Beating Pikmin 3 Deluxe Without Moving - Twilight River, Garden of Hope 2, Formidable Oak - Ending

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what's up guys it's name coyote here and welcome back to another video if i'm being honest i don't really have an intro so anyway today we're going to be beating pikmin 3 deluxe without moving first and foremost if you've seen the channel before you most likely know that i started this challenge in a previous video link in the description but honestly who reads the description it'll probably just be in your recommended anyway point is we went up until i beat the mere slug last time so today we'll be starting with the twilight river or as i like to call it everyone's favorite area there's a little bit of sarcasm for you but without any further ado okay all right let's just you know what um i'm gonna start so first step to beating the game is landing in the twilight river and alf's legs twitch in unison for several seconds and teleport him over to the onion even though that was completely involuntary i'll just restart the day so no one thinks i'm cheating speaking of cheating i'm gonna post an entire day of this challenge with no edits in the description if you want to watch it and make sure i didn't cheat and i promise there's no purposeful cheating but like yeah go ahead and call me out in the comments section if you see some sketchy stuff going on anyways starting over we've got to get under the onion and this wasn't something i showed in the beginning but it can actually be a bit of a challenge to line yourself up and actually be able to draw pikmin from out of the onion once that is done however i happily dodge whistle my way around ignoring the flint beetles i happily eat i happily dodge whistle my way around ignoring the flint beep okay you know what i'm just gonna leave the failure in i happily dodge whistle my way around ignoring the flint beetle all the way to these dwarf bull boards and oh my gosh i cheated if you slow this video down to one frame per second you can actually see i'm moving to the right for a whole seven frames of animation i am such a criminal anyway let's move on to the next road block the lily pads you have to hold forward to get on lily pad and seeing has how elf's legs don't twitch on command and just randomly jump on a lily pad we're gonna have to try some other options obviously dodge whistle doesn't work and it actually goes horribly so i've got a better idea and i don't know why i said horribly like that we just throw our captains over onto the lily pad and give them pikmin to accompany them on their journey then we do the same thing to get off the lily pad once that's done we can go here to the other side of the river and the rest of the squad will automatically follow i made the unfortunate mistake of cancelling to go here on the lily pad and you can't get off so you have to wait until it kicks you off at the end of the river not a huge inconvenience but it's worth mentioning other than the lilly pad debacle building the bridge to the winged pikmin onion is quite simple we turn on the big light in the cave and a yellow pikmin makes friends with the water dumple and then we grab the pieces from up top and now i'm going to get some lunch break over now that was a that was a real thing by the way i had to get some lunch while i was writing the script so lunch yay speaking of lunch i usually have a tie-in for these things but i mean i'm ju i'm talking about building a bridge right now so the other pieces are easy to get because we just walk around the walls metaphorically walk of course after that we can cross the bridge over to the winged onion freeing it we now have access to wing pikmin and i build up their number sufficiently via the charge function until we received a transmission from an unnamed avocado he's stuck in a tree so it's time to cross the river with our brand new stream of lily pads now never mind it's time for the blowhog to activate a bomb with a gust of air as usually happens when a bomb is detonated that's all we have time for today so it's day eight and it's raining amazing reminder that when the majority of pikmin touch water they do die so i guess today we've had alfin best in a hundred mini raincoats anyway getting all these pieces for the second bridge is fairly simple the first deck you can just charge a pikmin out from the water the second set you can charge your pikmin out from the water and the third set mixes it up you can charge your pikmin at it from the land so there we go that's game design if i have ever seen it with the bridge built it's time for us to take on a boss but here's a more challenging bit getting up to the boss we've got to throw alf through some loading zones to start and then continue on with the old go here method it's not fun or exciting but we manage now it's time for the scornet maestro and the fight takes less time than the walk two knockdowns in the big bug is down for the count after we cover louis there's not much else to do in this area so day it's over day 9 and what do you know louis runs away with an explosive and as we know rubber ducks do trigger those explosive and so he winds up removing a wall keep rubber ducks away from explosives the cutscene doesn't end and i don't start cheating and i don't have to restart the day i am so good at remembering what the challenge is when i pick up the controller there's really not a whole lot to do in this area so i rescue the blue pikmin if i'm being honest blue pikmin are kind of useless once they're free you just need to have them take these pieces over here and build teacup and other than that they are literally useless and i know i'm going to be skipping big sections of gameplay right here so this will be the day that i'm posting in full so just watch out for that in the description in your feed wherever if you want to watch that moving onward i build up my blue pikmin with one of my captains rather pathetically might i add and then i take my wings and head over to the big crab lobster thing this guy's not too difficult with wings since you can just charge once and they'll literally do all the work for you after he's dead we'll just find the first set of teacup pieces right behind him which wing pikmin can just take and happily place down and despite not being necessary i decided to start building building building this bridge down here i'm not even sure if it wind no oh my gosh i'm not even sure if i wind up finishing it but i thought i'd mention that this bridge is entirely avoidable and you actually don't need to build a single bridge on this day example any of my speed runs of this game so that's interesting at all but after the absolutely satisfying drop of the crawmad i decided to get some spicy spray i don't usually mention this phase and that's because i always wind up never using spicy spray but today is the day where i repent for all my wasteful spicy spray usage because we actually use it get back to that in a bit though because today is a leisurely day i actually can't believe how chill i'm playing here i mean you can see that i've waited for my pikmin to dig up this blue pellet and actually carry it back i'm growing as a human being anyway let's get back to rushing through things as we ruin a school of fish and a totally helpless sea creature a kid's game at its finest thanks nintendo for the family friendly content i always knew i could count on speaking of which if you're watching this video that means you like pikmin or maybe just maybe you like my videos if you do try out watching some of the others especially the non-pikmin stuff that's got some gold in it and i feel like it's super unappreciated so do me a favor and just check out one of my videos in other words give me attention regardless if you plan to do that or not i commission my pikmin to finish the teacup and that's exactly what they do with a little motivation from a certain blue arrow so now we can reach the other side of the world and there is a crab there and i have something against that species so it's gone now and i leave some pikmin outside to build the bridge i'm on time here so i have to have a few pikmin dig the hole with pieces in it rather than overwhelming overviewing overviewing overviewing the whole process overviewing hopefully you understood that but as i said before this bridge is not required and with that you know what time it is or maybe you don't so let me tell you quaggle mireclops boss fight oh yeah and this gets surprisingly interesting for a fight where one of the opponents is standing still and doing nothing as a general rule of thumb i go for the left foot here every time we're too slow to get him on his right foot so the left one is our best bet you might see that i'm using all winged pikmin and that's because they're incredibly hard to crush once he's knocked down we can stand at the base and break the crystal that was once surrounding his head repeat the process once more and i think you'll see what i'm getting at this man charges all of his this man charges all of the pigment off his foot and onto the ground and doesn't kill a single one i've honestly never seen pikmin get so lucky before we knock him down again and there's another reason i went for wing pikmin they can fly it may come as a no-brainer but normal ground pikmin have trouble latching on to the meyer klopp's head whereas wing pikmin have no issue whatsoever he gets up and knocked down once more and here we go i have used ultra spicy spray and my gosh this thing just shreds i didn't realize how amazing spicy spray is in seconds he's down to the fraction of his health he's no problem from then on out and we've officially won the battle i literally killed no pikmin here that is really cool but with louis recovered and the bridge back to base built by my out of squad pikmin that's the end of the day but wait the countdown starts and will my 59 out of bounds pikmin make it alive the world may never know unless you watch the full day but now my friends it is day 10 in time for the formidable oak this is a really interesting area because the plasma wraith is going to be chasing us throughout and obviously we can't move so i played this a lot more like a speed run than a challenge run here but whoa we're getting ahead of ourselves because it's a challenge within itself to get up to the top of the oak as soon as we come through this loading zone we can no longer use go here and because the camera is fixed we also have a bit of trouble dodge whistling so we solve our issue like any other and painstakingly throw our captains up and forward on the oak until we manage to reach the top from there we can go here down into the hollow and olimar is eaten i don't know i guess alamar is edible that's that's cool we save olimar momentarily and i get some rock pikmin for the carrying although i don't know why i mentioned that because it doesn't matter we make our way inside the open although it's infinitely more fun to dodge whistle against this wall i have to go here to brittany's position instead fast forward a little bit and we come across the bag of cheating i say this because you might have heard this bag is glitched we charge our wing pikmin at it from the wrong side and they just fly up over the top and push it right down on top of us this of course gives us a new path and makes it so we don't have to go into any fights with the bulb orbs down the other path we then absolutely destroy this amp rat and it's time we start building the bridge the first set of pieces is easy since it's right next to the bridge itself but the second set is where we start to have some trouble says since the plasma wraith is constantly chasing us and we're not particularly speedy we wind up losing olimar luckily though i am a brilliant tactician and rescue olimar taking the extra regen time the wraith needs to dig the hull and finish the bridge we get into it we get into a debacle once again but per usual we quickly take out the plasma wraith and olimar is saved and this of course allows us to escape to the other side of the cave i have off take our wings over this lake to get the first set of pieces and then the plasma race shows up and ruins the party you get two seconds to guess what happens never mind you you don't i risk you olimar let's go then after that i go ahead and put olimar in the small lake for safe keeping the plasma wraith can't go in water so he's safe here then i have the blues finish off the bridge and it's up to alf and charlie to continue clearing the path the wraith tries as hard as he can to eat us but he doesn't actually have teeth and there is a mosquito the ray tries as hard as he can to eat us but he actually doesn't have teeth there's a dental tip for you you cannot eat pikmin without teeth maybe that is untrue but i can't say that you need a throat to eat stuff and that is something the plasma wraith is severely lacking in moving right along the other side of the bridge is no moving right along the other side of the bridge grants us some light up pathways comment about light up pathways if you made it this far i know who you are people that ditch without watching the full video after the light is sufficiently brightened we can cross yet another path and make for the exit which of course means it's time for the final boss and may i just say this fight is brutal we actually haven't lost many pikmin so far in the run oddly enough but those numbers are about to go through the roof and if i'm being honest 90 of the pikmin that died in this battle were because i was so hesitant to move my cursor around and risk accidentally moving you wind up seeing that i move tiny bits quite a few times during this fight and while i don't think that it's a big of an impact in the long run it was very difficult to whistle pikmin and stop get away from me mosquito i'm going to kill you it was very difficult to whistle pikmin and stop them from getting burned or drowned because i was just so scared that oh my god he's back got him it was very difficult to whistle pikmin and stop them from getting burned or drowned because i was just so scared that i would wind up moving and i'll add for good reason this is definitely a very interesting fight so i'll let you guys watch here for a little bit but the fight is very short just like my fight with that dumb mosquito the ultra spicy spray pays off and we wind up beating the game so there we go pikmin 3 deluxe has been beaten without moving sorta kinda kinda maybe a few quick things before we leave do you want early access to my videos because if you join my discord server i think i'm going to start choosing random videos to release their first meaning all the people in my discord could get to watch a video hours early or maybe even days who knows i also added text channels to my discord server so you guys can come talk to me and other fans submit your art and dms that sort of stuff but uh yeah we're having some fun on that server so make sure you drop in and give it a whirl that's honestly all i have to say right now as always leave your suggestions in the comments down below and add double a batteries to your comment about the lights earlier doing a quick survey to see how far people watch although i promise this won't be on every video but that is all for now so i thank you all so much for watching i can't wait to see you all in the next one except for the mosquito i'm good if you never watch another video of my guy [Music] me
Channel: NameCoyote
Views: 22,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikmin, Pikmin 3, Deluxe, DX, Pikmin 3 Deluxe, Pikmin Deluxe, Pikmin DX, DX Pikmin, Pikman, Pikmen, Pikmon, Pickmen, Pickmon, Pickman, Peckmin, Pickle, Moving, No Moving
Id: DNOuPDxT4do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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