Every Enemy That DID NOT RETURN in Pikmin 4 - Pikmin 1, 2, 3, Hey!, 3 DX Forgotten Enemies

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Pikmin 4 has a lot of enemies both in quantity and in quality and a lot of these enemies have been with the franchise for a long time but for every iconic and relevant red bulborb and fiery blow hog you have those few enemies that have been completely lost to time so follow me as we take a trip down memory lane exploring every enemy that didn't make it in to Pikman 4 what's up up guys it's Nam Cody here and yeah even though the intro is over I'm required to say that before we begin I thought it could be a fun game for everyone to comment the number of enemies they believe will be on this list and then I can head down there and laugh at you all after pulling technicalities there's no way you could have predicted but let's not waste any time here and just get straight into the enemies that first appeared in Pikmin 1 and for some of these guys the last time they appeared so let's begin Where it All Began number one the goux from Pikmin 1's impact site the goux was one of technically four bosses in the original Pikmin and the only enemy capable of giving the water effect to Pikmin but was completely unnecessary to beating the game it only appears starting on Day N and continues to appear only on odd numbered days after that so it's easily avoidable and when killed the goux doesn't drop a corpse or a ship part no only some pellets which sure are in cheap Supply at the impact site [Music] some of you may recognize this name though from Pikmin 4's folx with an F the only other member of the goux family in Mainline Pikmin so even though the gouix itself has passed on there will always be a piece of it in the pipedia as for why the gouix didn't appear in Pikmin 4 probably because it's kind of bad the gouix unfortunately is easy and pointless in Pikmin one and the only thing that makes it unique is its Strange Day dependent Rarity that I've described which a number of enemies featured in Pikmin 1 and 2 but all of them were removed by the time Pikman 3 came around and Pikmin 4 seems to follow the new way in that regard removing the same specific day mechanics surrounding the Smokey Prague so without that Rarity the goux isn't anything special and so it's become the first boss truly left behind and from one boss to often considered bosses by fans nothing in the game game technically a normal Enemy Number Two the armored Cannon Beetle from Pikmin 1's Forest of Hope in distant spring I can already hear your comments named coyote this was one of the enemies we explicitly saw in the trailers I fought this guy in Pikman 4 but you actually have not despite the fact that both bosses look almost exactly the same and act perfectly similar to each other you see those little horns right there that makes it a different species called the horned Cannon be Beetle because alar made a mistake when he was naming things yeah I don't know why this changed but this technicality keeps the armored Cannon Beetle as a Pikmin One exclusive despite the fact that major design changes were made to other enemies without even a mention the armored Canon Beetle just doesn't get that privilege anyway I don't really need to describe this one because it's exactly the same boss as the one in Pikman 4 but in a way it's it's literally not for some reason leaving us with an armored Cannon larvae that can never grow up and a horned Cannon Beetle that skipped being a child if only there was some way we could bring the two together and from tough enemy encounter to boss number three the Beady long legs from the forest Naval and Pikmin 2's Citadel of spiders among other places as you may have noticed the Bey longlegs had a slightly longer run than the two enemies we've talked about previously because this boss also appeared in Pikmin 2 sadly though when it was time for Pikmin 3 the Bey long legs was was replaced by the baldy long legs to fit the new Shaggy Long Legs concept and despite the sprawling family tree only one of these guys made it back into Pikmin 4 and it was the Baldi version and this makes sense the Baldi long legs is the newer more polished design and it fits in better with the brand new groovy long legs so there's no reason to have both of them in the game and I think they chose the right one and though it ends in tragedy for the be long legs it is the greatest achievement of a teacher to enable his students to surpass him and with three enemies down that's technically the final enemy from the original Pikmin that isn't in Pikmin 4 but there is a quick shout out to do number four Mushroom Pikmin from Pikmin 1's Forest navl 20 years ago back when the puff stool wasn't influenced by cool edgy Trends his spores didn't just make Pikmin dance around him in a trance instead they turned Pikmin into Evil Mushroom Pikmin that attacked alar and then I think just died unfortunately though the puff stool gloriously returns for the first time in Pikmin 4 and gets himself a new family member the Mushroom Pikmin making spores are long gone and replaced with disco juice it's honestly a terrible shame that this happened and I can't say I fully understand the purpose of bringing back the puff stool without what made it unique but I guess Nintendo saw some point to it still technically though not enemies so let's move on before anyone edits their comment to some honorable mention a the spotty bulborb the original name for the classic red bulp B the yellow Wally [ __ ] and the Wally [ __ ] which was the American specific name for the enemy for the first three Pikmin games but in Pikmin 4 they decided to name them the Wally hop and yellow Wally hop respectively which is what they were always called in Europe and for the record they're just called potato frogs in Japan n d or B3 the wple which is now the wall pole same thing happened to this guy though I'm personally very offended by this one for some reason that's everything in the original Pikmin though so let's hit the next [Music] game Pikman 2 introduces absolute troves of enemies resulting in quite a few of them being thrown out in Pikmin 3 but which one Ones Still weren't brought back for Pikmin 4 starting off with one of the first enemies you see in Pikman 2 number five the snow bubb from a bunch of caves but particularly the emergence cave the snow bub is a version of the dwarf bllb that functions exactly the same but looks like it's maybe a little snowy given the fact that ice Pikmin and Ice hazards were introduced in Pikmin 4 in the snowball warp has absolutely nothing to do with either despite its name he he ends up seeing no use in the game instead we have the dwarf Frosty B warp which is an actual ice enemy and not just a fancy name number six the hairy bulborb this is just the snowy version of the red bulborb except this one gets hair which does nothing again this version is virtually useless with the introduction of the frosty bulb in Pikmin 4 no need to have an ice enemy without an ice attack happy birthday number seven the cloaking buret the easiest way to describe the cloaking buret is to call it a budget joust Mite in a similar situation to the BD long legs Pikmin 3 created the joust Mite as a more polished and thought out take on the enemy concept with the face didn't suddenly do this with no explanation these guys were all over the place in Pikmin 2 but due to the better and More appliable Design of the Jou smites having flighty Jou smites pre-made and all the buron it it didn't make the cut for Pikmin 4 and remained locked in pigin 2 they are still very much visible in the background of Super Smash Bros though number eight the ravenous whisker pillar from wherever you find burgeoning Spider warts the ravenous whisker pillar is one of the more forgettable and obnoxious enemies in Pikmin 2 it used to climb up the ultra bitter and Ultra spicy spray yielding plants and eat the berries before you could Harvest them they were cut in Pikmin 3 for a good reason they absolutely suck nobody likes them and it Pikmin 3 and four just have less focus on the burining spider wart they're not as valuable as they were in Pikman 2 especially with how common a drop Ultra spicy nectar seems to be in the deest game this enemy does squirm while being carried to the onion though so that image in my head will probably never fade even though we'll never see these guys again moving on let's keep things interesting with the speed round theme Dil number nine the mung dweevil were the poisonous variant of dweevil back in Pikmin 2 but by Pikmin 4 the poison Hazard had taken on a new aqua color so the purple mung dweevil was retired and replaced by the Venom dweevil though poison was red in Pikmin 2 so the mung dweevil never never really worked failure number 10 the costic dweevil is a dweevil that Wikipedia tries to convince me never existed but this is what the hydro Dil was called in the original pigment 2 which was probably changed because costic does not mean water it basically means acidic though the name was changed the pipedia entries were not soar still references his SPAC suit corroding and Louie calls the hydro dweevil inedible anyway telling the dweevil apart is hard enough so is probably best to add that more specific name it's number 11 the volatile dweevil was an old type of dweevil in Pikmin 2 that could carry bomb rocks and would try to kill you by blowing themselves up when you came near literally disintegrating themselves and the best history is the kind of history that repeats itself so just like how only yellow Pikmin could carry bomb rocks in Pikmin 1 but all Pikmin could in Pikmin 3 now it is that all dils can pick up bomb rocks and Pikmin 4 thus making the volatile Dil completely irrelevant number 12 the Titan dweevil was the final boss of Pikmin 2 at the bottom of the dream den and though the game stories mimic each other Pikman and Pikmin 4 thankfully do not have the same final boss and this honestly makes sense because of how upset the fans were when the emperor bull blacks was brought back as a downgrade in Pikmin 2 from being completely insanely powered in Pikmin 1 they definitely did not want that scenario to be repeated so they let the unique things of the past stay unique and if we're talking about the dream Den let's talk about other Pikmin 2 Cave enemies starting with number 13 the bumbling snitch buug the only other member of the snitch buug family other than the famous swooping snitch buug itself the bumbling snitch buug in Pikmin 2 had the ability to swoop down and pick up exclusively captains then slam them down for a bit of damage but if this ability sounds familiar to you it's because it was given to the swooping snitch buug in Pikmin 3 and so the bumbling snitch buug was rendered pointless number 14 the antenna Beetle every Pikmin game has its own mimic of the Pikmin captains themselves and Pikmin 2's version was the antenna Beetle it had two main abilities both of which have been given to separate enemies in Pikmin 4 the first was whistling Pikmin and assembling its own Squad just like moss does in the heroes Hideway and its second was scrambling the treasure gauge until it was defeated which was given to the gild amander boss because of these two enemies particularly Moss there's a good chance the antenna Beetle was kept away from the game to avoid repeating the same gimmick or the antenna beetle just sucked because it didn't appear in Pigman 3 either number 15 the karening DUI bug this was one of my favorite enemies back in Pigman 2 because of how insane it was this dude used to regurgitate bomb rocks and toss them from the sky at you not only do I think the DUI bug would be a lot less threatening with Ochi and winged Pikmin on your side but it was also probably removed due to a cultural shift that happened at Nintendo between the release of these games Pikmin 2 is not a traditional familyfriendly Nintendo game explosions were one of the five explicit Hazard types back in the day they've slowly been phasing them out an explosion based enemy hasn't been introduced since Pikmin 2 and in fact every single one of them was removed the exception of the man at legs returning in 54 we saw this earlier with the Volatile D technically but there's not really any way to clean up a bomb Rock dropping fiend like the kining DUI bug though so sadly we have to say goodbye and while we're on the topic let's talk about number 16 the Gatling groink which was also an explosion based enemy pretty much everything that made this enemy what it was is a feature that did not return in Pikmin 4 including the aforementioned explosion enemies roaming enemies with no boundary limits and the feature that allowed the gro to come back to life if its corpse wasn't carried back to the ship fast enough the spotty bull bear had both the lad abilities in Pikmin 2 but is simply a normal enemy in Pikmin 4 so we can safely assume they're gone with the wind and thankfully so but without these three traits the groink is basically nothing so it didn't return on the opposite end of the spectrum features that started in Pikmin 2 and were broadened incredibly in Pikmin 4 yet the original does not return I'm of course talking about the late and great original wild Pikmin number 17 Boldman both the enemy and Pikmin variety these guys were essentially glow Pikman back in Pikmin 2 they were immune to most hazards but couldn't leave caves you'd rescue or steal them from a Bulman parent and add them to your squad not unlike what we see from Wild Pikmin in Pikmin 4 but for some reason they were left out of the loop here which means Pikmin 1 and two both have exclusive Pikmin SL enemies that never returned this is honestly a huge bummer and the only explanation I can think of is that there were already too many types of Pikmin and they didn't want to confuse new players by reintroducing a Pikmin that like I said has very similar powers to the glow Pikmin let's take a moment of silence for the fallen soldier number 18 the decorated Canon larvae this variant of the armored Canon larva shoot that might be wrong number 18 the armor no number 18 the decorated Cannon Beetle which despite the name was a variant of the armored Cannon larvae which shot honing Boulders that followed your captain around the map the only reason for its removal that I could think of is that it was super janky and easy to abuse they usually turned out to be more helpful than harmful as you could easily Target other enemies by guiding their Boulders into them it's likely that the decorated Cannon Beetle just had too specific a skill set for any situation the developers could think of and now by far the strangest enemy in any Pikmin game number 19 the idani this hard to pronounce enemy is the only enemy from Pikmin 2 not in the pipedia they appear only in the whistful Wilds as tiny little dots in groups of 70 they're one of the only poisonous enemies in the game and drop heaps of nectar and spray when they are wiped out by your squad and to make it even stranger the idani only appear every 30 days starting on day 31 bottom line these guys are a crazy rare source of nectar and were probably removed for two reasons we already went over one these days specific appearances were removed starting in Pikmin 3 and two nectar drops are a lot more common in Pikmin 4 also Nintendo may have just forgotten they existed and we saved the best for last number 20 unmarked spectrals which are just spectrals all grouped into the same species before they specified white yellow and red that's I mean whatever it's and boom there we go that's every normal enemy in Pikmin 2 covered now on to the real stuff honorable mentions C the Red Bull was the name of the now simple bulborb in Pikmin 2 and the dwarf red bulborb was the name of the dwarf bulborbs in Pikmin 2 this one is especially odd though because as far as I can tell they were just called dwarf bull wars in the original Pikmin so these specific red variation is a Pikman 2 exclusive I guess and D the armored Cannon beetle larvae was renamed the armored Cannon larvae because you can't be a beetle and a larvae at the same time I think and now it's time for the bosses number 21 the ranging bloyer from the shower room the ranging bloyer was a large toy oer with similar abilities except it would Target the captain you were currently using so you'd distract with one captain and you'd kill it with the other why was the ranging bler removed probably because the fight barely functioned in the first place and most of these separate Captain mechanics were removed for Pikmin 4 seeing as ogi and your player character have limited capabilities on their own and thankfully so because most of these Captain mechanic fights were terrible I am dead inside I'll still always hold Pikmin 2 sound design close to my heart though number 22 the pated snagret from the snagret hole some of you may not have known the iconic buring snagret has more than one relative but baby snagret are not the first variation in the series The pated snagret is an orange version that has the ability to jump out of the ground fully and stomp around on its one massive foot to hunt you and your Pikmin down funnily enough this forgotten boss is most likely the reason the modern snagret has that foot today but realistically speaking the pated snagret was nothing special from its burrowing cousin so when it came time to make some Pikmin 4 bosses they decided to just stick with the classic number 23 the Raging long legs from the hole of Heroes our second member of the long legs family to get cut this was just a chunky version of the Beady long legs that's all it was number 24 no I'm I'm joking this version was the second to last boss in the game which was a bit of a let down so it kind of makes sense they scrapped this boss as they did with the be long legs for the much more unique and incredible groovy long legs simply because there was just nothing that made this boss special and it really wasn't worthy of returning it is sad though because if you read Pikmin 2's pipedia alar wants to analyze a fr fren raging long legs which he could have done in Pikmin 4 but alas lost opportunities number 24 the segmented cobster from the cavern of chaos this Behemoth was essentially an upgraded Empress bull black that rolled around the arena trying to squash your Pikmin and drop meteors on them and don't even get me started on that massive claw to me this was one of the cooler bosses from Pikmin 2 because of how unique it was but that same uniqueness probably doomed it when it came to selecting Legacy bosses for Pikmin 4 the cropster is late game at the bottom of a forgettable cave with no relation to any existing enemy or boss and it doesn't carry any cult icon status like the man at legs or water do when you think of Pikmin 2 bosses I imagine a lot of people forget the cropster and that's a shame but what a boss to end out our selection of Pikmin 2 Enemies and before we get into Pikmin 3 Let's Take a little intermission in order to give you guys time to subscribe to the channel and maybe just maybe consider becoming a channel member it's only 99 cents a month for a bunch of extra bonus content and behind the scenes so consider it but not for too long because it's time for Pikman [Music] 3 number 25 the Medusa slur if you played Pikmin 3 you remember this thing for introducing Rock Pikmin at the beginning of the game and what happened to the slur is the inverse of what happened to the cloaking buron at Pikmin 2 already had enemies called the jelly floats with more variation and honestly just as average a design even though the slur family was expanded upon in hey Pikmin it wasn't enough to save us from the regression into the jelly floats number 26 the spotle fish these fish were few and far between in Pikmin 3 and laughably easy to defeat they were among three new underwater enemies introduced in this game the puckering bleno and wpus both returned but the sple fish was replaced by the prickle puff perhaps to match the weird porcupine theme in this game I don't think anyone is going to mourn the loss of this enemy it's just one generic fish for another number 27 the nectaris dandon fly this creature would roam overhead until you hit it with a single Pikmin when it would disperse its body segments and disappear leaving only nectar behind the Dand fly fit well with the environments of Pikmin 3 but with the reintroduction of caves and Pikmin 4 the developers decided to go back to the Pikman 2 honey whsp for the game's harmless nectar dropping enemy because the D and fi just doesn't belong down there number 28 the swarming sheer grubs thank everything alive the Waring Su grub didn't make it to Pigman 4 I hate these guys so much I'm not even going to describe them okay I don't know look it up look it up or something oh thankfully they did not make it into Pigman 4 and the world is a better place for it yes yes let's go number 28 the calcified Crush blat an enemy that so badly wanted to be a mini boss but never made it hello darkness my old the crush blat was a classic Pikmin 3 Let's show off a rock Pikmin feature that was quite convoluted in how you're supposed to fight it but everyone used bomb rocks anyway honestly I just don't think there was anything that stood out about the crush blad it was kind of ugly and we already have enough crushing enemies mini boss time number 30 The Shaggy Long Legs I've talked a little about the Shaggy long legs already but now we're going to talk a little bit more The Shaggy Long Legs was a baldy long legs with extra production in the form of hair at the joints to its legs so you have to wait and ridee as your pigin slowly crawled up the legs for like 10 minutes it was boring and kind of gross but now that it's gone there is absolutely no reason for the baldy long legs' name and that's hilarious number 31 the Arctic long legs I refuse to believe believe these are the same enemies they are not okay bottom line it gets its own slot yeah go edit your comments now all right enough with this boring stuff let's get to bosses which none returned this probably due to how important these main bosses were to the story of Pikmin 3 there only exists one of each they're all very unique for the franchise in mechanics and scale and it would be a disservice to downgrade them to the level of bosses from Pikmin one 1 2 and four but of course we'll go over them anyway just keeping these reasons in mind number 32 the armored Maad from the garden of Hope the Maad was a solid first boss of the game but all crystals and Crystal enemies with the exception of the Scutter Chuck were removed from Pikmin 4 number 33 the Behemoth fbat from the distant Tundra the fbat was the second boss of the game and actually the first ever flying boss in a Pikmin game however the mechanic used to defeat it that being turning on light bulbs was removed in Pikmin 4 so down it goes as well number 34 the fos bats these were baby Behemoth fos bats but no vehemoth fbat means no fos bats period number 35 the fos bat pod this is the thing that bir the fos bats I don't I don't know this counts as an enemy on the wiki so what are you going to do number 36 the sand belching mirror slug from the tropical Wilds the slug was probably also removed because of the uniqueness to his Arena but I'm not sure specifically a reason other than the differences between bosses and Pikman 3 than in the other games in the franchise that we already explained number 37 the scornet Maestro from the Twilight River remember the antenna Beetle and how each game has its Captain mimics here's the Pikmin 3 version which conducted an army of 100 scornet it was very bad though and maybe the worst boss in Pikman 3 so it's not going to be coming back anytime soon number 38 the scornet like the baby fos bats the scornet returning without their leader would just be downright strange number 39 the quaggled marops from the garden of Hope one of the most unique and largest bosses in Pikman I loved this boss I also thought the new creeping crysanthemum design was a baby myops completely ignoring the fact that it has two eyes so not a kops of any form anyway for the same reasons as the armored modad this boss did not [Music] return number 40 the mysterious life form and number 41 The plasm Wraith the two stages of the final boss at the formidable Oak and it just wouldn't work to have this boss anywhere else it's too weird it's too lore-based it's too unique and honestly very disappointing there's not a new Wraith in Pikmin 4 I think the water wraith should have stayed in Pikmin 2 honestly controversial opinion and not related to Pikmin 3 at all but just like the Titan dweevil thankfully Pikmin 4 4 and Pikmin 3 do not have the same final boss and that wraps up Pikmin 3 with a grand total of 41 enemies that did not return in the franchise not counting the honorable Mansions yet and if you're satisfied with that click away but first let me name off virtually every ha Pikmin enemy AR buddy cut it out the only enemies returning from hey Pikmin into Pikmin 4 are enemy from previous games like the fiery blo HW and there's a lot of reasons for this mainly being many of these enemies are replacements for pre-existing enemies just adapted to the scale and Viewpoint of hey Pikmin and then of course there's the fact that all of these guys were designed as 2D enemies and it's probably more effort than it's worth to translate them into 3D just to get a little reference in and thirdly most of these enemies are absolute garbage talking to you long long water dumple who named this who who is who is responsible for this anyway here's all the enemies that didn't return from hay Pikman for one reason or another number 41 adult centiar number 42 um a Merc number 43 berserk leech hydrod number 44 blug buug number 45 centiar number 46 clicking slur number 47 Celler number 48 crammed wraith number 4 9 crested machiwi number 50 Crum buug number 51 crystalline Crush black number 52 electric cottonade number 53 electric spectroid number 54 electropedic ey stalker bulbe number 57 fiery blowen number 58 fiery dwarf bull blacks number 59 fiery young yellow Wally walk number 60 fir flat bulb Lor whoops number 61 fire flinger groink number 62 fire snout Beetle number 63 flatter Chuck number 64 flying spotted jelly flow number 65 grabbit number 66 large splurch number 67 leech Hydro number 68 Long water dumple number 69 luring slur number 70 MWI number 71 mugan fly number 72 puff stock number 73 puffy BL bug number 74 Queen sheer wig number 75 red bub blimp number 76 seed bagger number 77 sheer blug number 78 shooting Spiner female number 79 shooting Spiner male number 80 Sparro head number 81 spear grub number 82 spiny Celler number 83 spor grub number 84 sporet number 85 staracle number 86 Stony Flint Beetle number 87 stuffed bell Bloom number 88 Widemouth ano Beetle number 89 young yellow Wally [ __ ] that's boosted our total by more than double so feel free to not count these enemies to your prediction in the comments unless of course you want to be right and though you may think that's it we're not done yet because finally the last Pikmin game before Pikmin 4 Pikmin 3 Deluxe features two new enemies that do not return which would of course be number 90 the goldie long legs and number 91 the Blondie long legs names I just made up both of these guys appear on the final day of the Side Story amar's comeback and they're just about as unique as every other member of the longlegs family of course barring The Groovy longlegs and now we've reached our final honorable mention of course the creeping crysanthemum which not only looks different it also functions completely differently as well it is an absolute crime that they dare consider these the same enemy jeez oh my gosh all in all honorable mentions included that's a final total of 100 [Music] enemies but there you have it that's that our count is complete every lost enemy has been compiled into a list so that their legacy might continue on well I really don't have all that much to say at this point other than I hope you all enjoyed this history lesson as much as I did this is the longest video I have ever made and honestly it was a lot of fun that being said I don't want to drag it on any longer so I hope you guys miss these enemies as much as I do but that is all for now so I thank you all so much for watching and I can't wait to see you all in the next one [Music]
Channel: NameCoyote
Views: 184,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Kda8Fyg9PnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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