BE UNSHAKEABLE | 6 Ultimate Rules for Life by Shi Heng Yi | Mulligan Brothers

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it's the little things if you can't handle the little things you will not be able to handle the big things that's just how it is so that means the small things matter today I have taken my favorite lessons from Master shahang Yi from an exclusive interview that you guys probably haven't seen before this one has some of my favorite lessons from this specific conversation today's video was made possible as always at where you can get the momentum Ori poster use code Stoke at checkout for 10 off it's a poster to remind you that you are going to die time is very precious and this has been the most motivational and Powerful tool for me you can also get the t-shirts and hoodies with the link down in the description and thank you to everybody who supported us by becoming a channel member hitting the Subscribe button and also be hitting the notification Bell uh thank you to everybody who's joined the conversation as well we cannot thank you enough and that's why we're able to continue to bring you these videos we have some very special projects planned up so please stay tuned but before that here is Master shahangi of the Shaolin Temple Europe and if you want to support him head over to Let's dive into the video what is it essentially that you are looking for living this life regardless of how old you are right now how much of where you want to go did you achieve already and also are you actually still finding yourself on the way to wherever you wanted to go so first of all before we even know which future Direction you would like to go towards number one is we need to know where are we actually standing right now so to know where we're standing with observe your surroundings they can give you an indication where you are right now look around you one indication second of all to look inside of you how do you feel about the way of life that you are at the moment living you had almost 365 days from that current year right now how do you feel about it where did it brought you where did you decline where were you able to increase something about you so number one is find out what is the status quo where are you located at the moment and it is similar like sometimes in a few Buddhist stories we are saying before you know in which direction to sail first of all you need to know where you're located because the journey is not for everyone the same in the way of what we're trying to share we are trying to share methods certain principles But ultimately what needs to be done is that an individual person is starting to take all of these methods and applies them very specifically to your own personal way of let's say understanding because sometimes people ask so I want to go to let's just say I want to go to New York but one person is asking that question why he's located in the UK and another person is asking me that question because it's located in Japan that means the answer is not going to be the same the goal is the same but the answer that I would need to be given would be a different one and therefore it is very very similar to now people asking so this this and that is what I want what should I do I don't know I can only give like the tools I can only try to give some ideas and some ways of how you can use the mind to more intelligent intelligently approach that that idea of fulfilling the goal but ultimate plan which direction to travel is something everyone personally must do but therefore in order for you to know to now start and making up the plan where the journey is going to go number one we figure out what is our current state the more you're able to let go the farther you're going to proceed so therefore to your question it is essential the more your willingness and your ability to let go the more changes are going to come it's just like this for new things to come All Things Must Go and now just as I mentioned there is the willingness first of all to let go and then there is your skill level your abilities can you even if you want and there it is now also good to know by practicing certain methods many of them dead I told you already many of them that are also available by using them there is a certain degree that you can already help or support yourself in letting go learning what does it mean to let go but sometimes there are also things that have that have let's say that are caught within us that you just cannot reach by yourself and this is the moment where sometimes you need support where sometimes even if the willingness is there and you even maybe can see what it is that is stuck inside of you but sometimes you need a person more persons or sometimes you need an additional support to get rid of it so this is also important really to understand why is it that I'm always saying you do not want to make big jumps you don't want to make huge huge changes why is it better to have like small steps like a put it with small Milestones along the way because my observation so far is that if something within this world is changing too quickly it either comes quick and therefore leaves quick or it comes quick and then mostly it has a type of destructive character so let's just take for example the earthquakes the tsunamis the volcano eruptions no matter what it is the bomb explosion what does bump explosion mean there is something which is changing the Status Quo in a very short time very dramatically so huge changes in a short time is not what we want what does it mean for us don't put unrealistic goals into your year where you actually already know I mean I could maybe achieve it but but therefore yeah therefore what therefore a lot of other things are going to be destroyed a lot of other things are gonna um stop developing and this is maybe it's not something that you want so instead of making huge plants with huge steps better think about how to structure your your 24 hours and put a little bit of what you want to develop there inside that day because instead of huge steps what we are using as a method is continuity that one is your friend repetition is your friend not not huge jumping it is the repetition of things that starts to embody something inside of you and if you have a goal and if you know what type of skills which tools you are going to need to make this goal become true I do think you need to figure out how you're going to get to those skills first of all and then make a plan and invest in them and at least in the comfort training it is like this that we say some skills they come after years of training you might feel the benefit of a certain skill already quickly soon pretty soon But ultimately it's repetition so yes [Music] one part of why we do have for example workbooks is because we want them not just to stay in the world of thinking about these things thinking about the outcome and thinking about what they just felt because to manifest them and writing them down gives another gives another quality to it let's say and so therefore yes what you want what you create in the mind it's all about manifesting things that stay in the mind that do not manifest it's good for one person itself but maybe it doesn't benefit many more people because they don't see it people can only see it if it is manifested and the first way of bringing something from here out into this world is by writing it down or even speaking it on something that records it what are your thoughts also meaning you can also manifest in the moment where you speak about your ideas to another person even that one is something that is starting to turn the wheel so this is how I see which is like part of the process in terms of when you want to make something become real [Music] why do you exchange ideas because sooner or later you want maybe some of these ideas to become real that the idea starts to shape into a form and how is it done some people write their ideas down because from what is written down something else is going to to come out from it other people prefer to to change these ideas with other people once again but no matter how you do it it must be something that it starts to take a shape yes whether it is like I said in for in terms of writing it down speaking it on a recorder or throwing it somewhere but I do suggest that also now in regards of starting the new year it does help to write down on your refrigerator just a few bullet points people might think yeah well that's come on it's so little no it's the little things if you can't handle the little things you will not be able to handle the big things that's just how it is so that means the small things matter even if last year nothing was written on your refrigerator but here you make up your mind you make up your plan and you put it there visible every day it matters [Music] sometimes we also have like Qigong classes yeah Qigong classes people sometimes nowadays still understood as working with energy no a lot of times when you go nowadays into so-called Qigong classes you realize very often people are also having a background music playing at the same time so there is music together with the practice and if you ask them the people so what's the point of like using the music then it certainly is because it is adding something to you it is adding something where you know about if this is where you would like to go you want to become a little bit more peaceful because you had a a hard day so we have peaceful music merged together with peaceful movements and merge together with a peaceful way of breathing which does help but as long as you are still dependent on the music that means you can still not yet create that peace just by yourself and now to that question what does it mean of course you can have self affirmations and use this as a method push yourself because you want to achieve something but from time to time it's really necessary to test yourself you talk to yourself you give positive feedback to yourself you give affirmations to yourself you can create an image about yourself and then from time to time you need to make the test what you imagine to be is who you are that is the important step because if you do not do the testing then it's pretty pretty easy that sometimes you're going to get lost in the world of your thoughts that sometimes have nothing anymore to do with how life for you really is you live in the dream world you live in a fantasy world this can happen very very quickly if you are using too much of these type of methods music self-affirmation visualization all of these things if you do not test if you test you can use everything because from time to time that test is just gonna show you and that's where you really are and then you readjust but if you have all of these methods which pump you up which pump you up but you never do the testing then I would say be careful about that one but whatever is allowed to make you accomplish your job use it I have a lot of thoughts also I have a lot of ideas partly these are things that sometimes come from me at the same time I also have let's say requests or ideas that are coming let's say from the outside being offered to me so what I have sometimes at the end of the day is I can see in the mind those ideas now what I do first of all is I them within myself and do what I call I contemplate I think about them but think about them deeply meaning I take this idea I look at where would that idea lead if I would now start with that current situation to invest energy in and so what derives are from that is I'm starting to see pictures I start to see a vision involving that idea in the future and this I just do with everything that comes to my mind and then [Music] see it in a bigger perspective of is that now what I think the monastery this community or myself would in any way benefit from in order to make our mission more close to achieve which means share more this is how at the moment I'm planning my let's say I'm starting my project and once I'm clear for myself this is the one I take this is the one I take then meanwhile I don't even have doubt that this idea in here will take reality I don't even have that that doubt that it will not take place because for me right now it is that I try with my intentions just figure out right now who else what else do I need what is it that is in my hands right now to make that plan come true which obstacles do I maybe have to remove and which other people or other things do I maybe need to take in in that idea and then it starts if I have some people on my mind the writing starts the contacting starts if I see already okay there are a few obstacles right now we need to get rid of then the daily work goes into okay remove the obstacles and yes and why I am saying that at the moment I am trusting this process so much that I'm trusting that idea so much that it will come real because I'm clear of my intentions and as arrogant as it sounds but I do think that this intention is very much in line of what I think this world is needing right now thank you so much for watching these rules for me master shahungi every single conversation I've had I have to dissect each one and take my favorite points from it because I like to be able to deliver this kind of content to you guys I know so many people have been asking for this on Instagram so if you want to see that hello to Instagram at Jordan Mulligan brother where I am delivering some of my lessons personally on there as well you can also become a channel member with the join button down below for more exclusive content and I just want to say thank you to everybody who's joined the conversation say hello let us know your quotes let us know your philosophies I'm trying to learn all the time drop me a message on Instagram come say hello I'm open to conversation I'm open to debate I'm open to sort of learning as many different ways and uh just making authentic connections online as well so thank you so much to everybody who's done that I want to say thank you to everybody who supported us also at you can get this momentum worry poster with the code stoic for 10 off at checkout It's a poster that shows you how much time you've had and also how how much time is left but not really because you don't actually know if you're going to shade in another box and it was that reminder that has become the most powerful motivation for me I live every single day as if it is my last year on Earth and I do that with passion and purpose for the goals that I strive to have um and yeah it's very important to me I wake up every single day I sit on the fridge I have a copy here as well that I see and if that doesn't get you going guys I don't know what will so if you want to have a reminder that you're going to die head to Mulligan where you can get 10 off and also you can get the t-shirts and hoodies and all the journals are coming back in stock as well uh so yeah please go support us there anyone who's become a channel member hit the Subscribe button all that kind of stuff thank you so much this is not it for the master shahangi content we have a couple more exclusives that have not been seen before where you can also get the full interview on in on Facebook as well so if you head over to Facebook right now at Mulligan Rivers there's an exclusive interview on there that nobody's seen yet but also there's a couple more conversations to come to this channel as well so if that sounds good hit the notification Bell hit the subscribe on all platforms and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Mulligan Brothers Interviews
Views: 494,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mulliganbrothers, mulligan brothers, motivational videos, motivation, motivational speech, shi heng yi do not harm any being, cheng xiao, motivation for success, what universe has for you, mulliganbrothers, shaolin master shi heng yi, master shi heng yi shaolin, master shi heng yi, shi heng yi grateful, shi heng yi makeup & the surface is irrelevant, listen to the universe, shi heng yi best interviews, shi heng yi master your mind, shi heng yi life, shi heng yi not follow the mind
Id: 46MOvG8oIy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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