Beating Every Boss in ALL Soulsborne in One Run

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today's stream is also sponsored by razer guys for their new chair the razer isker uh if any of you are interested in checking it out you can click the panel below the stream but anyways without further ado let's go very good very good indeed do we do the tutorial i don't know until the colorless deep fog swept across the land yes okay fine i need a refresher [Music] hold on the timer guys don't worry the timer's fine it's going it's just uh just comparing against in-game time don't worry everything's okay go forth touch the demon inside me i gotta say i think demon souls remake is is like the smoothest souls game like they blue point did such a good job at making this remake feel so smooth it it feels like elden ring feels feels nice and everything but it still has it's just it's got like some weird like frame pacing issues like all the souls games whereas demon souls remake it just feels like so crisp too bad it's still shitty demon souls hey be nice to demon souls do the fire bombs do decent damage to him oh my god dude this guy is so [ __ ] pink smack that fat ass [ __ ] stepped on me we're getting there slowly hob hit i feel like it's a little dark peach heals hey listen i'm pretty sure he can kill me in like one hit i'm just i'm just playing it safe all right oh my god he stepped on me again bro come on [ __ ] do something [Music] this boss is so janked [ __ ] demon souls dude hey is there anything even worth looting around here i think there is some like upgrade materials oh one full moon grass poggers dude two full moon grass four i'm rich chat i don't even know why i'm looting all this [ __ ] just kill me damn i don't remember that blood splatter on your head there your face cam is covering up the text where it says what you picked up oh it's fine also rick thank you for the five months raffy thank you for the 17 gamer fan thank you for the 16 months and physics thank you for the prime sub thank you guys playing the original yeah this is this is running on uh original ps3 right now i wish i knew how to do the failing skip get out of my way uh ah we still got it they didn't add a mechanic where you well i mean the mechanic for vaulting over stuff has always been in demon souls it's not like it's exclusive to the remake coming through they nerfed the luck sword glitch build yeah well it's it was a little op to be honest hey johnson rox thank you for the three months just a little a little opie yeah guys for this run we're going to be doing a we're going to be doing the meat cleaver but it's going to take a little bit for us to be able to use the meat cleaver since we have to kill we have to kill flame lurker we have to kill armored spider flame lurker and adjudicator hello i gotta check the i just searched meat cleaver on google and i did not find the result i was looking for okay i need 26 strength and 16 faith oh [ __ ] oh my god how do you menu in this game okay there we go [Applause] yo what's up cb insane menu skills dude you print money i like i'm not sure why it didn't auto-equip the pine resin it's fine though all right here we go okay very cool the [ __ ] can i not [ __ ] buff the can i not buff the club oh god right you can't put wood on fire was it always like that or is that like isn't that like a remake thing that's fine guys whatever no problem for the club also uh johnson rocks thank you for the three months prono thank you for the 19 months uh ogbog thank you for the prime and the codex thank you for the thank you for the gift sub what's up kyle also solarticus thank you for the year and a half resub all right so i'm thinking we should probably kill adjudicator first also i'm gonna grab the stone just in case oh oh man i missed demon souls physics so much whatever doesn't really even matter uh okay the good old rubber mechanics okay uh let's go do yeah let's go to adjudicator man that sucks though because now well you know what it's fine it's fine luckily you can just cheat in this game super easily so no big deal thank you for the 16 months razios oh [ __ ] i died my character didn't even make a death sound bro i was gonna quit out but he didn't even make a sound okay is there no like death cry in this game i could have sworn there is oh [ __ ] okay it's fine so yeah in this game if you quit out you uh get all your health back so we're just gonna we're just gonna quit out if you quit out while dying yes yeah my character's freaking bleeding right now is there a rough time estimate to how long this marathon will be it's going to be a long one my dude oh god it's fine we have the regenerators ring to counteract the bleeding uh no worries okay doing this fight with the crescent balchin is actually gonna be terrible dude i don't even have the stats to use it dude oh my god this is gonna be this is i did not i did not think this one through fellas dude killing this guy with the club is going to be terrible oh [ __ ] me chat it's fine all right i mean 420 damage and we're making it work i love the fire effects on the bosses though they're so good [Music] dammit i think if i was a little bit more efficient with my attacks oh god okay we gotta be careful chad this is this is the bad spot to be in [Music] bro [Music] uh jab what the [ __ ] thanks for the ten dollars dude thanks man okay uh all right what a fight okay we're gonna need the stats to use this so we need to get conducts at least very good indeed ah [ __ ] off okay ten decks [ __ ] hell we also need sixteen let strength be granted so the world might be mended so the world might be better made okay i gotta say guys this route that i'm doing is just terrible this is not this is not fast but we have sticky white stuff sticky white slime actually that's all we need yo swoop thank you so much for the 10 bucks card is messed up but i can donate these no worries dude thank you very much um stranger stranger thank you also i just realized this class has such little mana it's it's insane you have like no [ __ ] fp at all on this class all right so we are gonna have to we're not gonna be able to do the water skip that's okay [Music] so we just have to kill flame lurker shouldn't be too bad hopefully at least barbara barbarian starts with a lot of a lot of health which is nice also while we're up here we'll go ahead and activate this because we need mr baldwin juice in the morning uh joko thank you for the 41 months uh i think i already said foodist thank you for the 19. also super super mogui thank you for the four months thank you guys what is this item i don't need that okay you know what i'm going i remember how awful it was to try to run through that before so i'm going i'm going up and around huh uh i'm sorry doggos put out the flames let's see what what's what's in the water here anyways i think this is half moon grass yeah no no it's whiskey man just uh getting ready for this super long run today you'd need whiskey for a demon souls run yeah true i think i gotta say demon souls is probably my least favorite to run out of all the games like i i like the game but it's just not it's not it's definitely not my favorite oh my god i almost just [ __ ] fell in the elevator [Music] huh [Music] oh [ __ ] time to run hmm ugh all right coming through how long is the demon souls run gonna be uh like probably another hour or so most likely i feel like the game is so dark that's a bit better so who here is excited for dark souls 2 any dark souls 2 fans and that's what you guys are all waiting for so yeah guys we need we need to hit 200 subs for me to do dark souls all bosses so if anybody has some prime subs now is the time three subs are also included by the way oh god oh god oh god i [ __ ] up um inside me um holy [ __ ] this is safe toilet [ __ ] okay meet cleaver acquired baby let's go sorry i was focusing on the fight yo thank you so much for the fun gift subs nunzi thank you for the prime josie uh jc pops thank you for the prime sub also uh knight soul siv thank you for the prime bunk kw hope sk thank you guys so much another z uh dorian thank you for the five seconds jimmy thank god sorry i'm getting overwhelmed uh okay we need to give him so you can actually give this blacksmith the soul of the flame lurker he doesn't really he doesn't ask though you have to like actually talk to him enough all right so we're going to give him the searing demon soul which allows me to transmute fossils into weapons and i shall use it to bless your weapon so now we can turn the club that we have into the meat cleaver which is going to be my main weapon for this one now we just got to go level up so we can actually use it yeah the meat cleaver is so good it's actually it's a very strong weapon and it doesn't need to be upgraded which is also quite nice all right so we need 16 faith and we're mainly just going to two-hand it all right yeah this thing has pretty good attack rating it has let's see what what is the attack rating right now 347. see that's it's pretty good um [ __ ] off [ __ ] hell trying to think what i should go do now let's go to the chasm thank you for the 35 months dude and the dude cody thank you for the five gift subs man i will also be matching for every two gifts for every two subs during the stream resubs uh any any kind of sub it doesn't it doesn't matter but for every two subs during the stream i will be gifting one myself so basically like the goal during the stream is so if we hit if we hit like a thousand subs i'll be doing all the souls games all bosses if that makes sense so for like every game it's like 200 subs uh but yeah so if we what the [ __ ] if we hit that i will also be gifting 500 subs myself yo anime thought thank you for the 20 gift subs holy [ __ ] indigo thank you for the 19 months also the curt thank you for the 10 sorry god this weapon is so good actually sorry i gotta i can't i can't read all the subs and and play the game at the same time uh let hold on let me just take a short moment jab of the [ __ ] thank you for the five gift subs thank you for the 10 months kurt indigo thank you for the 19 months last life thank you for the 16. uh cody i think i said i mentioned it thank you for the five an urban potato thank you for the 50g holy [ __ ] thank you [Music] you i like dude are you seri oh my god i thought i was gonna die joel shut up [Music] so close get him i love the resin effects in this game as well they look so [ __ ] good yeah thank you so much for the the 50 gift subs urban potato thank you man and drathmore thank you for the six months so a cool little skip here guys you walk off this ledge slowly like this you can get on this mini ledge and then you can uh you can die there you go okay i forgot you're not supposed to roll off you're not supposed to roll off that ledge you're supposed to walk off of it i forgot i'm a bit i'm a bit rusty yeah you just walk off the ledge like this and there you go very good indeed it's all good also if you're wondering why i'm constantly switching from one hand to two hand it uh it makes it so your stamin your stamina like stops slightly if you pay attention to the stamina bar oh god oh [ __ ] me chad uh yeah if you pay attention to stamina you could see it's like constantly stopping when i'm uh when i'm like letting go wait a second is this where the dark pine resin is oh no [ __ ] hold on i gotta go back oh god oh bro calm down calm down little [ __ ] there's really good resin over here oh there it is dark black pine resin this is this is the good stuff chat what's up cody hey thank you thank you so much for the five gift subs as well thank you also connor taquita thank you for the counter to keep that 69 thank you for the two gifts thanks man don't want to forget the 69 dark thank you for the three the three gift subs oh did did we hit the goal almost 200 subs already yeah well that's that's good i'm glad you guys are thank you guys are killing it all right i'm getting my health back i'm a little scared here the sub counter isn't broken it just takes a little bit it takes a moment to update that's all oh [ __ ] i want to put the thieves ring on running through this area is just absolute torture this is the worst this is like the worst area in god i remember when demon soul's remake came out i died [Music] oh [ __ ] i died in this area like 15 times in a row in ng plus it was so bad yo auntie thank you for the gift sub to from software holy [ __ ] am i in a museum no i'm in a airbnb a very fancy airbnb oh he's pissed did i get hit by his bugs hold on i gotta get rid of the bugs chat oh my god i got hit by the bugs again uh oh [Music] [Applause] what's he doing he's just standing there menacing all right that is a fly swarm not bug well i mean aren't flies bugs like wait what the [ __ ] i don't think i need any of these souls i think i could just pop them all all right we got big level ups now chad yeah let me ch i'll i'll change the sub counter now hold on so the world might be mended that's so random auntie [Music] uh all right we're gonna pump the strength dirty strength is that enough i don't know what like the hard cap is to be honest that looks good daily joel timeout clap farewell joel maybe if if we if we reach the 1k goal then maybe i'll maybe i'll add maybe i'll add something afterward we'll see one point of case of perma joel i like the sound of that uh [Music] ring all bosses i would if i could dude [Music] i was thinking about maybe adding a sub goal to let the chat choose the next uh soul speed run that i do yeah we'll see like which game i'll run next yo what's up regal so i don't there's this ring is there any demon souls experts in the chat does anyone know if the masters ring works for the the meat cleaver i actually have no idea [Music] it does for the r1 okay welcome home russian key one life's ether the soul of the lord [Music] all right let's go let's go do old hero i guess so i love that you can just make them roll off the ledge [Music] yep out of my way dude okay oh [Music] all right all right oh god i gotta say though one one thing i'm not a huge fan of in this remake is the menus like the men i feel like the menus could have been improved quite a bit i mean they're okay but i really like in dark souls 3 how you can um in dark souls 3 you have the option to like collapse the menu so you can see while you're like running okay all right we're just gonna kill this guy i guess so be it well there there is a skip that you can do here but it's kind of dangerous because i think you can permanently soft lock your character if you do it incorrectly so i'm going to avoid doing that because i don't want to have to reset my run there's this glitch in this game where your character can like oh [ __ ] essentially why softlock can't you return to nexus no so there's certain areas in this game where if you quit out your character will get complete like if you quit out in certain places your character will get completely stuck and you can't uh you can't even move you can't use any items you can't move your camera you literally can't do anything it's like a it's a complete soft lock it only really happens if you're trying to glitch the game but well yeah it's a hard lock i guess you'd call it no you can't oh i don't i'm not actually sure i think maybe you can ps plus warp actually i'm not i'm not entirely sure i think ps plus warping might actually be able to save you all right we got the good black pine resin baby [Music] settle down this guy is so jank dude you started streaming oh god just eat all the eat all the grass so you you can actually use stealth against this guy by the way like if you use the also i have no idea how to hit with the r2 of this weapon it has a sweet spot but i'm not really sure god i mean cleaver is pretty [ __ ] dps wise yeah it's okay if i had the clever rat ring it would be better oh the thing is though i don't have a i don't have a bow god do i really want to do this with let's go let's go to latria first just use magic dude my character has like seven ends he's like a two head bro dang it all right let's see if i can actually do this skip nice well i guess we'll just hair's getting long yeah my hair is omega long at the moment i should probably get a haircut though because it's it's getting a bit excessive i'm sorry okay come on shoot me shoot me no no no don't hit me with your dagger bro [Music] are you guys think i'm gonna be able to kill her and i don't i actually don't know if i'm gonna be able to kill her here to be honest in one cycle [Music] i'm god damn it uh she's shooting the good magic [ __ ] i can't tell which one it is oh it's here oh yeah you can use the lock on to tell i think i remember somebody mentioned that before all right we'll do one more level up welcome home martian one hey admiral sporkington thank you for the prime sub yeah whoever whoever did that whoever did that prediction is oh wait is that for man eaters oh it's for man eaters okay never mind i thought that was for fool's idol i was like bro the prediction's still going i just killed them okay never mind it's fine where does demon souls sit in my soul's born ratings i mean demon souls is definitely my least like my least favorite i mean i like some of the i like certain things about demon souls yeah i'll be using this skip thank you you make a coffee yeah can i have some does chad like your hair ah they love it thank you sharon good breath braid hair incentive yeah it lurks us up clark's idea chat thank you so much for the five gifts and uh thank you for the 10 month reset as well all right meet skip i'm so glad that you don't have to run through this area to be honest it's like the worst oh nice my grass situation is a little concerning guys i'm running out of weed go forth touch the demon inside me oh god what the [ __ ] is that [Music] me [Music] oh no the running attack does so much on this weapon [Music] listen i'm just i'm just making things interesting all right don't worry believers i got you so any invaders i'm offline there's people who have speed ran more games than i have for sure there's people who literally like their sole purpose is to speedrun as many games as possible i'm pretty sure that there's somebody on who has like who's speed ran like 500 different games i mean i'm sure this like they run the game for like a day and then you know they just get a time so they can submit it to the leaderboard yeah there's people who probably have more than 500 i mean i was that's just an example i i don't really know the exact amount these guys can i don't even know these guys can drop something yikes oh [ __ ] i'm sorry insanity dog wait what the [ __ ] i don't have rtsr anymore what happened oh yeah this weapon [ __ ] heals you okay oh i forgot this weapon heals you man correct [Music] bro oh my god i forgot that they have i forgot that they have [ __ ] iframes when they stand up oh that's so triggering dude [ __ ] man um [Music] all right all right what bosses do we have left just made in australia i think and then obviously the oh and storm king oh [ __ ] i'm gonna have to kill wilhelm why must you be leave us [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] he can heal oh god i didn't know that [Music] bro what the [ __ ] since when oh god oh [ __ ] oh god all right i only have one stone left i don't think i want to use it right now where you little [ __ ] why does that do 414 damage the dam why is there a post damage so inconsistent ah [ __ ] off [ __ ] hell [ __ ] um [Music] you can do as you like [Music] like time for the flying whale um no he just he sounds like a whale obviously guys i know what a [ __ ] whale looks like okay i i gotta say i hate doing this fight with [ __ ] with the storm ruler it's terrible [Music] what are you aiming at oh holy [ __ ] we got three baby [Music] where is he where's big boy [Music] where the [ __ ] is big boy oh there he is an awesome choice stranger [Music] oh i hate this [ __ ] weapon dude oh [Music] [Music] oh we got another nice it should just be two more hits now oh yeah farewell mr king yo kaldares thank you for the 23 months and margotin thank you for the 32 all right one more final level up all right yeah guys next uh so obviously we're doing dark souls all bosses now but the next goal is dark souls 2 all bosses so if anybody has any prime subs you can see in the bottom left the the sub goal at 400 subs we'll be doing dark souls 2 all bosses that's going to be a fun one [ __ ] joel holy [ __ ] this is so hot yo shala thank you so much for the gifts of man and crombo thank you for the 14 toilet bit also miku thank you for the sub man i gotta heal here i'm gonna die otherwise oh there's a stone there nice i knew that was a good item but i couldn't i couldn't remember what it was oh majestic thank you for the two month reset my turtle and king bacon thank you for the 13 months can't wait for elder young me too dude me too also sereno thank you wait did i already say that surrender thank you for the five gift subs and uh trigger happy thank you for the 27 months also jp and shala thank you guys for the subs oh very good thank you oh yeah [ __ ] i don't have the right weapon hmm oh [Music] this guy dude why won't he fall over there he goes this is like the worst possible spot for him to follow thank you for the two months shala and pepman thank you for the two months as well thank you guys all right so this demon souls run is uh i don't know it's gonna be like an hour and a half which isn't too bad i mean considering i did the tutorial and we had a few deaths and i've been watching cutscenes and stuff meat cleaver is definitely not an efficient speed run route blaming sluron tutorial dude the tutorial took like five [ __ ] minutes vanguard's fat ass is like so tanky making incentives for weapons uh i could do something like that but i don't know what i would do i mean we already have the incentive for all bosses so and like chat would well i mean obviously i could choose the weapons and like let people i don't know i could like let people i could add like an incentive for certain weapons but i don't want to make the marathon take like 30 hours why because i don't have the stamina to stream for 30 hours i'm not a [ __ ] coked up like some streamers i'm just kidding but like i don't know how some streamers it's right like stream that long hmm dude i don't know how ella streamed for 35 hours i actually have no idea [ __ ] madman [Applause] [Music] hey mr luis game thank you for the year reset he was unconscious for half of it literal zombie playing true well i mean i'm joking but but the but the there's some truth to the joke is the thing mhm [Music] so weird i'm pretty sure that they move i'm pretty sure they moved this idol in the remake like i could have sworn this this idol used to be closer it used to be closer to this this uh passageway what's the first challenge i'll do in elden ring well the first thing i want to do in elden ring is get all achievements uh all bosses is pretty rough maxie i mean it it depends like there's there's beginner routes for all bosses but uh like the thing is i've i've ran all bosses off and on over the course of like i ran all bosses like five years ago so it's pretty it's pretty easy for me to like get back into it but i'd say if you want to learn ds1 run it'll probably take you like a week of learning or maybe maybe even less i don't know it depends like how efficient you want to be maybe like a few days the main thing that would be kind of tough is learning to move swap if you're gonna play on like were you by the way were you playing were you playing on the original version of dark souls or were you uh were you doing remastered yeah okay yeah i thought i thought it was prepared to die edition i wasn't 100 sure though yeah so like prepare to die edition has more glitches one of which is like move swap which is kind of tricky but i mean you've run a lot of different games i'm sure like if you just want to learn it to like do it in marathons or something you know you could probably you could probably learn it in like a few streams i gotta say i lo i love this fight in the remake the soundtrack is [ __ ] sick [Music] [Music] 50 damage oh yeah bro uh um all right getting getting the sweet spot hit with this weapon is [Music] all right [Music] oh he's still not dead bro i just realized i lost my rtsr because i was healing from all my attacks i wasn't even paying attention to my health that would explain why i was doing less damage let us proceed [Music] did i get any news about regarding the elden ring premium collectors edition for people in the us i know i haven't seen anything about it yet is alant actually faster with rtsr than yellowing it was full hp the thing is alons does a [ __ ] ton of damage so even if even if you yolo it with full health he can he can [ __ ] kill you really quickly like he has he has some really strong combos his his like three he has like a really fast three-hit combo that can kill you from like full health [Music] oh hey vizio toro thank you for the four months all right as much as i like watching the cutscenes it's like we do if i watch every cutscene it's gonna add like five hours to this marathon surely you have seen for yourself the pain and suffering that fills this world but god sweet spot hit with this r2 because i have no idea how to hit don't you understand thy work is done all right slayer of demons go back above [Music] the next shall imprison me no longer got a split well the game's not over yet [Music] do i kill her chat i don't know i think miyazaki would want me to kill her hey bucket please thank you for the four months the world will be engulfed all right i'll be back in a minute bathroom break time chat [Music] i guess i'll also give a shout out the stream is sponsored by razer guys for their new chair the isker if any of you are looking for a new chair you can uh check it out below the stream all right i'll be right back [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] well false king alond is meant to be the huge badass fight to end the game to be honest they the false king alant is like it's you don't even think of him as like a final boss [Music] you're a true king allowant i mean did i say false king i don't know i got a tangerine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] proceeds to sit through entire credits listen all right there's going to be a long stream today i need to take a little bit of a short break all right it's all done [Music] hey d satan thank you for the i don't know why i'm saying thank you but thank well thank you for the good luck [Music] oh stalling for subs stalling for anything i'm just chilling all right guys so what what run could we do for ds one [Music] clay lag sword oh god no pyro ah an awesome choice stranger [Music] pyro's such a pain in the ass though uh well i guess it depends it depends if i'm doing remastered or prepare to die edition [Music] yo thank you for the sub d satan any more re4 vr well not today pyro boring i could do bone wheel shield again i did i did bone wheel shield during one of my marathons i think [Music] but don't i don't think i'm gonna farm for the shield though very good indeed hey quinn in mind thank you for the 19 months i need i need to do a run that's not like completely dog [ __ ] guys [Music] any melee weapon is going to be pretty dog [ __ ] bone wheel shield on remaster for no tumble buff [Music] great bow okay guys come on that's not even funny oh i mean i'll i don't know i'm either thinking pyro i mean i'll do pyro miracles bone wheel shield or maybe like blacksmith uh i could also do like blacksmith's giant hammer maybe oh thank you so much for the five gift subs oh very good very good indeed uh let's do i guess we could do blacksmith's giant hammer maybe [Music] miracles gammathon okay dude shut up stranger stranger thank you okay hey fancy fish thank you for the 11 month resub thank you dude an awesome choice stranger farewell playstation all right boot up dark souls all right well we could do miracles i guess that's what you guys want to see or we could do oh or we could do the blacksmith's giant hammer yeah you know let's let's do the hammer i haven't i haven't done a run with the hammer in a long time so yeah uh do we want to start his cleric for this let's see the hammer is it upgrades with twinklies that's fine um okay we need 16 strength to use it oh yeah it doesn't have any scaling that's okay though you print money i like switch game oh yeah let me change let me change the game on stream oh [ __ ] excuse me okay do i even want to start cleric i mean i guess uh it might be better to start might better start as thief i can start with fire bombs yeah in the age of ancients okay you know what the world i'm gonna stretch shroud stretch break chat a land of grey crags arch trees and everlasting dragons but then there was fire and with fire came disparity heat and cold life and death and of course light and dark [Music] then from the dark they came and found the souls of lords within the flame [Music] nito the first of the day the witch of izalith and her daughters of chaos gwyn the lord of sunlight and his faithful knights so easily forgotten with the strength of lords they challenge the dragons gwyn's [Music] of and the dragons [Applause] [Music] thus began the age of fire but soon the flames will fade and only dark will remain even now there are only embers and man sees not light but only endless nights had a nice stretch and amongst the living are seen carriers of the accursed dark side i did not get a facial [Music] my bad oh my skin color is gross dude it's like a pasty pasty white hollow i'm a ginger yeah true i guess it's fitting is the music broken uh no is it oh music is just off good oh yeah i do need to make sure to buy a catalyst from petrus that's pretty important imagine eldon ring added to the marathon list well it will be eventually like eventually i can't wait no i'm not i mean guys there's no reason for me to do dragon tooth plus five everybody's already everybody's been watching me do vs speed runs lately oh there we go there's the green that i was looking for it's funny how when i'm human i'm like green but for like blue i'm like see cyan so um um why do i hate moba i don't hate what do you mean why do i hate i have i literally used to play mobas for years bro i have like thousands of hours that's why i hate it if i wasn't if i wasn't a streamer i probably would still be playing mobas to be honest with you that's [ __ ] um yeah moba communities are insanely toxic [Applause] all right so the start of this run is going to be the same as like the all bosses route that i normally run but instead of getting the dragon tooth i'm gonna get the blacksmith giant hammer and then we're gonna roll with that andre has the hammer too no he doesn't all right so i got to go down to andre to get the um i need to go down to andre to get the weaponsmith box so i can actually upgrade the blacksmith giant hammer holy [ __ ] this is so hot okay so i should be able to use the drake sword now oh god okay we got a queen did i buy the thing from petrus uh it's actually okay now that i think about it i don't i don't need i don't need to buy the thing from petrus until after ons anyways so it's all good whoa all right so for those who haven't seen dark souls speedrun we are basically glitching the game into thinking that we're dead right now which will allow us to enter sun's fortress is arcane actually good i i actually really enjoyed arcane the tv show i've i've never really played league but i thought it was i thought it was pretty good no i'm not i'm not spoiling anything i'm just saying i liked it it's it's actually pretty good yeah genuinely yeah the the there's three more episodes that are coming out to tonight i think or today some parts are cringe i mean every tv show has its cringe moments i guess i don't know i'm enjoying it a lot though they're already out okay am i gonna watch the wheel of times i don't know [Music] uh arcane's on netflix wondering [Music] what's up jaw also craven raven thank you for the five months and toynu thank you for the two months also felipe tankian thank you for the sub man so as i like azamaran thank you do i run the new route no this i'm running i'm doing like a meme route right now basically well the start the start of this round is pretty like efficient it's netflix sponsoring me i wish i was sponsored by netflix that'd be sick but i am sponsored by razer which is also pretty sick that that is really really painful that is like literally oh my god that that one that one really hurts fellas you know just like the worst possible death i could have had you know oh my god that is such a bad death that is like the worst possible death [ __ ] dude um so i'm so i'm actually i'm really angry so i'm so [ __ ] annoyed right now oh my god i can't believe i died i have not died iron golem in so long dude oh man i was so i was so close to the killing him that was just such a oh that was such an unfortunate series of events he was two like two of my running attacks didn't didn't fully connect so i'm you need seven you need seven hits to make them fall off each running attack is like two but i only got i got like two partial running attacks wait a second okay i don't know i don't know what cycle these guys are in this toilet [ __ ] [Applause] thank you for the four months dude all right it's fine guys it's fine stay positive just a minor inconvenience okay we're back okay i don't know why he's doing that attack again as the stream over no i'm just gonna be very very sad hey anyway i pie thank you for the sub man and mr goo boy thank you for the 41 months all right so we need 16 strength and 30 faith for this run uh primarily that's really all we need to worry about so we're going to go we're going to grab this bonfire just in case some catastrophically unlucky thing happens get 16 strength and start pumping faith will the stream end if the sub goal is not met no so i mean if we don't reach the sub goal then i'm just gonna do any percent for the game hey haggis thank you so much for the two month resub thank you man let's see can we get the super sick jump need to make the sub goal bigger so yeah guys if we hit 400 uh we will be doing ds2 all bosses we still have a lot left we still have a lot of this ds1 run left yeah resubs are included guys we'll prime [Music] thank you so much for the 10 gift subs man how many subs for ds2 all achievements yeah we're not we're not doing that also i just realized oh my god i forgot to well maybe it's for the best i forgot to get the rtsr but i guess i guess we can i guess we can make the rtsr instead the sister fister yeah and re-rose thank you for the two-month resub you bring money also land i like you for the gift sub man gotta start over now no we'll be all right spot hey you guys are going to hear all the sub sounds today this the sister fister sub sound it's from when i was talking about nems yeah dark souls 2 has sunlight metal farming you also have to farm the mad warrior it's pretty annoying ah an awesome choice stranger ah [ __ ] off [ __ ] hell [ __ ] how long would it take you to do an any percent ring of vanquisher and conquer ds2 uh it depends if you're doing old patch or current patch [Music] yeah no death no bonfire on old patch can actually be done like very quickly but current patch is a bit longer that at the bonfire by accident 10 hours in oh god that's tragic no that we're not doing a dragon tooth route we're doing blacksmith's giant hammer which is worse but we're doing it for fun we don't have overpowered duping in this version though so i have to [ __ ] i have to dupe here [ __ ] off [ __ ] hell [ __ ] how much twinkling tied knight does it take to upgrade a weapon pulley it's 10 right okay i think you could yeah okay that's what i was that's what i was thinking duck i didn't know if you could quantity storage the twinkling but i i was like i was pretty sure you could well okay i kind of oh same way you quantity storage pikes right okay oh does this guy sell a weaponsmith box i think he does okay well we have everything we need now i believe it's only 10 or maybe it's 15. i think it's only 10. uh we'll just buy some more just in case i guess all right guys i'm sorry but we gotta kill him i'm so sorry chad [Music] oh he's just gonna kill us instead [Music] you know i kind of expected this what do i need from him i need his weapon [Music] foreign lady night i'm sorry chad i'm sorry [Music] yeah it is only 10. all right guys we got it [Music] i guess we should probably move swap the hammer considering we don't have sunlight blade yet we'll use the standard move set once i get some they played yeah regal i [ __ ] up and i forgot to get rtsr so yeah yikes yikes this second fast roll smoke get out of my [ __ ] face bro oh my god this is so [ __ ] bad bro no you didn't just do that go full i hate that attack though hey battle rules thank you for the 69 months [ __ ] mike oh [ __ ] me dude what's uh you know what this is so scuffed get the tooth i'm not getting the tooth i don't even have the stats to use the tooth dude all right uh all right guys it's fine it's fine we'll just kindle the bonfire get uh get some more estus everything's fine i mean it's not like kindling would have saved me in that last attempt so i don't even know why i'm bothering oh my god what's up buck long time no see buddy ah an awesome choice stranger hey draco all right guys we got this day bro that [ __ ] attack is so good morning i hate how the i hate that hitbox when i talk soon oh my god i can't hit me oh god [Music] [Music] stop [ __ ] jumping bro okay any interest in sl1 runs [Music] [Music] i'm sorry guys rip the booba all right you know what let's go all right we're gonna go to firelink shrine [Music] all right we're gonna go to firelink shrine we're gonna buy the the catalyst and then we'll get the rtsr i guess or we could i mean we could do i don't know do we do we do esm for the i don't know if i'm going to bother with esm for the rtsr i might just go grab it i mean i could kill could kill stray and priscilla first and then do esm i might just go grab it now [Music] yo anime thought oh my god i didn't well i don't have the elevator whatever let's just go get the rcsr bucket to be honest if i if i used rtsr on uh on ons i pro i probably would have gotten [ __ ] anyways so it's fine let's get the dragon crush shield that thing the dragon crest shield is really good and i'm gonna have to parry gwyn quite a bit so it's probably for the best to get that i don't know why my character did that i tried to plus some pressing block in it this run is just pain and suffering bro all right well i guess i'm uh i guess i'm not gonna grab the rtsr now fine guys we can uh destroy it we'll we'll destroy uh destroy the golem at least oh okay dog did i say gollum destroy destroy the gargoyles near you [ __ ] all right got him not move swapping i don't need to move [Music] all right no this run is so all over the place let me get let me go get let me go get some light blade first before i do anything else well this is not a this is not really a route this is just a meme run so it's really scuffed there's a two cycle [Music] come on give me the arrows the arrows you [ __ ] [Music] what he was doing the air you [ __ ] [Music] okay sunlight blade time let's go all right now we do that now we do big damage chat well once we have rtsr plus sunlight blade it'll be even better but it'll still be pretty good uh my name is hey anne bishi thank you for the submarine and huang sifu thank you for the 16 months also chilly bats thank you for the submarine what [Music] all right not too bad once we get the rtsr the damage will be pretty pretty freaking good though i mean it's still it's still no dragon tooth plus five with move swap but all right so now we just go to priscilla oh [ __ ] hold on uh i have to kill logic logic's gonna [ __ ] everything up if i don't kill him i don't i don't know what causes law tricks like progression to continue is it ringing the second bell that makes him kill the fire keeper i guess it is oh very good very good indeed yeah yeah you're right it is ring green both it is ringing the second one because in the in the speed run route we don't actually ring the bells so law trick just sits there the whole game thank you so much for the five give sub swung my thoughts are nothing but eldon ring kinda true i can't wait to do elden ring in this marathon in the future it's gonna be sick ah an awesome choice stranger hey blake thank you for the gift sub to ivan thank you thank you wonder how long the speed runs gonna be yeah i don't know i think any percent will end up being pretty fast actually but uh i think all bosses is gonna be quite a quite a long one at least i can show off this glitch since i'm sure there's some people who haven't seen it before so that's nice stranger stranger thank you [Applause] thank you jump attacking the dragon butt is pretty fun is why is she still invisible bro what the [ __ ] is going on [Applause] [Music] okay all right guys we can finally get the rtsr so we're gonna do a pretty cool glitch here for anybody who hasn't seen it before you'll probably like it so we're going to try to i'm going to try to drop our arrows and then we're going to queue up hello we're gonna queue up the iron golem sole and then we're gonna buy 999 pipes we're gonna buy the crest of artorias as well [Music] now we're going to try to buy the pipe actually we don't have to try to buy the pipe that's not really relevant but anyways so now we're gonna be able to equip the red sign soapstone we can equip the red sign soap stone into our ring slot gives us the red tear stone ring red tear stone ring how i i don't really know the specifics basically by by buying so you're buying like 999 pikes in one slot so like this this pike this pipe that i have in my inventory weighs like [ __ ] like 10 000 pounds and because of that it it like glitches your character which allows you to do that equip equipment glitch it has to do with the weight limit i don't know so somebody somebody who's more knowledgeable about the game could probably explain it way better yeah catalyst cata probably has a good video on it i imagine i guess we can't do rtsr what's up relayed no you can't stack the rings [Applause] [Applause] oh my god he's still not dead dude i gotta say i really love i love the look of putting i love the look of sunlight blade in this in this game putting it on some weapons looks so [ __ ] cool i'm not sure if i want to uh i don't think i want to get i don't think i need to get hidden body i guess we'll go do butterfly right now while we're here might as well before i forget no running attack calamity kill or calm no running attack butterfly kill feels bad man [Music] [Music] get the omega slow butterfly [Music] what you doing come on butterfly come on down [Music] [Music] okay holy [ __ ] this is so hot i shot him with the halo sniper rifle yeah i kind of wish i had the sniper rifle right now how does that not damage me oh [ __ ] well i'm too heavy i can't pick up any i can't pick up anything because my character weighs too much oh my god reload i did what if i think it's gone dude oh man i didn't know that was gonna happen [ __ ] me dude oh i think you i think you're right that it's actually in firelink i think it's just gone really i'm gonna check firelink [Music] i'm sorry sift ugh oh god what do i do for nito now pavels oh god havel's just so far away though oh this is so so this is so scuffed okay because i i need to go kill oh man i need to place the lord vessel unless i want to do the duke's golden fog gate skip actually no let's let's show off you know i don't even care this run is so [ __ ] up anyways let's let's do the [ __ ] duke skip you guys want to see an insane skip no ah [ __ ] off [ __ ] hell [ __ ] all right guys so the the golden fog is still here but we don't give a [ __ ] okay i'm move swapping this [ __ ] thing i don't oh god no dude are you [ __ ] kidding me i was thinking like there's no there's no way this hollow can [ __ ] hit me there right like i'm far enough away right now i should have rolled everything's fine they do have insane jump attacks luckily i'm really good at this skip so it's fine guys bro come on let me let me ah this run is stressing me out so much guys it's like every single time i think i i'm like i'll i'll do this it'll be fine and then it it's not fine it's just not fine at all oh my [ __ ] god dude really now hey maisha thank you for the hormone threesome that's fine guys just do the skip again okay great i should have just killed quailag i just i didn't want to have to run back to the darkroot garden bonfire but because i did that i like i made things so much worse well it would have actually worked it would have been worth it if i didn't die all right see you later draco watch me die again that's not even funny i like how i've been i've been [ __ ] running dark souls 1 lately and this is like this is that this is going to end up being like the worst run out of every [ __ ] run in the marathon but i've been running this game for like two weeks i thought this one i thought this would be the run that would go quickly i mean to be fair if i did if i did the the like efficient speed run route i probably would have been fine wait till ds2 now now ds2 is going to be ds2 is going to be easy breezy dude all right guys look at this sick duke skip setup though this is bo duke skip anybody could learn this [ __ ] even no hit runners could do duke skip now guys hog stranger stranger thank you for the four months dude i mean to be fair dying deceit is part of intended progression so i can't i can't really blame note like you can't really blame no hit runners for that one i'm just memeing um [Music] [Applause] all right now we can go to the dlc also my damage on sanctuary guardian is going to be absolutely horrendous because most of my damage is from lightning what bosses are left uh dlc capra gaping we did do we did do priscilla stray and gwyndolin already though which is good so at least we got that those guys out of the way four kings yeah we're we're actually like as much of them as much of a meme as this run has been we should still be able to finish in like under two hours i think hopefully like around around two hours i need to stall a little longer well we still have we still have like an hour left of the run so not doing the beloved skip well i can't do the beloved skip well i i could technically do it but i the plunge the plunge animation with this weapon is like different so [Music] you know what man [Music] ugh foreign god that it wow that attack animation is so slow that is terrible yikes i thought i could at least i thought i could roll away in time there but i don't know my my stamina is also like so low which isn't really helping me i probably should have got a bit more i should level up my improvements a bit more okay guys blacks remind me not to do blacksmith hammer next time ah maybe i should just move swap all right you know what dude [ __ ] this [ __ ] honestly man i should have just killed quailag i should have just killed quailag and duped the [ __ ] soul i should have just duped the [ __ ] i should have just duped the soul and got a bunch of [ __ ] peeps level ups because this is just this is just miserable this is so [ __ ] bad dude i need more endurance i need to be able to roll man foreign all right what what is this new route with this hammer this is just a terrible route my name is the sister i should have just used the dragon tooth and two shot like every boss but instead i'm subjecting myself to torture right yes oh no i'm so sorry i didn't mean to say no go forth touch the demon inside me [Music] all right guys it's fine everything's under control yes westerly thank you for the 30 month reset thank you for the two and a half years and jay kennu thank you for the 13 months also fart king thank you for the 10 months thank you guys majestic hey hermitian thank you for the prime sub [Applause] left foot thank you for the sub man oh god i'm a little stressed out at the thought of fighting artorias guys [Applause] and dumbled thank you for the four months you died lester's insane for a guardian first player yeah good for you dude you're so good at video games oh [Music] so long maybe i shouldn't be doing this super scuffed rtsr setup yeah i saw eliza p it looks pretty good actually all right guys hopefully this will go alright wish me luck [Applause] i'm scared i really should have just used dragon tooth so [Music] i know i shouldn't have tried to punish that attack [Music] shut the [ __ ] up chat i'd like to see you i'd like to see you do you [ __ ] do this [ __ ] [ __ ] off hey the pumpkin thank you for the prime sub this is this is what this is what i get for doing a meme run okay i could have just used dragon tooth and i could have killed artorias in two hits and then i do a meme run and this is what i get chat shits all over me [ __ ] you guys no it's funny because i i remember blacksmith's giant hammer being way better than this but it clearly my [ __ ] memory has has failed me because this is this is awful this is just [ __ ] awful i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know how my role didn't work i'll be honest that jump attack is actually [ __ ] horrifying though i maybe i should have just ran away from it like that that jump that jump attack from artorias even if you roll it it it will still kill you like 90 of the time like it it's it's hitbox is so scuffed the problem is he he did it from an angle where i couldn't i couldn't uh i couldn't really avoid i i don't know maybe i should have just ran away like i didn't i didn't know how to avoid that that's the issue [Music] oh i'm pretty sure i got the first flame you know whatever i'm not even gonna say anything i'm pretty sure i got the first frame roll block but i don't know whatever dude whatever dude ugh i honestly might just i might just go back to anor londo and just get the dragon tooth i'm just i'm i'm already i'm so annoyed right now oh my god [Music] so [Music] i mean i could do the fight without rtsr but it's like i really don't really don't want to do that the dead the damage is going to be so bad without rtsr especially because the sunlight blade is gonna run out i can't i can't punish that i can't even right i'm gonna die if i finish that as well i should have just i should have just ran away i don't know why i tried to roll through that nice yeah the back hit oh guys this is this is just terrible i actually i'll be honest i really don't like fighting especially with a slow weapon like this oh god it's so bad [Applause] [Music] yeah we're not gonna finish this run in under two hours now that's not gonna happen [Music] and the damage is pretty good it's just it's so it's so dangerous to attack him with this weapon like if i'm not if i'm not super on point he'll just he'll kill me before i can even before i can even dodge or do anything which is why i'm just i'm so [ __ ] anxious bro can you give me rng that isn't just completely terrible i i can't attack him like i i literally will die if i attack him right now on any of these attacks now i do 194 damage [Music] oh you stop doing that [ __ ] attack bro stop so uh us i'm so stressed out dude oh i'm not i'm not nearly as worried about manus i'm a little worried about cow meat though i will admit just because cal meat cow meat can be a big old [ __ ] douchebag sometimes oh okay nice nice that's sick hell yeah bro oh yeah oh that was awesome i'm having so much fun right now chad somebody saved me from this [ __ ] save me from this hell [Applause] i'm gonna [ __ ] die again most likely i don't know remember you know i i i really should have just i really should have just done the optimal route for this game because the uh i'm gonna die now uh the optimal route for this run is actually really cool like there's a there's a lot of really cool strats that i could have shown off to people who probably probably uh haven't seen them before so in retrospect i probably should have just done like the fishing route actually but whatever we can always do it in a different marathon um [Music] yeah i did demon souls remake oh yeah i'm sure it's still fun to watch i just i'm sure you guys are loving this ah [ __ ] off [ __ ] hell [ __ ] yeah guys 67 subs and we'll be doing dark souls to all bosses who's excited for that all right stay positive chad no it is not scholar oh god this damage is just foreign yo useless rory holy [ __ ] thank you so much for the freaking 72k stubs yo thank you my god all right here we go and i'm here for monday thank you for the two months also equeptic knight thank you for the 16. all right guys see listen i know i know how to play this game look at that was that was a sick madness fight right god the damage on this weapon is [ __ ] [ __ ] though go forth touch the demon inside me i remember this damage being so much better when i when i did this before [Applause] a weapon that doesn't kill bosses but to it is trash well it's just the the more hits that it takes the scarier it is to use rtsr like when you have to use rtsr on a boss and it takes like [ __ ] 20 hits to kill them it's you might have to you might have to dodge like 30 to 40 attacks like rely like without messing up once yeah thank you so much rory for the gift subs man majestic how old was i when i started twitch i started streaming on twitch when i was like 18 like right when i finished high school or maybe like when i was a senior in high school i can't remember welcome home russian one thank you for the five gift subs money and frost globe thank you for the gift sub to swordless thank you so yeah i'm i'm 26 now so i've been i've been streaming for like eight years which is kind of crazy to think about all right short break hey yes a true shot was never loosed that bat will be grounded for despair the rest is in thine hands i await good tidings all right guys calamity time i gotta say i'm not very i'm not very excited for kyle meade either palamid has some really [ __ ] hitboxes thank you thank you so anonymous thank you for the gifts up to distortion 3. oh you just had to do that you had i have no idea how to avoid that he just has to do the [ __ ] charging the [ __ ] charging fire breath against the wall the problem is cal meets arena isn't big enough like i i knew i knew the moment he did that that i was probably gonna die because he he doesn't have he doesn't have the distance to get away from me so he just he just does it into the wall and then i'm stuck in like three seconds of active hitboxes yeah you guys you guys can meme all you want but anybody who's actually fought palmy knows exactly what i'm [ __ ] talking about this boss is just [ __ ] i'm honestly so glad that in the speed run you can actually just kill him without him [ __ ] doing his [ __ ] hitboxes my name is [Applause] bro will you stop this game annoys me so much i rolled that but i got a first frame roll again so honestly dude i should i should just not even block i just shouldn't even i shouldn't even sprint you guys are all probably just posting copium but like so in this game you cannot you cannot roll while you're sprinting unless you're holding block okay now the problem is if you're holding block and you roll the first frame of your roll you can still block so basically what happened there is that i i [ __ ] rolled but i also blocked it on the same frame so he just destroyed my entire stamina bar and [ __ ] killed me you could see you could see my entire stamina bar go to zero the moment the moment he hit me there my name is i thought i was going to get the box jam clear as well oh please just give me oh yeah of course you would do that oh [ __ ] hell get me out of this dlc please hey skinky thank you so much for the bits oh man the worst part is i don't even oh my god i don't even have [ __ ] i don't even have stone armor for neato either dude i'm gonna have to dupe and just level up my health to like 10 000. why did i go for the giants hammer i don't know i just i didn't want to do i've been speedrunning dark souls 1 for the past two weeks and i didn't i didn't really want to just do a run with like the same run that i've been running for the past two weeks so i thought i thought i would do something else but it was clearly a [ __ ] terrible idea well not i don't i wouldn't say doing something else is a terrible idea but the blacksmith giant hammer was a bad idea i probably should have ran like i should have just done like amer like miracles or pyros or magic in this game is just so good even if it's not like dark beat or sorceries i'm dead oh this run is actually so [ __ ] painful i don't know how that didn't work i have no idea how that plunge strike i don't know how the plunge didn't work but of course it didn't why not why not why not dude [Music] maybe it's because of the roles here but the catalyst and talisman really don't weigh that much so i don't i don't think it's because of that the second plunge is kind of annoying but it's really not i don't know i i practice it a bunch for the old route that i was running and it was it didn't really give me too many issues but no boot thank you for the 84 months dude i mean guys this you know as bad as this has been going which is pretty [ __ ] bad i've had i've had marathon ds1 runs that are worse than this maybe not in terms of the amount of deaths but i've had dark souls 1 runs that take like three hours and we're still not even at the two hour mark and we really don't have that many bosses left we have like capper gaping pinwheel neato and then isila which is i mean it's that's still like 20 minutes at least but all right i'm doing the plunge again even though i probably shouldn't look it's so easy uh ugh dude i cannot believe that [ __ ] oh my god dude if i die oh my god if i died there i would have oh god please i just want to stop i want to stop playing dark souls 1 guys i don't i don't like this anymore every single thing that is going wrong it's like it's so ridiculous dude i don't want to play this game anymore oh i'll choke on ds2 anyways shut the [ __ ] up joel dark souls 2 is going to be a [ __ ] blast i'm so excited for dark souls 2. it's going to be it's going to be deathless well it actually it depends what weapon i use for dark souls 2. deathless or you give 20 subs well listen i'm already i'm already gifting 200 subs as it is so yeah for by the way everybody i'm i'm matching gifs i'm matching subs so for every two subs during the stream i will be gifting one myself just fyi also i don't have any throwing knives [ __ ] me oh [ __ ] dude hey it's fine whatever yeah i need to change the goal come on come on buddy no no bad ceaseless oh [Music] hey blood no that was my you know what i'm not even i'm not even gonna i'm not even gonna make excuses that was my fault i [ __ ] rolled way too early i mean the hitbox is [ __ ] yes but like still i rolled way too early okay karatekun thank you for the 20 gifts thanks man am i doing all these games in one day well that's the plan okay let's just let's just finish this run before the four hour mark please please okay yeah let i'll i'll update it oh wait no it's this is a let's play at this point dude shut the [ __ ] up this is this is a really fast speed run oh my god i just i just [ __ ] i just [ __ ] buffed the pike dude is he dead oh thank [ __ ] god [Music] okay guys an awesome choice stranger hey dark thank you for the gift sub to it's the game's fault not mine that's true are you guys gonna love this strat at least [ __ ] you fire sage yeah you can't kill me now [ __ ] ah what a good fight oh [Music] oh wait i can't even what am i doing i can't do rtsr like this welcome home martian one hey luck so bad thank you for the prime i should be able to do the other rtsr setup nice dude nice nice he moved me into the lava with his fat [ __ ] face i love it that's so good toilet [ __ ] what the [ __ ] am i doing dude oh beef tips mcphee thank you for this thanks man [Music] oh i don't know what he's doing die okay hey listen i'm seventh place on the dark souls leaderboards thank you very much i've only been running it for like two weeks now okay seventh place that's pretty good i'm it's gonna be even better soon oh god thank you again so much for the the gibson speed tips and kratos thank you for the two months goofy thank you for the thank you for the sun and jordan thank you for the two months dark souls 2 is going to be a treat now man dark souls 2 is easy we got this hey dark thank you for the gift sub to uh to noobist thank you oh yeah also dark uh we're probably gonna be going to amsterdam in like a week or two so i'll let you know um you know our plans and stuff if you want to like meet up is this an sl1 run it basically is this this is the this is the weapon you use in the sl1 run yeah the thing is amsterdam is on like oh my god no no no dude no not like this oh my [ __ ] god no no how how how does that not [ __ ] work that's [ __ ] oh my god oh [ __ ] yes sharon now might not be the best time everything is awful oh that's every time you're in bed of chaos it's a meme bro like every single time yeah so funny [Music] like everywhere it's like your single shirt you [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] stop laughing i feel like uh i'm getting some sushi do you want anything oh yeah okay he just he literally dude he just did the hands thing and the firestorm at the same time okay i'm so scared chad oh my god i'm so [ __ ] scared i don't like this made out the sweep okay go go go go go run ah you [ __ ] [ __ ] okay [Music] all right guys we just have to kill gaping capra pinwheel and neato five five more bosses total dude we're not even gonna finish before the four hour mark i don't think it should be kind of close though [Applause] oh no i haven't done four kings either oh [ __ ] me oh god hello uh oh is happening dude [ __ ] oh god oh go forth touch the demon inside me it's fine you what what the [ __ ] is that a [ __ ] rat [ __ ] hell [ __ ] [Applause] okay oh jesus micronesian hey thank you so much for the 10 months and our nieces thank you for that two months hostile pool noodle thank you for the seven the rapier switch was to show off no it's because i i wanted to move i wanted to move swap or not move swap tumble buff i mean uh no stone armor i don't need stone armor for four kings the i mainly want it for neato but i'm probably just going to level up my health a ton instead i guess how this run got so slow oh don't even get me started died like 30 times on this [ __ ] run majestic okay that should have worked at least a zit thank you for the five months you know the funny thing is though you guys probably enjoyed this run more than if i had done like a an optimal route but i have enjoyed it way less so i mean at least it's good for you guys i guess we're just doing like this is this is literally going to be like four kings wow that's some good damage hell yeah it's fine guys i'm really good at this fight so no worries [Music] it sucks that you only have one sunlight blade in this route i gotta say might as well just heal [ __ ] it so four kings let's go okay all right you know what [ __ ] guys i need i need to do this stranger wake up ranger wake up [ __ ] wake up um [Applause] [Applause] i should have just done this at the start of the run and it would have been like 10 000 times easier but you know what i didn't we're getting a lot of health chat we're getting a lot of [ __ ] health yeah oh wait hold on [Applause] farewell [Music] um dude my sleep schedule's gonna be so [ __ ] it's gonna be so [ __ ] after this stream hmm foreign it is 6 p.m for me right now [Music] uh all right we got 99 humanity now the thing is like you know what i'm turning i'm going back human fog gate skip there's literally no point in turning human except for aesthetic reasons i just i hate being a [ __ ] piece of beef jerky all right oh guys i can't get invaded don't worry this is probably going to be really annoying without the stone armor oh well i can get invaded by leroy but leroy can suck my dick dude okay so all right well we didn't even need to [ __ ] level up apparently although to be honest the level ups will help for gwynn so it's okay can i get 99 endurance now i can no sick all right all right time for an absolutely [ __ ] terrible win fight this gwin fight is going to take like 15 [ __ ] parries by the way i'm not even gonna rtsr because i think i'm gonna i'm gonna die from chip damage most likely if i go for rtsr can you kill him without perry uh not me hmm a whale fallacy thank you for the 13 months thank you for the prime [Music] all right hold on i guess i'll i'll buff the weapon first i might as well toilet [ __ ] [Music] it's not as bad as i remember actually for this so that's a surprise [Music] god [Music] uh why not perry the first attack i don't even think you and can if you can it's too fast to react okay what a run happy hob does perry on first attack no he doesn't unless you mean his jump attack which i parried bro [Music] [Music] ah [Music] i'm playing vanilla ds2 yeah [Music] okay ah an awesome choice stranger no i'm not [ __ ] gosh [ __ ] you i don't even have scholar installed and even if i did i'm not playing that garbage can you play online no i'm not playing online okay so now the question is what kind of run do we want to do for dark souls 2 slightly harder equals garbage bro it is yeah well i don't even know why i'm responding you joel but scholar is so bad i'm not doing magic i'm not doing magic no [ __ ] that a bow run guys i'm gonna i know i i need to do a run that's not gonna take like six hours power stance something i don't even know what's good power stance i mean maces are okay um i kind of want to try the smelter hammer another hammer run uh yeah hammer went really well last game so okay well my my thoughts were either smelter hammer or maybe i was looking at um i was also looking at what the [ __ ] is it called uh the ivory king ultra greatsword i was also looking at that ah [ __ ] off [ __ ] hell [ __ ] yo what's up adam thank you for the four year resub melee builds are bad for you well it depends on the game we're talking about all right you know what why not both i mean i could do both let's all right we'll we'll we'll get this we'll do smelter hammer and we'll also do the ivory king ultra greatsword we'll get both [ __ ] it because they both upgrade with different materials the ivory king ultra grade sword upgrades with petrified dragon bone and the smelter hammer upgrades with tied knight shards so i can upgrade them both pretty easily so yeah let's do that all right well then i gotta download a cheat table because i'm not getting those weapons legit that it's they're too if i if i want to get the ivory king ultra greatsword i have to like i have to either kill all of the lord souls or do like four rotten and yeah it's just not it's just gonna be way too much of a pain in the ass if i could get them relatively like early i would do it but i'd rather just have be able to get them from the start okay how many subs for scholar the person run there no amount of subs is going to make me run scholar the first sin my dude sorry to disappoint all right why i just scholar is really [ __ ] annoying there's scholar is just made to be enough perhaps you've seen it like the design philosophy and scholar is like how can we [ __ ] be as annoying as possible and they did that to every single area all right i'm taking a short break i'm gonna stretch i'll be back in a minute also guys today's stream is sponsored by razer so if any of you want to check it check out their new chair the razer isker click the panel below the stream uh please i'll be back soon [Music] you will lose everything once branded the symbol of the curse an orga of darkness your past your future your very light [Music] none will have meaning and you won't even care by then you'll be something other than human a thing that feeds on souls are hollow [Music] long ago in a walled off land far to the north a great king built a great kingdom i believe they called it drang lake perhaps you're familiar now how could you be but one day you will stand before its decrepit gate without really knowing why [Music] [Music] all right h down though [Music] like a moth drawn to a flame your wings will burn in anguish time after time [Music] for that is your fate the fate of the cursed keep eating that banana the banana is finished decided on a weapon yet for bloodborne no all right let's go guys dark souls 2 baby so all right are you guys ready for this so [Music] looking pretty good so all right let's go oh people coming so just to start off we're going to unput this stuff [Music] no don't [Music] [ __ ] [Music] oh god hold on i gotta look up the [ __ ] item ids for dark souls 2 because hold on oh my god what do you mean my inventory bag is full what [Music] oh [ __ ] me uh [Music] i don't know why the item swap's not working uh hold on did i somehow put it in wrong you mean my inventory [Music] fire [Music] okay hold hold on a second why is this what the [ __ ] bro i'm trying to give myself [Music] dude no i'm trying oh my god dude i'm just trying to give myself the weapons that i wanted to use for the run but this [ __ ] table sucks it's like not working at all i don't know why oh not majestic oh very good very good indeed [Music] okay i don't actually know what to do guys um play the game i just i wanted to try something i wanted to try to use different weapons but i guess i'll just use rapier and twin blade because i'm sure everybody wants to see that right why the [ __ ] does this not work dude why i don't get it the problem is none of them wait a second guys i think i know why it's not i think i know why it's not working i'm pretty sure this is oh my god you i'm pretty sure this is old patch dark six too [Music] oh my god it is welcome home russian one oh [ __ ] me okay that makes so much sense oh very good very good indeed oh yeah the last time i played ds2 was the race with noobest so it's [ __ ] old patch oh my god [ __ ] i completely forgot oh my god okay it's fine guys but we figured it out it's all good okay we still have dong it's okay it's okay we got this [Music] okay we're um we're almost there chad just just one moment [Music] why is it [ __ ] i don't want fire [ __ ] fire where's the face cam i don't even know dude it disappeared okay okay guys we got it are we using yes we're using cheat engine to give myself the weapons that i want to use for the run thing is i i need 70 strength or 30 or what 15 15 strength 30 decks it's quite a lot i'm gonna i'm gonna have to i'm not gonna be able to use the weapon right away i'm not gonna i'm not gonna cheat in the stats i i can kill dragon rider and kill like kill last giant and stuff so i can use the weapon oh [ __ ] i just okay hold on i just turned his helmet into the [ __ ] [Music] i need to turn off cheat engine [Music] oh my god everything is just going wrong chat [Music] okay let's just make sure every make sure okay it's off right okay okay we're good [Music] seventh place cheating listen i'm better than seventh place in this game buddy i'm like fourth place now or something in this [Music] all right can somebody ban that guy it's the it's the it's the [ __ ] larksa guy [ __ ] crazy larks creeper all right please no baby jump nice i don't have baby jump mod and i i don't have baby jump mod on or installed i should probably install it stranger stranger thank you i need to get rid of these fields shitty dlc items i don't want them there's no baby jump if you jumping on analog stick okay uh sharon okay i wasn't sure if you heard it okay um no they did not make my fling to the finish skin still we're never gonna get it yeah larx is not happy about that um i'll leave your food here in the table okay yeah it's really hot [Music] yeah i already finished dark souls 1. dark souls 2 is going to take like four hours i don't think the food's going to be hot anymore after that well you can always fall yeah no i'll take a i'll take a break and eat my food what's up bathy yo sushi bar samurai thank you for the two gift subs hmm oh oh that's gonna hit me um well whatever we'll just we'll just go do pursuer we'll just go up the elevator i'll lose my souls thank you so much for the 14 months now well will i be able to get enough strength to use the smelter hammer i wonder thank you so much for the 25 months all right guys sick pursuer strat here easy every time we blast his ass with this crossbow home we got him holy [ __ ] this is so hot yeah that was so hot i'm not doing it i haven't practiced the fast pursuer luke okay i don't i mean i don't it doesn't seem very hard but i i've never done it before all right should we go for the door skip yeah let's go for the doorstep nice uh almost got it no doors good all right guys so time for the time for the disc barrel pay to pay to win emote come on baby let's go i think there's also five tie knight shards in here we'll pick those up just to save us a bit of souls okay so we should i don't know i don't know if we're gonna be able to get enough strength to use the smelter hammer i need 30 i need 35 strength to use it so that hope will not fade away this oh [ __ ] i shouldn't actually no i i still have pursuer's soul that's okay yes global all right we are ready it's clubbing time baby god this [ __ ] is so [ __ ] heavy dude i can barely even carry this thing it does hit hard all right i'm grab i'm grabbing the effigies here just in case things go go like last run let's buff before we go inside no bridge skip nah dude so all right nice [Music] yeah this is the belly flop weapon i don't i don't know how you do the belly flop though is it the jump attack i can't even remember uh [Music] oh still in the dark souls category uh yeah i don't i don't know i i forgot to update it did i did a mod update it by any chance or i might i might have to update it myself or mod can do it now thank you bathy okay i love dark souls 2 hitboxes so much this toilet [ __ ] really don't want to grab this bonfire but i also really don't want to lose my run because of a baby jump well not lose my run but i don't want to have to go through the whole pit again baby jumps are pretty uncommon here yo up to the summit thank you so much for the five gift subs and uh bb mercy thank you for the 52 months thank you very much okay two hour 30 minute ps1 yeah i don't want to talk about it you print money i like oh should i just realize something hold on i'm gonna go back to my julia real quick hey psych ward thank you for the prime and uh i'm gonna buy remaining bright bugs oh my god oh [Music] all right [Music] i'll be getting attacked like that another ring oh there's gonna be some very silly attacks in alden ring i'm sure with rapier i would have been done like five minutes ago true but it wouldn't have been as much fun yeah there was twin blades in the elden ring network test sorry spoiler alert i just ruined the game for for chat i'm sorry so oh that was free oh [ __ ] i forgot to change my graphics settings for some reason these doors here actually open up faster if you're on low graphics or if you're on high graphics i mean i think it's high graphics it's really weird stranger stranger okay so we're gonna go over here for some dragon bones so we're not just gonna be using the smelter hammer by the way guys i also i also have the ivory king ultra great sword which upgrades with petrified dragon bone so i'm picking some up there okay nice this part always scares me can you do this dlc area without a bow uh kind of but something i mean you can hit some stuff with like fire bombs and other other things but i get 30 decks not really [Music] i'm gonna get some more health [Music] okay hey anya thank you for the nine months by the way thank you thank you okay guys i need to take like a food break in a few minutes because i got i got some food that arrived here a little while ago and i should eat before it gets cold [Applause] hey btb office max thank you for the six months what am i eating i got some some thai food [Music] doing a souls marathon but all games have randomizers i mean it would take me like multiple days to do that [Music] okay so going for this is a little sketchy it'll be fine i like would i consider living in eu uh i mean i have nothing wrong with europe i don't know if i'd want to live in belgium but i do i do like the us as well but i also dislike the us for other reasons so it's like every place has its upsides and downsides yeah that's true where do i live now i mean i live in the us i'm in belgium currently just because i'm visiting my girlfriend who lives here the middle of africa i would rather not uh i'd rather not i'd rather not let's just leave it at that i've seen some pretty horrible stuff in africa africa is just a very dangerous place to live even even in like the big cities like what johannesburg like i had a friend i had a friend in high school who lived in africa when he was a kid and he said his family got like robbed at gunpoint like multiple times south africa yeah i mean south africa sorry i don't know about all of africa maybe there's some nice maybe there's some like safe places but talking about africa like it's a country i know it's not a country all right anyways folks i don't know how that didn't hit me but i'm glad i couldn't i did not know that the r1 follow-up was a [ __ ] spin that was a little scary [Music] we can upgrade the ivory king great sword now oh [ __ ] i can't buy any gold pine now that's okay i'll come back i guess well to be fair a lot of the murder in the us is like gang-related not to say that's exclusively what it is but there is a lot of gang related [ __ ] in in the us cops are king i mean yeah oh look at that beautiful so i need eight ins and 30 decks for this oh man i need so many stats talk to her nah all right i think i should uh i'm gonna i'm gonna take a break and eat for a little bit i need i need i need to eat guys but my food gets cold i keep kind of like forgetting okay i'll pause the timer uh oh [ __ ] i forgot to ask for extra sauce so it's going to be a 10 plus hour stream yeah oh it will be hey person suit thank you so much for the raid hello everybody i'm eating taking a food break well my day's going well it's good my last run of dark souls was a catastrophe but this runs been going a bit better so far anyways hmm bloodborne next yeah just three more hours um okay maybe dd is just trying to bait guys okay i had enough of my food i'll probably put the rest in the fridge in a little bit maybe heat it up towards the end of the marathon or something all right oh god the timer oh my god i'm lost gotta say i feel like i got another burst of energy though i'm feeling feeling good majestic [Applause] like pickle thank you so much for the 47 months this thing hits so hard actually i i did kind of want to mount her but it's it can take a while to mount her sometimes so i don't want to wait if she if she but if she slams her butt into the sand you can climb on top of her and mount her and then she'll basically be yours she won't won't be able to do anything she can backstep and throw you off not if you stand in the right spot actually oh [ __ ] i wanted to kill that lizard stranger stranger hey emerald member now you've got a sub dude i gotta say i actually really like the fact that they have the inventory split up in elden ring like if you hold if you hold triangle you get four more invent like uh item item slots one thing that's really annoying to me in dark souls 2 is like if you have all 10 of your item slots equipped it is so annoying when you like scroll through past come on guys [Music] hey [Music] oh very good very good indeed hey flying doo-doo thank you for the fun i'm excited to watch more of the arcane tv show tonight [Applause] well i don't know if i'll watch it tonight actually it's gonna be i'm probably gonna fall asleep right after the stream is done but it's pretty good i'm liking it i i hate league of legends but the show is pretty good can't stand the animation i think the animation is pretty cool this thing this thing just chunks dude come on jump up you [ __ ] [Music] this weapon's plus five my god that damage though to be fair though sentinels are weak to strike so all right we should be able to use the dra the ivory king ultra great sword now if we want to oh wait i need eight ins oh [ __ ] i'm too stupid to use the sword all right let's just go kill freya where the hell is she do the awful soul dupe tech there's no way to dupe souls on this version of the game actually is the bebop live action already out oh it is it's garbage feels bad man ruin the legend you know i it doesn't it doesn't even if there's a live action version that sucks that does not mean that the original is ruined like the avatar movie is absolute trash but the show is still good [Music] [Applause] where the [ __ ] is that spider jumping i'm using a bright bug [Music] that is such a good hitbox oh uh [Music] this weapon is so much fun i do want to use the ivory king weapon though as well all right buddy time for you to get flattened all souls all bosses no hit run yeah that sounds that sounds horrible eight and so an awesome choice stranger flashy all right i'm not sure i don't think you can buff this weapon is the only downside the smelter hammer's probably better than this we'll try it out this thing destroys your this thing really eats up durability though if you have 99 strength you can power stance smelter hammers but there's no way i can get the stats to do that in this run [Music] yeah well you need not i would need to get 99 strength in like 50 bit [Music] wow that's pretty good damage yeah you can average beverage but it's very very thin i should not have equipped uh i don't know if there's a way i can sort the armor foreign there we go oh [ __ ] i forgot the rest of the bonfire that's bad i'm not i don't know if i'm i'm not going to be able to use this weapon guys it's going to break i mean i have repair powder i don't know if i want to use it already so all right i really need to get some more resin at all i wonder if it would be better for me to go for like lightning smelter hammer and equipment and use like dark weapons oh [Music] [Applause] holy [ __ ] this is so hot [Music] hitting stuff isn't what reduces your durability it's actually it's like the special effect of the weapon that does it is the game too loud i don't know is it nobody said anything uh no i don't have the bracing knuckling i mean i can get it when i go to undead a generic twitch user thank you for the 12 month reset hammer over sword ah they're both pretty good actually so how how far away from bloodborne all bosses are we i can't really see that i i think it says 567. maybe 33 subs away i mean we still have a lot of dark souls 2 left but anybody uh make sure to check your prime subs guys you know the funny thing is i think i have my prime sub available right now ah an awesome choice i think it's been i think it's been available for like two weeks now prime sub to yourself i would if i could but i'd rather give it to somebody else yo scorpion thank you for the sub also bolivar thank you for the year resub cell card thank you for the five gift subs and el thank you for the prom also emerald number thank you for the toilet [ __ ] uh all right where are we going now we need to go to back to majula thank you for the gifts of emerald vitor thank you for the sub chainsaw killer thank you for the five months give it to nems go forth touch the demon inside me insufficient oh god i almost [ __ ] myself [Music] he streamed a couple of days [Music] yeah it takes a little while for the honorable alexa mox merlin and unsaintly thank you guys for the the subs thank you very much he streamed to get all the resubs and left again i mean it's uh it's a valid strategy it's soothing orchid thank you for the prime sub now and zephone thank you for the five gifts also guys i'm matching so for every resub gift sub any any sub anyways for every two subs this stream i will gift one myself so if we reach a thousand subs for all bosses for all the games uh then i will gift 500 subs myself yo max thank you for the 10 gift subs and uh oh [ __ ] who was it who was it that gifted the five subs before i i can't see it anymore okay thank you chat thank thank you broom help with the five gift subs please don't interrupt me thank you whoa so thank you for the 10 gift subs moomerin and spaghetti bro thank you for the oh my god i can't keep up i can't keep up with this spaghetti bro frijoles birthdays billy oh my god i'm getting attacked thank you for the prime sub rongina thank you for the six gift subs i did i had to alt tab i wanted the look also cuphead thank you for the gift sub to please play paper mario tpyd awesome choice colin thank you for the 14 months thank you for the gift sub to empool raptor rongino duct tape ninja thank you for the sub god i said your name wrong ron gina is that it i'm sorry china toilet [ __ ] oh god chad i made a i made a great mistake doing this i don't know what i was thinking oh my god also i sack boy thank you for the gift said man the chat is just loving dark souls 2 right now they they're going in all right i gotta i gotta update the sub uh the sub go forth touch the demon inside me i gotta update the sub goal uh you love ds2 not dis that's all right no worries [Music] all right guys are you ready for the sickest skip in dark souls 2 oh look at that we did it the one and only skip in this game my webcam is gone oh i think i oh my web my webcam okay i have my webcam keybound to my controller some for some reason dude this weapon is good holy [ __ ] this bro [ __ ] shreds man i have never used this weapon before my god it is good there's another skip with low fps no i'm not i don't have i don't have reeva tuner setup or any of the stuff for low fps shenanigans yeah i'm gonna change the goal in a minute i'll do it right here oh very good hey mega mega mega lad thank you for the sub dude and mr cherry thank you [ __ ] i should not have rested my name is toilet [ __ ] that's five [Music] what was that weapon it's uh the ivory king ultra greatsword yeah the jump attack is a little disappointing it doesn't have any special effect on it so the damage is actually really bad thank you for the gifts of the ergo proxy boomerang thank you buddy also sir wolfo thank you for the four months whoa how many bosses left way too many dudes majestic [Music] i didn't realize my equipment was 69 flat okay that was actually really crispy i just got myself killed there i wanted to do the belly flop but i didn't time it right fume in the lawn soon uh not for a while off turtle uh i don't know if i should use the hammer or the ultra great sword first iron king i guess we'll use the hammer i think strike is i think strike is pretty good against him i want to power stance the hammers but it just requires like insanely high stats [Music] that was actually that r2 does so much oh [ __ ] obviously hello baby aldia uh i'm equipping the armor because it gives me extra souls this is a modded file i gave myself the two the two weapons that i'm using for this run i just gave myself at the start of the run because uh i didn't want like getting them legit would have taken forever so that's more fun this way honestly we're making pretty decent pace though not amazing but it's really not that bad like these weapons are pretty good do i know what i'm using for bloodborne yet i do not no we'll figure it out though [Music] oh seems good [Applause] that is not what i meant to do i wanted to do a plunge attack but i did or i wanted to do a running attack like that but the problem is i didn't have i was too handy okay to launch just just be happy cb that you're not doing a lot with melee because with magic it's like 10 000 times easier [Music] oh nice baby jump i don't know if i have the the cheat the oh my god bro these baby jumps actually that was a teenager jump there we go there's like varying distance varying levels of jumps you can get in this game there's the full jump the the strong man jump the teenager jump which is like medium distance and then the baby jump which is just like absolutely [ __ ] just terrible [Music] that was that was a that was an adult jump but unfortunately i jumped too early there we go the manly jump [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that word no don't don't run into the oh my god bro i need this little [ __ ] so he can give me access to eight petrified dragon bones very good oh it worked haha dumbass all right unfortunately i'm gonna have to just die here dude oh very good also dicey soft i think for the two months are there any souls around here that was probably a bad idea and king of thunder thank you for the sub i want the problem is i don't have any souls to upgrade my weapon i guess i'll have to go kill like rat vanguard toilet [ __ ] thank you for the 62 months arona thank you for over five years of support why do the child's dungeons um might as well just roll off the ledge all right we'll go do vanguard all right so now we have enough we have enough upgrade materials to upgrade uh yeah we can upgrade both weapons to max now which is pretty fog i don't even think vanguard's gonna give me enough souls to upgrade everything to max though probably not got him okay so we're gonna give this guy the the ember right we should have enough souls to upgrade everything i believe oh my god we're missing missing like 200 souls dude there we go yo mox thank you so much for the 10 gift subs all right plus 10 plus 10 and plus 5. okay during lake castle time this honestly isn't too bad of a pace for ds2 i also did take a i did take a food break so this isn't going this isn't going too bad i'm pretty happy with this does this great sword have bleed on it oh it does interesting strangers yo dark storm thank you for the 17 months thank you man uh three hour any percent submission oh god hmm four hours enrolled the whole way farmed nights at iron keep for armor set and upgraded at all why would that guy even why would he even submit that on the leaderboards maybe it was for the memes how much ar does this thing have now 700 jesus i think i think uh infusing it with lightning and then leveling up uh my end so i can use dark weapon might not be a bad idea though oh god oh no oh oh this is really bad check please come here guys very good hey mike black studio thank you for the sub man thank you very much i could go for some coffee right now very i'm gonna do ds1 all achievements later this week figured now would be a good time to do it since uh since i've been running ds1 anyways need to repair my weapon that's fine we'll just use the smelter hammer instead ah an awesome choice stranger are you guys ready for this damage i don't think you're ready i just want to get a double hit all right [ __ ] it dude i'm gonna die [ __ ] off the the archer dropped down in like such a bad spot what about ds3 all achievements i will never do ds3 all achievements i have literally never i have never gotten all achievements in ds3 and i never plan to dark souls 3 are dark souls 3 all achievements is like 10 hours of farming my dude it's terrible don't don't don't don't do it dark souls 2 all achievements is not nearly as bad as dark souls 3. ds2 all achievements has like two to three hours of farming dark souls 3 is like 10 plus hours of farming which is a pretty substantial difference oh dang average beverage right that's one thing that i really hope that in elden ring they get rid of like tedious farming for all achievements because i i i will say all achievements can be approved but unfortunately in most of the souls game it's just a lot of farming like dark souls one all achievements is legitimately pretty cool same with bloodborne uh i mean dark souls 1 still has farming but it's really not that bad and there's a lot of glitches that make it better bloodborne is by far like the work the best oh my god you stop doing this [ __ ] packs bro oh my god that hit though we got him with a double hit holy [ __ ] he chomped yeah going for all achievements on playstation is definitely like the most satisfying with the pop-ups and going and like getting platinum achievement and everything i do agree with that an awesome choice stranger hey jonathan thank you for the sub also taking shade thank you for the sub lux thank you guys for the resets [Music] ah oh [Music] do i hate ds2 no dark souls 2 is literally what what dark souls 2 is what led me to be here right now streaming all you guys so how could i hate dark souls 2 and i mean i like the game a lot too but dark souls 2 is what i built my twitch channel i mean when i streamed dark souls 2 i only had a few hundred viewers so it's not like i could have done it like i wasn't doing it full time at that point but you know it's what got me start like into streaming go forth touch the demon inside me so uh oh god that was so scuffed [Music] [Applause] [Music] what about this boss oh my god oh [ __ ] the arsenic gloves are blocking my seldora armor yeah i mean sakura is absolutely not us it's more of an action game how hard is sakura to pick up if you've played all three dark souls games well sakura is very different compared to the souls games like it's not really to be honest playing playing the souls games will not make you good at sakura sakura needs to be it kind of needs to be like it's like starting it's like starting a souls game over like as a beginner in a sense because the game is like the game is too different for you to really play it like a souls game guys i mean you can play sakura like a souls game but you're gonna have a rough time [Applause] [Music] bro what the [ __ ] i don't know why this trap wasn't working hey love dolly thank you for the gifts um i forgot i i felt like i was aiming in the right spot but toilet [ __ ] [Applause] how much longer is this game like at least an hour probably more [Music] toilet [ __ ] very good indeed hey leon snake kennedy thank you for the gift sub to black phoenix thank you dude so now we have guardian dragon guardian dragon ancient dragon giant lord there's just so many bosses in this [ __ ] game dude do i have sausage fingers like nems no i have uh i have hot dog fingers they're a bit smaller oh majestic what souls like games would you recommend aside from mortal shell uh i think that um what's it called surge 2 is actually quite good i like surge neo obviously neo is good serge what the first surge is pretty bad i would say don't don't play the first surge but the second one's pretty good i don't know surge one only has like three bosses yo whippy thank you for the 10 gift sets man thank you the 10 gift subs what do you say you may have missed the sub asking for good mods for this game to be honest there aren't really that many good mods for dark souls 2 unfortunately remnant is really good it's calling it a souls like is a bit of a stretch though because it's more of like a remnant is more of like a first person shooter or a third-person shooter start no there's no there's no like there really aren't that many great ds2 mods i would love to see i don't know there's just there's not really a super committed modding scene for this game unfortunately error of the curse like all the dark souls 2 mods that i've seen the game is just it's like two vanilla [Applause] there is a guy that's me that's working on a mod which is going to make dark souls 2 it's like a graphic mod but he's trying to make it look like the e3 version that we saw with like much better lighting and and retextures and and whatnot that's that's going to be pretty cool but i don't know probably a long it's still a while away yeah thank you so much for the gift subs whippy and thank you again for the 10 bucks yeah he still has a ton of work to do i mean he he's not he's just doing it like as a hobby i think so it's gonna take a long time it's like the [ __ ] resident evil 4 hd mod that [ __ ] they have been working on that mod for like eight [ __ ] years dude yeah dark souls nightfall is gonna be sick i'm super excited for that yeah if anybody hasn't seen dark souls nightfall is like this dark souls one mod that's being worked on by a bunch of modders it's like a huge team they even they hired like voice actors and animators and artists and all that stuff for the mod like they're they're they're going like all in for it there's like a trailer for it on youtube yeah that's gonna be sick it's for both version i think nightfall is going to be for prepare to die edition and remaster i believe or maybe it's just it might just be remastered actually i think he's gonna [ __ ] play food almost broke but we're okay that's good damage actually all right let's go level up real quick oh [Music] go for 100 agility i guess what about all boss's no-hit trilogy i'm really not a fan of no hit runs i have a lot of respect for no hit runners but i'm not i'm not really interested in no hit runs myself uh i'm gonna die oh my god i'm dead shield worked [Music] uh i think i did forget that soul at one point average beverage when i was i think when i was running any percent a lot and then i started doing all bosses i like forgot to grab giant lord's soul honestly we're making pretty good pace with this run still going to be like over three hours i think but well dark souls what the [ __ ] bro sorry dark souls 2 just takes forever okay okay settle down mr giant what hmm i like one do i have the all bosses ds2 record no i i'm like third or fourth place now i think i'm fourth place i will be going but i will be doing dark souls 2 speed runs again uh before elden ring comes out so maybe i'll improve my my placement but we'll see the record is really good in this game now it's not unbeatable but the thing is the the record holder for this game uses keyboard mouse and he's really [ __ ] good at keyboard mouse which ends up saving like quite a significant amount of time over controller just because menu like mainly on menuing and also like camera camera control is i feel like a bit better with keyboard mouse yeah like i'm pretty sure he he must save at least like 30 seconds over most controller runners by using keyboard mouse so i don't know if i run ds2 again i feel like if i if i want to be like really competitive i need to feel like if i run ds2 again i need to probably switch to like hybrid where i use keyboard mouse and controller [Music] jesus keyboard plus mouse saves three minutes no does not save three minutes but it definitely saves it definitely saves a bit of time on menu don't yo morten thank you for the five gift subs yeah i mean i i was timing some segments of the of olesku the keyboard mouse runner compared to like controller segments and i mean yeah he's he's saving like he's saving like one or two seconds most of the time on like every single menuing segment so yeah let's go kill royal rat authority thank you so much for the five gift subs martin and thank you for the gift sub box it's because of menuing that he's faster i mean it's not just menuing like he he got better rng and he does like some new strats as well that weren't done in like previous runs yeah you can just move your mouse straight to the item instead of having to like scroll through the tabs like for example when you're buying stuff from malenchia when you want to buy the firebomb on controller you have to press left or right on the d-pad like five times on mouse it's just like move the mouse and boom you already bought it and there's a lot of it there's a lot of like situations like that basically yo what's up proflo xyrx oh no not the puke [Music] all right well i guess we just have dlc time mainly we're actually making pretty good pace this might even be sub three hours maybe i don't i don't think it's gonna quite be this toilet this run should be around three hours because we bait we basically just have dlc left now and dark lurker so yeah it's pretty nice [Music] [Music] oh yeah and chariot i almost forgot about sharia forgive me did i get the pigs that attack is so delayed it's fine we got an rtsr set up for uh for sin i guess oh god dude my my weapon is going to break on my weapons weapon's gonna break in like [ __ ] two hits on sin sin sin's body is like glitched out or actually i don't know if it's a glitch i think it might it might even be intended i don't know but his his our his body like breaks weapons insanely fast i'm gonna have to switch to this uh he's smalling on me that's what he's doing all right cool i'll do fire breath or something oh my god this guy just loves supply he loves flying so much like this oh yeah i have the ancient brother the 720 spin i don't i i haven't learned how to do that one yet i guess i'm not sure if the drumstick or the great sword would be better yeah this this upcoming fight is like omega it's really bad welcome thank you for the 15 month student and swamp fella thank you for the four months thank you buddy uh i hope eldon ring all achievements is actually a cool category i really do i like running all achievements like bloodborne all achievements is really fun it's probably going to be [ __ ] though let's be real all right so i'm thinking it's probably better to use smelter hammer here maybe [Music] awesome [Music] what the [ __ ] is that oh that was pretty satisfying [Music] all right i kind of want to try to do invisava but i'm also kind of scared [Music] [Music] huh let's let's go do the let's go do the second dlc before we go to ava can maybe get a bit more adp or endurance or something i guess we have a lot of bright bugs at least i've kind of been inserting a lot of bright lugs i kind of wish i had the ring of thorns i forgot to buy it though yeah majula music is actually so nice have i killed vendrick i have not not yet um the smelter hammer will be pretty good here hmm this thing [ __ ] shreds dude smelter hammer's actually really good i haven't used i haven't used this weapon in a while but it's pretty [ __ ] good i've ever tried parkour irl i have not oh my god this guy he was pulling out all the moves dude oh that was really close thank you katsune i think i'll probably use the ivory king greatsword here with the colony kind of using like inefficient weapons or well not enough sorry not inefficient but we're using slow weapons which would be kind of awkward oh god i mean the fight will be fine with the with the fume with the ivory greatsword it'll be fine but this weapon's still like decently fast fast enough so oh i tried guys i'm sorry i thought i thought that attack wasn't going to hit me did you have my best [Music] don't leave get get the [ __ ] back here chat where the [ __ ] you going [Music] all right i'm gonna try invisava i mean i have like nine bright bugs so i guess we can try it i mean i have pretty good stats we have 105 we have 105 agility we have 35 endurance like we have we have really good stats for it but i don't know it might be kind of i don't well we'll see we'll see what it's like [Music] just doing doing this doing this fight like doing this dlc normally is so slow let's that's really not a good start open [ __ ] so so all right sure surprised that actually worked yeah i still have to kill chariot i will do chariot don't worry what happens if i break the weapon uh yeah you can repair it at a blacksmith if it fully breaks though like yeah you you have you have to go to the blacksmith to repair fully broken equipment if it's partially broken you can just or like if it's you know if it hasn't if it hasn't broken yet you can either use repair powder like rest at a do all you bonfire welcome home [Music] we're going to pancake these [ __ ] so these guys are so annoying they just they just love to jump away so so [Music] oh my god he did he did the [ __ ] [ __ ] flame attack oh good thing that that would have killed me that could have actually killed me but luckily it didn't because i'm using uh because i use the r2 it like lowers my head it's actually oh dude that rng was actually insane by the way him him just standing there and doing that backwards slash over and over again like if that was if that was an actual all boss's speed run that would have been the most insane rng ever like you you i you literally i could have killed him in like 15 seconds there with the rapier that would have been ridiculous that was actually god rng i just couldn't really i couldn't really punish it as much because i'm using this weapon like this shitty weapon well this weapon isn't shitty but [Music] it's definitely not shitty there's way worse weapons no it's no rapier so [Applause] go what's up [Applause] yeah dark souls 2 is a really long run i'm glad that i was able to do the fast strats for this dlc though like if if you don't if you free if you breathe the knights and pick up the eyes so you could see ava this dlc is legitimately like 10 minutes longer it's really bad even even more than that maybe it's like 10 15 minutes longer it's so it's such a painless i mean whether or not you can do invis ava and zero night i or one night ivory king it just depends on your weapon like there's no way you can you can't do you can't do everything with only one knight if you have a really shitty weapon because you you're just gonna there's gonna be like seven nights or eight eight of those [ __ ] that spawn towards the end and then you you just can't even attack the boss what makes scholar worse it's just the areas are more of a pain to run through and you also have random invasions with some easier [ __ ] ton of time oh yeah gift [ __ ] that was satisfying i'm not gonna lie yeah iron keeping scholar i i don't know who came up with horse [ __ ] valley it was like i don't even know i mean we came up with it on my stream i think but i don't know i don't know who it was in chat it wasn't me oh yeah pony plow town yeah i'm summoning what you gonna do about it yeah you guys you guys should see this area with no [ __ ] fog effect this is like the most disgusting area in any souls game it looks so bad hey loves god thank you for the prime sub man also when does that when does that yo what's up samuel oh is it december seems like we're getting some mixed opinions bloodborne comes to pc now there's this guy who's making a like ps1 version yeah there's this guy that's making like a ps1 version of bloodborne it's not actually ps1 but like graphically and aesthetically it's ps1 styled it's made in unreal engine 4 but yeah just go look it up on google if you want to see what i'm talking about not sure it's a guy or maybe it's a girl making it i don't know dude what oh so january 31st i guess we'll do one more level up why not why not use souls well i'm pretty high level now so i don't i don't really need to level up anymore but we'll do one more we'll get a bit more damage from dex on the thank you so much for the sub all right so we have chariots chariot dark lurker and then the final bosses oh wait and bender oh my god so many bosses dude you were practicing taco lords for five hours oh god these guys are so tanky maybe without dark ricker i could skip dark lurker but it's all bosses and well i've already done so many might as well do dark lurker am i playing elden ring i mean when it comes out you bet your ass i'm playing elden ring i feel like this is gaining weight while watching that's a bit of a weird feeling i guess so okay [Music] [Music] how many bosses are done uh 36 out of 41. i think [Applause] nemesis streaming i bet i kill i wonder if my guilt tripped him into streaming vendrick is getting [ __ ] destroyed holy [ __ ] how much longer for ds2 like 10 minutes welcome home russian one we're almost done thanks [ __ ] god hey dima thank you for the tier 367 month thank you dude full weapon for bloodborne i have not decided that yet we'll figure it out already a seven hour stream it's actually been an eight and a half hour stream so far [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] what's up [ __ ] dark souls 2 tracking is so good [Music] it's so stupid dude need an alt-f4 settler like from the the soundtrack from the game be a good idea i haven't really used the l2 as much as i as much as i should have i mean the l2 is kind of a meme but it's also kind of funny yeah thank you so much for the big tier three 67 months diamond and thank you for the four months flipped out flame sprayer for bloodborne i actually did an arcane run with the flame sprayer not too long ago are we just using hammers for everything maybe i'll do kirk hammer for bloodborne yeah the kirkhammer is sick okay very cool yeah i was also thinking about steak driver as well although steak dr i wouldn't say steak driver needs a different play style if you want you can just you can just r1 spam with the stake driver it's it's kind of like a it's like a short range saw cleaver in a sense but oh [ __ ] there's toilet [ __ ] all right this is just so i i didn't want to attack anyways [ __ ] dude all right we're okay [Music] all right we'll buy three more bright bugs from from malencha can i do a bloodletter run uh but i mean the problem with blood letters it's like super late into the game otherwise i would i'm probably just going to do curve hammer because i can i can get the kirk hammer i don't know i'm either going to do kirk hammer or steak driver i guess because i can get both of those weapons like pretty much at the start of the game [Music] so imagine jumping off there that's what i was i was very scared that would happen to be honest with you don't you ever drink estes in front of me i wanted to knock him in the hole well he still fell in can i hit him with the r2 with this all right is sakura 100 that you'll be playing or do i need to get to the goal yeah i need to all right guys just the final bosses see how how far away from how far away from dark souls 3 all bosses are we like 75 subs away we're getting there [Music] hey selfie thank you for this last time you watched me i had short hair well clearly you don't watch me very often because i've had long hair for uh quite a long time now uh welcome back i mean bloodborne ds3 and sakura can all be done in like under two hours each so yeah well we'll see i guess dark souls took two and a half hours because i used a really bad weapon [Applause] this weapon this weapon's pretty [ __ ] good i gotta say i feel like it would probably be even better if i had a what thank you oh yeah i killed chariot jared is dead nems is flaming me right now for what is [Music] [Music] that damage is a lot better all right aldia let's go you [ __ ] light dark or something else [Music] all right oh well not too bad of a run all things considered yeah i'm gonna go stretch and then uh all right i'm gonna run a poll guys [Music] all right we're gonna vote between steak driver and kirk hammer i'll give you guys five minutes i'll be back i'm gonna get some more water i'm gonna stretch a little bit and then it is time for blood bone
Channel: Distortion2
Views: 154,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anthology, Bloodborne, Dark, Elden, From, Marathon, Ring, Sekiro, Software, Souls, Speedrun, Trilogy, games, twitch
Id: lY4K9ILycQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 483min 15sec (28995 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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