[ SHAOLIN MASTER ] The Noble Eightfold Path | Shi Heng Yi 2022

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if you think this world is about you think again maybe you misunderstood the noble Eightfold Path explained in this brand new video with Master shahang Yi this is at the Cornerstone of their teachings and that's why this video is so important I think it's time to grab your notebook you're paying your paper and take notes because this one is a life changer today's video was made possible from mulligans.com you guys bought the not a journal with the code 2023 on the buy one get one free offer they're pretty much sold out guys um they probably are sold out at this point we've added the t-shirts to the deal so if you if you want to get buy one get one freeze on the t-shirts it's code 2023 at checkout and also hoodies and everything like that is also 30 off until the end of the year are just a massive thank you you know all the profits from the website go back into making this content for free of charge where we promise to find any story wherever it is in whichever corner of the world to share online to make sure that this is accessible to all guys I also want to say a massive thank you to master and you can find some of his lessons and teachings at shaolin.online the link is in the description but before that the noble Eightfold Path the importance of this and the teachings of this master shanghi explained to me personally how important it that this is and with this interview we held it the conversation I said please don't tell me anything until we get to the interview or on camera and this is that conversation let's jump into it I would like to give an introduction to something that in the in the Shaolin community in the Buddhist Community it's already widespread and well known that there is a so-called guideline or a so-called um Noble hateful past it is called it is called Noble Eightfold paths because it is describing uh Journey to give you an overview what's going to come right now maybe it's easier if I just mention all eight first of all number one the right understanding number two the right sword right thinking number three write speech number four right action or right Behavior number five right livelihood the right way of earning your living number six the right effort number seven the right concentration and number eight the right meditation so what does it mean right understanding and why is it for example mentioned now as the first as the first state I do think that if you are looking at the world already would predetermined Concepts looking at the word already with some type of expectation then it's going to be very difficult to really see how the things are the right understanding involves all these type of learning to see how the things are similar to that story day and night both at the same time same as the view nothing in a way is permanent the same way how you are realizing that many emotional states many thoughts that are coming they come and they go none of them always none of them last so that means there is a fluctuation of things right understanding means you are starting to look out in the world observe just more around you to figure out maybe if there is a type of structure that you can that that sings that are repeating because based on that based on how much have you understood of how certain things in this world are functioning based on that arises the right thought how do you know if something is the right sword or even the next one being the right speech right sword or right speech simply you can also just turn it around being the absence of wrong thought or ill thought or the absence of ill talk or bad talking to just staying for example with number one number two and number three what does it mean right understanding right sort write speech it is the way for you to prevent to prevent anything arising inside of you that has the seat off ill sort of of bad sort you do not want to look at another person to look at another creature to look at another being and create something that you would regard as being a an ill thought let's say same goes for the right speech or the absence of right speech meaning gossiping no no in that point of the right speech it doesn't only mean take care of what you are talking [Music] it's also important to understand that sometimes even if you would like to say the truth even if your words are true but it's not always the right point in time to speak the truth to someone that can mean if somebody at this moment in time is very much emotionally charged something just happened in a few minutes ago sometimes it's not good to even use true words in such circumstances so right speech doesn't only mean using words that don't hurt anyone it also means using words at the right time [Music] with the right with the right understanding the right understanding that there are times where it's useful when there are other times where it's pretty much [Music] out of place it's also belonging to a type of understanding that we would like to cultivate in ourselves under that category of right speech [Music] so to bring it back into perspective what is it that I would suggest for next year what are you supposed to do right now [Music] give yourself a lecture give yourself a guideline that you are now trying to put it into practice this guideline is that Noble hateful paths so that means every day think about what does right understanding mean to me one way to do it is just do some research what does right understanding mean based on that research go back to yourself look out in the world and try to understand what does right understanding mean foreign and then the next step and what does the right understanding right now has to do with myself of which thoughts what thoughts and how our thoughts being created inside myself so how does the way of how much you understand about this world affects the way of what type of thoughts are you cultivating [Music] foreign you are starting to investigate of where your thoughts are coming from you this time pay attention during that week everywhere where you're going take care about what is leaving your mouth in which tone are you talking to people what type of vocabulary are you using speaking with people how is the intonation while you are talking to people that means become aware of what is it that you are transmitting in the moment you are opening the mouse not necessarily what is it that you would want to transmit first of all also observe yourself how does what is leaving your mouth is being communicated and is being understood by other people because it's not important what you mean by your words it's important how does the other one understand it what you just said and that means a lot of misunderstanding can also be let's say reduced in the moment where you've just become more aware of the impact of your words and right speech integrates parts of what I just said right now so being aware of what is it that you are saying and all of them merge together with that ethical conduct that you do not want to harm others neither with your thoughts nor with [Music] so then afterwards the following points for example the right Behavior it almost goes without saying that first we are thinking something then we are talking about it then we are doing the things so same goes here now pay attention to the actions that you are putting within the next year into into the daily being because it's another 365 years where a type of conditioning is taking place and this conditioning is causing of the actions that you are doing the habits that you are having the behavior that you are putting towards others which then means the right livelihood right livelihood meaning how are you earning actually your possibilities of living this life I think in that time where that Noble Eightfold Path was developed it also meant for example that if you have the ethical conduct to not harm too many beings the right livelihood would quite a lot be in conflict of being a butcher the right livelihood meaning by the way of how you are making your living are you causing harm along this way are you causing harm along this profession let's say and now you must understand that this type of guideline this type of noble hateful past is like centuries old so what does it mean it means that a lot of experience went into these type of statements that means even if you are taking care of your right understanding taking care of the right speech taking care of the right sword taking care of your right actions still you are embedded in the surrounding that by profession is causing harm it's still at the end somehow difficult to really fully commit to that past and this is now my interpretation why I think right livelihood thus play an important role within the normal daily life because you can be and say that you are a really really foreign person that doesn't want to cause harm but then you must make it from beginning until end without any which also involves therefore the right livelihood so number six is the right effort the meaning you know the past know what needs to be done and sometimes doing the right things difficult thing to think because it's not always what always what naturally arises it is something that you need to condition yourself in it is something you need to train yourself in in doing so then therefore I think right effort meaning to continuously pay attention and have patience in fulfilling and trying to put this type of guidelines into your daily life now right concentration meaning to be aware of where you are focusing your energy of where you are focusing your intention that is already like beneficial if you just try to put as much as you understand from these paths into your daily life but nevertheless if somebody really wants to know what what does it mean you need to do the research now you cannot really just rely on let's say my interpretation because that's exactly what it is my understanding of how these wordings do have a meaning in my life how I put them into practice yes but I'm very sure that there is way more to each of these sentences but that is dependent on where is somebody standing right now somebody who's just starting this past he has one type of understanding somebody who already knows these type of guidelines who already knows them for five years six years seven years some decades who already practice them for some decades he has another understanding with them it's just that this past is like showing you off if there is something to adjust within your life which are the areas to adjust and that means a just first of all do you have the proper understanding in what you as a human being at the moment are embedded in meaning if you think this world is about you think again maybe you misunderstood something that's why the right understanding is something very very fundamental for everything else to follow then afterwards after let's say you understand okay let's just assume I understand or I can see apparently that there is a connection between us humans between the people that you are dealing with let's just assume there is a connection if there's a connection merge together with the ethical conduct that you do not want to harm which would normally automatically arise in the moment where you feel the connection then it means in the way of how I am thinking in the way how I am talking I do not want you to get any harm from that so that means watch exactly what type of thoughts are you cultivating towards your colleagues at work you regard them as being colleagues that you are all working on the same Mission let's say you're all pulling on the same rope or you're regarding yourself being surrounded between your colleagues and this is about competing these are moments where a sword can arise afterwards same with the speech same with the actions coming once again to the way how you are earning your daily life and now the other three areas that we think needs some improvement is the way first of all are you meditating do you have inside your daily life a meditative practice in meditative practice you find plenty of ways and plenty of explanations how to either get started with it or even to just get a glimpse of why would it be necessary to integrate this meditation inside of you and meditation is the practical way it's the practical way start and see more why to meditate to bring Clarity to your life what to do when I have Clarity in my life I start to see things better and therefore start once again to understand things better so there you right now for example can see that meditative practice is very closely related also to the amount of how and what you are understanding this is why it's not the chronology of steps that somebody is going through all of this at the same time as much commitment as you would like as much effort as you would like to put this type of practices but since let's say people were asking so I don't know what to do what should I do that is the traditional Buddhist guideline of starting the path and afterwards only come one sentence that maybe people have read before there are only two mistakes along this way you are not starting this one or you are not bringing this one to the end that's it thank you so much to The Shaolin Temple master and shaolin.online these videos were made possible because they believed in our mission of inspire change they believed that we are the right people to deliver this message our audience is the right people to receive this message so I cannot thank them enough it made all of this possible the same as Mulligan rivers.com where you guys have been supporting us all the profits from the website always go back into the mission of inspire change this is what this means everything to us Inspire change it's written on the walls it's on our t-shirts it's tattooed on our hands it's tattooed on our necks Inspire change you know when Jacob died for me it became my life's purpose and my brothers I know are exactly the same like this is what we want to do for the rest of our lives is to make a change in the world for our content our videos our products whatever it is guys at the moment I know you guys went really hard on the journals and you you've sold these pretty much out using code 2020 free at checkout on the buy one get one freeze we've now added the T-shirt to the buy one get one free as well um and some of the hoodie best and best are also available on the baron got free deal you can mix and match use code 2020 free at checkout and it's buying it for free across everything um and the hoodies are also 30 off so as always all the profits go back into making this possible so anyone who's ordered it's been nuts we've been trying to keep up with your orders but I cannot thank you guys enough it's it it does make this possible so thank you anyone who also donated to Jacob's charity or the still Foundation from mullingrovers.com I just wanted to say we have now made enough money to buy our first headstone for bereaved parents it was my a dream of mine to start this Foundation this charity for my son and my son's honor and now we've had an impact on somebody else's lives I'll keep you updated with how that goes uh but yeah thank you I cannot thank you guys enough also my subscribers if you've not hit the notification Bell yet please go do it we're at 13 of subscribers with a notification Bell I've got so much new content coming up with shihangi you don't even know some of the crazy projects and conversations that we had together there's like so many more interviews but you're only going to know if you get notified so hit the notification Bell have a blessed and productive day and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Mulligan Brothers Interviews
Views: 291,452
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Keywords: Mulliganbrothers, mulligan brothers, motivational videos, motivation, motivational speech
Id: mwBx_uQPHhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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