I Beat Minecraft With Only Lucky Blocks...

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today we're going to be trying to beat minecraft with the lucky blox mod so at first glance it looks like a regular minecraft world and i mean really it is except for these also i i still need some wood first so the lucky blox mod essentially just takes the regular game of minecraft and it adds these interesting blocks to the map oh and before we get into it literally only 10 of you guys who watch are currently subscribed so if you could please hit that button that'd be great now let's get into it so if we go ahead and break it okay that's not very useful still go for the wood pickaxe i don't know why but for some reason the game put me to alex today heck yeah i'll rock alex today i'm sorry sheep i need your wool oh oh my god there's two so not only does the world have those simple lucky blocks there's also these really cool structures that have them as well if we go ahead and break this oh okay we get a chest with you know some decent starter loot i guess not really that great but let's see what this one has whoa baby nifty smith what oh [Music] oh okay i was so confused so we got a bit of armor and nifty smith's head well cool and so yeah basically the goal of today's video is to beat the game using these lucky blocks we're still playing minecraft i i need a stone pick but as you can see with one there and one up there i think there's enough that spawn in the world that we can actually just use it to beat the game now i'm pretty sure the way it works is if we break this with a stone pickaxe you get a really good sword okay never mind so my understanding was like the better the pickaxe the better the thing and while that might be true i feel like a stone pickaxe is not equivalent to the sword do we have smite five and sharpness 2. those are normally mutually exclusive things that makes this a whole lot better plus cooked food oh that's just amazing all right let's see what we have here giro villager whoa what do you do oh oh my god so he just sells you crazy stuff sadly we don't have the diamonds for it you know here we'll dig you a little hole no i'm going no okay there we go you stay there i will return now we better get some coal seems like maybe a good spot for scoping out boxes oh it do be getting dark though fortunately i prepared for this sweet dreams my beautiful world oh so that thing down there that is another lucky block it's like a ruined nether portal except instead of a chest it's got a block [Music] with nothing oh but there's another one right beside it okay big money oh we'll just have to settle for steak i swear i saw a desert temple over here yes yes i did so i guess the question is will this actually have lucky blocks in it and the answer is no we have quick charge no oh diamond horse armor and some gold okay not very good now what is this lucky block up to oh here sing i don't want piercing that's lame oh but don't worry because we got another one oh we got two more i feel like they're perfectly rare they're not totally rare but there's almost one in every couple chunks evil potion wow that would suck to get hit with wither for five minutes so that's a death potion is what that is i wonder if we can use that on the ender dragon now over here we have oh whoa okay oh this is what we were looking for nice we got 12 diamonds all right well i would say let's make an iron pickaxe no no no no no let's just go straight for the diamonds nice guess we should just hmm got emeralds too yeah let's make a diamond chest plate also one shield all right it's nice wow that was a really good one whoa what is that that's just like a cool natural generation and yeah yeah i know i know i also know about that golden apple iron nothing nothing so this just really is nothing but the craziest generation ever i mean it's not even that crazy but from far away man it looks sick it looks so intentional oh okay we passed one just tucked away huh we have oh another potion um another evil potion well who knows maybe it'll be useful so we got a village i'm gonna take this oh and oh wow that's so lame but i will take some more hay whoa what's going on here you're really you really want some of the sword no no you don't also let's make some bread 55 56 bread should be oh 57 bread i i hope is enough for this game i wonder if like these things have different rarities or it's all just the same whoa okay i thought that was really bad for a second that's not bad that's a block of diamond let's go okay so we're back up to 10. i really want to get some more diamonds and then find another hero villager i really thought something bad was about to happen there now what you got for me whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh oh my god i keep thinking these are bad that's not bad at all now i gotta ask is this really uh up to code not hating i'm just saying it's uh it's a little ridiculous okay please be friendly oh hero villager oh my god hero sword sharpness five we got a bow with flame power one and infinity for 23 heroes potion oh wow i want that for the ender dragon can you chill here man like i need to go get two more diamonds how do i how do i make this a reality maybe i'll just come back okay diamonds please whoa oh damn enderman spawn egg parrot pawn egg ocelot horse villager ravager why would i want that elder guardian uh no i mean i'm gonna keep it but no hi there this is weird i think this is just a legit ruined nether portal yeah okay oh block of gold though that's not your average drop well i think we're probably just gonna have to press have to pay respects for our our man probably gonna get turned into a zombie but i think i see another lucky block down there all right what have we got today oh books maybe do some more enchanting and oh my god there's literally one right here whoa lucky potion unlucky potion okay let's let's do the lucky potion whoa what's that uh okay well i guess rabbits are lucky oh oh that's good though nice oh love that last one hey actually that'll be great nice now do i do do i try let's see this might be a bad idea probably a bad effect what was that nothing whoa dangerous slime and effects it's kind of dangerous isn't it whoa what is that i don't think i want to get in that oh okay there it is yeah well come on come on hey dude they're everywhere over here diamonds let's go oh that's good we love arrows oh and a bow nice now i know you can also get bad blocks and i'm really nervous for that let's see well that's just a lame block i haven't found a block in one minute this is horrible oh nice whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay i don't like this i don't like this this is what i was talking about the danger ah i'm slow [Music] oh god that was awful anyway that's um that's an unlucky block for anyone who was wondering and you were one unlucky skeleton oh my god smite is so sick fish so where are the diamonds though you know really maybe we're ready for the nether and we've got quite a few diamonds also to the 800 people screaming at me right now in the comments section oh why wouldn't you put on the diamond horse armor me me me there you go one buckets we could do like gold boots big headers small and then just go iron okay yeah i'm down for this easy let's uh let's go check out this nether well i uh kind of hate this oh lucky block spot here too you're stupid oh i'm stupid i'm stupid okay please don't give me something bad what just give me eyes of ender dude all right well i've actually got a bit of gold already so why don't you just uh why are you getting this hole here for me nope no no no no absolutely not all right i want you to get in the hole for me and i'm gonna give you gold you're gonna give me stuff in the meantime oh i'm i am i am not doing well right now yeah that's right oh okay that was awful please give me something good all right that is what we love to see and a little more gold too oh and there's another one whoa slash potion of night vision potion of fire resistance nice emotional weakness uncraftable potion potion of night vision okay potion of strength nice water breathing sure that might be useful probably don't need two evil potions either so cool now what have you got for me see maybe yeah nothing really except for oh pearls there's 14 more gold oh but you little guys you can't have any block off i guess we're still gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way unless what's that rabbit stew damn all my homies love rabbits do can i interest you in the deal of a lifetime okay i'm seeing some pretty good profits here lads oh my god okay couple ender pearls now if we could just get one more fire potion we're golden oh my god dude the pearls wow never seen this before well can't be too upset we at least have one potion and i mean 20 under pearls is pretty sick i free you from your minds now if you excuse me i must be going thank you and goodbye now if i were another fortress i would be like right there however it seems like that is not the case we do have oh okay no thanks man searching for another fortress is way more bearable when you have treats along the way whoa well that was not so cool okay we have oh more iron nice now that is really lame do we enter we may as well sup nerds hi they're gonna be mad if i open this right maybe not maybe a little ancient debris take that a little bit of iron obsidian nice okay what could this be hero's potion there it is fire resistance haste to instant health jump boost regeneration water breathing invisibility night vision absorption and plus 20 attack speed that is gonna be sick for the fight now whoa i don't need these things but that's pretty cool i feel obligated to keep the wither skeleton skull still need some weather skeletons though now you have whoa okay that was a little dangerous but always worth it more diamonds 35 diamonds when we make it out here and we find that man we are going to be so set actually i should probably think smart here let's also just go for the helmet sadly i want to keep my own head so i'm going to get rid of the wither skeleton not like we're trying to beat that today anyway and let's also make some pants ah that's nice i hate flowers oh evil potion a second bastion before our first nether fortress this is absurd lame you're just tucked away how how how is anyone supposed to find you my god i've been looking for a century all right we got one fire potion and a dream that makes two nine that's gonna make 18 there's 16 and there's 18. that is surely enough and uh we've actually got some obsidian so we're just gonna make our portal right here oh my god well but it's fine but i hate myself oh my god imagine if this was real like your portal spawns on top of the blaze spawner here we go and of course i'm in a cave ah oh okay well this is actually a pretty easy oh perfect that's not bad at all well i have 2 2000 yeah no idea where i am look at this olympic level swimmer diamond armor a giant shield and a sword and just cruising now we have nothing nothing oh nothing and one golden apple i'll take it last desert temple i go into oh is this the point the game where we should uh do this let's do it now with all those bad things that can happen i'm honestly a little trigger shy to uh go hit these things but i mean what am i gonna do not open this oh my god you're a little late game but i'll take him yeah sure 23 eyes of ender boop oh yeah look at that same direction oh my god i literally don't even have the wood for a boat imagine if it gave us a boat okay whatever all right where are we going same way oh we passed it i think diamonds please whoa um well if you're not gonna attack me i think i'll just uh mind my own business that's kind of cool terrifying now what do you have a lucky bow the lucky bow shoots arrows like a normal bow however it will occasionally shoot various other things like tnt a lava bucket or a large meteorite whoa that's sick oh i oh when we are we are there oh please what what is this oh okay please oh actually that's not bad whoa wow diamonds okay [Applause] boss protection smite smite thorns efficiency infinity sure anyway kind of got distracted there let's uh let let's let's do this i hear skeletons well well well it isn't my arch nemesis did you're dead and i think that's literally it oh my god oh what up wow nothing the bed we must place it the other thing we seem to have a lot of diamonds i was really hoping we'd find a hero villager but uh oh you know what we can do though whoa making a chanting table making an anvil so can i put infinity yes i can and we can go protection two thorns and boss protection three okay and if i do this yeah that's right efficiency one what's up dang it there's efficiency for oh but the shuffle there it is actually that that is gonna do nothing oh there's something else i can do with these 58 diamonds anyway spooky spawn okay well this should be interesting oh god this is awful okay well i don't think uh that's gonna work not even like an easy one what this is the worst bow in the game there we go easy why would you change the dynamics of the bow more importantly why would you make them worse listen it's not that hard but i just need a good bow bro miracle shot almost died but we pulled together it is time for our heroes potion look at those effects oh my god i'm cracked last tower easy except i have regeneration you want to just call this one [Music] what okay this bow is kind of cool oh let's go that is sick i don't even i don't even want to use the sword but i will yo are you ready for this miracle shot okay well uh that's what you get for being too cocky oh i'm so dumb look at all this awesome stuff belongs to the worst minecraft player oh there goes all my second shipments okay well we got strength yeah whatever you're not that strong i'm just stupid that's all what was that this is a sick bow it's got horrible accuracy but it kind of makes up for the fact that yeah where's the tnt shot come on it's so inaccurate i can't even hit a shot whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay ah there it is what a ridiculous bow also what okay well that was uh definitely one of the weirdest runs we've done but uh it was pretty fun as always guys if you did enjoy that one please make sure to leave a like as well subscribe to the channel and uh i'll see you in the next one as always peace [Music] hey [Music] hey
Channel: NiftySmith
Views: 2,116,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft lets play, minecraft but, thesmithplays, episode one, minecraft but its fast, minecraft fast pace, minecraft on crack, new minecraft world, survival series, minecraft but its on crack, vanilla minecraft, lets play series, smithplays, beat minecraft, can you beat minecraft, beating lucky blocks, minecraft lucky, minecraft lucky block, minecraft lucky blocks, lucky block, lucky blocks, only lucky blocks, lucky blocks mod, how to install lucky blocks
Id: sFVRuRSv5os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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