[BE046] The Story Of Maryam Bint Imran (Mary) & Isa Ibn Maryam (Jesus Christ) [Peace Be Upon Them]

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ibrahim alayhi islam and al-imran are the family of sadhna isa alayhi salah and that's the family of zakiriya salam and the family of yahi al-islam they are from the same family the household of alimran allah allah chose adam knew the family of ibrahim and the family of imran above all people offspring one of the other and allah is all hearer all knower and one day the wife of imran she used to pray these were very pious people very very pious people the wife of imran she she used to pray to allah never losing hope it is reported that one day she saw a bird giving a little bit of food bringing some food and flying in to feed the little chiclet and when the bird put the food into the beak of its little baby and the wind blew it took its wing and it covered its own baby and she felt the desire to have a child at that age she said ya allah grant me a child ya allah we are serving you this is my husband he is leading the people in prayer and so on ya allah blessed us with some goodness and she continued praying and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala responded her call but she had made a promise listen to what allah says remember the time when the wife of imran had conceived she then made a pledge to us to say ya allah i am dedicating the child who is in my womb for your service completely the child will not be doing anything else besides your service specifically that means that this child will serve in the masjid which masjid al-masjid al-aqsa in that time they used to have men they were devoted to the serving of the masjid the wife of imran she was not thinking in terms of dunya at all she wanted a child to go to the service in the masulaksha when she delivered her child she said oh my lord i have given birth to a female child and females were not traditionally allowed to serve in the masjid it was only for men allah subhana tala says allah knows better what she delivered and then allah subhana tala says and the male is not like the female what does this mean this means that whatever male you would have delivered that male will not be better than the female that allah has given you because the female that allah has given you is the best of the woman in the world she doesn't know but allah knows better all what she knows is that she delivered a female but allah knows who this female is and this female is maryam alaihissalam the wife of imran she is saying i have given her the name maryam mary who was this mary the mother of jesus may priest be upon him she was now born and this is what her mother had said subhanallah i have given her the name maryam and ya allah i seek your protection for her and for her progeny for her offspring to come from shaytan the accused it is reported that rasulullah says when a child is born shaytan comes and poke the child he's jealous so the child cries so this is the the interpretation religiously of why the child cries as soon as they're born obviously from a medical aspect there are other reasons but the child is preached there were two only two whom that did not happen to one was mary and one was jesus may peace be upon her and the other one was isa may peace be upon him because the mother had already asked allah to protect them from shaytan and allah gave them that particular dua the only woman mentioned by name in the quran is the mother of jesus the only woman that has a chapter named after her in the quran is the mother of jesus what an honor for her that allah told her you are the greatest woman that allah has chosen over all of the world what an honor that we as muslims have to believe now what had happened there was a problem as she was born there was a problem in that whilst she was pregnant the father passed away who was the father imran the sheikh the great sheikh he passed away when he passed away and the child was born and orphaned so maryam was an orphan mary may peace be upon her she wanted to fulfill the promise for the child there was a debate who should take care of this child so allah subhanahu wa tells muhammad sallam you were not there when they had this debate and they drew lots as to who should look after this child maryam who should bring her up under whose care so the priests and the others the religious people and the pious they said no we all want each one was claiming the right let us draw lots what happened when they were quelling who should take care of maryam brothers and sisters in islam allah ordained for one man out of the whole family to take care of her which is zakariya who was the prophet of the time the majority of the scholars say that maryam is the sister in law of zakaria some other scholars say that she is his niece so there is a bit of a difference of opinion here but we know that they are relatives you know what zakaria used to do the career used to be the imam of the house of allah and he used to spend the majority of the time there and in order for him to take care of maryam he had to place her with him all the time in the house of allah now there was something strange they had kept her as she was growing up in the room known as a mahrab is a little corner of worship every time zakaria alaihissalam went there she was engaged always in acts of worship in remembrance from a very very young age and she used to clean and she used to keep the place tidy and she was a person who was dedicated for the service of this place of worship very very pious woman woman of the highest levels but she was still a young girl every time zakaria alaihissalam went he would find something amazing she had fruit that was not from the season they were in so the fruit of summer was found with her in winter as fresh as ever and the fruit in winter was found with her in summer as fresh as ever and these are the things that were happening frequently because allah tala says whenever zakaria would go and visit her he would find with her risk so it's not once or twice it's many times frequently and she is there in the room and this risk is coming to her so zakiri where is this risk coming from he is wondering who is bringing you this i am the one who is taking care of you and this is strange because this fruit it's impossible to have in jerusalem in this time of the year what was the response of mariam alaihissalam she said this is from allah and then she told him allah subhanallah gives the ones he want without any limits she is giving him this wonderful lesson in risk see what he said allah will give you without any limits allah gives sustenance to whomsoever he wishes without account allah doesn't take into account that it is summer and it is winter if he wants he can give you anything now these were miracles that were happening at the time what makes maryam so special and allah subhanahu ta'ala says that she's an example for those who believe he doesn't say maryam the mother of jesus peace be upon him he just says what is the wisdom of that that maryam's greatness is not necessarily tied to isa she's not just a woman who's great because she happened to be the mother of a prophet she's recognized as a woman who perfected her faith as the prophet saws mentioned her she was great because of who she was and in fact her name is even mentioned more than the name of isa al-islam in the quran because of how great she was and this young girl loved to worship allah subhanahu ta'ala this woman ate you know breathed drank the thicket of allah subhanahu ta'ala the remembrance of allah subhana ta'ala even as she was a young girl and so zechariah islam would come find her in ibaadah find her worshiping allah all the time and allah speaks about various miracles that occurred when she was still very young as she was being prepared for something very very great to happen when she was still quite young growing up allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala sent a message to her via the angels and the angels told her oh maryam allah has chosen you allah has chosen you and cleansed and purified you and made you above all of the women of the world so the greatest woman to ever walk on the face of this earth is the mother of jesus and that is maryam allah has made you one who will worship him alone so you are pure in every way purified in your reputation purified in your character and conduct but above all purified in your worship it will not be rendered for anyone besides your maker therefore o maryam we want to inform you and instruct you submit for your own rob the one who made you and find yourselves from the ones who bow down and from the ones who are prostrate solely to their maker so allah says this is the news and the information of the unseen that we are giving you we are telling you the true version of the story of mary and jesus and zachariah and john and so of them may allah after some time she continued to worship allah and she was very pious and she had her place of worship there was a partition between her and those who would come from her members of her family she was in her own corner and allah says and mention in the book mary when she withdrew from her family to a place towards the east and she took in seclusion from them a screen then we sent to her one of our angels and he represented himself to her as a well-proportioned man and as she is there by herself remembering allah a beautiful man comes a perfect symmetrical human being islam allah describes jibril islam as a perfectly symmetrical human being she realizes she's all alone and this beautiful man comes and before he can even speak she looks at him and says i seek refuge in the most merciful from you if you have any consciousness piety or fear of allah and he the angel said i am only the messenger of your lord to give you news of a pure boy and she said how can i have a boy while no man has touched me and i have not been unchaste he said thus it will be your lord says it is easy for me we will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from us and it is a matter of decree the greatest angel visited maryam and said to maryam o maryam we are gifting you we are giving you glad tidings of a word and a spirit proceeding from him and his name the gift's name shall be al-masih is not the name it is the title is the title and in english we say the messiah in arabic it is a title it's a adjective as a description and the description here means the one who has been anointed to anoint means to rub masaha means to rub and in the previous sharia in the classical laws before our law this is not our law and the other laws the law of moses and the previous laws when a person wanted to convert they would have to be anointed or robbed with a special water they call it holy water and this lives to this day in the ritual of baptism when christians baptize themselves there is a basis in their sharia this baptism you rub the child on the hair according to some traditions and in the previous shadias each prophet would anoint the next prophet so john the baptist who was the cousin of jesus anointed jesus he made jesus the messiah by the name of allah by the permission of allah this anointing is the messiah this is the messiah the messiah and the name of the child was esau and esau has been latinized to jesus that the the letter j did not exist in aramaic and isa never heard the name jesus in his whole life if you said jesus to jesus he wouldn't know you're talking to him because jay did not exist in their language the actual name of jesus and this even christians acknowledge and they understand the real name of jesus was closer to esau we say isa they would say esau when it was translated to latin then they said jesus but the actual name is esau or isa the son of mary when the angels told maryam mary the daughter of imran that allah is giving you glad tidings of a word from him what is that word kun be and it will be the word is kaf and known the instruction of allah is between a calf and a noon once those words are uttered be it automatically is so we are giving you good news of a word from allah amazing she is listening she is obviously in awe she is trying to digest she knew that allah is preparing her for something great but she is getting the information and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says he will be honored he will be honored in this world as well as in the next very honored man you will be from amongst those very close to allah in the life after in the sense that in the afirah he will also be very very close to allah he will be speaking to people from the cradle as well as later on when he is aged and he is from amongst those who will be pious and allah she heard this news and she understood it very carefully we muslims believe jesus was formed by the kun and jesus was not the actual queen the difference between us and christians christians believe jesus became the word so the word became jesus and jesus became the word and so jesus is a walking word jesus is the word of god that's a christian belief we say jesus was conceived at the word because of the word jesus did not become the word of god jesus is a human and when allah said kun became pregnant so jesus was caused by kun and jesus was not kun the circle of creation and the kudra and power of the creator was being closed what do we mean allah has created without the involvement of a male or a female such as adam the first human being was adam may peace be upon him there was no male involved no female involved allah said be and he was created from dust soil and created by allah thereafter the second probability allah created through a male without the involvement of a female who was created in that way hawa or eve may peace be upon her through a male no involvement of female then there was every one of us after those two everyone who came there after they were created via male and female that's the third probability there's one more left to close the circle to show you the power of allah what is that to create via a female without the involvement of a male allah left it for the time when isa alaihissalam was sent the prophet jesus may peace be upon him he was that miracle of allah created with no involvement of a male not that he was the son of allah he was not the son of god but he was a creature created miraculously by the word of allah what was that word allah said be and he was just like adam was created before allah says in the quran the example of jesus is that of adam god said to him be and he was god can create him with the word so if jesus is the son of god because he has no human father then adam surely must have more right to being the son of god because he has no mother or father right that's the logic this is actually one of the miracles of the quran say that he the creator is absolutely one one whom all depends while he depends upon none he begets not nor is he begotten and there is none in the creation that has any similitude to him this is what the quran sets forward as the statement of god in the book of isaiah god said isaiah is my son and he said abraham is even my son and david is my son god mentioned this not because they were born of god but it means sun mean chosen selected by god a person dedicated to god whom god loves and god blesses by that definition god had sons by the tongues he doesn't beget that means god doesn't become pregnant nor does god make anyone pregnant by his command women become pregnant by his command mary became pregnant but god doesn't beget because begetting and being begotten is a human animalistic function in the metaphorical sense we all are children of god but not in a physical sense now coming back to the story the angel gibril he came to maryam and he blew into her and isa was created by the kalima the word and that is kun kun fayakun that's how saydna issa was created so she became pregnant and it seems that her pregnancy was concealed no one knew about it and when she felt that her delivery is approaching she left jerusalem and she went towards bethlehem and when she got towards bethlehem she started feeling pain of delivery so she fell down under a palm tree imagine the situation maria malay salaam has been hiding this pregnancy for nine months that's difficult and now she is leaving out of her town alone with no help and now she is feeling that pain and it drives her and she falls under a palm tree it was so difficult on her at that difficult moment she said wood that i had died before this and had been forgotten out of sight i wish that i have died before this she was very worried why was she worried on one hand to deliver is a very big worry tension the secret is don't worry that's the secret but who doesn't worry may allah wa'ta'ala make it easy for all our women for the second concern i'm going to take this child how will people receive this child i've been given responses answers i've been told who he is i know everything but these people will accuse me they'll accuse the child they might decide to do something against the child what will happen all this worry and now she's gonna deliver a child and she has never been married and she knows the tongues of the people and she knows the harm that they would cause her and her family the righteous family of alimran it became so difficult on her she said i wish i have died before this and i wish that nobody has known me and i has forgotten i didn't exist at that moment of difficulty allah subhana tala provided her with sukhina when things go to the level where it's unbearable for her anymore she had a voice from beneath her the mufasirin says that this voice belongs to either jibril islam or baby silence and this voice told her do not grieve your lord has provided a water stream under you and shake the trunk of the dead palm towards you and it will let fresh ripe dates fall upon you allah provides with water and allah subhana tala provide with dates and now we learn from this some very important lessons number one maria malaysala just delivered a child is helpless alone and she is told to shake not the branch of the palm tree but to shake what the base of the palm tree and all of you know how solid the palm tree is if a group of men surround it and try to shake it at the base it's impossible so what's the point allah telling maryam to shake the base of a palm tree she is not gonna able to shake it but the point is that make an effort she has to do her part if you put your hands on a palm tree don't expect any dates to fall on you allah subhana tara could have made the dates fall down without her intervention but allah wants her to do her part and that's a very very important lesson if we want the victory of allah we have to do our part you have to take the first step allah says in the hadith if you walk towards me i will run towards you but you have to take the first step the ones who seek guidance they look for it allah will give it to them so maria malay salaam put her hand on the palm tree the fresh white dates fell on her fresh date rich in mineral and vitamin to this day if you have the fresh date child birth post child birth or even before it is very very healthy rich in iron something that is amazing from the quran so allah subhanahu wa allah says so eat and drink as much as you want and thank allah be happy and be glad now mariama islam has a child with her and it's going to be very difficult on her to convince the people that this is a child and it's a word of allah so allah told don't speak don't speak we will take care of you and if you see any human being say verily i have woven a fast on to the most gracious so i shall not speak to any human being this day say that you're fasting from speaking because what will she tell the people if she tells the truth nobody is going to believe her she will tell them an angel came to me and told me that they are not going to believe her so allah subhanallah told her don't speak she now arrived it was late afternoon when she arrived with the child back to her people going back into the place where she was in seclusion holding the child at her chest and walking very carefully very very calm relaxed her face was beaming with light and she was looking very happy she's holding the child covering the child very well the people began to see and started saying isn't that the mary who's supposed to be in the place of worship isn't she the one who's supposed to be the pious isn't she the one who is the descendant of the prophet haroon and because he was so pious and she had his blood in her being from his lineage they always reminded her you are from the family of such a pious man your mother is pious your father is pious yo generations your grandfathers it dates back all the way to haroun they said o mary indeed you have brought a thing that is mighty what have you done and then they said o sister of haroon your father was not a man who used to commit adultery no your mother was an unchaste woman what have you done so they are already accusing her now this was an accusation of adultery how did you become pregnant how did you get this child they're all asking they're accusing she knew the child is going to speak subhanallah i don't need to say anything today so when she pointed to him they looked at her they realized she doesn't want to talk she's now pointing at the child is she foolish they said how can we speak to a child in a cradle here and as they were in this discussion and they were talking to each other and talking to her and telling her how foolish are you you want us to talk about to a baby they heard the baby say indeed i am the servant of god indeed i am the servant of god abdullah and he has given me the scripture and made me a prophet and he has made me blessed wherever i am and has enjoined upon me prayer and zakah as long as i remain alive and made me dutiful to my mother and he has not made me a wretched tyrant and peace be upon me a child is still speaking subhanallah these people are baffled they are gobsmacked don't know what to say silent just watching he's saying may peace be upon me the day i was born the day i shall die the day i will be resurrected may the peace of allah be upon me he is speaking they are shocked so how do they react these were priests these were rabbis these were people who used to teach the religion watching they had just accused someone of adultery and what happened as they are watching they are looking they are hearing there is no ways this is magic there is no ways this is anything but a miracle there is no ways this is anything but a sign from allah the creator it is miraculous they know the piety of this woman they know the family they know everything they can see she is not worried they can see the miracle child they can see everything but they are worried that if we now acknowledge this child they are thinking future this child is going to take the carpet from beneath our feet pull it and what will happen we won't have leadership anymore nobody is going to follow us anymore people will now follow him he is going to be the boss he is going to be above us the best thing for us to do is from now let us fight him from that stage so they continued no we're not interested we would like to and you to understand this is a sin you have committed immorality you've come with a child this child is illegal illegitimate they continued accusing maryam and allah with the guardianship and the care of his mother of course now father a mother that had passion and care for his son knowing the destiny of his son and isa alaihissalam grew up in bethlehem and bethlehem is just a few kilometers away from jerusalem after that day that isa alaihissalam spoke when he was only few days old isa never spoke again until he grew up like every other child grows up and start to speak in the age that every other child speaks and his mother she was so cautious on isa alaihissalam from the envy of bani islam especially the leaders of bani islam and when isa alaihissalam grew up and became a mature child his mother was so afraid on isa alaihissalam and the news start to come out about isa and the miracle that happened on the hands of isa and many of the leaders especially the religious leaders of bani israel did not accept that tension to be taken away from them to go to a child or a mother bani israel were led by corrupt leaders even their religious leaders were corrupt and they wanted to protect themselves and the news that came out that they're ending and the disclosure of the corruption will take place on the hands of isa so they start to plot and plan against isa alaihissalam and for that his mother used to be so cautious so protective on isa alaihissalam so she used to take him away from the city many times until she went to jerusalem and she settled in jerusalem with isa alaihissalam and in jerusalem there's food there's fruit and there's water there a blessed place there are people whom allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala says have started calling this young boy the son of god why was this this was because they didn't see the father so allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says nay it is not befitting for the creator to take a son to have a begotten son it is blaspheme to relate to the creator who only needs to say be and anything he wants to make is created automatically it is blasphemous to relate to him to say he has a begotten son how can they say that allah the most merciful has a son and it is not befitting for the most merciful to have a son allah says this statement is so blasphemous that the skies want to tear apart and the earth wants to explode and the mountains want to fall prostrate to allah because of the severity and seriousness of such a dangerous statement against the maker himself so even the creation of allah are bearing witness that allah has not taken a son and they are agitated at the fact that people are saying this yes he did not have a father but adam neither had a father nor a mother and eve she was also created miraculously and when it comes to jesus may peace be upon him he did not have a father that's what the quran says but you cannot say the son of allah and the begotten the word beget is so blasphemous if you have to check the meaning of it in the oxford dictionary you'd probably hide your face may allah protect us how can we say that for the maker of the universe in a young age allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala allah azzawajal had granted isa alayhi salam the wisdom and the knowledge as he did grant yahya alaihissalam his cousin from before and when isa alaihissalam reached the age of 30 allah subhanahu wa ta'ala revealed the injil to isa alayhi salam and the injeel came as a confirmation for the taurat isla islam himself says i have came to confirm the law of the torah dot by god jord by jodh letter by letter this has not only been mentioned in quran but it is in the bible too isaal islam said i have came to confirm the law of the torah and after many years paul comes up and says you do not have to follow the law you do not have to keep up with the law of torah in fact you have to leave it behind because that's not the religion and they followed paul and they leave the word of isa which is in the bible of today subhanallah that's why the true founder of the christianity of today is pole not isa al-israh it is not the religion of israel mariam alaihissalam he said i came to confirm what's in it and to permit some of the things that were forbidden on you in the taurat the taurat is so strict there are matters there are matters and things that are forbidden on bani israel they were too harsh and tough on them when isa came with the injeel the injeel in which allah revealed had permitted some of those forbidden things of course the things that allah azzawajal permitted on israel at that time is not the major things like allah azzawajal allowed them to start stealing or allah azza allowed them to commit adultery no but that there's some methods that allah makes one nation hello to us and allah says the prophets were sent to their people specifically and i was sent to whole of the world islam here says i was sent to bani israel the god almighty sent islamic islam specifically to bani israel allah mentions over 25 times in the quran and our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam made it a fundamental pillar of our faith for he said in the famous hadith so believing in jesus as a muslim is a fundamental requirement to be a muslim he was so compassionate he was such a beautiful man he was so loving he spoke to people with so much love and passion he really wanted them to earn paradise and he was such a beautiful human being not only was he a person who was very good looking but at the same time calm relaxed individual with qualities that were super subhanallah he got the torah he got the goodness he started preaching and as he started preaching he always told the people our maker the one we worship the supreme allah is the one who made us he is my rabb and he is your rabb my maker your maker the one who protects me the one who protects you the one who provides for me the one who provides for you so worship him alone and nobody else never did jesus may peace be upon him call anybody to worship him he always said worship the maker who made you that is what all the messengers said every messenger came with exactly the same message when it comes to belief so when we muslims when we bow down or we put our heads on the ground a lot of people think we might be worshipping a black box in mecca some people think we're worshiping the prophet muhammad some people think we worshipping this and that no we are worshipping the one who made us that is the one for whom i put my head on the ground this is why islam is the fastest growing religion in the world jesus told his people oh children of israel i am a messenger unto you and i confirm the message of the torah that is between my hands and i am giving you good news of a messenger who is going to come after me whose name shall be the praised one subhanallah when the clear signs came to them later on they said this is magic jesus may peace be upon him warned his people and gave them glad tidings at the same time of a messenger to come after he was known as a comforter and he was known as the bearer of praise the praised one you take a look at muhammad is from the root of ahmad to praise so he is the praised one and he came with exactly the same message when we analyze bible we can see the mentioning of this comforter even though today's bible is changed so much we can still see the mentioning of this comforter in bible and there are many places prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi islam is mentioned some places even his name is mentioned and allah allah azza and the wisdom and the understanding allah start to appear miracles on the hands of isa alaihissalam he inceram would bring some clay and mold it into the shape of a bird he would breathe into it and the bird would become alive he would put his hand on the blind and he would see he would put his hand on the person who will not speak he will speak he would heal the leper he would put his hand on the dead the dead would wake up alive see the amazing miracles allah subhana tala was giving isaiah mariama israel and this was he says by the will of allah by the permission of allah he says and i bring the dead to alive by allah sleeve and i inform you of what you eat and i tell you what you are hiding in your homes therein is a sign for you if you believe subhanallah with all of these unbelievable subhanallah amazing miracles nevertheless bani israel did not believe there was a group that accepted him as a messenger and the group that rejected him as a messenger and they began or they continued to say that this is an illegitimate child born outside of wedlock may allah protect us so those who accepted his message were known as nasara nasara meaning christians those who accepted jesus christ and those who did not they remained jewish but according to us the prophet of the time is who you are supposed to be behind so if we were alive at the time of jesus what were we supposed to have been followers of jesus if we were alive at the time of moses may peace be upon him who were we supposed to have followed prophet moses and if we are now here at the time of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam who are we supposed to be following so we have musa we have isa and we have muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam may peace be upon all of them but the jews stop at musa alaihissalam the peak of their era was the time of solomon sulaiman and when it comes to the christians the peak of their era was the time of jesus they don't accept any messenger thereafter they say he was god or the son of god or a party or a part of a trinity islam rejects all that islam says no he was an upright messenger who came with miracles from allah subhanahu wa people in the time of isa used to be in the field of medicine and healing so allah subhana tala gave is a miracles to challenge them in what they do best and they are not going to be able to bring similar miracles not only in their time but until the time of judgment even now if you are able to cure the blind and the leper it's never gonna be in the way that isa did it we might be able to cure some of the diseases that issa was curing but it's never gonna be the same way it's an absolute miracle from allah when i used to start to see the disobedient disbelief from them not many people start to follow him on the contrary the religious leaders from bani israeli start to preach against isa and make rumors on isa alaihissalam and say bad things about islam to turn people away from isa alaihissalam when israel started to see the cover of the disobedient and the disbelief of his people towards him he said who are the supporters to me who are the supporters who are my gospels you will stand by me so there were a certain number of people some narrations say 17 people but the bulk of narration saying there were 12 people the hawaii yon the disciples the quran says they came up and they said we believe in allah we will assist the cause you write our names or bear witness that we are from amongst those who are submitters unto our maker and creator that is salaam jesus may peace be upon him instructed his disciples to fast for a month and they fasted and when they fasted they now said you know we all have fasted masha'allah for a month you finish the prescribed time you praise allah declare his greatness for what he has given you thank allah subhanahu wa and in order that you may be thankful allah has given you the day of eid the day of eid is a day of happiness so here the disciples asked him oh jesus oh isa is it possible for your rabb to bring forth a laid table cloth from heaven for us we fasted the whole month now we need something from allah so isla is he said if you are true believers be fearful of allah they continued asking they said no no no we don't mean bad we are believers but we would like it for a reason here's the reason we want to eat from it some food from heaven we want to eat from it we want our hearts to be more at ease that really it is true what we have asked you you have brought it for us we will believe we will be the witnesses and so on now it is reported that some of these disciples their belief within their heart was not very strong they were still a little bit shaky because the whole community was against them jesus may peace be upon him supplicated his creator and he says oh my maker send for us a lay table cloth of food so that it can come to us as a point of happiness a day of joy so that the first and the last of us can all eat from it let it be a sign and it will be a sign for those who are here so allah subhanahu wa allah says okay i'm sending it to you here it comes subhanallah the table cloth allah says we have laid it completely and we're sending it down if after i send that laid table cloth and you have all enjoyed the food and seen what it was all about then if anyone still disbelieves i will punish him a severe punishment let him know that so allah sent the laid table cloth mashallah it is reported that they ate you know in the testaments they speak of a last supper whether or not it was that allah knows best but they ate and it is reported that so many people ate the food was not depleted this was a sign it was a miracle thousands of people according to some narrations and allah speaks of this in the quran now the news starts to come out allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala sent this miracle on the hands of isa alaihissalam and people start to become muslims more and more people following isa alaihissalam this is becoming a big problem now many of the religious leaders are losing customers they're all going to isa and the more isa is calling is the more people are following isa and these people that were with them one day they are turning against him there's got to be some solution so they planned and plotted and the only solution is to vanish issa what did they do they got together and planned and went to the king at that time he was a roman king assigned by the roman emperor in jerusalem and they went to him saying that there is a man his name is isa jesus he claims to be the king of bani israel in other words he's trying to overtake him so it's either you get rid of him before he gets rid of you the children of israel were a minority within the roman empire they did not have political power political power is in the hands of the romans these are the kings and the emperors these are the politicians and the the police and the bureaucrats are all pagans they don't believe in any right god they are idol worshipers and the bani israel are a minority and now within their community there is this figure called jesus christ preaching something new they became so frustrated that they complained to the authorities about jesus christ and they essentially turned their backs on their own prophet because jesus is one of them he is of the children of israel he is their kith and kin they turned their backs on jesus and they attempted to have him executed by the roman authorities they said he is a political agitator they said he's speaking against the emperor even though jesus did not come to cause any agitation or problem he was a peaceful person he didn't come to spread war and hatred but his own people falsely accused him of that which was he was free of and they complained to the roman emperor the court case was done and the verdict was given that he will be essentially crucified which was the roman way of killing people so the decree was issued that saw islam should be executed in public by carrying him over the crows and putting a crown over his head not a crown of gold or silver but thorns they would make a cross out of wood then they would nail the hands and feet to the crows they would hit nails in the hands and the feet and hang you on the cross and you would bleed from this injury and you could stay for hours and hours in the sun on that cross dying a very slow death so it is a very gruesome way of execution so the low was decreed that israel islam should be executed in this way so the roman soldiers came to capture sidna isle islam but allah subhana tala says and they disbelievers plan to gilesa and allah plan to and allah is the best of those who plan they think that they are concealing their plan and nobody knows their plan but there is one who knows their plan and that is allah subhana talah allah is the best of the planners so their plans and allah plans and the plan of allah is what will go through allah subhana tala informed isa alaihissalam allah says i will elevate you to me and i will purify and clear you of those who disbelieve allah says they said in boast we killed the messiah jesus son of mary the messenger of allah but they neither killed him nor crucified him it was only made to appear to them so and those who defer during are full of doubts they have no knowledge whatsoever only making assumptions they certainly did not kill him rather allah raised him up to himself and allah is exalted in power always this is what quran says but quran did not mention about who died on the cross some of the mufassirin explained about what happened there are many narrations but we are mentioning here main two narrations one narration says when allah wanted to elevate isa alaihissalam to the heavens disciples and there was 12 of him he came out from his house his hair was dripping water and then he said one of you will disbelieve in me 12 times i will talk about this man he will disbelieve in me 12 times after he believed in me and then he said which one of you is willing to look like me which one of you is willing to take my looks and then he'll be with me like this in the paradise he'll be with me in the same level in the paradise this is an indication he's given to them that the one that's going to look like me is going to suffer and he's going to go through a lot of hardships so which one of you is willing to look like me and he'll be with me in the same level which means in a paradise so the youngest one among them said me so isa looked at him the youngest one from all of them he said not you sit down and then he repeated that again which one of you is willing to accept to look like me and he'll be with me in the same level and the same level in the paradise so the same young man got up and he said then it's you and that second and the disciples are around this man that looks his original looks turned into the looks of isaac and at that moment was elevated to the heavens and the soldiers of the roman king came into the house of isa alaihissalam or their gathering and they took that look alike and then back then the east crucification is putting someone on the cross and hammering nails in their body and leave him knock this for the whole day and they took the one that looks like isa alaihissalam the soldiers of the king at that time captured the disciples of isa alaihissalam many of them fled and one of them was captured and disbelieved in esa 12 times every time they say to him are you one of his fathers he says no no no for 12 times as isa alaihi mentioned we neither approve these narrations nor reject these narrations the other narration says and i'm mentioning to you one narration so when the people came they wanted to know where is jesus he was nowhere to be found where is he we want to know now the disciples knew where he was there was one of the disciples the name given is judas allah knows best who exactly he was but one of the disciples and he decided to become a traitor in fact shaytan overtook him the devil overtook him and he led the men of this king and the jewish people who were behind wanting to murder jesus may peace be upon him to the room where he was and there was a little window so as this one man goes in to confirm that jesus is in the room who was he he was the disciple they sent him in you go and confirm that he is in the room this man goes into the room and he is now a traitor yet he's supposed to be a disciple he goes into the room and he is asking is just confirming that he is there and at that moment allah the face of judas so it became the face of jesus and allah took jesus away through that window gone up into the heavens in the proper form of the human being that he was taken up ascension of jesus he was taken up completely well before anybody could harm him allah says at the beginning was peace be upon me they won't harm me at all nothing so jesus christ may peace be upon him was not harmed at all nothing he was taken up and the face of this traitor was made to be the face of jesus so now he was taking long to come out a little while later he comes out these people are looking they see jesus they go and hold him he says hey i am judas no ways so if you are judas where is jesus and if you are jesus where is judas they went back in so they didn't know they were also a little bit confused but facially they knew this is jesus and this man is continuing to say i am not jesus i am judas they took him they put a huge cross for him they nailed him into the cross and according to one narration they they took a crown of thorns as a means of disgrace for him and they placed it on his head and they were happy telling everyone we have crucified jesus but allah knows jesus was taken well before anybody could harm him regardless of who was hanged on the cross it is not easy marie malaysalam that is what we are sure about it was noticeable islam it was not jesus christ peace be upon him because allah says they neither killed jesus nor did they crucify him but rather it was made to appear to them so it looked that jesus had been crucified but he wasn't crucified all of the christians who are differing amongst themselves they are in doubt they don't have certainty so where is jesus right now may peace be upon him he is alive he is in heaven we believe he is going to come back indeed he will be one of the signs of the coming of the hour he will come down just before the hour during the journey of muraj prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi salam met isabel mariam alaihissalam in the second heaven islam is a sign for mankind and subhanallah the most amazing personalities is saying mariam alaihissalam his birth was miraculous it was an amazing birth his miracles are amazing giving life and hearing leper and healing blind so and so the way he was elevated was amazing it was a miracle in itself so his whole life subhanallah is an amazing life and that's why the personality of isabel in maryam al-islam is the most controversial the main three religions islam christianity and judaism the pivotal point of dispute is on isabel mariama islam the difference between the three religions the point of contention is on the reality of isabella murray malaysia the jews say that he was not a prophet of allah and he was an illegitimate son and they say that he was not a messiah and they are expecting messiah to come the christian says that jesus was born from the virgin mary and he is the son of allah and then the muslims come and say isa and he is the righteous one of the ulu lesbian rasul one of the top five messengers of allah does not have a partner and allah does not have a son so the difference focuses on isaiah mariama islam and because of this contention allah subhana tala will send him down again to solve it because of this dispute that arose it is he he said mariam alaihissalam who will come down at the end of time and sold this once and for all he will descend near the white eastern minaret of damascus a man of medium height red dish white in complexion hairs will be long up to the shoulder and his hair look like wet looking as water dropping from head but it is not actually wet wearing two yellow garments leaning on the wings of two angels this is how isaiah marie malay salaam descends and what else he will do he will kill the antichrist the false messiah al-masih dajjal he will break the crows he will kill the swine the pigs he will abolish the jizya the tax taken from the non-muslims by muslim government break the cross meaning what why he is breaking the crows it means that i wasn't crucified look at me why does he kill the swine or kill the pigs what is the symbolism behind it the symbolism is that i never told you to break the law i never told you to break the commandments of god and he will rule the world and his time money will be in abundance nobody accepts charity and all the people of the book the real christians and jews will believe in him before his death he will be the follower of muhammad sallallahu alaihi he will follow the laws of the final revelation of almighty god which is glorious quran and in some narration it says he will rule for 40 years and he will marry and have children and he will be buried near to the last messenger of allah the prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi when we talk about the n series inshallah we will discuss about the second coming of isabi maryam alayhis-salam in detail now the christians believe he died on the cross as a redemption for our sins we muslims say it is an injustice for us to say there is a lot of adultery a lot of robbery a lot of sin so in order for us to absolve ourselves from all this let's pick the most pious from amongst us and crucify him in that corner and sha allah that will mean all our sins are expected that is injustice the gravest injustice is to punish a person who did not commit the sin so as muslims we believe it is blasphemous to think that the almighty would punish someone on another person's behalf if he was a son of god or as some of them say part of god or some of them say god himself so god was crucified what's going to happen to all of us allahu akbar and this is why we say that that is another blasphemy to call him a part of god to call him a son of god to call him these names that is all blasphemous to the real maker the one who created all of us instead of saying oh jesus you say oh my maker redeem me oh my maker forgive me o my maker when i return to you have mercy on me the minute you say oh jesus have mercy on me there's a very very big risk i like to tell my christian friends you know what you are either right or wrong but i am always right i say oh my maker forgive me o you who is the owner of forgiveness forgive me or you whom i'm going to return to have mercy on me the day i return to i have never taken a risk the minute you say oh jesus forgive my sin you're taking a very big risk so you have to ask yourself look we need to believe but believe what believe without risk because you live once only once so if you are to risk it once it's over may allah forgive us now you find another statement people say jesus blood was spirit for you may allah forgive us as we said it encourages people to commit sin number one number two it means the almighty is more unjust than the tyrant rulers of today who punish innocent people that is another piece of blasphemy may allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala open our doors now allah says on the day of judgment there is going to be a statement between allah the maker and between this messenger jesus allah says we will ask jesus christ may peace be upon him on the day of judgment did you tell the people to worship yourself and your mother besides the maker and the creator besides me who made you and jesus is going to answer to allah glory be to you oh my maker all high it is impossible for me to utter any word besides that which you instructed me to utter i did not tell them that i didn't tell them to worship myself to worship my mother had i said it o allah you would have known it you know everything about me you know what is hidden in me i do not have that knowledge which you possess ya allah you know the unseen completely then he continues to say i only told them what you instructed to tell me to tell them and that is worship allah who made me and who made you worship the one who made me and who made you that is the one you will call him the worshiped one in the hebrew language they use the term eloha or elohim to refer to allah which means the worship to one subhan allah in another verse allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says jesus said whoever associates partnership with the maker will definitely end up in hell fire and will lose the heaven may allah safeguard us then he says o allah if you want to punish them they are your worshipers you own that allah made he can do what he wants so he is saying ya allah if you want to punish them they are your worshipers and if you want to forgive them ya allah if you forgive them you are indeed all powerful all wise you know allah is the one whom he knows he can punish but over and above that he still forgives may allah forgive us towards the end of his life showed a lot of concern about something so much so that one day he got up and very very strongly warned all of us and you'll find this hadith in most books of hadith he looks at his companions and he says i fear for you o my people do not go beyond the limits with me just like the christians the devil got hold of them and they went beyond the limits with jesus always refer to me as abdullah the slave of allah and his messenger so that you remember i am not a god i am not a part of god i am not a part of a trinity and i am not someone who is going to be worshipped besides allah subhanahu wa i am a slave of allah a messenger who has come to you be warned do not raise my status higher than it actually is it's already the highest there were five messengers who were the highest who were they jesus christ may peace be upon him the prophet abraham the prophet moses the prophet noah and the prophet muhammad and from the beginning christianity split up into such a wide spectrum and right from the beginning controversy begins amongst his own followers that us muslims we have never had this problem in our religion from the beginning christianity began to differ who is jesus what is his relationship with god what is the role of the law and you had an entire spectrum of opinion one spectrum and one group is the group that we say were the real christians that group we still have references to them there were groups that are now called jewish christians this is the name given to them they're jewish christians they were christians who believed in jesus but who followed the law and they believed in jesus as the messiah not as god not as the son of god of these groups is the ebionites the ibeonites the ibianites are an early christian group they didn't believe in the trinity they didn't believe in redemption they didn't believe that jesus uh died on the cross they actually believed that jesus is the messiah not the son of god and they followed the laws of musa but they were persecuted by the other christians and they fizzled out also in early christianity we had a group called the nazarenes and from that we the muslims get nasara the nazarenes the nazarenes are another early christian group they too believe jesus is the messiah not god and they followed the law of musa and you had other groups as well no time to get into all of them all of these they were people who had other versions of christianity but what happened very briefly two primary figures that every muslim should be aware of where did modern christianity come from two primary individuals number one paul paul was an early convert to christianity who never met jesus he says he met him in a dream but he never actually met jesus before in when jesus was walking on this earth and paul began to preach a very different version of christianity paul began to preach that jesus was not just the messiah he was the son of god paul also began to preach that jesus you don't have to follow the law to believe in jesus belief in jesus substitutes the law if you believe in jesus you are saved and paul also began to preach that jesus's message is for all of humanity not just the children of israel these were the three main things that paul introduced that jesus never said and the second figure is the figure of constantine the roman emperor who died 337 ce i.e around 250 years before our prophet so for 300 years christianity was a minority tradition in the roman pagan empire christians were persecuted christians were killed by the roman pagans until the roman emperor at the time by the name of constantine decided to convert to this obscure religion that less than three percent of his followers of his kingdom followed small religion but which version did he convert to he decided to convert to a version that was still somewhat similar to his previous pagan beliefs and he adopted a version of christianity that taught a trinity belief three gods even though there were christian sects that did not believe in three gods he adopted a version of christianity that had a father figure and a son figure and a redeeming figure and there are many parallels in paganism to this and even the image of jesus with a halo on top and this is very similar to early pre-christian paganism so constantine adopts a version of christianity that was similar to his own beliefs and then he makes it the official version so much so anybody who disagrees with that version shall be persecuted and exiled so he banned any other christianity other than his christianity and that became the council of nicaea and the nicene creed and one thing led to another until it became the dominant and then it became the only version of christianity in the entire world we have bits and pieces of other christians remaining until the time of salman al-farsi until the time of other people like the emperor of najashi nigas he appeared to follow versions of christianity that were non-constantine but eventually all other versions of christianity were wiped out and only our prophet salallahu came preaching the true christianity and that is jesus is the messiah he is not the son of god and jesus came to fulfill the law and brothers and sisters of course we disagree with christians theologically yet the quran also praises the sincerity of christians the quran says that christians by and large are sincere people but they're misguided allah says in the quran that you will find the closest in love in support to the believers are those who say we are christians why that is because they have righteousness and they have piety and they are not arrogant and we find that true christians people even in this day who follow corrupted christianity you generally find them to be humble you find them to be loving people you find them to be not arrogant this is what the quran says so our stance brothers and sisters is that we believe we are the real followers of jesus christ we believe we are following the teachings of jesus and we say to our fellow christians that we want you to research what jesus himself said we want you to study the true teachings of jesus and if you do so then you will also conclude that jesus never taught the trinity jesus never taught that he is divine jesus never taught that you should disobey the law he was a jew and he practiced the mosaic law and he was circumcised and he never told you to disobey the law of moses and this is our perspective of jesus that is jesus the son of mary the word of truth about which they are in disputes it is not befitting for god to take a son exalted is he when he decrees an affair he only says to it be and it is and jesus said and indeed god is my lord and your lord so worship him that is a straight path before going to the life of the last messenger we have to discuss some of the stories mentioned in quran and hadees the first one is the story of the people of the cave inshallah we have an appointment [Music] for
Channel: Islamic Inspiration
Views: 81,470
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Keywords: story of maryam in islam, story of maryam alaihissalam, maryam omar suleiman, mary in islam, jesus and mary in islam, maryam bint imran in quran, the story of maryam bint imran, isa as, isa nabi story, isa ibn maryam, prophet isa story, eesa nabi story, jesus in islam, hazrat isa alaihis salam, eesa as, isa alaihissalam, Jesus in Quran, Easa AS, story of jesus in Islam, Surah Maryam Explanation, Surah Al Imran
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 55sec (4255 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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