Minecraft, But Crafts Are Multiplied...

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um and done there you go looks pretty good is there anything else though oh i need a door i need a door here we go what pause if you haven't read the title already this is minecraft but crafts are multiplied how this is going to work is that the amount of items i craft will be multiplied and by the end of the video there will be so many items crafted that i'll have to be very careful because my game might crash this is going to be very interesting and also a small percentage of viewers who watch this video are actually subscribed so be sure to subscribe and also like so we could beat the youtube algorithm also i have one more thing i have a important announce wait wait no no no no youtubes please please don't make me into a marketable plushie please you two's no yep that's right i am now a markotable plushie but on a serious note i was the one who designed this plunge so if you get one it would greatly support me i will be releasing this on the 26th during this time and i recommend trying to get it quick because it's a limited edition and once it's all sold out it will never be made again and hey for the people who won't be able to purchase this plushie i got good news for you i'll be doing a giveaway so everyone could have a chance to get one and if you want to enter in this giveaway be sure to click the link in the description and for every entry you do you'll have a higher chance of getting a free plushie anyways that's pretty much it and i hope you have a great day three two one let's do this let's get wood thank you tree let's take the wait this this is not right one log equals four planks that's what it's supposed to be i have eight can we make a crafting table we have five crafting tables are you kidding me this is like half a tree this is only like the trunk of a tree and we're already at times five we are gonna craft hundreds of times i'm pretty sure maybe even thousands if we feel like it for this challenge i'm kind of down for that but i'm also maybe not down because i could actually crash my game and that would be very very bad let's try our best let's have some fun here let's have some fun let's go make a bunch of stuff then here let's start off with uh making some okay i have a i have 24 sticks let me just make my wooden pickaxe very peacefully oh that's seven okay we're at x7 right now oh boy let's get our stone tools like it's nothing so now we're gonna go and make here we go here you go wait for it wait for it eight eight stone pickaxes nine stone shovels ten hoes man oh boy 11 axes all right we're going ham we're going real ham with the tools now okay my inventory is very cluttered already i need to throw away some stuff i feel like i'm gonna do that throughout the whole entire video i i could already see it it's gonna be really really bad oh boy oh it's raining and scary let's go around this desert plains area hopefully we can find a village village where are you or any generated structure please oh it's night time i need to go to sleep this is no good okay let's go make one bo that is 17 boats if i just spam it i just i just wanted one boat i have thousands of boats right now let's calm down let's let's throw away the excess fat the excess fat of boats goodbye we don't need you there's too many calories of boats i was making a boat because i want to get like this enderman because you could just like easily get enderman trapped into the boat so you could get easy pearls oh well then that didn't work ah no aha there you go very nice we already have a pearl nice and also we could use the boat for us to go like down here as well actually before we go down we should probably get some food i don't even have any food for my life i can't eat anything and i don't have anything for me to regenerate hearts let's go find some like sheep please is that a lava lake that's already lovely okay we're gonna we're gonna remember this area sheep please give me bed i need a bed i need a bed i need a bed why did you shoot the sheep what's wrong with you ah okay very nice all right let's go make this now let's make one bed i have 29 beds that is not one bed at all let's go sleep monsters uh bridge bridge bridge skywars moment skywars moment go okay sleeping there you go now all of you burn okay i need to smell my food real quick i'm already i have health i'm a little like reckless today and we're probably gonna be even more reckless honestly later in this uh challenge because we're gonna have so many different items that would allow us to just have a very very incredibly high chance of winning that we just don't even need to worry about death you know thank you parole we're two out of two and pearls nice let's go make some for an eye oh my god we're we're gonna go over a stack of 64 at this point it's coming soon it's coming soon let's just excessively put like a lifetime's worth of for an eye we're gonna use like two of them you know that right oh gosh i just realized my twitch chat is telling me that i should probably make like blocks of various ores like iron coal diamonds i could do diamonds i could definitely do gold oh my god the bastion's also going to be super nice what else what else can we do just literally crafting is everywhere in minecraft i mean it's literally in the game's name and if one half of the game's name is op then you know that this is going to be an overpowered game all right i'm going to do the cold block oh x32 half a stack that is not too far away what if i just spam it what if i just spam buttons or something that would allow me to get a lot of oh my god okay it's literally dropping on the floor now because i have so many snacks we could do like a test we could see how multiplied our crafts are currently are okay we could see the status of the crafts we could do that and this is how we're gonna do we're gonna have to craft a certain item that is like times one so then it would be multiplied by so so we could make one button with one plank and how many buttons do we get we get 54 buttons we are times 54 right now we don't even have iron in our inventory yet any any iron ingot oh that's gonna change right now we're gonna go and make the block the block 55 iron blocks let's go i'm excited for diamonds by the way and obviously it takes time for us to progress to getting diamonds which means that we're going to have even more diamond blocks than iron box when we craft it that's going to be really really good let's go make some iron armor shall we oh my god oh my god i just realized it's like times nine iron ingots with like 50 something and i just made like a few craps and there's like a thousand iron on the floor now i'm gonna start to become very concerned with the situation regarding uh lag i know my pc doesn't like break sometimes in these challenges these previous challenges before but i feel like this is gonna be one of those those challenges where it will actually be a big problem and i need to be careful of that i need to be very very careful of that this is going to be bad let's just make our armor this is fine iron chest plate let's make the rest oh i think we're at a stack now i just i just made 64 iron chest plates very quickly like that okay we're at 65 buckets it's above 64. this is gonna be so good but so gross all right it's gonna be very overpowered let's go make iron tools as well i have hundreds of tools in my first three uh hot bar slots this is great let's go out let's uh maybe go to the nether possibly kind of down for that let's go take this water oh actually there's another like lava lake let's use this hold on all right let's go make this portal real quick let's find some flint real quick any gravel oh there's some gravel right here okay nice very very good let's go get this thank you very much 69 69 flint and steals nice here let's go to another you know we could get some uh other goodies later but yeah sure let's go there's another enderman ayo can we go three for three and ender pro oh hey oh here you are okay hello don't leave me don't leave me you're trolling you're trolling stop [Music] enderman get in the boat there you go thank you and we're three for three this is actually really good luck okay anyway since we have this uh flint and steel now let's go to another let's do it i don't have a village or anything and my food is below average honestly but that's this is fine this is okay let's work with it oh oh wait i see it i see it i see it guess what i'm using the pearls i don't even care let's go speed run baby let's go dude we could get this really easily holy crap this fortress luck is actually insane i should probably go and make my shield i've just reminded myself let's go and make uh 70 crafting tables followed by how many shields 71. i have an unlimited amount of shields if one of my shields out of the 71 shields that i i have break you know there's just a few a few extra layers on top of that okay we have one blaze rod you know what that means we're past 69 now we can do this boom boom and then we're gonna we're gonna do oh we're done we could go now we could leave our time here is done we're fine however i still kind of want to just go to the bastion just because i want to see what effects we could do for the piglens and the piglen economy probably going to ruin it oh well inflation yolo let's go smelt food first though you know i could honestly get another right as well you know i have a bunch of beds i could go and efficiently get like the ancient debris down below i can honestly do that this is what i'm feeling okay although we're done you know basically with another we're tired with the nether but we could still do our side quests and i wanted to do some funny side quests okay number one i want to get the right armor and number two i want to get a lot of golden apples a lot and that's going to be relatively easy things to do but yeah anyways let's go let's go back to the surface real quick i kind of want to just go back so then we can get some easy peasy apples i should probably get diamonds as well if we're gonna get another right armor and another right tools then ah hey i can't even see you in my render distance okay i'm leaving goodbye oh okay we're back on the surface now very nice okay but anyways yeah if i were to get like ned right armor by the way or another right tools and i would have to get some diamonds first as well that's also a part of the side quest okay let's go get that ho ho time let's get some apples apples please oh there's apple right there nice okay very very good all right now that we have apples we could go and get diamonds and then we'll go to another okay side quest has started let's go oh nice another enderman another enderpearl because i can thank you yeah i can't really craft those so i can't have like hundreds and hundreds of ender pearls unfortunately but at least i got a bunch of eyes of ender and i could honestly do this in the cave this looks cursed by the way throwing an eye of ender in a cave i i think i've pissed like 40 people off in the in the comments right there oh god oh there's my gold right here okay nice very good if we just have like nine of any ore then we can make a block and if we can make a block then we're gonna be very very stacked also my pickaxe just broke i still have like 66 more iron pickaxes this is not a problem oh wait i do have i have nine gold door that's ready to go we could make it now here let's actually do it there you go all right i'll let that settle oh we could do the lapis as well i just realized this is what we're going to do whoop block of gold and we get 77. this is going to ruin the piglen economy let's go and also this is going to make enchantments very nice 78 lapis blocks okay very very nice let's get those diamonds though come on that's the the few things that i really want right now come on oh wait wait i i think i could do one more thing if i just make the ingots i made i made over 200 200 plus is there some on the floor right now oh there's multiple stacks i've made hundreds of gold if my inventory is full by the way it just goes on the floor okay let's go make the the gapples golden apple i have a what what is the stack oh wait 80. okay i have 80 golden apples this could be my diet for now on okay this is fine i'm announcing today i am now a vegan for the rest of the game i'm just gonna throw away all my other food no more meat oh this is a cave okay cool is there any diamonds though that's my question oh there's creepers as well wait this could be another side quest no i'm thinking about maybe a bit of a red explosive block that i might be down to have you know just just a little bit of that i'm kind of down to make something like that but we need a few creepers or something in order for us to get that if i secretly find diamonds this way what did i just do didn't need that anyways yeah that was calculated of course where is it where is it where is it where's the diamonds lapis again dude the wrong blue game you better just give me the correct diamonds please oh hello how many though that's that's the real question hold on hold on we need nine in total okay we're at five we are halfway we are more than halfway to getting that diamond block so then we could do a bit of crafting manipulation we're almost there okay there's there's still opportunity though because i still need four more diamonds wait turn around [Music] wait there's more here oh god it's time i should probably clear my inventory before i uh completely clutter it with blue let me just go and make it now here we go get ready 82 blocks of diamonds it gets worse though because one block equals nine diamonds we've done it we've duplicated the diamonds and now we could also just bring it back oh approximately one fifth of my inventory is now just straight up diamonds after finding that one vein of diamonds in on the underground though we're good let's let's leave let's go let's go let's get out of here oh wait there's a you know this this village is actually quite inadequate though compared to what i have what i've garnered without you village you know i could get your beds all right have that i could get your wheat your hay bells i already got that too i'm good i'm already set i mean i could just visit and say hi hello here i'll make a very nice statue for you guys if you need it there you go i hope you enjoy my gift i'm gonna go back to my portal now bye oh wait hold on we found a pyramid here okay temple please give me goods let's go take this easy tnt i mean we're not crafting the tnt so it's not multiplied but i'll get the 9 tnt this is fine what's in here as well oh gunpowder wait if there's gunpowder and emeralds then we could make either even more tnt and also emerald blocks and we've got nothing right after i said it thank you game is it a mine shaft oh it's a mine shaft oh boy and there's chests oh i mean it's okay i guess i feel bad for this stress i'm gonna i'm just gonna give you there you go here feel better feel better i hope you feel better chest looking good looking good how about you oh okay yeah no no no this ain't working here just take some of this some of that there you go help you feel better and that was five all right let's get stand real quick sand thank you let's go back down i wanna i wanna go and go back to another all right lava lake time here we go there you go very nice let's go leave now leave the overworld and enter the nether we're back we're back cool okay oh wait that's a bastard right there brah it was right there along this look is insane dude you would get a sub like 20 easy peasy if you sped run the seed here take the seed another great seed i'm going ham with this okay so there's two things that i want to do i want to make a bunch of diamond armor not only my diamond armor but i'm also going to go and make some tnt oh tnt and we get oh okay we have over 150 tnt now okay there you go i have full diamond full diamond let's go make tools as well while we're at it all right we're going to go down this is how it's gonna work let's go to y15 first i think that's where all of the uh the netherright is down at come on netherright please i wanna be super stacked what's the likelihood of this shot for me to find some wait oh we found the ancient debris very very nice let's go take this nice okay there's another one right here hold on yoink oh there's one right there okay at least we have this one then we have three h and debris let's keep going though oh yes there's one more right there perfect yup there you go very nice i have four right now i mean do i have to say anything else so we're smelting the debris so it gives off scrap there you go all right all of the debris is now into scrap we've smelted it very nice and then we're gonna do this whoop and we got the ingots this this is the mother lode oh boy can we double flex the blocks variant bang oh books and it goes back oh all right we're done we're out goodbye nether i'm done i don't even need that bastion either i'm already retired like times three i have 90 retirements worth of loot right now okay there you go we did it hey nice there you go let me get some more wood real quick oh my god oh my god this is much different than before all right let's go and make the smithing table of course there you go and let's just go make that smithing table nice i have over a stack of smithing tables oh boy i mean i could just use one of them and just throw away the 126 smithing tables cool let's go and make our upgrades let's do it bang bang bang bang folded right yes and let's also do tools of course let's not forget the tools axe pickaxe shovel hoe all another right we got another right and we also got our gapple so i think our side quests are done it's time we're gonna go to the stronghold now let's do this wait a minute i could do one more side quest i could get some enchantments i'll i'll just speedrun a book and obsidian real quick this is gonna be like no time at all and we have the lapis already so we're basically good let's use those 19 levels hold on let's go to the stronghold let's go let's go let's go let's go let's find it and then we're gonna use the library as well for enchantments all right it went backwards it's in this trunk it's right here okay we found it we're gonna go down here now here we go oh oh that was the fastest one yet nice let's find the library first because i want to get enchantments because you know it's completely unnecessary and that's fun the library is harder to find than the actual stronghold oh my cross where is it oh we found it there's the library yes here we go we're gonna go take these books right we're gonna go and make this obsidian diamonds book and now we have an enchant table and okay maybe multiple enchant tables holy crap we're gonna go and chat real quick for the funsies oh my god okay we're done we're done we're done let's get out of here okay hold on i'm gonna go prep up for one last thing though i need to make two last things okay this a bow sorry bows right and then we're also gonna go and make arrows that's a lot of errors i'm gonna go and just make the final stacks and multiplications before we leave because why not by the way this is lagging okay we're going to the point we're getting to the point where it's going to be really laggy the game is so laggy right now okay okay okay okay oh it's right behind me let's leave let's do this here we go this is it this is it let's shoot of course all of the pillars let's break them now let's go nice oh god oh god i'm gonna go up here i'm using my gold blocks the pillar off and i don't care there you go nice angle let's go to the cages that's one that's two that's all of them let's go i'm going to use the tnt maneuver we're going to start this fight with a bang dragon go perch go perk i dare you i dare ya i'll wait until you've heard i have a special tnt cake for you dragon just for you are you scared go down hurry up i'm going to piss you off oh no okay they're going down they're actually going down wait wait wait this is like she's insane go go go go it's out and sounded sound yes one tap halfway now halfway let's go come on you're getting so low dragon this is the most scared dragon i've ever seen my entire life oh go you're so incredibly well you're approaching wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it okay okay okay is that is that drink shot baby yes let's go [Applause] [Music] baby oh i think the egg went through the portal i'll come along with it i'll come along with it wait that's the game thanks for watching i think i lost my voice i'll see you later bye
Channel: TapL
Views: 9,486,154
Rating: 4.9141622 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Competitive Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, TapL, UHC, Ultra Hardcore, Crazy UHC, Insane Minecraft, Minecraft Minigames, Tapple, Tapple Events, Tapple Minecraft, Tapple Server, Tapple UHC, TapL UHC, TapL Challenge, Challenge, Tapple Challenge, Minecraft But, Minecraft UHC But, MinecraftBut, Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft Hardcore, Beating Minecraft, Minecraft OP, OP Minecraft, Blessed Minecraft, Cursed Minecraft, Minecraft Scenario, Minecraft UHC
Id: xGgl9aPqCdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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