Bayside Church Online | Saturday 28 August

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome to bayside church online it's so great to have you join us today as we worship together and we've got a great service up ahead we're going to have extended time of worship we're going to celebrate communion together which is a prompter just right now if you haven't got some communion emblems ready you may want to just slip out and get some as we celebrate that little bit later on and we have pastor christy buckingham going to lead us through a beautiful time of contemplative prayer really a beautiful time to be refreshed in god's presence and so there's lots of wonderful things that we've got in store today if you're new for the very first time joining us here on bayside church online we would love to get to know you and actually meet you and so if you wouldn't mind right now our hosts have placed a link in the chat we would love for you to click on that link and if you can just fill that those details out we would love to answer any questions that you may have about our faith community and also you know we would love to get to know you and so thank you as you take your time just to do that with that would be much much appreciated so some good news a couple of weeks ago we had to cancel our trivia night now trivia night is our largest fundraiser for bayside community care baseline community care oversees many of our programs in the community such as matt's place community meals program even in these current lock down times people are still able to enjoy a beautiful meal as a takeaway and and support them if they're in need we also have our relief program which is campers basically if anyone is needing some hampers we we oversee that happening during the week as well and then further afield we also oversee some orphans we have a beautiful home in south africa that has raised a generation of fine young men i remember meeting these boys when they were just way high and now they're young adults and some of them have launched into their careers and moving out of home and so it's wonderful to see that home now having new new babies enter into the home as we support them and and provide a loving home environment environment for them so they can have a great future and so all of that we have a target of ten thousand dollars and we so far we've already raised two and a half thousand dollars for bayside community care through this fundraiser and so in a little couple of weeks time we're going to launch an auction a silent auction online and you can make a bid on some of the great items that are going to be available on that you can spread the word to family and friends and and make a bid and that will help us to raise that ten thousand dollars alternatively of course you can also give a donation at bayside community care website all you need to do is go there and click on the giving button and you can give a tax deductible donation so we ask you to if you can whatever you can do if you're able to support this that would be great we look forward to sharing more information about it in the coming weeks well right now let's settle our hearts and let's enter into this time of worship father we just thank you that you are the god of all things and lord we just want to give you due reverence and honor in this time lord as we come we come with our gift of worship to you and we pray that it will be just a sweet smelling fragrance and lord we ask that in this time you would expand our hearts that you would provide for our needs and that so we can continue to love others as you love us lord god in jesus name amen thank you worship as you lead us [Music] [Music] the heart of the father [Music] the power of your spirit your own [Music] every chain will break i know everything will change jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're here [Music] [Music] [Music] of your name every chain will break i know everything will change jesus [Music] [Music] you will deliver [Music] you will deliver [Music] amen at the mention of your name every chain will break i know everything will change just a whisper of your day your silence wind and waves [Music] where the world at the [Music] [Applause] [Music] hidden glory [Music] what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ what a beautiful name it nothing is to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus [Music] jesus you brought heaven down [Music] what a wonderful name it is what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus [Music] what a christ name it is nothing compares to this what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus [Music] oh [Music] the heavens the praise of your glory for you are raised again [Music] [Music] [Music] what a powerful name it is what a powerful name it is the name of jesus christ what a powerful name it is what a powerful name it is the name of [Music] jesus there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus to break every chain break every chain break every chain there is power in the name of jesus [Music] there is power in the name of jesus to break every chain break every chain break every chain [Music] you have no right [Music] for yours is a kingdom yours is a glory yours what a is name it is the name of jesus christ [Music] [Applause] what a powerful name it is nothing can stand against what a powerful name it is the name of jesus what a powerful name it is the name of jesus what a powerful name it is the name of jesus i love those words what a powerful name is the name of jesus and such an incredible and important reminder as we come around the lord's table and celebrate communion together that really what lies behind the power of jesus isn't force it isn't control it isn't violent it's pure love and that's what we experience when we come to jesus it's his love and his love is a sustaining power you know i was reminded of this recently we've experienced some warmer weather here in melbourne and you can see that the seasons are starting to turn that we're about to enter into spring and i i basked in the moment i literally took myself outside and just sat in the sun and just enjoyed the sun on my face the warmth the light and it was it was just really lovely and of course the sun nothing grows nothing bears fruit without the sun this is the sun sustains everything that we see here on this planet and like the sun the son of god jesus sustains all things in hebrews 1 3 tells us the sun is the radiance of god's glory and the exact representation of his being sustaining all things by his powerful word now what does that mean and what does that look like i think one of the things that jesus says to us is a great picture of what this scripture means he tells us in john 15 5 that we are the he is the vine and that we are the branches and that if we remain in him he will remain in us and that we will bear much fruit but apart from him we can do nothing so in this time of communion i want to invite you to take a seat at the lord's table and you might like to just close your eyes as we do this together and i want you to visualize that table and that the lord is inviting you to come he is choosing you right now to share in this moment together to be able to abide in each other and as you take your seat at that table just have a look into the eyes of jesus what do you see there do you see his loving gaze upon you do you see his smile [Music] and in this moment as you receive that gaze and that smile what do you want to share with jesus what is it that you need in this moment of communion is it forgiveness is it strength peace even assurance or affirmation [Music] whatever you need he is able to sustain and nourish you in this time that's his desire [Music] and as you hold the emblems let's prepare our hearts right now to receive from jesus lord jesus on the night he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said this is my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me let's eat the bread [Music] [Music] in the same way after supper he took the cup saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood do this whenever you drink it in remembrance of me for whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes let's drink together [Music] well father we thank you that as we come and have enjoyed your bread and your juice i thank you that this nourishes us that we receive everything that you have for us we thank you for healing we thank you for peace we thank you for strength and assurance and affirmation we thank you for all the things that you provide in this moment to every person who's partaken lord we give you thanks in the name of jesus amen right now we're going to hear what's happening in the life of our church hello bayside church online thank you so much for joining us this weekend let's see what's coming up in the life of our church becoming a disciple of jesus is a lifelong process and at bayside church it's our heart to see you equipped and empowered to follow him we'd love to invite you to our step to god course step to god is the first step of our discipleship pathway and is a foundational step where you will learn about what we believe as a church community this course will run online over two nights on monday the 6th and tuesday the 7th of september ladies grab your picnic baskets and blankets as you're invited to the bayside women's garden party on saturday the 11th of september join together with other bayside women in the beautiful royal botanical gardens from 11 30 a.m please note this event is dependent on our current covert restrictions easing join us for bayside church online this father's day as we celebrate all the fathers grandfathers uncles brothers and strong men in our lives i'll be interviewed about how fatherhood has impacted me and what i've learned from it if you're looking for teaching resources we've got a huge variety available online you can check out my latest good god series or any of our other series by heading to the teaching series section of the bayside church website we've also got the digging deeper podcast with weekly episodes about different topics and what the bible has to say about them you can find this anywhere you get your podcasts for more information or to register for anything you've seen here head to the bayside church website or follow us on facebook or instagram [Music] it's great to see there's still some things on that you can engage with and of course get have a look at all the resources that we have on our bayside church website there's some great teaching series there as pastor rob just mentioned and so great time to get resourced in god's word and so we're now going to continue to worship god around a time of giving and so if you'd like to participate in this offering time you can do so in a couple of ways you can head to the tithely app and choose bayside church melbourne alternatively you can go to the bayside church app or the bayside church website either of those options you just need to click the giving button and you can give your tithes and offerings there i just want to share just a short uh little revelation that i had recently and over a passage of scripture that i've read many many times but just something new popped out to me and don't you love it when that happens when you read something and god just places something new and fresh and so it comes out of the scripture in 2 corinthians 9 verses 10 to 11. it says this generous god who supplies abundant seed for the farmer which becomes bread for our meals is even more extravagant toward you first he supplies every need plus more then he multiplies a seed as you sew it so that the harvest of your generosity will grow you will be abundantly enriched in every way as you give generously on every occasion for when we take your gifts to those in need it causes many to give thanks to god i mean what an amazing passage of scripture it's it's abundant it's it's more it's lavish it's enriched it's like everything you would want out of life we serve a god who's not a god of scarcity we serve a god that is of abundance and just even having that as our mentality that we we don't need to be fearful because we we don't live with scarcity we live with abundance as we are faithful with what we have and we give god just multiplies and gives more but the thing that really stood out to me in this passage of scripture was actually the last sentence it says it causes many to give thanks to god and i just think that's a wild thought that every time i choose to be generous and i give my gifts there is praise and thanksgiving going up towards god people your gift-giving could create praise and worship of god i've never thought about it that way i've never thought that my giving could actually turn a person's heart towards god in thanks and so that might be a new way for you to think about it that as you give generously uh in these tithes and offerings but in other ways and other occasions as you do so that your giving is causing and and creating this ripple effect of praise towards god and thanksgiving towards god and i and i think that's just a beautiful picture as we enter into this time of giving so let me pray for you as you do so lord we just thank you that everything we have comes from you and you don't hold back you're not a god that is stingy or withholding you are a god of abundance and multiplication and father everything we have we want to generously give we want to generously so but we just pray that wherever this offering goes right now that it will cause praise and thanksgiving towards you that we can be co-partnering with you in that happening of bringing your kingdom of to heaven here here on earth heaven on earth that thanksgiving is part of that and and that gratitude is a part of that and so father i just thank you for every giver in the name of jesus bless them in jesus name amen thank you as you give now we we're going to enter a really beautiful time of contemplative prayer with pastor christy thank you pastor christy resilience is a word that we hear a lot at the moment we need more resilience we have to grow our resilience but really breaking it down is just how do we cope how well and how helpful are our coping mechanisms and one of them is actually looking at the things that are working for us and how we build on those i really believe that the prayer of examine from me which came about about 500 years ago with saint ignatius of loyola who developed this prayer that really focuses us in contemplatively in a reflective way to look at different areas of our lives this this prayer that i'm about to pray with you or this time that i'm about to have with you i did with my contemplative prayer group and they said look can we please do this to the broader community so here we go so as you take a moment get yourself comfortable wherever you are uh if you're sitting with other people just make sure that you're comfortable and that you can um just be yeah just be is a really good thing to do at the moment the first thing i'd like you to do is just take a really deep breath in and that was a bit of a ha ha a bit of a a big breathe out just an exhale and just stay with your breath for a moment you know our breath is so powerful and god breathed into us and created us so let's just stay with our breath for a moment today the prayer of examine is going to be around fatigue and tiredness and how to rebuild our resources often when our resources are going thin um our emotions our ability to think and our spiritual attentiveness starts to go down and yet it's at times like this that we need prayer more than anything in our life but it's not about transactional prayers lord you do this for me and i'll do this for you i'll do this forever for you you know those kind of prayers that we've all prayed it's god i just want to be with you i want to know the sweetness of your presence i want again strength from that so let's just take a moment and spend time just seeing ourselves in god's presence bathed in god's loving gays and as i think of this i think about the human aspects of this child looking at a parent a parent gazing at a child somebody may be looking at a beautiful scene in nature a lovely animal maybe it's a wild animal that they're just overwhelmed and in a good way about the power and beauty and majesty of that animal and maybe also you may like to just think about god's just total and absolute complete unconditional love for us and as we come before him as we make our way into that loving gaze as we put away the other things in our life we come honestly before him and we come before him just telling him exactly how we feel if we're feeling tired if we're feeling down that is actually in itself an act of faith we don't have to pretend with god it's an act of faith that he loves us enough to comfort us that he loves us enough to bring healing to us so as we come to him in this moment just come as you are and enjoy the freedom and the the being off the hook you don't have to be something that you're not right now you're with your loving heavenly father and then i'd like you to bring to mind one bright or good thing that has happened in the last 24 hours it may be something so small there's always something good the very fact that you're still breathing is a good thing but there might be something else imagine god just looking at you and even though you may feel horrible and you're tempted to only sense those things and descend into negativity just have a little look and a little think the sun has shone maybe just a little bit if you're in melbourne and someone may have smiled at you or somebody might have done something kind for you it's really important that we exercise our memory because our memory of good is a weapon against despair our memory of good is our weapon against despair the bible says that we overcome the enemy of our souls by the word of our testimony the blood of the lamb and also the joy of the lord is our strength so our memory of good is our weapon against despair think of that good thing and really thank god for it really allow that sense of knowing that god has got this there is wonder there is beauty there is goodness and they are continuing to do their work no matter how we feel [Music] the rain still comes and waters the flowers there's still something to be thankful for thirdly ask god to show you something that you can build upon i don't say something that you can correct because right now you might just be feeling oh i just have not got the energy to do that but something that you can build upon maybe you made a snappy or angry remark or a grunt which we've put zero tolerance on in our house it might be something like that that you have done we've all done it that you think next time i just need to stop for a moment or next time i might need to look at this a little bit differently something gentle anything that is in your power that might change the situation maybe you're trying to do more work than your body will allow you to at the moment maybe you have refused some help from those who want to help you maybe it would be good to spend some time reading in the psalms and just allowing that to wash over you maybe you would rest better if you shut down your email earlier or didn't scroll through facebook or messenger or all those things that can set us again on edge or cause us to feel like we have to respond even from an empty tank your building could be just by saying to yourself quite simply it's not all up to me i can't carry everyone and just do what you can don't feel guilty the results you may be seeing around you right now might be quite different than what you would like to have seen you might be taking baby steps but that's okay you're still moving and now i'd like you to anticipate what you might need for tomorrow take a moment to look honestly at what you're facing i find that instead of having a long to-do list i'll just put a short one there and then i feel a sense of of accomplishment when i've accomplished maybe one or two or three things that desperately need accomplished keep it really simple and ask god what exactly ask him for specific help is there a phone call i need to make is there a message i need to send is there something that i need to read that'll help me with this ask him for specific help to come alongside you [Music] and finally let's thank god for the divine love that surrounds us and hauls us up he's showing himself to us every day in so many ways sometimes it might be pure discipline to actually look for god you may not be feeling loved right now but as you've spent time in his presence something has shifted you may feel that god has not taken care of your situation the way you want it to but still in the midst of this try to say thank you try to say to god i love you help my unbelief and watch and see what god will do thank you for sharing this time with me and i really hope it has been a blessing to you remember that your memories of good are your weapon against despair [Music] you are good [Music] you are good you're good [Music] you are good [Music] the king of my heart be the mountain where i run the fountain i drink from the king of my heart be the shadow where i hide the ransom for my life boy [Music] you are good you're good [Music] you are good you're good [Music] you are good you're good [Music] you are good [Music] let the king of my heart be the wind inside my sand the anchor in the waves [Music] [Applause] you [Music] you're good [Music] [Music] you're never [Music] you're never gonna [Music] [Music] [Music] you are good you're good [Music] you're never gonna let me down [Music] you're never gonna let me down [Music] you have been [Music] with every breath that i am able to see the goodness [Music] what a great song and what a wonderful way to end today's time together let the king of my heart be the wind in my sails you know no matter what we go through uh in the week ahead if we allow god to be in that place of being the king of our heart we know we can be assured of his peace his strength everything we need is found in him and so i hope today you've been encouraged as we store up the good things that god has done for us so that we can counteract despair as pastor christie mentioned just earlier on it's so important that as we do so that gratitude you know that that gratitude just builds up in us and and then overflows to others i hope you've been encouraged today and we look forward to joining together again next week before you go we would love for you to be able to join a small group so if you would if you're interested in joining a connect group all you need to do is click on the link in the chat right now and we would love to get you involved in a connect group we've got lots of different types of connect groups and some online connect groups as well so we would love to point you in the right direction otherwise we look forward to seeing you next week on baseline church online have a wonderful week and god bless see you later [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bayside Church Melbourne
Views: 133
Rating: 4 out of 5
Keywords: bayside church, rob buckingham, bayside, God, Christianity
Id: OIawrsygSTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 58sec (3778 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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