Beating a HITMAN 2 mission the 'wrong' way

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I'm hoping we'll be able to throw bodies on that racetrack that cause crashes. One of the trailers seems to depict kicking Sierra's dad onto the track. I hope there's a unique double kill like Dalia and Victor from Paris.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/aggressiveberries 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Oh wow, so that confirms the briefcase is 100% universal and isn't just for firearms. Very cool!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Creasy007 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
so earlier today I uploaded this enormous 75 minute video showcasing pretty much my entire playthrough of hitman two's big Miami III demo where they it's this big sort of chunk of the Miami stage that's coming in the game later this year and it's a little bit limited there's some areas of the level that are off-limits and you only have one target to take out in this version of the demo but this this enormous video was kind of me taking the chance to explore every available and look and cranny of it and there's a lot of moments in this video that I think are pretty cool there's a part where I sneak a fish into a VIP area by hiding it in a briefcase and then I knock a dude out with it there's a part where I knock out a drug dealer and then he drops in full brick of cocaine and then I throw it into somebody's face and knock them out that way there's a moment I really like actually as a part where I am trying to poison this dude to take his outfit and then I screw it up so the only way I can figure out to get his outfit is by taking a sniper rifle camping out in the same building two rooms away and then shooting him from the kitchen and then watching as they take his body in a body bag and drag it weirdly violently down a staircase and then waiting for him to leave and taking his costume there are all these little great moments scattered throughout the video and if you want to watch that I totally encourage you to do it but there was one moment at the very end of this video that I would be remiss if I did not highlight and break out into its own thing because it's like my favorite moment of e3 possibly so in this demo there are these two really pretty scripted ways that you're supposed to take out the target and if you watch any other playthrough of the hitman to Miami III demo on the internet you will see one of these two ways the first one is you go down to the van you get this remote explosive device and you go to the pit crew and there's a sort of scripted area where you can like sabotage the vehicle in a few different ways but only one is really available in the demo and you attach the c4 to her car that way and you blow it up and you get a little cutscene the other way of doing it is to get a sniper rifle and and going to a specific spot on the map where there's kind of a straightaway and you can shoot the target that way and that we're - but I really really had my heart set on not just doing one of those two scripted things and seeing if there's a another way to take out the target in this demo and so the best thing I could come up with was what if instead of going through the whole scripted rigmarole attaching the c4 to the inside of the car and doing a remote detonation that way I wanted to know what if I threw the remote explosive onto the racetrack from a vantage point and perfectly timed the explosion right when her car went by would that work was really the question because what I what I've always loved about hitman is that it is relatively generous with like if you think of an idea that should work it tends to work so I got the explosive device in the vehicle I backtracked all the way out to the sort of viewing area and at first I tried throwing the remote explosive on to the racetrack from the ground level there's kind of an access point where you can kind of view it but I found that I couldn't quite get it like far enough onto the track to reach the car so I really quickly abandoned that idea and I found this sort of raised elevated area that I could throw it from so here's the part where I start really kind of save scumming and doing a quick save and trying this over and over to see if there's any possibility of this will work I go up to this sort of raised elevated area and try throwing the mine onto the track from there and I try to just nail the timing and get it right as the car goes by I pull the trigger and the weather I timed it wrong or I threw the mine too far what I'm not really sure but it didn't work so I load the save I try throwing it a little bit differently and just maybe a little bit shorter to see if I can just line it up a little bit better so for my third attempt I feel pretty good about it I try blowing it up again and it's this time it's just clear as day that the car is just driving right past it I had thrown the mine too far again so I load my save again and the thing I should note that might not be obvious in the video is that in this III build as is true of a lot of III builds the load times are a little bit painstaking so every time I want to attempt this again I have to sit through like a 32 second long load screen and and it's really really quickly demoralizing like I I'm not even convinced this is a possibility in the game and even if it is I'm now sitting here like playing this demo over and over reloading this save just for this tiny like tenth of a second wide timing window that I'm trying to nail so I try throwing it out of the track again I throw it wait too short and I know it's way too short but I decided to go for it I again doesn't work at this point I'm now up to what is I think my fourth attempt at this and I I throw the mine onto the track it seems like it's lined up just right I trigger the explosion nothing happens the car just drives through it as if it was nothing and and I'm getting frustrated at this point because I feel like if it was going to work that should have been the time it worked now the fifth attempt is when something really interesting happens which is I trigger the explosion and I realize that the mine is now like 15 feet ahead of where I threw it and so upon loading the save again and waiting through that super long load screen again I do it again and I watch really closely and I realized that what's happening is the race cars are hitting the remote explosive and actually knocking it down the racetrack so this is actually exciting and even a little reassuring to me because it means that these race cars are for whatever reason actual physically simulated objects in the game world which is like so cool and so like you just be like in so many games right they would probably fake that they wouldn't make them physically simulated but whatever it I still am NOT getting the timing rain I try it multiple ways I try it you know while in sort of hitman visions so time to slow down it turns out you cannot trigger explosive devices while you're in that slo-mo so that actually doesn't help at all cost me another you know minute and a half of reloading my save replacing the mine it cetera et cetera and right when I'm about to give up and right when I'm convinced that there was just no way this is gonna happen I think I actually said out loud to the the person giving me the demo this is the last time I'm trying this I promise I'm not gonna make you sit here all day and watch me attempt this stupid thing I got the mine just lined up what what feels like the exact right spot I know that I can't use slow-mo or anything I just have to deal the timing of this I decided to trigger the remote explosive device just a hair earlier than on my earlier attempts and this happens it works and I am like so over the moon that it works it's like a little bit embarrassing the person giving me the demo who is sitting right beside me is also extremely pumped this just happened because this is like day three of e3 at this point and and nobody has managed to take out the target this way and it's just like even in the very very controlled environment of III where every game demo there is there's someone standing over your shoulder making sure that nothing goes wrong and everything goes according to plan even in this very very specific and narrow environment the thing I love about the hitman games still shines through which is that if you can think of a thing that ought to work it will either work or it will not work in an interesting way and the fact that throwing a mine on the racetrack and timing it just right even in this very very scripted event in the game they thought that a player might want to do that and made it an option and that is why I love hitman that is why I love IO Interactive and it just it it really reassures me that this game is going to continue down the road that hitman 2016 did of just really allowing a preposterous amount of player agency and like that is why I love hitman that is why hitman 2016 turned me into a hitman fan in a way that no other hitman game partner that had ever managed to yeah I just I walked out of that demo like over the moon Holmes about hitman 2 and it's because I had an idea for something I wanted to try to do I attempted it and it worked like that to me is hitman incarnate so yeah that is I think that that story perfectly encapsulates why I'm excited for hitman 2 if you want to watch the full enormous 75 minute video here's a link to that but yeah thank you for watching I've got a few more III adjacent videos coming out this week that I excited about but yeah thanks for watching
Channel: Nick Robinson
Views: 968,666
Rating: 4.7523799 out of 5
Keywords: hitman 2, e3, miami, e3 2018, io interactive, hitman season 2, gameplay, commentary, kill
Id: twFTGQtS-m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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