Shaolin Master | How To Get Out Of A Dark Place - Shi Heng Yi [ NEW 2022 ]

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if you by yourself cannot create that light then we have to somehow try that the circumstances on the outside help you support you a little bit along a lot of way today is a brand new video with Master shahang Yi talking about being in a dark place and dark times and how his teachings can help you get out of that dark place and dark time today's video was made possible with where you guys have been buying the not a journal ready for 2023 so if you use code 2023 on the website right now you get another Journal absolutely free for every Journal that you purchase as a massive thank you we also discounted all of the t-shirts and hoodies we just want to say thank you to all your support our film crew getting out to master shohangi and doing this was made possible with your support at and also every channel member who joined down below thank you so much but before that Dark Places difficult times we all face them in life at some point they will come and if you are not facing them right now better to learn the teachings of the master shahangi and the Shaolin Temple Europe and if you are facing them this video is for you thank you and enjoy the video before we dive into this thank you to master shahungi and the Shaolin Temple Europe if you want to hear more from them go to and see some of their free resources and courses available there I think because of the setting that we're in this is a nice question to open with and I want to open with like trying to find Light Within the darkness or trying to find Hope in difficult times okay so let's start taking this question quite literally meaning it's too dark so the result of if something is too dark is um it's very difficult to actually distinguish anything what are your possibilities in the darkness because you don't see any Direction You Don't See objects in the Darkness so what therefore the approaches were therefore I think must be done is no matter which method you're using you need to light up that space so either you find a way to really light up that space so that in such a way that Darkness slowly disappears and you slowly start to see what is in that room what is in that space that is the first possibility or the second one would be that you are developing yourself and are equipping yourself with some type of skills that gives you better abilities to see in the dark and that can now mean to translate this sometimes when we are talking about seeing we often related to The Eyes Of course but now there are different type of martial arts that already know sometimes things are going too fast so fast that it's not advisable to only rely your actions upon what your eyes are able to perceive so that's why now we are increasing sensibility and sensitivity in other areas of of our self which means the sensitivity of your touch sensitivity of of realizing noise yeah and that means in the Chinese martial arts for example there are different methods that are training certain skills the skills to better listen but listening this time not meaning listening with the ears listening while touching and being in contact with the person that means the sensitivity increases of how you are starting to perceive your uh your counterpart let's say and now translating this into the question how can someone now finds himself in this type of Darkness so what can he do and there I can really only say there are a lot of different methods out there and every door needs one certain key sometimes the Shaolin methods are not always the proper ones to to just be offered to anyone sometimes it just doesn't fit but the prince you have the principle behind all of this is see this feeling of darkness in the way feeling of something is yeah exactly it's closed to you so if I right now just replace that word Darkness with the term that something is closed the possibilities are closed because there's nothing to see you don't know what to do so what are we doing in the different methods now in the Shaolin Temple number one step is open the body or open the human open the human not only in terms of physically opening meaning stretch open the muscles stretch open the tendons stretch open the ligaments open really the body open the lungs that more oxygen can come in but also means open the mind open the Mind meaning to stop to to realize whenever you are in a way limiting your views for example limiting your own perspective and by regularly practicing every day we have exercises to open the body every day we take care that we are opening and stay with the open mind this openness After Time something that we are then starting to incorporate into our being into our daily life and this is what opens then the doors again the more open you become the more you will see once again the possibilities that are out there and now practically speaking what should you do increase the level of activity that is like if you want to have a one straight answer if somebody finds himself in a too dark place increase the amount of activity which means spend a lot of time outside while the sun is shining where there are a lot of people the opposite is you're in a dark place and you stay at home in your four worlds for some time sometimes necessary but this is not going to be the solution so Tom so that means if you by yourself cannot create that light then we have to somehow try that the circumstances on the outside help you support you a little bit along foreign being also seen with this monastery everybody would have the ability to bring out the self-discipline you don't need like disciplinary Masters meaning you don't need a monastery also that takes care that you are keeping that external rules and the external structure but like for example today all the all the young guys that came if they would already be so self-disciplined that they know exactly what they can do what they cannot do if they want to achieve something that they just focus on that if they knew all of these things well then they don't eat this Monastery anymore but the point is that no human being or few let's say or very little difficult sometimes if you are surrounded with different environments to always remind yourself back again what is the state of being to keep on walking and therefore if it is not existing in the beginning coming from yourself that's why we need sometimes external support and the same goes for the question if somebody finds himself in that place of Darkness either you find a way that you can find some light in there and then make it shine brighter from day to day or you need support and this support at the same time can also mean I think it makes sense to say that if you are looking for external support you need to find the persons that already solve this problem it already went through that darkness that already had been in that Darkness because if somebody has never been there what are the answers what are the solutions this person giving you from which fundament are they coming on behalf of which basis so that means sometimes the answers to such questions they must come from someone who already had experience in that area because all other things are sometimes assumptions book knowledge which doesn't mean it's wrong still is quite uh it's quite different if you are talking sometimes to people where you know they went through something is not talk talk it's talk from their experience visiting the Shaolin Temple gave me such an amazing insight into many different things listening to master shahangi's teachings in a shallow way literally have changed my life and in fact have helped me in remarkable ways I've known mass for over two years but before I met master shangi I went through one of the most difficult times in my life I lost my son it was about six or seven years ago and that is when we started the Inspire change movement and this is the last thing I wanted to leave you with on this video in those darkest moments in those darkest times and most difficult times those trying and testing times when you persevere and get through the other side for me that is when the light shines the brightest when you come out of that you have something special and um yeah I just wanted to let leave you guys with that guys thank you so much for the support on all the videos across Instagram and all that kind of stuff literally makes this whole operation possible I know some people had enough of me talking about the two for one on the journals they're almost gone now so you're going to hear less of me but if you go to the website right now and use code 2023 every Journal you buy you get another one absolutely free and you can return them no questions asked if they don't change your life for the better like they did ours but the reason I mention this is because I had a couple comments of that they were sick of me hearing about these journals or the the t-shirts on sale and that kind of stuff we take a full production crew around the world to make these possible for example with Master shohangyu we had to hire a van we had to hotels for the week hire staff for the week we had production crew for a week we had food for the week we know all these budgets we had the film cameras the red cameras and all the lenses the audio equipment you know and that's why it looks so good and that's why the production's so good and we hope that you guys enjoy that and I hope that the time that we put into that production is worthy of me just mentioning the website once because this is free guys no matter what if you don't want to do any support or you just want to hear the message that is the most important thing at the end of the day our goal is to inspire change we just need to try and find a way to do it sustainably and this this right here the support that you guys have given us and the join button down below we cannot thank you enough we our commitment to you is that we will continue to inspire change and we put all the money from the website back into this that's it um guys thank you so much for watching I have been waffling oh I will ask one more thing of you because if you've made it this far you one of the the strong subscribers so you can bear with me for one more second and that is mentioning of my son we've also released these t-shirts on the website with the words still on them they are for my son's charity the Jacob Mulligan charity where all the profits from the t-shirts sorry all the revenue from the t-shirts so every single penny that's spent on one of those t-shirts is going towards a headstone for bereaved parents so that they can honor their child and grieve their child um over 50 of the headstones at the baby grave section where my son is buried um do not have headstones because it's the last thing you expect when you bury a child so guys if you wanted to do that as well they're on the website unfortunately those t-shirts are not on sale but all support is welcomed and I cannot thank you enough the most important thing guys go and spy some change whatever you do go and buy some change take the messages from master shahangi and use them in your own life I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Mulligan Brothers Interviews
Views: 178,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mulliganbrothers, mulligan brothers, motivational videos, motivation, motivational speech
Id: X_0NGF980AA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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