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[Applause] sit down for two minutes tonight I am so privileged I'm so excited I'm so excited amen I'm elated hey and you know I feel so privileged and I think you should also feel privileged tonight that we have such a great man of God in our midst amen and all this man of God I've known him for a very long time since the since the 60s [Applause] [Music] amen and he is our bishops best friend he's also a great friend to this ministry and he's known among all the light house churches in fact when I was in New York he visited us twice and the church was never the same again Hey and it's been a while since I've been I've had the opportunity and the privilege to be close to such a great man of God and you know I've been following his ministry very closely he loves you sir he's a great man of God a man of integrity he loves God amen he has the heart of the worshiper as I am sure that you will see tonight so you know he came here by special invitation or the bishop by special invitation of the bishop to come here to Texas gives himself and also by the guidance of our great apostle Apostle Joe amen it has made it possible for us to have this great man of God in our church it's a big deal doesn't what it's a big deal it's a big deal you know and I am so singularly on it you know to even pave the way like John the Baptist's he said I'm not a messiah just come to make the way amen but before I introduce him I think we have a short video that we want to play so if you can dim the lights then we'll come back thank you [Music] Reverend Steve Mensa general overseer of the charismatic evangelistic ministry one of the great sons of Ghana the Lord has raised his heart's desire is to see Souls turned to the Lord Jesus Christ and to also bring revivals in the rural areas his ministry provides free medical care free food and clothing to the aged needy poor blind cripples [Music] he's a man of integrity honesty and humility we are blessed and honored to have you in our life you so ladies and gentlemen without much adieu why don't we rise forfeit and welcome Reverend Steve Meza [Music] [Music] hallelujah say Amen look for five people and tell them something good is coming away tonight hallelujah on a church what an atmosphere say Amen for that congregation there's a lot of there's a lot of joy in this house saving a lot of music yeah [Applause] [Music] excellent choreography what [Music] and you have an amazing pasta in his way [Music] if I was living in this era is the cha-cha latina [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see men it's a great joy to be here very honored to be invited by the poseidon bishop my best friend in the world [Music] she'll be here fossil dwell the good word as he is previously preparing for the coming of the presiding bishop to florida really encourage everybody to be part of that great meeting I know some people have decided to go somehow each other to stay by brother I don't think you should stay stay at all the part of that great meeting taking place in Florida I think next week also very glad to be coming and cross over a thousand something who have registered and the target is to make about 2,000 participants so you are part of it say man we're all gonna be there and I know that a very great time so don't miss it tell somebody don't miss it don't miss don't miss it don't miss your right hand is lifted to God began to talk to God somebody Lauro psychologically loro sacred available Lori Candice Accola Lori Villarosa caliber a living Sheila little secretive she let my mother lady nippy little dose it kinda baby baby love my eyes off see my lover [Music] [Music] sir [Music] me eg [Music] meet man only share the God of all this [Music] oneisha yeah [Music] what I want to thank you unless you for tonight the axe of your hand of blessing upon your service we know your God or began a great work Oh Perfetti to Jesus name Amen I mean the Lord mighty hand and a mighty shine [Music] Alleluia please be seated tonight I've come to challenge you I have come to provoke you unto good works say Amen and tonight talk about six reasons why you must free long prayers there are places situations circumstances that requires that your prayers should be shot you can't go to a wedding and Grand Prix long-press can't go to a reception and when they actually come and pray in your prayers along you can go to an you can go to your office and when you want to start with you prevail on prayers see men so there are places where you keep your prayers very simple and very short and you get on with the business of the day but there are also situations circumstances that requires that you stretch your prayers because there are certain depths of God there are setting deep things of God there are setting Rams of God there are setting breakthroughs in God that will require that you tarry long in the presence of God Damon and one of the things that we don't do these days is to tarry in his presence we are always in a hurry to make money pull out kiss a girl a lot of jobs drop in the morning and with very little time for prayers and as soon as you stop within three four five minutes the body is tired while sleeping you are yawning so maybe physically or mentally you maybe dream very well about spiritually you can see that your life is sinking say Amen you can be very happy in the presence of God and yet your heart is far away and if you read the scriptures and I'll prove it to you in scriptures that there is the need for you to tarry in his presence if you want to if you want to know God to a setting degree say men and there are setting break throughs you are waiting for that is also requiring that you stay in his presence and you pray until you break through you must pray through until you break through and this is your year that you must break to say man and I seek God doing something very great in your life can I hear somebody say say men and so those of us who are already praying won't encourage you to pray mom those of us who are sitting at the observatory gallery I have come to command you to come down and join the prayer wagon because God is doing something new in our lives these last days amen people who dabble in the occult short familiar spirits people want to share the things they have time to tarry adept in the presence of demons and devils to get what they want false prophets who go to mingle and double with marine spirits sometimes they can be in the press we can be at the place and it can be tell for 16 hours waiting for and the mutia to appear from them I don't know we're talking to the wrong joke I said they don't talk we are the ones who are Dukas [Music] say men so we have to revolution allies our player lives say man he that wants to be drunk mastery long at the wine it means that beloved you must have the discipline to tarry in the presence of God and we always say things like we know we live busy life to have time find the time find it tell somebody find it because you are without excuse see a man and the Bible says in the book of Isaiah before I start my preaching what I want you to look at the Book of Isaiah chapter number 66 reading from bed 7 the Bible said as after this is verse 7 before sheets of a hill she brought forth before her pain came she was delivered of a man-child who had had such a thing and who had seen such things shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day or shall a nation be born at once for as soon as Zion travailed she brought forth her children hallelujah shall I bring to the bed and not cost to bring forth saith the lord shall i cause to bring forth and shut the room she died god see amen it means he says whoever has such a team and who had seen such things shall t8 be made to bring forth in one day it means can you plant a seed today and harvest tomorrow impossible sir nay shall be born at once like we always say Rome was not built in a day for as soon as I own the church travel she brought forth her children it means I own the church is pregnant women and Zion must bring forth a children as a city there are colonies and giftings ate in the recess of your home and you must some of us your baby has overgrown the baby needs a haircut in your womb the fingernails I have a grown it means that there is something you must do in the kingdom that is overdue because you haven't delivered that baby that gift in that calling so you have to locate your spiritual labour ward like a woman whose time has come you have to push that they be out the act of pushing to deliver a baby is called suddenly prayers women and traveling press is not compared to the other night types of prayers in a Bible the prayer of faith is a respite in the prayer of intercession the prayer of consecration the prayer of praise the prayer of repentance in other other prints today in the Bible but the prevailing prayers is very different it is not a very popular type of praise because it will require value you start in the presence of God and Beth that Collin's and that giftings like a woman who is ready to deliver a baby and she goes into the labor ward if she if she if it is required that she has to be there fun hour two hours three hours to bring for that baby she is committed she is dedicated to push on to the baby's born you will never see a pregnant woman who is delivered delivering a baby and when the head of the baby comes and says I am going to crocodile and it Martinus and come back and continue know if she has to be in the labor ward for four hours she is committed to four hours of pushing travel for as soon as Island travail she brought for nature say I hear you pasta so my beloved brothers and sisters you have to locate your labor Ward and you have to hurry and that gift break through say man shall I bring you to the bed and not cause you to bring forth the law isn't that can a woman billing about and the law would not help her to deliver the baby it means that if you decide to tarry you deliver the baby and this year this is the year that you must bet your miracle this is the year you must bet your breakthrough this is the year that you was you have to say that enough is enough I must see the finger of God and the hand of God in my life see a man and I'm going to give you I'm going to challenge you with the time I have left give you six reasons why you must pray long prayers reasonable one to resume one - to win the battle against the enemy there is a battle you cannot lose you have to win that battle hallelujah it's somebody listening to me the book of Exodus chapter 17 the book of Exodus chapter 17 reading from number eight from verses eight then came a malik and fought with israel in reading and moses said unto joshua choose as out men and go out fight with Amalek tomorrow i will stand upon the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand so Joshua did as Moses had said unto him and fought with a Malik and Moses and Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill and it came to pass a policy and came to pass when Moses held up his hand that Israel prevail and when he let down his hand amalek prevailed but Moses hands were heavy and they took us to and put it under him and he sat there and Aaron and her stayed up his hands the one on one side and the other on the other side and his hands were steady until the going down of the Sun say Amen you see as we are seated here we are all fighting one kind of a battle people are fighting secret insidious battles they cannot mention in public there is a battle there's something you are struggling with that you cannot share openly but you know that it is a fight the enemy wants to overpower you and throw your character there are people who some are addicted to nicotine some alcohol there are guys who cannot stay one week without having multiple sexual contact with people inside dictate to sex it is a party is for married but every week it has to sleep with somebody it is a battle discuss it in public you invited people who are still doing drugs and still it our judges there are women professional - in our churches not your church here I'm talking about judges [Music] there are ladies who are not married yet the conceit that is the batter you are fighting financial battles you are always broke you are always work you are always begging you are always in the negative it is a patter sometime when you come amongst your people pretended to be happy but inwardly you are fight battles it's about time you remove the mask and look at your level ward and bury at the presence of God and over time the spirits of us habits because a battle you don't overcome una vaca you say men so beloved the year is too young and this year you must win the battle against the enemy you must win the battle of a pawnography lesbianism there are days in our churches there are people addicted to things there is a spirit of addiction there are people who are so very coholic and speaking to the alcohol they are speaking in tongues when they are drunk whiskey has to become obscene for him to sleep he said that to it which are already pieces tight consistency dance but he's fighting alcoholic battles and alcohol is the devil himself in a bottle it is a battle and you have to win that battle why because Christ has already won the battle for you so potentially you a winner but especially you have been defeated potentially crisis already redeem you from that battle but experientially you are still under bondage and you are cooking and dancing and moving around pretending to be happy you are all over the place and yet you are dying slowly because the enemy is overpowering you it's about a Terry wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up from your slumber say men there are some physical human beings you must remove from your life they are a path to your destiny Damon it is a battle and these battles are by the enemy passel and changed for you so the thing is a smell to you Damon either you are gifted by onda bondage you are talented but you are you are sick in the spirit talented but I do battles with a gift fight that part of the minutes while you are critical like that but there are people who can just Marie well you can't marry you can have all your relationship just bad it's a battle you can't road one relationship every six months like change need somebody it's a battle with you go out with you whatever they do all kinds of things with you and then I realize it doesn't want to anymore it with that - you made that very well your face or physical appearance is looking pretty spiritually you are wearing a mask there is some talked about to be on the face something has taught that your natural beauty so when the passing wanted you for a while I thought that I don't want to anymore because your appearance does not be minimal after he has done all that you want to do with your family don't you see the trend can't you see the bloodline the marriages don't work in your family so you must now take it upon yourself that I must win this battle in the city they are quite a village you have come to the graduates you appear to the villages applaud those in the towns are poor those in the cities at work those who have travel here to a poor value it is a poverty butter there is a demon of poverty a principality of poverty in your family you must rise up I say you must work rise up you must get mad you must tell yourself enough is enough are you doing all day I have come here tonight to provoke you it's alleged to move you to your next level you said I love is not talking people say things like the devil is a toothless bulldog husband for you that guy is not a weakness bulldog he cometh not but for to steal to kill and to destroy there's a tickler bulldog destroys and kill star says a pitiless bulldog look at what the Bible says arrested we arrested with principalities we are wrestling with powers we are recipe spiritual wickedness in high places ridiculous pedo ricotta worldly ie and see activities of satanic way he's not a rock of Achilles Buddha do better arm yourself finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might [Music] there's somebody stop talking stop talking stop talking listen to me read my lips you have to win that battle everybody has a battle is fighting let's not be somewhere here everybody here has a battle he's right [Music] because we put in win the battle that is why Christ came he that is why Christ came at the price and won he says in this world who have try us temptations but be of good cheer for I the Lord I have already overcome which means that if he has overcome he has to also us who cannot fail failure is not an option for me you will not die before your time do not be poor in this country you cannot mess up here you cannot failure of generations to you you cannot say cannot see there is failure in your family but you cannot say there is poverty your family but you cannot be poor there are honored to get that people in your family but you must turn that lack of education there are people who can just rise up and make it but you must make it that is what the Bible say Christ in you is the hope of glory class II do makes a big difference [Music] please sit down please sit down so then those it is like well [Music] so my fault this is a family say man I refuse look when I look into my personal family man of God didn't see nothing there there's no role model there's nobody that I'm looking up to this man because principality has lifted his head in the family everybody before they break their whole divorce many things I said no this nonsense my story [Music] there's over it is nonsense must stop we must not fail where they fail [Music] well they fail you must succeed he shot the difference between the Christian and the unbeliever if you are come to church while in Christ and you still fail in life like they failed then you are the biggest failure in the history of the world because Christ came into you and you still failed because you didn't fight that there are no weddings in my family it is marriages [Music] the child have a child they have a child a child you see go to the family home you see a lot of children little around a place different different fathers different different whatever all over the place then you to have come into the world following the same nonsense instead of correcting that which was we have also come to follow the statue school today men who must marry well proper well don't we go habit with somebody no man has the right to be sleeping with you well he has a marriage what's wrong with you I'm a professional prostitute are you a prostitute [Music] they have squeezed your Brazil [Applause] the death of that guy that make you sleep with you those days properly had a job literally because this nonsense must stop I don't know what talking to but I've come to provoke you onto the dress well you got a young mark your grandfather had many wives and had 17 children your father had many wives had 19 children you have come on the scene with many girlfriends you can marry any you can't make up your mind to settle with one woman you also following the Saturday 7 girlfriends you are sleeping with all seven we'll see [Music] [Applause] [Music] meet at your grandfather without your father look at yourself can't you see that something is running through the bloodline you also look at what is wrong in your family line and tell yourself I will not follow this and I'm changing it but you cannot change it with your own strength because we are not wrestling with flesh and blood what you are dealing with is a human being it is a prince of the power of the egg in the family that has been there before your great-grandfather was born but we are the Joshua generation we have knowledge we have weapons we have revelation so we cannot say [Music] listen of it that is why we must peri-peri at the foot of the cross and change the bloodline kisses it's by prayer so you is not praying you is no cradle read my lips you are losing the battle we'll have ten were serving to a diplomatic Christian country you love your work more than prayer you love to peel on your laptop more than play you love to be with my today prayer is the least be in your life and that is why you are failing because nobody so my power it is by my spirit says them bring God back into your life and not prayer your authority because if you live God behind you will fail because what you consider our sources in the eyes of God is failure because success without God is failures quit [Music] I know [Music] don't be happy that somebody's husband is with you because because your mother or your mother had several men and has several children your mother was sleeping with people people's husbands were having affair with so - women were born out of wedlock be that was not normal so it is a bloodline Tata so you spirit but Naga you are born again you have to read about this this is the battle this I can see the symptoms of the battle my grandmother when she manages the Principality asana it is now your tunnel which is your tell because you know that this name associated with this family this is the spirit that is controlling them so the spirit the spirit are not afraid of Pistons is called African electronics doesn't feel space took so Akitas buddha is alive knowing that his time shot so he's going out destroy young people killing just just destroy them ever see that he that breaks the hedge the serpent will bite you because the separatists are the edge there would be for you to cross the line to circulate so there are some lines people we don't cross there are some barriers don't break you must stay within ethical boundaries of Christianity we must stay within because there are rules of engagement in Christianity because some people have come into Christ directly there are people in Christ and are still rattling so what are your boundaries where are the boundaries you do what the unbelievers do your dressing your drinking your habits your treats you don't play the whole other place was I was I was fooling around brother you are crossing the line the separates who paid you you are ten parties and TED talk and there are Christians who organized Christian parties and SAP alcohol and do foolishness in a path in the name of liberty in Christ Christians who organize parties and serve alcohol it is a sin and I will tell me what I were taking a pass whatever you have clothes that I [Music] [Applause] though we are in this world we are not of the world so I'm not expected to do that little that is why I totally disagree with a guy who goes to stay with a girl bias in marriage where Wesley person we are supposed to be what the lights of the world and the salt of the earth people must see us and see Christo's let your light so shine before men that they may see it with that it must be see your good works and the purity of other ways in heaven so today we go into our society you see a Christian behavior is behavior that we talk the character and everything is just a silly still in the world doesn't fast always jumping all over the place yes a party here and the way he or she appears at the party very distressful address your breasts eat oil on your breasts I'm a prostitute [Music] and as you get to the party also some unscrupulous people are squeezing you everywhere so call to have ethics [Music] I don't you some of them say well it does appreciate what I should be in this change does the dog does the dog it was let him wash yes hear what the Spirit is intuitive I'm a swing this button I said this particular battle you must win it battle over your character button Ohio habits battle over pornography battle of a womanizing over these red leanness through must overcome it you must that's one who must and you can overcome this battle three long sustained agonizing press yes [Music] because your flesh your flesh wants to please itself there is a struggle between the flesh and the spirit they are in contention the flesh wants to have a Liberty the spirit to win to overpower the flesh which one are you going to use yourself to if you pray you illage eyes the spirits and the flesh is computer so prayerlessness means that you have you have increased the pleasures of the flesh you go three you I pray for you [Music] [Music] it means that look he doesn't give up yes this are these are scenes without bodies the rocket I did what I was tired say man me with my lift on this you can start well and finish poorly friend of the pasta what close to the pasta the enemy kill you are the pasta is today I think that you're closer to the pasta is an automatic covering long to have to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling we can belong to a change and still die a miserable death because in the midst of the church pleasure has taken over your hearts so tongue and Kimura is in your hands it will have one hour before God in prayer you cannot eat down in your bedroom and low talking to God you're always on social media you're always with friends you are always moving around no brain Michael Matisse was going on Oliver one just busy all over the place not in the presence of God in prayer and I'll show you from the Bible that Jesus the Son of God and I'll prove it to you the son of God in the midst of his busy schedule has time to kneel down and pray before his father you look like you don't break my thumb's on with I'm not I'm not against being happy John deliberately but I'm saying that you cannot overshadow jumping and dancing with your spiritual responsibility you cannot say that well then I say those things it is the devil's we continue to make excuses for what you ought to be doing as a Christian man the enemy so pace so for a child of God to sleep well Tata Robin [Music] even when the Holy Ghost will show up at dawn where mixed million people it in it and drink it as a Christian the whole week you cannot just be sleeping and when your eyes are open you all know what's up you are answering messages you are chanted with riddle you didn't know there is you and the Holy Ghost was you up a tree you got your damn teach at it on yourself [Applause] [Music] there's nobody welcome back up you think that having to approach little then you have escaped the wrath of the enemy look into history neither give place to the devil the Bible says resist the devil and he will flee so if you are not playing are you resisting if you are not playing are you resisting you know bring you can spend 45 minutes making up and specified the victim of painting your face like masquerade and a capital e telling yourself a look at the mirror robbery [Music] [Music] [Music] one hour of prayer every day one our prayer is reading one our prayer every day one our prayer every day one our prayer every day every day lose for one hour I pray they stop being a diplomatic Christian we are importance yourself dance yourself when you come to church they said come for an hour before we begin the program ready 1 2 3 you alone report you are annoyed you don't want to participate what's wrong we do not agree shall we bring you our little ugly you are know that the player is wrong you are neither the intercessor the intercessor is bringing more topics you go out drink some little water will open your bottle of cookies you are outside outside chatting you on your food so that that prayers will be over you a joker you have turn yourself into a diplomat's in the judge you don't impress the most important part of the service is annoying [Music] come pre the to Old Glory at work Humphrey in your car you don't break you just don't play so why do you pray I don't when the Holy Ghost will show up you know pray we're always working you're always working the work will live on you would die in a wreck ago if that guys don't cut out and wear black kindly [Music] and [Music] well shall we have somebody come and say a few words about our departed brother they do come well our brother was affectionately called by Joe we love him so much he makes everybody happy it means everybody laugh and we are so you may say there are not as well we are very sorry that about you is god but after a few minutes your funeral service is over if you give you a king ghosts appear actual of his death after a week and see whether your seat is empty you have done time for the company and you were spiritually you type of spiritual coachable be bad because your spirit was starved the spirits and the enemy had access into your life and a few hypocrites have won't block and the Sun two hymns for you and they read a few more things obituaries entities have you seen have you can't really read parties about a dead before so don't be moved by those things are going to say about you the Holy Ghost the angels in heaven they have a to record of your life you're a go to record is in heaven and yeah I'm here for this tradition I mean I may not see you again so let it was yes yeah what the solution because the we got very efficient [Music] when Moses lifts up his hands the Israelites just ran and his men prevail and when he's let down his hands the Malachi's prevailed over Israel which means the sustaining of the house of Moses and intercession was what was affecting the outcome of the battle your prayers affect your battles when you let down your hands the Amalekites in your family do prevail against you because in every family there are Amalekite because you don't know in case you don't know you think that because you a very kind person everybody loves you because you had a pretty face everybody loves you everybody with Molly at you is your friend ritualize even your own sister that you came from the same ring which is jealous of your success the person who killed Abel did they come from - me - it was his own brother from the serve me out of the heart of jealousy killed Abel there one who betrayed Jesus was one of the twelve so don't think that don't think that your enemy is coming from Casablanca Rolly said said he said it increase let me say it in our written English say a blob Okawa [Music] an animal a snake will bite you is your enemy is within your own system let me tell you surprise your own system can carry your FEG to a village some way and Hank your image your estrogen and Hank it's on a tree in a lonely village some way and then that day [Music] what do you want to teach your sister [Music] then we'll give you a knife you want to cut off his leg you want to move it off so she takes that 9 and then they call your spirits the court dimension you only put the two times if you address the address and then your spirit where you are your spirits will now appear in the passage because your spirit is weak and you are powerless they are able to call it and put it there then they take a knife and cut off select your two legs it is done with an image in the village somewhere then you I America you sleep Norma but at time you wake up in the morning you can walk they would please rise what about dick they will only find a link to tell you what is wrong with you because of eautiful let you already use it and the reason why you appeared there because you are wiggling in this village [Music] in fact the table is to bring wakey wakey wakey about money [Music] you came here to find God somebody who is prayerful and your sister to a village somewhere to destroy you the Holy Ghost will wake you up Eclair Jane America that my daughter pray because concerning the rest of my hand the Bible say walk come and eat me it is all to you play the hand of God is at rest it is your prayer that will lift the hand of God to eat dessert concerning the works of my hands it means where you are prayerless God is powerless in your life Moses who have seen the backside of God who has seen the glory saw three different legs you should have been somebody who that didn't have to pray at all because of his relationship with God but when he let down his hands he lost the battle doesn't matter how high in the things of God when he stopped praying you lose the battle until now I run and he lifted up mooses hands on the left and right and put us two behind him and his hands were static until the kingdom of the Sun written essays and Amalekites we're totally dis confited it was a sustain activate a session with mooses hands lifted until the enemies were destroyed you know they read it and Joshua this confited amalek and his people with the edge of the soul look at the Nesmith loved in his face he said and the Lord said unto Moses write this for a memorial in the book Andrey has it in a years of Joshua for I will eternally put out there remembrance of Amalek from under heaven it means that they would be extinct do you know any book all Amalekites on this earth now they have been removed from under the Sun you have the he's alive we don't have Amalekites say ma'am are you see look at it Moo's his hands had to be sustained on till they're going down rapid it was a long sustained intercessory prayers of Moses that affected the battle between Joshua and Israelites again the Amalekites it means that message that if you don't pray you lose the battle she says why should I pray because number one I'm the second of the Trinity God the Father College of the village and number two the three are one nama tree you said if you see the father you have seen me because I am the father are one is the Father prayer every but when Jesus was on this earth the humanity of Christ demanded a yacht pray [Music] so if he was praying they see you we're joking your days of talking they have over because Christianity is about warfare whether you like it or not we are always fighting something and we'll be fighting until Jesus come to Rome to us so put it in your head Thank You sanity's I'm hoping since you came to Christ the enemy wants to pull it back it's like marriage till they put it together somebody wants to put together because once you have married something wants to not marry because there is what we have a lot of divorces in our ministries today's because of the prayerlessness of the couple there is no altar in the family there is no all-time in your house you have TVs who are fridges yeah whatever we're sorta where is your oughta raise the prayer closets where is the prayer house you know the prerequisites show me when I come to your room show me where you kneel show me where you live beside the pan your lips down in your own bedroom to pray there is no family open your house your shame um the order that is why the enemy has entered your house it has started the house because what must crystallized the family is prayer a debris a a pray unless funny and the prayer Ellis family always Scottish because there any news because the head of the family the man who is the king the priests and the Prophet Israel s that's why you are losing your children you are losing your wife because you the king is no ruling well that process become a pointer finger the priests [Music] so you are losing the battle as a man because you have no family authorHouse punishable and author I'm not saying that creates a physical or tight mr. leatherby Isetta of prayer house it means wake up one morning and tell the family we are have him pray our devotion this Saturday morning we cannot do it every day but as a priest and the king and the profits of your house you have to bring your family together anytime he says sister look at that the press look at their behind look at that what's going on man what's good all what thinking about you you always want dress the Sister Wives it is like this dad oh come on spunk ahead stupidity your mind to be conquering girls your mind is full of rubbish because you don't want to settle with that remedy we danced around the system what's wrong with you you have conquered many this one that has come to you want to compile your that is full of rubbish if your only aim in life is to be conquering girls showers of Andros [Music] where do you live got you well like a lizard [Music] your head is always full of puppies and [Music] a sister she once a brother comes and says oh very nice very nice then your head [Applause] these nonsense who have an agenda you must complete something your being here was designed by God to be gunshot body to be took didn't become anything you to have inherited the Tok image of your father my father was a joker when I saw the way he ended Herman I told myself I will follow the spirits father was a joke he drank himself to death he cooked with his life had many wives achieved nothing died a Papa to myself this nonsense i'ma follow decide to keep myself holy to the Lord my beloved I've lost count or the number of hours are pretty matter because I know my background where I'm coming from but if you don't play em like that because that it says spirit in the family that is fight you any superpower in tuchus in a judge [Music] differentiated between joy and toki they must be trying this house they kind of dry experience today I was very happy there's a lot of joy music worship here today and I love it it's even from a toca I took eyes the present system has no Bible doesn't read editing rewritten the cynic knows is sitting down this man is wondering why we are here this - away tonight three wasn't easily lured my piece of play right that Titian has disease I'm not so far companies because you can be in the church registered and everything can be a tight pair they're everything and God watch you die God will be watching you as what I most people have not associates I've lost members Barry Pepper and when we go into the life of the person he has operated dog for the enemy to come in confess your sins in the blood Lord strengthen me I I hand over my weakness to you I receive your strength for my grace is sufficient for you your weakness my strength is made perfect it's a prairie Missouri it became rejected that you may be accepted he became poor Rama become rich he became sin that you might become the righteousness of God in Christ the great exchange so the life that I now live it is not a question living by it all Christ elevated me and Christ in me the hope of the world will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] say men are then you move mountains you call SWAT to with your power you perform there is my spending only because you it would Martin you wanna with me [Music] pase and was bad only because mountain come on out across water with your power upon me my this is possible I was bad only because I was finding that was bad only because field where we study and was bad only because you Oh [Music] [Applause] please be seated the second reason why you must pray long prayers and nothing would you just about ready to see the reality of the prophetic word spoken into your life to see the reality of the prophetic word because beloved for example this year our presiding bishop has prophesied that is away your vote good thing it's a prophetic word now to see this prophetic word come to pass you have to pray it into reality graft walk pray it into reality it doesn't just happen because he prayed to receive the prophetic word first Kings chapter 18 reading from verse 41 look at what the Bible says reading from verse 41 the Bible says something to get the up eat and drink for this world a sound of abundance of rain as a prophetic word so Ahab went up to eat and to drink and Elijah went up to the top of Carmel and he cast himself down upon the eight and put his face between his knees the posture of intercession and he said to his servant all up now look toward the sea and he went up and looked and said there is nothing say men looked and said his word when you pray about something and you don't see anything pray again and when you don't see anything breaking I really don't see the results breaking people say that to pray again miss unbelief read your Bible where God is not deaf once you say no you must be consistent and persistent God must see and oh how bad you want that miracle for men are to always pray and not face it means you translate so when you pray so he took the seven twins lute and came back and saw the man of God still with his head buried between his knees he said Papa I see nothing he said go again he went and looked back funny there's nothing he said quaking he went seven times and the seventh time he saw a cloud arising from the horizon and the ship of the cloud is like a man's hand that means he prayed until he saw a sign [Music] look at Anna's verse and it came to about a seven time that he said behold there is they arise I looked out of the sea like a man son and he said God said unto him prepare that childhood and cut it down that the rain stopped you know it means the prophetic weight that was given that I hear the sound of abundance of rain he played until he saw the rain it means that whenever effective weight is given to you my sister play the prophetic word somebody calls you sister come I see a sword everything on it Comfort what's your name Comfort comfort Jesus oh Jesus I see another sword then I see Ashanti region where'd you come from I can form Ashanti cough oh Jesus I see another soul I see banka banka well what do you do I'm a banker for Jesus then he comes with a prophetic word the Lord is going to make you very rich I see you on that mango trees and mangoes are falling mangoes are falling another you have received a very good prophetic word but my sister if you live that word hanging you die even do this saw a prophetic word between the now you must pray for the reality of that we the prophet saw [Music] first emotive quality says that concerning the provision I've gone ahead of you that bite them down my test you must break down the reality of that way [Music] say man have you received a prophetic word I'll have your head and audible voice have you had a waist poked into you there are going to be the mother of many children Charlotte's play it into reality and we love it don't deceive yourself when somebody tells you well toka hey man nobody is praying for you they're only passing I believe we pray for you so faster that's why he means a separate she has to pray for the Sheep but to single you PI and he's on his knees I pray for comfort I don't pray for my members others I print it out for my members but I bless all of them bless all of them but you must work pray for yourself out and specifically mentioning this didn't really and spends one hour praying for that brother it doesn't happen often and I freeze brain for myself so the UI is inside praying for you wash wash Lera [Music] [Music] my sister have come all the way from Ghana over thousands of months tip $2 drew almost five hours yeah very tired and sleepy to tell you that wake up and pray for yourself [Music] stop don't be like a butterfly [Music] yourself hello alone some people can't play by themselves you must learn how to play alone by yourself how'd that discipline kneel Tao if you have [Music] [Music] [Music] but you will be shocked to discover that if you spend 30 minutes nobody will tell you that we are breaking through you know that things are working these are wet things are working for your brush or mouth [Music] but when you are prayer for you an Johanna what's up what's going on without William we are winning it is caused by without women it looks impossible elaborately we feel we see God in the back because you see when you up reallys sit back and touch your hearts I don't know why confessions are negative because you are realist and sit down is sitting on your toe in peace and giving you a trance and your confessions are all negative gravity positive to say negative because your heart is not warm with prayer the enemy has frozen your passion so you don't have fired a moon every time you come to church singing we see people turning around you are standing on our left leg the reason we are doing that is because we have lost fire don't pray you'll see victory but the Christian we see victory and pray when you come to change my miracle is my miracle so you see that is telling everybody so we're all jumping 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 right because you are spiritual you are wrathful we all have a sponsor you are not a diplomat in a church who have been converted like a child three children see and as all the children to chop you see everybody jumpin wanna talk well because you have been converted like a child we are showing child lacks it's a man anybody who are not followed the pastor's instruction is Perales [Music] let's discuss social said bring a song lessons others also bring the song and I'm not happy you are annoyed now I came here for the weather unless you quit the restaurant ago you know what the song's a deal to us you know that west of the Sun they are ministering to us so to be annoyed with the songs means that ul coldness robbery I declare that every prophetic word spoken elapsed I come to pass i prophesy breaking for you this year i prophesy breakthrough for you financially to marry table to bettering your job where - in your house he break your children I see the Lord making a way where there seems to be no way every daughter is Sasabe oppa this year I see a door open for you I see service following you I see God bless you with His grace I see self-aware ahead of you I don't know why I'm talking to but if you are the one say I'm the one I'm the one keep the letter manage side [Applause] [Music] praise Jesus [Music] [Music] listen listen you have to pray long because you need strength to carry your cross little strength to carry your cross because there are some cross you cannot dodge anyone who wants to follow me let him pick up his cross and the cross you need strength to create and where do you get that strength look at look 22 look 22 verse 39 look at it dance and he came out and went as he was known to the Mount of Olives and his disciples also followed him and when he was at the place he said unto them pray that ye enter not into temptation and he was withdrawn from them about a stool cast and meal take note of that any word too proud to know them because Christ himself knelt j-man in a dying world and read her Anna's voice saying father if if thou be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but the Adonis and they appeared an angel unto him from heaven what were you doing strengthening him that is called the humanity of Christ it means as a human because he was put human and divine the divinity of Christ knows the mission but the humanity of Christ was to forego the mission so angels were dispatched from heaven toward strengthen but uh if Jesus didn't strengthen him you see you what duty unit mostly because now why did he had to be strengthened because because of what was ahead of him now some of you when you look at what is ahead of you your life your family your marriage and you need strength and where does the strength come from it comes from through press Jesus was gone like on the on his bed in his room when the angel embedded it was when he was in prayer then that strength look at Anna's face this verse and being what in agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground at which point does a person pray and sweat it means it is a long sustained prays so for you to be able to handle the divorce that is hitting situations rather redrawn yourself Lord this is too much for me to carry and my strength and it wisdom helped me to go through this fire and as you pray and you are sweating angels would be dispatched and when you saw five what you have survived and around because problems in the problems are the work some sometimes becomes Ida okay so if running through your mind you are looking at you the food that everything's okay by you are not okay go to your cuddle caucus Emily look for your garden it means of retro from the crowd and when I some way and tell the Lord that cross is too heavy for me [Music] the problems are too many I need a model and when you come to code in weakness in trials in trouble then you see the power of God say men and the reason why you don't see different intervention is because you are doing it yourself we are trying to brave it not trying to show face trying to prove to everybody that you are okay but you're not okay come to the garden because even Jesus went to the garden say man don't you think we should rethink about this whole thing about dying cause we see is the only place they're everywhere Jesus pray the same prayer three times and the Lord said angels how many of you available go down there now strengthen him go down strengthening me angels appear here in strengthen somebody say ma'am well what can separate me of the cross above me [Music] well for me there's no greater Oh [Music] he fills the highest place what can separate me you thought [Music] when you say you saw the [Music] nice [Music] Oh Lord essentially you we go my way in where I feel the Lord come on aus it [Music] you [Music] the holy present Oh surrounding me Lord Sun in every season yes see [Music] you love Oh of the bus stop oh my my [Music] oh great you have overcome what me Oh [Music] we use when you say of it you when you said love [Applause] the fourth reason while you must pray long prayers is to release God's blessings are you tired [Music] it's what to release God's presence Genesis 32 reading from 20 to look at the board and he rose up that night and took his two wives and his two women's Sevens and his eleven sons and pass over the fourth shabak and he took them and send them over the brook and sent over that he had and Jacob was left alone repeated after being said again said again it was when he was alone and they wrestled a man with him there are days you must be alone with God hey man what too much in a crowd too much shouting compete every time you want company you always want people around you but there are days you must be alone till the breaking of the day until what the breaking of the day the rest say man got a nice voice and when he saw that he preferred on against him he touched the hollow of his thigh and the whole of Jacob Stein was out of joint as he wrestled between let me go for a dip break it and he said I would not let thee go except thou bless me so the whole bracelet match was about blessing say men and their blessings of the Lord it make it it make it so it was it I don't really pray for blessings I did the blessings long life is a blessing good health is a blessing to wake up in the morning and see a whole family is a blessing to go out and come with out in as is a blessing so you must pray for all the blessings of the Lord I don't really play for blesses not be proud to say that I it means he held on and look at what the Bible says on till they break you know that Whitman it was a long sustaining wrestling match [Music] my lifestyle you see that every step of the way you see the hand of God vamos a ver system you got in his face he said let me go he said another they said and he said to you what is thy name and he said Jacob look at what it says and he said thy name shall be called no majek about Israel for us a prince tossed about with God and with man and has prevailed I loved in his face and Jacob acts him and said tell me I pray thee thy name and he said where is that out the access after my name and he blessed him where is the day the place of the wrestling match the place where he was alone and he bless him they look at your tail because that is where the blessings are not with your boyfriend Robert French on a day when the drinking spot the building all day that there is your prayer closet am i talkin to somebody you have an alter discover see stop - she she and final order and beloved kneel before God of you who have importance yourself too much you can come and push good news it means your head must be on the ground [Music] Prasad Neos with are your dignity and a beautiful dress for da before Jehovah so he can show you my see for you need messy and Grace say man sometimes when you come to judge looking at guys watching if you are watching around before you do something you are in the flesh as a spiritual person or look at tamales each one is left if you feel led to come and need come and spread your arms and me and worship it is almost a kind of battles you are facing and that I said God blesses you you cannot survive in the city so you must break the barrier of shyness and girls looking at you and try and be an active or cute put away that fitness somewhere because you have created a sudden false impression about yourself now that that tear ass hits you become Empress cosmos [Music] it's got Roscoe Neos it means fall down flat say men and sing one song Amazing Grace how sweet the sound [Music] [Music] oh I can see the love in yourself down see to a fit reason why you must pay long press when we are about to make a major decision in life look chapter 6 verse 12 making a better decision in look 6:12 closing in this one and it came to pass in those days that he went out into a mountain to pray and continue on all night in prayer to God say Amen and continue out all night in prayer to God got in his face I love the next verse and when it was day he called unto him his disciples and of them he chose twelve whom also he named Simon also he also named Peter and Andrew his brother James and John Philip and Bartholomew Matthew and Thomas James the son of Alphaeus and Simon called zealots and Judas the brother of James and Judas Iscariot which also was a traitor so after he said spring all night when he chose that was among the lot a traitor was among the twelve so what if we didn't pray at all Jesus praying all night before making a decision don't decide on anything until you have prayed about it stop deciding things on the spot will you marry me oh yes oh yes oh yes what's wrong with you in a Chinese restaurant you are saying yes have you prayed about it well enter enter a Chinese restaurant you see don't you see the Chinese God with job Artem Chaika say is toka don't say yes they give me three please don't pray about it and we let the Lord review the guide to you [Music] see men well I want to bring my message to a close tonight [Music] look at the time [Music] so that before you decide on anything make dr. Gerard it before because Christ himself you didn't just do that well he played so by the time you woke up in them be by turn he stepped make that that those Christ and say that you also ready in the spirit because it's not everything that is glitter is gold sometimes you can look at the system and everything she's wearing it's no real so if you are going to make it able to make choices based on what your ICC you can be deceived the order Hammond no be real there is B no be real the fingernails were here their breast is Maria that Berman story L other is real so press what are you not assist in the spirits their beauty in the inside say men because if it is of God you survive all the storms in marriages will not guide your toes guide your mind the Jesus them agree with God bless you love you [Music] thank you love your two hands are lifted CDL oh Jesus tonight I shall lift my voice to pray father help me help me to overcome every battle that is confronting me father as I pray the reality of the prophetic word spoken to me shall come to pass in my life give me strength to carry my cross release your blessings into my life as I pray Lord every choice every decision I am about to make guide my toes order my steps in your word as I pray clapping my hands I release the power presence glory hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my son [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you get [Music] [Music] [Music] - I live Jesus the Holy Ghost is telling me that is gonna touch some people touch somebody tonight there is the touch of God there is a touch of this I don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but much [Music] yes [Music] well spirit a surplus facility we said it was stupid reciprocal spirit listen [Music] [Applause] I don't know my goddess but city services will be a racialized Jesus deliver us by Cobra to Michael [Music] touch [Music] listen Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] change brief a long time Michael your food is no sorry destroyed [Music] I wa [Music] [Music] received ironic [Music] nice receive [Music] keep coming [Music] Jesus [Music]
Views: 18,909
Rating: 4.77665 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 6sec (9006 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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