Beach Metal Detecting | Christine scored Gold with her Xterra Detector

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[Music] hello and welcome to dig in SoCal we are once again at the beach it's been a long time I know we're excited sometimes have you been without me like 20. not really that many no we haven't been I haven't been getting to the beach much but uh we're here this will be fun and this is gonna be Christine's chance to use the uh Xterra in the sand and he labeled it yes the cup and you're wearing your nice Crocs I'm wearing my backup pair okay but I don't have a backup pair this is the pair all right there is no second string this is it okay are we just hunting are we having a competition we can't have competitions because they always beat you I'm gonna get the most free meal I got oh yeah okay if you find a ring in the sand that is it could be on the surface but it's got to be metal it's got the the detector has to respond to the ring to count I will go buy you cupcakes while you're at work you can't buy cupcakes while I'm at work well for you okay while you're sleeping there yes that's correct okay let's go find treasure you made that promise you never have to fulfill it because there's no place open at night later at night 24 7. okay I got lights cupcakes oh yeah anyway Let's Go Hunt well you better count your nickels your quarters your dimes because those dollar coins you've been saving because I'm getting cupcakes today very good so let's see how the Xterra performs and I'll be using my handy dandy 800. yeah all right let's go okay bye well we got this far and Christine's on a Target I hope it's a ring night that's probably a quarter the ring I was gonna tell let's just get out to the beach further out and she's already on a Target and you got it the first scoop wow you're so rude shake shake shake oh look at that a quarter nice start I'll get it for you wow you are doing good oh you're gonna get whooped today I'd like to get a good whooping if you if you beat me I'll be happy because I'll be a little late for birthday spankings but we'll catch it up all right she's on another Target and I'm on a Target mine's a 12 13 which is probably could be a nickel or pull tab ooh what do I have a rock and a lovely consolation prize I got my first uh bottle cap yo what I got a 30 here on my machine it should could be a quarter I could catch up to you right now let's see if I got it yeah I did ooh I tie it up I got a quarter too Jesus wow you guys look at this cut holy smokes if the tide goes out I'll have to dig it down there but I'm not gonna go get soaked right now but I'm gonna check this out later on cut let's hit Christine's up to over here Christine surface finding chair we did you find something as well oh yeah a little piece of metal okay could be good could be bad could be a piece of metal Maybe right there yeah this is the uh famous aluminum or whatever is made out of uh that we get here at Seal Beach lots of this kind of stuff but can we talk about something right now what is going on with these shorts apartment shorts and the tan line I got new shorts for the beach they're a little shorter than I like I'm gonna try to find another pair I'm just making fun of you they look fine thanks a lot for that I appreciate it with Shaw you know what they should be like those uh 70s basketball shorts [Laughter] Magnum PI shorts there you go goodbye fancy underneath the pier What You Got What numbers dirty all right was that a quarter last night huh was that a quarter last time yeah well not on a 30 for you your numbers are different yesterday are you kidding me whoa dude I'm not worthy I'm not worthy you kind of ring this quick oh oh shoot don't tell me you got a good one the stamp 14 . girl how long did it take for you to get gold last time six months a year I don't know put it on put it on it might fit on your feet nice are you kidding me not it's not even a junk ring oh my goodness ah I can go home now I'm good look at that wow pay up loser loser yeah oh Italiano wow look what I found I did not find that I found that from that parents swear yeah it's marked nice hey yeah it's marked I told you it was I think I was lying exciting stuff there there you go don't lose it zip it up winner winner cupcakes for dinner oh you're gonna have time today oh no no they're closed today but look at that wow you're welcome I'm me as well conceived right now wow she's on cloud nine over there that's awesome good for her she deserves it I was down here a little bit and the waves tried to sneak up on me so it's not time to hit the uh cut yet they are sneaky [Applause] great weather though it's cloudy a little bit of mist in the air see this is the ones that get you right there not quite enough to get over the hill see those are ones I was over there and Bam here they come hey I was getting a jumpy signal here and uh found a small lighter oh got Flame cool it's starting to miss a lot more but we're still gonna keep at it ring a ding ding what are you on now [Music] well all the pictures she finds anything here she'll get on this scoop [Music] go on I know you want to swoop in I'm just held it huh can I find it again all right there it is yes Christine gets a dime yeah good for you did I mention I got a ring I think you did I got a ring I know it's awesome find something else now yeah you win totally but we just got here we've only been hunting for about 20 minutes that's right bye what number's on now 13. I know nothing about the numbers on that machine I don't either man you're gonna be mad you're gonna be double mad are you ready yeah you suck give me that dude and we just came back from Vegas this is so awesome are you kidding me that's an awesome ring okay I'm gonna go wait in the truck there's no marks on this one see if it's my finger probably just metal stainless sure no it's cool dude that is a really cool ring you know who would like that I don't know if his fingers are a little fatter but uh Andy the brother and it's his birthday uh yesterday I was thinking of Austin or Austin I feel like that would be perfect for him dude that is a that's an awesome find you're killing me you're killing me I got bottle caps I picked up so much and that's why you dig what everything yes and I don't know the numbers on this so I just keep doing it wow bro I'm getting spanked today I was crossing over this and I was getting a 13 and I looked down and I can actually see it sticking out got a nickel see if I had one or two there oh look at that Open the Eyes bill there's another one you're not even buried all the way that's kind of cool nice solid 13s oh more there's more stuff here that's 10 cents so far oh [Music] a dime and a nickel very cool a little coin spill I guess to see if I got it all that might be the scoop let's get that out of the way oh no look another dime awesome I think I got it all she's on a pretty high sounding tone so I started stop and film it but I've already found two of the SE okay I was digging a deep Target here and uh I want to say it's been there a while but it looks like a phone what's left of it yeah it's in pretty bad shape that has been there a while I was very deep wow well no one's phone uh phone at home with this one huh what generation is that one we're supposed to talk about it seven maybe eight somewhere in that area wow that's disgusting I know into the pouch it goes find me another ring is it a ring though let's do a trifecta can you do one more fish if you get a silver any silver that'd be awesome they need to have gold silver and probably stainless a pat on the back bye get a jumpy signal right here bottle caps coins toys who knows see if I got it or not yeah it's in the scoop there it is uh that's a quarter I was getting a really jumpy signal here and I have my first tent stake nice Christine's over here smilings I'm afraid to see what she found this time in that hole with the Xterra is it a quarter yeah whatever and two rings yeah if you found a phone that's pretty cool oh yeah part of a phone it's not salvageable I got all excited when you told me you might have found a phone but keep hunting Dash against the rocks of life I guess yeah sweet okay bye all right I'm uh out here in the waves and uh Christine's got something over here come closer let me take a look at it to like Saint Francis something was a key ring yeah that's really cool I think it's closer over here I don't know negative Ghost Rider there was your detector again okay now of course the camera died so Christine pulled a quarter out of the ground ta-da 91. I was gonna say it's an old one but it's not it's very useful this quarter we're young couple years old there you go good luck find more quarters oh my gosh well I mean I don't even have to buy my own cupcakes but yeah at this point this is just rainy day money it's more frosting on the Cupcake aluminum here but I finally got a Target down here on the surf 30 29 probably a quarter foreign [Music] that would be in this area now I see it because my Pinter away because I'm not going to set it down then it was right in here there you go I was kind of running the detector down the side of this and I had a Target in here it was a 15 somewhere in this area there it is another piece of metal go figure let's see here yeah oh well got another one here how awkward work on the side like that but this is probably garbage but you never know it's gone there it is pull tab on the side of the cliff here what numbers 21 but it's been 30s um it's it's pretty deep in there we go down here thank you rust oh no oh okay my let me see that's actually not a bad find only because it's so awful yeah so it's in here a little Cavern I made you've made your coil ing so that was a fun little hunt we did just about two to two and a half hours real short hunt yes because somebody has to go to sleep to go to work yes and sleepy but we got you to the beach we did so with that let's get right to the wrap up you go first all right so I have a whole lot of junk but not as bad as we've gotten here before this aluminum is killing us there's so much here and we're pulling up all kinds of garbage um we just can't avoid it here at this beach piece of pencil I got a little tiny tack um staple that's what I'm trying to say and uh part of a phone it looks like it it's got a plus minus on the side I don't know which if it was an apple or something else it's hard to tell these days kind of lighter yeah and then I got some change not horrible five quarters looks like four dimes three nickels and five pennies wow not bad for a couple hours and then my best fun of the day of course would be this glorious tent stake that I will treasure forever oh my gosh and then Christine Christine had a decent hunt oh okay a little bit better than me yeah let's show them how you did okay well why don't you pick those up and don't look at my nails because I took my nail polish off from vacation and it's still stuck all right let's see what you did all right so do not show my nails uh yeah a lot of aluminum minimum I got one pull tab I have a ton of bottle caps and these little guys yeah I found a piece of glass obviously not metal I picked it up though so you know how sharp it is oh wow that would hurt yeah it's pretty short even this side is actually sharp um pennies two dimes three quarters a little service fine it's like buddy except his girlfriend yeah you're missing a couple of your finds okay so one of them that I found was the Saint Francis keychain oh that's Saint Francis High School oh I know I just see that I just saw that both of my younger brothers went to Saint Francis High School seriously yeah wow I know a guy named Francis yeah anyway that was pretty cool I'm not gonna lie it had a lot of sand so all I could see was Saint Francis but now that's it's been my bag a little bit yeah it does see St Francis High School yeah we'll try to clean that up the best we can maybe we can salvage the actual um this part the key ring is just horrible that's not something give it to one of your brothers if you want I could for a fee for a fee you are you extorting them let's see what you found here which one you want to see first whatever one you want to show first I'm pretty excited about both of them so let's do the wedding band first just because it's so pretty wow may I yes you may wow that's so nice that is really cool and it is actually stamp 14k which we'll put a picture up and I think it's it's size four yeah it's stamped um is it F4 F4 okay I'm so sad oh my gosh my nails all right and then you came up with a second ring this is me again yes I have to ask I don't get slapped this is really cool this is actually something I like better than the gold one yeah that was actually pretty cool and this is probably just stainless there's no markings um it's a very cool little ring wow Christine my tail is really between my legs on this hunt you got whooped you did and uh I think I owe you cupcakes for the rest of the month you will not go cupcake list wow I was hoping you'd find one more for a trifecta that's okay I'm happy with this no you did really good I don't normally hit it this good so I'll just take my uh winnings the whole purpose of coming down to the beach was for you to get some chance a chance to use the Xterra yeah and uh don't ask me what the numbers were for the the golds or the your gold ring was 30. okay I don't remember the other one but we can double check them anyway um how do you like the Xterra it's pretty good I actually really like it I don't know what I'm doing uh I don't know the numbers but it's the beach so I pick anything up yeah and you'll learn the numbers um I think you did real well with it yeah I mean two two rings one gold one steel I mean geez I wonder how cool this is this would have been so good for Vegas too I know I wish it was a little bit bigger I wish this one were a little bit smaller we can't get what we can't get I guess anyway um that was a nice little hunt let's get you back go Mimi's we gotta go and eat a burrito get cleaned up get my work stuff ready emotionally prepare myself all right get my little snacks congratulations on the first gold of the year for you making a casserole tonight chicken casserole okay it's gonna be delicious my mouth is watering right now just thinking about it all right well thanks for watching we will catch you on the next hunt bye all right so let's talk about Hub stuff buddy is right now because we both stepped outside go ahead what are you upset about I'm going through the coins I'm gonna I'm gonna clean them up yeah and I pull this out and I go what is this I'm looking and so then wait a minute so you come and get me because I'm in the house yes and you're like who found this and almost like I did I'm gonna go look at the footage who found this because I found it because it was dirty on one side and I just kind of rubbed it is there I'll take there is a stem going up this way which is consistent with a Mercury dime [Laughter] yeah you should have seen the look on your face not only oh yeah one time not only do you find two rings you don't even know that you found a Mercury dime are you kidding me look at her I'm amazed I'm not gonna lie it was really it looked pretty bad like it doesn't know and I was like dirty though like it's so dirty I was like there's too much sand on it wait no hold on I might be able to get the ear on it now I was able to it's totally worn out let me clean it oh my goodness so you find a gold ring and a silver dime in the same hunt I win yeah you won all right look at that you know you got a lot of it cleaned up I wonder what the year is on it how old is it what are the Dane the dates for a Mercury Mercury questions I don't have off the top of my head go away let me go go away was like I don't know silver is something you think you seem so bothered come here bye [Music]
Channel: Diggin' SoCal
Views: 9,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diggin socal, diggin socal christine and bill, diggin socal christine, metal detecting, metal detecting videos, diggin socal youtube, garrett pinpointer, metal detecting finds, treasure hunting metal detector, garrett pro pointer, metal detecting parks, equinox 800, minelab equinox 800, minelab vanquish 540, metal detector treasure hunting, metal detecting city parks, minelab metal detector, xterra pro, xterra pro metal detector, beach metal detecting, metal detector finds
Id: 7RaJd7G6Bsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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