How To Paint LADY IN RED ❤️ acrylic step by step painting tutorial

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[Music] okay everybody so today we're going to be working on uh gesso primed i just use white acrylic gesso i apply two coats i let it dry this is a 16 by 20 canvas and i've got my number 50 filbert blending brush here just to create the long sweeps for the background and i'm going to get my brush a little bit wet to begin i'm going to take titanium white and a little bit of black so easily simply we're just going to go in an up and down motion like this the idea is to make sure that it's not all the same color and shade all the way across that's why i'm i'm not making and mixing the color on the palette i'm taking a little scoop of each and applying it directly onto the canvas so that we get those natural light and shadow areas and different mid-tones now if you need to help spread your paint around a bit easier you can pick up a little bit of water and you can use any size brush one that's bigger than this if you want a flat square one would work really well now to create a little bit more depth i'll add a little bit more black on this side that way our light will really show up we'll get to look a little bit more dramatic okay it's all dried off now and i'm gonna start coming in with the figure and i'm gonna be using a number two round brush i'm gonna get my brush just a little bit wet i'm going to use more black to create a darker gray tone first and then we'll highlight in shadow a little bit more as we progress along here okay i'm going to start her arm coming out another head a little bit of white here just steady my pinky on the canvas makes it a lot easier to do this her chin and then her neck where the lights hitting we've got the light coming in from this side i'm going to come inside make more of a silhouette here with my black just make her wrist a little bit thicker and then it twists down into her armpit area here we've got her chest area there and then her dress is going to come out and just flow and be very abstract like flowing with thinking some flowers and butterflies kind of goes along with the theme i've been working on lately i think what would also look pretty is if we had some of her hair falling down too and whatever doesn't look right here it's a little bit tricky and it is tricky to get hands especially if you're not really used to painting hands and body parts what i like to do is just sort of camouflage those things if they bug me in a painting if i'm not really confident and make it really abstract and then just add some pretty flowers and stuff on the end take a little bit of that off there because it's looking a little bit too long isn't it now most of the dress is going to be covered up right but you can have like a thin layer just for her the suggestion of her figure here i'm not too worried about how it looks i just want the the idea that something that her figures there her legs are there but we're going to be going over a lot of it aren't we so it doesn't really matter too much i'm just gonna add a slight little shadow under her chin make this part of her arm a little bit thicker do some light little highlights here and then just softly blend so i can start to make little stars and butterflies just with a round brush a little bit of water a little bit of white around the forehead mouth chin and the eye area uh just to give everything that sort of a delicate look i like to tap every once in a while a little bright highlight here it's kind of just going to get lost and blended in with her her dress that we'll start working on soon and i think it would be fun to use some red today and be bold and i've had some requests for um a lady in red so something i've been wanting to do for a while okay so i think i'm going to start working on the dress now just going to be really loose impressionistic you guys can all do this all follow along [Music] okay because i've got a big canvas here and i really want to have a lot of dress and make this really flowy i'm going to use my number 30 filbert but you can use any brush that you feel comfortable with using i'm just going to take white we're going to do white first and then so we have this nice bright white base to work with before we come in with our red that way it'll really show up okay so just curving over i just want it to feel almost like it's just blurry and if we want to create any sort of a impressionistic indication suggestion that there's some ruffles there we can do these almost like figure eights take a little bit of water with more paint and just start to lightly go over sort of just filter over her body so see we can still see her legs through [Music] there so foreign foreign my foreign [Music] so i'm just going to start to create a light subtle glow soft sun rays from the top right corner here where our main source of light is coming from and just keep this really really elegant looking i want to create a glow all around her body so i've added it under her hair over her hair and just kind of on the ends of her hair as well i want everything to kind of all work together and so i want there to be this blurriness and where you can't really tell the separation from the end of her dress and her hair and all those pretty little stars and butterflies up there now i've got my little fan brush here and i'm really wanting those bristles to kind of separate off into sections like that um that works well for me right now for um and it's a really good tip for creating hair and and painting hair for and fur as well on animals so i've just got a little bit of water in my brush to help the black paint flow out of it and then i get all those little bits of separation that look more like pieces of her hair kind of flowing in the wind or the breeze so just with black now i really want to add a little bit more depth on this left side so i'm just coming in with a tiny bit of black and i'll blend that out and just soften a bit it's just going to be slightly darker so you can leave this out if you want you can make the background as light or dark as you want it's completely up to you and no matter what it's going to look nice as long as you have the main source of light though coming from one side so either choose in this case the way she's facing i'm i've chosen to add the light source on the far right side i'm going to just sweep and blend and pull a little bit of that gray a little bit of that black there and it's just really watered down black so it looks more like a dark gray just kind of in the the ruffles of her dress and now i want to create a soft pretty spray of stars and sparkle sparkly looking stars there around her dress so i'm using my toothbrush that i like to use for creating snow and stars in my paintings water white and then just pulling and flicking those bristles back and aiming wherever i want those stars to go to make some little details um suggest just suggestions remember keeping it loose and abstract and dreamy like i'm just using a little one inch liner brush here and i'm just going to push and tap where i want to have some larger looking stars and then create some soft petals maybe for flowers some little wings and create the idea of some small little butterflies around i'll do the same thing from each of her hands as well and then if just a little bit over on the left side of her dress and body so again taking a little bit of water with my white i'm now gonna just create all these little swirls and ruffles a lot of sort of like creating figure eights and traveling around with my brush moving it around consistently while i'm making all those little figure eights so that is a really quick and easy way to create layers of ruffles and ripples in a dress i'm also going to create a little bit of highlights on some of her hair here on the end just add a little bit more and on the end of her dress here i thought i would kind of uh make it look like a big rose where all of that material and the end of the dress is just swirling up and picking up from the wind or um just kind of reminds me of some of those uh flamenco dancers dresses the way they're all roughly on the end and when they come swirling up on the tail end they kind of create a big rose like that so i thought i would have fun and do that with this painting and i'm going to create a few more layers here and there of all those ruffles and then i'm going to really build up the depth by adding some highlights where those it's going to look 3d so you'll see in just a moment and i'm going to switch brushes for that and i'll just be highlighting some areas of where those those ruffles come up and leaving the rest just that dark gray so we've already got the shadow there and we don't need to fill in any areas to create shadow because that's why it's so important to have a gray under painting because it really creates all of that quite easily so you can skip all those steps now i'm just going to go back here and start adding some more little details butterflies and stars and then we'll move on to the next step so okay now i'm going to switch over to another brush you can use a flat brush or a filbert brush for this and i'm going to be well i'm going to start this with my liner brush but i'm going to switch over right now to a bigger brush and this one is i believe a filbert you can use a filbert or a flat for this they're both going to work really well and you want to line up where your your ruffles come up and over so the top arch that arc there is where you know that you need to go up with highlights where it scoops down is where your shadow is going to be so i'll pick a few spots just on the top layer of adding that white highlight and you can keep it thin as well so that it looks like it's lacy and sort of see-through all these layers of light and dark highlights and shadows are really going to pick up after we add the color and once it dries especially you'll see all that depth so now on the bottom right side of her dress in the front i want to create some more ruffles that are really tight together i want it to look like there's lots going on and then it's slightly blurry and abstract so i'm just stumbling around with my filbert brush some leftover paint in there and then i'm going to load the tip of my brush up and just squiggle and scumble around there creating all those little wiggles and so we're not doing the figure eights they're just lots of little ripples and wiggles and then i'm going to slightly pull and flick a little bit up on an angle the angle that the dress is falling on there just for to create some more layers in there and a few little highlights and then i'm going to go back and add highlights wherever i need them before we come in with a color so i'll add a little bit more um throughout this video actually i'll add a little bit more to those sun rays and those sunbeams on the far right side and just really thin layers of white then later on i'll be coming in with a few other colors red bright neon red for the dress and i'm gonna look for the list the full list of colors and brushes below this video in the description if you just click on the bottom of the video it'll pop up there so i'll be using neon red i'll be using neon yellow warm i'll also be using turquoise bright aqua green and ultramarine blue you can also use cobalt blue and those are the colors that i've chosen but trust me with this black and white grayish grayscale background you can use any colors that you want for your dress for the stars for all of it you can or you can leave it in black and white i think the black and white is quite pretty as well so foreign okay so foreign okay so after adding a few more highlights and stars and little details i'm coming in with a little bit more black to add some more depth and shadow and make this more of more contrast overall with this silhouette once i do this i'm going to make sure the whole painting is dried off that way i don't chance i don't want to take a chance on pulling any of this paint up and getting that mixed in with the color that i want to come over with now so once i do this i'll just pull a few more little hairs in here finish this up i'm going to completely dry it off i just take a hair dryer to speed up the drying time and then i'm going to come over with my bright neon red and i'm not going to have the same amount of red or paint all over evenly on the dress sometimes it's going to be a little bit thinned out with water and sometimes i'm going to use full strength so i've got a large flat brush but you could use a filbert brush for the coverage as well and of course i know not every one of you watching right now is going to have the neon paints that i'm using you guys don't have to have neon paints for this it'll look beautiful no matter what you can use any red that you have or any color for that matter that you want or that you have the idea is to choose colors that speak to you choose your favorite colors and like i said at the beginning of this video i've had a few requests for a lady in a red dress and i happen to really love red i haven't used a lot of red in any one of my paintings lately so that kind of just sealed the deal for me and that's why i chose this red but there's many reds if you don't have neon red you could use crimson red scarlet red cadmium red um yeah there's a lot of different ones you could use so have fun and you guys i really am excited to see your versions i find myself every day scrolling through on our facebook group to see what new beautiful paintings you guys have created uh you guys are blowing me away with all of your talents so keep up the good work and like i said i'm really looking forward to seeing your versions of this and if you guys are interested in more figures or figurative um tutorials i've got a few i've started to do more this year really in like the last few months i've got a lot of ballerina type things fairies pretty tutus and dresses so have a look through depending on when you're watching this i may have a playlist so check out my playlist to see if i've created one i think i'm going to do that today anyways i've got enough now that i've i can make a playlist out of them so i'm going to continue along here just adding my red kind of going around with it getting a feel for how much i want to cover how thick and bold i want my red to be or if i want it to be just a really thin layer like this it looks it tends to look a little bit more on the pink side with all that all the white lines and ruffles and designs underneath so i really want to have that punch of bold bold red so i'm going to choose a few areas and then the rest i'll leave a little bit more translucent transparent looking and you'll see how pretty this painting comes together one color at a time as i add them and of course it looks pretty even just like this you could leave your painting like this but i wanted to um i love color i just personally really really love color and i wanted to add some more kind of all around but also have a nice balance and keep some black and white so let me know what you guys think in the comments below as this painting progresses your thoughts any suggestions or ideas for future future tutorials i do take requests um the top of my list are all on patreon so i've always got a long list going up requests over there and i get to request first of course the foremost on my patreon but if you guys have any special requests you can um comment below and of course i appreciate it if you want to join patreon for as little as five dollars a month it gets you early access to 95 of my videos extra content monthly giveaways and uh you'll be really helping my channel greatly it helps me be able to afford to do this full-time and it's what i really love to do so i'll leave a links below for the facebook group and that as well so you can see how using a flat brush is really helpful for getting around those edges but like i said earlier filbert brush is very easy to use too because it's very curvy the female body so you've got that round end to the filbert so whether you want more of an abstract edgy look or more flowy type of abstract look either one of those brushes will do that for you i'm going to come in with my next color now and i'm using neon yellow warm so if you don't have a neon yellow warmth just use any warm yellow that you have this is just really really pretty and just kind of warms up those all those pretty little stars up there i just did a very very very thin layer so it's again just a suggestion of color and here i'm just scumbling off a little bit more because i don't want it to dry it will dry a little bit darker and i kind of want it to be more of a soft pastel tone once it dries okay so now i've got my ultramarine blue like i said you could use cobalt blue as well they're very similar and i'm going to do a thin coat starting from the top left slightly bringing it over part of the red and what that's going to do is create purple um more more on like the violet side which is really pretty and some areas here i'm going to use a little bit more blue i'm going to travel around with it on this part of the dress going over seeing what that looks like i'm just experimenting right now i know that i can take this off it's a thin thin layer and it's still pretty wet right now at this point so if i do this quickly i can decide and see what it looks like and decide if i like that or not so i might i may take a little bit of it off i may even add a little bit more but i think i want to keep the dress mainly red so i'll probably tone that down a little bit and just keep the colors all the other colors around the edge of the canvas and i'm going to be adding a little bit more red here to the dress now i want to make it a little bit i want it to pop out a little bit more i should say more colorful and saturated now the next color i'm going to be using after i add this layer of red is turquoise so i've got a clean brush now i'm going to take turquoise with a little bit of white and i'm going to start applying it down on the bottom right and then i'm going to take a little bit of my blue and i'm going to add that down here too so i'll alternate so sometimes i'm going to use just a little bit of that mint color that i made for the turquoise and white and then sometimes i'm going to add a little bit of that blue to it which makes a really beautiful tone and i kind of want all the colors to flow into one another so you don't see where they start or stop it just all flows together kind of like a rainbow and it's i'll add a little bit of white to the blue and kind of just work my way up to the top left again swirling and just having fun with loose brush strokes and then the next color i'm going to make after this is i'm going to take the rest of my red and i'm going to take my blue and i'm just going to pull them in together but you'll see that in just a moment but it creates the most beautiful purple it's almost like a almost like a dioxazine purple but it's very very violety so here i've just got the lightest uh minty tone so more white and just a tiny bit of that turquoise in there i'm gonna tone those sun rays a little bit uh took me a little bit i had a bit too much water in my brush here so i wasn't really happy and i decided to take a dry soft mop brush here this is one of my brand new brushes i love it it's so soft and it just blended that out perfectly and i'm just going to take a little bit of that mint color and brush that over the top there as well so back to my round brush i'm going to do some more turquoise and minty accents here little dots and dabs all those little stars and little butterflies flowers whatever you want to add to the bottom of your dress uh it's a nice mixture nice combination of all those things and that's kind of my theme lately from my last three or four paintings i've been adding that to my ballerina tutu dresses just for a really light and delicate fantasy feel to my paintings it's really fun and it's nice for all ages too so i'm gonna start to swirl in and figure eight in some blue turquoise and white now before i um come in with my purple so i'll work my way up here and these colors all look really pretty together too of course red and green are complementary and purple and green are complementary too and everything kind of flows together like a rainbow so you really can't go wrong i'm going to add a few little stars and dabs here as well and i'm going to soften you can go over everything as much as you want so don't be afraid to try this don't don't be afraid think you're you're scared to go over your dress and you're going to wreck it no it's pretty fail proof here because whatever you don't like you can take off right away and if you can't take it off and it's set in there and it's dry you can always go over acrylic is so forgiving okay so so i'm now just taking a bit of white and just pulling both the remainder of the red and that blue together making a really gorgeous like just look at this i love this purple it's so smoky looking it's just gorgeous i think it looks so pretty and complementary with that red so i'm going to add that towards the top here wiggle around with my brush i'll blend it out slightly then i'll just add a few more details so i'm just going to add a little bit more white in here do some little squiggles and wiggles with my brush boy this painting has been so much fun i think you guys are really going to enjoy this especially if you're a painter like me that i don't really like those tight tight photograph photographic looking paintings although i admire them and i have so much respect for those artists and their work it's not my style i feel a lot more free with my brush when i can have fun and be loose and so if you're an artist like that and especially if you're a beginner you're really going to enjoy this one today so as i finish up adding the last details here which are a little bit more red i'm going to add a little touch of pink with that red and white just a touch of it on the top right right about here a little squiggle and then blend it out with my finger i'll finish up this painting and i want to say thanks so much for joining me today thank you for all your support on my channel and happy painting i'll see you all soon in my next video bye everybody [Music] you
Channel: Joni Young Art
Views: 526,508
Rating: 4.9236097 out of 5
Keywords: How to paint a lady, Acrylic painting tutorial, Lady in red dress art, Easy painting, Pretty art, Joni young art, Step by step painting, How to paint figures and people, Portraits, Grey scale painting, Neon acrylics, Art technique
Id: gSShcy4KcUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 36sec (2976 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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