Bayside Church Online | Sunday 7 March

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] hi and welcome to bayside church online my co-host this weekend is the lovely caitlyn gillespie hello everyone it's good to be here today good to have you all here it's great in that yeah how's youth going yeah going so good we just had a worship night on um the other week and we just had connect groups just gone and youth is going so well so fun glad to hear that yeah yeah yeah our youngest trinity is absolutely loving it oh that's good every every friday night so if you uh have kids in their teens um then make sure you connect with caitlin and josh and uh and bayside youth yeah 100 fabulous we got a great message coming up from jimmy day we're going to pray in just a moment just before we do that though if this is your first time engaging with bayside church online please click on the link and uh fill out our connection card and that'll just give us a record of you joining us for this weekend uh really hope you enjoyed bayside church online this weekend would you like to pray i would love to yeah let's do that dear lord i thank you so much for today i thank you for the blessing that you are to us every single day of our lives i pray as we head into a time of worship that your spirit may feel the room of each person on the chat today lord that you can meet them in their homes or wherever they are watching today lord and know that as we worship we worship an incredible god i pray that into the hearts of everyone watching amen amen let's enjoy worshiping jesus together [Music] our praise awaits you with the dawn our souls we've seen the things that you have done and still we know the best is yet to come there's more to come open the gates and let your glory come down open our hearts and let open the gates and let your glory come down [Music] we praise your name lord jesus let your presence fall in this place your presence here is all we need you break our chains with sounds of victory you're changing everything together open the gates and let your glory come down open our hearts and let our worship open the gates open the gates and let your glory come down open our hearts and let our worship no one else could take your place come have your way no one else could take your place come flood this space of lord no one else could take your place come have your way no one else could take your place open the gates and let your glory come [Music] open the gates and let your glory come down jesus [Music] let it pour out let it grasp [Music] thank you lord thank you for your kindness lord jesus thank you lord oh i've heard a thousand stories on what they think you're like but i've heard the tender whispers [Music] good father it's who you are it's who you [Applause] [Music] it's who are am that's who i am i've seen many searching for answers [Music] [Applause] [Music] is who you are it's who you [Music] good are it's who you are [Music] you are perfect in all of your ways you are perfect in all of your ways [Music] is i can hardly think as you call me deepest you call me [Music] it's who you are [Music] it's is i am it's who i am you're a good good father it's who you are it's who you are and i'm loved by you it's who i am you're a good good father it's who you are [Music] for you are a good good father your faithful father jesus i invite your church [Music] to open your hearts maybe there are times where we don't want to sing because things are so difficult [Music] things are just not going the way we want it to be but know that our god will never leave us he'll never abandon us for he is a good good father and we are accepted we we're loved we're welcome we're affirmed in his presence [Music] jesus thank you [Music] church let us draw closer to his presence to his freedom to his love and declare to our lives that we're no longer slaves to our doubt to our fear [Music] that we can be true to ourselves in front of our father in front of our loving god [Music] we'll declare this together church in our next song that we are the children of god we are no longer slaves i'm no longer a slave to fear i am a child of god i'm no longer slave to fear i am a child of god i'm no longer a slave to fear [Music] i am a child of god i'm no longer a slave to fear for i am a child of god you unravel me with a melody you surround me with a song of deliverance from my enemies till all my fears no longer a slave to fear i am a child of god i'm no longer a slave to fear from my mother's womb you have chosen me i've been born again to a family your blood flows through my veins i'm no longer a slave to fear for i am a child of god declare it i'm no longer a slave to fear [Music] for i am a child of god i'm no longer [Music] i am a child of [Music] to god for i am a child of god yes we're your children [Music] i am surrounded by the arms of the father i am surrounded with songs of believing [Music] from our bandage [Music] come on church let us sing our freedom [Music] oh [Music] you split the sea so i could walk right through it my feasts were drowning perfect love [Music] you rescued me so i can stand and sing i am the child of god she split the sea you split the sea so i could walk right through it my feasts were drowned in perfect love you rescued me so i could stand i am the child of god oh yes i am i am what a magnificent anthem of praise how great is our god let's think of psalm 8 you know how majestic is your name in all the earth and the psalmist is outside he's looking at the yeah at the heavens the stars and everything and just being overwhelmed by god's majesty by god's greatness that's awesome that's great so think about that whatever you're going through at the moment god is greater than what you are facing and every knee will bow and every tongue confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god it's wonderful well we're going to worship god without giving right now and so you can give via the tithely app or via the bayside church website or app by direct debit all the details are on our website and the app as well you're going to share something from the word yeah and as i was thinking about what to talk about today the verse in ephesians 5 really came to mind and it says so ephesians 5 verses 1 and 2 imitate god therefore in everything you do because you are his dear children live a life filled with love following the example of christ he loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us a pleasing aroma of god magnificent i'm just reminded of that and um i think jimmy's really going to touch in on it as we like sacrifice ourselves over to him and enter his plan and his mission for us and that looks so different to us oh individually and and we live from a place of love as christians and following god and that loving god that we have is what we should try and embody and i think it comes into a lot of different domains it comes into giving our time and maybe making a meal for someone or sending somebody a text message it's as simple as that but another way to do that is through finances and tithing and and sacrificing that over to him in a way of embodying love in our community yeah i love that it's living a life that is extended beyond yourself you know and i think that's that's one of the beautiful things about the christian life is that that without jesus often our life begins and ends with us um whereas jesus calls us to live a life beyond ourself yeah to reach out to like you say you know just always think about other people and the way that we can extend ourselves for the kingdom of god absolutely and how awesome to do that in the world that we're living yeah totally and where it says we should be focusing on ourselves and what we do in our life and and just so self-focused that we can be like no you can live with something greater than that absolutely it's very counter-cultural yeah it is but the gospel is just that yeah so that's wonderful i love i love what you've shared let's pray together as we give shall we heavenly father i thank you for this wonderful opportunity that we have right now to live a life that is beyond ourselves thank you that you call us to such a life lord and uh we're so blessed to be a part uh of your kingdom and this church and every gift and giver is blessed by you in jesus name we pray amen amen god bless you as you give let's watch bayside news [Music] coming up in march we have our first sessions of step to god and step to church for 2021 these courses are all about learning who god is and the importance of church both courses will be running at bayside church on saturday the 13th of march for more information or to register head to the church website dedicating your child to god is a powerful declaration that you've chosen to bring your child up to know him our next child dedication service is on sunday the 14th of march register your interest on the bayside church website have you ever felt a call to lead people in worship then we have an opportunity for you our worship team are holding auditions on thursday the 18th of march from 7pm for more information or to book your audition slot email worship join us this easter as we discover and celebrate the story of redemption christ's story and how his story has impacted the human race our easter services will be happening both in person and online on friday the 2nd and sunday the 4th of april at 10am if you wish to attend our in-person service make sure to secure your spot by registering online for more information on anything you've seen here head to or follow us on facebook or instagram hi everyone it's great to be with you today and it's absolute privilege to be able to share from the word of god with you but before i do that i just want to recap some of the events that we've seen it it's so good to have so many things coming up i'm really looking forward to to easter and beyond that to some of the courses starting but before that i want to talk about next weekend so next saturday from 9 00 am till about 1 pm we have step to god and step to church now if you haven't heard anything about these these are the first two steps of our discipleship pathway the ministry team here at bayside we we were like how can we engage more of our church community help them to understand our values our vision our mission why we do what we do but also deepen their own relationship with god and in the process we've come up with the steps pathway and so step to god is is all about kind of knowing god more and understanding more about who he is and how we relate with him and step to church the second step is all about the operational side of church how church works why we do church and how as individuals we can all get involved in the life and the community aspect of church so if you're interested in these i encourage you to head to the the church website dot a u and register for them now in order to do step to church you do need to do step to god first and so if you have done step to god feel free to sign up for step to church both are incredibly insightful courses i am a little bit biased in that i've written content for both and i love presenting in them but in hearing from many of the congregation and even staff who have done them i want to really encourage you to put aside some time to come to the church building on saturday to do these so please register as soon as you can and you'll see some links in the description about these as well and so the value of these first two steps of the discipleship pathway equip us with the knowledge of god and our relationship with him and then how we can outwork that in our individual lives but also within the life of our church community and so today i want to kind of build on that a little bit with my message which is called the power of the process and so throughout life to achieve anything to learn to grow to take positive steps in any area there is a process i'm sure we're all familiar with the different processes that we have whether they're in our workplaces when it comes to to study and places we go to study and even just self-development and self-growth there are processes to helping us grow and better ourselves and this is especially so when it comes to our spiritual life in presenting ourselves to god and renewing our mind to focus on him rather than the world around us and this is what i want to unpack in our time together today as we start let's pray father god i thank you for who you are i thank you for your goodness for your faithfulness for your love for your mercy and i thank you that you are willing to go on a journey with us and to help us on this process of transformation and of our minds being renewed and being able to live our best lives for you because of what you have done for us so i pray that you would speak through me today that we would all be encouraged by the by your word and by your revelation in jesus name we pray amen i wonder if you tuned in last week or or maybe throughout this previous week and have had a look at pastor rob's message from last weekend i'm loving this series on reimagining church and i think it's a a really important thing and this is a process that we go on and so process is the key word today you're going to hear it a lot and i'm saying it because i think that sometimes when we hear the word process we we kind of have a bit of a resistance you know we put our arms up we step back but process isn't bad process is a good thing because it enables us to get a greater understanding and revelation of god of of who he is but also the situations and the circumstances that we're in if we don't go through a process then i i don't see how we we fully grow without going through that process and this whole thing of reimagining church is a process that together we are going on to see how church has changed in a post-covered world and how it will continue to change and adapt and that adaption is is really important and pastor rob talked about that in his message last week that as technology has changed throughout the centuries the church has had to adapt in how it uses that technology so the church has adapted from an organizational sense from a structural sense through programs and then how we use technology like i love the fact that i can come here and stand in a room look at a camera share the word of god and it is broadcast around the country and around the world you know 50 years ago 100 years ago that couldn't happen you know in a pandemic back then a pastor would have to write out their message 50 100 150 200 times and then walk around and deliver that sermon in a written form to their congregation so adapting is really important but the same can be said for us individually our lives change and adapt and we need to be transformed as the world and as our lives change and so today it's important for us to be active in engaging with the process so that we can develop our relationship with god and know his plan for us it is so important for us to engage with that process to be willing to adapt to be a willing to to to be willing to change to or to see change happen in our world and in our lives and as we do that we are transformed in likeness to god and so today's text is romans chapter 12 verses 1 and 2. i want to read two different translations of this because throughout my message i'm going to be using some of the wording from both so first from the holman translation therefore brothers and sisters in view of the mercies of god i urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to god this is your true worship do not be conformed to this age but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may discern what is the good pleasing and perfect will of god and then we have the niv therefore i urge you brothers and sisters in view of god's mercy to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to god this is your true and proper worship other translations say your spiritual act of worship do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will be able to test and approve what god's will is his good pleasing and perfect will this is one of my favorite scriptures and i want to unpack a few elements of these two verses however i will have a focus on the mind and on our thinking throughout today why the mind well one because paul mentions it in these couple of verses he actually talks about the mind quite a lot in his letters and i think he realizes the importance that our mind plays in seeing the world and how we experience life and experience the world around us when our mind is struggling our view of ourselves of god of life of everything is affected and so for us particularly as christians as we seek to distance ourselves from the world and embrace god and the things that he has for us we need to do a health check on our mind to ensure that it is strong and that it is standing upon and full of the promises and the word of god and so i have three focus points today number one the process of presentation number two the process of transformation and number three the process of renewal and these are all things that require us to be active in some way whether it be submitting ourselves to god or choosing to make choices that reflect who he is and who we are in him there is a part we play in how our spiritual life plays out yes the holy spirit works within us it helps to convict us of sin helps to to wash us white as snow you know the blood of christ does that and and we are transformed on the inside but the way that our lives play out the fruit of our lives in part is up to us we have to choose to distance ourselves from the world and to live for christ and so point one the process of presentation i wonder have you ever done a presentation for work or for school how did it go is it good bad maybe somewhere in between i've had my share of these i mean it comes to being in front of a camera whether it's to to preach a message to to host church online to film news ads or other things sometimes it goes well sometimes not so well i think back to grade six and i laugh at this because if anyone knows me i can't really sing all that well i'm not really in tune i'm a little bit tone deaf but in grade six before my voice broke i actually sang at a couple of assemblies there was some interesting song choices and i don't know whether you would call it singing but more kind of yelling kind of in that jimmy barnes fashion as my favorite singer uh and one of them went really well people loved it i'm fairly certain i sang the song land down under by men at work uh and and i loved it and the response afterwards was was people thought i was awesome asking for autographs so for a grade six kid was pretty good not long after that i sang another one and i think my music teacher knew that i wasn't great at that song so he sang along as well and what i found out afterwards was you couldn't really hear me singing you could only hear him singing and so i copped it a little bit for for lip syncing so i guess i was doing that before it became in vogue and more people were doing it uh but there's an example of a good presentation and a bad presentation and we we see that throughout life sometimes our presentation on what we do is good at other times it's not so good and in our scripture we read paul saying to present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to god and so our presentation to god is who we are it is our physical selves and how we live our lives he then goes on to say this is your true worship or your true and proper worship or your spiritual act of worship so presenting ourselves to god sacrificing our lives to him in obedience is our act of worship and i know that that sounds like a lot however i believe that what paul is doing is offering an exhortation or encouragement to all of us he starts off by saying in view of the mercies of god present yourselves so what are these mercies we read earlier in the letter of romans the power of god's grace and that god's mercy is evident in his plan to save humanity from their sins and to declare them us each and every one of us as righteous and to assure us of the hope of glory hallelujah and so from this we find encouragement that paul is exhorting us to present ourselves to god willing to submit to his plans and his purposes in response to his grace and his mercy to us and now i'm not saying that we should do it out of compulsion and obligation going oh well i guess god's done this for us so we kind of probably maybe should do this for him i'm saying that as we allow that revelation and that truth of his grace and his mercy and his love for us as we let that take hold of our mind and flow through our bodies we can't help but go okay god you have given me everything here have all of me it needs to be an active and willing choice that we make not something that we do out of obligation and i know it sounds easy when we say it like that that you know god has done x so we must do y but i know just as much as you that this is easy to say and often hard to act out i think our mind and i think paul specifically references the mind in verse two and i'll unpack that a little bit more in a little bit i think our mind is often a battlefield we question our abilities we question who we are we question what we are doing with our lives whether god really loves us if we have failures and the list goes on these questions rage within us and affect the way in which we present ourselves to and before god you see church the enemy creates strongholds in our mind that drive a wedge between us and god that are designed to make us forget about his mercies and his grace and his love for us to forget who we are as sons and daughters of the living god so how do we combat this and succeed in the process of presentation well in ephesians 6 it speaks about the armor of god and when it comes to the mind we have the helmet of salvation and i think that this is incredibly significant because we know that through salvation through having that faith and accepting that gift of god of his grace that we are no longer separated from god but we are one with him when we accept that when we accept that salvation gift we have victory over sin we have victory over death and we are set free from being stuck in the world does that mean that hardships and things like that are going to cease no we're still going to be confronted with with challenges with with temptation but when we wear the helmet of salvation we can stand on the fact that we are victorious and that we are free in christ and so that is really important for us and i think that in every situation in life we should have every part of the armor of god on but more than anything i think this helmet of salvation because if like i said earlier if our mind is is is affected then how we view the world it is goes through whatever is going on in our mind whatever we perceive as true is how we see the world and so if we have the helmet of salvation on we see the world through victory through freedom through the blood of christ we see the world in a way that means that yes temptation may come hardship may come but we can overcome we can persevere we can endure and we will get through this because of christ in us and what he has done for us so when we stand upon his love and walk with the revelation that we are saved by grace through faith we can stand firm against any scheme of the enemy and present ourselves to god and this is a process this is a process and you know we have moments where our mind will will try to fail us you know one more drink won't hurt you know nothing bad's gonna happen visiting that website that's not really a bad thing you'll be fine it doesn't matter what anybody else says you know it's not bad maybe it's that person doesn't deserve forgiveness or another chance just forget about him maybe it's don't bother trying you aren't good enough you're serious you really think you can do that we've all heard or thought these or similar things and so we actively we have to actively choose to put on that helmet of salvation and choose to present ourselves to god we present ourselves to god knowing that we are victorious and we are free and that with him we can overcome we can get through anything the process is in that presenting ourselves to god i want you to remember this he has brought pleasure by us doing that it says that as we present ourselves to god it is pleasing to him and so as we present ourselves to him we discover number two the process of transformation i don't know if you've ever seen the tv show or the movie transformers uh as a kid in particular i loved it you know having a car and you start pushing it along and then all of a sudden it just changes and it's into this huge robotic kind of superhero or super villain and it's really cool especially bumblebee if you're a transformers fan you'll know who i'm talking about but you see when we accept the love of god and the gift of salvation we are washed clean spiritually we may be the same on the outside but we change on the inside and while we do have some initial transformation when we accept god and accept that gift of salvation this must also be a continued process we need to and we must continue to present ourselves to god actively engaging with him and developing our level of intimacy and relationship with him and as we do so we find that we are continually transformed much like a car needs fuel or a mobile phone needs to be charged so do we need to be filled and refilled to see further growth and development and transformation in our lives by choosing to present ourselves to god we decide to live for him rather than following the patterns of this world this is essential in the process of transformation we all have our vices and the things of the world that distract us from our hurt from our shame from our guilt that quench our anger or desire for attention so we need to set our eyes on things above to take up our cross daily you know by nailing these vices to the cross and dying to our worldly selves each and every day and then declaring the freedom and victory and life that we have in christ amen and this is only part of it because more than that by reading and meditating on scripture by spending time in prayer by joining a church community and getting involved i think back to last week being contribute weekend and our way that we can join a team and i encourage you to con continue praying about that but by joining a church and and getting involved in church life we are surrounded by people made in the image of god i mean everyone within and outside of the church is made in the image of god but when we are around fellow brothers and sisters iron sharpens iron we are transformed more to be like christ by being around those that are filled with the holy spirit and live for him we need to position ourselves to receive from god and allow for the process of transformation to continue in our lives and so as we are transformed we are renewed that brings to my final point number three the process of renewal and so looking up the definition of the word renew or renewal there are some profound representations and realities of this word one example we've got make new so it could be making you in the form of existence or to restore to freshness another definition is to replenish so the act or process of renewing and often with that it's an act of repetition and so when i consider the journey we go on in life and especially through our faith development i see how we are made new it starts with salvation that initial acceptance of the gift of grace and of god's love to us you know that jesus came and died on the cross for us as we accept that there is some form of initial transformation when we go through the waters of baptism that is transformation and that is renewal it is restored to freshness that positioning ourselves to receive the new thing that god is pouring out is part of renewal i preached a message a few weeks ago called get rid of the lid and i unpack that particular thing of positioning ourselves to receive what god is pouring and being renewed through that so feel free to go and check that out at a later date as well but when we position ourselves to receive it sees us be restored to freshness and replenished and by have by repeatedly choosing god by repeatedly presenting ourselves to him by repeatedly positioning ourselves to be transformed we become renewed these are all parts of the process of renewal and relationship with god is not pointless in fact it's far from it as we seek god and lay down our own desires and plans which we need to do consistently and continually we become more and more like christ and at the end of verse 2 of romans 12 it says so that and these are two great words and often speak to what comes of obedience to god so that i love those two words so it says so that you or we may discern what is the good pleasing and perfect will of god there is power in the process church when we actively choose and live out the process of discipleship and living for god we discover more and more about him who we are in him and what his good pleasing and perfect will is so we see our identity and our purpose clearer and clearer as we go on this process of development so today i encourage you to take captive every thought to silence the inner critic the inner doubter the inner voice lying about who you are and embark on the process of presentation to god the process of transformation that follows and to repeat this so that the process of renewal can take place in each and every one of us there is power in the process church let's pray father god we thank you that you are willing to go on this journey with us and that we have the opportunity to get to know you more and more and so today those watching at home who may not have taken that step of accepting your gift of grace i just want to provide opportunity right now and if that's you feel free to let us know in the chat or email connect and we'll reach out and we'll we'll help you go on this journey and experience this process of transformation and renewal but if this is the first time you've heard about the love of god or maybe you've heard about it before and you want to go you know what today i'm choosing to live for jesus i'm not going to conform to the patterns of this world but i'm going to live for christ if you want to make that step today then i encourage you to do so and i hope that you do so so let us know in the chat or send an email after the service and i just want to pray for those taking this step today or recommitting this today father i just pray that you would pour out your love on each and every one of us and for those that are choosing to follow you today or recommitting to you today i pray that you would renew them you would refresh them and equip them for the process of spiritual growth and for all of us i pray for the strength to endure on this process the strength to walk in your goodness to walk in your grace to walk in your mercies each and every day to take up our cross daily to set our eyes on things above to commit to the process of having our minds renewed of being transformed and of presenting ourselves to you as a living sacrifice father i just pray for your revelation for each and every one of us today about which part of the process we may need to start to focus on more or to engage with more in jesus name we pray amen well god bless your church i hope you have an amazing day and week to come here's pastor rob and caitlyn thank you so much jimmy for sharing that one one with us today it was so good it's great and i love just the idea and the reminder of that real like two-way relationship between us and god and he's continuously pursuing us and wanting to spend time with us and knocking on our door but it also takes us to open it yeah to be like yeah i want to spend this time with you and and seek god out in our lives so i loved that yeah it's beautiful isn't it yeah as we as we draw near to god he draws near to us there's that two-way thing isn't it yeah 100 percent so good magnificent so thank you jimmy and i hope you're really blessed by that word today uh we have connect groups at bayside church some of them uh meet in person some online some are mixture of both if you would like to connect with other people who are followers of jesus christ feel free to email us connect at a u and this tuesday we've also got tuesday night lives coming up so i heard that the person that does them is actually pretty cool i heard the same really that's interesting how did you hear that off um actually pastor rob is leading us in tuesday night lives which is a weekly um facebook live where you answer questions yeah talking to topics people want to know about all of that kind of stuff highly interactive so facebook and youtube between eight and nine on tuesday evening awesome and you had one just gone didn't you yeah yeah last tuesday was the first one for 2021 went really well yeah awesome so we're super keen for tuesday night to hear a bit of wisdom from pastor rob oh let's hope so i piped yeah come on i'm gonna have to really you know ramp up i think i'll do okay see you tuesday night and of course next weekend for more bayside church online see you guys then stick around and chat [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bayside Church Melbourne
Views: 143
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: bayside church, rob buckingham, bayside, God, Christianity
Id: fqx0RayKUo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 35sec (5135 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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