The Story Of Muhammad ﷺ Part 1 - The Seal Of The Prophets [BE054]

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allah has favored the believers by sending to them a messenger from amongst them reading and reciting his verses he did not bring anything from his pocket allah says he did not utter anything from his desires or lusts or fancies everything he said was revealed and inspired by allah allah says indeed in the life of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam is a perfect example for those who are looking forward to the meeting with allah wa ta'ala and those who are looking forward to the last day how many of us are looking forward to meeting with in islam allah alaikum [Music] created the creation and from the entirety of creation he azawajal selected honored preferred and chosen sun and from amidst the children of adam allah is exalted honored preferred and chose the ambiya and in that regards he azzawajal sent 124 000 messengers and prophets to teach lead and guide mankind and from the galaxy of ambia allah is chose the messengers whom were given a specific revelation of a new shariah and from amidst these chosen category of the russell he azawa selected five as the greats amidst the messengers these are the best sons of adam the princes and the greatest and the grandest amidst the messengers and then from the select group of five [Music] these two friends elevated honored chosen preferred our prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam for the seal of prophethood and he honored him with the maqaam of mahmoud and allah azza completed the age-old religion of islam through him how can words of a mere individual ever be able to accurately convey the characteristics of allah's best creation the like of which humankind have never seen nor will ever see again the awesomeness of this individual the greatest human being to ever walk the face of this planet the role model for the entire world the most beloved to the heart of any believer our prophet our messenger our example his name means the praiseworthy one his name means the exalted one muhammad the meaning of the word muhammad is the one who is praised the most and the one who is praised the highest in all of human history and no human being has been loved and admired and no human being will be more respected and venerated on judgment day than our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam that on judgment day when allah combines the awali when allah combines the muslims and the non-muslims when allah combines all of humanity and all of them are worried and scared and they are expecting judgement day to begin they will say who amongst us will go and beg allah to begin the judgment day so we can end all of this misery that we are in so they will look and look and they will say who better than our father adam alaihissalam so they will collectively go to adam alaihissalam and the hadith is very long adam will say i'm not worthy of it go to somebody else go to noor the north will say the same to ibrahim ibrahim will pass it to musa musa will pass it will pass it to our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and so all of mankind the first of them the last of them the men of them the jinn of them the ins of them the muslim of them the kafir of them all of mankind without exception will unanimously appoint our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he will go and intercede and that will be the time when everybody will praise him and in this world it is only the believers who praise him on judgment day everyone will praise him so indeed he is muhammad sallallahu alaihi meaning the one who has been praised the utmost in fact allah himself commands us to send salat upon our prophet and he reminds us that he himself has done so and he has told us that the angels have done so in that famous verse ibrahim when all of the humanity appointed him as the representative on judgement day at that point in time he will be given the praiseworthy station which is called mahmoud and because it is the praiseworthy station who better than it be given to them the one who is muhammad both these names muhammad and ahmad come from the root hamidah and hamd means to praise allah has praised him angels have praised him and all of the prophets have praised him and every single one of mankind praises him directly or indirectly so he is praised in the heavens and in the earth in the previous nations and in the present nation in this dunya and in the akhirah this is the ultimate praise there is no human being before now or after who is praised more than the prophet salallahu rasulullah i have a number of names i am muhammad and i am the name muhammad is mentioned four times in the quran and the only time the name ahmad is mentioned is from the tongue of isa alaihi salah from the tongue of jesus christ peace be upon him isla islam says there will be a messenger after me whose name will be ahmed and prophet sallam says i am al-mahi the one whom allah erases kufurtru through me allah subhana tala will wipe out khufu and i am al hashem people will be resurrected after me and i am al-aqib the one who has no prophet after he is the last and final messenger of allah and i am nibiru the prophet of mercy allah himself called our prophet [Music] indeed mercy he's sending his mercy his message his mercy his teachings are mercy and believing and acting upon what he has come with is a mercy and he says i am nibir tawba the prophet of tawba the prophet of repentance meaning by believing him and following his teachings people can be forgiven and i am al mukafa the one who comes at the end and makes the message of previous prophets complete and i am nabi al-malhim the prophet that will signal lots of trials and indeed the biggest trials the world will never see will occur in this summa there are many other names and titles for muhammad sallallahu alaihisalam inshallah that we can learn through the seerah of muhammad sallam describe him to me look at the description of your rasool i saw a man of striking appearance radiant face beautifully created proportionate and delicate finely made a specimen of a creation the prophet salallahu had an awe-inspiring appearance his face was more radiant more beautiful than the full moon on the darkest night if the prophet sallallahu alaihi islam had nothing but his presence if he didn't recite anything if he didn't say anything you would look at him and you would already know that there was something divinely beautiful about him with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam everything was perfectly set he wasn't too tall nor was he too short his skin was not too light nor was it too dark he had a bright skin color but at the same time the prophet saw was not pasty white his face was not too round nor was it too narrow but it was closer to being round sallallahu alaihi wasallam now if you're looking at the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and i want you to imagine standing in front of him the first thing you're going to do is you're going to connect with his eyes sallallahu alaihi wasallam prophet salam's eyes had a perfect contrast the black was exceedingly black in his eyes and the white was exceedingly white his eyelashes were so long that it looked like they naturally had kohur they naturally had an eyeliner on them and they were always moist from his tears he had these large curved eyebrows and they were full and they almost connected but there was a beautiful space right between them where the light would shine the prophet saison is described as having a prominent forehead and in his forehead there was a vein that would only show when he became upset as for his nose his nose was not flat nor was it too pointy but the prophet salaam had a finely sloped nose and they described it as having a unique glimmer to it so it shined in a way that when you were away from him sallallahu alaihi islam you might have assumed that it was larger than it actually was when you came close to him you realize that it was just the shine of his nose that made it so prominent when he opened his mouth you would notice his teeth and they were perfectly set remember he used to use the siwak at least five times a day so his teeth alaihis was described as white as hail stones and they weren't clustered together they were set in a way that there was a fine line between each of those teeth and his mouth ali his salat was wide and he's described as having a perfect articulation and his voice was melodious and his hair just like everything else is perfectly in the middle it wasn't too straight nor was it too curly but instead it was wavy hair and the prophet salallahu would keep it sometimes to his earlobes sometimes he would let it go all the way to his shoulder sallallahu alaihi wasallam and of course in times of hajj and umrah he would shave his head sallallahu alaihi was allah he also had a dense full beard alaihis salam and the prophet saisam used to comb his hair and he used to comb his beard and they were fully black and the sahaba counted just between 14 and 20 gray hairs and his hair and his beard sallallahu islam at the time of his death so he's 63 and he only had a few gray hairs in his hair and his beard and they said when he would use oil sallallahu and when you could see them they were concentrated right under his lips and on his sideburns then you come down to his neck and the prophet salam had an elegant long neck they said it was like the neck of a gazelle and then you looked at his shoulders he had broad shoulders he was strong strong arms he had a strong chest and even until the day of his death his stomach never extended beyond his chest of allah so he maintained his weight his salat waslam and he maintained his fitness the prophet saw was not a hairy man so other than his hair on his head and his beard the prophet salaam did not have much hair on the rest of his body and he had a little bit of hair on his chest and a line that naturally ran down all the way to his navel then you come to his limbs and the prophet salaam is described as having well-defined big limbs so he had big bones big hands big feet he had large calves and they said that his cows were perfectly round and then he had absolutely no weight on his heels and his lower body was so strong sallallahu alaihi wasallam that he used to be able to jump on a horse and a camel and mountain with absolutely no saddle because of the strength of his lower body despite that ana subnumerically says that his hands and his feet were smoother than silk and water would slither right off of the hands and the feet of the prophet salallahu when you smelled his sweat it smelled good and if you shook the hand of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam you would maintain the scent of his hand on your hand for days after meeting him he had the best of breath i went out one night and i saw the prophet saws in this red garment and it was a red hulla from yemen his favorite garment to wear on occasions and he said i have never seen a sight more beautiful than the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam on that night he was so perfectly set it was as if he was molded in silver and the most famous thing about the prophet alaihi wasallam was his smile he always was smiling sallallahu alaihi wasallam subhanallah in sadness and happiness he always had a smile on his face when he was happy then his face would become even more radiant there was no man that smiled at his ummah more than the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam but at the same time there was no man that wept for his ummah than the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam so during the day in order to bring joy to the people he smiled at them and that was from his generosity and during the night there was no man that would cry more than him sallallahu alaihi wasallam in front of his lord also to bring joy and happiness and relief to his blessed when he walked he would walk briskly as if he's descending down a slope some scholars have also said that it is as if allah made the earth humble to him that wherever he's walking it's as if the earth is is is giving him the place to walk and others said this is metaphorically what it means is that uh that the prophet saw would walk briskly and he's walking so fast that most of us we can only walk like that when we're going down an incline plane when he turned he would turn to face with his whole body so he's walking somebody calls him he turns to face him with his whole body between his two shoulders was the seal of the prophethood the prophet sasson had a physical seal a physical something and this sign is the seal of the prophets it is basically a outgrowth of hair in an area where hair does not grow and it is of a different color and it was between his shoulder blades shaped like a pigeon's egg an oval small oval like a pigeon's egg and in his voice was a natural echo when he was silent dignity covered him and when he spoke it was audible and clear almost commanding and overtaking from afar the more striking and outstanding in appearance when he commanded they used to compete to fulfill the command like when he used to speak it was so coherently logical it was smooth and easy to understand he was to the point not excessive nor too short his logic his utterances his words were like beads like jewels coming out of a necklace calculated polished one after the other it would flow magically the people that were with him they were working around him to try to serve and protect him when he used to say something they used to hearken to what he used to say this is muhammad rasulullah this is muhammad rasulullah anas ibn malik says i came out one night it was the full moon night i looked at the moon and in the desert understand the moon is is an awesome sight it is smooth it is radiant it is clear it is gentle compared to the scorching sun at which they are used to so the moon was the epitome of beauty so he says i came out at the full moon night and i looked at at the moon and i saw it beautiful handsome so i said let me go see if the moon is more handsome or my prophet is more handsome let me see if that is more beautiful or the prophet is more beautiful so i went and i saw him standing afa so i looked at his face and i looked at the moon and i looked at his face and i looked at the moon and i looked at his face and i looked at the moon and he said wallahi he was more handsome than the moon in its entirety that is just the look of your rasool aisha i was sewing with the needle my needle dropped in the dark i couldn't find it i said ya rasool i can't find it he moved his face closed and i swear bout of the radiance of his face i found my needle the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was mind bogglingly handsome but his handsomeness was covered with wakar in jalal in hebrew the sahaba say when we used to sit at his feet two feelings conflicting would come on the heart the first one you wanted to look at him you wanted to behold the majesty of his face and when you wanted to look up shyness used to overtake you used to look down at the same instance too conflict says i sat with him many times but if you ask me to describe his face i can't describe it i couldn't look up at him because it was difficult to penetrate the oh and the splendor of the rasool well more beautiful than you my eyes have never seen or ajmalu mean more beautiful than you the women have never given birth to mubarak you have been created free from all flaws physical as though you have been created how you want it to be created so allah subhanahu wa has created the best of creation in such a way that just by looking at him you would love him subhanallah abdullah ibn salam he was a jewish rabbi when he saw muhammad sallam for the first time he said as soon as i saw this face i knew this is not the face of a liar this man utters the truth he is the nabi and immediately that same majlis the same sitting he had accepted islam because he heard the words of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he said those are the words of a messenger may allah make us truthful as for his specialities something that only he was given and no other human being was given number one he is the final prophet of allah and there is only one prophet that can be the final and allah chose him to be the final prophet number two the prophethood of our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam had been decreed by allah even before adam alaihissalam existed even before the was blown into adam of the specialities of our prophet saw number three is that he is the only prophet to have been sent for all of humanity in fact the only prophet to have been sent even to the jinn no prophet before our prophet susan was sent to all of humanity no prophet every single prophet was sent to a specific nation of the specialities of our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam our prophet sallam said that allah has helped me with means a type of fear that allah will inflict into my enemies even before i reach them that when he went into battle against an enemy then the people began became terrified of him even before he reached them of the specialities that he has been given was that he has been given the largest ummah out of all of the prophets of his specialities that no other prophet has been given is that he has been given the most powerful miracle and that is the miracle of the quran there is no miracle that compares to the quran look at any other miracle that you can imagine the splitting of the red sea all of these miracles we have no access to them we didn't see the splitting of the red sea it's not really a miracle for me and you except that we believe in it but the quran is a miracle i can recite and the people can hear it's a living miracle of the specialities that our prophet has been given is the night journey of islam no other prophet has had the privilege of undertaking this journey the only human being to have been called up to the presence of allah azzawajal of his specialities that he was given is that he is the leader of all of humanity and he deserves to be the leader of humanity and he will be the leader of humanity on the day of judgment of the blessings that are unique to him is that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam will be the very first human being to be resurrected on the day of judgment as we said the first grave to open up when the second trumpet is blown the prophet sallam said the first grave that will crack open will be mine of the specialities that he has been given is that he will be given the largest held and held is a pool that our prophet system has been promised of his speciality is the kautha he has been given the main river of jannah and all the rivers of jannah split from that it is as if the people of jannah will drink water from the gift of the prophet sallallahu of his specialities is he will be the first to cross over the salah and he will be the one guiding his ummah to jannah and he will be the first to knock on the doors of jannah and he will be the first human being to ever enter jannah after our father adam has left it and he will be the one in whose name the gates of jannah will be opened and then his ummah will be the first ummah even though we are the last ummah chronologically but because we are his ummah and because we are his followers allah will bless us and allah will gift us and allah will honor us not because of us but because of him and we will be asked to enter along with him so we will be the first ummah to enter jannah even though we are the last chronologically the final speciality that will be mentioned is that allah has blessed him with the highest level of jannah it is a level that is the pinnacle of it is an entire level some scholars have said that jannah you can look at it kind of like a pyramid in that the higher up you go the fewer the people so jannah will be more populated at the lower levels and the higher up you go fewer and fewer people will be able to get to those levels and there will come a point and there will come a level that is an entire level of jannah and that is meant for only one person the whole plane of that field of jannah is only meant for one person and it is the pinnacle of alfie and it is immediately underneath the throne of allah subhanahu wa and this is called and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that it is a level of jannah that allah has chosen for only one of his servants and then he said modestly that i hope that that i am that person in mecca where he was born he was known as the most trustworthy even though his enemies had stole from his followers killed his followers tortured his followers confiscated their properties he could have done what others do in warfare he could have then confiscated their wealth that he was holding but when they entered his home to kill him they did not find him there instead they found his cousin [Music] and he left ali in his house when he escaped for only one reason so that ali could give back to them the valuables the money that they had entrusted with him years ago can you imagine a man who is hated for his message opposed for his message sought to be killed yet those people who hated the message and sought to kill him they never thought to come and say give us back our money because still they trusted him because they knew there was no one with more trust in mecca than muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam how many of us are truthful and trustworthy how many of the youth out here are trustworthy and truthful that was young age muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam but at the same time how many of us would be able to follow that example and say yes i am also a truthful person upright and i am honest take a look at hadith when she had sent muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam upon his agreement to hashem in order to trade when he came back she praised him so much this is the most honest businessman ever subhanallah when quraysh had a problem prior to prophethood they called on this man sallallahu alaihi wasallam to help them arrive at a conclusion this is something unique how many of us would ever be called upon in order to conclude something or are we a part of the problem that will determine how far or close how much you really consider him a role model a role model is a person you look up to and follow you want to be like he is the only role model that is supremely in every single aspect of life amazing so where is your truthfulness here is a woman who wanted to marry him and subhanallah based on the fact that his character was absolutely amazing his conduct the accountability the fact that every little portion of wealth was recorded and every little portion was accounted for subhanallah that was muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam how many of us in business we are not transparent we have a problem with our partners with those we actually sell things to and with those we buy from we haven't even cleared the accounts where are you where is muhammad sallallahu alaihi apply it in your lives no point in saying oh i consider him a role model but you are cheating people in business you are sure changing people prior to prophethood you've already learned you want to follow this man subhanallah he has had a record that is spotless speckless absolutely amazing totally perfect let's move further the example of muhammad alaihi wasallam when he came down from the cave of hera with prophethood the first person he confided in was his wife how many of us when we have a big problem we would confide in our own spouses a lot of us would not do that a lot of us would hide our issues from our spouses either because we have a problem or they have a problem or both of us have a problem but if you're close to muhammad sallallahu sallam and your aim is to please allah you will never ever have to hide things from your spouses that was muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam when his wife comforted him she gave him a big tight hug and this goes to show subhanallah that a tight hug really helps a big enveloping hug would actually help it is a sunnah of muhammad sallallahu alaihi sallam he came down saying cover me and you know the two surahs referring to the enveloped one the one who was hugged subhanallah even in the romantic aspect of life with your own spouse he was a champion subhanallah take a look at muhammad sallallahu alaihi sallam here his wife tells him nay indeed allah will never ever let you down why because you are a person who looks after your family members that's an example of muhammad sallallahu these family members the kuffar of quraysh they were family members of muhammad sallallahu sallam from among them and what did he do he always was kind towards him but he gave them the message he was always good he never swore he never did he use a bad word from his mouth never salaam today we are quick in calling people kafir in calling people bad names in calling people and we claim to be followers of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam where did he do that in his midst lived hypocrites still he treated them with kindness when you have a person uttering dirty words tell yourself wallahi the prophet salallahu not only never uttered a bad word but he said a true believer is never vulgar never disrespectful never abusive he doesn't utter words that are hurtful from his mouth against someone if we look further into the life of muhammad sallallahu we will find that khadija she says allah will never let you down you go out to mend the relationships that may be broken you make an effort to go and to fix up relations so when someone is not talking to you muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam would go and he would try make an effort to resolve the matter as best as he can without compromising what allah has brought subhana how many of you can say that when there has been a problem i have tried my best to resolve the matter i have tried my best i've gone you may not be able to solve it but did you try and how hard did you try and are you prepared to go and try again and again that is following muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam similarly the narration speaks the same narration speaks of how khadijah was bearing witness that muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to help those in need today people in need do we really help them and if we help them do we brag about it do we make a show about it or do we help them for the sake of allah in a way taught by muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam he says when a charity is given even the left hand does not know what the right hand is spent then that is the charity how many of us do that we reach out or are we selfish we want everything for ourselves even in our own homes their opinions are only ours we pick on everybody else when are you going to give someone else in your house an opinion someone else within your home a statement every day it's your way today let it be someone else's way subhanallah it doesn't mean you're the husband you're the father so you're the boss of the home in a way that you can boss people around no way that's not islam muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam the role model used to help in the house he used to milk the goat he used to assist in cleaning the home how many of you do that i think a lot of us a lot of us would be guilty of not doing enough in that regard how many of you would help in the kitchen how many of you would help washing the clothes how many of you would help sweep and clean up how many of you would help when it comes to ironing your clothes how many of you would help when it comes to going out and perhaps getting some milk or something else today we might not be milking the goat and in some places you may be but you might not be milking it but even to go out to the store to buy it and to bring it back home that is a good deed in fact it would be following the sunnah of muhammad sallallahu salaam to assist in bringing the milk along he was concerned about the welfare of others he used to help people at times of need let us take a look later on in the life of muhammad sallallahu he was so concerned about the guidance of the rest of the people so he calls the people of quresh and he called them to mount safa and he asked them a question he says oh you people of quraish my family members kinsmen and so on if i were to tell you that there is an army behind this mountain ready to attack you would you believe they said indeed we would believe you've never told a lie you are unhonest you are known amongst us as assad as we said earlier the truthful one the honest one the trustworthy one why would we disbelieve so he said i am warning you about a punishment that is about to come to you unless you believe in one allah the maker alone immediately they uttered bad words abu lahab says muhammad destruction be to you o muhammad ali is this why you gathered us and verses were revealed later on mentioning the destruction of abu lahab but muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam himself how did he react to that did he swear back no he didn't from even thinking of that he did not utter a single bad word he was quiet he took it today for us how would we take someone who criticizes us would we get up and say the same vulgar words as they say or would we be sensible about the whole thing yes you have every right to react but your reaction must be noble from your reaction people must be able to pick up that this is prophetic it is noble it is the teaching of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam it is sensible it is something that a sane mature human being who is a mukmin who has belief who wants to emulate the example of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam would do they started spreading rumor saying he's a magician he's after power he's after wealth he's after this and he's after that he wants to be the leader that's all he is seeking attention never ever did he accuse them of the same not once he remains silent he knows that i am working for allah allah is my boss supreme allah is the creator maker nourishes cherisher sustainer allah is so immediately he knew that the best way to deal with these people is to listen to what they have to say respond in the best manner as per allah's instruction and remain silent thereafter pray for them they need your prayers today with our enemies they say something against you or against me immediately a lot of us would just raise our hands and say allah destroy this person allah break them all up finish them up well if that was the case the whole world would be finished up because you were praying for my destruction i am praying for your destruction that's not prophetic how many of us have raised our hands and said oh allah help him or allah guide them these people don't know take a look at life when muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam went to life you and i know what happened there how did he react that is the role model that is the ultimate role model he says oh allah guide my people because indeed they don't know when the angels came and offered to destroy the whole lot of them by bringing the two mounts together he said no way i have been sent as a mercy have been sent as a mercy to the worlds not as a means of that destruction if they don't accept perhaps their children will accept amazing look at how muhammad sallallahu assalam used to think take a look at the treaty of hodeidah what did he do he spoke to the kuffar he tried to strike with them a treaty and he struck it even though they suggested some things that were considered unacceptable by some of the companions but muhammad sallallahu alaihi said no problem if that is going to bring about peace we will sign it meaning we will agree upon it how many of us we don't even make peace in our own homes within our own communities within the muslim ummah we don't want to make peace we want to create war within the ummah muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam in hodeidah was making peace with his enemies those who came out to fight him those who drove him away from his own home those who drove him his and his companions away those who killed some of his companions and who were keen on doing the same to him and yet he's signing with them a treaty if there's going to be peace let there be peace allah will guide us allah will protect us when it came to the wars that took place he made it very clear you don't harm a female you don't harm a child you don't harm an elderly person you do not break trees you do not destroy infrastructure today people are doing all of those things in the name of the same islam where are they where is the following of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam we believe it is correct and it is absolutely perfect in terms of an example of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam up to the end of time right up to the end of time when he said do not fight those who put their weapons down you're not even supposed to fight them as they put their weapons down and they say we don't want to fight those who enter their homes and close the doors the reason i'm making mention of this is there are deviant groups who happen to massacre innocent women children they destroy infrastructure they cause harm they create chaos they cause problems for the muslim ummah to begin with and then the others in the name of islam in your name and mind this is not the example of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam he was the role model of compassion like he says i was sent as a mercy if he was sent as a mercy we need to be merciful as well we need to understand islam will spread when we spread this love and this mercy and the peace and we educate people as to how we are meant to be coexisting muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam struck a deal with the people in madina munawara who were not even muslim they were people of the book and some of them were idol worshipers peaceful coexistence in a nutshell may allah help us understand this beautiful example of the most noble of all prophets the highest of all creation if you hear his name and you do not utter the terms you do not say peace be upon him you have disrespected him did you know that there is a curse upon a person who just utters that name disrespectfully on its own people have tried to tarnish the image of muhammad sallam no way they will not manage allah indeed we have protected you against those who want to scoff who want to mock who want to joke about you this would include anyone up to the end of time we have protected your reputation we have protected who you are they can say whatever they want the more they say the more the people are entering the fold of islam the more others are beginning to love the faith they can do what they want to extinguish that powerful example they will never be able to do that may allah help us promote love promote mercy promote kindness may allah help us to solve our matters between us so that we can live as an ummah let's take a look at ana malik i serve the messenger may peace be upon him for 10 whole years imagine 10 years i served muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and what does he say [Music] he has never ever told me a single hurtful word and i was working for him not one of he didn't even make a gesture or a noise a sound that was derogatory or negative never did he say oof to me this is muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam never did he say for anything that i did why did you do this if i did something wrong he would correct it himself with a smile how many of us those who work for us we are so bad to them we are rude to them we treat them like they are not human beings we abuse them in whatever way we don't pay them we should change them we treat them like they are animals and we claim to be muslimeen a man with a huge vision the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam the best of allah's creation was physically abused dirt was poured on his blessed back and he is in sajdah and he didn't lift his himself up from the sajdah he stayed someone went and told fatima they have just poured dirt on the back of your father she came crying young girl at that stage and she's cleaning the dirt and cursing them and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam says don't worry your father don't worry my little daughter what your father has brought will go to every house on the planet do you see division at what time where he can't protect himself the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was brave braven in following his vision and brave in nature the rasool was brave but whilst he was brave he wasn't arrogant bravery means to overcome your fears the rasool was humble he conquered makkah ten thousand men have come into the city which tortured him and hurt him and kicked him out and killed his companions and imprisoned him he is walking as a con his comes in victorious but how did he ride into the city the ashhab say he lowered himself and humbled himself so much that his beard was hitting the back of his camel to show that i haven't come an arrogance ya rob learn modesty from your rasool the prophet said sallallahu alaihi wasallam the best of you are those who are best to his wives in this family and i am the best of you he was the rasool of allah and look at his relationship with his wives and with his family he used to play with them entertain them laugh with them joke with them eat with them when he came into the house it wasn't like a dark cloud come into the house says i have a sun as in the radiant sun and the skies have a sun the rasool was sunshine to his household what will your wife say about you says when i was younger and more agile and more fit the prophet raised me or chased me and i ran and overtook him i beat him years past put on weight she became bigger and the prophet is in a campaign he is traveling with us help and then in the middle of the desert learn learn love from your rasool in the middle of the desert he tells the army go ahead go ahead me and my wife will stay back a little so when they're gone and out of sight so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam looks at her and says you want to race so can you imagine our mother getting ready to race so they stood and they ran and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam beat her won the race so he said this one for that one and the sweetness of joking it wasn't rude and vulgar and obscene and over the top and difficult this one for that one [Music] i used to watch him from the corner of my eyes when we used to eat so i used to take a piece of me to a morsel of meat and bite it and put it back in the plate he used to pick up that morsel turn it to where my mouth had touched it and bite from the same place and look at me and i would blush there was a group of abyssinians doing sword play in the courtyard of the masjid she wanted to watch aisha so she said can i watch so the prophet stood in front of her to let her watch from over his shoulder so that she's covered behind him and she watched and she's enjoying it and she's young and the rasool is older life is much more serious from where he stands so he stood and stood and stood and then he said is it enough and she says i wanted to see how much he loves me so i said no stay so he she said i watched him change legs you know like a person gets tired in the swap legs like that i watched him like that and she says i asked him what is your love for me like so he said like a knot tight [Music] so she used to ask you know as the days used to go by how was the knot so he used to say allah as it was as it was learn to live from your prophet muslims the rasool was gracious he won the world with his kindness he won the world with his love he won the world with a heart like an ocean he didn't win the world by the stupidity that you see around you today it is not an achievement it is not an achievement the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam never drank alcohol throughout his life never used any kind of intoxicant he never committed fornication or adultery in fact he sallallahu alaihi wasallam never looked upon a naked woman ever in his life he never looked upon any woman with lust in his entire life the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam never in his life did he ever lift his hand to hit any human being ever not a servant not a wife not a child he was as gentle he was as shy as a virgin on her wedding night hiding behind a curtain he was that kind of man he was that pious he was that shy he was that gentle in his speech yet it was said that when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was met on a battlefield he was ferocious in defending allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and when the companions of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to look for him on the battlefield they said well he we found him in the middle of the enemies fighting and they said we used to hide behind the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam on the battlefield he was such a warrior and statesman on the battlefield commanding and fighting for the way of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala but once he was off the battlefield his eyes were downcast and he was speaking softly and caring and crying because allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentioned o muhammad sallallahu alaihi salaam you have been sent as a mercy to the whole world so he was a mercy even to those people who are ignorant of him they are benefiting from that mercy and when a bedouin came to the prophet shallallahu demanding that the prophet salallahu give him some share in the zakah the charity and that man came to the prophet salallahu grabbing his coat like this saying give to me my share until a mark was made on the neck of the prophet salallahu and his companions also wanted to kill that man the prophet and told them leave him leave him and the prophet saws him he smiled he said what do you want the man said give me and the prophet continued to give him until he said i have enough and that man left this was the manner of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam his tolerance his mercy his patience his integrity the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam never he never wore silk he never wore gold he never dressed arrogantly he never walked proud arrogant he never appeared in front of people like he was a king or an emperor even when he was the absolute ruler and it was common for people to look around and want to think he should be sitting up someplace in a chair on a throne like other leaders he should be wearing some gown of gold he should be wearing some kind of crown but when they came in and they looked around it was a common question who is muhammad where is he no one could tell who was the prophet salallahu among his followers because his clothes and what he ate and where he chose to sit was never different from the other people name one leader in the world that could compare with that and he was always generous and when someone asked him for something he gave everything to them never caring about himself and the prophet salallahu he used to sleep on a mat only thing it was made from palm fiber from dried grass and that's how he slept and his back were had marks in it from that dry mat that he used to lay down on with no furniture in his house and one day um entered the house of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and saw that he was sleeping on the dirt floor and um he said ya rasulullah the kings the emperors into earth in persia in byzantium in habesh all over the world these kings they are not like you or rasulullah you can have better than this and the prophet dismissed him and said they have what they have been given and i have what i have been given oh muslims o non-muslims think about this kind of man have you heard of such a man have you ever seen such a man have you read about such a man never you cannot even imagine this kind of man feeding the poor visiting the sick discharging the army acting as a statesman acting as an arbiter talking to the people addressing the women giving out the zakah giving the cam and the rulings explaining the quran sowing his clothes washing his house shopping for the food and at night standing in prayer for four or five hours at a time how could a man do all of that and stand four or five hours at night at one time he was just and he was fair he didn't make judgment for those who he liked and made judgments against those he didn't like like the kings like the presidents like the chairmans like the rich people like the judges of today and like those who have done it throughout history and he said wallahi if fatima my daughter the daughter of muhammad if she stole i would cut off her hands i love her as i love myself but if she stole i will cut off her hands this is the kind of judge he was a man by the name of michael hart and who was michael hart michael hart was a contemporary historian and mathematician [Music] and he gathered other historians and biographers together and they said let us compile a list of the hundred most profound human beings in history and to make a long story short they made a category they set up 32 different categories by which to compare and produce these hundred most great profound human beings and let me tell you what michael heart said he said that muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam he placed him at the head of his list and those with him could not dispute it because categorically he earned that position and michael hart said my choice is muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels and so michael's heart and his other collaborators they said the greatest human being that has impacted history and all animals of documented history it had to be muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam the bed that the prophet system would sleep on was a leather skin that was sometimes you would stuff it with date palm leaves leather is not what you sleep on leather is something you put on the saddle once it is narrated that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam's one of his wives she folded up her own half to give him extra right so she made it a little bit more comfortable because it was more comfortable he slept longer than usual and then when he woke up he said what happened who did this so when she explained he rebuked her i said bring it back to the way it was i need to pray my tahajud basically i need to wake up for tajir don't make my bed too soft for me he wanted a bed that is a little bit a little bit harsh because it provides him now opportunity to pray to hajju and would not taste meat for six weeks for six weeks he would not eat meat and even by the time of the tabern this was unbelievable so 40 years later is saying oh my mother how did you live so she said by eating al-asvadan the two dark things dates and dirty water because they didn't have this clean filtered water did they they get their water from the well they get the water from the streams and there is no purification system and once you all know he was a businessman and so once many years after the death of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he is brought a dish with meat and with bread and as soon as he saw this platter he began to cry he was asked oh abdulrahman why are you crying he said the prophet sallallahu alaihi was seldom till the day that he died he never ate wheat bread to his fill forget with the meat he never ate wheat bread to his fill and not even his family not one day they could eat to their full as for ayesha many times it is narrated that she will begin to cry when food good food was given to her that when she saw all of this food she would begin to cry and she would say the same thing that the prophet saw never ate rusty bread or hard bread to his fill even one day in his life he never got to eat all of this full of course he ate bread but to his full even one day of his life and we all know the story of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and abu bakr and umar the famous story reported in tirmidhi that um did not have anything to eat and so once urban is walking in the streets and he sees the prophet salam sitting and this is at noon and at noon nobody walks in the streets in the summer time it's too hot so he says to the prophet sasebo ya rasulullah what are you doing outside and the prophet said knows that umar is outside for one reason and that is he doesn't have food at home so he says the same reason as you and as they're sitting there abu bakr as well is walking because you cannot sit at home and you're hungry you just want to walk around just go outside the three of them are sitting there just talking when one of the sahaba abu haitham is rushing back to home from work so he finishes his choices rushing home so he says ya rasulullah what are you three doing at this time of the day and so um says well we didn't have anything to eat so we're just sitting here basically talking so abul haitham says no this is not possible this is not possible that the three best people now you're sitting here so he tells them come to my house and i'll give you food so he rushes home he only has one goat that is past the age of giving milk is an old goat so he tells his wife by allah we need to sacrifice this goat and so the prophet says they came and they ate meat and bread which is of course the uh luxurious food item of that time and to this day and then what was the response of the prophet saw when he finished all of this after not having anything at home he reminded abu bakr and that they left their houses hungry and allah gave them this meal um is going to ask you on that day about this food what did you do with it and did you thank me enough for it three meals a day we don't even think about allah's blessings right and now and the prophet saws is so conscious that allah is going to ask you about this and as for his humility the prophet sallallahu salaam frequently wrote donkeys and even though he had the money to purchase a horse and a camel and he had a camel he had a camel but the prophet system had no problem riding a donkey frequently and during the battle of buddha the prophet sallallahu alaihi salam had to distribute the camels amongst the entire group of people okay every single camel was given roughly it came out to three people per camel has to be divided and so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam assigned ali and abu lubab to himself so the one camel with these three people so ali says ya rasulullah both of us are young men ya rasulullah we're young you go ahead and write the kamu now there's many things the prophet sasson could have said okay fine and subhanallah he is the leader by the way and will i forget everything aside the leader deserves extra protection so he could have said okay fine and nobody would have said anything or he even could have said no no let's all share it but he didn't want to make them feel that i'm doing you a favor by doing this what did he say he smiled back at them and he said neither are the two of you any stronger than me and nor am i in any lesser need of the reward than you two for walking and struggling so we're going to share the count and as for his good manners ana malik said that once the prophet salam sent me on a chore to do and on the way i saw some kids playing so i started playing with them anis is a kid in the end of the day you know he's seven years old at the end of the day right so he's going to do the chore he finds some kids playing and i completely forgot about the chore and then the prophet system came out in search that whatever the chore was it's not happening and he finds anas playing with the street children there and so somebody held on to my ears and picked me up and i turned around and it was the prophet sam smiling at me it's like playing with him playing with him not even getting irritated at him and subhanallah where where do we stand when it comes to our own families and how easy it is to get irritated and get angry but again he is our role models and even when people showed him the utmost contempt and the utmost disrespect he maintained his dignity and his composure once a group of yahood came and they wanted to mock him and they said winking at one another not a salaam assam and assam means may death be upon you may a curse be upon you and so the prophet saw maintained his composure said got so angry that from behind the curtain she screamed out may you be cursed and may allah azzawajal cause you to perish how dare you say this to the prophet prophet sasha and said calm down come down don't you know that whatever is gentle is beautiful and whenever gentleness is in something it makes it beautiful and whatever harshness is in something it makes it ugly so after they left she said rasulullah how could you have controlled your temper they came and they cursed you and they said assam alaikum so he responded didn't you hear my response walaikum back to you but he maintained his dignity and his composure and as for his bravery that once in medina in the middle of the night the people heard a loud commotion a loud sound coming and they didn't know what it was so timidly they came outside what is happening and they found that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam had already gone in the direction of the sound alone and he found the horse of abu talha and he simply wrote it without a saddle and he's galloping towards the sound and he had his sword around his neck and he's coming back to the people of madina saying you have nothing to fear i've checked it out you have nothing to fear what does that show us of the bravery that he hears the sound he's the first person to go jump on a horse without even the saddle takes his sword run and then he's running back to the people of medina i've checked it out nothing to fear whatever it was it wasn't anything for them to be worried about this is the bravery of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam as for his generosity the prophet saw would never refuse any request it is once narrated that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was wearing a garment that had holes in it it was not appropriate that the prophet says was wearing a garment like this so one of the sahaba gifted him a very beautiful a very good garment and he went home and he wore that garment and he came outside one of the sahaba immediately said ya rasool allah can you give me this garment as a gift so the prophecism turned to him and said nam yes he went back home he wore the same clothe that he had just took off he literally been wearing it for one minute and he came back wearing the tattered garment and he gave him the new one after a while he went back inside his house all of the sahaba they jumped on this other one how could you have asked the prophet you knew he wouldn't look at what they said you knew that he would never turn down a request you knew that he wouldn't say no to you how could you do this so he said before you get angry at me i'm not doing this to wear i want to use this as my cuff and as my cloth to be buried in that's why i did it along with all of these the prophet shallallahu actually was also a person who was blessed with a great sense of humor having humor shows your humanity it shows your down to earthliness as they say and there are so many instances of the jokes of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and all of the jokes of the prophet sallam they are pure and they are clean and they are truthful and of the instances is an old lady coming to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam an old lady coming to the prophet saying o messenger of allah make dua that allah causes me to enter jannah so the prophecism looked at her and said o my aunt haven't you been informed that all ladies cannot enter jannah old ladies cannot enter jannah and she begins wailing and crying and what am i gonna do now and then he told her that don't cry don't cry for allahi all ladies cannot enter jannah but allah will make her into a young fair maiden and then she will enter jannah give her glad tidings is that you're not going to be an old lady when you enter jannah you're going to be a young you're going to go back to your your days as a lovely maiden that's how you will enter jannah and then he recited the verse we bring them forth with a new beginning the story of when the prophet salallahu was on his deathbed herself felt a little bit sick on one of the days and she had a severe headache she had a severe headache and so she was crying out oh my head oh my head start crying out so the prophet saw said rather oh my head i have a worse headache than you he understands he's about to die so to calm her down to crack some jokes in the days of his death he says and what would you lose if you died right now and the one to do for you and to bury you and to pray your janazah would be me in other words what a great honor and so i should have the allahu anha she smirks back at him and she says i'm sure you would like that to happen because then you would be free to go to your other wives so she's saying i know the one i go away khalas you will you will have free access to all of them after that now this joking that he's doing on his death bed subhan allah scholars of fear have derived from this and they have talked about the permissibility of a spouse doing russell for his or her spouse from this joke they derive because he never spoke except the truth there was a young man by the name of zahir whom the prophet saws used to love a lot the prophet saw saw him in the marketplace selling some things and he's screaming out who's going to buy this from me who's going to buy this from me and so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam came from behind quietly he's literally playing a practical joke on zahid he came quietly from behind and he grabbed him ahead of standing up he grabbed him from behind and he basically locked him he gave him a lock a bear lock a hug so zad is trying to see who is this what are you doing let go of me i'm trying to sell my stuff here and when he saw it was none other than the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam immediately he became limp and he touched as much of the chest of the prophet saw as he could to get the barakah from his body began to touch the the body of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and then the prophet salam began joking and crying out in the sukh who is going to buy this from me who is going to buy this from me now in a marketplace in those days when you're saying who's going to buy the ab do you mean the slave right but of course even the prophet saws is true zahid was not an abd to mankind but he was an abd of allah so even in this joke he's not saying any lie so zahid says in that case you're going to get a very bad bargain if you're going to sell me i'm not going to be very very expensive and the prophet saw said you are very expensive in the eyes of allah there's a beautiful story here that shows us the humanity of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam our prophet during the last year of his life our prophet was he made hajj at the end of this pilgrimage the prophet [Music] called all of the muslims to gather around him and omar was standing next to the prophet and he said our messenger first and foremost told us to pay very close attention to what he had to say for he did not know whether he would be with us again he told the people in front of him [Music] the white of you is not better than the black of you and the black of you is not better than the white of you the arab is not better than the non-arab and the non-arab is not better than the arab you're all the same in the eyes of allah subhanahu wa you're equal the only of you that is better than the other one is the one who has more taqwa and when it comes to nationality when it comes to where you're from you're all the same he also abolished shirk and said never worship anything other than allah subhanahu wa he forbade shirk to ever enter into the arabian peninsula ever again he sallallahu wasallam also spoke about women and told the brothers specifically that your women your wives your sisters your mothers they are in a manner they are a trust be careful in how you are dutiful towards them we can never undervalue our sisters our mothers our daughters our sisters are the institutions of knowledge for our children he also abolished riba abolished cheating one another in business taking money unlawfully earn what you earn but he said something in this hotba which affects me very much he told the people in front of him those of you who are here today those of you who are listening to my words convey this message to those that are not here convey this message to those that are not here for it may be that the one you tell this message to from me may even understand it better than you we were given such a on that would be the best nation that allah had ever brought forward for mankind you see every other prophet that came before our prophet he delivered his message to his ummah and then his farewell message to his ummah was to hold on to the message until the next prophet came why because another nebby was coming another prophet was coming another messenger was coming allah would continue to send wahi down so just hold on to what you have but our prophet our messenger salallahu he was the seal of all prophets he was the end of it there would be no more after him so he understood that my life is coming to an end but there are going to be generations after me i am only the first sign of the day of qiyama there will be many more people to come after me this message from allah has to continue to be delivered to mankind so who's going to do the job on that day he took the torch of conveying the message the torch of resale of conveying the message to mankind and that torch before him had only been handed from jubilee salem to the envy our prophet looked at us and he handed us that torch and he said the job that i did for the past 23 years that's now your job that's what you're going to do on that day allah made us the greatest nation because we do the greatest work it's not for any reason that allah told his prophet that your ummah will be the best um the greatest ummah the biggest ummah and on the day of qiyamah i will make them the first ummah in front of everyone that's not for no reason that's the is that this has is that we follow the greatest prophet who gave us the greatest task and he said oh allah bear witness oh allah bear witness i have given them the message oh allah bear witness three times i've given them the message on the backs of this nation allah said this day have i completed your religion the way of life that allah began with adam alayhi saddam and he passed down through the nba allah decided on the backs of this ummah the ummah of muhammad i'm going to complete my way of life for mankind what an honor we don't need to walk around as if we have some dark cloud over our head we are muslims alhamdulillah has given us honor we are not only muslims but we can say i believe in muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam the last week of the prophet's life allah so one morning he went to the graveyard of bhakti in medina and he went with abu huraira and some of the other companions you see our prophet felt like death might be approaching him and he makes a very long dua for the people of bhakti and he says to them you've beaten us he says to the people of bhakti you've beaten us to the next life but we insha allah will join you shortly we'll join you shortly and i give you glad tidings of jannah and then he turns to abahra and the companions that are with him and he says something something that is a beloved statement from our messenger he said one of the things that i'm going to miss the most from this life is that i won't get to meet my brothers he said i won't get to meet my brothers and i'm going to miss that ab was shocked by this statement ya rasulullah are we not your brothers are we not we're right here we're with you what's wrong with you what's happening we're here the prophet you are my companions my brothers and sisters will come later on in time and they will believe in me like you believe in me but they will never had the chance to meet me i just wish i could have met them [Music] he was speaking about us this is why the allah says about the prophet to them to the believers he is rahim and asked him oh messenger of allah will you ever get to meet them will you ever be able to meet them the way you want to meet them and he said yes i'll meet them i'll meet them when i'm standing [Music] by the house on the day of qiyama i'll meet them i'll call them one by one i'll call each and every one of them by their name and i will give them to drink from my fountain with my own hand he said i will know them and i will call them one by one i will give them to drink of the water they will never make them be able to be thirsty again from my own hand it's hard to grasp the love of this man for his ummah for his people on the way back from bhakti he made another very long dua cause he started to feel very ill and at the end of it he said oh allah um came to the messenger of allah sallallahu they would send allah wants to know even though he's well aware what makes you cry he said um i'm worried about my um after me i'm afraid for them how much he worried about us he said i'm worried about them the difficulties they're going to face and i'm not going to be there to help them and then allah told you tell my messenger tell the best of my creation that i will make him happy with his ummah i will make him pleased with his ummah and i will not grieve him over them he promised his messenger i will not grieve you over them i will make you pleased with them and he went to the house of aisha then he asked had the people prayed and i'm making a very long story short because he couldn't get up after the salah our prophet very weak very barely able to speak he delivered another long sermon but then listen what he said the first thing he said was if i've ever harmed any of you this is the best of allah's creation saying if i've ever harmed any of you and if i owe anything to any one of you if any one of you thinks that i owe him something or have done him some wrong then take your rights back from me now one man said you owe me if you did not and the prophet said give it to him another man stood up and said oh messenger of allah one day you slapped me in the stomach when the prophet alaihis was straightening the rose for salah he tapped the man in the stomach his stomach was too far out so he tapped his stomach lightly but the man is saying you smack my stomach i want my right so the prophet wasalam lifted up his shirts and said take you right from me and the man came forward and kissed his blessed stomach he said he said i only said that so i could kiss you and then the prophet elaine was saddam said a man has been given a choice [Music] between staying in this world or going to be with allah and he has chosen to go be with allah and abu bakr cried out with tears in his eyes may our mothers and fathers be sacrificed for you o messenger of allah every single prophet was given one dua that allah guaranteed that he shall answer subhanallah what was that dua that he could have made look at how many desires he might have had he loved his uncle abu tadib he could have said oh allah please cause my uncle to embrace islam he loved his wife khadija who passed away at a younger age if he wanted to he could have raised his hands and said oh allah allow my wife to be with me until i pass away he could have made that dua for any personal need how many times throughout his life he was faced with a challenge and he could have used that dua but what did he say he said i took that subhana with allah gave and i kept it with me and i'm going to keep it with me until the day of judgment and i will use it what did he say for my ummah he said i will use it for my ummah he sacrificed the dua for every single personal need of his that he could have possibly had and he said i'm going to use it for my ummah anybody who says that they will come on the day of judgment and i will make dua to allah that they enter jannah so every single ummati of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam's that person who had an ounce of iman that person shall eventually enter jannah why because our nabi our rasool the habib and mustafa he kept that one dua that one wish every nibi used his dua in this dunya every rasool took that and utilized it for some need one nabhi one rasool stood up and he said i will save this and i will use it on the day of judgment not for a personal need not for my uncle or for my wife or for my this and that no i will save it for those who believe in me so when he sacrificed that one dua for all of us the least that we can do is we love him more than we love ourselves and we love him more than we love any possession and any belongings how can any person not love rasulullah his life has been documented in detail by both muslims and non-muslims those who loved him and those that resisted him still they documented in detail and there's no human being's life that has been documented in detail [Music] personal and private an open book for the world to see to be examined like the life of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam to the non-muslims i say to you go home and read about muhammad slam tonight if you dare if you're not afraid of because if you read about muhammad salla sam with an open heart and an open mind there's a chance that love for this man and respect for this man will come into your life come into your heart come into your mind come into your family and your home and you also may want to be a follower of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and if you should choose to do so you will never elevate his name you will never increase any blessings to his ummah but you will benefit your own selves the importance of learning the history of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam what does it do and what will it do to me if i study the life of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam point number one it increases my love for him and at the same time it increases my love for his maker who has made me as well allah subhanahu wa sometimes you will find allah admonished him not because he said something from his pocket but because allah inspired him to say something for us to learn later on that if you were to make an error or if you were to say something that required admonition how should you react to that admonition a lot of us feel bad when we are told we will go through the life of muhammad sallam and see how he the perfect reacted when he was corrected and when he was told may allah make us from those who follow can i know how important it is or can i know what to do in order to follow muhammad sallallahu alaihi's message if i don't even know how he reacted so this is the beauty of studying the seerah it draws you closer to allah our love for him will increase and at the same time our love for his companions will increase because they were ready to give up their lives for the sake of allah in fact many of them gave their lives up for the sake of allah by learning the seerah of muhammad we will become regular with our duties unto allah subhanahu wa ta'ala because we will see how they achieved success through following the messengers has blessed us in every single way so allah also has made mention the various details of the life of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam every detail the names the places his childhood his adulthood and so on today we have superheroes and to mention some of them that the football stars we know them our children know them they know who are their girlfriends and they know the whole history of the golfer that one of the top golfers in the world what happened to him what were the names of the women in his life and what exactly he did and they did they know everyone and they know so much of them they know their team they wear the t-shirts of the team even if it has a devil drawn on it they don't mind am i right these are muslim children because they are following they will cut their hair like baboons in order to look like someone who is just able to kick a ball in the globe on the globe but when you ask them about the names of the companions of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam very rarely will they give them to you may they be motivated to sit and to listen to the seerah of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam allah says indeed in the life of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam is a perfect example for those who are looking forward to the meeting with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and those who are looking forward to the last day how many of us are looking forward to meeting with allah if you want here follow the example of rasulullah as a husband as a father as a person who was a leader as a man at times of war they say he was just at times of war and he was very merciful even at the same time the time of war look at what happened when he entered makkah rama and he had a vast army the people of makkah were now shocked they looked at the numbers and he says oh people of quraysh and they were at his disposal he could have done anything oh you who killed a lot of my companions and relatives what do you think i'm going to do to you today they were silent some of them answered well we hope goodness because you are a good man a son of a good man suddenly you know people are good why because now we are at the mercy then he says you guys can carry on you people can carry on you are free no retribution today i will tell you what the prophet yusuf joseph may peace be upon him told his brothers i am holding nothing against you today no retribution nothing carry on how many of us can do that to our own brothers and sisters and family members i think we as muslims find it difficult so many of his companions memorized the quran how did he achieve that most of them were adults today our children are memorizing the quran masha'allah we've got to beat the daylights out of them in order for them to know what is next and so on a lot of the times this is what people think if this is all about you find the sheikh sitting the imam sitting with one big stick where was the stick of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and yet his students most of them were adults the sahaba what was their age they were adults so adult literacy although they were unlettered [Music] taught his own people then we have also through the seerah and through the life of muhammad sallam we come to learn the beauty of the quran the reasons of revelation because as you know the quran was revealed separately it did not come down just in book form 23 years over which the quran was revealed as the incidents occurred verses came down as the incidents occurred the verses came down and this is why it's important to know these stories so you would know why the verse came down when you know why the verse came down as you are reciting it you will actually smile because now you know names and you know places and you know why a verse is there and you also know that this verse is a lesson for me today in my life then very important matter how was he with his enemies he had from amongst his own people who claimed to be his own people those who were not muslim but they were just pretending pretending a man like abdullah ibn he was known as the head of the hypocrites and rasulullah in a very very professional way he put him in one corner the man couldn't move this way he couldn't move that way look even the politicians have a page to take from muhammad how did he deal with his people imagine a man unleaded in the middle of a desert in the midst of people who could not read or write it is allah who sent amongst the unlettered a messenger from them that means they were unlettered and he sent a messenger one of them the bulk of them were unletted it was a big deal to be able to read and write at that time and allah says he sent a messenger from amongst them to them the point i'm raising is imagine desert unletted no internet no phone no nothing no means of communication no facts no telex and yet he changed the globe in a few years today more than two billion people follow the message of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam allah what powerful man imagine what rules and regulations he followed they came from allah whenever we are in difficulty pick up the pages of the seerah the history of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam read what happened to him you will find that he suffered much more than any one of us could ever suffer so muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam if we take a look his character his conduct his belief his acts of worship so much so we will come to learn that asked him a question oh messenger peace be upon him you stand in salah at night until your feet are swollen and yet you have no sin you have been forgiven you are going to be entering paradise so can't you rest a little bit and he says can i not be should i not be a slave who is thankful to allah i know the rank i know the status i've already got jannah and so on but i want to thank allah subhanahu wa ta'ala today let's be honest alhamdulillah we do read our salah but sometimes a bit lazily have our feet ever swollen that much through salah let's be honest still we feel lazy people complain five minutes too much that's the taste of allah if your feet can swell once in your life because of salah wallahi you have followed the example the greatest example in existence may allah grant us good health and may he make our feet bear the salah that we read because our salah is no comparison to the salah of muhammad his love his purity of the heart his love for sacrifice the the sahaba of the allahu if you take a look at those companions 99 of them would give their lives in order to build the life of one of them i'm sure you know the story of the companions during one of the battles where there was water required one needed it and he saw his brother had a need he passed it and the other one saw his brother had a need he passed it and the other one saw his brother had a need he passed it until they lost their lives in order to save the life of the next man today 99 of us would gather around one man in order to destroy him that's the opposite see totally opposite very importantly we move on to something the condition of the world at the time of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam just before his birth what was around inshallah we meet we say was subhanallah [Music] foreign [Music] you
Channel: Islamic Inspiration
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Keywords: muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, the story of prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, prophet muhammad full story, prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, IN prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam full story, prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam story in english, Muhammad SAW, The Story Of Muhammad SAW, The Seal Of The Prophets, Greatest Man, The History Of Muhammad SAW, Seerah Of Prophet Muhammad SAW, seerah of the prophet, Last Prophet
Id: Ho_iB-WfsZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 52sec (5692 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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