Bayside Church Online | Sunday 6 June

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hi everyone welcome to church this weekend okay it's really great to be here with you thanks sam it's great to be here if you're new for the first time this weekend we'd love to invite you to connect in with us by filling out the online connection form that is going to be posted in the chat or you can engage on the chat feeds wherever you're watching and we'd love to hear from you and we'd love to engage with you in that way hey em yeah i heard on the grapevine that you're a bit of a cat lady oh i am a bit like me guilty as charms yeah so i hear you've got a little kitten we did we got a new kitten and his name is the bishop the bishop yes so wow mr sweeney and the best that is really cool well you know what i am known as the crazy cat lady and i've got a present for the bishop so do you want to see what i've got him please now i've got two kittens at home and they love this and the thing about this it's going to drive you nuts but bishop will love it if you tap it oh what do you think that's amazing it's better than a slap in the face good oh dear so anyway give it to the bishop from arnie kay yes and when it drives you nuts don't give me a call turn it off turn it off thanks kate bishop's gonna love it on a serious note now step to god is coming up again online this coming tuesday and wednesday if you have not done the first step of our discipleship program please go to the website and register over the weekend and we look forward to seeing you on tuesday night yeah it's been fantastic right it really hurts i've really enjoyed participating in it um we're going to come into a time of worship now and steve's going to lead us so here's steven the band [Music] welcome church it's great to have you with us today we're going to praise god and really sing with our bestest today and uh why don't we honor him as we bring our all because we know nothing is impossible for our god through you i can do anything i can do all things cause it's you who gives me the strength nothing is impossible through you blind eyes are open strongholds are broken i am living by faith nothing is impossible [Music] i'm not gonna live by what i see i'm not gonna live by what i feel deep down i know that you're here with me i know that you can't do anything to you i can do anything i can do all things cause it's you who gives me strength nothing is impossible through you blind eyes are open strongholds are broken i'm living my faith nothing is impossible i believe i believe i believe i believe i believe in you i i believe i believe i've listened in faith i believe i believe i believe in you i believe i believe i believe listen again one more time i believe i believe i believe in you i believe i believe i believe i believe in you through you i can do anything i can do all things [Music] strongholds are broken i'm living i can do anything [Music] i can do all things cause it's you who gives me a strength nothing is impossible through you blind eyes are open strongholds are broken i'm living nothing is impossible [Music] praise him you thunder clouds ringing throughout the heavens from every mountaintop to every wild ocean oh here all the oh universes praise let everything that breathe let all the yet proclaim [Music] the grain is the lord our god praise him forever let all that is within me magnify his name the great is the lord our god praise him forever praise him forever [Music] in the house of god o creation cries hear the holy [Music] [Music] roar creation christ oh sing praise [Music] praise him forever praise him forever [Music] o praising church [Music] come worship the lord he is faithful so glorious [Music] thy faithfulness oh god my father there is no shadow of turning with thee thou changest i come they fail none has thou has been there forever great is thy faithfulness great is high faithfulness morning by morning [Music] is thy faithfulness [Music] you are faithful summer and winter and springtime and stars in their courses above join with all [Music] to thy great faithfulness mercy and love great is my faithfulness [Music] gracefulness morning by morning [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] strength [Music] 10 000 raise thy faithfulness grace thy faithfulness moaning oh is thy faithfulness greatness thy faithfulness morning by morning you mercies [Music] thy faithfulness prayed is thy [Music] faithfulness you are faithful lord you are incredible lord [Music] jesus [Music] jesus we acknowledge you [Music] amazing grace [Music] like me i once was lost but now i'm found was blind but now [Music] my fears [Music] my chains my jeans are gone i've been set free my god my savior has ransomed me and like a flood [Music] his mercy reigns [Music] amazing the lord has promised good to be his word [Music] as long as as life enjoys my chains my chains are gone i've been set free my god myself [Music] [Music] [Applause] you are amazing [Music] amazing the earth shall soon dissolve like so the sun for bear to shine but god who called me here below will be forever mine you are forever [Music] well thank you worship team and steve amazing grace yeah and what an amazing song that is especially now our chains are broken amen we are set free yeah it's just fantastic we're going to come around a time of our ties and offerings right now and if you would like to give you can see on the bottom of your screen so the three different ways that you are able to give into our ties and offerings also if you'd like to give into first fruits this weekend you are able to do so if you'd like to reduce your tax either from a business point of view or personally please give by the bayside church foundation before the 30th of june otherwise if you don't need a tax deductible receipt if you just give via bayside church that would be wonderful yeah great well over to you emma would you like to share with us an awesome message so one of the things that i love about god's grace which we've kind of sung about today is that um it's extended to all of us right and i just want to read a scripture from luke 6 37 to 38 and it says don't pick on people this is from the message i love the message it's so plain don't pick on people or jump on their failures criticize their faults unless of course you want the same treatment don't condemn those who are down that hardness can boomerang be easy on people and you'll find life a lot easier and then it talks about something else and it talks about giving and it can be applied to both giving of our finance but also giving of grace give away your life you'll find life given back but not merely given back it's given back with a bonus and a blessing giving not getting is the way generosity begets generosity and the thing that i love about that k is that our god is a generous god and when we partner with god in our generosity it actually allows blessing not just in a monetary sense but blessing from god in every sense to flow back to us and i think um back to the times where i've been generous not only with my finance but also with my time and with myself even and god pours back into us because he is a generous god when we unlock generosity in our lives he then opens the windows of heaven and who doesn't want the windows of heaven open exactly so as you give today i want to encourage you to give with a heart of generosity not thinking about lack not thinking about what you don't have but thinking about the things that god is going to be able to do with the things that you're giving today whether that be money or whether that be time we encourage you to give and give generously because god is a generous god and we want to partner with that so as you give today let me pray for you god i thank you that you are a generous god and i thank you lord that you pour into us lord you're way more generous than we are and so god i pray that as we give today lord your generosity would be unlocked not just in our lives god but in the life of bayside church amen well church we've got an amazing message from pastor rob right now so why don't you sit back enjoy and be blessed thanks emma thanks kay and well here we are in week two of lockdown let's hope that's the last week and that we're able to get on top of this this current cluster if you are feeling a little challenged at the moment if you need some help some pastoral care please do reach out to us our pastoral team we'll be there for you you can either email us connect at dot a u or you'll see the pastoral care phone number on the bottom of the screen right now just write that down take a note of it and if we can serve you in any way at this time please do feel free to get in touch with us i'm going to start a new series with you this weekend and it's called good god this is part one and the title of the message is the lord is good to all if you want to follow this in your bibles you can turn with me to psalm 145 and you'll find message notes and discussion questions on the bayside church website and on the app as well good god of course can be an exclamation but i don't mean it in that sense i mean it more as a statement that our god is a good god and i was just doing some preparation for this the other day and i picked up my phone and i just flicked it open to the youversion bible app and i love to look at this every day and there's a verse of the day and i thought it was so appropriate as i began this series because the verse of the day was psalm 107 verse 1 and it says thank give thanks to the lord for he is good his love endures forever god's goodness is a foundation for our lives such a strong foundation and that's why i want to unpack this over the next four five maybe six weeks we'll see how we go and look at the goodness of god psalm 145 we're not going to read the whole psalm you can do that in your own time but this is an amazing psalm in the original hebrew language it's an acrostic and so each verse begins with successive letters of the hebrew alphabet so let's read the first few verses together verse 1 psalm 145 i will exalt you my god the king i will praise your name forever and ever every day i will praise you and extol your name forever and ever great is the lord and most worthy of praise his greatness no one can fathom one generation commends your works to another they tell of your mighty acts they speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty and i will meditate on your wonderful works they tell of the power of your awesome works and i will proclaim your great deeds they celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness the lord is gracious and compassionate slow to anger and rich in love the lord is good to all he has compassion on all he has made it's a wonderful psalm psalm of david as he goes through these 21 verses he talks about seven characteristics of god seven of god's amazing qualities uh they are as follows number one the lord is great number two the lord is gracious and compassionate number three the lord is good four the lord is faithful five the lord is righteous sixth the lord is near and seven the lord is watching all wonderful qualities of god that you can sit read about meditate on and make sure that your picture of god is an accurate picture but i want to unpack verse 9 with you in this message psalm 145 verse 9 the lord is good to all he has compassion on all he has made the lord is good to just christians uh no the lord is good to good people well yeah but that's not the complete picture the lord is good to his favorites no the lord is good to all to every person how god's goodness has been distorted i saw a meme years and years and years ago back in the days when we didn't even call them memes we called them cartoons and this particular picture had four different pictures within it and first of them was of an earthquake and the caption was act of god the second was of a flood and the caption was act of god the third picture was a cyclone and the caption act of god the fourth picture was a beautiful picture of some wonderful scenery and the caption was isn't mother nature wonderful and so quite often all the bad stuff that happens in the world god gets blamed for but all the good stuff well that's just mother nature or random chance or whatever and so god is sometimes seen as the author of evil pain and suffering and i'm going to address those things during this series as well but it's so very important that our starting point is the fact that god is good to all i get concerned when i talk to some christian people you know that they have a their god is very small and and the devil is very big the devil's always doing this to them and that is going on and all of that kind of stuff the devil this the devil that and uh you know it's really important that we remember a couple of things number one the devil is not an omnipresent being so the likelihood is actually not giving you a hard time right now and the second thing is that god is big and the devil is small so that's good theology right theology 101 god big devil small and and the other thing we need to remember is god good devil bad let's get them in the right order let's have a look at what the scriptures say about god's goodness to all people matthew chapter 5 and verse 45 it tells us that god causes his son to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous the context here is jesus talking about love your enemies pray for your persecutors and he says be children of your father in other words be children who are like your father god who is good to all you know if you're anything like me you don't really like the people who are nasty to you you don't really like the people who give you a hard time you don't really like your enemies but when we're living a counter-cultural christian life we're told to love our enemies and to pray for our persecutors because that's what god is like he is good to all people and he's asking us to be children who reflect the nature of our heavenly father the lord is good to all matthew chapter 7 verses 9 to 11 which of you jesus says or asks which of you if his son asks for bread will give him a stone or if he asks for a fish will give him a snake if you then though you are evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give good gifts to those who ask him and the word ask there in the original language is the genitive case uh which infers persistence so good gifts to those who ask and keep on asking him so just like our kids would do when they're little you know they kind of grab a hold of you of your trouser leg or of your skirt and they're pulling it and there's daddy daddy daddy mummy mummy mummy and they're persistent and and then finally give in and and so god may be a little bit like that as well and he says here if you then though you are evil know how to give good gifts to your children that word evil is an interesting one it's one of the cases where we find a word in greek that doesn't really translate into one english word so the translators have kind of picked the best english word that they could think of and the word was evil but you know evil has other connotations it's more like and and and god is not saying that we are all evil like that okay which is good the word evil here means to have the potential for behavior that is less than kind now i can be like that you can be like that sometimes our behavior will cause pain to other people we're not as always as good as we could be that's what that greek word means and so jesus is saying even though you're not always good as you could be you are good to your kids when they ask you for bread you give them bread you don't give them a snake or a stone because because you know how to be good and then he says how much more will your father in heaven if you're good and look at you how much more will god be good to you you know how to good give good gifts to your children if you're like that how much more will your father in heaven good give good gifts to those who ask him jesus encourages us here to live with the expectation of good because god is good and not just expecting big good things but also looking for god's goodness in every detail of every day you know in the chapter before this is all part of the sermon on the mount in matthew chapter six jesus has taught been talking about the goodness of god uh reflected in the beautiful variety of flowers that exists uh in in the birds in nature all of that kind of thing and so we look for god's goodness in even the smallest details of our day uh christie and i took chrissy's mum and dad and our three kids down to ricketts point last sunday afternoon it was a beautiful day blue sky sunshine the bay looked stunning we packed a picnic and a flask of tea and some orange juice and pretty simple we just went there found a table right next to the ocean and uh and sat there and had a really nice time together people were walking past everyone was smiling and saying hello have you noticed that people are so much nicer during lockdown and then this guy came along with his little puppy dog and the girls and i was sitting on a log right next door to where the dog was and this dog just took a running jump and leapt up onto my lap i'm sure the dog just wanted to give me a big hug we'd never met before but we it's like meeting an old friend for the first time and and the elderly guy who was walking along i think he was an italian guy and he just roared with laughter uh watching his dog he said my dog never does this you know and it was just beautiful the whole afternoon was stunning stunning weather the bay was still looked like a mirror there was joy in people even though we're going through a difficult time at the moment and in all of that we saw a beautiful reflection of the goodness of god all around us you know about 1600 years ago saint patrick who was the guy who brought the gospel to ireland he penned a wonderful prayer that's known as the morning prayer and it talks about starting your day and going throughout every day with a consciousness that god is all around you in all of the details of the day and that his love and goodness are with you the prayer goes as follows i arise today through the strength of heaven light of the sun splendor of fire speed of lightning swiftness of the wind depth of the sea stability of the earth firmness of the rock i rise today through god's strength to pilot me god's might to uphold me god's wisdom to guide me god's eye to look before me god's ear to hear me god's word to speak for me god's hand to guard me god's way to lie before me god shield to protect me god's hosts to save me a far and an ear alone or in a multitude christ shield me today against wounding christ with me christ before me christ behind me christ in me christ beneath me christ above me christ on my right christ on my left christ when i lie down christ when i sit down christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me christ in the eye that sees me christ in the ear that hears me i rise today through the mighty strength of the lord of creation what amazing words god is good to all god is around us in us and working through us now there's a man saint patrick who knew what it was to live with the expectation of good even in the darkest and most difficult times of life he knew the lord is good to all all good things in our lives ultimately come from god let's have a look at our next verses james chapter 1 verses 16 17. and james here starts with the words don't be deceived these are only found three times in the new testament and whenever we see these words don't be deceived or do not be deceived they always precede a truth which is particularly important and so james is saying here don't be deceived what's about what i'm about to write what i'm about to say to you is so very important please don't miss this and and don't be deceived into thinking that this is not true don't be deceived my dear brothers and sisters every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of the heavenly lights who does not change like shifting shadows so the heavenly lights here talking about the sun the moon the stars the light that comes onto the earth that creates shadows now we know that through the day if you go outside and it's sunny or even at night when there's a big bright moon there's shadows and those shadows are constantly shifting and changing through the day or through the night but here james says god's not like that god doesn't change like shifting shadows and we mustn't be deceived about this every good and perfect gift comes from above from god coming down from the father of the heavenly lights and he never changes isn't that wonderful news when you get up in the morning to pray you don't have to worry did god get out of the wrong side of bed is he a bit ticked with the middle east at the moment all of those sort of things no no god is always and only ever good and that's a solid foundation for us to live our lives by the lord is good to all and even bad things in our lives god will turn around for good for those who love him romans chapter 8 verse 28 we know that in all things god works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose so let's finish where we started psalm 107 verses 1 and 2 o give thanks to the lord for he is good for his mercy endures forever and then look at verse two let the redeemed of the lord say so whom he has redeemed from the hand of the enemy let the redeemed of the lord say so say what well let them say that that first verse let us give thanks to the lord for he is good and his love endures forever he's mercy endures forever what is the confession of my mouth my confession is the lord is good i'm redeemed by him and i'm going to declare the lord is good the niv says let the redeemed tell their story let's tell stories of the goodness and the grace of god and let's make sure that our foundation for living is very very solid on the fact that the lord is good to all and let's be just like him heavenly father i pray for your blessing upon everybody that is engaging with the sound of my voice right now i pray father that you will give to each of us by the power of your spirit a revelation of your goodness and as we go out into a brand new week lord god that you will show us your goodness in big ways but also let us not miss your goodness in the smallest details of life in the name of jesus we pray amen there might be some of you who have never experienced god's goodness particularly in salvation and forgiveness and you can do that so very easily simply by coming to the lord and just saying a very simple prayer say something like god i want to know you personally and he will hear that honest prayer and he will respond to it and if you want to make a decision like that we'd love to help you we have a pack of info on how to become a christian that includes a bible as well that we're more than happy to mail out to you so our host is putting a link up right now if you'd like to click on that just fill out a brief form and you're going to have a chat with one of our leaders and we'd love to post out that info and add a bible to you and god bless you greatly i'll hand back now to kay and emma well thank you pastor rob for a wonderful message and if you would like to hear more from pastor rob he does tuesday night live on facebook and youtube at eight o'clock on a tuesday night that's great where you can actually tune in another way of catching all of us is online with a connect group if you haven't joined a connect group and you would like to in this season and ongoing please go to the website and check out our connect groups there or you can actually email connect at dot a u yeah and before we go i hope you have a fantastic week but auntie kay we've got something special for you so stick around chat in the group but check this out before we go see you later [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bayside Church Melbourne
Views: 204
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: bayside church, rob buckingham, bayside, God, Christianity
Id: aTAaMf9u2lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 57sec (3897 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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