Bayside Church Online | Saturday 4 September

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[Music] hi everyone welcome to bayside church online for this weekend this weekend it's father's day and so i'm really excited i get a chance to interview bayside's spiritual father pastor rob in a little while so i'm really looking forward to that but why don't you in the chat um you know what do you love about your dad i'd love to hear that what's something that he's he's taught you or that you really value about your relationship with your dad you know i think about my dad and um i'm not particularly handy when it comes to building things or fixing things or you know much to do with my car but my dad he's he's very good at all of that and he's he's been great at being really patient with me uh and teaching me some of those things that you know when you're an adult you kind of need to know how to change your oil and uh things like that so he's been really patient uh with me around that but i also really value with my dad the way that he puts his kids first the way that he he loves us and he is always there uh if we need something so dad if you see this happy father's day and thank you for all that you have done for myself emily and luke who are my siblings thanks for all you've done for us really really appreciate it love you lots um and so thank you for joining us today if you're here for the first time or maybe you've tuned in a few times but haven't really engaged too much uh you'll see in the in the chat feed or in the video description a link for a connection card we'd love for you to click on that and and fill this in it allows us to to contact you and keep you in the loop of upcoming events or different connect groups and things like that just so that we can check in with you and just let you know that you're valued and we we want to care for you and whatever platform that you're watching on please feel free to engage uh in the chat throughout today we'd love to hear what's encouraging you and what's inspiring you uh throughout this so i'm just gonna pray right now as we come to a time of worship so let's just center ourselves and you know take a deep breath exhale uh let the the the stresses the anxieties of the world and things going on let those fade away as we come into this time of worship father god i thank you for your goodness and i thank you that amidst the storms of life and the chaos of life you are good so thankful that these battles they belong to you and so i just pray that you would come upon every person watching right now let your peace be upon them let your love wrap them in protection and let your holy spirit stir within us so that we can engage with you lord god that we can hear your voice and we can know that you are here with us in everything that we do we bring this to you lord in the mighty name of jesus amen here's the worship team [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] all i see is a mountain you see a mountain [Music] surrounds me [Music] there's nothing to fear [Music] [Music] belongs to you [Music] and if you are for me [Music] for jesus [Music] ashes you see the beauty [Music] when all i see is [Music] can feet [Music] [Music] you shine in the shadows [Music] [Music] [Music] oh god that battle belongs to you [Music] so [Music] i searched the world [Music] empty praise the treasures of faith [Music] and every desire [Music] is nothing nothing is better [Music] oh i'm not afraid [Music] to show you my weakness my failures [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] nothing is [Music] you keep beauty for ashes you turn shame into glory you're the only one who cares [Music] you keep beautiful ashes you turn shame into glory you'll be the only one again [Music] you touch [Music] you're the only [Music] know there's nothing better than you oh there's nothing [Music] is [Music] better than you lord there's nothing better than you lord there's nothing nothing is better than [Music] i know the hunger [Music] i am a child of god [Music] i am a child of god [Music] i am a child of god [Music] you surround me with this [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] me [Music] to your family [Music] is [Music] no longer [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] do [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so i can [Music] you rescue me so i can stand [Music] so i can walk right through it my fears [Music] i am [Music] a slave [Music] i am a child of god [Music] i am [Music] yes lord you split the sea so we can walk right through it i'm so encouraged by the fact that because you love us because you call us your kids that i don't have to be a slave to fear and so i don't know what you're going through right now but i i pray that you would receive that understanding that you are god's child right now it's not just words that we sing but it's something that we can we can stand on and embrace as a reality i am no longer a slave to fear because i am a child of god and one of the ways that we can grow that understanding and deepen that understanding is getting involved in the life of our church and so we've got some amazing things coming up so why don't you stay watching for bayside news hey bayside church online it's awesome to have you tuning in for church today let's see what's coming up becoming a disciple of jesus is a lifelong process and at bayside it's our heart to see you equipped and empowered to follow him we would love to invite you to our step to god course step to god is the first step in our discipleship pathway and it's a foundational step where you will learn about what we believe as a community the course will run online over two nights on monday the 6th and tuesday the 7th of september join us on thursday the 16th of september for our monthly immerse night this is a beautiful time where we are able to come together to worship god and be immersed and refreshed in god's presence if you're looking for teaching resources we've got a huge variety available online check out the latest good god series by heading to the teaching series section of the bayside church website we've also got the weekly digging deeper podcast with pastor rob buckingham featuring different topics and what the bible has to say about them you can find us anywhere you get your podcast for more information or to register for anything you've seen here head to the bayside church website or follow us on facebook or instagram [Music] so many great things coming up and i really recommend step to god it's running monday night and tuesday night from 7 p.m it's not too late for you to secure your place for that it's the first step of bayside's new discipleship pathway and i can really attest for the value and worth of it so you can head to the bayside church website or click the link in the chat and that'll take you to where you could register for that so we're now going to continue worshiping god as we come around a time of tithes and offerings there's a few ways that you can participate in this offering today there's the tithely app and you can select bayside church melbourne you can download the bayside church melbourne app from any of your app stores if you haven't already uh and click the giving tab uh on the bayside church website there's a giving tab or in the chat feed and video description wherever you're watching there's an opportunity for you to partner with us and give there as well i just want to encourage you with a verse from isaiah chapter 58 and this is verse 11 the lord will guide you always he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame you will be like a well-watered garden like a spring whose waters never fail and i love that that here's our living water when we are thirsty we can go to him and he is there he meets our needs he knows what we need when we need it and he is always there and present with us and i'm not saying that we should we should give because he gives us that we give out of the overflow of who we are but we also need to understand who god is and who we are giving to and that we can trust him to use what we give in an incredible incredible way so won't you lay hands on your smart device take your offering in your hand and let's pray father god i thank you for your goodness i thank you that you know in a sunscorched land you are the water that fills us that you will never fail us and i thank you for the way that you provide for us and that you use the things that we bring to your table our our time our effort our energy our gifts and our finances you use all of these things for your glory lord god and so i just pray that you would take these tithes and offerings and use them for your name to be glorified and for us as a church to continue to have a positive impact in the community around us in the mighty name of jesus i pray amen well thank you for your generosity church and there are there is another way that you can get involved in the church and the way that we interact with our community so you would have heard that unfortunately because of restrictions we couldn't run our annual trivia night fundraiser this year however we are setting up an online auction where the items that we're going to be available in the silent auction on the night are actually going to be posted in this online auction we have an array of different things there's some fitness programs where you can you can bid on those i think there's um there's some little boom box little things that you can bid on um there's even a 2020 team geelong football club signed jumper and it's probably the last time you're going to get a signature from gary ablett jr so even if you're not a cats fan but a footy fan i recommend jumping on bidding on things and all the proceeds go to bayside community care so that's going to launch in the coming weeks so keep an eye out on social media or any emails that may come from the church to let you know about that so as i said at the start this is the father's day weekend and i'm about to throw to a little video but before i do that i just want to say thank you to all the dads of bayside church you are amazing men you do incredible things for your kids and in the life of our church for those of you who may have lost your dad and so you know this weekend is is difficult please know that we are we are praying for you and i pray that god's peace would be upon you right now and for those of you who you know you may have heard me share a little bit about ems of my struggle to conceive may want to be a dad but aren't a dad yet or can't be a dad uh you're still so valued and you have so much that you can bring to the life of our church and so right now father god i just pray for all the the foster dads the biological dads the adoptive dads the uncles the sons the spiritual fathers i pray for all of the men right now lord god and the impact that they have for our church and on us i even pray for the single mums who have to play the role of mum and dad as well we honor all of you i just pray that you would be encouraged by the holy spirit right now in the mighty name of jesus amen well here's a short father's day video followed by pastor rob coming and joining me for today [Music] [Music] and so what better way to celebrate father's day and to actually have a bit of a chat about it than to have the spiritual father of bayside church pastor rob here thanks for being here pastor rob always a pleasure jimmy um so being father's day what comes to mind for you as both a father and a son when you think about father's day okay i think one word just pops into my mind straight away and that's the word gratitude i feel a huge amount of gratitude to my own dad and also a huge amount of gratitude for the ability to be a dad you know that um i actually always wanted to be a dad i always wanted to have kids and in fact when christie and i got married she found one of my old photo albums from western australia from years previously and and she was thumbing through it and she goes so something you need to tell me so what do you mean she says well almost every picture is you holding a different baby and i said no no no no there's not a different child in every port they're all different people's kids but i've always had an absolute love of children and i had a kind of a little picture in the back of my mind for many many years and it was three little girls sitting in the back seat of the car and of course there we go back very prophetic came to pass and and you know i can attest i see you with the babies of the house and i see you light up with them and i know how much you value them um but just going back a step about your dad yeah can you tell us a little bit about your dad what was he like what did you learn from him okay um as i said before i feel a lot of gratitude toward my dad he's a very conservative english gentleman he's still alive my mum passed away a few years ago but my dad is still alive he just turned 91 problem is he's in western australia and we all know that the board is firmly shut to wa so i missed his 90th birthday last year i had flights and everything booked that i had to cancel and of course i missed it again this year so i am looking forward to everything opening up so i can go and see him we do talk from time to time on the phone but i think the one thing that i'm incredibly grateful for is his courage so uh we we are from england originally i was born in london half my family by the way talk like um jamie oliver you know i mean yeah lovely jubbly and all that you know what i mean and the thing i'm very grateful for is that i don't speak like that but i can slip into it whenever i want to but um things were not great in england in the 60s and we moved a couple of times and each time we moved we had to kind of downsize my dad lost his job for a while and then got another job and so on but they couldn't see a financial future there and they wanted to raise their family my older sister and my younger brother and myself uh in a place that had more potential so at the age of 40 they emigrated from england to australia to perth and all my family are still in perth except for me who wandered off so incredible courage i think to say goodbye to family and i still remember the tears of saying goodbye and all of that kind of stuff but i am incredibly grateful today uh to my mum and dad for making that gutsy call because i resonate so much more strongly with australia than i do with the uk and the other things i'm grateful for my dad for he was always a hard worker a good provider and he um demonstrated great love uh for his wife for my mum and uh really was a very good role model so all of that and a whole lot more yeah i love that and i love when you talk about that courage and moving across it's kind of almost like they pioneered that for your family which you see reflected in you as well in the way that you've pioneered bayside and a number of things like that so as a as a slightly outsider i guess that's a legacy that i can see through your dad and through your family through you i love that that's really really good yeah true i appreciate that and um when we talk about fatherhood i guess there are a few ways that it can exist you've got being a father a foster parent you've got being a biological father a father figure a spiritual father yep so as a biological father to three and a spiritual father to thousands let's say how do you balance that responsibility both to your girls and then to your church sure i've always tried to put my own kids first and i i don't mean that in any sense of selfishness but i think a priority that needs to exist um i'm gripped by uh one timothy chapter three which is instructions really to pastors and church leaders and verse 5 says if anyone does not know how to manage his own family how can he take care of god's church and so there i see that kind of priority so i've always tried to set that i have an office at home of course which is being used a whole lot more than it used to be i used to be in the church office uh more often but you know whenever the kids would come into my office at church or whenever they come into my office at home i put down whatever i'm doing and i give them my undivided attention so of course there are those times in times of crisis when i'm you know talking to someone who's going through a tough time whether there's been a death or a funeral or those sorts of things where i explain to the kids right now i have to put this first or these people before you but i like to keep those as rare as possible as it were so i give that attention to my own kids so um uh yeah so i think it's it's putting that first and then being a good example in that way so that my kids grow up uh in in a good way which in itself is a great testimony yeah you know i i love that and i think i don't consider it selfish sure and like scripture says you know it's important to be leading our household yeah um just as much as if not more so than leading a church and so i think that that's uh incredibly valuable um and what you do as a as a spiritual father like i know myself and many others would see you as a spiritual father so what do you see as the value of a spiritual father or even a spiritual parent yeah great value and and i think with that value is a massive blessing but also huge responsibility if i can point us to scripture again in 1 corinthians 4 15 16 that even if you had 10 000 others to teach you about christ you have only one spiritual father for i became your father in christ jesus when i preached the good news to you so i urge you to imitate me so paul here talking to a church that he pioneered and he said really i pioneered the church in corinth and so i've become your spiritual father you've got lots of people that can teach you about jesus but you've got only one dad you know and i i guess that's how i feel nearly nearly 30 years ago now um we started bayside church march 1992 so we're coming up to our 30th birthday in just six months which is very exciting and um and so you know there's lots of people that can teach you about jesus but not everyone can be a father in the faith and i think it's interesting that last line there that paul uses he says therefore i urge you to imitate me and eight times in the new testament paul says that to various churches and christians imitate me imitate me follow me follow me uh depending on what translation you read and then on one occasion he says follow me or imitate me as i imitate christ so and that's the key i think as long as your father your leader is following jesus it's safe to follow them you know if i ever stop following jesus stop following me you know what i mean okay so you know it's i think it's important here i've written just a few things um down the responsibility of living an authentic life uh to me is that as a father in the faith i can help people feel safe and calm and i think at this time more than any time in history for us as a church is helping our church community feel calm and safe to create freedom spiritual protection growth and maturity developing and releasing spiritual gifts accountability and correction when necessary of course all those things and probably more yeah i love that and i definitely see you doing those things you've done it for me and i know that you've done it for many other people and so if we can reflect a little bit of your fatherhood journey as a as a biological dad reflect on that what do you see as your biggest struggle and your greatest success when it comes to your girls the biggest struggle is easy it's it's two words year year nine and uh parents that have got uh 15 year old girls will know exactly what i mean year nine there's it's no accident that most schools have their excursions and camps and all of that kind of stuff they try and get the year nine girls out of the classroom for as long as possible and i remember when gigi so our eldest daughter who was the first one obviously to be in that kind of 15 zone it's like i she was behaving in a particularly obnoxious way one day and i just took her gently by the shoulders and i looked into her eyes and i said who are you and what have you done with my daughter to me it's like she'd been abducted by aliens like really this is not the baby that i used to bath and and cuddle you know this is not the gorgeous little girl that used to snuggle up on my lap and paris went through a similar thing um so at the end of year nine she actually came up to me and she said um i haven't been very nice this year have i i said no not really and she said i'm so sorry and then gave me a big hug and i'd like to say everything improved right there but you know gradually so trinity is now 13 so two years and i actually got her to write this down um a few years ago about uh i don't know maybe five six years ago when paris was was uh 15 so what did that have been four years ago and said uh dear dad i promise that when i'm 15 i will not behave like paris is and then she signed it and i have that on file so i just bring it up you know so when she turns 15 you're going to present that to her as her 50th birthday present yes as a reminder yeah just a reminder so hopefully hopefully not please jesus not three times you know so that's that's the biggest struggle yep i think yep what about your greatest success okay greatest success i think is having three daughters uh who love their mum and me and who have become and are becoming some pretty amazing humans so i look at the three kids just love them to bits and i mean you know them yeah yeah yeah we're all biased every parent is biased every parent thinks they have the best kids but mine actually are the best kids you know so amazing humans yes they are they are that's for sure okay some some quick fire ones here i don't want you to think about the answer too much here so i've got seven of these would you rather that your kids did their chores or their homework chores yeah and you know why why because i don't think kids should be given homework i know i know that may be a little controversial i know i'm with you on that right you know maybe year 11 and 12 they have to do that but but really it kind of eats into family time and it eats into personal time and recreation and all of that especially at the moment with kids being online all day and then they are offline and then have to go online to do homework you know so chores yes uh would you rather teach them how to drive or how to build or fix something is that a trick question no okay so i don't know how to build or fix anything i know how to build a church maybe but um yeah no drive but only after christie's had them for a few weeks so get all the all the bunny hops and everything out of the way earlier with you christy started both gigi and paris uh driving and she did the first you know maybe 30 40 hours and then i finished them off so yeah nice uh would you rather breakfast in bed or a letter from them for father's day a letter yeah words of affirmation yeah in any case they all sleep later than me so i never get breakfast come on girls lift your game i know right would you rather give them regular pocket money or take them shopping every so often no regular pocket money uh which of your kids is your favorite you don't have to answer the paris [Laughter] all right uh best present that they have given you oh okay this is easy um for gigi i mean trinity's given me some great gifts but the ones that really really uh stand out to me would be two presents one from gg one from paris so a couple of years ago i think it was 2019 um fleetwood mack came to melbourne and hey i'm a child of the 70s you know so i love flute with mac and gigi does too so she bought us two tickets to fleetwood back in the concert and so she and i went together and oh man it was just awesome i was in my happy place these guys i mean remember fleetwood back now they're all in their 70s okay so these 70-somethings all came out onto the stage and they came on at eight o'clock there was no support act and they finished about quarter to 11 so they performed non-stop so nearly three hours that's incredible and mick fleetwood who's 75-76 he did a 10-minute drum solo and then continued with as a drum duet with this young guy drummer and i mean the whole thing was amazing and then paris um to try and one-up that she bought me and her tickets to go to michael buble and again just absolutely amazing and michael buble had just given his life to jesus as well and so he was talking a little bit about his faith and god and also he's incredibly funny he's a brilliant entertainer so that was a great night too yeah i can imagine would you rather let them practice their makeup on you or let them choose your clothing oh goodness they're good at giving me guidance on what to wear and what goes together but i think i'd rather let them practice makeup on me i'm pretty comfortable in my masculinity so yeah no i like that yeah but speaking of that and so this is something that uh i haven't preempted with you uh we actually contacted your girls and asked them a few questions and got them to send that through so i've got gg's responses with me on the ipad here okay and i want to test what you think and verse what they think on certain things so wow we will make sure that you get the full videos as an encouragement um afterwards but this is just with gigi so if we asked gigi what would she say that you like to wear oh i like to wear as in an article of clothing yeah but i like to wear um jeans so what does gg say my dad likes to wear his slippers he loves his slippers so yes slippers yeah she's not wrong i love my slippers uh what do you think your weirdest habit is oh they hate it when we're watching tv at night and if i flick my toes together or if i'm tapping on the on the uh steering wheel with my thumb in terms of the music everyone should be allowed to do that yeah i think yeah emma doesn't like me so according to gigi my dad's weirdest habit is it's not necessarily weird it's just annoying like he he taps on steer on the steering wheel she agrees that uh you're not that she's not a fan of you tapping on the steering wheel yeah uh i don't i don't understand that i think it's i got the music in here you know 100 yeah you got to get the rhythm out there and do all of that yeah um so we asked the question what do you get mad about i get mad about oh when not so much these days but when when the girls were growing up and if they would all start being really silly and giggly together that used to really annoy me my dad gets mad when you talk through movies and what when you talk through movies so when people talk through movies oh yes yeah that is really annoying too yeah yeah and especially at the moment because we've got christy's mum and dad with us and they talk through everything all the news every night [Laughter] yeah i i understand yeah the frustration with that very much so uh so we asked them what you love about them so in this case it's gigi so what would you say and that you love about her uh i mean just so so many things i'm smitten with my three kids but with gigi there'd be a couple of things i think we love playing chess together and i i miss her she's away at the moment so i miss being able to sit down with her and play chess the other thing would be the really deep and meaningful conversations we can have about really you know really pithy kind of subjects yeah we really get our teeth into some great conversations my dad loves me because i'm his daughter i'm his first daughter so i'm there for the best one um he loves me he just loves me i don't think it's because of anything yeah that's true i do i just love him he's really nice he's awesome yeah first child first children are always the best in my opinion i'm a first child no no bias at all um my grandparents would probably say i'm on their favorite don't know about mum and dad that might be my sister who's middle child but rather yes uh what would uh what would you say is the best advice that you've given them the three kids yeah or gg into gigi the best advice i've ever given to gigi would be to follow follow her passions follow what she's good at follow follow what she really really wants to do in life and to become the best bit of advice my dad has given me is um [Music] always be as compassionate as you can and also look after yourself and do your best beautiful i love that yep and i can see that in you know the vision statement the mission statement of bayside that that's not reflected just in your girls but in all that you do which i'd attest to that and then this one is one that uh gigi herself sent in so i've added it to the list um why what do you think she would answer to say why she loves you wow that's a that's it why would gigi love me apart from the fact that i'm her dad yes i think um i think we just i just think we were incredibly close and um [Music] you know always been there for her sitting at the weirdest times of the day and night you know when i've had lots of other things maybe to get done or even just wanted to go to bed and sleep and realise particularly when they're teenagers that they that they don't always want to talk when i want to talk but they want me to be there to listen when they're ready so i've always tried to do that the thing i love the most about my dad is um that he is my he's like my best friend and we have such great conversations and we laugh a lot together and i'm really grateful for him love you dad happy father's day love you too gigi that's beautiful awesome and we get pretty silly like we get really silly and they've got videos of me like seriously okay well there's some ideas for the 30th birthday i know some things that i can try and talk to them about yeah but uh we'll there's there's a few more questions that we we asked and we just pulled out some of our favorites so we'll make sure that you get the full one from uh from gg but also from the other girls lovely as well just as a little father's day gift for for you very special um and so it's hard to kind of bring it back a little bit after that but i wanted to to do something a little bit that was a bit light and feeling for you thank you um we talked about your biggest success before but what do you think is your greatest reward as a father i think seeing our kids grow and mature and to reflect something of christie and me so i love the first verses in genesis chapter 5. i think it's absolutely fascinating so genesis 5 1 says when god created mankind he made them in the likeness of god and then if you go down to verse 3 it talks about adam adam had a son in his own likeness in his own image and he named him seth so the first humans made in the image of god and of course that image is passed down you and i are in the image of god as well but we're also in another image you are made in the image of your parents who are made in the image of their parents and the same with me so um i'm in the image of my mum and dad and christy is in the image of her parents and then we become unique humans who create three daughters who are in also in our image and ref so we reflect they reflect the family images if you like as well as the image of god and it's watching that grow and mature in our children has been just absolutely amazing and there are times i'm completely gobsmacked you know oh wow how awesome are they you know yep yeah which makes up for the times when they're 15. yeah yep you know we skipped over that whole 15 thing right yeah and as boys we're not that hard to deal with no we don't hit each other and get on with life you know pretty girls and then every day they come home from school and their best friends not their best friend and then as a parent you start to develop you know feelings of angst toward their friend who's not being nice to them so you're feeling a bit angry with the friend now and the next day you're still angry with a friend and your daughter comes home and they're the best friend again and you just go on this emotional roller coaster those of you with daughters know exactly what i mean if you have daughters that are not 15 yet just start praying um uh what uh what would you say is your most embarrassing moment there's been so many there's been so many and i actually i wasn't exactly sure which one to talk about here so i rang gigi and i read the question and she just answered it straight away she went the time we were in malaysia with the wild pig oh my god you know that story okay so this is about 10 years ago and every winter we try to get out of um the cold for a couple of weeks you know so it would be bali or for a number of years we go over to malaysia because we have friends there and we did a day trip to this beautiful little island and so if you can imagine we're in this lagoon and we're all swimming the water is warm it's absolutely beautiful and then the five of us look toward the beach and there's a wild boar walking along the beach and it's starting to hoe into gigi's bag and so rather than me as the man of the family going in there and chewing off the wild boar without even thinking i said gigi the pig is getting into your bag you better go and rescue it so great so embarrassing you know so this little 13 year old toddles off and shoes the wild pig away and rescues my sunglasses were in the bag you see and so i still have the sunglass case with the teeth impressions of the wild boar in them so not one of my greatest moments as a dad you know it's a good story though it is a good story and and of course she just brought it up straight away good thank you gg for that i haven't heard that one so that's a good one um so to any new dads or aspiring dads what advice would you give them be patient be gentle and make the most of every moment so that when when our kids are born they're newborns for three months and then they change and develop very very quickly what i have found is you sort of think this is as good as it's going to get and then it gets better and then it gets better then it gets better and every life stage you know other than year 9 is is amazing and um and even the year 9 thing they recover and they become the most incredible humans and so just be there for every moment yep i love that to those that are already dads how would you like to encourage them don't don't be too hard on yourself i think it's very easy for us as parents to you know we we all make mistakes in in parenting i have apologized to my kids on on many occasions when i have been maybe short with them or you know just just not parented i'll walk away from a particular situation and go well that wasn't great parenting rob you know just be really honest and go back to the kids and say hey you know the way i dealt with that actually was not great and i apologize and i think walking humbly with our kids is really really important and they're the things that they will remember your humility yeah i love that and to those that are spiritual fathers in the sense of you know don't have kids maybe can't have kids but play that role of being a spiritual father what would you like to say to them uh god bless you for what you're doing you know and it's it's it's such such an important role uh there are many in our society even today who are still farther less um and and that on so many different levels you know and so to be a dad like i watch you with some of the young guys in the church you know and it's just wonderful to see the way you get around them and um and and you're a father figure to them you know even even though you're only in your early thirties i just think it's really really important and i would cheer men on who have taken that responsibility on themselves never presume i don't i've never presumed to become a father to anybody but if someone has put themselves in that kind of relationship with me i i take it as a a massive blessing and a huge responsibility yeah i love that um what are you most looking forward to that hasn't happened yet as a dad grandchildren yes no pressure no pressure but that would be nice one day yeah are going to be great you know just to be able to spoil them rotten razz them up and hand them back fill them with sugar red cordials all of that stuff and then give them back totally yeah i understand as an uncle very much give give the boys what they want and then hand them back to the parents and leave 100 isn't that great it's so much fun uh what is the best thing about being a dad um i think the best thing is when your kids come up to you and put their arms around you and give you a big hug and say i love you so much dad yeah that's pretty special that's one of the things i love about human free will and i think that's why god gave us free will because he didn't want to pre-program us to love him he wants a company of people who love him because we love him because we choose to and that that company of people is what the church is you know and i think as a parent to become that to our kids we're out of the freedom of their will they go i love you so much it's very cool yeah i like that um one final word to the members of bayside church as we wrap up today as their spiritual father what would you like to say about where we're at and what you're looking forward to in the culture easy we we live in interesting times we we don't live in unprecedented times and i think that's important i've heard a few people say that recently and what we're going through right now in this global pandemic is not unprecedented but it is the first time in about 100 years that something like this has happened so for all of us this is brand new and so people will cope with this in different ways but if i can encourage all of our church community to to remain calm and steadfast um the scripture that pops into my mind is psalm 94 verses 18 and 19 and i said when i said my foot is slipping your unfailing love lord supported me when doubts filled my mind your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer so i think you know we need to guard our hearts and our minds we need to make sure all of us that we care for ourselves at this time yep but don't let your care stop at yourself i think we also need to we're part of a family that god has brought us together in called bayside church at the moment we can't meet together which for me is um it brings me grief you know i we we were on uh zoom with shane willard last week and there was about a hundred pairs of eyes and bayside church all these faces and and tears just welled up from within me when i saw everybody you know and i had to kind of take a big deep breath before i spoke to everyone um and so yeah there's a certain level of grief i think that we all go through at the moment and that is that we can't see certain family members as i mentioned earlier i can't see my dad right now so many of us are going through times of pain and we need to be gentle with ourselves about that but we also need to reach out to others and so you know the church is not a building we talk about going to church but this company of people we call bayside is church and so we can pick up the phone we can ring someone we can facetime people we can bake a cake and drop it around at their front door you know we can do all sorts of things right now creatively that speak of love and care for our church community but you know what we're experiencing now is going to end in the next few weeks maybe two three months we're going to start easing back into a more normal kind of life and that will take another journey another process that might go on for the next two three years who knows um but we are going to be able to meet in person again in the not too distant future and so be encouraged you know just this has come to pass and uh we will look back on this in a few years for me there's some great stories to tell the grandkids you know there's this old bloke i was alive in 2020 2021 you know when we went through the global pandemic and all of this kind of stuff and we'll look back at this and go well you know it wasn't wasn't the greatest but we also learned some really good stuff and we're still strong we still love jesus we still love each other and we're going to keep going and be steadfast and immovable bring it on amen amen well thank you pastor rob for being with us today and sharing some of your wisdom and some of your experiences and for those of you at home i'd love for you to reach out your hand right now i'm going to pray for our spiritual father of bayside church right now so father god we are so thankful for pastor rob we are thankful for the man that he is that he is a man of character a man of humility a man of great integrity and wisdom lord god and we are so thankful that you have placed us at bayside church and we can call pastor rob our spiritual father i pray that right now holy spirit that you would just settle upon him stir in him peace stir in him compassion stir in him uh a great deal of energy and vision for what is to come lord god you know i i know that there's a lot left in the tank pastor rob and i have had those conversations and so i'm really excited to see what this new season brings as we start to roll out of restrictions and start to get back to a little bit of normalcy i i just pray that you would stir some vision stir energy stir ideas in pastor rob lord god and i pray that you would hold his heart secure you know it can't be easy leading a group of many many people and you know the the hurts that may come the offense all of those things lord god so i just pray that you would guard his heart protect his heart wrap him in your love let him know that you know he is your special possession and that he is called and placed as the head of bayside church for such a time as this lord god so i just pray all blessing and all favor upon him and upon pastor christie and the girls at this time lord god just bless him abundantly in the mighty name of jesus we pray amen wonderful well god bless you pastor rob thank you for being with us love you lots back at you so thank you for letting us be part of your journey today absolute pleasure for those of you that have tuned in today thank you for sticking with us this comes to the end of our online gathering today make sure you message your dad or you call your dad wish him a happy happy father's day um and on tuesday night live if you're free between 8 and 9 p.m we've got tuesday night live with pastor rob himself we do indeed and loving tuesday nights um a growing group of people joining me and also watch it you know or listen to it during the week and then a podcast coming from that too at the moment we're about 13 14 episodes in to digging deeper so if you just type in digging deeper with rob buckingham to your podcast and it will bring up those episodes and enjoy those it's worth going and investing uh some time in there's lots of gold in there and includes you know the ones that you do with pastor shane as well and so plenty of good wisdom there well have an amazing uh weekend and week to come god bless you church [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music]
Channel: Bayside Church Melbourne
Views: 100
Rating: 3.4000001 out of 5
Keywords: bayside church, rob buckingham, bayside, God, Christianity
Id: uj_wywNmTj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 56sec (4916 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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