$2250 for a can of PAINT ????

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hey everybody welcome back to the flower gold wizard Channel a while back I went and bought something from Mike Vendetta at Vendetta prospecting and it's super super fantastic and I can't wait to tear into this way do you see what we've got back there one of these paint cans is worth over two thousand dollars can you guess which one it could be hmm yeah and here it is this is a one gallon paint can filled to the brim with Peter in a minimum gold value of 31.1 grams uh that would equal one troy ounce now I paid 2 250 for that baby we saved up a long time for it so we're gonna see if we can't get our money out of that baby now I have a number of classifiers here I have a half an inch a quarter inch a 1 8 inch and a sixteenth inch all different size classifiers and we're gonna break this stuff down into different sizes and maybe do some panning maybe run some over our cleanups loose who knows what the day could bring let's begin all right but first things first we gotta check out the fridge of Wonder got some new stickers on there hopefully everybody can see your new stickers including my new bubble link sticker right there go ahead and check those guys out there in my description section you can get quality bobolinks beef sticks right from that link I got in there I got a couple bags on them right here they are delicious right now I'm interested in grabbing one of these that's right well maybe I'll have one hey you guys ever see Clash do this let's take a look at it in a pan oh my God all right let's get this here can opened up now it looks like it's got a little little pee coil right here sure it does you can get down there and take a little PK or at your material but that isn't going to do us much good at all so I'll grab my chainsaw blade sharpener here and we'll pop this can open just like that there we go there's the dirt and I already see a couple little items in there that look a little bit different than your typical Pay Dirt all right now I've got my little teeny weeny flower gold wizard scoop here and I'm going to take a few Scoops out of that throw up my classifiers now these do stack so I've got the largest on top they just fit right together and I should be able to classify uh four different sizes right here now or actually five I'll have four in here and one in my pan and I have a number of small gold pans set up right there and let's see how this works grab a couple of scoops of that there are some pretty large material in there that's right I don't expect a whole lot all right no more messing around let's just get something done here [Music] that stuff's really got some big some big particulates in there for sure look at that right off the top we got a pretty nice looking piece of quartz here nice terminated specimen ooh looks like you put all kinds of fun in this bag too not just gold so we'll do a little bit more of this stuff here and we'll shake it on out see what kind of classifications we're coming up with here that'll be good enough for now I'll give it all a shake looks like a pretty good uh amount of material in the smaller size right here that's going to be uh boy that's less than the 16th right there and there's a nice piece of gold right there very cool and then I'll take these well look who came out to visit it's the Mind boss in our little Apprentice right here there's a chunk of jerky for you and one for you yeah they need that they're hard working miners all right let's see what's in these different size classifications you know there are some larger stuff that didn't go through our half inch we'll go ahead and dump them in there and our next size down is quarter inch there's some pretty interesting looking items in there as well I wonder what the heck that thing is there it's almost too good to be true there it's a weird looking color all kinds of colors we'll put that off to the side get out of there you and here's our eighth inch right here now you can see there are a couple pieces of gold in this eighth inch let me see if I can wrestle one of them up out of there look at that baby that's a nice chunky piece of gold right there we'll put that over there and there's a nice looking flake of gold in there as well ooh this is really going to be interesting well I can't imagine it wouldn't be being an ounce of gold so I'm going to take a little bit of time here's our 16th plus material right here I don't want to shake that around too much just in case some of that falls through there so I'll dump it in this pan and we're going to continue the process back in a bit [Music] [Applause] there's a big old specimen right there what and it goes all right let's see going down [Music] [Applause] foreign we've got all our classifications classified down into their separate classifications it only took 31.2 minutes which is every beer connoisseur knows is two beers now here's all our separate classifications right here and I think what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at the larger ones in a tub I'll just kind of split it all out there nicely and see if we can't find anything that that jumps out at us you know who knows what could be in there and we'll take these other samples here and I think what I'll do is I'll pan this larger one out that's probably only a third of the material which by the way is the most the bulk of what was in that bucket is right here that super minus stuff right here and there's plenty of it how much dirt's in there not bad not bad at all a little bit but we did see a couple pieces of gold here there you know like this one come on you get focused why won't you focus Hocus Focus it's pretty nice chunk of gold right there and I did notice a couple of specimens here or there so we'll put that right back in there and we'll begin oh we might as well go right with the big one dump that right in there see if we can't find anything excellent okay now it looks like there's some really monster pieces of copper in here look at that thing I tell you what the light in here kind of bleaches everything out on my phone or on this camera I'm holding here so we'll put that off to the side and there's another giant honk and chunk of copper right there too here's one of them pieces of terminated quartz I thought there was another one yep all right there's another one and obviously the Star of the Shoal right there is this big old giant gold nugget right there let's get focused up in there looks like cauliflower kind of and we'll back back on out of there and I don't see any more for giant chunks of gold but we're definitely going to root through this stuff just to make sure because that would that would definitely make a guy sick to lose a big chunk of gold like that so I think what we're going to do is get this stuff wet now once you get this stuff wet things change drastically I'll just take a look at this piece right here look at the colors in that thing it's purple and blue and green and looks like a little bit of yellow possibly on there that's one cool looking Stone and it did not look nearly that spectacular when it was dry so I always like to get this material wet and I'm just kind of inspecting some of these chunks of quartz here just to make sure there's no little teeny weeny pieces of attached gold you know specimen style and I haven't found anything yet but we're going to definitely take our time and keep on chucking um all right now I've got the standout items out of that largest material right here and they all look very very cool and we are definitely here for the gold so I can't wait to find out how much that puppy weighs right there I'm gonna wait till it's done and I just thought that I'd take my magnet here and I check for any magnetics at all in this super large stuff because I've gotten plenty of Pay Dirt from Mike before and it's always chock full of magnetics and there isn't one piece in there not a one so let's discard this stuff put it off to the side somewhere and we'll move on to our next classification size right here which is quarter inch and I did see some pretty spectacular items in here along the way so let me get rid of that we'll spread some of this out see what look see what it looks like there we go ready for insertion of new material now here's our quarter inch stuff right here Plus put about half in there we'll do a little inspection all right now we've got a little bit of water on this stuff right here this one's gonna take just a little bit longer now I do see some pretty fancy looking objects in there here's some more of that multi-colored stuff right here that is really fantastic looking stuff I'm going to enjoy this looks like there's a bunch of turquoise in there and if I scan around in here I just now dumped it in and I haven't really been scanning but I thought I did see a couple pieces of cold like this one kadunk lay that old honey bear come on get focused you it's going out my camera today that's a nice chunk of gold right there for sure and I think I might have spotted another one another pretty good size one up in here somewhere but I'll root around through this stuff and pick out all the goodies and see what we got left this is gonna be fun um doink that's easy the material is Big just grabbing grab and drop doink let's say you rig bone yeah if only you had dogs do it really and we've finished with our quarter inch plus material and here's all that noteworthy items I pulled out of there there are a couple of mighty nice looking chunks of gold in there look at that Hound dogger including this wonderful wonderful specimen right here just look at that thing ooh doggy so we're gonna put all this stuff off to the side next to the other one we're done with we're going to move on to our eighth inch plus material right here this might take just a little longer because they're so darn small but I do see some pretty nice chunks of gold in there that's right see what it looks like well as it turns out these old eyes just aren't made for going through all these little teeny weeny tiny pieces that much in a crack even with my glasses on so we're gonna do some panning all right now we're back in our element all that rooting around for a little teeny weeny itty bitty pieces this is where it's at right here a lot of that stuff is uh pretty light washes right off there pretty easily and it's not really all that dirty I appreciate that Mike one thing I can't stand is extremely dirty hater so we'll just keep washing that stuff off the top I already went ahead and I picked on all the Jimmy looking stuff out of there but I had it laid out flat just like that any large pieces of gold I could see but I only got about halfway through and I started seeing cross-eyed so we're gonna pan it you got that down about there and some of those little Gemmy ones as you can see right down in there actually did stick around so that's good I must have missed them too let me get my glasses back on and we'll pull some of this back yep there's a couple nice little red Jimmy I don't know what the heck these things are looks like rubies or something I'm not I really entirely sure some of them are darker than others but I'll pick them out throw them over there and there's another nice nice flake gold let me see if I can get that picked up oh maybe now with these meat hooks but there it is [Laughter] all right let me get the rest of this stuff here here's the other half we'll get that panned out as well here's a nice chunk oh boy and we'll see what's in the quarter Plus um and there's the gold from the last batch of quarter plus right there some mighty fine looking pieces indeed let's see if I can pick one of them up um oh yeah all right let's get this stuff into our quarter plus finale pile right there and then we're going to set up our cleanup sluice I think we're gonna run a bunch of this stuff I might even weigh this to see where we're at so far just to know what to expect out of there look at how excited these boys are right here just look at the absolute sheer excitement unbelievable all right here's where we're sitting so far three beers but here's the gold we've recovered thus far I've got my scale here we'll go ahead and turn that puppy on and we'll get an idea first off I want to weigh this monster giant huge nugget right here doink eight grams 8.082 grams absolutely fantastic actually I'm gonna dump that back out like such and I want to weigh this nice specimen piece right here look at that oh we ooh doggy put that in there and we have 2.199 so basically 2.2 we'll throw that back in there I'll dump the rest of these in just like that pan got a little wet so I'll just snatch these up if I can I have a small tweezers here this is not as easy as it looks ever play Operation this is way worse I tell you what got it all right so far we're sitting at 17.736 grams so that means there's 249 000 grams left in this stuff or something like that all right so far we are having a blast here's our eighth inch plus material right here I've got my cleanups loose up and running I've got it all wet down and a little bit of Jet dry so we'll go ahead and start scooping some of this on there it looks like we need to turn our water up just a hair via our speed controller and there you have it all right now we've got that material all run through there and I got the gold cleaned up and out of there but that pail right there that I used to dump the water in my tub last week's video I was up on Lake Superior and I got some smelt for my buddy Herman Kincaid well apparently I didn't clean that bucket out well enough because it stinks like smelt guts in here so I changed the water real quick let's take a look at the gold and there it is looking all pretty let's see if we can get in on that a little bit it's a pretty nice junky stuff for sure junky chunky even these big old mitts can pick up those Honda hound dogs and make a clunk you better believe it so we've got some fresh water in here let me take a little sniff not too bad and I've got our material right here I'll go ahead and I'll get that stuff wet let me grab my cup here we are you never want to put dry material in your cleanups loose or any sluice for that matter I'm not sure we're sitting for total on gold yet but we will find out at the end let's turn this puppy on here comes the water piece of cake couple of bubbles let's give her a little splash of my spoon there that's done and we'll grab some of this stuff here there we go and give her a dump I'm guessing there's gonna be all kinds of gold in here let's see what was in that one scoop right there I'll turn this water down it looks like there's some gold in there what do you guys think why does it look so silver my Lighting in here makes it tough to see the gold but I'm standing here and I can tell you what that's gold all day long and lots of it holy cow all right let's turn that back on there we are and we'll just keep feeding this puppy and probably grab another beer check out my buddy outdoor Wally he's giving a great big gold nugget away wrapped around eight our finger ring or something as soon as he hits thousand Subs check them out foreign all right here we go whoops I better adjust the camera all right let's begin let me turn this puppy on and it's zeroed out we'll start out with our giant nugget clunk 7.978 we'll dump in our next largest material oh man I wish I could find this stuff out in the field where are we at 1743 we'll put this in there very good 19.158 and last but not least our small stuff including a whole bunch of absolute micro fine powder I don't know where you got that but let me scoot my hand around the base of this camera holder here and we'll dump that in there that is one thick pile of gold right there and it's really nice and buttery looking now I'm going to make sure I get all that in there we're guaranteed 31.1 grams and there we go it's in there 32.23 well hot diggity dog well I gotta tell you I'm extremely happy I bought that thing thank you Mike can you even threw a little extra in there what fun all those cool little vitamins and minerals just made it all the more special and that giant nugget eight grams who Dougie I wish I could do that all the time but like everybody else we got to save up around here too a couple less Milk Bones for the rig bone so I hope you guys enjoyed this one and until the next episode like share subscribe please do leave a comment it helps build our Channel check out our patreon page in the description box below flower gold wizards out [Music]
Channel: Flour gold Wizards
Views: 25,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dan Hurd, PioneerPauly
Id: 4kYR_zlX_1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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