Storage Locker Treasure Hunting | What Did We Find?

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[Music] foreign so I was just at work yesterday it doesn't really matter but I was at work I was doing a double I went to my locker to go and check my phone and uh I noticed I got a text from Bill saying hey I bid on a locker there's about 20 minutes left and I'm the highest bidder so oops so I guess the garage has been empty for a little too long because Bill needed to find stuff to put in it so yeah I got a locker winner winner chicken dinner and with after fees and tax and stuff it was 130 bucks that's not bad you spent more on worse let's see what we got I don't even know we just have to lift it from the bottom I believe how strong she is oh wow Ginger oh my gosh I like this wow let me send this to my popcorn machine oh my God oh my gosh and gum oh that's another popcorn machine oh dude it's if this thing works I'm gonna have popcorn it looks like it's missing something okay whoa whoa whoa don't handle it could be here though I like the gumball machine look at this look at the lamps yeah we could light up the world oh my gosh the hip swing Santa oh man we're styling we got so many decorations oh my gosh look at the lamps up there water dispenser for the kitty oh okay gosh all right we are gonna start uh moving this oh hold on take the camera I just saw something oh no oh my gosh Still's gonna break a hip the freaking handlebar and all my kids have these and I broke a hip look like [Laughter] isn't this thing man ten dollars all day look at we were needing stickers for the yard sale we're gonna do oh yeah hey this is cute oh my gosh look at all this furniture oops yes yes stop breaking stuff hold on hey it's like they knew bill was here this is after you're done playing with that scooter get to work you're gonna break it this is a nice little sting here is it yeah wow that's disgusting what's up with the tennis balls on it homie any tennis balls I'll probably need this in a year or two actually you know what I have one of these I think this is too low for you it is do you know I have one in my garage why because when I had um surgery [Laughter] I had two Hip surgeries and see her hip I was very hip not in your recovery we have a new TV oh a decanter oh that's very nice no markings it's probably just a cheapy but it's cute we can put Kool-Aid in there wow oh wow look at this this is oh gosh golf clubs no there's this this is nice yeah I know it's missing two panels you can easily fix that huh and it's missing actually yeah it's missing quite a bit here that's okay wow my my mom has one of these cool well let's get started we'll do an update matching lamps let me see the lamp for a second Steelers oh yeah I gotta steal her key too oh you do are they trying to convert me I don't know never shoes what's the top 10 always a hot fit let's go see well as well oh it's a never been I don't think it's been used that's kind of cool see well that's well dude well I thought that was an apostrophe it is it's not swats thermos look at this workout oh you almost start working out oh yeah it's not broken okay okay it's just okay I wasn't even heavy how many times are you gonna hit your head today done okay great I wonder if it works wow I'm gonna take that to work with me oh we need shelves a bed frame oh and a mirror it looks like a vanity that's a big mirror oh paper towel dispenser thank you oh Simpsons stuff oh yes oh my gosh you could give that to your niece yes for sure more decorations we'll get so many decorations look at all this little furniture I know good stuff to sell oh my gosh don't break the legs turn it back here don't break the legs this is the prize right here for Buddy oh buddy you'll never have to water them again I know oh yeah that's gonna be trash oh [Music] decoration actually but that's pretty cool you're tough and a little bit of everything around here yeah chairs that we need chairs but there's apparently just three and that table that's a lamps are on it's got leaves leaves on it leaves on it oh goodness drinking games gosh I thought they were just regular chests no they're drinking games not my thing that's not what I think what's under here I see you um that's definitely one of Bill's uh life quotes That's Heavy please don't be another urn punch bowls punch bowl cups we have a knack for finding urns this is glass I can feel it heavy it's probably because it's his Punch Bowl bro oh yeah whatever karaoke oh you're all over this oh these are old I don't want to talk about it all right let's get working oh my gosh look at that we scored we had more in there got it watch me a silver it's cool I want to clean that and use it I love gumballs and we have a bunch of quarters too well we already got a dollar and a half back 90s all right dollar and a half back already all right well let's start pulling stuff out all I'm doing right now is watching you all right let's go play with quarters go to work you have Christmas socks and they're brand new wow oh there's long enough for me we're getting on there these are mine I claim them all right let's keep let's get working do you know who that is yeah yeah of course I know who that is he probably went to high school with her how old I don't know all right we'll do an update a little bit come on let's do this what are you doing exposing your it's too dark in here that's because the light is behind me all right let's get to work I'm showing all the wrinkles or the bags bye Finishing Touches for the first load loading it up not my first rodeo well you're not gonna be driving past or are we driving for sure cool any words um wait look has to be three trips maybe four with Max because some bulky items those chairs you can take up a little truckload so nice um I like this with the wheels but hopefully someone else will that's actually glass I know it's like a little it's a wet bar yeah I think it would be super cool to do this as a project there's a lot of stuff we can refinish some of it's kind of scratched up but these are not too concerned about sand it down I know you can sand it down and re-polish it it'd be good I'm too busy metal detect I'll hire someone I'll do it if you don't want to do it sounds good I'll get you uh Center go to town yep all right let's get this first load done question would be light stain or dark stuff talk about the tiny table oh I gotta do some research and see if it's even old I don't think it's old I don't care all right I like it okay bye hard at work swab the decks um Christine made a decision that uh this shelf was not worth saving so if she took a hammer to it it's particle board yeah it's just junk so it's gonna go in the trash but it'd just be easier to break it apart to move it we've got most of it out I think I forgot about the chairs yeah definitely making progress we lifted a box and the the bottom was not taped and we broke a few things over here so yeah it landed right on my feet I'm glad I didn't get glasses you didn't notice that Las Vegas oh my gosh dude we gotta hang that in the truck oh yeah that's pretty cool that box to our friend yes oh another skeleton oh you're missing an arm oh we got here yeah yeah Ram hat for trucks okay oh you got a bag of rats gotta get better for this another light you got a bag of rats I know this is funny that's disgusting wow yeah I don't know what's up with Halloween stuff it's just crazy all right let's keep working just give it a whack whoa she's so strong now just rip it apart don't break the lamps in Sandy when I first walked up and started doing this but I actually wanted that you didn't that's good shoe stand here's another one I needed both all right keep working no [Music] I'm scared this one already had a little bit of help that's that's solid metal I thought it was bamboo or something no wow which clubs we have here Alero yay hold on a second I'm on um yeah just junk ones basically and they're they're the wrong type they're right-handed we are live at five trip number four God why are you so sweaty I had to work hard I'm not sweaty like that well it's not hard to watch someone work are you serious right now I've lifted all of those chairs at one time I one time yeah each individually no I stacked them up I went and got one of those bungee cords and loaded on my back and I squatted down and I was just like yep wow took it downstairs and everything so this is our last look 10 flights of stairs fourth load yes and uh golf anyone guys interesting stuff a lot of room down there but that's okay it'll be cool to go through it yeah um I want to play with the furniture like you want to play with the furniture yeah I like the table the coffee table and end table soon yeah yeah just sand it down varnish it well I think we're done with lockers until we have our sail we're out of room are you saying that for me or for you I'm trying to convince myself to stop buying them anyway um that's it we'll uh if we find this is how I spend my days off ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry when I'm not working I'm driving around my awesome truck yes if I'm not walking around enough for my job I now do this it's a workout I get a workout every day every day all day in fact I just came off of a double I let you take a nap like a two-hour nap okay listen listen no whining you were the one complaining this entire time off camera about how you felt about this unit do not play me [Laughter] anyway thanks for watching we will definitely um update you if we find anything unique but uh it's mostly bulk items I walked over 10 miles uphill both ways yesterday literally yesterday I walked over 10 miles uphill both ways it's more like stairs ooh today I did 5.78 Miles and County all right I'm exciting by with a tiny nap bye look at me go you're so tough so strongly hold on wow stop okay bye we have another cool hat I'm not gonna put on my head right now I have to clean it first but that is really cool but you saw most of stuff as we were unpacking it but uh I usually don't buy storage lockers with golf clubs um there's a story behind that once upon a time I built bid on a storage locker that had golf clubs in it and it had probably three to five thousand golf clubs you're lying oh no it took me months to um get rid of them and uh it took me a month to get them out of there no way I had to take truckload after truckload after truckload so then I was able to actually um sort them all big was the unit like a 10 foot by 15 foot I'm like if you had that many clubs even if you stood them up I mean look at how much space these take were they in bags or loose I filled the entire garage and there was a ton of good sets there were pings and all kinds of stuff I ended up selling a lot of them to Play It Again Sports oh yeah and then I sold some at a swap meet I was selling for a dollar a piece I got the locker for 300 bucks oh okay well that's not bad I made well over a grand you got stuck with a bunch of junk but and the problem is the bad thing about saving golf clubs whoever owned that Locker was a hoarder of golf clubs the problem with them is as they get older all the handles go bad but uh can't you just read read you can do put new handles on it but the problem is these are there's a couple taylormades in here and other brands but they're not really valuable enough to the dunlops we're just gonna end up put these in the garage sale I like that you're so educated in these golf clubs after your uh golf club golf club trauma well I swore that I would never buy another um I swear I'd never buy another Locker that had a mattress or a golf club the mattress I can understand I hate mattresses that's disgusting um unfortunately with that popcorn machine they're they're the parts are missing but it's pretty cool it's almost decorative put that somewhere and then I'm going to see if that workout thing works and then there are supposedly uh cups for that punch bowl in that box over there so pretty cool do you think they go to that one no no they go to this punch bowl over here oh okay that's my guess anyway it was a fun little Locker wasn't too hard to move through the bottom yeah there's no markings look that's the storage locker that we uh that bill bid on I'm gonna have to cut back on doing overtime you can't be left unattended by yourself I know we have so much inventory for when we have a yard sale my gosh we have three full storage units full of stuff between in the garage and in the spare room we're gonna have a major yard sale I know but we got those stickers so we at least we can label stuff yeah oh you know what made me Nerf like burn DVDs oh like what is on these DVDs hopefully nothing it's weird I just want to be able to park my truck back in the garage well stop buying stuff I try not to okay it's just I look at a locker and it says big bid you know you want me and the garage is like stop there's no room anyway I'm a little bit different than our normal hunts but uh thanks for watching we appreciate it yeah when I get the gumball machine set up I'm gonna go and post it up at the yard sales and people can buy gum nice I'm gonna get like other flavors though I'm not gonna get the regular gumballs I'm gonna get like special ones you know maybe they are like exotic flavors I'm sure they won't cinnamon or something crazy oh they're cinnamon gum's good you said you don't chew gum don't now oh anyway thanks for watching and stay tuned for the next adventure okay bye bye foreign thank you
Channel: Diggin' SoCal
Views: 4,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diggin socal, diggin socal youtube, diggin socal christine, treasure hunting, treasure hunters, storage unit finds, storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage locker finds, storage lockers, storage locker auctions, storage auction, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, treasure hunt, storage hunters, storage treasures, storage auction finds, abandoned storage, won a storage locker, won a storage unit
Id: V7v3GcsWrcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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