Park Metal Detecting Duo | Minelab Xterra Pro & Manticore Metal Detectors

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[Music] we we are gonna hunt some parks today when Christine finishes her grilled cheese sandwich from Starbucks there's no avocado spread I know how sad they didn't have it that's okay and she's got her monster so she's all amped up and ready to find treasure why you sound so excited I'm excited because we're hunting together look at this foamy thing that you got yeah coffee has rabies I know you might want to get that checked out look what I did to Christine's water cup after I broke her other one anyway um we're gonna go hunt as soon as you're finished so let's go eat one bite I want you to finish okay see you on the first Target uh I'll beat you will you oh it's a competition dude if you let your eyebrows go any higher they're gonna disappear into your oh well you don't have any here never mind goodbye bye so we are in the volleyball court because the park is rubberized yep what you got look at that I'm afraid it might be chocolate touch it touch it oh no it's a it's a token a pirate treasure ooh you found gold I found some booty pirate booty nice good job feel richer all these years of detecting I've never found pirate booty you're welcome crazy what are you on now 89 90. oh could be a quarter scoop scoop we don't need it where's your scoop scoop shoot I'm not used to this pirate booty how funny is that a ring oh a dollar I got a dollar I found some booty in it hey it was showing off don't be standing relax I'm out of my hand talk about how long my nails are who am I I don't know for sure I'm telling you right now I'm gonna break at least one of them today guaranteed guaranteed guaranteed I always does that mean I have to dig your target so you don't break a nail I always call it too in my mind I'll be like man my nails are really long and then sure enough something will happen I'll bust one I'll be like I knew I guess you're just too pretty to dig now with this face no I'm not no as you rub your nose I know because it itches all right nice little treasure keep going a dollar nice your head and the pirate booty you're winning I'm gonna find more booty I found a pull tab part of one good job bye bye you said you're on a 78 yeah match games I'm seeing 90s she's just making up the number bottle cap congratulations there's a trash can right there I don't want to keep those here you go to the trash can thanks all right keep hunting okay bye I'm on a Target let me see 38 40. excuse me sir do you have any grape pond what number are you getting 43 okay stupid before you poop it there it is who lives in a pineapple under the sea I do SpongeBob SquarePants you stopped yellow I got a pineapple absorbit and Forest is he SpongeBob SquarePants I don't remember can you laugh like him no I cannot let me see how cute yeah got a pineapple a pineapple that would be mine adorable oh my gosh it'd be so good if you like cleaned it up and then repainted it sell it nice that's adorable I like that okay go find treasure I'll find SpongeBob that'd be cool okay bye bye what's up yeah oh my goodness more treasure one more booty let's see dang it's not metal or anything we gotta find a treasure chest oh God you can tell we're right next to the freeway not very confident in the signal 10 11 12 you said oh it's all over the place yeah oh it's a toy I bet you oh man your toy your toy nope oh that's what I was worried either was that right there okay that's it yeah foiled again I know indeed get a jumpy one or what how do we get invisible numbers negatives I didn't cry ground balance here I didn't what you got [Music] it gotta film over here because there's some kids watching small children look at my shadow let's see oh how cute oh my gosh it's a little I hear the light though I can't see it put in the Sun it's a little flower wow oh my gosh that's so cute well my fat finger fit it yes oh how pretty adorable you have a ring congratulations thank you stand up Take a Bow what's that my phone's in my pocket I can't say about oh curtsy though hold on oh my goodness you're such a goober nice thank you yes you are thank you it's warm out today it is I'm rolling up my sleeves it was all nice and overcast this morning at six o'clock until about 10 o'clock and I'm gonna try to get Christine out of the house to go metal detecting man all of it sorry I guess shouldn't get up before noon next time I'll sleep in later what do you think of that good for you I love the hunt without you goodbye goodbye so I'm out working the grass I got summoned over here again whoa is that metal no you just saw it sticking out yeah wow that is cool is that because you're a surface find yes because the beads were sticking out of the sand oh wow this is it right here oh that's how it connects oh somebody lost your little necklace it's like a little mermaid mermaid colors yeah Under the Sea except it's under the sand all right I'm going back to hunting okay bye whatever you're getting 35 mid 30s all right there he is you got your pull tab congratulations thank you so much honestly I was hoping to find this today now my goals are checked off we still need a tent stake though no we're not gonna write don't put that out there we're not gonna find a 10 step all right keep hunting geez all right Christine so we're gonna stand over there and uh I had an 88 right here sounds solid should be a coin I'm just gonna I part of the grass oh I can feel it oh it's a quarter you go back oops very cool remember I was getting a jumpy signal here and I can see why ah a I got a tent stake and she didn't think I'd find one so another good signal here that 72 and I thought it'd be something good I'm working on this right here ah whoa hold this you ain't seen nothing yet what did I say to you I found the best treasure I told you to stop okay what is wrong with you you goober Mr treasure treasure that's right sicko that one I tore the grass up pretty good it wouldn't come out but it's awesome so goodness gracious cool so let's go to another Park okay there's no jewelry here it's all hidden somewhere under the ground somewhere under the sea as SpongeBob would say I guess this uh that's not SpongeBob Under the Sea Under the Sea no not that one it's gross go find a dingle hopper do that ah Fork Bingo Harbor okay this is a very busy Park and I just got this on a 28-29 um not to let me see wow yeah still Charlotte no but stepping on that would be a bad day for any kids we're sharp enough to cut so I wouldn't play with it okay yeah um we're gonna walk this straight to the trash where the closest they're not that close but I'll get this to the trash um hold this for a second yeah and we were just surrounded by a bunch of kids and I couldn't show this but I found this lightning so cute pretty cool I can't believe how I'm sharp this thing says I know for looking all rusty it's you can still cut yeah yeah all right let's get that to the trash okay let's try to get a better Target on the 2D here Let It Fade Away let's see what I got oh I see it huh oh kid's ring I wonder if that was always just flat like that if there's something that was missing cool let me see what the hey wow look at how cute yeah you're still wearing this one I am it fits nice oh my gosh it's not Mark don't even lie to me it's a kid's ring I'm ready though almost got you no you didn't I ain't falling for your shenanigans wow you will though you will bye okay bye another Park Christine's on her first Target at this park this is Park number three yeah we're not doing very well last one was a little nasty yeah it was what you got it's an old dime hey remember when I found that Merkin didn't know yeah you're gonna look closer at your drives now aren't you that was so funny oh it's only 2018. that was funny yeah it was it wasn't funny for you it was pretty funny for me all right well Christine's working the top lot and I'm working the grass around it so hopefully we find something today I think we did show it in the wrap that razor boy though wow oh my gosh I think well yesterday was not super successful we hit some really bad Parks they were really gross so what you know what they say when you had I guess I want to say we failed we did okay try try again oh I think we were gonna say when life gives you lemons you make lemonade but we didn't get any lemons yesterday I like lemonade you find a Target laughs anyway uh we're gonna hit a few more Parks today and call it a wrap um I found a fort pretty cool all right let's find some cool stuff this park is really dirty so it's gonna be interesting an area we've never been before all right why don't you take me to the ritzy places Beverly Hills let's go to Beverly Hills next time what number are you getting 31 hmm probably coin or turd a stick there it is oh yeah pull tab why does that not surprise me that's terrible all right go find something good should have been a hundred dollar bill instead you just get Bill I know sorry you get what you get lemonade right well I just found a dime over there good job someone dropped a dime numbers 88 86 maybe a quarter or a dime or something else trash you rat fink I see it oh the shaker oh yes ladies and gentlemen she finds a car eat my sand yes sweet yes look at it it's beautiful all right they're coming for you bone shaker is what it says they're coming for you look at that all right are you being chased how is it coming for you they said no metal detected in the park stop look at that 2D it's really long looking so hey you can feel something down there I'm going to just shovel it out ah dang oh wait yeah that's not bad it's a little uh two pounder that's kind of cool nice I was hoping for a car but I'll take the weight drop all the sand off it oh all right that's gonna be tough carrying that around for a little while it's 78 right here the sand needs to be filtered there's so many debris so much debris in it what is that I don't know a metal yellow coin it's not money or nothing okay I have no idea someone's on our Target over there number one I just had a penny oh Shield Memorial or a Merc penny um a mark Penny just testing yeah this is an 80. oh the penny this is an old penny oh wow how old 46. are you serious you got a Wheatie in the Tot Lot are you kidding me wow go away Christine's back with the vengeance you're showing me up today I get a two pound weight and you get a wheat penny you got more weight to carry wow think about that think about that though go away I was getting a 38 here and uh I see it looks like a chain oh yeah whoa where are you going just kidding oh you know what I don't know I was gonna say I found a part of ill it's got hair cells had to do yeah yeah chain I don't think it's gonna be gold or so hairy yeah well it comes the territory like the rat's nice yeah don't worry about that let me see the flower I'm looking at the to see if there's any sorry ma'am dude I got a necklace a hairy necklace cool that's a cool find hair at all too much put paper all in my hands I know I'm very needy dang that's a very fine necklace yay for me you know it's finer than that what a weedy 90 there for me let me see what you have here hold on a little deep right there yeah let me see if I can find it for you a little piece of iron maybe I don't that wasn't it there it is where is it no it's a rock I need my shovel yeah I didn't have my gloves on so let Christine take over the ace detectorist I bought him out again huh sounds good I mean oh bottle cap I saw it it's right there oh my bad gross let's go right to the trash I'm not keeping that what kind is it uh Lagunitas set that down for it all right find this target over here next to this flower it's got metal in it too yes it does fun yeah oh you know how you were kicking up that dirt I was trying to do a probe when I tried to break the grass and I probe down into the ground and flicked it up and it all went into my face easy a shiny quarter it's so shiny why are we whispering I don't know all right nice goodbye what do you mean bye plastic Rings don't count that it's still a ring whatever yeah what was that movie from like the night Stone Cowboy what's that movie from like the 90s what was it called eight seconds remember that movie yeah did you watch that no you didn't watch that movie yeah it probably did oh my gosh dude you and the other guy that's on the swing we wonder why the kids parks are always busting my gosh oh there are children of all sizes so you're saying a larger kid can't play a little large leave me alone I'm having fun riding my dinosaur what you got uh I don't remember the number oh it's a little cute Crown looking thing wow oh my gosh you got a ring is there any you haven't gotten today a 10 steak a little Crown nice I have a Target over here come check it out it's a good number no do I get to dig it or no no you dig yours I dig mine you can dig it if you're getting this no here take your camera okay I don't I don't want to get stuck I've seen those videos where people have to call her yeah fire vibrator fire department because they get stuck 29 which is pull tab numbers oh um I don't know what that thing is called New Orleans Saints 14 karat too just kidding oh my gosh what's that thing called I don't know what it's called I don't know yeah I don't see any markings but then again I got bad eyes so cute it just handed to me I'll check all right check it for me I don't think so pretty though is it probably our last Park so we both had just good finds right now can you believe it I know here you got a cheering squad over there I know look it up [Music] are you filming yes I'm filming that's messed up could have warned somebody I'm having a moment over here and you're just out here filming look at the jiggle on top dang look at all that icing all right dude do the wrap-up um anyway we had I think a total of six parks in in two days so three perks each day was it really yeah gosh nothing uh super Stellar but it wasn't a bad hunt um for me anyway Christian whooped me again yeah you totally got whooped all right well when you're done chewing you can talk about your finds yeah you go first fine all right so pull tabs and I got two 10 Stakes I guess that's a 10 steak at parks no less um standard garbage here bobby pins um pencil tip battery hair pieces got a jack but I got a jack no Diane but oh my gosh anyway gotta wait a little two pounder here kind of cool um I like the watermelon plastic we can get us a little nice little clip it used to be it's pretty thrash now um I've got a flattened penny that I did not film there's a couple things I didn't film it's a Legoland oh my gosh that's right and then let's see here got uh probably off clothing or something just a pendant looking thing here got a lightning pendant a pineapple I got all these hands that also I didn't get on film and then this was my last find it's pretty cool looking too bad it's not gold gold but still pretty cool I'm not sure what this is it's metal maybe a game piece of some type [Music] then this one also I didn't film a lot of my finds I guess uh mixed emotion Club been hit by a lot more [Music] why is that funny mixed emotion club and it's it got hit by I did get one ring it's a junker and then there's a dollar 25 in Corners two dimes three nickels and a handful of craddy pennies there's a couple good ones in there and I guess this is my best find a little uh blingy uh lid flower necklace and then my weenie what that Christine found for me hey what is your deal well we'll just lay in there no it was laying in my pile over there zoom in on this for you you are not cool come on you can do it all right you know what year was it again fire truck nice that's Christine's find actually wow you're devouring that thing Oinky I gotta take a nap talk about your fines set it down I just want to have this I promise I won't touch it all right so got milk I found a um a lot more plastic finds than actual finds today this is cute it's a little mermaid necklace yes is that top part of it oh that's a staple I did find that that's in the wrong spot then I found Rings one two I found some booty I found a bead bead booty rings oh I think you need a repeat drop the milk ma'am we paid good money for this I made you breakfast this morning oh my because you made eggs all right let's carry on all right I found a ball look at the ball dogs it's a foam ball don't squeeze them like them don't squeeze him he's delicate flower huh okay keep going leave him alone Wow money uh I found a leg you definitely gotta leg up on me literally and figuratively a button it's a shank button yeah don't come at me that's literally what it's called okay uh a puzzle piece I am the missing piece to the puzzle there you go I'll never finish that puzzle oh staple foil attack yeah I got a tattoo got attack two tic-tac-toe yeah come here my type's bigger than your attack oh man mine's rescue the new Zone rescue and crustier all right oh yours is green okay sorry I get distracted uh pull tax did you mention the dollar sorry sorry [Music] um so I got some pull tabs I got a cute little hair pin and then I got a dollar wow you got a dollar I didn't know got a dollar sweet Sacagawea uh quarter times pennies my sweetie my weedy I found it I can't believe you found a weeding next to another penny that was just like a shield cool so then you got what I got a ring a ring a ding ding yeah you wore that look at it yesterday it's so cute and then your last fight scraped it your last find is it ring also did you check for markings uh doubtful dude I almost got excited because I thought I saw something but yeah it doesn't look like it'd be silver but how can you complain about a car Rings a Wheatie a dollar coin and booty I can complain cause you tried stealing my penny oh I'll steal it no no I found cool stuff cool stuff yeah well that was a good little hunt down some parks I like the leg the leg look at that it's a rocket oh shoot didn't even move oh shoot I might break it look at that nice all right well thank you guys for watching and uh we will be out doing something else soon I hope tonight is your tonight is your Monday night it is it's almost time for sleepies yeah all right thanks for watching so storage unit next time no we can't buy any more storage units why not I have more overtime coming up so I mean there's time we have no room what do you mean we totally have room there's there's a pathway as long as you keep saying that to yourself as the dolphin says that's her noise they make kinda oh my gosh what a goober all right I just burp right now bye do you want some cooking no I don't want cupcake why not you always take the center this is my piece right here um oh yeah dude if you would have dropped that I would have laughed at you have anything to say [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Diggin' SoCal
Views: 7,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diggin socal, diggin socal christine and bill, diggin socal christine, park metal detecting, metal detecting videos, diggin socal youtube, garrett pinpointer, metal detecting finds, treasure hunting metal detector, garrett pro pointer, metal detecting parks, metal detector treasure hunting, metal detecting city parks, minelab metal detector, minelab manticore detector, minelab manticore metal detector, manticore minelab, xterra pro metal detector, minelab xterra pro
Id: OQfehi82Iew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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