(485)colorful flowers,dip technique,Acrylgießen
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Channel: Michaela Studio13
Views: 495,991
Rating: 4.9207206 out of 5
Keywords: abstract, acrylic, painting, Silikonöl, Kather, Fun, Pouring, Technik, flow, art, open, cup, Dip, Flower, straight, flower, technic, Swiping, Floetrol, Cells, How, to, paint, dirty, schmutziges, Gießen, Acrylfarben, mischen, michaela, studio13, gießen, Zellen, acrylfarben, Rezept, Maltechnik, paintingtechnic, fluid, how, gig, cells, creation, pouring, amsterdam, Liquitex, titanweiß, Becher, Anfänger, Anleitung, medium, negative, space, flip, drag, puddle, amazing, sfpinturas, sagrada, familia, Vallejo, dutch pour, hairdryer, pillow, shee art, underwater
Id: sFaQhbuzuPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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