BCC Modern Service 4-19-2020

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everyone thank you so much for joining us from wherever you are watching this we're glad you're gonna be a part of our service today it's gonna be a great one something we would love for you to do is to follow us on social media our handle is at BCC Mesa and we would love to just keep you informed through all the things that we do on social media so go ahead and follow us there and right now we are gonna take time to sing and to praise our father together so would you join us in participation as we sing in praise [Music] [Music] you [Music] where you are every fear is broken [Music] and [Music] closer and closer reaching out reaching out [Music] come on [Laughter] [Music] you [Music] doors of your mind why [Music] we closer closer [Applause] sir PG sweetie [Music] we will we're fine [Applause] it's so like [Laughter] [Music] we were with [Music] so to you [Music] we [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sir reaching out [Music] so the fact is that God is at work he's at work in the midst of this world in the midst of our personal circumstances and in this next song we sing even when I don't see it you're working even when I don't feel it you're working in Psalm 121 for says he doesn't sleep nor slumbers and John 5:17 says but jesus answered them my father has been working until now he is never ceased working and I too and working so we are going to declare together as we sing that he is at work in every situation [Music] you [Music] you [Music] I worship you a worship you you are here working in this place a worship you a worship you significant you working [Music] means a worship you I worship you are here forgiveness believes a worship you a worship you you are we make miracle work promise keep light in the darkness my god that is who you Eirik who work promised keep night in the darkness my god that is who you are [Music] I wish you are here he [Music] she [Music] [Applause] [Music] would you Oh [Music] [Music] I don't see it's your work even when I don't feel it's your work in you never stop you never stop working you never stop you never stop working even when I don't see it you're working don't feel that you're never stopped you never stop working you never stop you never stop working [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're creating God Almighty through your Holy Spirit conceiving Christ the Son Jesus son say do I believe in God our Father I believe in Christ the Son I believe in the Holy Spirit our God is three in one I believe in the rain then we will rise again for I believe in jeez [Music] so as we sing this out we're gonna sing it with conviction singing what we believe our judge and our defender our judge and our defender suffered and crucified [Music] forgiveness is in [Music] two times you rose in glorious life forever see I believe in God our Father leaving Christ for the Son I believe in the Holy Spirit our God is three in a resurrection that we [Music] I believe in [Music] Nancy [Music] life eternal I believe in the virgin birth I believe in the Saints community and in your Holy Church I believe in the resurrection when Jesus comes again for I believe in Jesus [Music] I believe in crisis I believe in the Holy Spirit our God is three leave in a red [Music] [Music] easy [Music] we now come to our time of communion if you have your bread and cup we'll take it together Paul writes in first Corinthians chapter 11 for I received from the Lord that which also delivered to you that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which his betrayed took bread and we had broken given thanks he said take eat this is my body which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me and on the same night he took the cup he said this is a cup in my blood this is a new covenant which is shed for you do this in remembrance of me [Music] for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes we're now going to go into our time of offering you can mail in your offering to Broadway Christian Church and you can also go online to BCC Mesa comm slash giving and give your offering that way also I'm gonna pray Lord god I just thank you so much for this day Lord Lord I understand that there are many out there who are struggling financially Lord people have lost their jobs people are being laid off but Lord this is a time that we need to draw near to you this is the time that we need to just use our energy use everything that is within us Lord to draw closer to you Lord you promised to make provision for us you promised to give us all of our needs Lord and we want to hold on to that promise Lord do your work in and through us and through this time so that Lord as we move forward in our faith Lord we can learn to trust you more but Lord we know that you bring testing in times like this but it's for our good it's for the genuineness of our faith so Lord again we just thank you so much it's in Jesus Christ's name I pray glad you join us today my name is John and this is John I'm John Clint one of the pastors and that's John inabnitt he's also one of the pastor's here at Broadway Christian Church and so what we're gonna do today is we're gonna push the pause button now which we've done a couple times during this season that we're in at Broadway Christian Church and today we're gonna we're gonna have a conversation you and me we're gonna have a conversation and we're really fun it's gonna be a blast actually we're gonna good time okay and and we're gonna invite you to join in on the conversation with us and that's really what we want it to be so during this season with a pandemic with kovat 19 the coronavirus stay at home all of that stuff we thought hey this is a great just a great moment to just push the pause button and talk about what we've been talking about a lot of us during this time it's which is how to have faith during this time of crisis and and I think that's really important conversation for us to have because we're six weeks in right right six weeks and so as we begin to have this conversation we just wanted to say this started back for us just the week of March 15th and as March 15th the week of just getting ready for that particular Sunday and doing ministry we noticed a lot of information coming out in regards to people getting infected with the corona virus and guidelines coming out about shutting down and not staying staying away from people and all that kind of stuff and and so in regards to that we had a decision to make really for the first time ever which was are we gonna have Sunday services and so we just we began to pray we began to dialogue and and the information was coming out it's such a rapid pace and so our decision in that moment was yeah we're gonna continue to have services and so we had services that Sunday and we scrambled to get information out about how we would navigate disinfecting and taking communion and receiving offering and yet by the end of the day on the 15th we were we were texting a lot we were in dialoguing right phone that day and it became evident that in the next two weeks at least that we were not going to be having services on Sunday or ministry at all for that matter so kudos by the way to all the people that have learned on the fly we've been learning on the fly how to do online services a lot of churches tens of thousands of churches have been have been just kind of getting into the online services and and it's been great I mean what we've seen is a huge increase in a number of people actually attending online services not just here at Broadway but in a lot of churches in fact I read recently that half the churches in this country are growing during this pandemic which is just amazing yeah so God is glorified in that right yeah for sure so two weeks the guidelines turned in from two weeks to now we just don't even know how about how long this is going to go and the uncertainty in relationship to this and then and then on top of that like what we would do if if guidelines started to change and so there's a lot of uncertainty and we thought hey this is really important for us to talk about how we navigate this time as a church body and all the things that we're doing so we're gonna we're gonna talk about these things and we through this time we try to keep updated with videos and actually we shot a video do you member the video that we shot we told it I forget it actually we told everybody to sit and and physical distance and yet you and I sat right next to each other that close it was really awkward yeah and we laughed about it at the end of the day and but we didn't want to reshoot the video either no no not cool so so we shot we've been shooting a lot of videos and we've been trying to keep updated in regards of information and also I was thinking it's time for you to have a haircut you're looking for you like what can I say what are you gonna do without the barbershop being open I think the barber can survive without me yeah well maybe maybe me too so let me let me just jump in and and just say hey this is unprecedented what we're experiencing I don't know if anybody has ever experienced anything quite like this where basically the world shut down I mean if someone had told me that in the first few months of of 2020 that Prince Harry and Megan Marco would vacate the monarchy and Kobe Bryant and a lot of other people several other people would be killed in a helicopter crash and and in the world would come to a screeching halt you know sporting events canceled or postponed indefinitely stock market which had been just rolling along just all of a sudden just crashing you know if someone had told me that I'd have said you're crazy that's just not gonna happen we're churches don't meet and even on easter churches weren't meeting i think by the way you and i and the whole world owes 20:19 a big apology so whatever we did wrong amen amen so we want you to join in the conversation with us as you're as you're watching today you can click on a chat feature and join in the conversation and so the first thing that we're going to talk about we're gonna dialogue about is what have we been learning through this time of the crisis what if what have been some life lessons that we've been learning so I'm gonna let you take the the first part of this conversation okay well John I think one of the things that I've learned and I'm sure a lot of other people have is the uncertainty in the fragility of life life life really is fragile I mean hey you know we're all looking at the statistics of the Cova 19 deaths and and a lot of people have been comparing the coronavirus deaths to all other forms of death like heart disease and influenza and cancer and but but the the statistics on death are pretty startling because one out of every one person dies did you know that one out of every one person dies and that is astounding and and life is fragile I mean in all seriousness III think back over the all the funerals I've conducted one of the very first ones was for a 12 year old boy that went through a bicycle ride with his friends and he was riding through the city park and he came to a hairpin curve and he missed the curve flew over the embankment and struck his head on a rock never regained consciousness life is fragile Maya my cousin Sarah also 12 was at a slumber party with some of her friends and she complained of a splitting headache and it just got progressively worse and and they finally got her to the hospital but it was too late because she she died of a brain aneurism hmm life is fragile this'll age me a little bit but last September my high school graduating class said their 50th anniversary yeah and I didn't go because I didn't want to be around all those old people but but out of a class of 150 graduating seniors 25 more have already passed away before I would say they reached their life expectancy right life is fragile and and James reminds us of that here's what he says in James chapter 4 verse 13 look here you who say today or tomorrow we're going to a certain town and we'll stay there for a year we'll do business there and make a profit and then James asked this question how do you know what your life will be like tomorrow your life is like the morning fog it's here for a little while and then it's gone mm-hmm it's here for a little while life is fragile you know you'd think that that with the statistics of death being a hundred percent probability in in people realizing that that one day we're gonna stand before God to give an account of our lives to be judged by the Lord that a lot of people would say well I better get my heart right with God and it's really true and that's why Moses prayed John and in Psalm 90 verse 12 you know this this verse teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom teach us to number our days by the way I figured this out I've lived as of April 19th a grand total of 25,000 248 days up till today Wow 25,000 248 days and the problem is I don't know how many more days I've got yeah and neither do you in your entire life you've never had church services canceled not in 25,000 days know that I haven't but but but one thing I do know and one thing that you know and I hope everybody realizes is that we all have a shelf life I mean we all have a final we have an end date and so and so that's why when you understand that life is a vapor life is amiss we're here for a moment and then we're gone it's that means that it's that's really good to get your heart right with God and I'll tell you what I mentioned a moment ago about about the growth that we're seeing and a lot of churches are seeing in online attendance I mean even though we're not doing brick-and-mortar services right now a lot of people are looking for answers to God and I would say that this is a time not only is this unprecedented what we're experiencing but it's also in my mind at a time of unprecedented opportunities you know for people to to you know for the church to rise up and and listen it's it's got to start with me and it's got to start with well with you and and with everybody you know revival revival this is a great time for a revival I think the Lord is gonna use this time like maybe no time in in my lifetime in my twenty five thousand plus days to turn people's hearts to God and but it starts with us it starts with with me getting my heart right with God and and and shedding the the things in my life that that are unnecessary the things that have have taken my passion away from God in in giving my passion in my heart fully to the Lord to be fully devoted followers of Christ so that's that's what I've learned to fit the the frailty the fragility the uncertainty of life but the certainty of God hmm yeah for sure and that and that's such a good thing to learn I think that's powerful and and during this time it's it's a constant reminder of the fragility and the temporariness of everything well in my 10,000 days of life are you sure it's just 10,000 I you might want to up that a little bit buddy something I've been learning is that is that God has always been here to help and I've learned that through a time that as we've been going through this time and I've been able to have everyday walks with my gran daughter Kira and Kira night we go out and I guess you would call them corona walks because we go out and we try to get get outside and enjoy the fresh air but we try to stay away from everybody and when we go out for a walk we we take she's almost five four and a half and when we take we go out we take a stroller although she doesn't need a stroller anymore she really doesn't she's capable of walking on her own we take it because we pack a lot of gear in the in the stroller and then when she gets tired she also gets into so that's nice because it's hard for me to do that and hold all the gear and called her at the same time so we go out for these walks and we take important things like snacks and lots of lots of juice and everything else we take music with us and we jam out to music and we have a good time and and I said she doesn't need it so she gets out and she walks alongside but one day she decided she's gonna start pushing the stroller and it's not a heavy stroller it's a light stroller and and she's she's pushing it and she's having no issues I mean she's big enough where she can do that and it's just it's really cool to to see her do that and and I and I kind of guide just a little bit here there but I'm watching her and she's got the ability to do it all by herself except for we were heading home one night and we came up to this hill and as we came up to the hill I said to her I said Kira do you need grandpa to help you push the stroller up the hill and she looks at me and she says no grandpa I can do it by myself and I said are you sure because it's the hill and it might be a little difficult she said no and she was thinking back to the times she was pushing on the flat surface and it was all easy and good and she got about two-thirds of the way up and she she became stuck and I said to her I said do you need my help and she said no and I said do you need my help and she said no and finally I said you all you have to do is ask and she said I need your help and I was able to just grab the stroller and just give her a little push and it just reminded me in that moment of that pastor scripture in psalm 46 where God said that he is our ever-present refuge and strength in times of trouble and amen and I think that's such a good thing to be reminded of is that during this season so much of what God wants from us is is for us to call out to him and to to ask for help specifically right now I think we need a lot of help we need help with wisdom we need help with strength from discouragement we need help with just kind of making good decisions and and and being loving I mean like we just went through a series we just finished up a series here at Broadway on the fruit of the Spirit mm-hmm and I think now more than ever the fruit of the spirits have been tested like to love and to be patient and to be kind and joyful I mean all of that stuff and we need God's help with that and I think that's been such a good lesson for me and and of course my took my four-year-old granddaughter to teach that lesson to me and just about saying even though sometimes we don't want to ask for help and we look for so many other places before we'll ask God for the help and I think during the season what we've learned is we can't depend on our finances for our help we can't depend on our health but we can depend on the Lord because he's always there he's our firm rock and our foundation during this time good lesson yeah yeah so that's been a really beneficial for for me so I think that's been really helpful and and every day we've we've just been asking Lord give us give us help give us some strength give us some wisdom help us to love and to do the things that you want us to do and and not not use this as an a for excuses about how we're behaving or not behaving because things aren't going well for us and then I think one of the things that we also wanted to dialogue about was what are some practical things for the church right now like how can we take what's going on and the fact we're not we're not meeting that much here on our campus at all actually we're you know we're not having regular a lot of regular ministries except for our community center is is still up and running of course we have online services so what what can we practically do during this time what are some good practical things for us to take hold of I remember a word that that you and I both heard from a missionary several years ago you know youth you think of this John is really being a problem but but he he coined a new word at least it was new to me Probert 'unity yeah we know the first time you said that were I thought you were talking about probiotics whatever those are my wife would know believe me no a proper tunity is when you marry a problem with with an opportunity because every problem can become an opportunity and and that's what we're experiencing right now for example you know I'll say this again we're reaching more people right now we probably had more people attending Easter services online than we've ever actually had in our services when we actually met as a congregation in person Wow so think about that that's that's pretty good and in as as you mentioned the Hope Center New Hope Community Center is still open still serving the needs of the community so so that's good but you know one of the things that I I think about is when Jesus was just ascending back to the Father he told he told his followers I want you to go and be my witnesses and he says as you go preach and teach and baptize make disciples right well there was a problem and the problem was they didn't want to go they wanted to stick around they had so much of an experience being the church in Jerusalem that they thought well let's just stay here in Jerusalem this is cozy it's tight and then I just read this this passage I got a I got to find this in in my paper here but but um what happened was in Acts chapter 8 led by Saul before he became the Apostle Paul that that Stephen was martyred he became the first Christian killed for the for the gospel says in acts 8:1 listen to this a great wave of persecution began that day sweeping over the church in Jerusalem and all the believers except the apostles were scattered through the regions of Judea and Samaria so there's the problem persecutions hit you know Christians are scattering only the Apostles are left in Jerusalem but here's the cool part and here's the proper tunity part says in in just a few verses later in acts 8 for but the believers who were scattered preached the good news about Jesus wherever they went so something that was bad became a catalyst for something good God wanted the gospel to be spread but they weren't really spreading the gospel until he allowed the persecution of the church and and I'm not sure entirely and I don't know that anybody's entirely sure what the the long-term ramifications of this pandemic are and and all the separation and and goodness knows I'm ready to have church again you know but but I think that that we're gonna start looking at church differently I mean we'll still have our our services are big services but man I'm loving the online services too you know I think I think it's a way to reach a whole new wave and a generation of people that have been far from God so the proper tunity is right now people are struggling they're they're questioning they're looking for answers and who has the answers you and I do as followers of Christ we can point people to Jesus we can help them find their way so what a huge proper tunity this is amen and amen and amen amen all right there we go so what else you got well I think the one of the things that we've been learning a lot is that we need to hold on tightly but at the same time hold on loosely and I think the reason I say that is because through this there's been a lot of times where we've been talking in the morning and we've been making some decisions based upon things that we're learning and figuring out and then by the middle of the day everything has changed drew you know and so what we thought and how we were trying to make decisions just change so quickly and and our our approach has has been hey let's let's make a decision and let's let's run with it like typically when we plan our are certain our services and our ministries at Broadway Christian Church we're planned out through August and we've already started planning September and October and November and and now we can barely play in two weeks in advance because we don't even know what's gonna happen I mean we're hopeful that church services come back in May I don't even know what I'm having for dinner tonight yeah so that's how unplanned I am did I interrupt your training that was really good I appreciate oh you bet that you're struggling by the way I should tell you that I I need to practice social distancing for my refrigerator because it's not pretty it's not pretty and I also will add by the way as long as we're yeah as long as we're tight let's continue to go yeah speaking of high school you know my the girls in my high school class they were practicing social distancing for me fifty years ago yeah you know I didn't even know it but the eye I couldn't get within six feet of them you know what were you saying by the way I usually don't like to laugh because I don't want to encourage that to be honest with you okay well um Paul gives us a verse and Philippians chapter 2 verse 16 and it's right after he talks about how to navigate not grumbling and not arguing and not complaining and he says I want you to shine like stars in a crooked generation I love that verse I want you to shine bright after that he says and you hold firmly to the word of life and that's what we need to hold on to right now we need to hold on to the word of life and we need to hold on to to what we know truth is about who Jesus is and what he's done for us and that that is so critical and that is so important right now he needs to be our everything our source of of understanding and our source of hope and truth and when everything else is failing around us he needs to be that and then yet with all the plans we're making in our temporariness in our life and the things that you said about the fragility of life we need to hold loosely and I think that's really teaching us that right now that we hold tightly but yet we can hold loosely to the plans that we have and just trust in the Lord and I I really think it's been a blessing to be able to just go okay all I can do is control today yeah and so take advantage of what you can decide on in this moment today hold on tightly to the Lord and and and do ministry and minister to those around you and seek opportunities because of that because I think that's really important in regards to that now here's one of the things we don't want to do we don't want you to think like we're going through this without some some doubts and some concerns because as we began this process and the first time we had to say okay we're not having ministry here that certainly created some some concerns on anxieties I would say anxieties concern it did and you're thinking to yourself how is a church are we gonna navigate these these times and are we prepared you know as our church gonna be okay and what happens if we don't meet here and our people gonna are they gonna Minister Minister too online and how are we going to connect and what if somebody needs us and and so we we had a lot of concerns I would I would say that's fair to say and and so we're it's not like we're sitting here going oh hey why is everybody else worrying because we haven't worried and why are you fearful because we're we've struggled with some fear - in the midst of this and yet our hope was just to continue to hold on - to who Jesus was and to to really not let go of who the Word of Life really is and who brings in sustains life and so that was really important for us in in the midst of of just navigating through this so in in the and just kind of dialoguing and and just asking you you know what what else what else do you want to share what else do you have on your heart today how much I miss you guys that's what I wanted we love you I speak for John I I speak for the whole church staff and just saying hey we love you guys and we miss you and and I know this kind of stinks but we're gonna get through this in fact I love the fact that over a hundred times in scripture the Bible says this too will pass and and I'm I'm hoping we're going to begin meeting sooner rather than later no one can say for sure when that's going to be but I so much appreciate the churches of flexibility and everybody just you know they're people aren't complaining people are just kind of getting into the flow of things and it's a new way it's unusual it's different for all of us but it being different doesn't mean it's bad you know and in fact it's been good for all of us because I think it's it's helped all of us to kind of rethink our priorities you know and so so good for you guys and this can be a time of great spiritual growth I just want him remind everybody that verse in Hebrews verse says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever in with all the changes Church that are going on and all the all the different things that are kind of coming our way right now and left and right and no one really knows what tomorrow is gonna bring the one constant that we have is Jesus and in if you've got your Bible just notice in John 15 this conversation this is a part of the Upper Room conversation that that he's having with the disciples and and he talks about the importance of remaining in him and he uses the word remain or abide ten times in just those few verses and that word remain in him means to to make your dwelling place in Jesus to make him your home and this is what he says in John 15 verse 5 check this verse out Jesus says to his followers to us he says yes I'm the vine you are the branches those who remain in me and I in them will produce much fruit for apart from me you can do nothing John do you believe that I do yeah that a part I mean we can't we can't do anything apart from Jesus and whatever successes whatever gains we're experiencing in any way in our lifetimes only because we're remaining in Christ I want I want to show you a photo right now of a vineyard and a vineyards of you a beautiful place and this is the imagery I think Jesus is trying to evoke because you know that the fig tree that the the vine is the national symbol of Israel it certainly wasn't that day and then and here's another here's a photo of some fruit and that's what Jesus says this is what I want from you I want you to bear fruit and right now is the time for fruit bearing and and right now is the time for people to get their hearts right with God I'm going to come back to that theme again make sure that you get your heart right with God right now um brothers and sisters the time really is short and in it's time to make sure that that we renounce any sin in our lives and and that we have a tight and close walk with the Lord Jesus that we remain we abide we live we make our dwelling in him and when we do that despite all the other stuff that's going on around us we can live with peace real peace because he gives us peace that passes all human understanding and aren't you glad today that you have that and if you don't have that peace if you don't believe that you're abiding and dwelling in Christ I urge you I plead with you you know not for my sake but for the sake of your eternal soul to make your peace with God get your heart right with God by receiving Jesus as your Savior and your Lord and you can do that you don't have to go to a church building to do that you can do that but one of the things we were really eager to see happen John is I know that there are some people that want to be baptized and if you've never been baptized that's that's after you initially receive Christ that's the next step for you that's the next thing you you must do every account of conversion in the book of Acts in the New Testament was coupled with baptism and baptism is the way that you make your public declaration of your faith in Jesus Christ so so let us know and you can look at our contact info on the screen let us know if you're ready to be baptized and and hopefully sooner rather than later again we can make that happen because I would love to or I know you'd love to be a part of of helping someone make their profession of faith through baptism yes okay that'd be awesome yeah and we want to encourage that we want encourage people that like you said take take this opportunity and in and and receive the Lord as your as your master and your Savior amen and so we would love to and have that conversation with you and and set that up as soon as possible and that we can make that happen for sure sure we're excited about that so kind of the thought we had as we close out is this when it when we think about all the things that are going on in our world today and it's not a it's not just an Arizona issue it's not just a united states issue it's a world it's a world issue and and the whole world is is going through this together and one of the things I think that we need to know is is how our Heavenly Father looks at us during this time and I think one of the things that we often miss is that when when we suffer he suffers when when we're sorrowful he's sorrowful when we weep he weeps when when we agonize he agonizes with us and he doesn't want us to to hurt or to have pain or anything like that but but there is something that gets produced on the other side of it because when we go through this at tests our faith and a test what we believe in but God deeply cares about each and every one of you and and you need to know that today that no matter what you're going through whether it's loss of a job or struggling you're struggling financially or or maybe there's sickness maybe you know somebody that's struggling with even the coronavirus itself God and God is with you during this time and and he he loves you and he cares for you deeply and and that's something that we just need to really hold on to in this season is how much our Heavenly Father really cares about us and we we see that because Jesus was that image for us he that he as he walked on earth he showed us how he cared deeply for the people that he ministered to even even his close friend friend Lazarus as he was raising him from the dead Jesus was sorrowful during that season and we can we can see that and I think that's true for us today and so we can hold on to that and and as as we're wrapping up I just want to let you guys know that next week we're gonna begin a series called you're not the boss of me and I really I'm literally saying that to you right now you're not the boss of me that's what you think is gonna be a great it's gonna be a great series I'm Ed McMahon and Johnny Carson in case you're wondering what the relationship is here you were saying by the way yeah I actually I do know who yes I should I should have you know what big man is yeah yeah is it was he the guy that gave away all the money well the Publishers Clearing yes yeah yeah yeah it wasn't his money anyway we're gonna do a series called you're not the boss of me and it's going to be six weeks and it's gonna be just a great series we're excited about it yeah and as we go through this time this is just as timely of a series that we're going to talk about some things that really oftentimes take control of us in our life and we're going to talk about how to navigate through some of these release these big issues as we go through this time in the in the end of April as we're gonna begin next week and all the way through the through the month of May so we're excited about that anyway we're glad you joined us again today and I'm glad you join the conversation now we want you to take this conversation and have this conversation with other people what have you learned what are some practical steps you can take in the midst of this this time right now just going from day to day and and what how is God speaking to your heart right now and and how do how to just navigate I don't think these are things that we should ever try to go through alone so we we say physical distancing but not social distancing we need each other during this time as we go through this this season and as we're doing it and learning Church in it and it's such a unique and different way so I'm gonna pray and then we're gonna we're gonna say say goodbye to everybody today but continue the conversation anything else see you next time all right let's pray father we're so grateful that we can just have a conversation about how to navigate these days that were in and for a lot of us these days are so unlike anything that we've ever experienced before the shutting down of businesses and churches and and and father staying at home and and so our our hope is that we can we can talk about what we're learning father what you're teaching us through your word that we can hold on firmly to you father that that as John mentioned that we can stay firm in the branches and and be and Father be grafted in our hope is that we stay connected so so firmly right now and we don't let go of that so well that's our prayer today we're thankful that we can continue to have these conversations in the days to come and in that as we are just taking each day at a time father we just ask that you be with us remind us of your promise that you'll never leave us or forsake us and father that you will always be there for us each and every day and we thank you for that and we pray this in Jesus name Amen you
Channel: Broadway Christian Church Mesa
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Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 18sec (3318 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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