Bayside Church Online | Saturday 11 September

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[Music] do [Music] hi there wonderful baysiders why don't you join us in singing and praising you on god wherever you are at the moment [Music] oh we look to the side our eyes [Music] we want to run to you lord jesus salvation tearing through the dead of night see the kingdom burst into color at the speed of light freedom freedom shaking up the atmosphere as the shadows fade into nothing as the day appears beyond the skies beyond the skies above love reaching out for us the everlasting one jesus said come on together set our eyes on our savior see the image of love sing his praises forever [Music] creation creation waking up to kingdom come see the hope see the hope of heaven shining like the rising sun now forever lift it up from death to life there's no fear [Music] reaching out for us the everlasting one jesus see the image his praises forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] reaching out for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see the image of love sing his praises forever [Music] set our eyes on our savior see the image of love sing his praises forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah we praise your name god for who you are we're so thankful to have you to know you as our lord and our savior that's the greatest gift in our lives thank you lord thank you jesus hallelujah thank you [Music] when the music fades and [Music] something that's of worth that will bless your heart i'll bring you more than a song for a song in itself is not what you have required [Music] you search much deeper within through the way things appear you're looking into my heart [Music] cause it's all about you it's all about you jesus [Music] it's all about you jesus [Music] um [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is the way things [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's all about you jesus [Music] it's all about you jesus [Applause] it's all about you jesus i'm sorry [Music] [Music] i'll bring you more than a song [Music] i'll bring you lord and a song [Music] i'll bring you more than a [Music] cause it's all about you jesus [Music] hearts [Music] [Applause] [Music] spirit lead me where my trust [Music] than my is could ever wander and my faith would be made stronger in the presence of my savior spirit lead me [Music] take me deep than my feet could ever wander and my faith would be made stronger in the presence of my savior [Music] [Music] take me deeper [Music] my savior [Music] and i will call upon your name keep my eyes above the waves foreign [Music] you are [Music] it's been such a long time since we've sung that song oceans and how beautiful are those lyrics and actually really pertinent to what we're currently experiencing at the moment and i just want to repeat some of those words to you your grace abounds in deepest waters your sovereign hand will be my guide where feet my fell and fear surrounds me you've never failed and you'll never when you won't start now how incredible and right now we're experiencing those deep waters we're experiencing god's grace to sustain us in these times and so i encourage you even your own private time you may want to pop that song on again and to really just let the lyrics minister to you and and and really encourage you in this current season well it's great to have you join us at bayside church online great for you to be here with us to worship together and in a short while we'll hear a great word from pastor rob buckingham if this is your very first time to bayside church i would love to welcome you here and we would love to get to know you and so our hosts right now are placing a link in the chat if you wouldn't mind just clicking on that link and filling out the details we would love to get in touch with you and answer any questions that you have about bayside church now coming up right now you have got probably several hours to go to make a bid what am i talking about well i'm talking about baseline community care's online fundraising auction our goal is to raise close to ten thousand dollars for bayside community care now baseline community care does incredible work in the community through our matt's place meals program and food relief as well as further afield with the bayside forever home in south africa and so we would love for you to make a bid on some great auction items there's getaways there's scenic flights there's um some great tech gear there and and bedding will close at 7 30 sunday evening and so i encourage you again get along to a website baseline community care website and have a click through and have a look at what you can make a bid on so can you believe it christmas is around the corner only several months to go before we have to get all our christmas shopping in well another project that we are involved in is angel tree and look and you can find out a little bit more about it right now if you watch this video [Music] on christmas day many children around australia will fill their houses with joy and laughter as they open gifts specially picked for them but for some children this will not be a reality for children with a parent in prison christmas can often leave them feeling lonely and forgotten these same children also face great disadvantage year-round with many of their families experiencing financial hardship difficulties at school as well as the shame of their parents imprisonment prison fellowship's angel tree program seeks to help these children feel loved and remembered by creating a link with their parent in prison through a simple gift angel tree volunteers purchase a gift on behalf of the parent in prison which is given to the child on christmas day this simple gift makes the children feel loved and remembered and helps to grow the relationship they have with their parent we are currently taking expressions of interest from families or individuals who would like to purchase gifts for these children if you would like to be involved express your interest by heading to angel tree is such an amazing service to the community and especially in times like these that we're going through when we are separated from family we understand the pain of that and even more so for those who are incarcerated we want to make it as special as possible for little children who are separated from their loved ones who are in prison and so if you are interested in being involved in this project angel tree all you need to do is go to the baseline community care website and express your interest in such a tangible way and a small way that we can show love to others in these times we're now going to come around a time of giving and so if you would like to participate in this time you can do so in three ways you can go to the titherly app and type in baseline church melbourne and give through the app alternatively you can go to the website click the giving button and you'll see there's some prompts there as well as the bayside church app you can also click on the giving button there as well and so i'd like to just share a little bit of a reflection over our time of giving often you know we do give present an opportunity each week to give and sometimes we sort of forget the reasons why we do it and maybe you want to ponder and stop and go why do i give why do i give my tithes and why do i give my offerings maybe your answer is well because the bible says so or perhaps it's more generous to give than to receive perhaps you have another motivation that is really good there's many motivations why we choose to give in this time one of the motivations for me personally is hope hope for the future and i see that hope very much in the book of revelations we're looking forward to a time a new beginning where there will be no suffering where there will be no pain and i just want to read you the scripture in revelations 21 and it says from verse 3 look god's tabernacle is with human beings and that's essentially saying his dwelling place and from now on he will taboo tabernacle with them as their god and god himself will have his home with them god with them will be their god he will wipe away every tear from their eyes and eliminate death entirely no one will mourn or weep any longer the pain of wounds will no longer exist for the old order has ceased and god and throne spoke to me and said consider this i am making everything to be new and fresh that is a hope for the future we live in a world that unfortunately uh is marred by suffering and pain and oppression of course there's many beautiful things but we we believe that god is reconciling and restoring this world for a new world that is full of hope and full of future and full of promise where there will be no tears and no more suffering and so we get to partner with god in achieving that right now that is the hope that we are called to as christians to partner with god as he is restoring and reconciling this broken world and so i want to encourage you as you do so that can be one of the motivations today just a fresh vision again of why we give week in and week out in this time of offering let me pray father i thank you that you give us an amazing opportunity to partner with you in the promise that you are birthing a new world a new world where you are reconciling all things to yourself and so father as we actively participate in this time of offering we activating our faith and activating the promise that you have in store and that is inspires hope in us and so lord i pray right now blessing on this gift and that may advance your kingdom here on earth in jesus name amen we're now going to watch baseline news and hear what's coming up hey church thank you so much for joining us today let's see what we've got coming up dedicating your child to god is a powerful declaration that you've chosen to bring your child up to know him if you would like to have your child dedicated we will be having a special child dedication service on zoom on sunday the 10th of october after our service to register head to the bayside church website join us this thursday night for our monthly immerse service be refreshed by a beautiful time in god's presence where we can worship and pray together the night will run on zoom from 7 30 pm if you're looking for a new podcast then i recommend you check out digging deeper with pastor rob buckingham digging deeper is a weekly podcast that explores different topics and what the bible has to say about them you can get it anywhere you get your podcasts do you love the thrill of an auction why not make a bid on bayside community care's online fundraising option and help us to raise vital funds bids close this sunday night so you better get in fast for more information or to register for anything you've seen here today head to the bayside church website or follow us on facebook or instagram [Music] hi and uh let's get into the word of god right now if you want to follow this in your bibles just turn to psalm 25 and we're going to get to that a little bit later in the message but just have that at the ready the title of the message today is enjoying the bible and i know some people are like enjoy and the bible in one sentence but yeah i'm going to show you today some really good ways that we can enjoy this incredible book i've been reading this and studying it now for over four decades yes i'm that old and have learned a few things about how to enjoy this amazing book i'm going to share some things with you today some of the things i've learned on my journey but first i want us to look at some of the things or some of the ways the wrong ways to read the bible so i'm going to share four of these with you these are wrong ways to read the bible number one reading it out of obligation it's like well you know god says read the bible so i better read the bible even though i don't really want to um that really isn't kind of going to do anything for you and god's like he doesn't want you doing something out of obligation the verse that springs to mind is 2 corinthians 8 where it says you know god loves a cheerful giver he doesn't want us to give under compulsion or reluctantly but cheerfully from the heart and it's that kind of attitude that we need to bring to the bible as well if we're to enjoy it now maybe you kind of feel out of obligation to read the bible because of some of the teaching that you've had in your christian journey i heard some messages in the first few years of my christian life where it was like well you've got to read the bible and and while you're at it you've got to pray and that kind of thing you just kind of sit there and go oh yeah well i gotta so i better but i did it out of obligation rather than enjoying it in the early years of my christian journey i went to a seminar and really i mean god save us from seminars i don't think we need another one do we but this one was called the hour that changes the world it was put together by a guy called dick eastman and i don't want to take away from him he's a wonderful man of god he's written some great books over the years he's still alive i believe he's in his late 70s but i went along to this it was a seminar on prayer and it was called the hour that changes the world and it was based around 60 minutes of prayer that was then broken up you can have a look at the picture that's on your screen right now and there you will see 12 segments each of five minutes duration in the middle of the circle it says prayer hour and it's based on the statement of jesus to the disciples in the garden of gethsemane couldn't you even watch with me or pray with me for one hour and so he breaks the hour up into these 12 5-minute segments so for the first five minutes of your prayer hour you're to spend in prayer prayer and worship or praise and worship the second five minutes is all about waiting on the lord the third five minutes you confess your guilt and your sin then you move into praying scripture the next five is watching then intercession petitions thanksgiving a song contemplation meditation listening and praise that's how you finish up i've got to say until this time i really enjoyed my prayer life you know prayer was kind of free-flowing something i do through the day practicing the presence of god enjoying reading the word but this brought such a structure into my prayer life that it became quite regimented and quite controlled i mean can you imagine me doing this with christy or you doing this with your spouse your partner or someone that you're close to you know maybe a friend or you sit down with them and you say okay so we've got an hour together and so we're going to structure the hour i've got my timer here and i say to christy now go you've got five minutes to talk about your day and at the end of that five minutes the time is going to go off and now it's not your turn anymore christy because it's my turn so now i've got five minutes to talk about my day so for the next five minutes i talk about my day but i'm being timed and after five minutes the timer goes off again and it's enough for me and now for the next five minutes christy we're going to talk about the children go so we talk about the kids for five minutes but we've only got five minutes because the time is going to go off again and so on and so forth all the way through the end and at the end of the time i say to christy hasn't that been a wonderful hour together and now i i'm leaving off i go and do whatever i want to do i mean she'd be sitting there can i tell you with christy we wouldn't have even got through the whole hour uh until she said you know what i don't like this system let's rip it up and that's what i've done with uh the hour that changes the world because it was so regimented that it actually strangled the joy out of my prayer life and my time in the world it's a really good way to ruin any relationship to make it so structured that it literally throttles the joy out of it you see we don't read the bible because we have to we read it because it's good for us it's good for our relationship with god it's good for our relationship with others and the world around us so wrong way to read the bible number one is out of obligation number two reading it as an instruction manual i've heard bible b-i-b-l-e described as basic instructions before leaving earth it's clever but it's inaccurate seeing the bible as merely an instruction manual a handbook really takes away from its status of being god's inspired word god's holy communication from divinity to humanity the bible is so much more than just a list of do's and don'ts now yes there are do's and don'ts in the bible and i have discovered if you spend all your time doing the do's you don't have the time to do the don'ts but what we've got to understand is that the law the instruction manual actually didn't work that's what some of the new testament is talking about paul particularly and the book of hebrews you know if the first covenant was able to bring us into a relationship with god then jesus came in vain but he didn't come in vain jesus god born into a human body lived amongst us died rose again ascended into heaven to draw us into a relationship with god and so the law didn't work and so relationship works in fact in galatians chapter 3 the apostle paul talks about the law as being like a tutor it taught us and led us to jesus and now we have relationship with jesus and we don't need the tutor anymore you see god is interested in a relationship with you he's interested in a real relationship and real relationships are not built on to-do lists again you know with christy and i if if every morning i wrote a to-do list and i stuck it on the fridge hi honey do these things today and she did the same hi hi rob please do these things today one two three four five and and then our uh relationship was built on what she does and what i do then the relationship will never grow never go anywhere now i'm not saying there aren't things to do around the house and around the garden absolutely there certainly are and a to-do list can be very helpful but let's not base our relationships our friendships on to-do lists and let's not base our relationship with god on a to-do list he hasn't brought us uh into relationship with himself just simply to give us a bunch of instructions the third wrong way to read the bible is as god's answer book the bible has lots of wisdom but it doesn't answer every question and every situation of life some people look at the bible like it's kind of like a daily horoscope i have to find my verse for today many of you are aware for many years i worked on a commercial station here in melbourne easy music 3m p and over the 15 years i used to fill in for the breakfast announcer on quite a few occasions when he went on holiday part of the breakfast show was to play the stars which were normally on a reel to reel but sometimes my co-host would read them on one particular morning she said oh goodness i can't find the stars for today anywhere at which point she rummaged through a whole pile of papers came up with a sheet she said oh i haven't used these ones for a while i'll use these today and i mean it's kind of a funny story but there are people who actually used to ring the station they said i haven't heard the stars for today yet i can't get out of bed until i've heard what my horoscope is and we used to have to read it for them so that they could they could hear their stars for the day sometimes people treat the bible in that way as well it's like well god you can show me what's the verse for today randomly open up circle have a look and see what the answer is there's a word for that kind of thing and the word is bibliomancy basically it's fortune telling for christians and bibliomancy you ask a clear question to god uh and then you open the bible to a random page you trail the finger uh at in decreasing concentric circles you point to a verse and that's what the spirit apparently is saying to you uh containing the answer to your question i heard about a guy who did that and uh his finger fell on luke 18 22 he was asking god what he should do and so the answer from god apparently was sell everything you have and give it to the poor he's like well i don't like that one very much so he closes the bible and opens it again trails his finger down and finds luke 10 37 that says go and do likewise it's like oh i really don't want to do this so he's third time lucky let's try this again and his finger goes down to john 13 27 what you are about to do do it quickly and so that's a funny kind of way of looking at it but we've got to see the bible as so much more than god's answer book and it certainly isn't our horoscope for today but don't get me wrong god can and does lead us to specific bible verses that do speak to us in a time of need god sometimes causes us to stumble on a verse at precisely the time we need the message that that verse contains occasionally i'll put a bible verse that's been speaking to me i'll put it on my facebook page and invariably when i do that someone will comment and say wow that's awesome that's exactly what i needed to hear today and that's wonderful but the bible is so much more than just an answer book the fourth and final wrong way to read the bible is to win arguments yes we all know that person who is always right about the bible and more than willing to tell you why on every occasion this person invariably lacks grace and humility and they come across as harsh legalistic and dogmatic that's why i want to take you into psalm 25 and if you've found that psalm 25 and we're going to pick it up from verse 4 and i encourage you to read this a few times during the week it contains about five principles on how to have a teachable spirit so let's have a look at psalm 5 from verse 4. show me your ways lord teach me your paths guide me in your truth and teach me for you are god my savior and my hope is in you all day long remember lord your great mercy and love for they are from of old do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways according to your love remember me for you lord are good good and upright is the lord therefore he instructs sinners in his ways he guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way all the ways of the lord are loving and faithful toward those who keep the demands of his covenant for the sake of your name lord forgive my iniquity though it is great who then are those who fear the lord he will instruct them in the way they should choose they will spend their days in prosperity and their descendants will inherit the land the lord confides in those who fear him he makes his covenant known to them my eyes are ever on the lord for only he will release my feet from the snare turn to me and be gracious to me for i am lonely and afflicted relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish look on my affliction and my distress and take away all my sins see how numerous are my enemies and how fiercely they hate me guard my life and rescue me do not let me be put to shame for i take refuge in you my integrity and uprightness protect me because my hope lord is in you so many wonderful statements so much amazing truth in that psalm and as i say spend some time reading it and ask the holy spirit to enlighten you on the different ways that you can develop a teachable spirit one of them that resonates with me is found in verse 9 it says he guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way if you want the lord to teach you then have a humble heart we need to bring a humble heart and mind that word humble also means gentle so gentleness of heart and mind we need to be able to come to the lord and say i don't know at all and i haven't arrived yet please teach me i want to learn that is the person whom god will teach we need to bring that heart and mind into our time in god's word and so with that backdrop in mind about the wrong ways to read the bible let's take a few minutes to look at how to enjoy the bible devotionally in my devotional life i do my very best to bring a humble and gentle spirit to the lord and to his word and i trust god to speak to me through scripture here are four things that i find particularly helpful number one read a chapter or two at the very most in my early years as a christian i used to read four chapters a day because if you read four chapters of the bible every day you will get through the entire bible in a year so here i've got this is the bible i used to use when i first became a christian it's a king james version of the bible it's been very well uh read and written in and lots of scribbled notes and it's kind of going a yellowy color because it's so old and it's been used so much and on the bottom of certain pages i've asterisked it and ended up putting a date down uh as to when i finished reading that particular section of the bible and so i found this section here revelation chapter 12 which are the fourth four chapters that i read uh in this week 38 years ago and so at asterisk at the bottom it's got the 9th of september 1983 and so i did that for the first few years of my christian life four chapters a day every day and read the bible cover to cover every year now if you're a fairly new christian you might want to do something similar to that as well and there's plenty of bible reading plans available including on the bayside church website under connecting with god you'll find a devotions tab and that will bring up a number of ways you can do your devotions including reading the bible in a year but for me today i don't want to read big chunks of scripture i like to read maybe a chapter maybe just sometimes a few verses and what i'll tend to do is i'll pick a a particular book in the bible or a letter in the bible or a section of a book and i'll want to spend a few weeks in that particular area right now i'm reading one thessalonians and two thessalonians and just reading a few verses every day and spending time in that and letting it really soak into my spirit and so i think as you mature in the lord it's not about quantity it's about quality and you want to go deep i see the bible very similar to the early days of gold mining in inland victoria around ballarat you know when they first struck gold people would go there and they could pan for gold and they'd find little nuggets on the surface of the ground but after a while all of those were gone and so they had to dig a little bit deeper to find some gold but then of course all of that had gone over the process of time they'd have to send down mine shafts to find seams of gold deep down into the earth and mine those and i think that's similar when it comes to the scriptures when i first became a christian was like oh there's a nugget there's another nugget oh here's a nugget and but then you you all of those are gone so you need to dig a little deeper and then you need to send down mine shafts into the scriptures and really find some beautiful seams of gold that you can harvest and mine um for your spiritual strength and so that's number one read a chapter or two at the most unless you want to read the whole bible in a year number two select a verse or a line something that stands out to you as you've read it you might want to read that same passage several times but then a word or a phrase or a sentence may really stand out to you this is what stood out to me during the week from 1 thessalonians 5 and it's actually verses 16 to 18 but they're very short verses rejoice always pray continually give thanks in all circumstances for this is god's will for you in christ jesus and so select a verse or a line and that's the line that i selected from 1 thessalonians 5. the third thing you do is meditate on it meditate on the scripture the hebrew word for meditate by the way literally means to ponder by muttering it literally means to to talk to yourself now i'm so glad we have mobile phones because before we had mobile phones in our car if you were talking to yourself or praying out loud in the car and people pulled up alongside you they would look across and they would think that you're weird why is that person in their car and they're talking to themselves but of course now we have mobile phones and so you could be speaking to someone on the phone and so you're in the car and you're praying and you're muttering you're pondering by talking to yourself about the verse or the line from scripture that you read that day and people look at you and they go oh that guy's talking to someone on the phone which you're not you're kind of talking to god and talking to yourself so meditate on it ruminate mutter muse all of those things and then fourthly respond to god and so four questions that i find helpful here number one what is god saying to me through his word secondly how will i respond to god's word thirdly how does this cause me to love god and then fourthly how does this cause me to love my neighbor there are four great questions that will help you really process what you're reading as i say those verses from 1 thessalonians 5 have really been speaking to me rejoice always give thanks in all circumstances here we find ourselves in the middle of a global pandemic you know tough times we see stuff around the world with people getting sick and dying and here in melbourne and new south wales and other parts of the world there's lockdown there's restrictions people have lost jobs business is are struggling people are finding their mental health is impacted we can't gather as a church community in person at the moment all of those sort of things impact on us and yet i come to the word and i get reminded rob rejoice always rejoice always why because the joy of the lord is our strength and give thanks in all circumstances what all circumstances yeah apparently that's what this says so what would that look like in the circumstances that we find ourselves in at the moment i'm giving thanks i have a heart of gratitude to god things i can be grateful for even though i hate lockdown i don't like the restrictions no i don't like wearing a mask and all of those things and yet i can grumble about that but the bible the word of god that's been highlighted to me is give thanks in all circumstances and so an attitude of gratitude i thank you that i have my next breath i thank you that i have a wonderful family i thank you that we have an amazing church community of just some of the most incredible people that i have ever met i'm grateful for all these things i'm grateful that i get to live in this land australia where we have a democratic government where we have benevolent leaders who are making decisions for the common good all of those things i look around the world and i am so grateful to god for what we have here so i encourage you you know maybe that's a verse that you could meditate on this week rejoicing always praying continually giving thanks in all circumstances and you know nothing changes but everything changes when you start to do those things finally just a few comments about enjoying the bible together and this is a particularly hebrew thing my jewish friends would very rarely actually read scripture on their own they always read scripture aloud in groups of people they enjoy scripture in community so the bible is not just something we appreciate on our own god's word should be read aloud in community discussed and enjoyed with other believers that's something you can do in a connect group or maybe you just pick one two three friends and you agree on what you're going to read in a over a say a fortnight and then you do a zoom or you go for a walk when restrictions are eased and you discuss what each of you got from that bible reading one particularly powerful way to enjoy the bible in community is the ancient christian meditation practice of lectio divina or sacred reading and there are four very basic steps that are so very easy to learn so i'll just take you through those before we wrap up today number one in lectio divina is the lectio or the reading that is slow contemplative reading of a text out loud so if you're doing this in a group you have one person who is dedicated or selected to be the reader you don't spend much time rationally analyzing the text and you don't try and work through it quickly instead you let your mind linger on individual words and phrases you might read the text several times each person listening for a word a phrase a sentence that speaks to them so that's the lectio the reading the second thing is the meditation or the meditation at some point during the process of lectio one passage or verse or sentence or word should speak to you more than others spend some time repeating that might be silently or just whispered letting it really sink in write it down if that helps you i love writing down the verse or the phrase that god is speaking to me and then of course everyone can share their insights from the scripture later on after the lectio is over the third thing is the iratio or the prayer where you use the truth that you've gained from meditating in forming a prayer i like to write my prayer down i like to script a prayer and then when i'm happy with the prayer i read that out loud to the lord you can say it you can say it silently some of you if you're creative maybe you want to draw a picture or paint something or write a poem or write a song or a psalm and whatever your creativity your creative gifts are you can use those to express how you feel to god in prayer and then the fourth thing is contemplation or contemplation if you feel yourself being enveloped by the presence of god then let go of all words and then silently settle into that experience enjoy being loved by god and enjoy loving god i want to pray for you right now maybe you just want to close your eyes and let's pray together heavenly father i thank you for your goodness and your love and i thank you for my brothers and sisters lord god and i ask that right now you will envelop them with your love your grace your presence may every person within the sound of my voice sense your loving arms around them fill them with your holy spirit lord i pray draw us closer to yourself and closer to one another and lord in this time which is so difficult for so many people i pray that we will find a fresh love and enjoyment in your amazing word the bible the scriptures that you have given to us thank you father for this time today and i pray for anyone that doesn't know you yet that you by your spirit will draw them into a loving relationship with you in jesus name we pray amen if you find yourself at the beginning of your spiritual journey and you're interested in finding out more about god more about jesus and the bible can i encourage you to click on the link that you'll find either in the chat feed or in the bulk of the notes if you're watching this on youtube you just click on there and fill out a brief form that will put you in touch with one of our leaders at bayside church and we'd love to follow up maybe give you a call send you an email we certainly send you a bible and some information about what it means to be a christian and how to start becoming a follower of jesus christ we're going to spend a few minutes worshiping the lord right now and i hope this week that you enjoy the bible more than ever before [Music] there's a grace when the heart is on the fire another way when the wolves are when i look at the space between where i used to be and this reckoning i know i will never be alone there was another in the fire standing next to me there was another in the waters holding back the seas should i ever need reminding how i've been set free there is a cross that bears the burning where another died from me there is another in the fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] all my deadline for dead beneath the waters i'm no longer [Music] should i fall in the space between what remains of me and this reckoning either way [Music] standing next to me there is another in the waters holding back the seas should i ever need reminding what power sets me free there is a grave that holds nobody now that power lives in me there is another [Music] there is another i can see the light in the darkness as the darkness bounced to him i can hear the roar in the heavens as the space between resting i can feel the ground nothing says between us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nothing stands between us [Music] there is no other name but the name that is [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift up your voice sit up [Music] standing next to me there'll be another in the water holding back the seas should i ever need dream money how could you bring to me i'll cut the joy come every battle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i can hear the roar [Music] between [Music] standing next to me to be another in the [Music] every [Applause] [Music] every [Music] cause i know that's where you'll be thank you lord thank you lord you were always with us you're always for us [Applause] thank you samuel and team for that great time of worship and thank you pastor rob just to have that refresher of you know being able to read the bible and and seeing it in a new way and and helping your devotional life it's so important to keep our devotional life fresh just like any relationship you know we need to keep uh new ways of keeping our relationship fresh particularly also with god so that's all that we have for today's service i just want to remind you that if you uh obviously you're probably going to be home on tuesday night so why not check out pastor rob on facebook live at 8pm he'll answer any of your curly questions and he would love to have you join him and and to be there on facebook and youtube and of course don't forget to place a bid have a look go to the bayside community care website have a look at the online auction and let's hit that target of ten thousand dollars for bayside community care that would be amazing of course you can also do a tax deductible donation as well but we look forward to having you join us next week so have a great one we'll see you then [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bayside Church Melbourne
Views: 103
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: bayside church, rob buckingham, bayside, God, Christianity
Id: bH46MsoQFfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 12sec (4812 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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