Salah didn't know was you I'm sorry he told her sallallahu wasallam innama suburb and the submittal Allah the time to have patience is when the catastrophe first happens the problem first happened take your time don't talk don't react collect yourself get your wits about yourself that's part of saboom Jamil but if the catastrophe first happens when the lady hears about the death of someone who's close to her and she doesn't control herself and have this all but at that time she'll rip open her shirt she'll start slapping herself in the face she'll throw herself on the ground she'll say what was me what was me oh Allah why did you do this to me and that disqualifies her from that moment having the suburb Jamiel so that's why this talk is called sub room Jamil the beautiful suburb because of the mentioning of that issue in the Book of Allah whose pan who went on as for honey the virtues of supper the virtues of it the food aisle of a suburb they had too many in the Quran and in the authentication too many from them is what Allah who tada has established in Allah mouth swab 18 verily Allah is with those who have patience now this is important Allah is with those who have patience this man is from the characteristics of Allah Marya Tula Allah being with someone and being with people and there are two types of it Allah is with two types of people there are two types of Maria two types of Allah being with people the first one is the Maria that is general Allah is with everybody is with everyone the muckman the facet the the calf and the moon a fifth he's with the people when they go to the toilet Akram Akula he's with them when they dive under the scene and go swimming he's with them in the cave he's with them wherever they are voilá who Malcolm am i cutting tune Allah is with you wherever you are whatever you are but there's nothing special about that in terms of people's condition in their relationship with Allah Allah is with everyone but the Maurya that is hatha the special maria allies with people in a special way he's with people because of who they are or he's with people and or he's with people because of some characteristic that they have now Allah mentioned in the Quran about this Maria if your poodle esau hippie he lies Endon ilaha mana when he said to his companion salallahu alayhi wasalam said to abu bakar of the alarm don't be sad don't worry we're here in this place in a cave hiding from them and they right here they about to get us you think don't worry Allah is with us Allah was with them because of the characteristic who they are who they were that's the Hatem of the NBN the Halil of allah his rasul in his Nabi Saleh la soirée will sell him to say you the Benny Adam as a result of that allows with him his religion had not been completed yet his mission had not been completed he's still in Mecca he still has ten more years to go for his dower so many I come to come down and to be legislated it's not finished allies with him because of who he was Shalala Wahiawa seller and the maria of allah that is special Hausa is the maria of elijah gel with the person because of a characteristic in allah hamas sovereign allah will be with those people who are patient because of the suburb because of their suburb and the bad marriage be patient difficulty for mother and father be patient Allah will be with you because of that suburb and will be with you for other reasons as well because there from the real Emma it'll be with them because they're from those people who have a class he'll be with them because they're from those individuals who have humility not a nanana but from the really serious seriously important characteristics is the characteristic of a summer to gain Allah Azza WA JAL special protection from the virtues of the summer as well as running those people have suffered and as I mention really a lot by Bushido strawberry a Latina EDA asaba to Musa Batum Kullu Manali la Habana la hiiragi oh la la la whom hola Akali him salawatu min rabbin Marama well I Iike human Mata dune give glad tidings a Mohammed to those people who have suffered from the virtues of a sovereign gave glad tidings Bushra to those people have suffered those people who when something bad happens to them a catastrophe hits them those people they save early from Allah we come and Burleigh to a lot we will return this thing that has happened and these things are happening I couldn't escape them I came from Allah and I'm returning to Allah and in that journey that I'm making these things that are happy and I just have to go through it and I have to deal with it so instead of going crazy I have submarine Jimmy Allah Allah said those are the ones who the seller Watts of Allah upon them Behrami of Allah is upon them and they are the multitude they are guiding they have allah hidaya people who have suffered who have been blessed with sabah can exercise it those characteristics the silhouette of Allah allows forgiveness allows forgiveness for what they did as the hadith that we mentioned earlier the fitna barrage ooh the fitting of the man or the woman that comes from the family the son the daughter the neighbor that comes within their own person their money he lost his money she lost her money someone stole the money didn't give him back the money these Fitness they are washed away and expiated as a result of individual practicing the religion as a result of the individual having this suburb from allahu subhanahu wa'ta'ala he washes away so that again shows the virtues of a suburb not being an individual who loses hope and loses faith that allah subhanaw taala is going to help you there are many many iuck allahu taala mentioned you waffle you were for soybean una you were for sabe Runa at your home be ready he said those people have sobered they will be given their reward without any reckoning personal and suffer from the virtues of having supper you get your reward without any reckoning from the poor families and poor individuals of lslam at the beginning was the illustrious family of nobility yeah service family Amara's father su Maia's husband Rob the alone I'm home when they were being persecuted in public in the public square Mecca and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam used to walk by them and he couldn't do anything other than to make jihad with his tongue he can do anything couldn't untie them all he can do was give advice to help to establish them and to increase their supper that's responsibility that people were around us have tours those people have problems we have to serve as advisors towards one another yeah he be patient don't be of the people help the person to be overcome by a Shaitaan he starts to complain about his issue and you say here here that's right yeah that's why did a lot do it to you yeah yeah that's right now you have to advise him probably walk by those peoples on a lot he was telling me would say to them subrin ya la yes subrin ala yasin friend amore document Genda yes the family of yasser you people up there on the pole being persecuted being ripped apart and shredded in the Sun they were being whipped be patient because your reward for your subber is jeanna without any he sat without any he said you were for sabi Lena you love for Saab you don't at your home be ready he said so those are from some of the many virtues that have been mentioned in the book of allah as for the authentic sunnah of the prophet sallallahu aleyhi Ali will sell them for her death without Harwich her death willahara CH prophet sallallahu alayhi wa ana anyhoo Selim and what was collected by an imam al bukhari and muslim and the authority of abu saeed al hoody and showing the virtues of patience he said my ulti ah Abdul hiren when I outside Mina's supper a slave has not been given anything that is better and more expensive than suffering even knowledge if a person has been given subber he has been given hiren kaffir and it is very wide a person who's married in this Masjid if Allah gave him a lot of money that doesn't guarantee his marriage is going to be successful or he's going to be happy in his marriage he can have all of the money in the world but if he doesn't have sub or his marriage is now going to be nice but if Allah gave the married man sub or a sub or with his wife suffered on his children then that is a lot of hell and it is an expensive good and just take that example and apply to everyone everything some of the brothers they want to go and study and in Medina so they come can you write us a recommendation you write him the recommendation he may go may not go if he goes if he doesn't have sub or studying Medina this romantic idea that he has about studying over there it'd be a big fitna but if he has sub or he'll be able to deal with not eating the food that is used to he'll be able to deal with being in an environment that he's not used to it will be able to deal with all of those things that Shaitaan has to throw his way whatever your case is from the virtues of a sub my ulti ah Abdul hi Shaitan Hiram in summer when I also no one was giving anything better than patience nor was anyone given anything wider than patience so the one who has it has been given a lot of good and the one who has not been given to his problem whatever he's doing the young man wants to get married he doesn't have the ability to get married if he has been given subarray his life is manageable he can handle it she can handle it if they didn't have supper whatever else Allah gave them gave him strength he's very strong but he doesn't have supper he's in trouble she's in trouble from the virtues of the suburb from the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom is that the prophet told us on a la guardia we'll send them a sub-rule diya well Quran o fortuna' cow a lake summer is light for you and like dia is different from Nord diya means the light the real really really radiant light summer is a radiant light for you with suburb it has the ability for the one who has it and he exercises it or she exercises it it has the ability to make everything clear for you and to you just be patient have supper and the reality of it is going to come clear you may not be able to see it now especially doing this time especially doing this time these are the times where the things are topsy-turvy because we're close to the hour being established a Dajjal is going to come doing these times where the truth is passed off as being falsehood and the falsehood is passed off as being the truth everything is topsy-turvy the time of fitna problems so you have to be careful who you're going to borrow your money till you want to loan the money to you have to be careful he's your friend you thought he was a nice guy you thought it was okay don't just borrow your money and loan money out to people you have to because there are people sitting right here and you have to taste this the bad way so the sour taste is still in your mouth these are the times that we're living in suteki either nice and a lot to adopt there's going to come to the people years of deceit these are those times so take it easy if you have subber you'll be able to tell because through the time everything we'll make itself relevant everything will make itself manifest I'll sub rudia that's from the virtues of it prophet sallallahu alayhi wa ala aalihi will sell them also informed as honey in the hadith of Abu Yahya Sohaib at Rumi ruddy Allah I know about that formula that is for the Muslim and is only for the Muslim is the maxim for the Muslim the win-win equation the win-win equation dealing with the issue of Subway Carla salallahu alayhi wasalam IG been the Ameren movement in america colo who hire when i hakuna directly I had an allele in movement and asaba to Sarah Chocolat the kind of Haman low when Assad were in asaba to bara Sabra the can eradicate hallo he said that the affair and the condition of the believer it is amazing his condition is amazing he's sitting here right now with some serious issues on his head his heart is heavy some people you know in varying degrees and despite all of those problems that he has when he looks at himself he chases the sourness of his problem but in reality his situation is I Jeep is amazing and that's only for the believer it's only for the Muslim who's reached the level of an Amen if something good happens to him he thinks Allah and because of his sugar that's better for him he'll be written down with the Shack a dream you'll get the reward of those people have a sugar and if something happens that he doesn't like my adoro Atbara if something happens that he doesn't like he has suburb and as a result of a sudden it is better for him it's better for him he'll be with those people allahu taala he takes care of them because Allah is with the Saudi Dean he'll get his reward without any he sad the individual will get a la hoot Allah's protection the individual will be from those individuals who all of those ayat of the Quran the authentic hadith mention about the people of a sovereign so now the question comes what do we have to have subber upon and what do we have to have sub or in a lot of things that honey generally speaking because as we live in this Hyatt of the dunya everyone's condition is between two things and there's not a third thing or condition everyone's condition is between either some nemah then allahu taala has given you good health money whatever you have that's one condition the good things that are happening in our lives and the second thing condition is that there's some problem so we'll see but something that people are dealing with so we have to have subber in those two cases you have to have suburb in and on the favours that our lives we Jenner has bestowed upon us you have to have trouble with it deal with it in a way that is reflective of what the Quran and what the authentic string of the prophet sallallaahu re wanna do seldom has shown us in addition to that and it comes under those two issues we have to have some of the honey and the things that Allah what Allah has commanded us to do in worshipping him lady Baghdad about Islam they require a shrubbery you have to do is take for an example the fast of Ramadan praying the taraweeh and how in the month of taraweeh in the month of ramadan we all want to stand and not miss any of the Torah way prayer but as the month goes on it becomes increasingly difficult for some to go through the whole month without missing any of the turn away although it's in our best interest to do so so being patient in standing up praying to Allah Azza WA JAL why your feet burn and your legs hurt that's the supper on the obedience of aligns with them sabor on making Moodle in our message it and Hum Dil our happy to say now a message it the water is warm it's manageable it's no problem sometimes you go to the Masjid the Miss Qin has water that is cold and you don't like making will do with that kind of water especially in the morning so cold to some that they say I'm making tea on them I'm not using that water a lot doesn't burden a person beyond his scope and he becomes from the foot behind he uses that fit and he leaves the water room Allah eylem is that okay not okay I don't know but the Prophet told us to be patient with those issues to be patient with the cold water in the wintertime and coming to the message it in the winter time praying that I've suffered with those issues the gender of allows high note Allah is surrounded by those things the Makati those things that you don't like to do the gender is surrounded about with those things so we have to have trouble on and we'll be back that of Allah fasting in the month of Ramadan and being patient from frigid time kamagra making the Hajj and be impatient we go and before we go again we have a romantic idea the house of Allah so golden opportunity a trip once-in-a-lifetime type trip but when you get there you'll find you are in jihad feasibility laughs and it's not that type of trip some people after the Hajj is over there ready to come home right away and if the trip was that after Hajj you be there for another week some people don't like that I don't want to be here for another week can you change my reservations so you have to be a person who has suffered concerning the obedience of Allah also concerning the honey the cutter of Allah the upper dog those things that Allah has decreed those things that Allah has decreed upon us that we don't like he caused an individual again to lose a limb another individual lost a loved one another individual he didn't get the mark he didn't get the job another individual he lost his job another individual he had to do this this had to happen that at the time that is what he had to go through to get to his hair after he has to have supper in all of those issues Sabich jameelah don't complain about it don't blame a lot have a clause when the thing first happens take it easy and slow down and lastly from what we have to have supper concerning is as the scholars of Alice lamb have mentioned suffer concerning the Messiah of Allah the disobedience of Allah person disobeys Allah he tries to avoid it and he makes Toba to Elijah gentle from the thing that he did he tries to eliminate it from being a part of what he does and he continues to move forward without allowing the Shaitaan to come to him to make him think because he did that particular thing then there is no way out suffered on the masiha of allah he does it he makes Toba and that's it all of these are from the issue so I want to mention some things that honey from the Sunnah that the Prophet told us on Allah what he was telling them about the importance of the suffering or things that are concerning our lives he told the people sallallahu alayhi wasallam mal covered allahu ta'ala habiba t raju for subhana allah o whether you Bhima and Jenna Allah never ever or he doesn't take away a person's eyesight his ability to see and he called his eyes his two beloved his Habib attained his to Habib 'as and then that person was patient with it except that Allah replaced his eyesight with Jenna what a bargain Jenna for the eyesight the lady came and she used to go into what appears today to be epileptic fit it's people from our community they have epilepsy they shake violently they fall on the ground they hit their head on the ground they hit their head the wash bin they get all kinds of problems as a result of the epileptic fit they almost swallow their tongues they're dealing with this all the time this lady used to suffer from what appears to be those symptoms she came and say I Rasul Allah make dua to Allah that this thing is taken away he said in shitty doubt the lucky what I can insa but finicky Jenna if you want I'll make do offer you but I'm telling you if you were patient with your situation then you'll go to Jenna you go to Jenna because of that condition of yours that causes you to lose the equilibrium that when the people look at you they say oh he's going nuts he's having a fit she's having a fit so the gentleness for the individual who like that lady inshallah exercises some subber in the issue that doesn't mean that you should neglect taking your medication it doesn't mean that look at the summary and a semi-nomadic and the famous hadith as we mentioned so many times the summer that the father needs some of us we are very rough and tough and we become angry very quickly everyone becomes angry everyone gets angry sometimes the children deserve it what they do it requires the correct emotion from the father's to be angry but some of us have issues with anger management and that we become angry too quickly and for little things and I said I took care of the Prophet sallallaahu Selim for 10 years 14 years and he never said to me why did you do this for something that I did nor did he ever say to me in 10 years why didn't you do that for something that I didn't do that's the famous narration there's another narration that is authentic to that in which an asymptomatic said and also when I used to be in his house in any of his homes if someone from is a little bait saw me doing something and they would say to me hey what did hey boy don't do this don't do that oh hey boy why did you do this and right into that the Prophet would say leave the boy alone leave the boy alone he would different an asymptomatic because their honey and being a parent and having a Tobia if we don't have supper with our children then they'll grow up with some of the luggage and some of the hang-ups that we have right now us having a difficult time in dealing with our children came sometimes as a result of our parents especially the father not dealing with us in a way in which we were taught the best way of doing something or not doing something from the student of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that we deal with today is the statement of allah subhanho wa taala and the hadith a inside Bukhari prophets said that our lives when jelly he said Miley Abdi Minges an adept alator who be so Fiji he minute dunya a la famosa bra in legenda he said my slave he doesn't have any reward if I take away from him his fluffy the person he loves I causes him I caused him to die cause of the die that individuals patient with the decree that I put into effect the reward for that individual is that I will put that person in side of the gender because of his suburb especially if it is the suburb that is the Jamil so I say to you brothers and sisters omote in Islam there is no one here except that he or she is in dire need of developing within his self or herself this issue of a southern and getting and coming to know about some of the rules and regulations some of what allahu taala has prepared for those people who have the supper in the hereafter as well as in the dunya because as we mentioned there is no one except that throughout the course of one's life we're going to have to deal with these trials and tribulations and there is no escape from them no one is going to escape them so the religion of Allah slam has given us a hamdulillah the weapons and the keys that would allow us to do them and from the most effective weapons is the weapon of a sub so I ask Allah who paddled out and closing out this session for this Saturday and this week may Allah put your good suburb of sitting and being quiet and being patient may put that in your meas out of housing that ilmo qiyamah and may his final data makers of those people who are the swabby lena and the sabi rot the suburb that is Jamil Hassan low sallim ala nabi'ina early he was hobby and Jemaine
Channel: Green Lane Masjid
Views: 25,616
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Keywords: 1eid, eid, jalal, ibn, saeed, ramadan, tv, ramadhan, alkauthar, mercy, mission, islamic, network, misconceptions, khutbah, iera, dawah, help, maryam, sunnah, bidah, green, lane, masjid, mosque, salafi, refuted, publications, niqab, niqaab, hijaab, hijab, davis, wright, salfis, quran, hadeeth, red, brick, media, bakr, umar, sufi, barelwi, zakir, naik, peace, makkah, madinah, live, sudais, huda, emotional, lecture, deobandi, al-maghrib, almaghrib, jihad, dispatches, debate, shia, shiah, sufism, hanafi, saudi, scholars, tawassul, yusuf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 11sec (3251 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2012
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