Beating Pokemon Sword & Shield without Catching ANY Pokemon...

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Pokemon sword and shield came out nearly three years ago for the Nintendo switch and the next main series Pokemon games Pokemon scarlet and Pokemon Violet are right around the corner some people say Pokemon sword and shield are good Pokemon games some people say Pokemon sword and shield are bad Pokemon games while I definitely think that Pokemon sword and shield are Pokemon games so let's play them again since I haven't played through these games in a year or so but this time let's play it a bit differently by playing Pokemon sword and shield without catching any Pokemon so first off we have our starter and I choose score bunny since we can get a few water types later on and I think fire types will be more valuable I name it subscribe because well you know and we'll go over what other Pokemon we can get as we progress through the game since there's a few we can get that you might not have realized and quite frankly I'm not really 100 sure on all the Pokemon we can get as of right now the first hour or so of this game is well a modern Pokemon game so there really isn't much to actually discuss aside from us getting dripped out but since I have some save data from Pokemon let's go Pikachu on my switch I can get a free Pikachu that can gigantomax I think you can only do this if you're playing on actual Hardware so Nintendo please don't murder me as this is on my actual Nintendo switch As I definitely would never pirate your games I could also get if I have saved out of let's go Eevee on my switch but I don't have that game as I'm writing this and by the time this video ends I might go out and get it if I can find it for cheap just so I can get an Eevee for this video as crazy as that sounds I did also try connecting online to find a mystery gift thinking there'd be one but no there just wasn't once in wedge hearse we see Team yell see Marnie go to sleep have a ceremony then I realize that this isn't even where you fight the first gym leader in this game as this is the third gym leader so we have to leave and come back to this gym later I then chase down some runaway roly colies in the gallery mine and eventually meet bead or bidet or BD I'm sure that'll get a lot of comments in dispatching without reboot and Pikachu this finally lets us reach the very first gym leader Milo and his grass type foes we started with the fire type starters so I'll spare you the finer details but I did go into Pikachu just so I could see each again to Max since I love it so much we get a gym badge here too of course and we're we're getting very close being able to get some more Pokemon for our team our next stop is holberry but on the way we get a tonsil I forgot that this thing was even in the game and you just got a free one from the daycare but it is another electric type to add to the team and I don't really like having repeated typings I did come across another way to get a few Pokemon in this game without catching them though that we'll try in a little bit that'll alleviate our type Mix-Ups for now let's just focus on nessa's Gym battle meet our Nemesis the ball guy who gives us a ball that we cannot sell for some reason to and of course we just can't toss items in this game unless I'm doing it wrong so we're stuck with them with our bag forever we just can't use them I get lost in her gym puzzle naturally then finally make it to Nessa Pikachu really shines here and dare I say it shocks nessa's watertight Pokemon with chunky g-max electric type attacks our daughter Dreadnought would cause problems but nah it didn't sorry for those two poor puns in the last paragraph but now we can focus on my plan are you guys familiar with the Isle of armor that plays with urshifu mustard and well an island there are some hidden diglets there that you can find you get a reward for finding a certain amount these rewards include Pokemon with the earlier rewards being alolan Meowth Slowpoke and alolan Vulpix all good usable Pokemon that I'd love to have on the team and thankfully you can visit the Isle of armor very early on in Pokemon sword and shield I head over to the station to go there where we see Clara and I'm ready to go and get some new Pokemon I'm already looking up guides on where to find all these diglets but wait there's a Slowpoke blocking our way surely this is just a minor issue right well not exactly in order to access the Isle of armor we have to get this Slowpoke out of the way and the only way the game lets you do that is by catching it so no Isle of armor for us I tried knocking it out and running away from it but no we need to catch it this is really unfortunate since there's so many Pokemon we could have gotten but we can still technically get one Pokemon in the other Pokemon DLC the crown Tundra which is a cosmog we get it after saving the village but there's some problems with that too one were very low leveled and probably can't even Save The Village right now and two it's just a cosmog which doesn't evolve into level 43 so it's basically useless until the very end of the game anyway I did have the idea of maybe surprise trading that cosmog if we got it or surprise trading this topso since I don't really need it but I guess that surprise trading could be seen as cheating and I also don't have Nintendo switch online on the account that I'm using to play this game so thanks Nintendo through all of this though we arrive at kabu's fire type gym again I think it's cool how the first three gyms in this game are grass water and fire respectively we get taunted here too because his gym trial requires us to either knock out Pokemon or catch them and of course we can't catch them it was a little bit tedious because my Pikachu kept running low on PP from getting hit from Santa tax so much so the combo fight was a bit harder than I expected I decided to leave with Pikachu against kabu and paralyze things and eventually go into raboot Dynamax it and hit everything with a charcoal boosted fire type move I end up having to use rabu to knock out nine tails then I go into talks on his Arcanine to heal and also nuzzle it then I go back into Pikachu and slowly chip away at Arcanine before a rabout knocks it out on his gmax sent to Scorch I died Max raboot and learn the hard way that it has flash fire so our fire type moves are useless this bought us enough turn so I can heal up use revive stall up the Dynamax turns and Shuffle between Pikachu and raboots who eventually give us the win some people might not like that Victory style since I switched a lot and healed a lot but it isn't a Nuzlocke so I guess we take those while running around the city and talking to NPC I remembered another thing we can do here is get a Togepi by trading our toxical for it not a terrible trade since Togekiss is a very good Pokemon and fairy type is very useful so I'll definitely consider it after that last clip I ended up eating lunch and thought yes Togepi so I went to trade for one and was confused why it wouldn't let me do it until I realized I accidentally logged it on the wrong account so after switching accounts I trade Spyro the toxl for Snips the Togepi I think in the long run it will help us out more then we hammer away at a few Traders until we reach Stow on site this is very important for our journey since we get some fossils from this man in the Pokemon Center visit the digging Brothers in the wild area for even more fossils that mix and match those fossils and thanks to the professor on Route 6 we can get an arc dezolt that I named Tundra a nice lab is pretty good to have since we don't have one yet although it is also electric type which is a type that I don't want another one of and once I get more watts I might try digging to get some more fossils to have some other combinations for now though we have to focus on babbling the fourth gym leader B and her fighting type Pokemon I want to evolve Togepi before we battle her though since fairy types are super effective against her so I play around with Togepi in the camp for a bit and give it a soothe belt I spent about an hour battling with togupi playing within the Pokemon camp and just running around with it until it finally evolved to Togetic this will be great for baya's fighting type gym but I decided to lead with our recently evolved cinderes to save Togekiss for as long as we can cinderes is just like really really strong though since it was able to do a ton of damage to her team eventually one cinderes Falls and all she has left is her G Maxima champ I send out our Togetic now who would win this fight one giant forearmed enraged MMA fighter or a big flying egg I actually thought the egg would have it this time but Machamp lives a Max Starfall then crits us on the following turn so our trusty Pikachu has to bail us out to get this Rex Center identification with discharge when we leave the gym we we see how bead broke the wall to uncover some Secrets I don't pay too much attention to the story in these challenge runs and then we break him with our Cinder Ace the beat fights really aren't that difficult in this game there is this NPC taunting us saying how she can't wait to get more Pokemon and we can't catch any more Pokemon so I don't really appreciate that lady she sort of just glitches out here too and disappears towards the top of the stairs then just reappears at the bottom sometime and I haven't noticed this with other NPCs in this game yet with all that out of the way though we can Journey Through the Glenwood tangle and into bologna home of another geminiour Nemesis the ball guy we get an EV light here which is useful for our toga tick as we don't have a shiny stone to evolve into toga kiss yet but this means we can't have a proper honor Battle of our toga kisses against opal the fairy type gym leader I just leave with cinderace again which one shots were lead wheezing switching to Pikachu on her toga kiss and somehow fall to it so we have a pseudo honor battle I guess as I send out Togetic her Togekiss was really annoying but syndres continues to be insanely strong to finish off for a whole team after we revive it so I think we made the right choice picking this as our starter next we have a battle against hop and he has four Pokemon while pyro ball on cinderace has five PP so we win that in two shakes of a lamb's tail from here I decided to take a break and get some more fossils since it's pretty much the only way we can get new Pokemon at this point since we can't catch any I gather some watts do some raids and of course don't catch the Pokemon in the raids then do some digging at a shiny stone to evolve our toga kiss as well as some more fossils which turn into another Arc results since we aren't following the dupe's claws Rule and I tend to just make up my own rules usually I name it Tundra after the first one we have being Tundra and add it to the team of course on the way to Sir Chester our first Arc assault levels up quite a bit thanks to some of the candies we got from the raids and it gets to a point where it's actually useful in battle hovering around level 40. I head into the gym past the evil ball guy and prepare to fight Mommy I mean Gordy as his mom is the gym leader in the other version where playing Sword version not shield and Gordy has some rock type foes I live with Pikachu on his barbaricle and thunderbolted as it barely lives then splashes us with a shell smash this could mean a lot of danger for us as it takes out our Pikachu but Tundra is able to tank hit and avenge Pikachu I then go into cinderace on his Shuckle we have a chuckle on our shirt in the game too which is kind of funny and get a lucky burn to help us knock it out on his stonejourner I Dynamax send a race and go for double kick which boosts our attack but we narrowly miss out on the two hit KO and fall that was kind of a waste of a Dynamax but I was able to revive Pikachu again all that's left now is his g-max coloss oil so we paralyze it as usual then go into toga kiss to chip away at it as a heal up some of our other Pokemon we have air air slash on this together kiss along with the King's Rock and colossal is paralyzed and if you guys play Pokemon you know that staring down a tokis like that is pretty annoying and it does buy us two turns before Togekiss ends up falling his Pokemon is low enough though where we can stall out the Dynamax turns remaining so cinderes can come back in and bail us out yet again for our six gym badge there's another hop battle which we hop right through as I then decide to farm more watts and do some more raids for more exp candies we only have five Pokemon right now and we can get a six Pokemon through the fossils again but the likelihood of it being a third Arc desult is pretty high and to be honest having three arcsults on the team just seems pretty funny fortunately for us though we get a new fossil this time so we can have an arc to fish that I named fish and having a water type is very welcome it'll be great for raihan's gym later on but for now we have to focus on getting to spike month for Pierce's dark type gym I taught together his draining kiss from the movie learn as it's the strongest Fairy Type move we had access to at the time as well as Aura Sphere to help out for the dark type Pokemon they both help out a lot against Spike once Jim's Junior trainers and now it's time for a battle with Pierce we have toga kiss which is part fairy type and also has a strong fighting type move and we Pierce Pierce's weaknesses with our fairy type moves and or Spears and he doesn't even Dynamics in this gym which made it really easy his Ops again going for obstructs was a bit annoying to stall out a few turns but together kiss barely took any damage with that out of the way the only gym left is the final gym against ryhound and his rock or dragon type Sandstorm team I'm not really sure what to call it but you know what I mean and it's a double battle too as Togekiss puts in work with orosphere again and fish is a high level now so we can send it out and go for serfs to type Trump a few of his Pokemon we get two Knockouts then in comes his g-max deralidon which we yawn with toga kiss so we can go to sleep in a couple of turns his Anaconda was a bit annoying as it kept protecting and living hits and on the turn that deralidon was drowsy I sent out Tundra and it just got knocked out by a g-max rockfall and I'm pretty sure both of the times we ever sent out Tundra it just died immediately so sorry Tundra I just send out cinderase after that Dynamax and clear out the rest of his intrepid team and collect our eighth and final gym badge in the gala region I then logged into the wrong profile on my switch again and was confused for a few minutes and log into the correx profile and go through Route 10 to make it to Windon here we have to get ready to take on the Winden Stadium for the tournament with our first battle being up against Marnie and her dark type foes we have Snips the toga kiss which is a bit over leveled because it was a traded Pokemon as it aurospheres her life heard air slashes her Toxicroak dynamaxes and draining kisses more Pico airstreams a Grimace snarl and as we return to normal after dynamaxing she dynamaxes but we're still able to knock her out for hop we leave with cinderes two pyro ball dub wool Dynamax and Max knuckle the Snorlax to get out in two shots while boosting our attack and allowing cinderes to sweep the rest of his team pretty easily turns out that gift Pokemon in this game are actually quite good especially the starter Pokemon so you don't really even need to catch anything to beat this game apparently we then exit the elevator in the hotel and see Leon just awkwardly standing there doing this pose I don't know if he was just waiting for us or what and then we meet Piers outside for some macro Cosmos evil stuff because they're trying to do something evil we climb the rose Tower dispatching some of these macro Cosmos foes and meet oliana at the top who is angry and challenges us to a battle there isn't really too much to note in this battle aside from her having a very annoying Milotic that just kept spamming recovers and safeguarding so I couldn't even yawn or anything the Milotic took out my Pikachu Tundra and Tundra before cinderace bails us out and takes out her g-max garbador which has a really cool g-max form by the way with all those interruptions out of the way we can return to the tournament but we get interrupted Again by bead who just barges in and decides to battle us even though he's not supposed to be here and nobody just escorts him off the premises for trespassing I pyro ball his small wheelie and dispatch him in two shakes of a lamb's tale too to make him understand why he isn't supposed to be in this tournament in the first place now onto the actual rest of the tournament we have to fight Nessa next and I led with Tundra between freeze dry and electric moves she goes down pretty easily as her whole team is water then for Baya here is her fighting type team we have an over-level toga kiss which is flying in Ferry both super effective against fighting so you can probably tell how this battle went this next fight is against ryhon and it goes a lot better than our first fight with fish really shining here to take out his lead torkle and fish's cousin Tundra helped out a lot fish is slowly becoming our best Pokemon in this later portion of the game too all that leaves now is the champion Leon well just kidding we get interrupted again as Rose does Rose things and wants us to unleash Dynamax power across the world or something we had to stop him of course and his team is all weak to fire so cinderes just goes burned do people still say that go burrow when something's really good I don't know and now it's a fight eternitus well first Leon tries to catch it with a regular Pokeball surprisingly fails and then we battle it and you know the saying every fish has its day well maybe it's every dog has its day but our fish takes out eternitus then it goes berserk and a couple of dogs seem to help us out fight it which is funny how that works we defeated again but unfortunately this sort of ends our run here and I didn't expect this we're actually forced to catch eternitus and even if I try to select the option that says don't catch it's grayed out and won't let me select it when I press a so it looks like the Run ends here as I have to catch a Pokemon and are no catching run we did technically fail a challenge I guess but since we're so close we only have one fight against Leon left I just challenge him anyway without using the one Pokemon we caught I use soon to raise on his lead Aegislash to broil it then on Haxorus I take it out with toga kiss after skillfully dodging an iron tail I go into Tundra on is draggable but it falls so I go back into toad case and finish it off then going to send a race to take out his Mr rhyme on in Italian I send out Pikachu and gigantomax see its chunky form and do way less damage than I thought but still will take it out in a couple of hits and then fall to his gmax Charizard we still have fish though so I send it out go for a couple of serfs live a hit and get the win or should I say the fin because it's a fish and the video is over now so bye bye
Channel: PaPaSea
Views: 195,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon sword and shield, pokemon challenge, pokemon without catching pokemon, can you beat, papasea, beating pokemon, no catching pokemon, without catching pokemon, pokemon videos, nintendo switch, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, no catching, pokemon but, pokemon challenge video, arceus, gaming, pokemon gameplay
Id: HghtzXvcHUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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