Beating Pikmin 3 Deluxe Without Throwing a Pikmin (Or a Captain) - How Many Throws Does it Take?

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what's up guys it's nim cowdy here welcome back to another video so a couple of weeks ago i posted a video where i tried to be pikmin 3 without killing any enemies and the other day i was looking through and i saw a minimum throws category but it didn't list how many throws were actually required to beat the game funnily enough i just checked and they straight up remove the category altogether anyway today we'll be beating pikmin 3 deluxe without throwing a pikmin which to be clear is not possible so today we'll be figuring out exactly how many throws are required to be pikmin 3 deluxe first let's go over some rules rule number one i can only throw pikmin when absolutely necessary so basically only if the game literally requires me to throw a pikmin to progress in the story i can throw one but every other time i can now this obviously causes a few problems number one killing enemies will be made more difficult by virtue of the fact that throwing pikmin is usually how you take them out plus getting fruits off the ground will be impossible since we can't throw pikmin and just be clear that's off of the ground not off the ground whatever and of course progressing this story and doing typical acts like throwing pikmin across a gap will be made so much more difficult other than that though there really aren't any other rules if i can avoid throwing pikmin by going out of bounds i'm gonna try to do so but for all you purists i'll make sure to put a glitchless counter on the top left in addition to the literal bare minimum amount of throws using glitches anyway though leave your guesses in the comments on how many we'll need to throw i'm interested in seeing your guesses because in hindsight the answer is a lot different than i predicted it to be anyway while you're at it hit that subscribe button i'm getting close to 100 subscribers so who knows maybe you'll be that fated one that'll push us over the milestone without any further ado though let's get started starting off like usual in charlie's crash site we almost immediately have to throw pikmin since we have the required throwing tutorial when we encounter the pikmin we have to throw a whopping 10 pikmin right off the bat now i tried literally a thousand times to run fast throwing slow i tried whistling just a few pikmin but you have to whistle every last one before you're able to throw them and basically there's no way around these 10 throws so put them up there on the counter needless to say it's not a good start and it doesn't get any better we have a few mushrooms blocking our path and because we can't charge our pikmin yet we've got two more throws just make sure you throw out this far left mushroom which will always ensure that you have a path onward without using any more throws and make sure you throw at the smaller of the two huge mushrooms and the rest of charlie's crash site doesn't need any throws so let's move on to else and we have another throwing tutorial this time we only need to throw three pikmin for the red onion but still come on nintendo then we've automatically unlocked the charge function so we get all the way through until the end of the day one without using another throw so that's 15 throws right at the start and this is the part of the run where you think wow my guess was either really low or if this is the day with the most throws my guess is way too high and i assure you it's both now it's day two which means we're going to the garden of hope once again we can charge our way through the early stages of this area and then we come upon the strawberry which i promptly ignore and head into the rock cave for some fighting and oh no auf literally taunts us that we can't kill this guy with charging and because its movement pattern is strangely random i spend a good 30 minutes trying to figure out the minimum throws to take the medusal circle down eventually i settle for four throws now this might not be the exact definitive answer but on normal mode which by the way is the mode i'm playing on because it requires the least amount of throws i'm just gonna go ahead and say the answer is four which means we have 19 throws up on the board oh yeah and for the record you can't kill this guy without punches because touching the suction cup thing will just get you caught in it but with our newly free rockers let's get a move on time to free brittany and you might think that you have to do six more throws here but you don't if you just have a single pikmin break down the wall that's blocking your exit when she forces you to throw her across the gap to grab the lemon you only have to do two throws so i just disband my party and take a single rock free britney which means we're at 21 throws anyway we continue charging our way through the garden of hope until we reach this area i'm not aware of any glitch that would allow us to go through this throw list so let's just say it's absolutely required to throw britney over here as for the pikmin though there's this little thing called swimming actually for the pikmin drowning but i mean these guys can literally jump straight out of water like think of the physics of that they can't even jump on land and yet they jump off of a liquid i think nintendo was lying to us about pikmin not being good swimmers i mean look at this anyway we can use their little jumping out of water animation get them up this tiny ledge thus requiring grand total of zero throws now it's time for the armored mod add and boss fights are pretty standard in this run so i guess i'll just skip to the end despite the unusually long time it takes eventually the armored mod ad is defeated he does give us access to the phone though which i gladly carry back and wait a minute that sounds oddly familiar what do you mean i'm lazy do you have any idea how long it takes me to write these scripts if it's good the first time it's gotta be good the second time right oh yeah and this whole thing about boss fights being standard in this run is totally wrong by the way that's all besides the point though because day two is finally over with 21 throws so far it's day three and that means we're in the newly unlocked distant tundra thanks to alf's subpar piloting skills brittany is stuck in a cave okay okay i'll stop shockingly though we don't need any throws to get out of the yellow pikmin cave since the only pellet that requires them is completely unnecessary to get on the outside i wind up building the bridge and it's actually pretty simple since you can have alf's pikmin swim over to brittany's side this is where it gets difficult though because in order to push this 20 ball down and clear the path into the next area we need to throw 21 times and frankly i won't stand for it so double the count for glitchless will you meanwhile i know a little thing or two about glitching the distant tundra because i literally spent an entire video going over it while performing the double charlie glitch but essentially there's a way to skip that entire cave section and just go straight to the behemoth fastbat arena i'll show the path on screen right now but all you really need to know is that we skipped the entire charlie's crash site and are now fighting the fastback also for anyone that's not willing to accept that nintendo did zero patchwork for pikmin 3 deluxe it's not just 21 throws we need to add it's 31. reason being in the first room you encounter the phosphate you have to activate this light via throwing 10 yellow pikmin so just to be clear it's 52 for glitchless and still 21 for by any means necessary remember what i said about boss fights not being standard well here's the perfect example since activating the big light requires you to throw 20 pikmin it'd be best if we didn't do that so i used the three accessible smaller lights to chip the fastback down without throwing at all it actually just occurred to me that i should have done this in the pacifist run and not killed all the baby boss bats but i can't really do anything about that now so anyway we got charlie and um what what what is going on here yeah i lose 18 pikmin to sunset because they got stuck behind a wall that would normally be knocked down by the metal 20 ball oh well distant touch was done and let's move on to the tropical wilds for day five now supposedly there's a glitch here where you can drop a captain out of bounds and up onto the path that leads to the boss fight but i just couldn't get it so let me show you my glitch freeway on the other side of a sand wall there's a river that you're supposed to build a bridge over before you cross funny part is nintendo estimate what is oster made it funny part is nintendo underestimated my team of olympic swimmers that's right you can just straight up cross this river with a full squad of pikmin then just follow the only path there is and you'll come across this tree stump then throw your captains over like usual then whistle your squad and walk into the loading zone and that means we've got to add three to our glitchless counter meaning we're at 55 and still at 21 for glitches loud it's time for the sand belting mir slug and yeah we win that's literally all there is to say about it we grab the cell phone and of course the watermelon and that's the end of day five which means it's day six and it's time to go the twilight river building the bridge over the winged onion doesn't require any throws but on the other side we've got another aerial enemy i throw three rocks at it since that's how many it takes in pikmin 3 but did you catch that it dies after 2. now i did some research and i don't think it's possible for an arachnode to die from a single pikmin but 2 pikmin seems pretty viable so add two throws up there on both counters once we have wing pikmin we can intercept the transmission from olimar with a slightly different shaped face than i remember but whatever then building the bridge to the scornet maestro does get a little bit difficult by a little bit difficult of course i mean that none of the pieces take any effort to get whatsoever and you may think that we have to throw our captain onto this mushroom to get the last set of pieces but we don't even though that's what i did in the actual run you can literally just charge your wing pikmin up here from the water so no throws needed day 7 and the bridge is already done and since the scoring at maestro is a conductor of being a lame boss fight we defeat it easily i also take out snaggert while i'm there since i'm super cool anyway though that means exiting the twilight river we've got 57 throws glitch list and 23 throws with glitches day eight and we forget to set the alarm clock so louie helps us wake up it's a bit extreme but i mean he got the job done right we rescue the blue pikmin and there's another glitch we can pull off to teleport onto the path that leads to the boss but once again i suck so i just build the teacup the normal way and throw my captains across meaning we have to add three more throws and in case you were wondering yes i used wing pikmin to rather expertly may i say kill the bug-eyed crawmad after whistling my squad and entering the boss arena it's time to fight the miracle ops and i can proudly say that i did not lose a single pikmin to him it was actually super easy this time around pretty sure these rocks literally jumped out of his mouth and i'm not exactly sure how that happened but hey i did it deathless anyway that means glitchless is 60 throws and there's no difference to the with glitches tally even after we get louie back to the onion and with that it's time for the classic twist that the backstabbing traitorous lemon-faced weirdo is in fact not olimar meaning we have to go find the real olimar at the forbidden you bit okay formidable oak side note why is it that olimar just happens to have the single piece of treasure on him that's important to the plot like every single treasure in pikmin 2 is carried directly to the onion so why did omar just pick up the cosmic drive key and be like what if i just keep this on me at all times even though it's the most valuable item we have and i'm going to dangerous areas where it could be lost forever even though the financial well-being of my company and else i can't say that in one sentence and all those employees are that stake yeah that sounds like a good idea why is the cosmic drive key not on their crash ship okay side note over because it's day nine and we're entering the oak first stop is the pushable bag that there's actually a new trick for pushing down backwards apparently you can just spam charge with wing pikmin and they'll do all the work for you by the way this trick was told me by kirby42 if you're watching this video big thanks man now that i've skipped over to this new path i build the bridge across to the next area and as always i'm just running around the circle with britney so that she doesn't get caught once i'm done building the bridge i start work on the bridge just the fact that this sentence can exist in a pikmin playthrough is extremely sad because it shows how absolutely lame progressing through the areas feels sometimes but pikmin is perfect so like it really doesn't anyway the second bridge is done so i turn on the second light of the area and normally you'd have to turn on the third light which would require eleventh rows but using a glitch that i didn't even know existed you can go out of bounds and teleport to the exit to the cave surprisingly though there's a way to avoid these 11 throws even without glitches instead of turning on the light have olimar get carried by winged pikmin and simply throw britney across the path you normally bloom with the light also what is going on with the plasma wraith right here my man got stretched a little didn't he then instead of breaking down the wall here charge your wing pikmin at the clipboard across this chasm may i say this was a pretty clutch play i pulled right here i mean look how close the plasma wraith is anyway that means we need to add one more to the glitchless and we escape the cave which of course means it's time to fight the plasma wraith this time around the plasma wraith is actually a little bit difficult the problem is that for some reason you can't charge your pikmin at the plasma race elemental cubes like it's literally impossible the only one i managed to break was the crystal cube and just barely so it winds up taking us a pretty long time and we lose quite a few pikmin but finally we take him down for the count this of course means the end of the run so how many throws are required to beat pikmin 3 deluxe the answer 61 and even better using glitches a measly 23 throws check the description where i'll make sure to correct any issues anyway this whole thing took me a grand total of 4 hours and 45 minutes i definitely wouldn't call it a speed run but hey it's good for the first try and it proved some pretty good results this game is a lot more polished than the previous two to which i'm almost certain you can beat pikmin 2 with zero throws by the way so it makes sense that the game's main mechanic is used a lot regardless though this run was far from boring so that's that pippin 3 deluxe beaten without throwing a pikmin or at least our best effort at it if you enjoyed the video make sure to give it a like and subscribe since i do pikmin and pikmin challenges all the time on this channel before we go thanks to ice cube's current world record speed run of this game for the majority of the glitches that i reference here and can't perform this guy is really good and as always make sure to leave your suggestions in the comments down below i'm especially looking for a 100 subscriber special suggestion since i had an idea and it just didn't turn out so if you have an idea make sure you let me know but that is all for now so i thank you all so much for watching i can't wait to see you all in the next one
Channel: NameCoyote
Views: 64,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikmin 3 Deluxe, Throwless, No Throws, Pikmin No Throws, NameCoyote
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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