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this video is sponsored by squarespace hey what's up i make ground beef tacos pretty often not only because they're super delicious but because making those enables me to make one of the most fun pizzas on earth with the leftovers i'm talking about the in no way mexican but very american taco pizza today i'm going to show you how to make one from scratch at home that's just a pure delight to get started i'm going to need to make some taco meat i'm making a double batch here like i always do so that i can have some meat for tacos and some left over for pizza to make it i'll need to grab my largest saute pan in this case a 14 inch non-stick and i'll drop it down on my stove over medium high heat in goes two pounds of 90 10 ground beef then i'll smush that down to get as much of the meat in contact with the hot pan as possible i'm using leaner beef here and cooking it without oil because too much fat in there will make greasy tacos and even greasier taco pizza once the beef is spread out in the pan i'll hit it with a very generous pinch of salt and then using a spatula with a relatively sharp side like this one i'm going to break the beef down into smaller crumbles as it browns this smashing step is annoying but very necessary if we didn't make an effort to crumble the beef down we'd have dry large chunky taco meat that eats like a well done hamburger so after five to six minutes of standing here smushing up this beef it should be pretty well broken down and taking on some nice brown color like this next i'll add in a small white onion that i've small diced about 150 grams and then five to six cloves of minced garlic about 15 grams now i'll jump back in with a spatula to get things stirred to combine and i'll keep on breaking down this beef along the way by the way has anyone tried one of these teflon meat smashers before do they even work i gotta know after five to six more minutes of sauteing the onions and garlic should be translucent and the beef should have taken on some nice deep brown color so now i'm gonna add in my taco seasonings that's 25 grams of chili powder 15 grams of cumin 10 grams of paprika 2 grams of cayenne if you like heat and then two grams of oregano i'll come back and stir that to combine and fry this until everything is fragrant and starting to get a little bit toasty let's say about 90 seconds or so then in goes one can of tomato sauce that's about 425 grams then 400 grams of chicken stock 10 grams brown sugar 10 grams cider vinegar and then another strong pinch of salt i'll stir that in and yes this is looking very saucy at this point and that's not going to be good for pizza so i'm going to bring this back up to a simmer and cook over low heat for about 15 to 20 minutes or until the liquid is almost 100 reduced 20 minutes later as you can see i've cooked off pretty much all of the excessive liquid here and now we have some beautiful tender crumbly looking taco meat before i call this done though i need to check for seasoning so i'll taste it i think this needs a little bit more salt a little bit more brown sugar and i'll give it a splash of cider vinegar to bring some balance i'll taste it one more time to confirm greatness and affirmative that tastes sick now i recommend eating most of this meat in taco form and then saving about a pints worth or two cups for your future taco pizza party i'll put the rest of this stuff in the fridge to cool down for now and while it does i'll make a taco pizza crust for that in the bowl of my food processor i'll measure 175 grams of all-purpose flour 5 grams of baking powder 3 grams of instant yeast 3 grams of salt and 50 grams of instant masa flour if you think about it a taco pizza should probably have some tortilla flavor in the crust this masa powder has a really nice deep corn flavor and it's what i always use to make quick flavorful corn tortillas at home it's pretty widely available in u.s supermarkets but if you can't get it i'd say sub an all-purpose flour instead lastly in goes 35 grams of olive oil then the lid goes on and i'll start to spin this up while it's spinning i'll grab 140 grams of warm water and then stream that in slowly through the top to get the dough fully hydrated if you don't have a food processor by the way you could definitely mix this dough by hand just stir until it comes together and then knead it like i will in just a second once the water is all in this should only take about another 10 seconds or so for the dough to fully combine like this this is a weird pizza dough i'll admit that the 20 of masa flour here gives it a cakey softness that is unique but i think is pretty cool to finish mixing this now i'm going to flip it out onto my cutting board and then knead it to develop a little bit more gluten after two minutes of kneading the dough here it's gotten strong enough to be stretched into a thin crust pizza so i'll call it quits and then cut it into two equal sized pieces that are about 200 grams each from there i'll grab each dough and fold the ends back behind themselves like this and then flip them over onto those folds and roll the dough into nice little balls no need to get them super tight here in fact if you rolled these up too tight they wouldn't let us form them in the weird way that we're going to later on once both of these balls are rolled up i'll move them over onto a very little baby sheet tray and then wrap them up with plastic i'll set these off to the side to rest and rise for 30 minutes while i get my toppings sorted out for that i'll grab a high sided container and another 15 ounce or 425 gram can of tomato sauce in that goes then 20 grams tomato paste 40 grams or two pieces of chipotle chilies in adobo 10 grams chili powder 2 grams cumin 1 gram garlic powder 1 gram onion powder 1 gram oregano 15 grams brown sugar and 5 grams of salt next my immersion blender goes in and now i'll spin everything up to combine this is essentially a smash up of enchilada sauce and classic pizza sauce it's thicker than enchilada sauce though and way more deeply flavored and smoky than basic pizza sauce after 30 seconds of spinning this up i've got a nice smooth smoky robust taco sauce for this pizza if you don't want to make your own i'd say sub in america's favorite taco sauce ortega and just mix that with some canned pizza sauce it probably won't be as good but it'll work now let's talk about the cheeses for this pizza i've got a one pound block each of mild cheddar and pepper jack cheeses here don't go for more aged on the cheddar because it'll dominate the flavor of the pizza and it'll get greasy when you melt it on the other hand the pepper jack here is ready to party at any age what it lacks in flavor it more than makes up for in creamy meltiness very nice now i've grated both cheeses on the largest hold sides of my box grater you could use store-bought pre-shred if that's all you have but you have less control over the quality of the cheeses there and i always think that those melt kind of weird the final toppings to prep out here for this pizza are fresh tomato a very underrated pizza topper in my opinion it brings a touch of bright juiciness when used in moderation and i'm giving these tomatoes a medium dice i'm also using green onions or more specifically i'm using the middle of the green onion the tops are too tender to be baked hard and the bottoms are too assertively oniony for this application so i cut the middle out and then cut it into coins like this i'll save the tops and bottoms for something else the last little bit of knife work here is to chop up some pickled jalapenos i go pretty small on pea size here because i want the spicy brininess to be a part of every bite instead of bringing larger pops every now and then once my jalapenos are chopped up it's time to make a taco pizza these pizza tortilla balls have been over here rising for about 30 minutes and they're only marginally more proofed up remember we're making a thin crackery crust so gas isn't really a priority here next i'll grab a square of parchment paper and then spray it liberally with pan spray or a little bit of olive oil then i'll drop one of my doughs in the middle i'll top that with another sheet of parchment that i've sprayed i'll give it a soft press then i'll give it a hard press with something to flatten it out in this case i'm using a 12-inch pizza tray this is going to give us a good dose of downward pressure to get things flattened and there we go now we've got a nice flat eight inch round as a starting point i'll cover again with the parchment paper and now with the rolling pin i'm gonna roll the dough into a roughly 11 to 12 inch circle after i've got it moved out a few inches from there i'll switch to using the side of the rolling pin to push it out this really helps keep it round and keep it more level if you're wondering hey bry why are we even doing this on parchment paper well it's for two reasons first i think that it's a great way for a beginner to be successful in shaping round flat pizzas and tossing pizza takes skill and practice and most people don't get it right number two it'll help us dress this pizza all the way to the edge of the crust without making a huge mess in the oven or getting things stuck to our pizza peel one more touch on the shaping here is to use something flat to gently shore up the sides a little bit i'm using a bench scraper but a butter knife would also do the trick this helps us make a short little edge around the sides of the pizza that keep the sauce and cheese from overflowing excessively during the bake now once we've got that edge made the first thing down is going to be three big dollops of smoky subtly sweet taco sauce like i've been saying i'm gonna push that out as close to the edge as i can get it and behind that i'll drop three big handfuls of mild cheddar and pepper jack blend i'll push this out to the edge just like i did for the sauce and then i'll come back and clean up anything that's hanging over i don't want a bunch of bubbling burnt cheese going on around the edges but if you like that make it sloppy with the cheese next it's time to make this taco pizza beefy for that i've got two cups of the leftover taco meat that we made earlier a quick reminder cook that meat sauce down until it's dry that way you can get clean crumbles like this that won't make this pizza too wet and overly saucy next i'll add a few strong pinches of sliced black olives this is a core component of the tombstone brand frozen taco pizza that i grew up on and it cannot be left out in my opinion behind the olives comes the green onions be generous with those and with all of the toppings because a taco pizza is a fully loaded pizza then diced tomatoes about a half cup of those then chopped jalapenos go with as many as you and your butthole are comfortable with here and there we go this looks super edible right now before i even bake it and it's so colorful i love this thing now i'll scoot this parchment onto my pizza peel and then load it into my 550f 290c oven to bake on my pizza steel for six to eight minutes cut to the melt shot oh sick that looks sick after six minutes or so i'll come back and remove the parchment paper underneath because this allows any steam that might be trapped under there to sizzle off and overall it gives the bottom of the crust one last dose of dry heat to criss it up as you can see though the bottom is already looking pretty good so i'm going to give this just about one minute right on the steel after about seven ish minutes of total cook time here this pizza is ready to pull oh my gosh look at this thing it looks like a taco bell commercial in here it's fully loaded with toppings like any truly great supreme pizza should be but it's not weighed down by them one of the most delightful and surprising things about this pizza actually is that masa flour in the crust it makes this pizza taste tortilla like without making it too cakey or floppy this pizza is not mexican or italian but instead is purely american and there's no shame in that ground beef on pizza is dope and weird and we should embrace it and do it more often look this even looks like a taco when you fold it in half i hope you try this soon let's eat this thing [Music] before i get out of here i just want to quickly thank the sponsor of this video squarespace squarespace is a platform that does almost anything you can think of to build your brand and grow your business online if you need a website you can do that with squarespace's website builder just use their templates and pre-built layouts to customize the site and build it to fit your brand and style if you need to blog about food like i do you can use their super powerful blogging tools to share and aggregate your recipes or food photos or whatever you need to here's a blog post for this taco pizza recipe for example another feature that i just found is the squarespace logo 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Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 336,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taco pizza, pizza, taco pizza recipe, how to make taco pizza, taco pizza crust, homemade taco pizza, mexican pizza, gringo taco pizza, thin crust taco pizza, pizza recipes, brian lagerstrom pizza, best pizza recipes, how to make taco pizza dough, taco pizza toppings, taco meat, ground beef taco pizza, brian lagerstrom, weeds and sardines, cooking, recipes, food, american food
Id: GwVj6Uu0c5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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