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hi Stan [Music] I stand I stand I stand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] door [Music] ha ha - great [Music] come on one more time we all come I say ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] Father we praise you in this place we exalt you in this house Lord we pray that you take total control of our time here Holy Spirit fill this place fill every person fill every heart fill every soul challenges transform us change us through the power of the world in Jesus name Oh some God How Great Thou are I do [Music] I see how you walk out by the holy worship you some God how great you are I mean cold [Music] say let me back Lord we and worship you come on say [Music] with the name of Jesus Christ fill us one more time we trap presence in this house cannot say awesome I pray not to break that you lift up every burden in this house [Music] [Music] Lord we bow no [Music] [Music] shall we give the Lord a round of applause in this house somebody say hallelujah come on you can do better let me hear you shout hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord Amen hallelujah what an honor what a privilege to be in the Lord's house even though it's my first time here I already feel at home already amen we're glad to be in the house of the Lord it was such a blessing meeting Reverend Mensa as soon as I you know I saw him I was touched by you know his sense of humility his openness you can sense he's a great man of God thank you man of God for inviting us it's a great family so I thank the Lord for the opportunity to be here of course I'm here with my wife Patricia so yesterday we celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary and we had a chance to be at reverence minces house for a dinner so we had the special dinner thank you so much for welcoming us again it's it's a pleasure for me to be here we gotta go straight into the Word of God tonight tonight will be somewhat of a message prayer and prophetic declaration all of them you know mixed up together so I hope that you're ready to receive that amen if somebody's ready to receive say I'm ready in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord we gotta go just to put ourselves in the context I'm gonna invite you to turn to numbers chapter 22 numbers chapter 22 numbers 22 hallelujah and we're gonna look at verse verse for we'll read verses 1 through 4 we'll read verses 1 through 4 just to put us in the context verse 1 it says the children of Israel moved and camped to the plain to the plains of Moab on the sight of the Jordan Accord across from Jericho now balak the son of zippor saw all that Israel had done to the amorite and Moab was exceedingly afraid somebody say exceedingly afraid of the people because there were many and Moab was sick with dread because of the children of Israel verse 4 so Moab's and elders to Midian now this said L said to the elders of medians now this company will lick up everything that is around us and as an ark licks the grass on the field and balak the son of zippor was king of the Moabites at the time and in the rest of the story you're gonna see that they sent a man named descent - a prophet call Balaam in order to curse Israel so the title of my message tonight is be careful with Balaam hallelujah look at your neighbors say be careful with Balaam find somebody else hey be careful with Balaam find another person say be careful with Balaam before us we have a story in the Bible a story that you know but that carries a lot of truth into it we are that God had delivered the children of Israel from Egypt and when he delivered them from Egypt he gave them victory over all of their enemies in the wilderness when they came close to a place that was called Moab in the king of that particular country was called bailet when he saw that Israel was coming towards him he was afraid and today the very first thing that I'd like you to know is that the enemy is afraid of you maybe you don't realize that some of you when you look at your life you look at what's going on you look at all of your troubles you look at all of your torments you look at all of your opposition and you may assess yourself as a normal person but I've come here to tell you tonight you're not a normal person you're full of power you're full of anointing you're full of God's presence and the enemy is afraid of you look at your neighbors say he's afraid of you Balaam Balak was afraid of Israel for three reasons and I the enemies today is still afraid of you for those same reasons the number one is that AM Yisrael Balaam was afraid Balak was if afraid of Israel because of the prosperity that was over the life of Israel so in the story the Bible says that Moab that Baylor called Balaam and he said call his elders and he says we have to curse those the children of Israel and they said the reason we have to curse the children of Israel is because there are many in numbers 22 verse 3 the Bible says Moab was exceedingly afraid of the people because there were many now I want you to know that fruitfulness in the Bible is a sign of God's blessings having children in the Bible is a side is a sign of God's blessings so in that particular text the Bible says the very first reason why Balin was afraid of Israel is because there were many in other words because God had made them fruitful because God had prospered them because God had multiplied them as a result bailet was afraid of them now I want you to understand that some of you maybe you're going through a situation where you have a lot of enemy and you have people who stand against you people who are backbiting you people who are plotting against you and you're wondering why are those people standing against me I haven't done anything to them I don't hate them I don't stand in front of them I don't talk about them I don't attack them why do they hate me but I want you to understand in this world you don't have to make enemies to have enemies all you have to do is to be in a position for God's to prosper you once you are in a position for God to prosper you the grace that is of God that is over your life will make enemies and there's nothing you can do about it it's not because you've done anything wrong it's not because you've attacked anybody it's not because you stood against anybody but it is simply whenever you are being prospered and your prosperity comes from the Lord somebody's mad about it are you guys with me I've come to tell you tonight the Lord said stop having a pity party start feeling guilty start feeling I stopped feeling as if you had done something wrong look at your neighbor say you did nothing wrong tell your neighbor you did nothing wrong door don't don't don't worry about this thing don't leave loose nights of sleep about this thing it's not anything that you did wrong it's because the prosperity of God is over your life and suddenly it creates enemies ah somebody shout glory somebody glory somebody shall glory though what prosperity in the Bible means to advance the word prosperity in the Bible means to move ahead the word prosperity in the Bible means to grow so whenever you're advancing whenever you're moving ahead whenever you're growing because of the grace of God suddenly enemies will start rising up in your life and there is nothing that you have done and there is nothing that you can do about it all you have to do is to keep walking in God's blessing somebody shout glory now while I am preaching I will also be encouraging you to pray so I have made my first point and I want you to pray the first prayer look at lift up your right hand lift up your right hand and repeat those words after me say every Goliath come on say with all of your strength say Africa laughs say Africa lion that is standing against my success come on say louder say Africa lieth that is telling against my success say Africa liya that is standing against my success now gather all your strength say die in the name of Jesus Christ say die in the name of Jesus Christ say tie the name of Jesus cried I declare every July of that is standing against your grace your prosperity a success he's already dead in the name of Jesus Christ has already fallen in the name of Jesus Christ you don't have to do anything wrong you just have to be successful and suddenly you start seeing some Goliath so the enemy was afraid Moab was afraid of them because of their prosperity secondly Moab was afraid of them because of their potential in numbers chapter 22 verse 4 the Bible says that Moab said to his elders now the company this company will cup everything that is around us this company will lick up I will lick up everything that is around us if this company will eat all the grass green grass that we have around us green grass represents blessing green grass represent opportunities so suddenly those guy says Windows Israelites come they're gonna eat up everything that we have they're gonna eat up every opportunity they're gonna go through every open door they're gonna seize every occasion that God gives so sometimes how would you understand the enemy is not only afraid of you because of what God has done in your life but the enemies afraid of you because of what God is about to do in your life the enemy is already afraid of your potential when Jesus Christ was born the Bible says that Herod Herod gather all of his leaders and did the best that he could to annihilate every child so he can annihilate Jesus why because Herod saw the potential everybody saw a baby but Herod saw a king everybody saw a baby but Herod saw the savior of the world everybody saw a baby but Herod saw the king of kings and the Lord of lords oh you didn't hear what I say so when you look at yourself you see a normal person but the enemy sees a king he sees a king in ministry this is a king in business this is a king in your family this is a king in your neighborhood so if the enemies stand against you it's not because you've done anything but it's because you're carrying something in your warmer you are not even aware of it you don't even know about it but you're carrying a great destiny somebody shout glory somebody shout glory glory but I declare every mahlock spirit that wants to destroy the destiny that you're carrying declare them in the name of Jesus Christ tonight they are falling in Jesus Christ's name somebody shout glory he was not only afraid because of their of their prosperity was not only afraid because of their potential but he was also afraid because of their power because in numbers 22 verse 6 he says therefore come at once and curse these people for they are too mighty for us curse these people because they are too mighty they are too powerful do you know how much power you're carrying Paul says that Paul says that we carry this treasure in an earthen vessel the the treasure that Paul is talking about is the power the presence of the power and the power of the Holy Spirit that resides inside of us we carry this treasure in an earthen vessel I have a I have a friend of mine in the United States maybe some of you have read her books and I've heard about her her name is Rebekah Brown I don't anybody has anybody read he came to set the captives free some of you have read that book she's a friend of mine she spread out her church a couple of times and Rebecca brown told me a story when she was a medical doctor and she was fighting a satanic network in the United States of America because she ministered to a young lady and that young lady was a bride of Satan now at that time according to you know what is told in the book of Satan had 13 brides in the United States 13 women that Satan personally married in the United States of America and she ministered to one of those ladies who was a bride of Satan and and that lady tells tells an interesting story she said Rebecca Brown when you started ministering in the hospital because Rebecca brown was a medical doctor at the hospital she said when you started ministering at the hospital and you were ministering to other people and you were winning different people to Christ she said my satanic network we gather together in order to attack you and she said one night we we form a circle and around that circle we had candles and you know and we had and we had a star and we had candles at the different edges of the star and she said we gather together and in spirit we asked for pretty projected our spirit man however our spirit body we astral projected our spirit into your home in order to attack you but she said while we were in that circle we astral projected our spirit into your home she said as soon as we started coming close we realized that there were angels all around your house are you reading what I said she said we realized that there were angels all around the house when we try to get in we would simply bounce off of the angels and we would fall back she said at the beginning who at the beginning the angel would simply laugh at us but when some of our friends of my colleagues started to to really became intense about it she said one of the angels simply looked at us fearfully I simply looked at us almost with anger simply the angel looking at us looking at them she said simply the angel looking at us with anger caused us to fall back simply the angels who had caused us to fall back and she said those angels they did not have weapon but no weapon was able to get through them they didn't have weapon it was a bunch of them and they had held hands together and she said one later on the lady would tell her that those angels are called linked angels linked angels they are protective angels they come together they link themselves like a chain and they become a hedge around your and they become a hedge around your life and they become a hedge around your business huh I see goddess pressing lake angels around your house around your business around your life around your children around everything that you have because you are protected by God somebody shout glory I sure wall of fire around your home I show relic of fire around your mind ask your wall of fire around your health I feel see a wall of fire around your ministry your family and everything that you own because you are under the power of God shout one more time glory so the enemy was afraid he was afraid because of their prosperity he was afraid because of their power he was afraid because of their potential now what did Balaam do a Billiken Balaam do they use some interesting strategies the number the one the number one thing that Balak do in order to counter attack Israel he sent a false prophet when you've got potential when God is prospering you you've got potential and his protection is around you the very first thing that you got to look at you gotta be careful with all false prophets he sent off all profit numbers chapter 22 verse 5 then he sent a messenger to Balaam the son of Beor he thought okay he sent a false prophet now I want you to understand that the question becomes what makes a false prophet a false prophet can I get a something to wipe my face now question is what makes a false prophet of our prophet a false prophet is not a false prophet because it is he's in accurate being in accurate is not necessarily what makes a false prophet a false prophet it could be very accurate in your revelation and still be accurate and still be a false prophet thank you in the book of Deuteronomy the Lord said to Israel if if a prophet if a prophet comes to you and announces something but in what he says comes to pass but he says let's worship our God the Bible says stone him because he's a false prophet if a prophet announces something and what he says come to pass but after that he said let's worship our God the Lord says stone him because he's a false prophet it's not a false prophet because he's him he's inaccurate in the prophecy he's a false prophet because what his teaching goes against the Word of God are you guys with me Abraham Balaam was a false prophet Balaam is presented as a false prophet in the Bible but he wasn't a false prophet because he got his revelations wrong in fact his revelations were absolutely right the words he prophesied were true he was able to even talk to the Lord you know and he talked to God face-to-face he spoke with the angel of the Lord and everywhere that he spoke was true nevertheless he's still presented as a false prophet why because the Bible says look at 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 15 the 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 15 the Bible says for they have forsaken the right way and have gone astray following the way of balaam the son of beor who loved the wages of unrighteousness ha what made Balaam a false prophet it's not because his revelation were right it's not because his prophecies weren't right it's not because he wasn't hearing right what made him a false prophet is because he was greedy he loved the wages of unrighteousness he didn't care how the money came in as long as the money came in he didn't care what he had to sacrifice he had not character he had no standard he had no morality he had no virtue he had no holiness and that's what made him a false prophet so when God has a plan for you when God has a plan for you when you're carrying potential when God wants to prosper you one of the thing that the enemy will send you away are false prophets not necessarily somebody who's who cannot hear the Lord but somebody who has no fruit of the Holy Spirit in their lives hallelujah Jesus says by their fruit you will know them by their fruit not by their lives but by their fruit there are differences between leaves and fruit the the the spiritual gifts that we carry they are leaves but they are not fruits Jesus says by your fruits you will carry them you will know that my fruits what doing fruit a prophesy is not a fruit are you guys with me speaking in tongues is not a fruit doing miracle is not the fruit the fruit of the Spirit our love and joy and peace and patience and self-control and kindness the Bible says if you want to recognize a good prophet you got to look at the fruit personally I don't let any prophet prophesy over me it's not because I'm afraid they'll be wrong but I want to know who's prophesying over me and the only one I'll know who's prophesying over me is if I know a little bit about your fruit but if I don't know anything about your fruit and suddenly you're prophesying over me I'm running the risk of getting the prophesy of a false prophet not because they are inaccurate but because their life are not aligned with the Word of God [Applause] so the enemy the first thing that he did he sent a false prophet a greedy prophet a prophet who had no character no standard no fear of God he sent a false prophet he was the first strategy the second thing that the enemy did is that not only he got Balaam bailer Balaam the false prophet secondly when Balaam came Balaam raised in altar the second thing the enemy will try to do against you he will try to raise a demonic altar against you last night we heard a beautiful teaching about the power of an altar how how when an altar is raised divinity is met with humanity so a path and altar is powerful it is powerful in the divine realm it is also powerful in the demonic realm so what Balak did Baylor went Balak all Balaam Balaam says Balaam says raise an altar in fact raise seven altars and on top of those seven altars we want seven altars in seven Rams in seven balls and offer them on those altars and the Bible says he raised all those altars and presented them and so our altar as we said last night is the place where the natural meets with the supernatural is the place where there is intercourse in the you know it it creates a hole it creates a portal where supernatural entities can invade the natural now if it's a divine a godly altar then it becomes an airport for a for the angels of God to land it becomes an airport for the angels of God to land but if it's a demonic altar it becomes a place where demonic spirit can enter the world so he raised a demonic altar when the enemy wants to against you one of the things that he'll do is raise the demonic altar but I got great news for you there is an altar there is an altar that is greater than any altar that can ever be raised because here's what I want you to understand the power of an altar depends on the sacrifice that is offered on that altar I'm gonna say it again the power of an altar depends on the sacrifice that is offered on that altar they are some altars where they offer Birds in Pigeon for example an altar where you offer a bird or pigeon will have some kind of strength but not too much treasure but instead of offering a pigeon if you if you offer instead if a person offers instead a chicken then the altar has a little bit more power now it's instead of a chicken if you go up and you offer a goat or Ram now the altar starts to really have power that's why when you wanted to curse Israel he said I want you to bring me seven Rams in seven balls I don't want pigeons and or chicken I don't want bird because that ultra will be weak if I want the altar to be strong I gotta begin with Ram so an altar with Ram has more power than an altar with chicken then an altar with bird because you offer something that requires more sacrifice and then an altar with balls will be more powerful and also with balls will be more powerful than an altar with goat or an altar with chicken or an altar with a pigeon are you guys with me and finally that's why in the demonic world they sacrifice human beings because an altar where a human being has been sacrificed will have more power than the bull will have more power than the rim will have more power than the chicken will have more power than the pigeon be the value of the sacrificer but I got news for you on a hill of Calvary called Golgotha somebody was sacrificed it wasn't a chicken it wasn't a poor it wasn't a ran it wasn't even just a human being it was God himself it was the second person of the Trinity who came down in France's life therefore there is no power raised against you that can ever work nor palta can outperform a Calvary no altar can conquer Calvary no altra can stand in front of the power of Calvary so you have nothing to fear you have nothing to fear the next time they tell you that I'm gonna work out some witchcraft against you oh you might as well laugh maybe because my altar is the most powerful altar in the world on that altar the second person of Trinity what sacrifice for me somebody shout glory glory abba-baba-baba Sita Rashad acaba Yoko's ribbon sapphire he raised the demonic altar against Israel but Israel was he was was hidden behind a cross because in Exodus chapter 12 when they took communion for the first time it was a type of Jesus Christ who was to come they were under the blood of the Lamb therefore they couldn't they couldn't get to them they were hidden under the blood so he raised an altar the first thing that he did he got himself a false prophet secondly he raised himself an altar and third he started speak curses he started speaking curses do you guys know that spoken words have power all spoken words have power more power than you think more power than you think I wouldn't have time to get into all of those details with you but of usually when I teach in different at different places at my church I usually tell people your words are more intelligent than you are your words are more intelligence than you are in other words when you speak a word the word comes out with its own intelligence this is why Jesus says in John 6:63 the words are specific to you or spirit in life the Hebrew word Spirit means like the wind but with intelligence a spirit is an intelligent being it's like the wind you can't see it but it is as intelligent as a human being a spirit spirit means like the wind but with intelligence Jesus says the word I speak to you are spirit and they are life in other words you don't see them because they are like the wind but they carry their own intelligence that's why when God wanted to bring back the army that had been dead in the valley for many years the Lord call is Ezekiel and say Ezekiel son of man prophesy in other words son of man speak now I want you to understand that without a human being a human being as a human being as a person it would have been very difficult for the prophet Natalie first of all it required the power of God to bring the army back to life but secondly in bringing that army to life it would have been difficult for Ezekiel to know which foot matches with leg and which one matches with with him you know which which which hand you know is connected with which arm I mean it would have been impossible for Ezekiel himself to do that but under the power of God when he prophesied and he commended him come to life the what he didn't have enough intelligence to do his word went out in fact look at this leg connects with that toe and it connects with that hand and it's connected in that heart and it's connected what he couldn't do his word was able to do it that's why when God gives you a promise keep speaking the word go for your life even if you have no idea how it's gonna come to pass but if God says you're gonna get married you need to say I'm gonna get married you don't know how it's gonna happen but as you keep on saying I'm gonna get married don't work that you speak because they carry their own intelligence if it has to fly and go to New York and find somebody who doesn't know you it'll find a way so it can happen because the word you speak they are life they are spirit in their life in other words they get things done when you see you keep speaking something over your life and one day what you were speaking and you had no idea how it was gonna happen and suddenly it happens suddenly you may wish somebody and say you wanted to go to medical school and you say I'm gonna be a doctor I'm gonna be a doctor I'm gonna be a doctor you have no idea how it was gonna happen and one day somebody say I'm gonna pay that medical school for you it's not a coincidence all of those ease that you have in speaking you no one has been looking for the right person the word the word has been looking for the right person and when he found the right person the world put that person and brought you somebody shout glory somebody shout glory somebody shall glory when you understand the nature of words then suddenly you understand then you suddenly you understand why we should never joke with curses you should never joke with curses they are there there are certain things that a person says over your life you need to immediately immediately say I rebuke that in the name of Jesus Christ I don't care who you are you could be my best friend you could carry the best title but there are things you speak over my life immediately I'm gonna say I rebuilt [Music] because words are spirit and their life this I don't rebuke it it means I agree with it and suddenly a demonic intelligence is gonna start working against me so I need to rebuke it and kill that demonic intelligence immediately you see in the book of Revelation chapter 16 verse 2 verse 13 Revelation chapter 16 verse 13 the officer John says I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon in the mouth of the Beast in the mouth of the false prophet I saw unclean spirit ha what usually comes out of them out of the mouths of people words words words so here they are they were speaking and in the spirit realm John was able to see the words that was coming out of the mouth the words were like frogs coming out of their mouth just like when a men of God speaks to your noising the Spirit of God the power of the Spirit of God comes out of his mouth when a messenger of Satan speak the demonic anointing the demonic spirit look like frogs and animals and different things like that so I saw them coming out of mouths so that's why that's why he called a false prophet to curse Israel if you would speak over Israel if he would speak frogs he would speak serpents he would speak animals over Israel in Gaelic understood that the real battle is not in the natural realm the real battle isn't is in the spirit realm so he started cursing Israel but I declare in the name of Jesus Christ every curse spoken over your life is broken I say every demonic curse spoken of your over your life shall go back to sender I say every demonic curse spoken over your life will go back to centre yes but praise God we are protected by the blood of Jesus a couple of years ago we were doing the crusade in Haiti not couple of years ago 10 years ago were doing a crusade in Haiti and the high priest of Voodoo around the world he was the high priest of Voodoo for anybody who practices voodoo all around the world and and that man said you know that pastor called Gregory I shall bury him I will bury him he causes too much trouble in this country will bury this God he spoke those words and immediately he spoke those words he became sick and by the time I came back for my next crusade he was already dead because what happened is when somebody speaks a curse when an agent of Satan speaks a curse the curse comes out like demonic spirits but if those demonic spirits cannot come in they will go back to the person who sent them [Applause] the man's for the curse against me and he was dead by the time I came for backs on my mat next who said he was dead the the the the the the first day I started the next crusade he was dead and past his power to his daughter the second when I came back to the second crusade by the first night the daughter was dead she died the first day I began the crusade and then they replaced the daughter by another High Priest before a week was over he was dead because what they speak against you because you're under the blood how what can I get to you we'll get back to the sender I said what can't get to you we'll get back to the sender I say every evil Lord will get back to the sender every spiritual poison we go back to the sender every demonic disease we'll go back to the sender every satanic snake we'll go back to the sender every mental of disgrace we'll go back to the sender every arrow of destruction we'll go back to the sender man somebody shout glory somebody shout glory somebody shout glory I see a spiritual reversal in your life I see curse is turning into blessings I see trials turning into triumph I see attest becoming a testimony I see a mess becoming a message what the enemy meant for evil God is gonna turn it around man turn it for good the enemy couldn't curse Israel because Israel was blessed the enemy will not be able to get to you because you're blessed because you're covered under the blood of Jesus now here's what I'm trying to close with Israel was absolutely covered and protected by God's provision by the provision of the Lamb that was made in Exodus chapter 12 they were totally covered against sorcery divination witchcraft spiritual attacks they were totally covered that's numbers numbers chapter 22 chapter 23 chapter 24 the story of Balaam covers three chapters in the Bible numbers 22 23 and 24 but the numbers 25 we gonna we're gonna read about a tragedy the next chapter after Balaam did everything that he could to curse Israel he could not in the next chapter numbers 25 with your tragedy what's the tragedy Israel did something and when he did when when they did it the Bible says in one day 24,000 Israelites died what had happened what had happened exactly numbers 31 verse 16 told us what happened when Balaam tried to curse Israel he offered they offered in total they offer they raised up in total towing one alters because they were they raised up they went to three mountains and on each mountain be raised seven altars with seven bulls in seven Rams in total they raised twenty-one altars with forty-two sacrifices in order to curse Israel but he didn't work three mountains three mountains twenty-one altars forty-two sacrifices they could not curse Israel when Balaam saw that he could not curse Israel and he was ready to go home he gave Balak a wicked advice he told Balak we cannot curse those people because God has blessed them everywhere that they are the angel of God is with them in fact the angel of God almost killed me because God didn't want me to go and curse them so on the road the angel of God stood against me to kill me it was my donkey that protected me so the reason we can't curse them is because God is with his bless them and the angel of God is with them wherever they go he said the only way the only way we can remove that veil of protection is to get them to do something get them to do something that that that will cause the angel of God to back away from them and you see what he did numbers 33 verse 6 verse 16 let's read together which says look it says look these women is that 30 31 it's 31 16 it says look these women 31 16 look these women cause the children of Israel through through the council of balaam to trespass against the lord in the incident impure and there was a plague among the congregation when 24,000 of them died it was a plague that killed him and how did the plague come about when Balaam was about to go he said there is no witchcraft no sorcery no divination can can work against those people so here's my advice to you sin women he said he's my advice in women in the camp of Israel and let them fall in adultery let them fall in fornication let them fall in sexual sins and suddenly the angel of the Lord who was with them and fighting for them will back away and when he kept that advice Baylor did it and they started falling in sin and the Spirit of the Lord backed away and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel 24,000 of them died what what seven altars seven altars twenty-one sacrifices couldn't do all right what what I'm not seven altars what twenty-one altars and forty-two sacrifices couldn't do one wicked advice did it what he tried for many days he couldn't do in one day a door was open so my advice to you tonight during this time of prayer is be careful with Balaam Balaam represents what Balaam represents it represents that place of spiritual you know a comfort that place where I get as a man you know I'm so blessed I don't have to worry about anything I'm so I'm so blessed and God's got me so covered I can even sin and he won't have to much repercussion be careful be careful Balaam himself the Bible says in the Book of Numbers that the Spirit of God came upon Balaam the Spirit of God came upon him his purpose every time you seen the Bible the Bible says the Spirit of God comes upon somebody it talks about the anointing there are three moves of the Holy Spirit of God the spirit of God with you that's the company of the Holy Spirit the Spirit of God in you that's the presence of the Holy Spirit the Spirit of God upon you it's the power of the Holy Spirit in other words the anointing the Bible says this man was prophesied by the power of the Holy Spirit of God nevertheless the Bible says he was practicing also sorcery why because originally he had the a genuine anointing but because because of the love of money he deviated from the way of the Lord and became a sorcerer he had the anointing he became so comfortable in haunting Akkad acting I can make money any way that I want to goddess will still be with me and he became an instrument in the hand of the devil even though the gifting is from the Lord but he became an instrument in the head of the devil and the Bible calls him a sorcerer even though he originally had the anointing of God the problem the era the Bible talks about the error of Balaam the error of Balaam is when God has so blessed us he's so anointed us he's given us so much and we get to a point we think we can we can be relaxed spiritually and we don't have to worry about anything God's got my back God's got me protected God's got me covered Israel Balaam made the same mistake and because he made the same mistake he knew if he could induce Israel in sin the same thing that happened to him would happen to Israel too and he induced Israel in sin tonight and hearing the Lord say and hearing the Lord say I've got you covered no one can curse you but yourself [Applause] no one can curse you but yourself so in this 21 days of fasting one of the things to pray about is holiness its holiness if you can live a holy life you won't have to worry about anything if you can live a holy life he's got you covered if your life is pleasing to him he's got you covered if you can live a life that glorifies his name you don't have to worry about anything he's got you covered he will bless you he will protect you he will raise you up but he said you have to make sure that you live a life that is holy sokka Reba Reba Reba Reba yo gorebyss akka knebekayze cicadas create in me a clean purified purify me create in me look me so that last week I was rid Reverend Duncan Archbishop Duncan Williams I had read about his books and his ministry you can remain on your feet and I wanted to have a chance to just sit down with him and just ask him questions so I had a chance to sit down with him for about an hour an hour and a half and all I did was just ask him questions about life and about ministry and the first advice I had as the archbishop is what is your most important advice for a young man in ministry I told him I'm a young man in ministry what is your most important advice if you could only give one advice to a young man in ministry what would it be and he told me live a life of purity live a life of purity live a life of purity gap god yourself keep yourself pure keep yourself pure and in reading that story I can understand why because God's got you covered you are the only one who can curse yourself if you can live a life of purity if you can stay away from all that trash that you have on the internet pornography if you can stay away from all the trash that there you know that that even the United States is exporting to the world if you can stay from all of that away from Avila the Lord will cover you the Lord will cover tonight Lauren pastor asked me to preach I was gonna perhaps talk about something different but when I woke up this morning as soon as I woke up from my sleep in my dream last night the Lord spoke to me and he says I want you to talk I want you to tell somebody I got you covered so maybe this message is just for one person maybe it's not for the entire church maybe it's just for one person but the Lord is telling a young man in this place I've put so much Grace and you have put so much potential in you have so much power you have got you covered but you've got to keep yourself pure says the Lord you've got to keep yourself pure you've got to keep yourself pure the only way that the enemy will get to you is if you open the door through impurity so I know we're making a it could be a strange call that are making tonight but if you're here in this place and you say Lord I want to live a life of purity I want to live a life of purity I want to be pure before you I want to live a life that's glorifies you wherever you are all over this place I'm gonna ask you to come forward it's a bold step but come forward anyway say Lord I want to offer my body as a sacrifice to you in those 21 days I'm not asking you for silver I'm not asking you for gold I'm not asking you for a car I'm not asking you for protection and my understanding you've you've you've got me covered in all of those areas but I'm asking you to give me a life of holiness I'm asking you to give me a life of purity asking you to give me a life of sanctification father I want my life to be a sweet aroma in your nose in the name of Jesus Christ so wherever you are you can come forward and say lord I want to offer myself to you hallelujah create it's not a song it's a prayer say create [Music] a purified create a clean heart so that I may worship sick-ass minha casa minha away from please don't please [Music] petroleum sounds so that out soon [Music] - Mina away from now please shall take please don't beat us pyramid [Music] la casa minha vida' which I had lifted up is such a song it's a breath please note a [Music] [Applause] we saw [Music] so that [Music] ha ha ha [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] sooo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we sanctuary to be a sanctuary [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh yeah come on say what repair began when the fire-god comes in your life it hurts when the fire of God comes it burns a precipitous now [Music] the fire [Music] truly a sanctuary nor to this [Music] [Music] Sanji [Music] everyone just lift up your right here say Lord Jesus Lord Jesus I thank you I thank you for speaking to me tonight speaking to me tonight thank you thank you for letting me know for letting me know that I am blessed I am blessed I am blessed I am blessed and no one and no one can curse me curse no demonic altar no demon cook can curse me can kiss no false prophet no false prophet can curse me can curse know maneuver of the enemy no maneuver of the enemy can get to me and get to me but tonight tonight you showed me you showed me the door at all that the enemy really has always used as always in plans to you and plans to you he plans to use Sheila Lansing the door of sin the door father father tonight tonight I pray I pray that you sanctified a centerfire sanctified sanctifying me sanctified sanctified sanctified certified sanctified sanctified used me as a holy vessel you see as a holy vessel in Jesus name I commit my body to you I commit my body to you I commit my soul to you I come up me my soul to you I commit my spirit to you I commit my spirit to you I commit my eyes to you I commit my eyes to you I commit my ears to you I commit my ears I commit my hands to you I commit my hands I commit my feet to you I commit my feet to you in Jesus name thank you thank you now just lift up your hands just lower the music for me just lift up your hands you don't have to say anything just receive in this place father in the name of Jesus Christ I thank you for the word that was spoken today I thank you because we have all of those young people here who will not commit the error of balaam I thank you because you've challenged them to live a life of holiness and sanctification unto you right now I'm gonna take authority in the name of Jesus Christ for every spirit that is not of God you don't have to say anything just receive it in the name of Jesus Christ receive in the name of Jesus Christ now in the name of Jesus Christ Satan I bind you in Jesus Christ's name and I take authority over you in the name of Jesus Christ every person that you've got bound in this place in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to release them in the name of Jesus Christ every demonic spirit that has has access to people's life in this place tonight in this place we take authority over you in the name of Jesus Christ every demonic spirit that went in came in through pornography in the name of Jesus Christ you spirit of panagra fee wherever you are in this place I take authority over you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I command you in Jesus Christ name go go go proud in the name of Jesus Christ every spirit that came in through fornication sex before marriage adultery in the name of Jesus Christ I take authority over you in the name of Jesus Christ I take authority over you your life is not hers her life her life is not yours her life belong to Jesus in the name of Jesus Christ every spirit of pornography every spirit of adultery for the morality whatever it may be I take authority over you in the name of Jesus Christ go in Jesus Christ's name I declare that they are free I declare that they are free I declare that they are free from the crown of the head to the sole of their feet in the mighty name of Jesus Christ hallelujah somebody give glory to the Lord hallelujah you may go back to your seats [Applause]
Views: 3,293
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: Rev. Steve Mensah
Id: 3BEff5X3XfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 37sec (4417 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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