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foreign looking pretty good looking pretty good what's in the box I really hope this Baby's charged up arm cuff Hardware plastique take all your trash with you charge cord right there a bit windy out here today everybody our box may go floating away in the winds all right we're doing a little bit of an unboxing real quick my first look at the old Xterra Pro the coil actually reminds me a lot of the Vanquish I like it control box looks pretty sturdy looks basically just like an equinox so 269 bucks not too shabby I mean so far so good I haven't fired it up yet but it's feeling really light really lightweight one thing I did notice as I'm unboxing this the coil is actually very similar to the Vanquish it doesn't have a coil Bolt the thread is actually in the ear of the coil right here so that could eventually be maybe a downside if that thing ever gets stripped out it's going to be hard to keep your bolt in there but you could probably just get a longer bolt and then thread on a uh you know a nut on the end of that so make sure you put both of your little uh rubber washers in there legitimately the first Target with the old Xterra Pro right there I'm running it in Beach mode right now Beach two eight kilohertz 66 right towards the top let's see what it's gonna be apparently it's still in there okay still in there let's take five more scoops on this one for our first one huh alrighty then let's just get down on it 66 I'm not sure I am not familiar at all with the target ID so 66 66 apparently is a crested zinc penny there we go not too shabby everybody this one's definitely a little bit bouncy get right there whatever it is all right we're in business that is a piece to a zipper pull so we're already on the common day Beach Vines seems to be running really good really smooth I did switch it over it is default two-tone for the beach but I switch it over to all tone which is a t so very simple it's running a single frequency so far in the dry sand it's doing good but we're gonna take it down by the wet sand and see if it can handle it down there all right this is number four I haven't walked too far either this one sounds really good on the target ID it's hitting around 88.89 so let's see what we're working with that sure sounds good to me [Music] I actually like the tones a lot already they uh they definitely remind me of the Equinox but I think they're a little bit different Maybe see I like it a lot there's a quarter first quarter for the old Xterra Pro all right here's the first uh kind of interesting signal I've gotten today this one's pretty bouncy huh 69 74 80. maybe a little bit deep I guess let's dig it out see what we got sounds kind of like a short pinpoint so might have gotten it out on the first scoop oh okay here's a real world test for you now it's a little bit bouncy kind of selling like iron out of the hole now okay so it was a little bit bouncy but I don't think it was giving me any iron tones in the hole ah all right there is our first bottle cap with the old Xterra Pro it was bouncing around but I didn't hear any iron tones until I dug it out so that's something we're gonna have to keep an eye on how does it uh do on the bottle caps there's another signal right here it's very bouncy on the target ID but as far as I can tell I do not see any iron in it until now now that I've taken a scoop on it I'm definitely getting a little bit of iron on the signal just a little bit couple Scoops down at least okay now not reading iron anymore sounds pretty good actually a little bit bouncy it's not a solid number but sounds like a good tone see what we're chasing here wait oh looky there okay maybe a give and take there so I got the signal at first I think it sounded good and then it was giving me iron so interesting that's a nickel right there pretty good though pretty good date on them I'm not sure not too important let's get on to the next one I think that's probably Target number six or seven out here okay that was giving me an iron signal on the old Xterra Pro but look what it is it's a little clasp off of some type of crusty jewelry there not too bad not too bad hitting on the little stuff which is always good all right so I just brought it down by the water for a quick test I think I see a little bit of black sand exposed right here this is not the most mineralized Beach I've ever been to but I think it is reading maybe a little bit on the target ID there I'm running 20 sensitivity it's not really giving me a strong signal but I think it is reading the black sand a little bit but uh I saw a signal down here in the water I just want to show you guys I see it right in there so check out the target ID on it this is in the water I don't know if you guys can really see that with my glare there but it's definitely giving me an iron reading in with a high tone and do you want to know what it is well unfortunately it's just some trash it's a bottle cap right there but that's part of the hunt you know there's a lot of those out there I think there's more bottle caps out here than there is treasure so it's always a good uh good idea to get used to your bottle cap tones you know what I mean going from the wet sand into the water pretty stable all right we got a little bit of a signal here in the wet sand it's ringing very very low but I would like to see what it is so let's see very very low signal something right here all right that one looks like it's just going to be a little crumpled up all of aluminum foil right there so a small low conductive signal not too bad it was hitting on it all right honestly I kind of lost track of how many signals I dug up but I did just swing over another good one right here very very good and solid 80 81 on the target ID see what it is everything is so fresh and new again you know I actually really do like using a new machine I don't even know what an 81 is going to be like at all okay it's not that rock it's like a coin Maybe all right looks like 81 is gonna be maybe a fresh dime right off the press actually that one's 2015 but 8081 seems to be dime range so let's keep that one in mind the seagulls are looking for me they're looking to take me out out here today all right so I kind of like we can we know that any machine is going to basically hit a coin two or three inches under the ground but let's go for a signal like this one this one's definitely an interesting one very faint signal here pretty bouncy it's giving me a little bit of an iron tone but it's bouncing up to like the 40 range so these are the kind of signals I'm curious about when I first get a machine you know what I mean see how it does on this one might be deep actually ringing up a little bit higher now and looky there it's out of the hole reading up a 66. so uh I guess for those deep signals you definitely can't really rely on target ID too much not sure what this is gonna be but as you guys can see now it's solid out of the hole so let's see 66 I think that was similar to that first one we got right here we have a really crusty zinc penny it's always a good sign to see them crusty you know it's been sitting out here for a little while you know what I mean so I'm liking it actually it's running smooth running stable I don't think it's really gonna find me anything more than any of my other machines could have done but I'm liking it for the price it seems good so far just swinging over this baby right here I can kind of see him sticking out of the sand but just give you an idea of the target ID on them through the 30 31. and the 30 31 is going to be one of our best friends out here pull tab add them to the pouch keep on searching foreign 66 to like 72 on the target ID a little bit different I think 66 again there it is looks like it's going to be another coin we're getting the coins out of here though here's another one I was walking by and it kind of just barely gave me a squeak it's giving me just very bouncy a little bit of fairest it's telling me that there's something down there though it's out of the hole Target ID looks I don't know is it look better does it look worse here it is it's like a little piece of copper shrapnel or something I'm not really sure looks like some junk could be all right everybody first impressions of the Xterra Pro is uh uh honestly for 269 bucks it's definitely giving you some options it's got a little flashlight here definitely um inspired by the simplex and the legend but you know the legend definitely was inspired by the old Equinox so this is definitely going to be a strong machine for the price point I don't think it's really going to replace like your higher end machines but for a backup man it seems to be built pretty good but you know time is definitely going to tell we're gonna have to use it a little bit more see how she holds up but if you guys enjoyed the video you want to see some more be sure to stick around the channel if you liked it hook it up with one of these babies if you didn't like it you can hook it up with one of these too and before too long everybody hope to see you guys again soon so thanks for watching
Channel: Treasure Outdoors
Views: 13,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m8J12VZNcPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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